Estes Park News, July 8, 2022

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Estes Park News is printed weekly and is always free online for updates on your favorite mountain town!

Rooftop Rodeo Week! See pages 18 & 19 for more information and photos.

July 8, 2022

Photo by Kris Hazelton

2 » Friday, July 8, 2022

Courtesy photo

Estes Park Police, Officers In Gray Join the Estes Park Police Auxiliary By: Auxiliary Officer Melissa Addison

Who are the officers wearing gray shirts you see around downtown and at every event? They are proud members of the Estes Park Police Auxiliary. Officially created on March 22, 2001, the unit was originally named the “Estes Park Police Department Volunteer Unit.” The name officially changed to the Police Auxiliary Unit on September 30, 2003. The Auxiliary is currently seeking more members. A successful candidate for the Auxiliary must be able to do a minimum of 96 hours of volunteer service in a calendar year and attend a variety of trainings, be at least 21 years of age, consent to a background check, have no felony convictions, and be friendly and outgoing. Experience is not required. The volunteer application and position description can be found on the Town’s website Currently, the Auxiliary comprises 15 members, all volunteers that support the police and the Town. The Auxiliary Unit

6,500 copies were printed this week, and distributed FREE to hundreds of Estes Valley locations including Allenspark, Glen Haven & Lyons.

A National Online Audience With Loyal Local Readership Ph: (970) 586-5800 Fax: (970) 692-2611 Opinions of our columnists are not necessarily the opinions of this newspaper. Owners/Publishers: Gary & Kris Hazelton Editor: Kris Hazelton Operations Manager: Andrew Donaldson Office Manager: Tim Buck Press releases: All editorial, photo content & graphic design is copyright of Estes Park News, Inc. & can not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Estes Park News, Inc. ©2022 For subscription information contact us.

DEADLINES Reserve space: Monday by 4:00 pm Final submissions: Tuesday by Noon Classifieds: Deadline Wed. by Noon Estes Park News, Inc. is Independent & locally family owned. Our Main Headquarters is at 1191 Woodstock Drive Suite #1 Mail: PO Box 508 Estes Park, CO 80517

EVFPD firefighters generally respond to medical calls in their personal vehicles, allowing for a faster response. On other incidents, firefighters respond to a fire station to respond in department apparatus with specialized equipment. During the week of June 26, the Estes Valley Fire Protection District (EVFPD) responded to 13 calls for service. This included: • Emergency medical (assist EPH): 1 • Alarm Activation: 2 • Smoke Investigation: 3 • Gas Leak: 1 • Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC): 4 • Possible Illegal Burn: 2

is part of the Police Department Support Services, under Captain Rick Life. The structure of the Auxiliary is similar to other areas of the Police Department. There is an Auxiliary Commander, three Sergeants, and Advanced and Basic Members. Because Estes Park hosts many tourists, especially during the summer months, the visible presence of the Auxiliary members performing foot patrol in the downtown area allows the Auxiliary to be representatives for the department and the Town. Another high-profile task that the Auxiliary performs is “Elk Patrol”, especially during the fall rut. The auxiliary protects both the wildlife and the visitors from harm. Auxiliary members work closely with the sworn police officers during most events. This past year, the Auxiliary began providing support around the schools to remind drivers to slow down in the school zones. Two programs that the Auxiliary members take pride in supporting are the biennial Citizens Police Academy (CPA)

and the Blue Santa program. The CPA allows citizens to learn about the Estes Park Police Department as they get to know the patrol officers. Blue Santa raises money to provide non-perishable food, gifts and hygiene products for disabled, shut-in and elderly community members who need a little extra cheer during the holiday season. Other activities that the Auxiliary members take part in include staffing the front desk at the police department, performing community patrols in the neighborhoods of Estes Park, performing vacation checks on homes, and maintaining the lost and found property room for the police department. The Auxiliary also volunteered hundreds of hours this past winter and spring, helping our neighbors in Louisville, Colorado by staffing check points around the Marshall Fire burn area. For more information, contact Captain Rick Life at 970-577-3872 or or visit

Wild Basin Road Will Be Closed To All Uses For Road Maintenance Tuesday, July 19-Friday, July 22 Beginning Tuesday, July 19, through Friday, July 22, the Wild Basin Road in Rocky Mountain National Park will be closed to all uses, including vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians for road maintenance. This closure will occur at the Wild Basin Entrance Station and will include the entire two-mile section of the road to the Wild Basin Trailhead. The park’s roads crew will be spreading gravel and grading this narrow road to

address ruts, potholes and help with drainage. Due to the road being closed to all uses from July 19 through July 22, visitors should avoid this area of Rocky Mountain National Park during this time. For further information about Rocky Mountain National Park, please visit or call the park’s Information Office at (970) 586-1206.

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 3

Rocky Mountain National Park Closes Chaos Canyon Area Due To Rockfall All areas in Chaos Canyon to the west of Lake Haiyaha are closed in Rocky Mountain National Park to all users due to significant rockfall activity and continuing potential impacts from forecasted precipitation. On June 28, 2022, at approximately 4:30 p.m. a large rockfall event occurred on the south slope of Hallett Peak, resulting in sliding rock falling into Upper Chaos Canyon. The area of the rockfall event is highly unstable. Additionally, rainstorms are in the forecast for this area, which may contribute to additional rockfall activity. This closure will remain in effect until the projected rainstorms pass and the slope can be evaluated by National Park Service geologists. The hiking trail to Lake Haiyaha, Lake Haiyaha itself, and hiking trails on the north side of Hallett Peak remain open.

The bouldering area in lower Chaos Canyon, on the north and east shore of Lake Haiyaha, will remain open. There have been no reported injuries from this rockfall event and there are no designated hiking trails in the closure area. Chaos Canyon is a popular area for bouldering. The cause of this rockfall event on Hallett Peak remains unknown. Park visitors planning to recreate in rocky terrain areas of the park are reminded to always practice due diligence and use caution. Rocky slopes on and near mountain peaks can be unstable. Recreation users should know their own limits and choose routes that are within the abilities of everyone in their party. For additional information on Rocky Mountain National Park, visit or call the park’s Information Office at (970) 586-1206.

Pet Association Of Estes Park Yard Sale Raises Over $6,000 The 2022 Pet Association Yard Sale hosted by the Animal Medical Center raised over $6,000 to provide shelter, re-homing and medical care for stray and relinquished dogs and cats. The generosity of the Estes Park Community is amazing! Thank you to everyone who donated items for the sale and to everyone who attended the sale and purchased items or made a monetary donation. Your support is appreciated and will allow the Pet Association to continue providing for animals in need. Thank you to the following volunteers who assisted before, during and after the sale: Joan Borel, Angie Bryant, Karen Dick, Jeff Fish, Jill Flegal, Rex Herring, Kathy Hickey, Renee Hodgden, Meg Husler, Clarie Jarolimek, Lee Kaminski, Lynn Kaminski, Patti Kayne, James Kocer, Debe Pickel, Estelle Purvis, Mike

Richardson, Kate Rusch, McKayla Shane, Mindy Stone, Karen Stovall, Mary Timm, Joann Van Vliet, Crystal Wille, Judy Wood, Stan Becker, and Pamela Becker. Also, thank you to Miriam at Estes Park Rent All for assistance with ordering tables for the sale and to Tim at the Estes Park News for help with article submissions. Extra special thanks to Dr. Jeff Fish for hosting the yard sale at the Animal Medical Center; to Kris Hazelton of the Estes Park News for the advertising support; to Gerald and Suzie Mayo for use of the large sign boards; to Aaron and Jennifer Smith of the Estes Park Rent All for donating tables and the use of a trailer to relocate unsold items; to Mindy Stone and Mike Richardson of Richardson Team Realty for removal of unsold items and to everyone at the Donut Haus for the delicious donuts. The Estes Park Pet Association

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Jesse Shull, Jacob Morse and Dan Marotti, employees of the Estes Park Water Department, are engaged in a “dig once” policy, replacing a stretch of water pipe underneath Acacia Street prior to the street receiving a fresh overlay surface.

Look Around, What Difference Are 1A Funds Making? Recently, a street work-closure sign on Acacia Street piqued my curiosity about what was happening there. After making a quick query, I learned that crew members from the Estes Park Water Department are replacing water pipes down the full length of the street. Wondering what the work entails, I headed over to the Acacia Street site to find out. There, while telling me why crew members are replacing the pipes, Jesse Shull happened to mention the Town has a “dig once” policy. “What’s that?” I asked. Read on to find out the answer. Every year, when the Town’s Utility Department staff makes plans for street improvement projects, they get together with staff from other utility departments of the Town, the local sanitation districts, Larimer County and CDOT. Jointly, they identify streets that’ll be part of the overlay and patching, crack seal and chip seal projects for that year. The various utility agencies develop a schedule for the utility work—repairs and installations—that must occur under those streets prior to them receiving the pavement repairs funded by Estes Park’s 1A sales tax. Wow, I thought, this level of cooperation is so beneficial to the various utilities. It reduces inconvenience and keeps costs down. Leaving the site, I gave thanks for this type of attention to detail that staff of the Town give to meeting needs of the townspeople Estes Park. Soon my thoughts were on my first term as a town trustee in 2010 - 2014. Previous trustees had reduced the Town’s infrastructure maintenance due to funding. Resulting in the 50 + miles of Townowned streets receiving an overall pavement condition index (PCI) rating that was just fair. Later that year, at the annual Colorado Municipal League Conference, the trustees and I attended a class about infrastructure funding. We learned about a unique approach for increasing funding for improving streets and meeting other community needs.

