Estes Park News, June 24, 2022

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June 24, 2022

Estes Park News is printed weekly and is always online for your reading convenience!

Standing Out In A Crowd The male Western Tanager is an American songbird that is classified as a member of the cardinal family. These birds eat mostly insects, often catching them in mid-air. They also eat fruits and berries. Photo by Jim Ward

We See You!

A well camouflaged bobcat spotted in a tree. Photo by Jim Ward

2 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Elk Calves Appearing In The Estes Valley-Caution Urged Around Protective Moms

Elk calf photos by Kris Hazelton By: Kris Hazelton With the new baby elk calves and the proximity of the elk population to the Estes Park residents and visitors, everyone is urged to be on alert and know that the mothers are not being aggressive when defending their young, just protective. It’s our responsibility to not get too close to the baby or the mother during calving season. In the event that you encounter a protective mother elk anywhere in the Estes Valley, here are some helpful tips. Be aware. The best thing to do at this time of year is to be very aware of your surroundings. The cows have calves all over town and you just never know when you’re going to happen to walk by a mother and calf. Back away. If you encounter a protective mother, the best thing to do is to back away quickly. Don’t turn your back on her, as you won’t know if she is charging you. Make yourself look large. If you have a jacket, raise it above your head, and swing it around, make yourself look for-

6,000 copies were printed this week, and distributed FREE to hundreds of Estes Valley locations including Allenspark, Glen Haven & Lyons.

A National Online Audience With Loyal Local Readership Ph: (970) 586-5800 Fax: (970) 692-2611 Opinions of our columnists are not necessarily the opinions of this newspaper. Owners/Publishers: Gary & Kris Hazelton Editor: Kris Hazelton Operations Manager: Andrew Donaldson Office Manager: Tim Buck Press releases: All editorial, photo content & graphic design is copyright of Estes Park News, Inc. & can not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Estes Park News, Inc. ©2022 For subscription information contact us.

DEADLINES Reserve space: Monday by 4:00 pm Final submissions: Tuesday by Noon Classifieds: Deadline Wed. by Noon Estes Park News, Inc. is Independent & locally family owned. Our Main Headquarters is at 1191 Woodstock Drive Suite #1 Mail: PO Box 508 Estes Park, CO 80517

midable. Chances are the mother will be glad you’re leaving their space. However, if she continues to pursue you, check around for a stick and if one is available, pick it up and throw the stick at her or if she approaches, give her a whack on her nose to drive her away. Protect your head. If she is an especially

protective mother and charges you to the point of knocking you down, curl up in the fetal position and protect your head and neck with your arms and hands. She’ll most likely give you a couple of thumps with her legs and then leave you alone, not seeing you as a potential threat anymore. Advice for dog owners. If you happen to be walking or jogging with a dog, the elk will be even more on alert and aggressive towards your dog. She will see your pet as a real threat, a predator, to her baby. The best thing to do in this case is turn around and go the other way. If you can’t do that, let your dog go for the time, and save yourself. The elk will most likely chase off your dog and

you can retrieve the dog a bit further down the trail. Change your route. If the elk are on the trail you frequent, there are miles of other trails, less used by the elk and it is suggested you alter your route for a few weeks to avoid potential problems. Although the elk are used to seeing people, the elk are very much still wild animals. Adult elk, both male and female, are very large and can be dangerous, particularly if they think a person is threatening their territory or offspring. Another important note, if you find a baby elk or mule deer, please never go near or touch it. Even though it could appear that its mother is absent, elk calves are seldom orphaned, and its mother is probably feeding only a short distance away. She’ll make herself known very quickly when you get too close! If you come across a protective female elk, and she is endangering people in a public area, the best thing to do is move away and call the Estes Park Police Department Dispatch Center at 586-4000. They will notify the proper authorities and the volunteers who will temporarily close off the area until the mother moves on with her calf. Educating ourselves and our visitors about wildlife issues is the right thing to do, especially around calving time and during the fall rut. Remember, there’s a reason it’s called wildlife.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 3

Community Mourning The Loss Of John Jaros The community is mourning the sudden loss of John Jaros, who lost his life in a tragic shooting incident on I-70 in Aurora last Saturday evening. An investigation is ongoing. John Jaros was a father of three young children, a loving husband, a local business owner, hard-working Assistant Chief for the Glen Haven Area Volunteer Fire Department, and member of the Rooftop Rodeo Committee. He was very active in his church and our local community. He will be greatly missed. He leaves behind his wife and three young children who were with him at the Aurora incident when he lost his life. The family is asking for privacy at this time, please respect their needs. No information on arrangements is available at this time. John was the sole provider for his family and this is a financial situation that was not planned for. Funds raised will help with bills and funeral costs associated with the loss of John and to

support his family as they look for a way to continue without their loving husband and father. Two fundraisers have been set up to help his family. One is at the Bank of Estes Park. Donations for the family can be made by mail or in person to The Jaros Family Fund Donation Account. By mail: The Bank of Estes Park c/o The Jaros Family Fund Account P.O. Box 2390 Estes Park, CO. 80517 Branch locations: Main Branch-255 Park Ln., Estes Park, CO. 80517 St. Vrain Branch-501 St. Vrain Ln., #100, Estes Park, CO. 80517 Niwot Branch-7989 Niwot Rd, Longmont, CO. 80503 There is also a family GoFundMe page which you’ll find at Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Jaros family in their time of need.

Photos from FB & GoFundMe

The charge(s) are merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. On 6/20/2022 police contacted a 25 year old male from Colorado Springs on a trespass complaint at 7:26 a.m. in the 300 block of East Wonderview Avenue. The male was charged with misdemeanor/traffic arrest warrant x 2 and was arrested and transported to the Larimer County Jail. On 6/19/2022 at 9:12 a.m. police

stopped a 35 year old male from Estes Park for a traffic violation in the 100 block South Saint Vrain Avenue. The male was charged with a misdemeanor/traffic arrest warrant and he was arrested and transported to the Larimer County Jail. On 6/14/2022 at 5:15 p.m. a 27 year old male from Estes Park turned himself in at the EPPD at 170 MacGregor Avenue who was wanted on a warrant for a misdemeanor/traffic warrant. He was arrested and later released on a summons.

EVFPD firefighters generally respond to medical calls in their personal vehicles, allowing for a faster response. On other incidents, firefighters respond to a fire station to respond in department apparatus with specialized equipment. During the week of June 12, the Estes Valley Fire Protection District (EVFPD) responded to 16 calls for service. This

included: • Emergency medical (assist EPH): 3 • Alarm Activation: 4 • Odor Investigation: 2 • Possible Illegal Burn: 2 • Smoke Investigation: 3 • Fluid Clean-up: 1 • Citizen Assist: 1

4 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Estes Park Officials Plan For Meeting Challenges

A screen shot image from the Building Public Information Skills session attended by Mayor Koenig, PIO Kate Rusch, Rockford Gray consultant Jennifer Miller, and Director Public Works Greg Muhonen. Other participants included Trustee Kirby Hazelton, Interim Chief Corey Pass, Parking and Transit Manager Vanessa Solesbee, and Utility Director Reuben Bergsten. Courtesy photos

If, as Benjamin Franklin said, failing to plan is planning to fail, then the trustees of Estes Park are planning to succeed. Two recent training sessions indicate this to be the case. During one session, the Town’s trustees,

the recent wildfires. Their first-hand knowledge about working in an incident command setting was invaluable to the session. I recalled that in 2020, how as a new mayor, with wildfires threatening Estes Park, several of the people I now sat next to in the session had helped me understand my duties then. At another session, the Town’s trustees, executive staff and I learned about communicating effectively with the press and public. The session, led by Jennifer Miller of Rockford Gray, was a follow-up to the session she led for us a year ago. This year, she and Public Information Officer Kate Rusch built on what was taught during the session about emergencies and disasters by teaching us about At Incident Command Center in Estes Park, Fire Chief communicating with the David Wolf briefs U.S. Senator Michael Bennet and Con- press and public during such situations. For those of gressman Joe Neguse about the wildfires threatening us who participated in both Estes Valley. Photo courtesy of Larimer County. sessions the connection was senior staff and emergency workers from especially meaningful. My appreciation the surrounding area learned about the to Kate for seizing the opportunity to Incident Command System and manag- connect the dots. ing emergency. The session, Lori HodgSessions such as the ones the trustees, son, Larimer County Director Office of staff and I recently experienced are Emergency Management, prepared par- powerful reminders of the significant ticipants for incident command and the roles we play in ensuring the safety and roles that they, as town officials, would well-being of the townspeople of Estes take during emergency or disaster rePark. When emergencies arise or disassponse and recovery. ters strike, the stakes are high. Failure is Several participants in the session had not an option. They are why we plan been in Estes during the 2013 flood and and prepare.

Photo courtesy of Larimer County, from training session about Incident Command System and Managing Emergencies shows mountain flood damage.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 5

Land Trust and Rocky Mountain Conservancy To Host Breakfast And Panel Discussion On Embracing Inclusivity In The Outdoors

Courtesy photo

Join the Estes Valley Land Trust (EVLT) and Rocky Mountain Conservancy (RMC) at the Salvation Army's High Peak Camp on July 16th for an engaging panel discussion about promoting diversity and inclusion in the outdoors. Preserved open spaces are meant to benefit everyone. However, certain members of our community, such as people of color or low-income families, have been historically excluded from discussions about conservation and recreation. At our July breakfast, we'll meet two individuals with unique perspectives on this issue. Guest speakers Lauren Miro (Founder, Denver Chapter of Fat Girls Hiking) and Nelson Holland (Outdoor Inclusivity Advocate) will tell their personal stories and the ways they inspire others to get outside to enjoy and protect the environment. Conservation organizations across the country are broadening their goals and taking steps to become more equitable and inclusive. As part of this momentum, EVLT and RMC have each incorporated diversity and inclusivity initiatives into their organizational values. “The Conservancy has long placed diversity initiatives as a high priority, to

ensure that current and future generations will find the places we protect relevant, and continue to cherish and steward our public lands”, shared Estee Rivera, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Conservancy. The Land Trust has set similar priorities. “As the Estes Valley Land Trust continues to preserve more land and protect our quality of life, it’s important that our work serves everyone and I’m excited to invite Lauren and Nelson to speak to our members”, said Jeffrey Boring, Executive Director of the Estes Valley Land Trust. “They’re both engaging and entertaining speakers and they have an important message to share.” This breakfast event will be hosted inperson on Saturday, July 16th at 8:00 a.m. Registration is required and can be completed at: Registration is $15 per person, and includes a hot breakfast of eggs, sausage or bacon, fresh fruit, and coffee. This event is for EVLT members only. Not a member? Join us here: This event is outdoors. Please come prepared with a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, and jacket.

Moose kiss photo by Steve Pulfer.

6 » Friday, June 24, 2022

The Same Great Chiropractic Care Now At Two Great Locations • Dr. Jill Bodensteiner DC 521 S. Vrain Avenue Suite B Estes Park, CO 80517 970-577-0007 Serving Estes Park for the past 15 years.

• Dr. Grant H. Spencer, DC 930 Big Thompson Avenue Estes Park, CO 80517 970-646-6217 Serving Estes Park for the past 15 years.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 7

UCHealth Seeks Blood Donors For Community Blood Drive In Estes Park UCHealth Garth Englund Blood Center will be hosting a community blood drive in Estes Park. The drive will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. this Sunday, June 26, at Estes Park High School, 1600 Manford Ave., in the Commons room. Interested donors are encouraged to sign up for appointments in advance at Donations of all blood types are needed and important. The blood center especially needs donations of blood type O and A – positive and negative. To donate, a person must be at least 18 years old (or 17 with a parent's permission) and show a photo identification. New donors must weigh at least 120 pounds and be in good health. Prior donors must weigh at least 110 pounds. Donors also should eat a good meal be-

fore their appointment and drink plenty of water the day before and day of the drive. A typical whole blood donation takes 30-45 minutes. More information about eligibility requirements, the donation process and donation center hours are posted at A COVID-19 vaccine is not required, but if you have had a COVID-19 vaccine, you will need to wait until the 15th day from vaccination to be eligible for donation. All blood donated through UCHealth Garth Englund Blood Donation Centers stays in northern Colorado. It helps patients at Estes Park Health, Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland, Greeley Hospital, Greeley Emergency Room and Longs Peak Hospital in Longmont.


Estes Transit operates free, daily shuttle service during the peak summer tourism season, limited weekly service during the winter months, and serves several Town-produced special events. For more information, go to

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8 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Photo by Phillip Kitts

Rooftop Finds A Partner In Cervi


S TA N L E Y H O M E M U S E U M If these walls could talk, they would tell you a compelling tale of mountain life in early Estes Park through the eyes of the influential Flora & Freelan ("F.O.") Stanley and the domestic help who maintained their house, property, and way of life. To enter the door of the Stanleys’ 1904 Colonial Revival home is to pass through a frame into a painting, one with a time and life of its own. Be inspired as you take a step back in time with a guided tour of the original mountain home of the Stanleys. Advance reservations are suggested and tickets can be puchased online at The full tour experience lasts two hours, with each tour beginning at the Estes Park Visitors Center. A well-marked shuttle will pickup guests from the east parking lot (near the electric vehicle charging stations), at the top of the hour.

w w w. S t a n l ey H o m e . o rg t i c ke t s @ S t a n l ey H o m e . o rg 97 0 - 2 3 5 - 0 0 6 2

Colorado-based livestock producer is a major piece of Estes Park’s rodeo The foundation for Estes Park’s rodeo was founded six decades ago on the Plains of northeastern Colorado by entrepreneur Mike Cervi. Over much of the past decade, Cervi Championship Rodeo is an incredible partner for Rooftop Rodeo, set for 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 6-Monday, July 11, at Granny May Arena in Estes Park inside the Estes Park Fairgrounds. Now operated by his sons, Binion and Chase, the Cervi firm is a key part of the Rooftop experience. “The town of Estes Park named Cervi Championship Rodeo as our stock contractor several years ago, and it was a bit of a changing of the guard for us,” said Mark Purdy, chairman of Estes Park Western Heritage Inc., a group of volunteers that works with the town of Estes Park to produce the annual rodeo. “We’d had our stock contractor a long time, but we were excited to see the change. “Since then, though, it’s more than the Cervis being our stock contractor. We’ve developed a great relationship with them, and we trust them to not only provide the stock for us but also produce a rodeo we can be proud of and we can share with our visitors year after year.” As the company’s patriarch, Mike Cervi was inducted into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame in 2003 and into the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in 2015. By the 1950s, he had developed a trained mule act and was performing at Little Britches and junior rodeos. Twice he was named the PRCA’s Stock Contractor of the Year. Binion Cervi now serves as the firm’s executive director, and he’s the direct contact for committees like the one in Estes Park. He heads the production of

the rodeos and oversees the company’s breeding program, which is set up to continue the sustainability of the Cervi’s Circle I brand. In fact, many of the Cervi colts are bucked at the firm’s Ace High Roughstock Academy events, which not only help train the young equine athletes but also offers tutelage to up-and-coming cowboys eager to learn how to better their skills in order to one day compete against the very best ProRodeo cowboys have to offer. “Because the Cervi Ranch is not far down the mountain from us, we are able to go as a group to those schools and help out any way we can,” Purdy said. “It’s our way to get together and help give back to our friends and also open the door for future Rooftop Rodeo contestants.” The Cervi name is a longstanding tradition in professional rodeo. The company produces the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo in Denver as well as RodeoHouston, the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo and many others across the country. At each rodeo, Binion serves as the arena master, the orchestra leader who makes sure everything is run smooth. Chase helps by serving as a pickup man – he’s been named the best in the business twice since the Pickup Man of the Year award was established – and helps ensure the animals are treated with the best care possible. “What we’ve gained over the last few years is a true partnership with Cervi Championship Rodeo,” Purdy said. “Chase and Binion are more than our stock contractors. Along with their families, they are our friends, and we are proud that they are a big part of the Rooftop family.”