After much discussion, research and public outreach, the trustees and I approved sending a ballot to the townspeople of Estes Park to consider approving a levy of a 1% sales tax for improving streets, expanding trails, supporting the Community Recreation Center and providing equipment for the Town’s Emergency Response System. On April 1 of 2014, the voters approved the 1A sales tax. Look around. The many ways those funds are being used here in Estes Park are quite visible. Notice the signs—1A Tax Project Coming Soon. See where work on streets is being done. Hear the emergency response system. Now imagine life here without all that. Well, what you imagine could happen because 1A is set expire on June 30, 2024, but could be put on the ballot again. The trustees and I are having early-stage discussions about that possibility and the components of a new 1A sales tax. In the spirit of “dig once” we need to hear from you so that no detail is overlooked. Thanks in advance for joining the discussion. Together— we’re better.

Keep an eye open for this sign showing your 1A Sales Tax Dollars at work.

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Old Fall River Road Open To VehiclesTravelers Are Reminded To Plan Ahead For Timed Entry Reservation Permit System Old Fall River Road opened to vehicles on Friday, July 1. Old Fall River Road normally opens by fourth of July weekend. Old Fall River Road was built between 1913 and 1920. It is an unpaved road which travels from Endovalley Picnic Area to above treeline at Fall River Pass, following the steep slope of Mount Chapin’s south face. Due to the winding, narrow nature of the road, the scenic 9.4-mile route leading to Trail Ridge Road is one-way only. Vehicles over 25 feet and vehicles pulling trailers are prohibited on the road. Travelers should plan ahead for Rocky Mountain National Park’s pilot temporary timed entry permit reservation system which began on May 27. There are two types of reservations. One reservation permit is for the Bear Lake Road Corridor, which includes the entire corridor and access to the rest of the park. This reservation period is from 5 a. m. to 6 p.m. The second reservation permit is for the rest of Rocky Mountain National Park, excluding the Bear Lake Road corridor. This reservation period is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and includes Old Fall River Road and Trail Ridge Road. Permits issued using the reservation system allow park visitors to enter the park within twohour windows of availability. The reservation system applies to all areas of the park. For more information and a link to visit

tem. htm For more information about Rocky Mountain National Park, please visit or call the park’s Information Office at (970) 586-1206.

Photos by Kris Hazelton

The Homes At Fish Hatchery-A Proposed Workforce Housing Development Join us for a community meeting to review and provide feedback for the proposed Fish Hatchery Workforce Housing development rezoning. July 14 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. Historic Fall River Hydroplant 1754 Fish Hatchery Road Estes Park, CO 80517 Go to for more information.

6 » Friday, July 8, 2022

Rocky Mountain National Park Proposes Expanded Amenity Fee For Transponder Device

Singer. Song Writer. Story Teller. “Damn Good Live Show!”



Rocky Mountain National Park is seeking public input on a proposed $15 expanded amenity fee to provide voluntary fast pass automated gate transponders to interested visitors with valid annual or lifetime passes. In 2004, Rocky Mountain National Park constructed a fast pass lane at the Beaver Meadows Entrance and in 2011, an additional fast pass lane was installed at the Grand Lake Entrance. Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the only national parks that has a fast pass lane for visitors. Visitors who purchased an annual park pass or lifetime pass were able to use their pass to operate the automated gate. However, in 2019, the National Park Service modified the format of annual and lifetime passes. The new national passes are not compatible with the park’s existing fast pass gate system technology and the fast pass gate has not been operational for the last few years. Based upon this technological challenge, the park is proposing to transition to windshield transponders for interested annual and lifetime pass holders to access the fast pass lane, outside of any pilot timed entry permit reservation system times. A transponder is a small, credit cardsized device that attaches to a vehicle’s window. Transponders are not removable or transferable and would function for the lesser of one year or through the expiration month of an existing valid annual pass. If the park moves forward with this proposal, the park would antic-

ipate initiating transponder sales late spring of 2023. For more information and a list of frequently asked questions please visit htm Public engagement is an important part of the park’s planning process. Rocky Mountain National Park is accepting public comments from July 1 to July 31, 2022, on the proposed voluntary expanded amenity fee. Please submit all comments to: AST-PASS_TRANSPONDER_2022 Comments may also be submitted via mail to: Rocky Mountain National Park Office of the Superintendent 1000 US Hwy. 36 Estes Park, CO 80517 Please be advised, before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. Although you can ask in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee we will be able to do so. For additional information on Rocky Mountain National Park, visit or call the park’s Information Office at (970) 586-1206.

Thursday, July 14th at 7:30 pm - Tickets $20 Or Come For Our Texas BBQ Dinner Honoring Susan (Smoked Chicken, Ribs, Pork) $35 For A Great Dinner and Free Tickets To The Show!! Circle 119, home of American Legion Post 119 850 N. St. Vrain Ave, Estes Park, CO

Songwriter of CMA Single of the Year for "Wide Open Spaces” released by the Dixie Chicks - BMI Writer of the Year 1999 - 2009 West Texas Music Hall of Fame: Entertainer of the Year - Touring nationally !!

Downtown Wayfinding Survey Open To Public Through July 31 The Town of Estes Park invites input from residents and visitors on a survey proposing signage designs for the Downtown Wayfinding Plan (DWP). The survey, which should take less than 15 minutes to complete, features preliminary designs that were developed following community input from the initial public engagement process in April and May 2022. To access the survey link, visit the project webpage at through July 31. The primary goal of the DWP is to draw and direct residents and visitors to

explore businesses, attractions, and amenities within downtown Estes Park. Creating a thematic signage program is intended to connect pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles to shopping areas, parks, trails and community attractions. The DWP is led by the Public Works Department with assistance from the project consultant. Learn about the DWP at For more information, please contact Engineering Manager David Hook at 970577-3586 or

Free Ice Cream Social…. Let’s Celebrate! You are invited to join us Saturday, July 23, from 2-4 p.m., for a free Ice Cream Social at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 950 North St. Vrain. We hope you can come with neighbors and friends! There will be ice cream, a topping bar, ice tea, and foot tapping and patriotic music, all celebrating America and welcoming Pastor Robert Stevens (Pastor Bob) and his wife Laurie! Bring your cameras/cell phones to enjoy a photo op with a very large U.S.A. Flag backdrop. God Bless America!

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8 » Friday, July 8, 2022

Build a bundle. Save a bundle. Susan J Fereday, Agent 501 Saint Vrain Lane Estes Park, CO 80517 Bus: 970-586-9547

Bundle auto, home and life for big State Farm® discounts. So let me show you how State Farm can help protect all the things that matter most - for a lot less than you think



NPS Director Sams speaks with Park Ranger Cynthia Langguth at the Alpine Visitor Center in Rocky Mountain National Park. This is the highest elevation visitor center within the National Park Service, at 11,796 feet, with amazing views of the alpine tundra. NPS photo.

National Park Service Director Chuck Sams Highlights Infrastructure Investments And Inclusive History-Telling During Visit To Rocky Mountain National Park National Park Service Director Chuck Sams visited Rocky Mountain National Park this week to see how the park is working to tell a more inclusive history and to announce $20 million in Fiscal Year 2022 investments from the Great American Outdoors Act and President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that will increase fire resiliency and upgrade and modernize key park infrastructure needed to support growing visitation. Sams also met with employee groups to hear directly from them on how he can best support them in Washington. During the visit, Director Sams announced the NPS has awarded a $19.9 million contract funded by the Great American Outdoors Act’s Legacy Restoration Fund to rehabilitate water, wastewater, and electrical distribution systems and improve accessibility, address fire risk, and modernize the Moraine Park Campground. This project will also relocate electric powerlines in the campground underground to reduce system damage caused by snow, wind, falling tree branches, electrical hazards or wildfire and will add electrical hookups to approximately 25% of the campsites. Additionally, there will be improvements to the ranger station, entrance kiosk, accessibility and drainage in the campground. He also celebrated a Fiscal Year 2022 investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for Rocky Mountain National Park. Fuel treatment projects, including at Deer Mountain, will build on the park’s prior fuel reduction work and further reduce the risk of catastrophic fires fueled by climate change. This is part of the $103 million investment an-

nounced by the Department for wildfire risk reduction efforts throughout the country. The Director was briefed on the park’s fire management program and saw the impacts of the devastating October 2020 East Troublesome Fire, which fueled by record-high temperatures and drought became the largest fire in Rocky Mountain National Park’s 107year history and burned over 21,000 acres within the park. Sams heard firsthand how past fuels mitigation projects aided firefighting efforts during the East Troublesome Fire in 2020. Fire fighters were able to use these past projects as anchors to prevent the fire from moving into the surrounding community of Estes Park. Sams visited the west side of the park to see how Rocky Mountain National Park is working with affiliated Tribes to tell a more complete and accurate history and planning for new exhibits for the Kawuneeche Visitor Center. These exhibits, which will directly incorporate Tribal voices, showcase important Indigenous connections, encouraging visitors to the park to see the park not only as a beautiful natural setting but also as a place where Native peoples hold strong historical and contemporary connections. Throughout his two days in the park Sams met with many park staff and volunteers and visited with the interns from the park’s inaugural Diversity Internship Cohort Program. The program is hosting over 20 interns to increase the diversity of NPS staff through development and mentoring of interns within a variety of park workgroups and partners.