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 9

It’s summertime—the season for swimming pools, popsicles, gardens, hammocks, sunshine, bare feet, farmers markets, lightning bugs, family vacations and family reunions. As you know from my last column, I spent a weekend recently at a reunion with my mother’s side of the family in southern Illinois. On Sunday morning, before we “Ward 8” departed, the family gathered for a delightful breakfast at my cousin Debbie and her husband John’s home. We broke out the old photo albums, with faded black and white portraits going back multiple generations; square snapshots with scalloped edges from my youth (and a Polaroid mixed in every once in awhile); and the more current 3x5” and 4x6” color photos (which have since been replaced by digital versions that get passed around on somebody’s phone with a grimy screen). The old photos are the ties that bind us together. Some of us may not know each other very well but we all know—and are related to—the same people in these photographs. Our shared lineage connects us. I like that. When people moan, “What are we gonna do with all the old photos?” I say, “Make room. Get some acid-free boxes, divide the photos by decades, and store them in the boxes. Somebody will appreciate your effort someday.” (This advice came to me via my friend Carol and her husband, professional genealogist and internationally known lecturer Paul Milner. They say to do this with documents and letters too.) My affiliate Joe went to his own family reunion last weekend, which I had to miss because I was in COVID-induced isolation (woe was me). His cousin Laura put together a slideshow of the family through the generations and sent it to me so I wouldn’t feel completely left out. As I watched the presentation, I thought about how precious all of the faces in those photos were (and are) to everyone at Joe’s reunion. But if we’d swapped albums and showed Joe’s family’s photos to the Wards and the Ward photos to Joe’s family, the pictures would have had as much meaning as chipmunks and segura cactus. What makes family photos meaningful through the years is the blood connection to our ancestors. Some of them have been gone for a hundred years or more, but I know them. Their images are familiar because I’ve viewed them my entire life. I’ve listened to the family stories, asked time and again where they fit on the family tree, and imagined what life was like for them. They’re kin. Their blood runs deep in my soul. Yet as unique as each family is, the slideshow of Joe’s family and the photo albums of mine are full of photographs that look almost identical. They are classic—and universal—in a multitude of ways: • The oldest are the stoic black-andwhite portraits of our forefathers and mothers—the men with their tall, stiff collars and the women wearing their victorian updos. Or some ancestors may be

a more rough-and-tumble lot, looking like time got the better of them, bedraggled in front of their homestead. • More recent black-and-white photos include the grands and greats—generations dressed in suits and dresses standing in a row, a pressed fold (called a traveler’s crease) running down the front of the men’s slacks, the hems of the ladies’ dresses well below the knee, and everyone wearing a hat. Getting their picture taken was an event. • In fact, style changes through the ages are universal. The clothing, the hair, the glasses through the decades (spectacles to cat eyes to wire-rimmed to tinted)— these are the same in my family photos and yours. • There are images of my parents’ wedding, their going away suits and soon after, Mom in her maternity top, then in the same maternity top but with a toddler propped on one hip. Then the next generation was captured on film with their wild prints and (way) above-theknee dresses, and men with long tresses, bell bottoms, and facial hair. Peace. • Everybody has photos of rambunctious kids herded like cats into one location, looking everywhere but at the camera, teasing each other, with lots of big smiles—except the youngest, who is most likely bawling. • We have pictures of the oldsters with youngsters on their laps (how is it that the oldest among us looked so much older than we do today?), we have the multi-generation shots including the grays, the balds and the pigtails with bows, and all the diapered tots (cousins) seated in a row. • Take a look at the brocade furniture, the high chair, the small, nondescript framed prints on the walls, the wallpaper, the curtains, the formica kitchen table, the card tables set up to keep kids separated from the grown-ups’ table. Christmas trees started out small, maybe standing on a blanket-covered stack of suitcases (that’s what we did) and grew taller, wider, and with a lot more ornaments as time passed. • The settings are the same wherever we’re from: in front of the old house, a man next to the car with one foot propped on the runner, around the dining table, in a graduation robe and mortarboard, with Easter baskets, around the birthday cake lit with candles, in lawn chairs, at reunions, at Christmas, dancing at weddings. Someday, you and I will be the “ancients” in our and grand- and greatgrandkids’ photos. They may not care today, with the multitude of photos stored on cell phones. But hopefully, when they are resting on the top rung of the generational ladder, they’ll look at our images and feel a connection, remember the stories, and pass them on. You may let The Thunker know what you think at her e-mail address, © 2022 Sarah Donohoe

10 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony, Tours And Open House At Taharaa Mountain Lodge And Twin Owls Steakhouse To our Friends and Neighbors, For the past 22 years, the Twin Owls Steakhouse has stood as one of Estes Park's finest family-owned dining establishments. And, through the challenges of the last few years, we have been proud to stand with this community, as a place for old friends and new faces alike to share a meal and some genuine mountain hospitality. Now, we want to invite all of you to come and celebrate all those years with us as we (finally!) hold our Grand Opening in our forever home at the Taharaa Mountain Lodge! Join us from 2-4 p.m. on Monday, June 27th for a ribbon-cutting ceremony, tours of the Steakhouse and the Lodge, light appetizers and so much more! We're so excited to show off the work we've been doing over the last few years, whether it's our remodeled Overlook Balcony and all the other changes that we've made to our dining experience, the EV charging stations that we've had installed, or our Lodge Gift Shop (featuring amazing work from local artists!). We will also be holding a raffle for a $75 gift card for the Steakhouse, to get you off to a great start on your next visit! This Open House is free and open to the public, so make sure to carve out a little time in your afternoon to stop by and say hello! Please give us a call or drop us a line if you have any questions, and, again, thank you all for helping us to make these last 22 years as excellent as each and every one of them has been! Thad & Sandra

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 11

The original Osborn Garage across the street from Johnson's Garage on West Elkhorn. Photo courtesy Estes Park Archives

EP Archives Program This Saturday, June 25 The number of gas stations currently operating in Estes Park can be counted on one six-fingered hand. We didn't always have such a shortage: Eighty years ago, when Estes Park had a much smaller permanent population, and fewer visitors, the number of gas pumps spread between the Dam Store and Deer Mountain numbered in the hundreds. The joke about Starbucks located across the street from Starbucks once applied to gas stations in Estes Park, as this 1939 photograph attests. Why so many outlets for gasoline, and why so little brand loyalty? Certain stations changed suppliers almost as often as Elizabeth Taylor updated her mono-

grammed towels. The Estes Park Archives spent the winter consulting with petroleum historians, and learned some fascinating things. The types of gas pumps, even the types of advertising on pumps, can help date early Estes Park business photographs to the exact year. Because Estes Park had so many gas pumps, they prove almost as useful as the cars using them in helping decipher when a picture was taken. Learn more about Estes Park gas this Saturday, June 25, at 9 a.m. in Ten Letters on 240 Moraine. Our 45-minute local history programs are free, and reservations or memberships are not required.

John Clarke journal sample.

Request For Volunteer Do you love history? Can you read 19th century longhand? Enjoy word puzzles? If this is you, I need your help! For the past two years I have enjoyed working for Trailblazer Broadband, installing fiber optic internet service into many homes in Estes Park. I loved the work because I would meet so many interesting people and often have conversations about history or other common interests, and so I know there are people in the Estes community that would probably enjoy the following task. I am working on a biography of a Jamaican slave turned Baptist missionary to West Africa. His story is compelling. He lived through emancipation and then took up the call to take the message of freedom to the land of his ancestors. His life was full of racial and cultural conflict, but it is also a story of great triumph over these things. I have good primary source material,

but a lot of it is in the form of handwritten journals and letters. I need help to transcribe a portion of the journal of English Baptist missionary John Clarke, who helped organize and transport the group of Jamaican missionaries to West Africa. The portion I am focusing on is his record of the harrowing multimonth sea voyage in which the group was terribly mistreated and almost shipwrecked. The story is wild; full of drunken sailors, fights, flooded decks, broken masts, and much prayer. Would anyone be interested in helping me to transcribe this material? Ideally, I would come to your house and we would look at the images of the journal together. You would read while I type. But at times we would have to work together to decipher hard words. If this is something you would enjoy, please contact Thaine Norris at (970) 402-9420 or

12 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Waltonia Moose

Paul Marcotte captured a photo of this moose who was seen nine miles east of Estes Park in the Big Thompson Canyon last week!

Pet Association Of Estes Park Yard Sale This Saturday! The annual Pet Association Yard Sale will be held this Saturday, June 25 at the Animal Medical Center of Estes Park, 1260 Manford Ave. from 7:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Half price after noon, one dollar bag sale after 1 p.m. All proceeds from the sale will be used to support the Pet Association of Estes Park, a 501(c)3 not-forprofit organization, in providing healthcare and housing for homeless pets. Don’t miss this fantastic sale, full of unique, one of a kind items you’ll need to take home with you! Lots of great items!

Bull Riding Bronc Riding barrel racing tie Down Roping steer wrestling Midway & More


Rodeo Estes Park, Colorado Estes Park Events Complex

138 Moraine Ave. - (970)685-8818

Alcohol Ink $35 Landscapes

wednesday, July 6 - monday, July 11 Rodeo Start: 7pm; Pre-show: 6:30pm (Gates open at 5pm)

Acrylic Pour

Pour $40 Acrylic Painting

Theme Nights! Friday Wednesday thursday saturday July 8 July 6 July 9 July 7 Wear Pink OPENING Family Fiesta NIGHT with with Night Night Los cheesies!

Sugar Britches!


sunday monday July 10 July 11 first Military night responders & Locals

A Town of Estes Park Event

Fused Glass Necklace $45 Burning $40 Wood Mobile Class Inktense Painted Tote Bag $35 Felted $35Hummingbirds 'My Favorite Things' Birdhouse Collage


Hydro Dipping Tumblers

$25 Tie-Dye Friday

All Day Drop-In Class Saturday & Sunday

All Day Friday 10:00-6:00

1 for $20.00 2 for $35.00

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 13

Estes Park International Church Presents: Rev. Dale Begley Rev. Dale Begley died at 琀e age of Eight. Af琀r 12 hours, he was escor琀d by 琀e Angels back 琀 his body. Knowing God had a plan for him, Bro琀er Dale has preached 琀e Gospel a氀 over 琀e ear琀. His minis琀y of Miracles, healing s and moving in 琀e gifts of 琀e Spirit proceed him as a 琀ue Man of God. If you need a miracle in your body, marriage, 昀nances, or direc琀on for your life, please come.

Service Times:

Saturday July 16th. 7pm. Sunday July 17th. 10am. and 6pm.

Where: 1820 S St Vrain Ave Estes Park, CO 80517 Come expecting a Loving God to reach out to you during these meetings. Everyone is welcome! For more Info: call Pastors Mark and Alice Wettengel (720) 561-9491

14 » Friday, June 24, 2022

FILManthropy Brings Together FamilyFriendly Nights, Great Movies, Craft Beer, And Summer got to stay up late, get cozy, watch a movie. The closest drive-in to Estes Park is in Fort Collins. We wanted to create memories for lovebirds and families. We have the perfect venue and an amazing night sky right here in Estes.” So, what’s the “Do-Good” about this summer movie series? The Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center gives proceeds back to The FILManthropy pre-game includes local craft brewers. community nonprofits via Wood-fired pizza and concessions will also be available, all the new Giving Guest Program. Guests (and locals) starting at 5:30 p.m. on Monday movie nights. Visit now have a meaningful to see a schedule and buy tickets. way to connect with Estes Park by donating to a local nonprofit By: Karen McPherson sector that is meaningful to them. There The Estes Park Nonprofit Resource are six sectors that include 38 different Center has launched an outdoor sumnonprofits; proceeds from last week’s mer movie series at Performance Park. movie went to Arts and Culture organiThis Monday, June 27, features Star zations. This coming event will Wars: A New Hope. The next benefit Community and Edfilm is A Princess Bride ucation organizations on Monday, July 11. (such as the ObservaThis series is hosted tory, the Pet Associby the Nonprofit ation, the EducaResource Center, tion Foundation, benefits local and more). businesses and FAQ’s about this nonprofits, ofseries: You can fers a familybuy tickets ahead friendly event of time at EPFilunder the night and sky, and saunters use code LocalLove for right onto summer’s 10% off tickets. ConcesTop 10 to-do list. sions, food truck and local beers FILManthropy is the first outdoor are available starting at 5:30 p.m. Local summer fundraisingmovie series in musicians will entertain the crowd startEstes Park. Although…some may reing at 6:30 p.m. There are a myriad of member a drive-in theater on Lake Estes lawn games—play Connect 4 or hula from 1952-1987, which showed everyhoop on the grass. The movie starts at thing from Singing in the Rain to Radar dusk, generally 8 p.m. Blankets go down Men on the Moon. front, chairs welcome in the back half. Cato Kraft, Executive Director of the It’s summer! Nonprofit Resource Center started this Dates, movies, and tickets available at movie series to create a ven fundraiser that was innovative and Volunteers can go to leverage both local and tourist unteer to sign up to help check-in or dollars. This is a work project to benefit pour beer. the community, but it is also personal. Visit to donate to She says, “I grew up in a town that had local nonprofit sectors or find out more one of the oldest operating and lastabout the Giving Guest program. standing drive-ins in the country. You Watch Star Wars: A New Hope this Monday at 8 p.m. at Performance Park. Future Monday night movies include A Princess Bride, Free Solo, Ice Age, Big, and Mrs. Doubtfire.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 15

Save The Date! Annual Glen Haven Pancake Breakfast Saturday, July 16th Mark your calendar and join us for the Glen Haven Area Volunteer Fire Department’s annual pancake breakfast on Saturday, July 16 from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. The price is $10 for adults, $6 for children ages five to 10, and children under five eat for free. Firefighters will once again be serving pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, juice, and coffee in the Firehouse in Glen Haven. There will be a silent auction at the Town Hall with wonderful treasures, including but not limited to, gift certificates from restaurants and other local businesses, bird houses, and artwork. Be sure to stop by the bake sale for homemade pies, cakes, breads, and cookies. There will be a craft show featuring artisans as well. The GHAVFD defends 500 structures located on over 25,000 acres of mostly forested land and responds to vehicle crashes and incidents requiring emergency assistance along County Road 43. They also support other area agencies when called upon. The Department currently has 20 incredible volunteers who put their lives on the line to protect our community and its assets. This breakfast event is one of the department’s main source of income. The Glen Haven Volunteer Fire Department is in the process of replacing their handheld radios which are failing and re-

pair parts are no longer available. The plan is to replace them over the next 10 years purchasing two-three radios each year. Each radio costs about $6000. As well, a majority of their AEDs are 20 years old and batteries are no longer available. They are replacing two this year with a grant from the Village Thrift Shop but will need four more. They cost about $3,200 each. The community of Glen Haven is neither a municipality nor a taxing district. GHAVFD is a 501 (C) (3)

Monta Del Toro Monta del caballo lazo sencillo y doble bulldogging

non-profit Colorado corporation. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. If you are unable to attend, please consider making a donation to GHAVFD, P. O. Box 53, Glen Haven, CO 80532. You can also donate to the Silent Auction by contacting Sandra at Thank you ot our supporters and sponsors of this event: Estes Park News, Town of Estes Park, Bank of Colorado, Bank of Estes Park, Kind Coffee, Air-OPure Portables and YMCA of the Rockies. For more information on the breakfast and the department check out

carreras con barriles la feria midway y mas


Rodeo Estes Park, Colorado Estes Park Events Complex

miercoles 6 de julio - lunes 11 de julio Rodeo comienza: 7pm; Pre-show: 6:30pm (Se abren las puertas a las 5pm)

Noches de temas especiales Viernes Miercoles Jueves Sabado Domingo Lunes 6 de julio 7 de julio 8 de julio 9 de Julio 10 de Julio 11 de Julio Fiesta Vestirse primeros militar Respondadores familia En el Rodeo en Rosa con con Los cheesies! Sugar Britches!