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The internet is adequate when I need a recipe in a snap. But when I have the time, I like to sit with my cookbooks of yore and peruse the old-time recipes. These include my grandma’s Fort Des Moines Methodist Church cookbook (1968), the recipe book from my mom’s 1970s Newcomers group, and of course, the Donohoe Favorites cookbook my mom assembled decades ago. These old compilations have been typed in Courier font, they call margarine “oleo, ” and the contributor is listed by her husband’s name. For example, Hazel Feiner is listed as Mrs. Elmer (Hazel) Feiner, as if Elmer did the cooking and Hazel cleaned up after him, which I doubt was the case. I wouldn’t be surprised if Elmer steered clear of the kitchen until supper was served. With these old cookbooks also comes a collection of lessons for living a good life which I pulled mostly pulled from the church cookbooks. [My comments are in brackets]: • Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler. [When I was in my early twenties, someone gave me a definition of gossip that stuck with me: if you wouldn’t say it with the person in the room, it’s gossip. Although this aphorism is about gossip, I like it because of the fun-on-the-tongue word tattle. When I was a lass, I would run to my mother, busy in the kitchen, to alert her that my brothers were roughhousing. I’m sure my mom grew weary of my tattling. Her answer when I offered my report? “If there’s no blood, just leave them alone to work it out.” I walked away dejected, hopes dashed that Mom would stop their wrestling and restore peace in the household. The boys worked it out.] What my mother could have said to me was: Before you react to anyone’s faults, take time to count ten—ten of your own. [Then, she could bribe me to forget the boys in the other room by giving me the beaters to lick. The thing about my mom though, was that she cleaned most of the cookie dough off the beaters before she handed them over. I didn’t know any different so I was happy with what I got. Today I fight the urge to be like Mom and clean the beaters, and instead find delight in handing them over laden with gobs of sweet dough. ] • If I clean up when I am through, this place will be the same for you. [A simple concept: put things back where you found them. It goes right along with: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So simple, yet a challenge for some.] • If you are dog tired, is it because you have been growling all day? • Life is a grindstone; whether it polishes you up or grinds you down depends on the stuff you are made of. [Depends on the day. Some days you’re the grindstone, some days you’re the rock. Some days you’re the pigeon, some days you’re the

statue. Some days you’re the bug, some days you’re the windshield. We’ve all been both. ] • If a thousand people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. [With information at all levels of truth or untruth running rampant on the internet and other media, we must perform our due diligence before we accept what we read and see as true. Under our roof, we miss the daily newspaper, a valid source of news researched and written by a fading breed: journalists.] • Whatever our faith says God is, he will be. [If you believe in an energy greater than you out there in the universe—or in here in your heart—and you draw closer to it when you play pinball, more power to you. Hiking in the mountains? Good. On you knees in a church? Amen. Call it what you will: spirit, divine mystery, creator, ultimate love. God. Whatever works for you, works for you. If you believe there is no supreme being, then there isn’t one for you. I won’t find fault in what you believe and ideally you won’t criticize me for my creed.] • Then, substitute your word for God below and focus on the message: Thank God for dirty dishes; They have a tale to tell. While other folks go hungry, We’re eating very well. With home and health and happiness, We shouldn’t want to fuss; For by this stack of evidence, God’s very good to us. [We are so very fortunate in this country, despite all our warts and scars. We aren’t a perfect society but we’re evolving and we’re not done yet. Now, let’s get Elmer in the kitchen working alongside Hazel to follow this classic recipe together. That’s a good next step:] • Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that they are thoroughly free from all old memories of bitterness, rancor, hate and jealousy. Cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness. Cut these months into 30 or 31 equal parts. Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time, but prepare one day at a time as follows: Into each day put equal parts patience, courage, work, hope, fidelity, liberality, kindness, rest, and meditation. Add about a teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, an inch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor. Pour love into the whole and mix with vim [don’t you love that word?]. Serve with quietness, unselfishness and cheerfulness. You may let The Thunker know what you think at her e-mail address, © 2022 Sarah Donohoe


S TA N L E Y H O M E M U S E U M If these walls could talk, they would tell you a compelling tale of mountain life in early Estes Park through the eyes of the influential Flora & Freelan ("F.O.") Stanley and the domestic help who maintained their house, property, and way of life. To enter the door of the Stanleys’ 1904 Colonial Revival home is to pass through a frame into a painting, one with a time and life of its own. Be inspired as you take a step back in time with a guided tour of the original mountain home of the Stanleys. Advance reservations are suggested and tickets can be puchased online at The full tour experience lasts two hours, with each tour beginning at the Estes Park Visitors Center. A well-marked shuttle will pickup guests from the east parking lot (near the electric vehicle charging stations), at the top of the hour.

w w w. S t a n l ey H o m e . o rg t i c ke t s @ S t a n l ey H o m e . o rg 97 0 - 2 3 5 - 0 0 6 2

10 » Friday, July 8, 2022

RMNP To Host Virtual Public Meeting On Proposal To Construct New Housing Destroyed By East Troublesome Fire Park Seeks Public Input Beginning July 1 Rocky Mountain National Park seeks public input on a proposal to construct new housing on the west side of the park to replace employee housing that was lost in the East Troublesome Fire. The National Park Service is proposing to construct a new housing complex inside the park that would support 22 seasonal beds. This proposed complex would be located near the existing park housing area on the west side of the park. This new complex would consist of two dormitories, ten residential units, three recreational vehicle sites, and a residential support facility that would include laundry, showers, and a communal kitchen. The NPS would also construct new utilities, replace a water well and associated infrastructure at the existing park housing area, and remove or abandon old utilities infrastructure that was destroyed at the former housing area across from the Green Mountain Trailhead. On October 21, 2020, the East Troublesome Fire made an 18-mile and over 100,000-acre run in Grand County, Colorado. Rocky Mountain National Park lost numerous structures, including 18 historic buildings at the former Green MountainOnahu seasonal housing area, 3 RV sites and all associated utilities. The East Troublesome Fire was the largest fire in Rocky Mountain National Park’s 107-year history. It burned over 21,000 acres within the park. This proposed project is critical for recruiting and retaining seasonal staff to work on the west side of the park. These employees work mid-April through midOctober. Seasonal staff provide essential visitor services and carry out critical park operations. These positions include rangers, park guides, fee and campground staff, trail crew members, buildings and utilities staff, and custodians.

Visit Proposal to Construct New Housing Destroyed by the East Troublesome Fire - Rocky Mountain National Park (U. S. National Park Service) ( for further information. Interested in learning more? Members of the public are invited to join a virtual meeting on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. MT. Park staff will provide a short presentation and will be available to answer public questions. Advance registration is required. To n elto z register, visit: a H Kris Comments on this proposed project will be accepted beginning July 1 and must be received in writing by close of business on July 31, 2022. Comments can be submitted at the following web address: Comments may also be submitted via mail to: Rocky Mountain National Park Office of the Superintendent 1000 US Hwy 36 Estes Park, CO 80517 Please be advised, before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. Although you can ask in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee we will be able to do so. For more information on Rocky Mountain National Park, please call the park’s Information Office at (970) 586-1206 or visit our website at

Happy 75th Birthday, Sue Buckner Sue McDuffie Buckner is celebrating her 75th birthday on July 7! Please drop by the Estes Park Senior Center on 7/11 from 3-6 p.m. for a birthday open house. Cake and birthday song at 5-ish. Please bring cards and memories (no gifts).

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 11

The charge(s) are merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. On 6/28/2022 at 10:35 p.m. police contacted a 31 year old male from Estes Park pursuant to a complaint of a protection order violation in the 1600 block of Avalon Drive. The male was arrested and charged with retaliation against a victim or witness, violation of a protection order and harassment and transported to the Larimer County Jail. On 6/28/2022 at 11:30 a.m. a 30 year old male from Allenspark, CO who was wanted on a warrant turned himself in at the EPPD. The warrant was for a misdemeanor traffic offense. He was arrested and later released on bond from the EPPD. On 7/01/2022 at 6:37 p.m. police contacted a 24 year old male from Fort Morgan, CO pursuant to a physical disturbance complaint. The male was charged with domestic violence, false imprisonment, third-degree assault and violation of bail bond conditions. The male was ar-

rested and transported to the Larimer County Jail. On 7/05/2022 at 7:18 a.m. a 41 year old male from Grand Lake, CO turned himself in at the EPPD, 170 Macgregor Avenue. The male was wanted on an active warrant and was arrested and later released on bond. On 7/04/2022 at 11:37 p.m. an 18 year old male from Estes Park was contacted in the 200 block of East Riverside Drive on a traffic violation. On scene he was found to be driving under the influence of alcohol. He was charged with driving while ability impaired by alcohol and/or drugs, DUI per se and speeding. He was arrested and later released on a summons. On 7/04/2022 at 7:34 p.m. police contacted a 31 year old male from Denver, CO in the 800 block of North Saint Vrain Avenue. The male was found to be wanted on a warrant for a felony (battery, assault, drugs, and threatening a public official). He was arrested and transported to the Larimer County Jail.

Free Antique And Art Appraisal Event In Eaton July 8 And 9 Lone Tree Antiques & Fine Art is hosting a free antique and art appraisal event in Eaton on July 8 and 9, 2022. Attendees will learn about the history and fair market value of their items from an expert appraiser during the event, similar to the popular “Antiques Roadshow” program on PBS. Daniel Geary, owner of Lone Tree Antiques and Fine Art, has 30 years of experience as an appraiser educating the public about the value of their art and antiques. Geary has worked with organizations across Colorado and Wyoming to conduct more than 50 local antique appraisal events. “It’s our goal to help people understand the value of their antiques,” Geary said. “Once you know what something is worth, you can make an informed decision about

what to do with it – like whether it needs to be insured or if it’s something you should hand down to your kids.” Suggested items for appraisal include but are not limited to: art, jewelry, furniture, Native American artifacts, guitars, musical instruments, books, photos, civil war memorabilia, antique firearms and weapons, toys, pottery, western history, cowboy collectibles, and historical Americana. Appraisals will take place at the Lone Tree Antiques and Fine Art gallery, 115117 First St. in Eaton, CO. Appointments are encouraged, but walkins will be accepted. There is a limit of three items per 15 minute appointment. Appointments can be scheduled by visiting or calling (970) 301-0248.

Estes Park International Church Presents: Rev. Dale Begley Rev. Dale Begley died at 琀e age of Eight. Af琀r 12 hours, he was escor琀d by 琀e Angels back 琀 his body. Knowing God had a plan for him, Bro琀er Dale has preached 琀e Gospel a氀 over 琀e ear琀. His minis琀y of Miracles, healing s and moving in 琀e gifts of 琀e Spirit proceed him as a 琀ue Man of God. If you need a miracle in your body, marriage, 昀nances, or direc琀on for your life, please come.

Service Times:

Saturday July 16th. 7pm. Sunday July 17th. 10am. and 6pm.

Where: 1820 S St Vrain Ave Estes Park, CO 80517 Come expecting a Loving God to reach out to you during these meetings. Everyone is welcome! For more Info: call Pastors Mark and Alice Wettengel (720) 561-9491

12 » Friday, July 8, 2022


' n i k c i K r o f it s d i K

more info



Microwaves, Metal and More: Estes Recycles Day Saturday, August 27

Saturday August 27, Events Complex Main Parking (off Manford Ave), 9 a.m. to Noon Estes Recycles Day will be held a little later than usual this year - on Saturday August 27 from 9-noon at the Events Complex Main Parking (off Manford Ave.). Three stations are planned: paper shredding, scrap metal and electronics. This year microwaves will be accepted at the scrap metals station. Please note: glass turntables must be removed in advance. Fees apply to electronics recycled and will be listed as we get closer to the event; donations of $15 per box (designated for Rotary scholarships) are encouraged for the shredding service. The League of Women Voters Community Recycling Committee and the Rotary Club organize this entirely volunteer-

run event annually. The town is again providing space outside the Events Complex. Organizers are seeking volunteers ages 16 and up. If you would like to help out on Saturday morning, August 27, for a two or four hour shift, please contact Kathy at As we get closer to the event further details will be posted at



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Friday, July 8, 2022 « 13

The Flyin’ A’s Of Austin, Texas At The YMCA Of The Rockies

Photo from Facebook

Enjoy a sizzlin’ blend of Texas country, southern blues, folk and gospel with The Flyin’ A’s of Austin, Texas at the Maude Jellison Library on the YMCA campus on Monday, July 11 at 7 p.m. It’s a free outdoor concert open to the public. This husband and wife duo, Hilary and Stuart Adamson, is famous for their top-notch songwriting, breathtaking harmonies, and exceptional live per-

formance. Directions to the YMCA library: Upon entering the YMCA off of Spur Highway 66, take the second left and then the first right into the parking lot of Hyde Memorial Chapel where you may park and easily access the Maude Jellison Library which is directly behind the chapel. Call Robert at the library at 970-586-3341 extension 1133 with any questions.

Nebraska Picnic To Be Held This Sunday

Don’t miss your chance to attend the 3rd Annual Nebraska Picnic that will be held this Sunday, July 10th from 4-7 p.m. at the Lake Estes Marina Pavilion, 1770 Big Thompson Avenue. If you have any Nebraska connection, come meet your fellow Cornhuskers for a very fun gathering.

Wear your “Big Red” gear proudly and sing along as the speaker system bellows out the Husker fight song. “Big Red” hot dogs as served at the stadium will be provided (while they last), along with plates, napkins, utensils, and condiments. Kool-Aid, invented in Hastings, Nebraska, will be flowing freely at the Kool-Aid stand. Please RSVP to We request that you bring a potluck item to share, lawn chairs, and also additional beverages if desired. Donations will be graciously accepted to help defray the cost of the event.

14 » Friday, July 8, 2022

FILMAnthropy Outdoor Summer Movie Series Shows Princess Bride

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Love, honor, poison, swords...what more is there?? The Princess Bride is the next Monday Night Movie in the Filmanthropy Series at Performance Park. Meet your friends and tell your guests, there's room for everyone! Movies start at sunset (around 8 p.m.). Concessions,

local beer and wine, and lawn games start at 5:30 p.m. A local musician at 6:30 pm for your pre-show entertainment. This series is hosted by the Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center. Proceeds from this week's movie benefit Health and Wellness nonprofits in the Estes Valley. It's fun! It's summer! Tickets at

Rooftop Arose Like A Phoenix Estes Park rodeo was lifted from ashes of the pandemic into a fruitful event The volunteers that formulate this community’s annual ProRodeo were a bit skeptical last year. Still in the throes of the pandemic, the organizers were unsure of what to expect with Rooftop Rodeo. With more than 90 years under the rodeo’s belt, the Estes Park Western Heritage Inc. – a group of volunteers that works with the town of Estes Park to produce the annual event – faced unprecedented times. “Last year was the hardest year I have ever been involved with, but it was also the most satisfying experience in helping put the rodeo together,” said Mark Purdy, chairman of Western Heritage. “Things were changing so quickly, so in January, I asked our board to meet once a week on Zoom. “At the end of April, we were at 30 percent of our normal cash sponsorship. On May 4, we learned that we could hit the go-switch and have our rodeo, but we knew we had to get serious. We had to cut back on a lot of things. We canceled mutton busting and the behind-thechutes (tour), and they didn’t get added back until three weeks before our rodeo.” It was a lot of late decisions by the committee, which is already focused on this year’s 96th anniversary of Rooftop Rodeo, set for 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 6Monday, July 11, at Granny May Arena in Estes Park inside the Estes Park Fairgrounds. But that came with the territory in 2021. At least people were up for

gathering together, which wasn’t the case two years ago when COVID had its grips on the world. “By June 20 of last year, we were at 100 percent of our cash sponsorships,” Purdy said. “By rodeo time, we were at least 20 percent above that, a record amount of sponsorships for our rodeo. It’s a testament to the generous people of our community. Our sponsors not only gave, but they kept giving. “We were blessed that the town had canceled everything before the rodeo, so we were the first public event to happen in Estes Park last year. We broke every record we had: a record number of contestants; a record number of fans in the seats; even our saloon had a record, selling 35 percent more than it had ever sold.” It was also a testament to the resiliency of the Western Heritage members who kept their heads down and focused on what they could muster. They knew that battling through the restraints of a global pandemic would be the right medicine, and they wanted to give that to the community and the visitors who make Estes Park a summertime hot spot. From the dust of the volcano that was COVID to its best year ever, Rooftop Rodeo continued to blossom through the challenges of the pandemic and beyond. “It was just a band of us getting together and gutting it out, hoping for the best and planning for the worst,” Purdy said. “Luckily it turned out well.”