Y locales

Un evento de la ciudad de estes park

16» Friday, June 24, 2022

Pride In The Park Celebration Throughout The Community This Weekend

Pride in the Park is Estes Park’s first weekend long celebration from June 24th-26th including a family friendly outdoor Pride celebration on the 25th starting at The Slab from 12 until 6ish. The public event will not only have guest speakers, some vendors but will include and incredible music lineup! The headliner from the event is Grace DeVine hailing from Denver. She is in the list of Westword’s top 15 bands to watch. We will have a DJ as well other local musicians that are LGBTQ+ supporters. This event will be fun but not all fluff. I am collecting teams of nonprofit resources that will provide support for our community. The speakers will also have ASL interpreters to make this event as inclusive as possible to the public. Outside of this community event there will be opportunities for special evening

events to enjoy throughout the weekend. Friday at 1:30 The Historic Park Theater has opened their space for a Drag Queen makeover which will include a natural look and a more dramatic one followed by a catwalk lesson from 1:00-3:30 p.m. and is open to all. (Bring those high heels!) Friday and Saturday night Lonigan’s has donated their back room for live drag queen shows with different performers and hostess each night. Saturday evening will also have an event at Chippers bowling alley called Punks and Pride. That money is to help raise fund for an updated skate park for our youth and other fun loving misfits. Sunday morning there will an opportunity to purchase tickets in advance for Drag Queen Bingo at The Dunraven, breakfast buffet will be available to purchase. This weekend long event is to shed a loving light on our LGBTQ+ community! Our town is growing and evolving and I want the youth, in particular, to know that they are loved, supported and has actual help at their fingertips. Not to mention some of our longtime residents who still may be apprehensive to “come out.” The goal of the weekend is to show love, diversity, inclusivity, accessibility, resources to our community, as well as surrounding ones. Oh and, needless to say… fun!

Wildlife Responder Available To Help Knowledge, experience, skills to assist and educate individuals with and about wildlife encounters/situations. Specialty is elk, deer, bears, mountain lions. Part of Rocky Mtn. Cat Conservancy Research. If you see a kill site, call asap, or if you want more information or help with a wildlife situation, call Jayne the “Bear Lady” at 970-685-8756.

Casting Lessons This Friday At Scott Ponds Andrew Limmiatis will be offering free casting lessons at Scott Ponds from MayAugust on the last Friday of each month from 10:0011:00 a.m. Dates will be this Friday, June 24, July, 29 and Aug 26. These lessons are put on by Trout Unlimited and Andrew will have Trout Unlimited brochures

for anyone that is looking to join. A limited number of rods will be available for use or those interested may bring their own. For any questions please call Andrew Limmiatis at 970-4734555.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 17

Listening At The Legion July 14 Welcomes Susan Gibson Listening at the Legion is gonna get rowdy! Join us Thursday, July 14 for a rip-roaring grand time as we present Susan Gibson. Susan is a nationally acclaimed singer/songwriter who wrote "Wide Open Spaces" for the Dixie Chicks - the CMA Song of the Year for 1998. Susan puts on a fantastic live show, and has been named the West Texas Entertainer of the Year. Now in Rhode Island that might not mean too much, but West Texas Entertainer of the year - Hot dang!! She was also the BMI Writer of the Year! To celebrate Susan's performance at our Listening Room, the American Legion is

throwing a "Wide Open Spaces" Texas style BBQ with smoked chicken, ribs, and pork. And beer- don't forget the beer! Tickets to see Susan would normally cost $30 +, but are only $20 at Listening at the Legion. But wait! If you come for our delicious BBQ, $35 will get you a great dinner and free tickets to see Susan! Seats at the show will likely go quickly, so to reserve your spot at the BBQ, or to buy tickets, go to, or call 970-586-6118. And if you wear a Texas tee shirt or a cowboy hat, it will only cost you five bucks more, but you're still welcome!! See you there, and come with your best Texas Hee Haw!





Leave Young Wildlife Alone


Singer. Song Writer. Story Teller. “Damn Good Live Show!”



Our mother is likely nearby, but may have left us to find food and shelter.

■ Do not approach, touch or feed wild animals. th

Thursday, July 14 at 7:30 pm - Tickets $20 Or Come For Our Texas BBQ Dinner Honoring Susan (Smoked Chicken, Ribs, Pork) $35 For A Great Dinner and Free Tickets To The Show!!

■ Enjoy wildlife from a safe distance. ■ Keep your dog on a leash on trails. ■ If you find an animal that appears sick or injured, leave it alone. Call a Colorado Parks and Wildlife office and talk to a trained wildlife officer for guidance. COLORADO PARKS & WILDLIFE • 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216 • 303-297-1192 • 5/22

18 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Harp Performance At The YMCA

Come enjoy a free family-oriented harp recital this Sunday, June 26, 3 p.m. at the Maude Jellison Library on the YMCA campus. Harpist Janet Collison of Marshalltown, Iowa will be performing original music along with other familiar music. The story of David and Goliath will be told with harp accompaniment, as well. Children will be able to try their hand (fingers!) at strumming the harp

themselves at the end of the program. Directions to the YMCA library: upon entering the YMCA off of Spur Highway 66, take the second left and then the first right into the parking lot of Hyde Memorial Chapel where you may park and easily access the Maude Jellison Library. Call Robert at the library at 970-586-3341 extension 1133 with any questions.

F E AT U R I N G Rocky Mountain National Park Map Bear Lake NEW! Corridor Map Rocky Mountain National Park

Theater For The Thirsty To Perform At YMCA Of The Rockies

On Sunday, June 26, Theater for the Thirsty will be the guest performers for the 10:00 a.m. worship in Hyde Chapel. Their performance, on Sunday evening, begins at 7:00 p.m. in Hyde Chapel. This performance is free and open to the public. Theater for the Thirsty is a two-person theater company specializing in entertaining, music-infused, funny, thoughtprovoking, redemptive, soul stirring and imaginative theater. They have been creating and performing original works professionally for over sixteen years. Jeremiah and Vanessa Gamble have been involved in professional theater in the Twin Cities, both on camera and on stage, for over thirteen years. Their passion is creating and performing original works together through their theater company, Theater for the Thirsty. They portray over 100 different characters in their eleven original shows–ranging from tone-deaf angels to cud-chewing cows. Every Christmas they both perform with the whole family. They graduated from Bethel University with degrees in theater and music. They make their home in Saint Paul, MN with their ex-

Kurtis Kelly To Perform “Rocky Mountain Tales Of Survival”

Town Shuttle Schedule & Map Town Parking Map With paid lots and time-limited lots labelled



In-Depth Articles & TONS of Great Information!

tremely cute kids Phoenicia, Eden and Obadiah. Theater for the Thirsty creates and performs redemptive theater that is entertaining and imaginative. Their recipe is simple: incorporate well-crafted stories, a heavy dose of quality comedy, dynamic music, memorable characters, simple props, and no MSG. Jeremiah and Vanessa believe that people are hungry and thirsty for more than what much of this life offers. So, they hope to give‘em something that will refresh their spirits, challenge their assumptions, entertain their socks off and inject some hope into their lives. During the service on Sunday morning, they will perform “The Psalm King” and the Sunday evening performance will feature “Reimagined Bible Stories.” To learn more about Theater for the Thirsty and their ministry, visit This Sunday service and concert are a part of the Chapel Ministry’s 2022 Summer Worship Fest program. Learn more about the YMCA Chapel Ministry and 2022 Summer Worship Fest at

Local historical character actor Kurtis Kelly will be performing a show entitled “Rocky Mountain Tales of Survival” at the YMCA’s Maude Jellison Library on Monday, June 27 at 7 p.m. Hear thrilling

tales of adventure from pioneers such as Enos Mills and Abner Sprague facing perilous encounters and daring escapes. This outdoor program will be moved indoors to the lower level of the Maude Jellison Library in case of rain. Directions to the YMCA library: Upon entering the YMCA off of Spur Highway 66, take the second left and then the first right into the parking lot of Hyde Memorial Chapel where you may park and easily access the Maude Jellison Library. Call Robert at the library at 970-586-3341 extension 1133 with any questions. Event is free and open to the public.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 19

The New Colorado Retail Delivery Fee 27 cent charge for deliveries of property subject to sales tax to start July 1st By: Paul Mueller, CPA

As part of the massive Sustainability of the Transportation System Bill enacted by the Colorado Legislature in 2021, a 27cent Retail Delivery Fee will go into effect on July 1st. The Retail Delivery Fee (RDF) is one of six new fees to fund $5.4 billion over the next 10 years for highway and road construction in Colorado. The RDF will apply to every delivery via motor vehicle of goods subject to sales tax to a Colorado address. The RDF will apply to every FedEx, UPS, Amazon and even pizza deliveries, among others. The retailer (not the delivery company) will be responsible for collecting the tax from customers and remitting the tax to the Department of Revenue. Only one RDF will apply to each sale to a customer. So, if a customer purchases multiple items in an online "cart" in a single transaction, only one RDF is due regardless of the number of deliveries to complete the sale. Retailers must separately state the RDF on the customer invoice or receipt and remit the tax by filing Form DR 1786 using the same frequency and due dates that are applicable to their sales tax return. The DR 1786 will be the only filing

required for the RDF, with no separate filings needed at the county or municipality level. The RDF will not apply to wholesale delivery of goods that are exempt from sales tax. If, however, the delivery includes items that are not subject to sales tax along with other items that are subject to sales tax, the seller must collect the RDF for the entire shipment. In addition, the RDF will not apply when otherwise taxable goods are delivered to exempt purchasers, such as charities and governmental entities. Finally, the RDF does not apply to a delivery to an address outside of Colorado, even though the delivery originated from within Colorado. All Colorado and out-of-state retailers with an active Colorado sales tax account will be automatically registered for a RDF account prior to July 1st. For retailers impacted by imposing, collecting and remitting the RDF, time is of the essence in modifying invoices and recordkeeping systems to track the RDF when it arrives in just over a month. The first tax return for the RDF will be due on or before August 22, 2022. Paul Mueller, Managing Director, CPA, Mueller Pye & Associates, 970-667-1070,

Photo by Kris Hazelton

20 » Friday, June 24, 2022

What’s Happening At The Estes Valley Library

Books for Bo SUMMER HOURS Mondays-Thursday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays, 1-5 p.m. Holiday Closed July 4 for Independence Day Library 2-Hour Parking Library patrons may use any of the seven free parking spaces marked “Library Reserved” during open hours. The spaces offer a two-hour time limit, for use while inside the library. These are located along the library’s northeast perimeter. No payment or permit required. SUMMER READING PROGRAM Oceans of Possibilities Read for pleasure and earn prizes. Listening to a book, or being read to, counts as well. This year’s theme: “Oceans of Possibilities. ” Visit for full details and log log reading time. Made possible by the Library Friends & Foundation. MAKERSPACE Learn the 3D Printer Friday, June 24, 2-3:30 p.m. Repeated Friday, July 8, 2-3:30 p.m. For ages 15 and up. Sign up at Learn the Laser Cutter Friday, July 1, 2-3:30 p.m. Repeated Friday, July 15, 2-3:30 p.m. For ages 15 and up. Sign up at KIDS & FAMILIES Library Storytimes Preschoolers: Thurs., Fri., and Sat. at 10:30 a.m. Baby Storytime: Thurs. and Fri. at 10 a.m. Read to Therapy Dog “Bo”: Tues., July 5 at 10 a.m. Pajama Storytime: Wed., July 6 at 6 p.m. Outdoor Storytime at Stanley Park: Wed., June 29 at 10:30 a.m. TEENS & KIDS Rainbow Celebration Friday, June 24, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Hondius Room Rainbows signify the colorful spirit of

celebrating with pride. All ages are invited for face painting and rainbowthemed crafts. Sign up at Book vs. Movie Club: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Saturday, June 25, 11:30 a.m. (español), Hondius Room Saturday, June 25, 1:30 p.m. (English) Book or movie—which do you like best? We’ll discuss the book, then watch the movie adaptation. Snacks and refreshments provided. Sign up at Glow in the Dark Ocean Painting Tuesday, June 28, 3-4 p. m, Makerspace Repeated Thursday, June 30, 1-2 p.m. Create your own stunning take-home artwork, using glow-in-the-dark paints on black paper. Sign up at Makerspace Saturday: Ocean Laser Cut Night Light Saturday, July 2, 2-3 p.m., Makerspace Repeated Monday, July 12, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. This month’s

Makerspace Saturday will use acrylic sheets and the laser to engrave and cut out designs for your lamp base. Sign up at Art Work Wednesday: Upcycled Jellyfish Wednesday, July 6, 10:3011:30 a.m., Hondius Room Repeated Wednesday, July 20, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Experiment with different art mediums and styles: create an upcycled jellyfish out of recycled materials. Sign up at Animal Tales Thursday, July 7, 1-3 p.m., Hondius Room Explore animal adaptations, handle skulls, and play a camouflage game. Includes a take-home project about the food web. Sign up at Book & Fun Club: On the Ocean Floor: Magic School Bus Wednesday, July 13, 2-3:30 p.m., Make Your Own Mermaid / Sea Dragon Egg Thursday, July 14, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Hondius Room Whether it’s the ocean egg of a sea dragon or mermaid, decorate your oneof-a-kind artwork, glitter and sparkles provided. Sign up at BOOKS & AUTHORS What a Fish Knows Thursday, June 30, 6-7:30 p.m., via Zoom or watch in person Author Dr. Jonathan Balcombe takes us under the sea, through streams, and inside aquariums to understand these surprisingly capable creatures. Sign up at to watch on Zoom in the Hondius Room big screen. An Evening with Blake Crouch & Amor Towles Tuesday, July 12, 6-8 p.m., via Zoom Bestselling Colorado author Blake Crouch joins Amor Towles on Zoom to discuss Crouch’s new suspense thriller, Upgrade. In partnership with Macdon-