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Friday, July 8, 2022 « 15

14th Annual Weed Roundup July 16th

Noxious weeds are once again having a banner year, so keep removing and bagging these invaders. Removing and bagging flowers and seed heads will help curtail your weed population next year. Time and persistence will give native plants a better chance! The 14th Annual Weed Roundup will be held July 16th from 9:00 to noon located behind the recycling center at 666 Elm Road (follow the signs). No early birds or illegal dropoffs; the gate will be closed until the 9:00 a.m. start. Do not block the driveway entrance shared with recycling. The line will form up-the-hill/north of the entrance on the east side of Elm Road. Estes Land Stewardship Association (ELSA) volunteers will be on hand to answer weed questions and direct traffic flow. Educational displays and information will be available from Larimer County Natural Resources and Rocky Mountain National Park. Bring in your weeds – no slash, pine needles, cones, dirt, trash – in paper yard bags for free disposal. Please remove/shake off dirt from plant roots. Excessive weight of wet weeds and dirt is a safety hazard for our volunteers. Bag flowers and seed heads rather than entire plants. Read our weekly Estes Valley’s Weed Alert articles (published April through September in the EP News) to help identify invasive plants and manage seed producing plant parts for disposal. Weeds and trash can be disposed of year-around at Waste Management for a fee. Bags of non-weed materials or native plants will not be accepted at this event. Paper yard bags are available for purchase at local hardware stores. If you want ELSA to continue to sponsor these events, please adhere to the

guidelines. Owning property in the Estes Valley can be challenging and different! Bagging mature weeds this time of year is not ideal weed management and not how you want to spend your time. Be proactive – learn your native plants and manage the invasive plants in a timely manner with a weed management specialist if you don’t have the time, energy or expertise to manage your property. A list of weed management specialists who can help is available at: Also refer to the information and Helpful Documents at Despite the crazy cool spring weather that turned into instant summer, the June 18th Monitored Weed Drop-off was a great success with over 130 bags of weeds collected and 50 folks in attendance! Other Monitored Weed Dropoffs are scheduled for August 20th and September 17th. These events are being made possible with the support from Estes Land Stewardship Association, the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County Natural Resources, Estes Valley Land Trust, and donations. Twenty Ob-Noxious Weeds in the Estes Valley weed booklets are available year around at the Estes Valley Library, Ace Hardware, True Value, and Estes Land Stewardship Association (ELSA) meets the first Thursday of the month (February, March, April & November) at 9:30 a.m. in the George Hix Room at US Bank. The next meeting is November 3rd. For more information about ELSA contact elsa.

F E AT U R I N G Rocky Mountain National Park Map Bear Lake

NEW! Corridor Map Rocky Mountain National Park

Town Shuttle Schedule & Map Town Parking Map Wi th paid lots and time-limited lots labelled



In-Depth Articles & TONS of Great Information!

16» Friday, July 8, 2022

Cary Morin Duo With Dandy Freling At Next "Listening At The Legion" The Cary Morin Duo with Dandy Freling will be performing at "Listening at the Legion" Friday evening, July 22, at 7:30 p.m. Described as “one of the best acoustic pickers on the scene today,” Cary Morin brings together the great musical traditions of America like no other. With deft fingerstyle guitar and vocals that alternately convey melodic elation and gritty world-weariness, Morin crafts an inimitable style often characterized as roots-infused Native Americana with hints of bluegrass, folk, blues, and rock. He has performed at

renowned venues across the globe, including the Kennedy Center and Lincoln Center, and is the recipient of numerous awards and accolades. David Bromberg describes him as “a unique and brilliant guitar player, songwriter and singer.” A tribute to the American South, Morin’s seventh solo release, Dockside Saints, merges Cary’s celebrated style of Native Americana with the spirit and sounds of Cajun, Creole and Zydeco music. Contact the Legion at or 970-586-6118 for tickets.

“Ten Thousand Acres On A ShoestringThe Beginnings Of The Estes Land Trust” Book Now Available For those interested in local history, signed copies of book “Ten Thousand Acres on a Shoestring- The Beginnings of the Estes Valley Land Trust,” by Rebecca Lynn Urquhart, are now available at the historic Macdonald Bookstore, 152 E. Elkhorn Avenue. On the main street of Estes Park. A former President of the organization details the devoted efforts of volunteers and the remarkable achievements of the founders over 25 years to preserve the borders of the Park, open space and views, and wildlife habitat. Paradise could be defined as the Estes Valley, the gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park. The onslaught of tourism, new residents, and development threatened to ruin it. A dedicated band of volunteers decided to save it, using new land protection tools. With no offices or staff, they organized, raised funds over a quarter of a century, and preserved views and quality of the land for generations to come. The saga highlights how the volunteers helped save the beauty the

Estes Valley through sheer determination. Detailing the 1987 formation and first decades of the Estes Valley Land Trust and the perseverance of the founders in protecting almost 10,000 acres of land through conservation easements, it includes an explanation of US and State legislative efforts to conserve land. It is the story of enthusiasm and dedication from its formation to its transition to a staffed organization, Highlights of the negotiations for major land acquisitions, including photographs, drawn entirely from original news sources, public information, and interviews of key participants. The book may also be purchased at the Estes Park Museum, at 200 4th Street, Estes Park, or in print or e-book form on Amazon Books (where the first three chapters can be viewed for free). Any questions or other requests should be sent to rebecca. All net profits will go to the Estes Valley Land Trust.

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 17

Ladies Tea At Cornerstone Church This Saturday

A cup of tea? Cornerstone Church of Estes Valley warmly invites you to our first annual Ladies Tea! Saturday, July 9 12:00 Noon Cornerstone Church of Estes Valley 2200 Mall Rd. Please join in the fun! Your afternoon will be filled with delicious food, fun and lots of surprises! Top this off with an inspirational message from our key note speaker—Jenna Bolerjack, a pro-

Let’s Play Tennis!

Residents and summer visitors are invited to join the Estes Park tennis community. We play at the courts in Stanley Park, near the high school. Men’s and women’s doubles on weekday mornings – mixed doubles on Sunday late afternoon. We would love to see you out on the courts. For more information, call Sally at 970-577-9752.

fessional singer from Oklahoma City who has a passion for sharing about Christ and His faithfulness in all situations. This tea has no dress code and hats are optional! If you do have a hat you love—please wear it; if not and you’d like a hat, feel free to choose one from our private selection. The tea is free but seating is limited, so please contact Ardean at 720-840-6635 to reserve your seat.

18 » Friday, July 8, 2022

Bull Riding Bronc Riding barrel racing tie Down Roping steer wrestling Midway & More


Rodeo Estes Park, Colorado Estes Park Events Complex

wednesday, July 6 - monday, July 11 Rodeo Start: 7pm; Pre-show: 6:30pm (Gates open at 5pm)

Theme Nights! Friday Wednesday thursday saturday July 8 July 6 July 9 July 7 OPENING Family Fiesta NIGHT Wear Pink with with Night Night Los cheesies!

Sugar Britches!


sunday monday July 10 July 11 first Military night responders & Locals

A Town of Estes Park Event

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 19

Rooftop Rodeo Tickets Available Online The Town of Estes Park and Estes Park Western Heritage, Inc. have announced that tickets for the 2022 Rooftop Rodeo are available at This year’s rodeo takes place nightly from Wednesday, July 6 through Monday, July 11 at the Estes Park Events Complex. Standard ticket prices are $20 for general admission and $15 for senior citizens, military personnel (I. D.s required), and children (ages 3-12). Admission is free for children age two and under. General admission discounts of 25 percent are available for

groups of 15 or more and will apply automatically at checkout. The Rooftop Rodeo will be live streamed all six nights on the Cowboy Channel. Each night of the Rodeo features unique themes and/or promotions: Wednesday, July 6-Opening Night Thursday, July 7-Family Night: Tickets for children (ages 3-12) are just $5 each Friday, July 8-Fiesta at the Rodeo (live music with Los Cheesies) : Fiesta-themed music before the rodeo and during Pre-Show

Saturday, July 9-Wear Pink (live music with Sugar Britches): We encourage you to proudly wear pink to show your support for breast cancer awareness and research. Sunday, July 10-Military Night: Military personnel and their families pay just $10 per person for general admission (I. D. required). Monday, July 11: First Responders and Locals Night: First Responders and their families pay just $10 per person for general admission. Locals receive a 25 percent dis-

count on general admission with online coupon code "80517" (only when ordering tickets online or purchasing in advance at the Event Center office) Gates open each night at 5:00 p.m. The pre-show begins at 6:30 p.m. and the rodeo starts at 7:00 p.m. For more information about the Rooftop Rodeo, visit Ticket purchasing inquiries may be made by contacting the Town of Estes Park Events Office at 970-970-586-6104, or All photos by Kris Hazelton

20 » Friday, July 8, 2022

What’s Happening At The Estes Valley Library SUMMER HOURS Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays & Mondays, Closed Curbside Services Pick up books, movies, audiobooks, magazines, kits, even Chromebooks. Available Monday-Saturday. Learn more at Library 2-Hour Parking Library patrons may use any of the 7 free parking spaces marked “Library Reserved” during open hours. The spaces offer a two-hour time limit, for use while inside the library. These are located along the library’s northeast perimeter. No payment or permit required. SUMMER READING PROGRAM Oceans of Possibilities Read for pleasure and earn prizes. Listening to a book, or being read to, counts as well. This year’s theme: “Oceans of Possibilities. ” Visit for full details and log log reading time. Made possible by the Library Friends & Foundation. BOOKS & AUTHORS An Evening with Blake Crouch & Amor Towles Tuesday, July 12, 6-8 p.m., via Zoom Bestselling Colorado author Blake Crouch joins Amor Towles on Zoom to discuss Crouch’s new sci-fi thriller, Upgrade. In partnership with Macdonald Book Shop. Sign up at Book Club for Mortals: Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? Thursday, July 14, 1-2:30 p.m., Wasson Room & on Zoom Discuss books related to end-of-life, starting with Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs by bestselling author & mortician Caitlin Doughty. Sign up at (attend in person

or via Zoom). NATURE TALKS Exploring Nature with Kevin Cook Monday, July 11, 4-5:30 p.m., Hondius Room and on Zoom A monthly series on how to engage with the wonders of Life on Earth. In “The Changing,” nature instructor Cook explores how life on Earth is forever changing, from Stegosaurus to the Lark Bunting. Sign up at KIDS & FAMILIES Library Storytimes Preschoolers: Thurs., Fri., and Sat. at 10:30 a.m. Baby Storytime: Thurs. and Fri. at 10 a.m. Storybook Explorers: Saturday, July 9 at 11:15 a.m. Read to Therapy Dog “Bo”: Tues., July 19 at 10 a.m. and Wed., July 27 at 6 p.m. Pajama Storytime: Wed., July 20 at 6 p.m. Outdoor Active Storytime at Mrs. Walsh’s Garden: Wed., July 27 at 10:30 a.m. TEENS & KIDS Book & Fun Club: On the Ocean Floor: Magic School Bus