Ocean Poetry Hondius Room ald Book Shop. Sign up at estesvalleyliRead On the Ocean Floor: Magic School Bus before, then discuss and enNATURE TALKS gage in ocean activities games & crafts. Exploring nature with Kevin Cook For children entering 1st-3rd Monday, July 11, 4-5:30 p.m., Hondius grade. Sign up at Room and on Zoom A monthly series on how to engage with the wonders of Life on Earth. In “The Changing,” nature instructor Cook explores how life on Earth is forever changing, from Stegosaurus to the Lark Bunting. Sign up at WORKSHOPS Ocean Poetry & Mindfulness Wednesday, July 13, 10-11 a.m., outdoors and on Zoom Join instructor Diana Laughlin for guided meditation, silent contemplation of ocean-themed poetry, and a poetry writing exercise. All levels welcome. Sign up at (attend in person or via Zoom). FRIENDS & FOUNDATION Cliffhanger Used Books Cliffhanger Used Books, located next to the post office, is operated by the Library Friends & Foundation, offering gently-used books, movies, and music at discount prices. Now open daily for summer hours, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Stegosaurus & Lark Bunting

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 21

“What a Fish Knows” by Jonathan Balcombe

“What A Fish Knows”: Explore The Lives Storybook-Trail at Stanley Park Of Our Underwater Cousins On June 30 Little Readers: Soak Up The Sun With A Did you know that fishes conduct elabo- presentation and we’ll also have four Story & Scavenger Hunt On June 29 rate courtship rituals and develop lifelong bonds with schoolmates? They also plan, hunt cooperatively, use tools, curry favor, deceive one another, and punish wrongdoers. In other words, they’re just like us. Although there are more than thirty thousand species of fish – more than all mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians combined – we rarely consider how individual fishes think, feel, and behave. In his book “What a Fish Knows,” author and ethologist Jonathan Balcombe upends our assumptions about fishes, drawing on the latest science to present a fresh look at these remarkable creatures in all their breathtaking diversity and beauty. Dr. Balcombe will discuss “What a Fish Knows” in a Zoom presentation on Thursday, June 30 from 6 to 8 p.m. Attendees can join us in-person at the library to view on the big screen, or watch on Zoom from home. Q&A will follow Dr. Balcombe’s

copies of the book to give away to in-person or online attendees. We may imagine that fishes lead simple, fleeting lives – a mode of existence that boils down to a place on the food chain, rote spawning, and lots of aimless swimming. But, as Dr. Balcombe demonstrates, the truth is far richer and more complex. Highlighting breakthrough discoveries from fish enthusiasts and scientists around the world and pondering his own encounters with fishes, Balcombe examines the fascinating means by which fishes gain knowledge of the places they inhabit, from shallow tide pools to the deepest reaches of the ocean. Don’t miss this “Oceans of Possibilities” Summer Reading Program event. Registration is open and you can get the Zoom link or watch on the big screen by signing up at

Tennis Anyone? Residents and summer visitors are invited to join the Estes Park tennis community. We play at the courts in Stanley Park, near the high school. Men’s and women’s doubles on weekday mornings – mixed doubles on Sunday late afternoon. We would love to see you out on the courts. For more information, call Sally at 970-577-9752.

Peanut butter and jelly, cookies with milk, and reading in the great outdoors: some things are just meant to be together. Next week’s Outdoor Active Storytime will combine a story with a fun activity, so kids can get some fresh air and sunshine while improving their literacy skills. Join us on Wednesday, June 29 at 10:30 a.m. at Stanley Park Playground for the Storybook Trail followed by a scavenger hunt on the playground. The Storybook Trail follows along the Estes Valley Recreation & Park District (EVRPD) trail near Community Drive and Manford Avenue. Attendees will enjoy an outdoor stroll while reading aloud from pages of the children’s book I Am a Tiger, featured on large signs along the path. Then, the group will head to the playground for a lively and fun scav-

enger hunt. Sharing books outdoors can help children make the connection between what they read and the world around them. Children are able to move freely, explore with their senses, and experience elements of the story in real life. And, natural light has been proven to be beneficial for children’s eyesight. The Storybook Trail at Stanley Park is always open, and features a story that changes from season to season. This outdoor attraction is made possible through a partnership between the library and EVRPD. Make plans for the June 29 Outdoor Active Storytime, especially recommended for ages 2 to 6. Find out more and sign up at The Town of Estes Park Visitor Center is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. The staff and volunteer Ambassadors welcome you and offer guests options of restaurants, lodging, activities and parking information. They have free brochures and books for purchase. There is also free wireless internet.

22 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 23

24 » Friday, June 24, 2022

EVICS Family Resource Center Is Collaborator Of The Year At EVICS Family Resource Center grow available services for our we believe in the value that it takes community. Being a connector for a village. This sentiment applies to our community is an important raising children as the original role. You may have seen EVICS last statement is attributed and also reSaturday at the Kids Fun Run, partflects a philosophy of effective nonnering with the Estes Park Running profit organizations. EVICS Family Club to support family fitness and Resource Center is proud to be an celebrate our youngest athletes, inexample of bringing our village tospiring a life of wellness and activgether to ensure families have what ity. Did you notice the vibrant yelthey need to thrive in the Estes Vallow shirts at Pride in the Park and ley. Bike Estes Day? EVICS collaboOn Tuesday, June 14, United Way rated with Estes Park Cycling of Larimer County (UWLC) held a Coalition (EPCC) for the family “Larimer United” celebration of fun afterparty. UWLC developed a Estes Park at the Barrel. At this celeCounty-wide tuition assistance bration, EVICS Family Resource program to bring more funding in Center was named Collaborator of one stop to families throughout the the Year! This recognition repreCounty. EVICS offered technical sents the commitment of EVICS to assistance learned from our founconnect families to the resources dational tuition assistance program they need and to intentionally work to support the establishment of this EVICS staff and board members receiving Collaborator of the Year award from United Way of with partners within our village to one-stop-shop for Larimer County Larimer County. In picture, left to right: Rut Miller, Kathleen Hursh, Lesta Johnson, Laurie Dale Marenhance and extend services. families. EVICS, EP Rotary, Macshall, Angelina Kirkpatrick, Meg Winslow, Martha Cordova. donald Book Shop, and Estes Valley The village of the Estes Valley is Library collaborated to execute the brought together by UWLC through bilingual storytime project that provided over 600 bilingual, socioemotional literacy kits to local families. EVICS is excited for a new collaboration with RMNP that has a goal of more families accessing outdoor programming. The collaborative programming kicks off on June 28th with a Bird Walk, (see page 13) followed by a week of fishing, hiking, Junior Ranger programs and more! EVICS Family Resource Center is appreciative of the village that supports local children and families. Join us as we put the FUN in fundraising at Kickin’ it for Kids Kickball tournament. We’re excited for this year’s tournament on August 27 that raises funds to support tuition assistance and family educational programming. Registration is now open, so sign up your team and have fun in support of local families. Thanks for being part of our village!

Kids Fun Run Start Line.

their support of nonprofit organizations, community wide efforts, and innovative impact programs that allow local agencies to deliver in the manner that makes sense for each individual community. This support and understanding of our mountain village ensures that Estes Park families are not overlooked. UWLC also shows their commitment to our community through consistent board representation. Paul Mueller, outgoing board member representing Estes Park, was honored for his dedicated service to amplifying the work of UWLC. Filling this Estes Park representative board seat is Jason Damweber. EVICS is proud to be named Collaborator of the Year and is excited to continue to strengthen relationships that

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 25

High Elevation Gardening 101 – Coping With Wildlife By: Alison O’Connor, CSU Extension Horticulture Agent in Larimer County

Gardening in Estes Park is a challenge, but the rewards can be worth the effort. One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is to use local information. This can save you a lot of headaches (and heartache), especially if you seek out information that is research-based and verified. The experts include Colorado State University Extension (, or you can email questions directly to me at, Master Gardeners (, local garden center staff, and your fellow gardeners. Check out PlantTalk Colorado (, the CO-Horts Blog (, and Garden Notes ( for local and university-based information. The Estes Valley Community Garden has collected a variety of pertinent articles and information sheets. Click on the Resources tab at their website, Coping with wildlife is a big challenge, as Estes Park is in the middle of a perfect wildlife habitat. There are some strategies that can help in managing landscape-wildlife conflicts. • Habit modification - eliminate or

modify what is attractive to wildlife. Don’t feed wildlife (it’s not legal anyway!) and reduce or eliminate shelter or hiding cover. This can help to make breeding difficult, which can re-

duce the number of critters that call your garden “home”. • Exclusion techniques, including fencing, netting and enclosing, make it difficult for animals to reach your tender plants and they may be discouraged from trying. This can be especially effective with deer. • Use aversion devices, such as repellents, noise, motion or lights. Taste, odor, lights, motion-activated sprinklers, or “fake” predators (i. e., plastic owl or leaping coyote) are examples of ways that have been tested for effectiveness. Different species of animals may

respond differently to these techniques, so you may have to try more than one, and you may need to move them occasionally to a new location or position them differently.

• What doesn’t work for wildlife control? These items have been tested and found to be ineffective: Chewing gum, mothballs for rodents, ultrasonic repellers, human hair, and Irish Spring© soap. • It is often recommended to use live traps to capture and relocate nuisance wildlife. In Larimer County it is legal for tree squirrels, rabbits and raccoons, and for other species with a permit, but always check with your local authorities first. It may be effective in the shortterm, but it could increase the nuisance population, because if you remove one

animal, another will move in. Safety is a big concern: aggressive, scared wildlife can bite, and there is danger in handling diseased or flea/tick infested animals. Also, think of your neighbors or those who are in your chosen relocation area – will the introduced animals create a problem for someone else? • Lethal control methods such as kill traps, shooting or poisons bring their own problems and may be illegal or heavily regulated in certain areas. Carefully consider the negative effects before trying any of these methods. Remember that wildlife were here first, and we are encroaching on their feeding areas. Modifying, excluding, and aversion techniques will go a long way to allow you to have a productive garden and to avoid the downside of more extreme approaches. For more high elevation gardening tips, check out the CSU Extension Fact Sheet 7.248, “Vegetable Gardening in the Mountains.” You can find it at, or just click on “Search the Site.” The Estes Valley Community Garden Board thanks Alison for her annual educational programs and materials. To learn more about Estes Valley Community Garden, visit

Hilltop Guild Offers Succulent Tiny Garden Classes Back by popular demand: succulent "Tiny Garden" classes through the Hilltop Guild at the Kelley House in Allenspark. Come plant with Emily! Each participant will make three “tiny gardens” in choices of teacups, teapots, gravy boats, creamers, soup cups/bowl or other kinds of “pots.” $20 sign up fee includes succulents, dirt, dressings, garden trinkets & your choice of three: teacups, teapots, gravy boats, creamers, soup cups/bowl and lots of other “pots.” Classes will be offered: Sat., June 25th10:00-12:00 Sat., July 9th-10:0012:00, Thursday, July 14th -5:00-7:00 Weds. July, 27th1:00-3:00. For the above classes each person will get to keep their favorite two “tiny gardens” and one will be donated to the Hilltop Guild to sell at our Annual Bazaar on Saturday, August 6th.

For the following classes the fee is $25 and you get to keep all three of your creations. Weds. August, 10th-3:00-5:00 Sat., August 20th-10:00-12:00 Thurs August 25th-1:00-3:00 The Hilltop Guild is not a club, not a society, not a commercial venture, but a productive and creative association of residents returning the fruits of their labors to areas of need in the greater Allenspark community.

The Hilltop Guild was started in the early 1930s, and today The Hilltop Guild’s Philanthropic Activities include scholarships to graduates from Allenspark, Lyons & Estes Park, low interest loans to students to further their education and donations to the Allenspark Fire Protection District; Native Ameri-

can schools, Crossroads Center (Estes Park); Aging Services of Boulder County & Special Disaster Relief & other nonprofits in the area. The Hilltop Guild is an amazing group of ladies and they are always looking for new members. Each class is limited to 15 participants and you can register by going online to or by contacting Emily at or 303-9566232.

26 » Friday, June 24, 2022

LIVING A GREAT LIFE OF NO RESERVES, RETREATS, OR REGRETS In 1904 William Borden, heir to the Borden Dairy estate, graduated from a Chicago high school, already a millionaire. For graduation, his parents gave him a trip around the world. Traveling through Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, gave young William a burden for the world’s hurting people. Writing home, he said, “I’m going to give my life to prepare for and serve in the mission field!” When he made his decision, he wrote two words in the back of his Bible. “No reserves!” In preparation for service, he attended Yale University. Upon graduation he turned down high paying job offers, writing into his Bible two more words: “No retreats!” Following further studies at Princeton Seminary, he sailed for China to serve among the Muslims, stopping along the way in Egypt to further ‘equip himself for ministry’. While there he was stricken with cerebral meningitis and died shortly thereafter. “What a waste!” some people might have said. However, ‘not so’, said William Borden. In his Bible, under the words: “No Reserves!”, “No Retreats!”, he had written, sometime in those final days, “No Regrets!” Most great people we know…people who have ‘made a difference’ have lived by these principles of William Borden. ‘No Reserves!’ shows the spirit with which the dedicated person tackles life’s pursuits. It’s true in the area of sports …as we anticipate the success of our Colorado Avalanche team. They won’t be successful in their Stanley Cup quest unless they foster a ‘No reserves!’…’all out!’…spirit. The Bible says: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might!” (Eccl. 9:10) (“Go AVs!”) But it is even more crucial in all other endeavors of life: in family relationships: ‘No reserves!’ in showing our commitment to, love for, and sharing with, our spouse, children; in business endeavors: ‘No reserves!’ Give it your best!...and, certainly, in the spiritual realm, anything less than ‘No reserves!’ is not acceptable with our Father. In the same way, ‘No Retreats!’ in all these areas is a determination needed as well. Jesus once said, “No man putting his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Luke 9:62) Winston Churchill’s words: “Never, never, never give up!” ring in our ears as we think about the secret to any successful endeavor. Others have chimed in with: “Winners never quit, and quitters never win!” One stalwart man of God shared his determination in these words: “Forgetting the things that are behind and pressing on to the things which are before, I press on toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” So, as you contemplate your different endeavors in life, recommit yourself to ‘No reserves!’ and ‘No retreats!’ William Borden’s third determination is vitally needed in our great nation right now. ‘No regrets!’ is a feeling needed to be experienced and reinforced in our nation right now in this day of critics and ‘naysayers’ toward so much that our nation has struggled so hard to accomplish for ‘all’ its people throughout her entire history. We are being encouraged to feel ‘regret’, even ‘shame’, by many who have long benefitted from the blessings and advantages that we in the U.S. have enjoyed since early in our nation’s history. Throughout our nation’s history, sacrificing and serving men and women have strived to ‘do the best they could’ to discover, populate and strengthen our nation and build it into the great nation it is today. Many, however, would like our citizens to ‘deeply regret’ the way our well-meaning and ‘doing the best they knew’, forefathers did in past generations. They served and sacrificed… even died…to help our nation make a positive impact on our world and to give the best standard of living possible to all cultures, nationalities, and people within her borders. And yet, many harbor animosities and hostility toward others because they feel like they ‘didn’t get their share’ and, as a result, “our nation ought to be ashamed of itself!”, as they exert their energies to thwart any efforts at national unity and success and pride. Hopefully, not us. As our nation’s Independence Day celebrations approach, I admire the spirit of two men who sang about our great nation. Merle Haggard sang: “When you’re walkin’ on my country, man, you’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me.!” And, in kinder words, Lee Greenwood: “I’m proud to be an American, for at least I know I’m free! And I won’t forget the men who died to give that right to me”. I trust these are your sentiments also: ‘No reserves!’, ‘No retreats!’ and, through it all…’No regrets!’ God bless us everyone! Bob Lewis

June 24 - June 30

Invitation To The 2022 Free Tuesday Evening Annual "Burning Issues" Lecture Programs At The Y "Y" campers and the public are invited to the 46th Annual Robert M. Lawrence Burning Issues Lecture Series for 2022, conducted at the "Y", free of charge. The presentations will be every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m., June 7-August 9, in the Boone Family Mountain Center Presentation Room. Note the change of venue - directions are provided below. These lectures/discussions are delivered by professors and other highly experienced specialists in their fields. Some also are lecturers in the Colorado State University (CSU) Osher Life-Long Learning Institute - a popular adult education program conducted in some 140 U.S. universities. For you who are interested in current domestic and international affairs, please join us in exploring: 6/28 "What Became of the Last Child in the Woods?" Dr. Del Benson, CSU Prof, Ret. June 28: Emeritus Professor Dr. Del Benson, retired from the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University. He earned his Ph.D. from CSU. Abstract: His presentation will explain the relationship between children and their wildlife experiences. 7/5 "Social Media: Pervasive, Invasive, and Persuasive," Jim Isaak, President Emeritus of the IEEE Computer Society. 7/12 "The Greatest Good: Emergency Planning for Natural Disasters," Dr.

David Wolf, EV Fire Dept. Chief. 7/19 "Dr. Suess and the Consequences of the Military Competition between the US and the Russian Federation," Dr. Robert Meroney, CSU Prof, Ret. 7/26 "Deploying the Hubble Space Telescope from Space Shuttle Discovery," Col. Loren Schriver, USAF, Ret, Astronaut. 8/2 "Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park: Then & Now, revised edition," Dr. James Pickering, Ret, and Derek Fortini, Director, EP Museum. 8/9 "Report on the U.S. Economy," Dr. John Olienik, CSU Prof, Ret. Directions: In Estes Park, US 34 from Loveland intersects US 36 at MacDonald's and turns right. However, US 36 from Lyons turns left onto Elkhorn St. Follow "US 36" and "RMNP" signs to Moraine Ave and turn left. In two miles, cross the intersection at Mary's Lake Rd., and move to the left lane for 1/4 mi. County "66", plus "YMCA" signs take you left onto Tunnel Rd./66. (US 36 continues west into Rocky Mtn. Natl. Park.) In 2.5 mi the YMCA entrance is on the right. From Tunnel Rd./66 to the "Y campus" is Association Drive which passes the tennis courts and mini-golf course on the left. Across from them is the first stop sign. Turn right and follow signs to “Boone Family Mountain Center.” Park in the large parking lot and enter the front doors of the Mountain Center. The presentation room is on the lower level.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 27

Amateur Radio “Field Day” June 25 And 26 Demonstrates Science, Skill And Service Members of the Estes Valley Amateur Radio Club (EVARC) will be participating in the national Amateur Radio Field Day exercise, June 25th from Noon to 5:00 p.m. at the Estes Valley Memorial Observatory, 1500 Manford Avenue, Estes Park CO. This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. Amateur radio operators are also known as “hams.” Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established temporary ham radio stations in public locations during Field Day to showcase the science and skill of amateur radio. For the public it’s a chance to observe amateur radio in action and find out more about this exciting hobby as well as the community services it provides. In a typical year, more than 35,000 people from thousands of locations participate in Amateur Radio Field Day activities. We tend take our cellphone and Internet services for granted. But if there’s an interruption of service or you’re out of range of a cell tower, you have no way to communicate. Ham radio functions independently of the Internet or cellphone infrastructure and can be set up almost anywhere in minutes. That’s the beauty of ham radio during a communications outage. Many EVARC members participate in ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services). EVARC has emergency operations rooms at the Estes Park Hospital and the Estes Park Memorial Ob-

servatory for ARES operations. Radio equipment is tested every Thursday evening to verify it is working properly. ARES members receive Incident Command System training and can be activated by served agencies such as the Fire

Emergency Operations Center in Fort Collins, which were then relayed via telephone to families and friends across the country. For more than 100 years, amateur (ham) radio has allowed people from all

Club Members at the 2019 Amateur Radio Field Day.

District, Law Enforcement, and Red Cross. During the 2013 flood telephone and internet communications were disrupted for several days and roads were washed out. EVARC/ARES members provided safe-and-well messages via radio for residents and visitors to the

walks of life to experiment with electronics and communications techniques, as well as provide a free public service to their communities during emergencies. Field Day demonstrates ham radio’s ability to work reliably under any condition from almost any location and create an

independent communications network. To demonstrate its emergency operations capability, EVARC will set up radios outside the Observatory powered by a portable generator and a solar charged battery. Outreach activities with Estes Park Public Schools are an important part of EVARC’s mission. Activities include School Club Roundups where students talk to other students across the country on the radio, mini-field days where students use handheld radios and learn about radio technology, classroom programs on radio technology, and amateur radio license classes. EVARC worked with the Elementary School to hold an event where students talked to an astronaut on the International Space Station using the club’s radio equipment. The club has also raised funds to donate to the schools for the purchase of electronics kits to use in STEAM classes. Anyone may become a licensed amateur radio operator. There are more than 725,000 licensed Hams in the United States, as young as nine and as old as 100. And with clubs such as The Estes Valley Amateur Radio Club, it’s easy for anybody to get involved right here in Estes Park. For more information about EVARC contact For more information about Amateur Radio Field Day or amateur radio in general, visit and


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28 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 29

Allenspark July 4 Events Come on over to Allenspark on Monday July 4, 2022 and plan on spending a nice morning and early afternoon. On your way, stop at The Old Gallery on Highway 7 to enjoy shopping many local artists' works. Check them out on line to get a lovely preview. The Gallery also sells weaving and quilted items from The Hilltop Guild and houses the only Rocky Mountain Conservancy Nature Store outside of the National Park. As you continue, make a right turn down Business Route 7 into greater Allenspark, do plan plenty of time to visit Distant Harbors Gift Shop and its' fine collection of antiques, clothing, jewelry, cards and other gift items. A gem of a shop! Outside, the owner, Christine Futro, hosts a wonderful flea market from 9 until 2. The numerous vendors have fresh breads, jellies, household items, more antiques, oils, lotions and teas.

About 11:30 the Estes Park Village Band will be setting up on the beautifully decorated porch of K & L Realty, next to the Post Office. Shortly before noon we will gather at the flagpole in front of the post office for the singing of The Star Bangled Banner. Our local deputy will step off the parade at noon. The Allenspark Fire Department will be polished along with the trucks and ready to toss candy and perhaps send a sprinkle or two into the crowd from one of the trucks. Many local merchants and small organizations participate in this parade. If you have a fine vehicle or an old tractor, you are welcome also. Remember to bring some small wrapped candies to toss to the eager kids along the route to Ferncliff. Come join this celebration in our small and loving town. If you have questions, done hesitate to call Judee Snell in Raymond 303-747-2652.

Allenspark Community Church Celebrates 50 Years Of Worship

Estes Park Senior Citizens Center Menu June 27 – July 1 Monday, Jun 27

Crispy Chicken Burrito w/ Rice & Beans & green chili on the side

Tuesday, Jun 28

BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich w/ Mac’n Cheese & coleslaw

Wed., Jun 29

Smothered Chicken (6 oz) (topped w/ mushrooms, green peppers & onions) w/ Mashed Potatoes & gravy

Thursday, Jun 30 Patty Melt Sandwich w/ Tomato Salad Friday, July 1

Signature Salad w/ (8 grilled) Shrimp (greens topped w/ tomatoes, corn, cheese, craisins, pecans & croutons) w/ ranch dressing

July 4 – 8 Monday, July 4


Tuesday, July 5

Breakfast Burrito w/ green chili on the side

Wed., July 6

Stuffed Bell Pepper (w/ beef & rice), garlic bread & side salad

Thursday, July 7

Country Fried Chicken w/ Mashed Potatoes, gravy & vegetables

Friday, July 8

Fish & Homemade Chips w/ soup of the day

Meals are $7 for current 2022 EP Senior Citizens Center members and are by reservation only. (Or 3 meals for $20; use pre-paid meal tickets.) Exact cash or check payment required. Reservations must be made by 1:00 PM at least one business day in advance. Note, if you want to reserve a meal for Monday, June 27th, you need to call before 1:00 PM on Friday, June 24th. For reservations call 970-581-2195 and leave a detailed message. Pre-paid meal tickets and membership forms are available at the Estes Park Senior Citizens Center located at 1760 Olympian Lane and at

The Center is OPEN (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10-1; Tuesday 10-2) TriFit (MWF 10:30-11:15); Yoga/Balance (TT 10:15-11:15) Mahjong (Tuesdays 10-2); Crafts (Tuesdays 11:30-1) Two Bridge Groups: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Wednesday of the month & Every Thurs 12:30-4 PM Reserved Meals-to-Go delivered to your vehicle or EAT at the Senior Citizens Center Check out our website: or call for the latest information

We celebrate 50 years of worship in our little log church in the heart of downtown Allenspark. The Allenspark Community Church is celebrating their fifty year anniversary and has chosen Sunday, August 7th as the day to celebrate 50 years of devotion to God, through Jesus Christ, and of serv-

ice to thousands of worshipers during that time. You are invited to join the celebration at 10:00 a.m. at the “little log church” at 16 Washington Street where we will praise God for His blessings and guidance. (Note: this is a new date for the anniversary celebration)

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings AA of Glen Haven- Every Monday night at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m. Early Worms-Monday thru Saturday at 7:00 a.m. (Tues., Thurs. & Saturday hybrid meetings with Zoom #796 839 839 PW:Worms20) at St. Bartholomew Church, 880 MacGregor Ave. Fall River Group Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held at 453 West Elkhorn: Sunday 6:00 p.m. Mon., Weds., Sat. Noon Fri. Noon and 7:00 p.m.

Zoom Meetings-Everyday at noon Zoom #999 829 166 (no password needed). Monday Zoom Big Book study at 7 p.m. #654 598 884 (no password needed). Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Zoom #999 829 166 West Side Estes Park AA, meets at 2515 Tunnel Road, Estes Park and it takes place Saturdays at 2:00 p.m. in the Dannen Library - located on the lower level of the Legett Christian Center.

30 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Dakota And Ash Need New, Loving Homes Ollie is about nine months old. She lived on a farm but family health reasons have brought her to us. She is a nice dog that is good with other dogs, cats and even horses. Ollie has a moderate to high energy level. She will do best in an active home. She is used to other animals so we think it will be best for her to have some other animal friends. Ollie Dakota is about two years old. She is a Russian Blue mix. She seems to do just fine with other kitties. A mellow dog would be okay. She is up to date on shots and spayed. Ash is about three years old. He is very loving and affectionate and an all around sweet and fun guy. He has lived with dogs and seems just fine with them. Ash is on a special diet for bladDakota der stones and does great on it. Both of these sweet cats and Ollie are currently living at the Pet Lodge. Call (970) 286-1652 to meet any of these awesome pets. All pets are offered through the Pet Association of Estes Park, a non-profit organization that is your local humane society. You can make a tax-deductible donation to the Pet Association by sending your check to P.O. Box 4342, Estes Park, CO 80517.


Fantabulous Yarn And Fiber Book Sale This Saturday

Please join us this Saturday from 11-4 at The Art Center for a Yarn and Fiber Book Sale to benefit victims of domestic violence. All proceeds from the sale go to establishing scholarships for classes so that victims may take classes for free at the Art Center. Victims of domestic violence and crime are traumatized and one way to help alleviate the trauma is by participating in an art activity. Engaging your mind in creating art helps calm your stress level and can begin/continue the healing process. We have a lot of very nice books on fiber available for sale on a variety of subjects including weaving, knitting, and felting as well as some very beautiful, high quality yarn. Estes Valley Crisis Advocates (EVCA) will be administering the scholarships to

local victims of crime and domestic violence, particularly those who are residents of their safehouse and in immediate need. Also, all past victims are welcome to apply as trauma can resurface throughout lives and destressing with an art class can be beneficial. Scholarship recipient status will be anonymous when participating in a class. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship please contact or call EVCA at 970-577-9781. When you come to The Art Center this Saturday you will get to see the fantastic FACE of Fiber in the Rockies show along with the incredible felting art work of featured artist Mary Blanche Morse and her guest Cari Cook. The show is on display everyday, 11-5, until July 16. You won't regret it.

Community Yard Sale June 25 There will be a Community Yard Sale Call 970-577-8585 or 970-658-0184 for held this Saturday, June 25th – (weather information. permitting). Setup will be at 7 a.m. and open to public from 8 a.m. until 12 noon. The sale will be held at the Estes Park Masonic Lodge parking lot: 1820 S. St. Vrain Ave. Outdoor spaces are for rent to sell your merchandise for $20.00.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 31

OPEN HOUSE Saturday, June 25 11am-1pm 3141 Fish Creek Road $450,000 New Listing

Million dollar views for less than half the price! If you like dark skies, quiet nights, and breathtaking views, this property is for you. 2 bed, 2 bath with 2-car garage.