Wednesday, July 13, 2-3:30 p.m., Hondius Room Read On the Ocean Floor: Magic School Bus before, then discuss and engage in ocean activities games & crafts. For children entering 1st-3rd grade. Sign up at Make Your Own Mermaid / Sea Dragon Egg Thursday, July 14, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Hondius Room Whether it’s the ocean egg of a sea dragon or mermaid, decorate your oneof-a-kind artwork, glitter and sparkles provided. Sign up at Game Day Free Play-VR Under the Sea Saturday, July 16, 3-4 p.m., Hondius Room Tuesday, July 26, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Hondius Room Use virtual reality to explore under the sea. Sign up at Passport Around the Globe Tuesday, July 19 and Wednesday, July 20, 9-11 a.m., Hondius Room Enjoy crafts, food, stories, cultural information, and group activities themed around China and Tahiti. Two-day program for children ages 6-12. Sign up at Scratch Art Ocean Creatures Tuesday, July 19, 3-4 p.m., Makerspace Repeated Thursday, July 21, 1-2 p.m. Create neon ocean creatures against a black background with a scratch art technique. Sign up at Art Work Wednesday: Upcycled Jellyfish Wednesday, July 20, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Experiment with different art mediums and styles: create an upcycled jellyfish out of recycled materials. Sign up at

Crochet a Jellyfish Saturday, July 23, 1-3 p.m., Makerspace Learn how to crochet a mini jellyfish. Materials and step-by-step instructions provided. Sign up at Kids Ocean Mindfulness & Movement Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 a.m.-11:15 a.m., outdoors Join instructor Diana Laughlin for games and stories, with kid-friendly mindfulness and yoga activities. For ages 4 to 10. Sign up at Harry Potter Craft Day Wednesday, July 27, 12-2 p.m., Hondius Room Celebrate Harry Potter’s birthday with crafts, snacks, and a viewing of Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone. Sign up at WORKSHOPS Ocean Poetry & Mindfulness Wednesday, July 13, 10-11 a.m., outdoors & on Zoom Instructor Diana Laughlin will lead guided meditation, silent contemplation of ocean-themed poetry, and a poetry writing exercise. All levels welcome. Sign up at (attend in person or via Zoom). Ethical Wills: When Nobody Wants Your Stuff Thursday, January 21, 3-4:30 p.m., Hondius Room & on Zoom Learn how to write an Ethical Will and create a meaningful ending for yourself that lives on for generations. Presented by Mindy Rickard, Program Coordinator for the Larimer Advance Care Planning Program. Sign up at (attend in person or via Zoom). COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS Gender: A Living Room Conversation Wednesday, July 27, 4-5:30 p.m., Wasson Room What’s the big deal about gender? Join this conversation about biological sex, gender identity, and gender expression, and share your perspectives. Sign up at FRIENDS & FOUNDATION Cliffhanger Used Books Cliffhanger Used Books, located next to the post office, is operated by the Library Friends & Foundation, offering gently-used books, movies, and music at discount prices. Now open daily for summer hours, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 21

Bestselling Authors Crouch & Towles Live On Zoom On July 12 The Estes Valley our boundless Library and Macpotential. donald Book Shop Blake Crouch is are proud to presa novelist and ent Blake Crouch, screenwriter the New York whose works inTimes bestselling clude the Wayauthor of science ward Pines trilfiction thrillers ogy, which was Dark Matter and adapted into a telRecursion, live on evision series for Zoom beginning at FOX. Crouch also 6 p. m. on July 12. co-created the Crouch will be TNT show Good joined by fellow auBehavior, based thor Amor Towles on his Letty for a lively converDobesh novellas. sation about He currently lives Crouch’s new novel, in Colorado. Upgrade. Amor Towles is Blake Crouch Upgrade, which the author of the will be released on New York Times July 12, follows the bestsellers Rules journey of Logan of Civility, A Ramsay, an ordiGentleman in nary man whose Moscow, and The genome has been Lincoln Highway. hacked, making The novels have him sharper, collectively sold changing his body, more than five changing his brain. million copies Ramsay has been and have been targeted for reasons translated into that dive deep into more than thirty the darkest part of languages. Towles his past. Worse still, lives in Manhatwhat’s happening to tan with his wife him is just the first and two children. step in a much “An Evening larger plan, one with Blake that will inflict Crouch and changes on humanAmor Towles” is a Amor Towles ity at large, and at a ticketed event and terrifying cost. Uprequires advance purchase of Upgrade grade is an intricately plotted, lightningthrough Macdonald Book Shop. Details fast tale that charts one man’s thrilling and registration available at transformation, even as it asks us to ponder the limits of our humanity – and

Join Book Club For Mortals On July 14 To Discuss Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? What would happen to an astronaut’s body in space? Can we give Grandma a Viking funeral? At what depth should I bury my deceased pet if I want him to become a mummy? Everyone has questions about death. In Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?, bestselling author and mortician Caitlin Doughty answers the most intriguing questions she’s ever received about what happens to our bodies when we die. Doughty confronts our common fear of dying with candid, honest, and hilarious facts about what awaits the body we leave behind. Explore Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs in the Estes Valley Library’s newest discussion group, Book Club For Mortals, on July 14 at 1 p.m., in-person or on Zoom. Ten copies of the book are available for participants to read and keep. By signing up and claiming a book, you are committing to attend the book discussion. Book Club For Mortals is focused on

discussing books related to end-of-life and subjects related to being mortal. Please note this is not a grief or bereavement group, just a space for people to have open discussions on interesting books. Book Club For Mortals is led by Mindy Rickard, the Program Coordinator for the Larimer Advance Care Planning Program. Details and registration available at

Mindfulness And Movement: Stay Centered In This Summer Workshop

Nayyirah Waheed wrote, “if the ocean can calm itself, so can you. we are both salt water mixed with air.” Like the ocean, our minds can be turbulent at the surface, yet calm and still in the depths. Inspired by this year’s Summer Reading Program theme, “Oceans of Possibilities,” local yoga instructor Diana Laughlin will lead two mindfulness and movement workshops, one for adults and teens, and one especially for kids. For adults and teens, “Ocean Poetry and Mindfulness” takes place Wednesday, July 13 from 10 to 11 a.m. Participants may attend in-person at the outdoor Yoga Deck, or attend via Zoom. Through centering practices, guided meditation, and journaling with prompts, attendees will explore the oceans of our minds to practice staying centered in an ever-changing world. All levels of experience are welcome, including beginners.

For ages 4 to 10, “Kids Ocean Mindfulness and Movement” takes place on the outdoor Yoga Deck on Tuesday, July 26 from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Kids will learn how to stay centered through sea creature games and stories, along with kidfriendly mindfulness and yoga activities. Diana Laughlin from Estes Park Yoga has been teaching meditation and yoga in Estes Park for 10 years. She studies Shambhav/Ananda Yoga, which teaches that yoga connects us to the divinity of the inner self while simultaneously making us more functional in the outer world. The online sign-up information includes location details of the outdoor Estes Park Yoga Deck, for those attending in-person. Backup plans are in place in case of inclement weather. Visit to register for either workshop and learn all about the Summer Reading Program.

22 » Friday, July 8, 2022

Sunny, Carilta, Juno And Six Sweet Puppies All Need New, Loving Homes Sunny came to us as a very shy kitten at six months old. She had a great life with her new mom, but she recently passed away. Sunny is about six years old and will do well in a quiet home. She has lived with other cats. Carlita is about two years old. She is a super sweet, loving kitty. She likes kids and seems to do well with other kitties. Juno is about three years old and is probably a husky mix. She is a nice, friendly dog. She has been a little nervous meeting some men but warms up pretty well in general. She is good with other dogs but can be a little overwhelming for some. She would do well as an only dog or with another dog that

doesn’t mind her excitement. She is house trained and rides nicely in the car. Puppies! These sweet pups were born on May 19 and will be available to adopt later in July. They are lab husky mixes, expected to be around 50-70 lbs. with moderate to high energy. All of these sweet pets are currently living at the Pet Lodge. Call (970) 2861652 to meet any of them. All pets are offered through the Pet Association of Estes Park, a non-profit organization that is your local humane society. You can make a tax-deductible donation to the Pet Association by sending your check to P.O. Box 4342, Estes Park, CO 80517.