AbbeyPontius Broker

Judy Anderson GRI, MRE, ABR, Broker Associate

Scott Thompson 970-590-9941

Fabulous established floral business in Estes Park in operation for 15 years. Custom wedding and funeral arrangements, fresh cut bouquets, and the most adorable live plants around! The Fairy Gardens are so special and unique. Located in one of the most desirable wedding and travel destinations in Colorado, this bright, cheery and creative shop can be yours. A wonderful book of business, rental supplies, and history in the community that would be a wonderful investment for you. Only 275k, plus inventory. Great location and a calendar full of events already! Showings by appointment only. Call listing office for details. 1692 Big Thompson Avenue, Ste 201 Estes Park, CO 80517

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated

Eric Blackhurst Broker Associate


246 TAHOSA SOUTH RD, ALLENSPARK Wonderfully wooded and flat lot ready for you!Nestled near the Deer Ridge Natural Landmark, close to RMNP and Roosevelt National Forest, easy access and close to Estes Park, Allenspark or an easy commute to the valley. Aspen and evergreen treesenvelop the land of approximately 3.69 acres. Perfect gentle grade lot, deemed buildable by Boulder County. No electric, water or septic on site. Blank slate for your dream spot in the Rockies! $250,000

170 S. St. Vrain, Estes Park, CO 80517

JUST LISTED - 918 Christmas Tree Lane What dreams are made of! 18 acres of wooded privacy including a mountainside all your own. Only 12 minutes to downtown Estes Park. Vignette views of mountains and Lake Estes. Multiple patios and decks complete with hot tub, 昀re pit and backyard waterfall feature. An additional 936 sf detached garage for all your gear and toys, with plenty of shop space. Two primary luxury bedroom suites with 2 additional bedrooms. So much more… Begin building your memories in this exquisite mountain retreat. $2,300,000


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HEIDI@INESTES.COM © Madison and Company Properties, LLC. Madison and Company Properties is a registered trademark licensed to Madison and Company Properties, LLC. Locally owned and operated. An equal opportunity company. Madison & Company is committed to compliance with all federal, state, and local fair housing laws. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. If you have a brokerage relationship with another agency, this is not intended as a solicitation. |

32 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Mountain Brokers 1200 Graves Avenue, Estes Park

Office: 970-586-5324

The Mountains Are Calling... We'll Guide You Home – RE/MAX $1,025,000 $874,000

Call Kirk

Call Kirk $295,000 Call Kirk

1695 Brook Ct. $749,000

2568 W. Us Hwy 34 B $399,000 Call April

212 Valley Rd. $1,420,000 Call Javier or Maria

Call Kirk

New Price

New Price

1269 Chasm Dr. $1,229,000 Call Becky New Listing

New Price

311 Hemlock Dr., Lyons $640,000 Big Elk Meadows, 5 Stocked Lakes

Call Carla

Kirk Fisher Broker Owner CRS, CMAS, CLHMS


337 Virginia Dr. $455,000 Call Dave Lasota

1930 N. Sharon Ct $1,150,000 Call Gene

Under Contract

184 Cabin Creek $399,000 Call Kim

1555 Raven Circle D $569,000

Mountain Views, Great home or long-term rental

Call Carla

Peggy Lynch

April Allen

Javier Gomez

Maria Gomez



Broker, CRS, CMAS


Broker, SRES, ABR






Dave Kiser

Dave Lasota

Kim Lemirande

Cindy Miller

Becky Robbins



Broker, SRS, CMAS, GRI

Broker, ASP, ABR, CDPE







Renee Hodgden

Carla Spreng Webb Broker 480-695-9293

Gene Whannel Broker


Friday, June 24, 2022 « 33


has done this for many years as a way By: Brian Schaffer of honoring our Dads We are slowly, but surely recovering and making them feel extra special. She and adjusting from the global pandemic. has gathered our volunteers together in It’s been a learning experience for all of an effort to pack the bags and distribute us and we’ve grown in creative ways as a them throughout the week leading up to result. One of the wonderful partnerFather’s Day. I trust all the Dads in our ships that we thoroughly enjoyed prior town had a wonderful time on Sunday! to COVID was with the YMCA of the Our Meals on Wheels program had a Rockies. For the past decade we had special helper last week. Michelle Purdy been picking up trays of food that had who coordinates this program had her been prepared but never put on the servthree year old granddaughter help deing line, and then repackaging them in a liver the meals. What a treat for the peocertified area at Crossroads. The food ple! Some of you might not know this, items were clearly marked and dated bebut Michelle has been delivering hot fore being placed in our freezer so that meals to residents in our community for our clients could choose what they over 20 years and when her own kids would like to take home and enjoy with were still young she would take them their family. Each week we would receive with her on the meal deliveries. What a a variety of proteins and other foods that great example she has set for future genwe would make available. But, in month erations! of March, 2020, everything came to a Food bags and boxes of groceries are halt and the YMCA had to begin preparstill going out each week to make sure ing boxed meals which limited the the students we were helping during the amount of extra food, so we went withschool year stay well-fed this summer. out until this last week. I’ve said it before Our Food Pantry Manager, Debra Avezand I’ll say it again, we don’t quite apprezano, works tirelessly to sustain a good ciate what we have until we don’t have it inventory of food items as well as a anymore. We definitely have grown in healthy roster of volunteers to make it our appreciation for the Y’s generosity happen. Our Associate Director, Tim expressed in feeding hungry neighbors Van Ryn, is always working behind the through their food donation to us. scenes to make sure things are running Over the past few days, our Client Adsmoothly. One of his big events coming vocate, Jess Borries, has been working up in a couple weeks is the Pancake with a handful of people who have found Breakfast that will be held on July 4th at themselves in challenging situations. the EV Community Center from 7 a.m.One of them is an elderly neighbor who 10:30 a.m. Put this on your calendar and needs to get her driver’s license renewed, plan to bring the family out or make a but has not done so because of the diffidate with someone special. You could culty in navigating the process. Jess has even bring a group of people from your spent hours with her working through neighborhood or church. The more, the the details and being an advocate for this merrier! dear lady. Another expression of love The summer is flying by so get out and was given out in way of Father’s Day gift enjoy every minute of it! bags. Our Case Manager, Eva Banuelos,

561 Columbine Avenue • Charming Vintage Log Cabin • 3 bedrooms / 1.5 baths • 2 car garage • Corner lot Take a look today, $589,000

512 Columbine Avenue • 3 bedrooms / 1 full bath • Nicely cared for ranch style home • Private backyard with basketball hoop • Close to schools & downtown Just $495,000

Grab Your Fishing Pole! • 2 bedrooms / 1 full bath • Primo location on the Big Thompson River • Completely Remodeled • Available fully furnished

New Listing

Call Mike today for your private tour, $510,000 56 Big Pine Lane

Outstanding Mountain Views!

New Listing

• 3 bedrooms / 2.5 baths • Lots of living space • Enormous deck to enjoy outdoor Colorado living • Private location in the woods Needs some TLC, a great project! $425,000 246 Arrowood Dr., Allenspark

Mike Richardson

Mindy Stone

Aaron Busche


Broker Associate CMAS

Broker Associate CMAS, CNE

GRI, CNE, ABR, NAR Green Designation

(970) 215-2722

(970) 449-2645

(970) 470-9962



Alissa Anderson Meals on Wheels had a special delivery from one of our youngest volunteers. Thanks Caroline! Courtesy photo

34 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Open House Saturday, June 25 12pm–2pm

2115 Ridge Road $1,995,000 | 4,628 square feet | 3 beds 2.5 baths ~Pure Rocky Mountain ~ Spectacular views grace you in every direction from the 2.51/acre, level site... A panorama that will never change. Fully updated home with stunning finishes throughout, masterful kitchen features Capital Culinarian cook top, double ovens, Sub‐zero and custom granite counters, plus an oversized butcher block prep zone. Luxurious master suite with adjacent office and private hot tub deck, plus guest rooms and baths for friends and family. Lower level rec room with fireplace, billiards, private gym and wine storage. Crown jewel of the house is the massive 1050sf deck (included in sf), featuring log timbers, native moss rock fireplace and dining for amazing extension of the living space at this custom crafted home. The grounds showcase those views, with a huge firepit, waterfall feature, gorgeous stonework, bbq pit and a fenced area for the pets & play. Pre‐inspected and repairs completed. One of the most spectacular properties in all of Estes Park...



Friday, June 24, 2022 « 35

Summer Art Gallery Exhibit Features The Historical Art Of Estes Park Lone Tree Antiques and Fine Art Gallery in Eaton, Colo. is hosting a summer art exhibition and sale featuring a collection of the most notable artists who have painted and photographed Estes Park over the past 100 years. “Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park have long been a destination for artists from around the country who are drawn to its majestic setting,” said Daniel L. Geary, owner of Lone Tree Antiques and Fine Art. “We’re excited to present this special collection of thirty works by some of the prominent artists who visited Estes. Many of these artists had galleries and shops around town over the years and were also wellknown local figures.” The exhibit includes original and historic works by Charles Partridge Adams, David Stirling, George Elbert Burr, Fred Clatworthy, Alfred Wands, Birger Sandzen and many others. “This is a unique opportunity to see Estes Park explored through many different artistic styles,” Geary said.



By Richard Tallant



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By Alfred Wands


Javier Gomez Broker

0 Fox Creek Rd $525,000

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970 213-8692

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246 Picacho Place 3 Bed/2 bath cabin on aprox 9 acres. End of Road privacy. Quiet neighborhood with great views. Wildlife galore!! Rare combination of meadow & trees plus it borders national forest. 30x50 garage for car enthusiasts or for a multi use shop. Separate detached 1 car garage. Main floor remodeled within the last 2 years; new paint throughout, new appliances & counter tops installed. Hot tub included. well & septic. Listed at $620,000


970 213-9479


Find beauty, peace, solitude and privacy in this 8.9 acre property with a 3 bed 2 bath true log cabin. This heavenly parcel is mostly wooded with pines and aspens and has a pond and seasonal stream. It includes a heated 2 car garage with separate apartment above, a second garage for an RV with space for a shop or additional storage and a general purpose barn with hay loft and 2 stalls plus a loafing shed. Perfect for a farmlet or just a place to get away from it all. Wild life abounds or you can bring your horses, goats, chickens, llamas. Great views of Mount meeker and Taylor Mountain, Isolation Peak and others. 5 Minutes from Wild Basin area of RMNP. 20 minute drive to Estes Park or Lyons. 35 minute drive to Nederland and skiing at Eldora. A must see! Listed at $1,420,000














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Each office independently owned and operated

36 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Be Bear Aware While Camping And Backpacking In Colorado Bear Country Colorado is home to a large population of black bears, with numbers estimated at 17,000-20,000 in the state. As humans venture into Colorado’s great outdoors to spend time in nature, it is important to take active steps to avoid conflicts with bears.

and at night and close windows. What if a bear tries to enter a campsite? Try to haze it away with loud noises such as yelling, banging pots and pans together or use your car horn or an air horn to scare the bear away. Notify CPW park staff if a bear enters a campsite. As an extra precaution, carry bear spray with you when you go camping. BACKPACKING & HIKING Understanding bear When camping in bear country, the easiest way to avoid bears is to not have anything in your campbehaviors and your sursite that has a smell that will attract them. CPW photo. roundings can help avoid unwanted encounters with headphones and be extra cautious at NEVER feed or approach a bear. wildlife on trails. dawn and dusk. Double bag food and pack out all food Stay alert at all times. Avoid using Keep dogs leashed at all times. waste (including apple cores or banana

Most conflicts between people and bears can be traced to easily accessible human food, trash or other attractants with strong odors. A bear’s natural drive to eat can overcome its fear of humans. When bears become too comfortable around humans, they can destroy property or even become a threat to human safety. “The majority of the time, bears are not after you, they are after food,” said Area Wildlife Manager Mark Lamb. “Understanding bear behaviors and being aware of what steps you can take to avoid bears from approaching you is an important part of recreating responsibly in bear country. Being smart about how you store your food, using bear boxes and bear-resistant canisters, and locking your property keeps you safe and can save a bear’s life.” Watch our videos on Camping in Bear Country and Bear Aware Webinar for Evergreen, Colorado. CPW recommends the following outdoor best practices to minimize encounters with bears: CAMPING When camping in bear country, the easiest way to avoid bears is to not have anything in your campsite that has a smell that will attract them. Safely store food, beverages and toiletries in campsite lockers called bear boxes (if provided), in bear-proof containers away from your tent or locked in the trunk of your vehicle. Stash your trash. Put all trash in bear-proof trash receptacles or bear canisters. Keep a clean campsite. Scrape grill grates after use and clean used dishes. Never bring food or anything that smells like food - which includes toiletries, sunscreen and even the clothes you wear when cooking - into your tent. Lock cars and RVs whenever you leave your site Photo by Kris Hazelton

Photo by Jim Ward

peels) to avoid encouraging bears to see trails as a food source. Respect forage areas. If your usual trail runs through berry patches, oak brush or other known food sources, be extra vigilant. Make extra noise by periodically clapping or calling out to alert bears to your presence. What if you surprise a bear on a trail? Stay calm, stand still and speak to it in a firm tone of voice. The bear will most likely identify you and leave. Never run from a bear. If the bear does not leave, slowly wave your arms to make yourself look bigger. Continue facing the bear, slowly back away and keep slowly moving away until the bear is out of sight. If the bear gets within 40 feet, use bear spray. If a bear attacks, do not play dead - fight back with anything available, including trekking poles, small knives or even your bare hands. Sharing outdoor spaces with wildlife makes Colorado a wonderful place to live. Bear sightings from a safe distance can be a rare and wonderful experience for outdoor enthusiasts. Staying bear aware while on trails and camping helps keep bears wild and helps reduce human-bear conflicts. For more resources and information on how to be “bear aware,” visit

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 37

Save The Date: Estes Recycles Day Is Back And Seeking Volunteers

What’s The Alternative? By: Judi Smith

Saturday August 27, Events Complex Main Parking (off Manford Ave), 9 a.m. to Noon Save the date – and your recyclables – for the annual Estes Recycles Day, to be held Saturday August 27 from 9-noon at the Events Complex Main Parking (off Manford Ave). The League of Women Voters Community Recycling Committee and the Rotary Club organize this entirely volunteer-run event and will assist recyclers at three stations: paper shredding, scrap metal and electronics. Fees apply to electronics recycled; donations of $15 per box are encouraged from people bringing papers for shredding. Organizers are seeking volunteers ages 16 and up for the 2022 event.

Are you available on Saturday morning, August 27, to work a two- or four-hour shift? Contact Kathy at for more information. As we get closer to the event further information will be available at



Nebraska Picnic To Be Held July 10

Mark your calendar so that you can attend the 3rd Annual Nebraska Picnic to be held Sunday, July 10th from 4-7 p.m. at the Lake Estes Marina Pavilion, 1770 Big Thompson Avenue. If you have any Nebraska connection, come meet your fellow Cornhuskers for a very fun gathering. Wear your “Big Red” gear proudly and sing along as the speaker system bellows out the Husker fight song. “Big Red” hot dogs as served at the stadium will be provided (while they last), along with plates, napkins, utensils, and condiments. Kool-Aid, invented in Hastings, Nebraska, will be flowing freely at the Kool-Aid stand. Please RSVP to es- We request that you bring a potluck item to share, lawn chairs, and also additional beverages if desired. Donations will be graciously accepted to help defray the cost of the event.

Fact: We, the human race, are currently adding to the greenhouse gases (ghg) in our air by burning fossil fuels to create energy to run our machines and heat our homes and businesses. We cookout on the grill with natural gas or charcoal. Most of us have gas water heaters and/or furnaces. Many of us still burn gasoline or diesel, or sometimes natural gas, to provide transportation. Some of us have gas stoves in our kitchens, gas dryers in our laundry rooms. Fact: In the United States, even the operation of electric appliances is usually powered by a grid dependent upon burning irreplaceable resources like natural gas and coal. Fact: The ghg in our atmosphere is causing climate changes that increase Earth’s temperature and dehydrate the planet. Climate related drought is expected to effect food supply, particularly foods grown in southern climates like Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. The Laguna de Aculeo, in Chile, has evaporated to be completely dry. This effected mining and tourism as well as agriculture. On the other hand, Uraguay had sufficient water to produce a full crop of soybeans, and at double the international price, this was a nice bonus. However, even though the current weather patterns cause some benefits, the decreased availability of soybeans, wheat, corn, avocados, and coffee will definitely affect the cost in this coming year. Animals, even here at home, are migrating to follow the changes in temperature and water. The drought is also reflected in the number and intensity of the wildfires across the Western United States, absorbing time and funds better invested in building much needed housing and restoring decaying infrastructure. Fact: The ghg in our breathable air is resulting in increased respiratory ailments. Higher incidence of asthma, COVID related lung problems, and COPD are plaguing medical institutions world wide. Demonstrably, the concentration of breathing complexities increases in concentrated population, particularly in industrialized locations such as large cities. So what can be done about this? Opinion: People seem to be embracing three plausible alternatives. First – Do nothing. A) There are those who deny a problem exists. They remind

me of the story I heard as a child, of a frog swimming in water over the fire, enjoying a warm bath while dinner was being prepared. While ignorance is tempting, it is not always beneficial. B) Conversely, but with the same result, are the actions of those fatalists who believe that the destruction of the Earth, or Armageddon, is upon us, but that nothing remains to be done. Simply enjoy the time we have left. C) I have talked to individuals who tell me that it will not happen in their lifetime, so they see no reason to worry about it. I cannot leave future generations to reap the punishment for my inaction. Second – The world sometimes seems full of enthusiastic pioneers pursuing the option to abandon Earth and find a new planetary home. When I consider

this option, visions of Jor-El and Lara placing their infant son, Kal-El in a rocket ship come to mind. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are working very visibly on this option and it may very well be a plausible alternative for some of us. If I had the funds, I might find this alternative attractive, but I don’t think evacuation of everyone is going to happen. That leaves us with the third option, reduce the ghg contributions, drastically. Both privately and publically, champion actions that rid this planet of the consumption of fossil fuels at an irreplaceable rate. Use the clean, renewable resources: sun, wind, and water to generate electrical power. Employ the new heat-pump technology. Let the decision makers, both government and business, know how you feel. Vote accordingly. Shop locally. Frequent businesses that contribute. Be resilient as well. Consider the need for air conditioning, even here. Purchase sufficient air purifiers. Plan to stay indoors more, especially during hot afternoons. Learn to drink tea. Grow your own vegetables. Minimize water use. Be prepared. Stay aware of current fire warnings. Check the air quality levels and stay home if you should. Have a plan. Practice for evacuations. Agree? Disagree? Comments?

38 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 39

Voters Should Decide Outcome Of Elections To The Editor: In a democracy, voters decide the outcome of elections. Whatever your political beliefs, we should all agree that the winner of our elections be determined by we the people. In 2020, that almost didn’t happen. In some places, it came down to just a few courageous election administrators who stood up to the pressure and affirmed the results. As we approach the 2022 midterms, some people are working to intimidate and replace nonpartisan election workers with people who might reject election results. Attacks on America’s elections have led to harassment and even death threats directed at public servants who's job it is to protect our democratic process. In a recent survey, one-in-five election workers said that they’re likely to quit before 2024.

Fortunately, there are ways we can all help. The only way we can defeat these threats to free and fair elections is for all of us – left, right and center – to band together. Educate your friends about what’s going on, call or send letters of support to your local election clerks and administrators. In Larimer County, Angela Myers is our clerk and recorder. She can be reached at 970-488-7820. Her address is P.O. Box 1547 Fort Collins, CO 80522. Colorado's secretary of state is Jena Griswold. She can be reached at 303894-2200. Her address is 170 Broadway Suite 550 Denver, CO 80290. We need all hands on deck, and I hope you’ll join me in discussing this with your friends and family and either call or send a note to Angela Myers and Jena Griswold. Help the voters decide the outcome of elections. Kay Rosenthal Estes Park

Estes Park Walk For The Hungry, July 17, 2022

The Estes Park Walk for the Hungry will be Sunday, July 17, and go around Lake Estes. It will start from the Estes Park Visitors Center at 1:00 p.m., gathering at the Southeast corner of the Visitors Center. The need for food aid around the world today is greater than any time since World War II. The director of the World Food Bank of the United Nations has said, “We are having to take food from the hungry to give it to the starving.” The situation in Ukraine is just the most recent manifestation of the problem, but probably the most publicized in the news. The Russian intrusion into Ukraine has resulted in the bombing of the two largest grocery warehouses in the country, destroying millions of dollars of food resources for the country’s grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals, schools and other institutions. Then a soup kitchen that provided meals for refugees was bombed. Prices for food, of course, have

George James Kearsley

skyrocketed. In the Middle eastern nation of Yemen, a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran made the distribution of food aid by the United Nations World Food aid almost impossible; as a result thousands of children are starving. These are just the most glaring situations of need in the world today. Cyclones which hit Southeast Asia and East Africa, as well as drought and famines in large portions of Africa have caused destruction of crops and food insecurity. We hope you will mark your calendars for the Estes Park Walk for the Hungry on July 17. Sponsor sheets for walkers to sign up sponsors will be available soon from churches and other organizations. Contact me by phone at 970-586-0578 if you or an organization you are a part of would like to be part of the effort. My address is 3816 Dollar Lake Drive, Estes Park, 80517.

George James Kearsley passed away on May 21, 2022. He was 68. He was born on February 12, 1954 in Paterson, New Jersey to his parents Margaret and George. George lived in Estes Park for the last 13 years of his life, many of those years raising his two daughters Georgi Kearsley and Christi Kearsley. He loved the mountains and sunshine Estes Park provided and showing Rocky Mountain National Park to his friends and family. As an avid Yankees fan you could always find him around town watching the game and enjoying a scotch whiskey, usually accompanied

by his dear friends. George was first and foremost a father, his whole world was his daughters, who he called his "girlies." You can join us in celebrating the life of George at the Dunraven Inn in Estes Park on June 26th, 2022 4-6 p.m. Let's raise a toast to show we will always keep him in our hearts. In lieu of flowers, you can send donations to his family to fund his celebration and travel expenses for his girlies to come home and be with their loved ones in Estes Park. Donations can be sent to:

Terri Campbell

Terri Campbell passed away on June 8th, 2022 and a Catholic Mass will be held at 10:00 a.m. June 27th, 2022 at

Our Lady of the Mountains. To leave a message for Gail, please visit

40 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Estes Park Men’s Golf Association Results For Week Of June 20, 2022 CONGRATS TO ALL WINNERS – Net scores Steve Nagl 67 Jim Mathies 68 Chris Layton 70 John Tessler 70 Robin Harding 70 Pete Hogue 71 Charlie Griffin 71 Pete Smith 71 Paul Besson 72 Ray Leaycraft 72 Jeff Lindberg 72 Mike Williams 73 Pete Johnson 73 Stan Osborne 73 Stan Gengler 73 Ron Thomas 74 Jim Toresdahl 74 Larry Nosbish 74 Drew Webb 74 Roger Galloway 74 Doug McPherson 74 Tony Fink 74 George Smith 74 Roger Erwin 75 Ron Little 75 Walt Coleman 75 Jim Gallup 75 Curt Collar 75 Kreg Lemaster 75 Kirk Miller 75 Robert Wilczek 76 Dick Smith 76 Virgil Yarbrough 76 John Milburn 76 FINALS - 55+ STROKE PLAY CHAMPIONSHIP Drew Webb 80-82 Winner Ray Leaycraft 86-79 Second Larry Nosbish 85-80 Tandy Brown 83-86 169 Al Wagner 81-88 169 Greg Fyfe 87-86 173 Kirk Miller 93-82 175 Jim Sulzbach 91-88 179 Matt Quinn 92-90 182 Paul Besson 95-93 188 Scott Dorman 97-98 195 Stan Gengler 104-94 198

Estes Park Women’s Golf Association Results of Play-June 21, 2022 Tuesday was the second round of the President’s Cup Match Play. The second round winners were: 1st flight – Carla Spreng-Webb 2nd flight – Pam Vendegna 3rd flight - Laura Mulder 14 golfers played in the “follow the field” event called “Middle Hollow” using the scores from holes 6 through 14. The top finishers were: 1st Place-Johanna Gengler 2nd Place-Claudia Irwin We invite any women golfers to join our Tuesday morning group for a fun and competition. Contact the league President, Carla Spreng-Webb for more information.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 41

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT

Harts Gas & Food

Rocky Mountain Conservancy

Guidelines for Equal Pay for Equal Work Act

located at 860 Moraine ave, estes Park, CO is hiring Sales Associates for part and full time shifts. $16/hr The successful candidate will provide top quality customer service, help maintain the store, stock shelves, maintain cash drawer securing all funds in safe and register; conducts loss prevention observations, set priorities and meet deadlines, demonstrate safe work and risk management practices, complete all duties as assigned. Apply at Parkland USA or in person at the store.

Member & Donor Services Associate Seeking an experienced team player to assist the Conservancy’s philanthropy team in database operaƟon and giŌ processing.  Year-round, full-Ɵme, 40 hours with benefits

NOW HIRING! Full-Time and Part-Time Positions Available for

• Front Desk Starting at $16.00 per hour

• Landscaping and Hot Tubs Starting at $16.00 per hour

• Housekeeping Starting at $15.00 per hour

• Experienced Maintenance Starting at $17.00 per hour

Apply at, mail or email resume to: Fawn Valley Inn, 2760 Fall River Road, Estes Park, CO 80517 Email: Center Operations director Salud is looking for a Center Operations Director in Estes Park • Bachelor’s degree in health-related field strongly preferred or equivalent combination of education and experience • Supervisory experience working in Healthcare Salud Offers: • Starting Annual Salary Range $59,357 - $68,261 • $10,000 Signing Bonus • Comprehensive Benefits Package Apply at

YMcA oF tHe RocKies 2515 tunnel Road estes park, colorado, 80511

Evenings required, Full time $17/hr - $20/hr DOE, Benefits Must be non-smoker.

Maintenance Full time Apply in person: 1260 Big Thompson Ave. or email resume:

Historic Crags Lodge Front Desk Supervisor $20/hr. Benefits start Day 1 $1000 Hiring bonus.

Bartender (experienced), Dishwasher, and Prep Cook Contact Armando at 970-402-9963 or email to set up interview.

Responsible for ensuring the delivery and operation of audio-visual equipment in all auditoriums and meeting spaces. $15.38 - $18.25/hour with full benefits and employee perks.

Stop by and see us or call us at

970-586-6066 300 Riverside Drive Estes Park, CO 80517 Equal Opportunity Employer

systems and customer service preferred

See full posiƟon descripƟon on our website before applying

Email cover leƩer and resumé, and any quesƟons to:

StyliSt Wanted Established Salon - Good Location

Happy Shop! 970-231-3997

tire technician

Opening available for server. Fine dining experience preferred. Wed-Sun 3-9 pm. Call (970) 586-4696 to apply.

Perform tire related and light automotive services. $15 - $20/hr depending on experience. Flexible time off options, at cost vehicle repairs. Valid drivers license required. Apply in person at 1633 Raven Ave or call (970) 586-8085 or email

NOW HIRING Surgical Services Department Registered Nurse OR Circulator or PreOp PACU PRN or Full Time Positions Available

$20,000 Sign On/Retention Bonus available

Housekeeper Part Time, $16 an hour $500 Hiring Bonus!

 Strong oral/wriƩen communicaƟon skills  Experience with Raiser’s Edge, data entry

Audio VisuAl speciAlist

Silver Saddle Inn Now hiring: Front Desk Clerk

 $16 – $19/hour with potenƟal for promoƟon

Rams Horn Village Resort has a year round full time position available in our Engineering/ Maintenance Department: $17-22/hour, plus a summer bonus up to $2000 and benefits package for full time employees. We are looking for an experienced, dependable person who is able to perform physical labor and who has strong customer service skills. Fill out an application at Rams Horn Village Resort, 1565 Colo. Hwy 66. EEOE

Join Our Ore Cart Team! Full Time - Part Time Good Pay, Summer Bonus, Paid Vacation Apply in Person

The Ore Cart Rock Shop 119 W. Elkhorn • 970-586-3577


An American Bistro

Apply online at

SEASONED Bistro is hiring for: SOUS CHEF LINE COOK STELLA’S PLACE is hiring for: SANDWICH MAKERS/PREP COOKS, SERVERS COUNTER HELP Contact Chef Rob Corey at 970-586-9000

42 » Friday, June 24, 2022

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT


Leadership Position Available at the Estes Park Housing Authority The Estes Park Housing Authority is currently accepting applications for an experienced leader, with the abilities to manage the performance of several team members, target positive outcomes, problem solve, and adhere to policies and housing compliance needs. An ideal candidate will possess strong financial acumen and be comfortable engaging professionally with various community leaders, Board Members, staff, residents, and the public on a regular basis while providing oversight for the general operations of the Housing Authority. The Housing Supervisor position is full-time and includes employer-paid health, dental, vision, and Colorado PERA retirement benefits for the employee. Starting salary range is $55,000 - $62,000 Estes Park Housing Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Application and job description are available at the EPHA office or on our website - Completed applications and resumes are to be returned to: Estes Park Housing Authority at 363 E Elkhorn Ave, Suite 101, or emailed to, Call (970) 591 2535 for additional information or questions. Applications received by July 1, 2022, will be given priority.

Now hiring Non-CDL drivers Part-time starting at $17/hr plus tips, $2/hr shift differential pay for mornings and nights. Office Full time seasonal- $17-$18 an hour. Apply within at: Estes Park Shuttle 551 South Saint Vrain Ave

Night Auditor Part Time, Year Round Front Desk Seasonal - thru October Contact Rhonda at 970-586-2358

NOW HIRING Physical Therapist Rehabilitation Full Time, WedSun, 8 hour shifts Pay Range: $35.05-$43.89, plus weekend shift differentials

Please apply at

Full Time Housekeeper for Solitude Cabins Pick up application or call and ask for Kay. 970-577-7777 1885 Sketchbox Ln.

Seeking Servers lunch and dinner shifts, must be able to work weekends. Also need Host/Hostess - $15/hr plus tips.

Call Erin 970-586-5376 to apply.

2515 Tunnel road estes Park, Colorado, 80511

HOuSeKeePIng Crew Leader Responsible for leading a housekeeping crew with an emphasis on quality, accountability, efficiency and timeliness. $18/hr. with full benefits, childcare assistance, and employee perks.

Jerry's Landscaping, Hauling & Handyman is seeking a reliable worker for cleaning and light landscaping duties. Pay rate starts at $12.50 - $18.00 per hour depending on experience. Contact Jerry at 970-631-4823.

Silver Saddle Inn Now hiring: Experienced General Manager Send resume to:


Full details on open positions can be found at Full-time Civil Engineer I/II Emergency Services Dispatcher I/II/III Events Maintenance Worker I Grants Specialist Groundworker (Limited Term) Line Equipment Specialist Mechanic I/II Planner I/II Street Equipment Specialist I/II/III Water Project Supervisor Seasonal Positions Event Coordinator Assistant Community Service Officer The status of applications will be communicated via e-mail. By choice, the Town of Estes Park is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

Maintenance Support

Full Time - Will Train P/U vacation rental trash, hot tub maintenance, other light maint as assigned. Good communication English and/or Spanish. Mon to Sun, weekend/holidays required. FT benefits. Drivers license, company vehicle. Apply: estes-park-skyrun-vacationarentals/job/maintenance-support-ft--will-train

Full time Facilities and Maintenance Manager needed.

Primary responsibility is to ensure that the entire property and its contents are operable, safe, clean and suitable for all staff and guests on the property. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to

Rams Horn Village Resort has year round full time and part time positions available in our Guest Services/ Housekeeping Department: $16-18/hour, plus tips, a summer bonus up to $1500, and benefits package for full time employees. We are looking for energetic, dependable people who are able to perform physical labor and who have strong customer service skills. Fridays and Saturdays are required. Fill out an application at Rams Horn Village Resort, 1565 Colo. Hwy 66. EEOE yMCa OF THe rOCKIeS 2515 Tunnel road estes Park, Colorado, 80511

Laundry Manager Responsible for operating the Industrial Laundry by efficiently and effectively scheduling, motivating, and training staff. $16.58 $19.80/hour with full benefits, childcare assistance, YMCA membership, and more.

Enrollment Specialist Salud is looking for a Enrollment Specialist in Estes Park. • High school diploma or GED required • Bilingual English/Spanish required Salud Offers: • $17.90 to $19.40 per hour • Monday to Friday – 8 am to 5 pm • Comprehensive Benefits Package Apply at

Seeking Bartenders - must be able to work nights and weekends, handle cash, serve customers and staff.