The Future You Wish To See By: Judi Smith

Recently, a large part of the population of our nation have lost the security of knowing that the government respects them. This is now causing an odd, strictly political, migration pattern from one State to another. This overlays migration away from major cities with a high level of greenhouse gases (ghg) and the world-wide migration of people and animals searching for a cooler climate, to say nothing of the escapees from a country at war. Security lies in prediction, in trusting that what was, is – and will be. In a world where various long-term regulations are being “re-visited” and are apparently subject to abrupt and unexpected change, we lack guidance for our own actions. This is harder for the young, who do not remember “before.” For us it is merely dropping back 50 years; to them, it is the reversal of what has always been. A lot has changed. The application and interpretation of laws passed then, now must accommodate both scientific and social differences no-one could clearly foresee 50 years ago. Obviously, it will now be necessary for Congress to restate our intentions when they return to Session in November. In the mean time, by reversing decisions made then, and declaring them no longer applicable now, the Court is effectively leaving the United States asea without a rudder. While the reversal of the right to abortion has taken the forefront in the media, there are other reversals that are, in my opinion, a threat to the World. The Court, in West Virginia vs. the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) recently ruled that “agencies asserting highly consequential power beyond what Congress could reasonably be understood to have granted” are overstepping their authority and causing “unintentional, oblique, or otherwise unlikely intrusions.” The 2022-2023 Congress will need to consider the intent of the Clean Air Act of the 1970s – in light of today’s scientific knowledge – and write appropriate laws to guide individuals and businesses. In the 1950s, we were still recuperating from WWII. Women had earned a place in the workforce, but no-one was quite

sure what that place was. Faced with the Cold War, the attitude was “live while you can.” Television was new. Madison Avenue was king. The 1960s, were a time of changes. With the Vietnam War, opinions and expectations were altered. We had young family in the White House. Young people were speaking up. Protests, marches, and sit-ins were common. Then the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King were assassinated; George Wallace ended up in a wheelchair. Woodstock identified a generation that wanted to make changes – and did. Among other changes well defined refined recently, the Clean Air Act identified problems we did not yet know we had and provided the beginning of solutions. It gave the EPA the authority to regulate pollutants that endanger human health. In 2009, after a two-year specific study initiated by the Supreme Court, the EPA determined that carbon dioxide is such a pollutant. Now, according to the New York Times, “Instead of sweeping rules that would essentially end the use of coal-fired power plants and gasoline-powered cars, the administration could use the law to justify modest regulations that would slightly reduce pollution — but would not force the economic transformation that scientists say is necessary to fight climate change.” Our government is a system of checks and balances. The administration, who enforces the law, and the legislature, who writes the law, are elected. In an effort to protect the Court, who interprets the law, from political influence, We designated them appointed for life. The government cannot immediately affect the five individuals diligently ending the past 50 years, but we can – by writing clear, complete, and currently relevant laws. The answer, whether you agree with the laws in effect for the last 50 years, or you prefer the current reversals, is clear. Send to the next legislative session, individuals who will write and pass laws designating the future you wish to see. Together, we will create the guidelines we believe to be best for all of us. Agree? Disagree? Comments.

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 23

24 » Friday, July 8, 2022

CPW Renews Warning To Expect Aggressive Wildlife As Mothers Defend Their Young

Photos of moose by Brad Manard.

take their dogs into wildlife habitat during fawning and calving season and never let them off-leash. An incident between a hiker with a dog “These confrontations can happen off-lease and a defensive cow moose with bears, moose, elk, deer and other with a calf on a Teller County trail wildlife and especially when dogs are inprompted Colorado Parks and Wildlife volved. They view the dogs as a predator to renew its call for caution in the backand react in defense of their young.” country. CPW officers posted warning signs on On Thursday, a woman with her dog the Crags Trail on Friday urging people reported a confrontation with a cow to avoid the area and, if they proceed, to moose and its calf about 45 minutes up be especially alert to moose along the the popular Crags Trail, which is off Coltrail. orado Highway 67 about three miles The incident is another in a series of south of Divide. recent moose conflicts that have reThe hiker told CPW her dog was runsulted in injuries to people in Colorado. ning off-leash when a cow moose At least two others also involved cows charged from the brush, chasing the dog. exhibiting defensive behavior of their The hiker said she yelled at the moose nearby calves. and it turned and charged her. In her efOne was on a woman running on a fort to run, she fell and suffered a broken trail in Breckenridge on May 26. The arm. second was on May 31 in Grand Lake The hiker told CPW the moose stood when a woman encountered a moose over her until it resumed chasing the five-feet away in some willows near her dog. Eventually the moose and calf wanhome. As she started running away, she dered off and the hiker and her dog refell down and then felt the moose stomp treated down the trail to her car. on her back and head. “This incident is a reminder of why we “This cow moose was exhibiting classic warn everyone to respect wildlife and protective behavior of its calf,” Kroening give them their space,” said Tim Kroensaid. “If you are in the backcountry, give ing, CPW’s Area Wildlife Manager for wildlife extra space. Especially this time the Pikes Peak region. “We know Colof year when wildlife are raising their orado residents love their dogs. But to young. keep them safe, we urge people not to

“Also be sure to keep dogs on leashes. Better yet, keep them at home.” As a precaution against run-ins with moose, Kroening urged hikers to avoid thick willow habitat in riparian areas where they are likely to be found eating or resting. Their calves, born in a 3-4 week period from the end of May to mid-June, are often lying in the willows while their mother is off grazing. Calves, which weigh 26-28 pounds at birth, typically gain about two pounds of weight per day, reaching weights of 385400 pounds by October. CPW produced a video illustrating how people can be safe and responsible around moose. The video is available on YouTube: E&t=2s

Video of a newborn calf with its mother during the May 31-June 1 snow that hit Colorado’s high country: Kroening said the best thing is to leave young wildlife alone, untouched in their natural habitat so they can grow and thrive in the wild. “Do not approach, touch or feed wild animals,” Kroening said. “Enjoy wildlife from a safe distance. Keep your dog on a leash and on trails. “Perhaps most important, if you find a wild animal that appears sick or injured, leave it alone. Call your local Colorado Parks and Wildlife office and talk to a trained wildlife official for guidance.” For more information, please visit our website with spring wildlife advice.

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 25

Estes Park Studio Tour Returns The 6th annual Studio Tour invites the creative curious, shoppers and talkers (who love to learn) into the studios of professional artists in Estes. Ten local artists will open their home studios to demonstrate their fine art and craft process including: woodturning, sculpture, furniture, ceramics, oil painting, photography, custom clothing, artisan skin care and graphic design. The Estes Park Studio Tour is Saturday and Sunday, August 6 and 7, 2022, from 10 until 5. There are a total of thirteen artists participating in this event (ten hosts, three guests). How do you “do the tour”? Choose the route that best serves you; visit one studio or ten. Some locations are right off the highway; others are up a dirt road. Two weeks before the event, printed maps will be available at Kind Coffee, Elements of Touch Wellness Spa, Bird & Jim Restaurant and the Visitors Center. Information on each artist, examples of their work, and an interactive map can be found New this year is the dynamic duo of Cathy Goodale and Jim Biggers, beacons of fine art in the Estes Valley for many

While James graduated with a Fine Arts Degree from Central State University in Oklahoma, he credits most of his formal art training from individuals with whom he has studied such as Richard Schmid. He has traveled extensively He has participated in juried exhibitions from Connecticut to California, and has been featured in American Artist, Revue Magazine and Southwest Art. He has been published in two Landscape books; Art of the National Parks by Suzan Hallsten McGarry and Landscapes of Colorado by Ann Scarlet Daley. Jim won the Legacy Award this year in the Governor's Show, an outstanding accomplishment. Biggers discovered something else essential to art, and impossible to teach. He calls it the “heart of the painting.” “Technique is what gets people to walk up to your painting; heart is what keeps them there.” Laura Davis Digital photography & Collage Studio stop #2 Beauty is hidden in plain sight. Laura’s work is a joyful interpretation of the divine details which surround us. Reflections on dewdrops, peeling paint, beetle paths, wood grain and patterns in natural or human made structures are captured and highlighted by my lens, witness the order inherent in the universe. Laura earned an MFA in the Art Media Studies program in the School of Art at Syracuse University. Her portfolio of the large scale painted works on paper from North Carolina was included as part of her application to Decorate Utility Boxes years and members of the Art Center. (DUB) in Estes Park, Colorado, in 2018. Cathy Goodale She was one of the five artists, 100% Oil Painting, stop #6 women, chosen to paint the boxes in Cathy Goodale says, “If you pay attention, art tran- 2018. Her two boxes are behind Kirk’ s scends all parts of life and makes the ordinary Fly Shop of the Riverwalk, just east things in life “a painting.” Her demand for exceldown the path from our new Women’s lence drives all of her endeavors and her imaginaMonument. She is an artist member of tion pushes her to paint past her “artistic safe the Art Center of Estes Park. Her work is places.” She paints in both watercolor and oil. exhibited there regularly and will be the featured artist at that venue in the final Growing up in Denver, Colorado, her grandexhibition of the 2022 season. mother introduced her to art classics. Cathy attended Stephens College in Missouri and received a This event is sponsored by the Estes Fine Arts degree from the University of Northern Arts District, a not-for-profit organizaColorado. She continued her art training at Denver tion promoting the arts in the Estes ValUniversity, studying commercial art under William ley and is founded and funded by artists Sanderson. She has also studied with Charles Reid, and their sponsors. The goal is to proRichard Schmid, Burt Silverman, Carolyn Anderson vide locals and guests alike an opportuand Zolton Szabo. nity to meet their creative neighbors, to see the process of making, and to buy The opportunities for travel and teaching workart. A huge shout out to our sponsors, shops in Russia, Mexico, Africa, Spain, France, Irethese local businesses support the arts in land and Costa Rica are some of her greatest learnour small, mountain valley and their ing experiences. support is pinnacle to the success of this Cathy’s work can be found in the Columbine Gallery, in Loveland, Colorado and the Arts Center event. We are so grateful to Estes Park News, Dr. William Pike, Dr. Daniel of Estes Park in Estes Park, Colorado. Rauk, Rambos Liquor, Ed’s Cantina, TW Jim Biggers Beck Architecture, Richardson Team ReOil Painting stop #6 alty, RE/MAX Mountain Brokers, First Looking at the world with a different eye, James Colorado Realty, Bird & Jim Restaurant, Biggers looks for more than merely seeing the natu- Kind Coffee, The Rock Inn, Elements of ral beauty of a scene. He tries to find the emotions Touch Wellness Spa and Christian Hill that are tied up within a subject and portray those in CPA. his paintings. It is through the heart of the painting Viva Creative Culture! that he makes the emotional connection with the viewer that he feels is essential in great art.