Call Erin 970-586-5376 to apply.

Full and part time jobs available. 970-518-4001

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT

Housekeeping team (2) to clean in campground. Housing, Laundry and Training provided. 25/30 hours/week.

Carpenter needed will pay for good skills and dependable person. Wages based on ability. Call 970-679-7938.

Seeking a CO Licensed Hairdresser/Barber for established Barber Shop in Downtown Estes Park. Generous terms and well maintained on-site downtown Studio Apartment available for $800/mo. Please call (970) 480-5458.

Join Our Team! TELLER Full Time

Ideal candidates will have prior cash handling and customer service experience. Additional requirements include attention to detail, strong computer and problem solving skills, and the ability to work in a fast-paced, team oriented environment. $15-$17/Hour. Excellent benefits including medical, dental, 401(K) and paid time off. Please apply at :

Member FDIC

NOW HIRING Apply at 854 Dunraven Street, Estes Park CO 970/586-1085

Rocky Mountain Conservancy

Visitor Center Retail Clerk

Seeking an experienced team player to assist the Conservancy’s sales department as a retail clerk in RMNP visitor centers.

YMca OF the ROcKieS

 Year-round, FT/PT & seasonal posiƟons available

2515 tunnel Road

 $16.50 – $17.00/hr with potenƟal for promoƟon

estes Park, colorado, 80511

Building Maintenance technician This position is for the maintenance and repair of all aspects of the Estes Park Center facilities. Includes on-site housing, hourly pay, full benefits, childcare assistance, and family membership.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 43

Primary responsibiliƟes: ConducƟng retail transacƟons, and maintaining a clean and inviƟng sales area.  Fun and social working environment  Some weekends and holidays may be required

See full posiƟon descripƟon on our website before applying Call 970-586-0121 for applicaƟon informaƟon, quesƟons or to apply, or e-mail:

FRONT DESK AGENTS NEEDED. Full-time, Part-time and Seasonal Positions Available. Hours are from 8am - 8pm with flexible shifts. Ideal candidate has great people and communication skills. Weekends and Holidays are required. Bilingual Spanish/English is a plus. Call or email today to schedule an interview. 970-888-1438

YMca OF the ROcKieS 2515 tunnel Road estes Park, colorado, 80511

Wedding & SPecial event cOORdinatOR Organize and book event function space, give tours of venues, and act as liaison between departments to ensure excellent results for the guest. $18.23 $19.23/hour with full benefits, childcare assistance, retirement fund, and employee perks.

WorldMark Estes Park Now Hiring All Positions!! Starting at $17!! Offering a diverse range of comprehensive health and welfare benefits to meet your needs and support you throughout your career with us. Benefits include: Medical, Dental, Vision and Resort Discounts!

Murphy’s River Lodge is looking for Front Desk Agent Starts at $16/hr and pay will be based on experience! Apply at 481 W Elkhorn Ave or call Stephanie at 1-970-480-5081 for interview.




Customer Service Representative


HIRING – CDL Bus Drivers $27.49/hr, A or B Lic. w/ Airbrakes and P endorsement. Also, Cleaner/Fuelers $17.38/hr. Pre-employment health screens and background checks. Seasonal work now through Oct 2022. Varied shifts, part-time or more, Rocky Mountain Transit Management of Estes Park for 22 years! Info call 970-577-7477

Full Time Basic carpentry, plumbing, electrical, drywall, painting. Good communication - English and/or Spanish. Mon to Sun, weekends/holidays required. FT benefits, drivers license. $19 - $20 per hour Apply: estes-park-skyrun-vacationarentals/job/handyman--full-time

1480 Golf Course Rd

DOE $18/hr

Breakfast, Lunch and dinner shifts available

Seeking Dishwasher - must be able to work nights and weekends.

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Each Home Instead® franchise is independently owned and operated. © 2022 Home Instead, Inc.

Help Wanted Liquor Store Clerk & Cashier Full Time/Part Time available Starting wage $17 hour Sign on bonus! Employee discounts! Please stop by for an application (970) 586-1930

We’re hiring for the following positions starting at $18.00/hr.: • Drive-up & Go Service Helpers • Checker • Courtesy Clerk • Day-Stocker • Overnight Stocker • Bakery Clerk • Deli Clerk • Produce Clerk • Seafood Clerk • Cake Decorator • Meat Cutter Get your application at: After your application has been completed, please call our hiring manager Ann at 970.586.4447.

44 » Friday, June 24, 2022

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT

yMCa oF THe roCKieS

yMCa oF THe roCKieS

2515 Tunnel road

2515 Tunnel road

estes park, Colorado, 80511

estes park, Colorado, 80511

Laundry SuperviSor (pM)

BuiLding & groundS TeCHniCian – STaFF HouSing SpeCiaLiST This position focuses on the maintenance and repair of staff housing with special emphasis on Glacier Lodge, the year-round staff housing neighborhood. Hourly pay, full benefits, childcare assistance, and family membership.

Looking for an experienced Prep/line cook for our busy kitchen. Must have ability to follow recipes, hand cut steaks, and availability to work all days of the week. Overtime possible but not mandatory, morning hours required.

Call 970-586-5376 to apply.

Now Hiring CDL Drivers Seasonal/ part-time starting at $23/hr plus tips $5/hr shift differential pay for evening and nights. Call Nick at 970-980-9023







Large Studio Apartment downtown. Single adult, NS/NP. 1-year lease, Avail July 1. Call (970) 480-5458 and leave voicemail. No texts. Rock Point Landscape Mowing, Shrub removal, power wash, rock work, flagstone,& More! 970-308-0049

Commercial Rentals Three person professional Class A office. Located in Bank of Estes Park building on Saint Vrain. Previous attorney occupied for over 20 years. Two private offices with reception, onsite parking. Adjacent tenants are State Farm and Edward Jones. $1,600 per month plus utilities. Contact Thom at Verus Commercial, Inc. 303-589-1543 Office Spaces for Rent 1191 Woodstock Dr. Newly Remodeled 1200 Sq. ft w/ great parking. Near Hwy 7 & Fairgrounds. Call 402-730-4080 or 970-420-4388

Jeep CJ 7-1978, runs good with cloth top, automatic, $6,000. 970-370-3448.


Remixed Custom Sewing Services Cushions, campers, outdoor furniture, benches, leather and Industrial Repair. Local - call Beth 970-492-5446

HOUSEHOLD Appliances

Rocky Mountain High End Cleaning Residential-Vacation Hotels-VRBO We are locals, and we clean it all! 970.617.3967 www.rockymountainhigh

Gutter Cleaning, Repairs & Replacement. Book Now for Summer (970) 830-3411

Piano Tuning Susan Novy, local piano tuner. Call for appt. 577-1755 www.estesparkpiano

Commercial Commercial Spaces for sale and lease. Call Eric. Anderson Realty. 586-2950


Garage Sale 2031 and 2051 S. Morris Ct. off of Rt. $40,000 Hair-Nail Salon Jun 24-25 Fri, Sat 8-noon 30-years in Business 7 Many household items, 3 Stations-1 Nail Table furniture, western movie Call Bret Freedman posters, rugs, and much Estes Park Home Finders MORE! 970-215-2494

Business For Sale

SALES Garage Sales


OFFICE SPACE 5’ 6 Offices/Whole 2nd Floor Double Vanity 850 sf, Yr. Lease Min. w/sinks,faucets ($750); Private Parking, Bathroom, copper vent hood Kitchenette, A/C. w/fan,lights; cast iron 33” Reasonable Rates. Quality brn drop-in dble sink Home Repair/Service choc Finishes. w/ORB faucet ($150); Located on River. KraftMade kitchen cabs, Call Bret Freedman Gutter cleaning, repairs cherry; GE Profile 30” dble 970-215-2494 and new 5” or 6” gutters. oven ($150). 832.647.7234 Regular cleaning is crucial to maintaining good OFFICE SPACE For Rent gutters. REAL ESTATE 970-290-4488 Call or text 720-340-1720. Office Space for Rent 536 sq. ft., $1,350/mo., Suite 101, lower level 501 So. St. Vrain. The office space is available 07/06/22. Electrical, natural gas, water, trash removal included. Telephone and communication service shall be at expense of Lessee. Inquiries, please contact Samantha Diedrich Bank of Estes Park, 970-586-4485.


Responsible for assisting with operations in the industrial laundry by efficiently and effectively motivating and training staff. $16.58 - $18.47/hr. with full benefits, childcare assistance, and employee perks.

Yard Sale 6/25, 8-12 Outdoor gear, furniture, electronics, household items. 325 Ponderosa Ave

SALES Fundraisers

Pet Association of Estes Park Yard Sale This Saturday! The sale will be this Saturday, June 25 at the Animal Medical Center of Estes Park from Estate Sales 7:00 am-2:00 pm. All proceeds from the yard sale will be used to supSALE port the Pet Association of Sat 8-2 Sun 10-1 Follow Org & Grn Signs to Estes Park, a 501(c)3 notfor-profit organization, in 2841 Wildwood providing healthcare and housing for homeless pets. MCM Furniture, Don’t miss this fantastic Household Items, Linens, sale, full of unique, one of Camping Eqip, Patio a kind items you’ll need to Furniture, Tools, Shop Vac, take home with you! Dolly, Ladders & More!

ESTATE/MOVING SALE Need to have one, but JUNE 25 YARD Sale seems overwhelming. 8 A.M. until Noon We do the work, you make Masonic Lodge the $. Local, Affordable, 1820 S. St. Vrain Ave. References. CALL JUDI Spaces available for rent 970-215-5548 $20.00 For Details call: 577-8585 Estate Sale 367 Whispering Pine Dr 6/25-26 and 7/2-3 8-3 Lots GARAGE SALE of Vintage, Costume Saturday, June 25th Jewelry, XMAS, Bookcase, 7:30 am - 12:30 pm China Hutch, Books, 2310 Spruce Ave, EP Fenton, Limoges china

LEGAL NOTICE Estes Park Housing Authority (EPHA) will close the waiting list for all EPHA properties from May 16, 2022 to June 27, 2022. During this time, we will not accept new applications for housing. We will use this time to update our waitlists. You may submit a new application to Estes Park Housing Authority as of Tuesday, June 28, 2022. You may contact Estes Park Housing Authority at 970 591 2535 or via email at with questions. Equal Housing Opportunity and Equal Employment Opportunity. Additionally, the Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 waitlist will be open with Loveland Housing Authority only from June 28, 2022 to June 30, 2022. Information and Applications can be obtained from Completed applications should be submitted to Loveland Housing Authority via, in person at 375 West 37th St., Suite 200, Loveland CO, 80538, or faxed to 970 667 2860. These applications will not be accepted at Estes Park Housing Authority. Contact Loveland Housing Authority at 970 667 3232 with questions. Equal Housing Opportunity and Equal Employment Opportunity. La Autoridad de la Vivienda de Estes Park (EPHA) cerrará la lista de espera para todas las propiedades de EPHA del 16 de mayo de 2022 al 27 de junio de 2022. Durante este tiempo, no aceptaremos nuevas solicitudes de vivienda. Usaremos éste tiempo para actualizar nuestra lista de espera. Puede enviar una nueva solicitud a la Autoridad de la Vivienda de Estes Park a partir del martes 28 de junio de 2022. Puede comunicarse con la Autoridad de la Vivienda de Estes Park al 970 591 2535 o por correo electrónico a si tiene preguntas. Igualdad de oportunidades de vivienda e igualdad de oportunidades de empleo. Además, la lista de espera del Vale de Elección de Vivienda/Sección 8 estará abierta con la Autoridad de la Vivienda de Loveland solo a partir del 28 de junio de 2022 al 30 de junio de 2022. Se puede obtener información y solicitudes en Las solicitudes completas deben enviarse a la Autoridad de la Vivienda de Loveland a través de, en persona en 375 West 37th St., Suite 200, Loveland CO, 80538, o por fax al 970 667 2860. Estas solicitudes no se aceptarán en La Autoridad de la Vivienda de Estes Park. Comuníquese con la Autoridad de la Vivienda de Loveland al 970 667 3232 si tiene preguntas. Igualdad de Oportunidades de Vivienda e Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo.

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 45




970-586-2557 ARCHITECTURE



Dr. Amber Busche


970-586-4418 600 S Saint Vrain Ave - Suite 5 •equipped to evaluate macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts •same day appointments for eye pain and emergencies •referral access to specialized surgeons & advocacy for the best care •full service optical for specialized eyewear Comprehensive Eyecare Right Here in Estes Park!

Sweep & Mop Cleaners LLC Sweep & Mop Cleaners LLC

Cleaning Company *20 years of experience


Cleaning Company

*Clean, honest and guaranteed service * commercial cleaning *Residential Cleaning *Vacation rentals *deep & construction cleaning

* call or text for a free estimate! * (970)-430-7678


46 » Friday, June 24, 2022


HEARING & TINNITUS CARE Cory D. Workman, Au.D. Phone: 970-586-5255 • Hearing Aids / New & Repair • Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Protection • Ear Care / Wax Removal • Dizziness / Balance

1186 Graves Ave., Ste. B Estes Park, CO 80517 Fax: 970-577-7260


D Licensed & Insured

DIAMOND D HANDYMAN SERVICE Home Maintenance & Repairs Yardwork & Mowing

“Consider It Done!” Dave 303-877-2007




Cajun Handyman Services No Job Too Small! Office: 970-586-2109 Cell: 970-443-5613


970-586-1685 Custom Homes, Additions, Kitchens, Baths, Historic Renovations, Remodels and Design Work

Charles Santagati 1191 Graves Ave Full service general contracting since 1998


7DKRVD UDQFK#JPDLO FRP /,&(16(' ,1685('

Calls Returned Same Day! Brian Thibodeaux - owner

Friday, June 24, 2022 « 47



REAL ESTATE Simply. Elevated. Real Estate.

Aaron L. Busche, CNE Broker Associate Cell: (970) 470-9962 255 Park Lane, Ste 203 Estes Park, CO 80517






Call us for all of your painting or staining needs!

• Residential/Commercial • Log Homes/Decks • Free Estimates • 4 Year Warranty

• Free Estimates / 24 Hour Emergency • Tree Trimming & Removal • Fire Mitigation / Year Round Service

• Interior/Exterior • Power Washing • Local References • Licensed & Insured

• Pine Beetle / Mistletoe Management • Scenic View Enhancement • Fully Insured • 30 Years Experience 10% Senior Or Military Discounts Business........................................................ 970-586-4046 Cell.............................................................. 970-568-6685

Tim Stolz, Owner • 970-518-4001• 26 Years Experience e-mail: •



Alpenglow Custom Blinds and Shades

Local Sales, Installation, Service, and Repair

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ESTES PARK ELK VIEW PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND CLEANING SERVICE • Long Term Properties • Vacation Rentals • Construction Clean • Residential • Cabins • Carpet Cleaning Call 970-646-8234 or 970-685-7740 Mark Matson and Elvira Matson - 970-235-1133

48 » Friday, June 24, 2022

Local Knowledge Local Experts 600 Ponderosa Avenue



2115 Ridge Road

1515 Raven Court Unit C


647 Little Prospect Road


$1,185,000 Thunder View Lot 3



1720 Moss Rock Drive

2. 5A CR ES

541 Lone Pine Drive




1338 Marys Lake Road

114 Timber Lane




Call us to use our FREE Moving Truck.



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