26 » Friday, July 8, 2022

ARE YOU EXPERIENCING THE ‘FOUR FREEDOMS’ TODAY? About eighty years ago, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered his ‘State of the Union’ address to Congress. In it he outlined ‘Four Freedoms’ that American citizens were in danger of losing if they did not prepare to defend them. Those four ‘freedoms’ were: the Freedom of Speech and Expression; the Freedom to Worship according to one’s own conscience; the Freedom from Want; the Freedom from Fear. Sadly, our citizens were not moved to action as quickly as was desired and needed. It was shortly thereafter that an artist, named Norman Rockwell, painted four heart-touching paintings that spurred the nation to action, resulting in a massive war-funding sale of war bonds that enabled the nation to equip itself following the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the war that would follow. If you ever get to Stockbridge, Massachusetts be sure to visit the Rockwell Museum and view these paintings that inspired a nation. (Or, in the meantime, pull them up on your electronic device and view them even sooner. You will be inspired… as a nation was back in 1943.) As we just celebrated our Independence Day, established to remind us of the ‘freedoms’ we enjoy, what an appropriate time to review these ‘freedoms’ and remind ourselves of how they should be ‘playing out’ in our lives right now. The first ‘freedom’ Rockwell depicted was the ‘Freedom of Speech and Expression’. We would have to admit that this freedom is widely used in many ways in our society. It’s seen in the many protests and demonstrations that take place somewhere in our nation almost weekly. In many cases this freedom is abused, while in many others it is appropriate and effective. We need to examine each incident to ascertain which we should participate in. Even closer to home, we need to examine our words to determine which are best to use when speaking to or about others. “Let no unwholesome speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for building others up!” the Bible says. The second ‘freedom’ President FDR and Rockwell urged upon our citizens is the ‘Freedom to worship’. We know that this ‘right’ has been challenged and limited at various times and places in the past. For some, this is not a priority, because many choose not to participate in formal worship activity. However, for those who see this as something they are called to do by a ‘Higher Power’, it needs to be a freedom that is allowed, even encouraged. The third ‘freedom’ urged for our nation’s people is the ‘Freedom from Want’. We are fully aware that, as Jesus once said, “the poor you will have with you always.” Every generation has witnessed its share of people ‘in want’. We often like to avoid our responsibility by reminding such people of the numerous ‘help wanted’ signs and shift total responsibility to those suffering. We need to consider our ‘many blessings’ and share in whatever way we can that will best help meet their ‘need’. This may not be to ‘give’ them something. Sometimes a better way is to encourage or to support with advice, opportunity and training. The fourth ‘freedom’, so badly needed in our land right now, is the ‘Freedom from Fear’. In order for this to happen there are several things that need to happen. One, of course, as much as possible, proper protection must be given by parents, local authorities, and the community. However, we must recognize that fear is something that is ‘within’ and that part of it must be addressed by the individual, who must learn to walk carefully, and trustingly. In the Bible a man once said: “What I feared has come upon me!” We know of ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ taking place because people harbor fears. So this ‘freedom’ demands efforts on the part of all. May July 4th 2022 begin a great time of experiencing the ‘four freedoms’, leading to a more comfortable and rewarding life. Bob Lewis

July 8 - July 14

Coming Soon





New Temporary Exhibit At The Estes Park Museum To Feature Local Artist Greig Steiner By Greig: The Art of Greig Steiner, the new temporary exhibition at the Estes Park Museum, will open with a Members Only Preview on Friday, July 15 from 4 - 6 p.m. Mr. Steiner has worked and created art in Estes Park since 1959. The show features paintings, sculptures, architectural drawings, portraits, and sketches; some of which are being exhibited for the first time and reside in Steiner’s personal collection. During the opening, members will have the first opportunity to view the exhibit and meet with Greig Steiner. Additionally, members will enjoy light hors d’oeuvres and wine (provided by the Estes Park Museum Friends and Foundation, Inc.), and be entered to win door prizes throughout the evening. A graduate of the Pasadena Playhouse, Steiner’s work reflects his theatrical

background. He has designed, built and painted sets, produced, directed, acted, and danced in over 350 shows and counting. His paintings and sculptures have been displayed throughout the United States and around the world. Utilizing many mediums and styles, Steiner’s technique varies by piece to capture the true nature of his subjects. The exhibit will open to the public on Saturday, July 16 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and will be open during the Museum’s regular operating hours, Wednesday – Saturday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. By Greig will be on display until January 2023. Not a member, but want to attend this and other special events at the Museum throughout the year? It’s easy to join at or stop in the Museum to sign-up.

Estes Park Museum Book Program: A History Of The Southern Estes Valley With Special Emphasis On Carriage Hills On Saturday July 9, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. join local author Bob Leavitt as he discusses his new book, A History of the Southern Estes Valley, with Special Emphasis on Carriage Hills. This program is free and open to the public, no registration is required. The book will be for sale in the Museum Shop for $29.95, Museum members will receive a 10% discount. The book details the early settlement of the Southern Estes Valley and the growth of Carriage Hills and nearby areas. Over several years of research regarding the Southern Estes Valley, Leavitt discovered an early ranch (the second one in the Estes Valley) and identified the owner as a man named James McLaughlin. The land

passed through several owners until it was developed as the Carriage Hills subdivision. As Carriage Hills grew to several hundred homes, a fierce battle erupted over the proposed annexation by the Town of Estes Park. Though annexation was ultimately rejected, it involved issues that still resonate today whenever annexation is discussed. Bob and his wife Connie moved to Carriage Hills in 2014, along with their two golden retrievers. Bob has been a history buff for many years. He discovered that little had been written about the Southern Estes Valley and Carriage Hills. Thus, the idea for this book was born.

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 27

Estes Park Genealogical Society Meeting July 14

The Estes Park Genealogical Society will meet Thursday, July 14, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. in the Hondius Room of the Estes Valley Library. Glenn York, president of the Larimer County Genealogical Society will present on the topic “Using Tree Information Provided by DNA Testing Companies.” In this presentation, Glenn will review three different approaches that DNA testing companies use to find family relationships, exploring Ancestry “Thrulines,” MyHeritage “Theories of Family Relativity,” and 23andMe “Your Family Tree.” We will briefly look at some third-

party tools that help build tree information from DNA test results and discuss how each can be useful to advance your research. Glenn is an avid genealogist and serves as the delegate to the National Genealogical Society for the Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies. He is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, National Genealogical Society and the Genealogical Speakers Guild, along with many other genealogical and historical societies. He also facilitates monthly DNA study groups and has assisted many individuals in discovering their biological families through his understanding of genetic genealogy. This is a “don’t miss” opportunity to learn more about DNA testing and its uses. The Estes Park Genealogical Society meets on the second Thursday of every month from January through November in the library, offering a wide variety of programs and workshops. More information about the Society, including how to become a member, can be found on its website All who are interested in genealogy and family history research are welcome to attend these free public programs.

Estes Valley Quilt Guild Meeting

Small Connections Now Lead To Big Connections For The Future Looking for an adventure partner for summer activities? Partners has a waitlist full of kids looking to have fun while school is out! Become a mentor and get

The Estes Valley Quilt Guild invites everyone to attend our Guild Meeting, July 13th. We meet at the Mountain Valley Bible Fellowship Church (1575 S. St. Vrain Ave., in Estes Park) and we gather at 6:30 p.m., business meeting at 6:45, then program at 7. We would love to have you join us. The guild programs for July and August will be Member (and Guests) Show & Tell. The last half of the alphabet (N thru Z) will show their quilts in July and

the first half of the alphabet (A-M) will show in August. Bring the first quilt you ever made (or the earliest one that you still have in your possession). No matter whether you are new to quilting or an “old pro,” we will celebrate the effort behind that first one and celebrate our early achievements! There is a $10 fee for guests to attend, which we will gladly apply to your membership fee if (when!) you decide to join. See you there!

out to do all the activities northern Colorado has to offer! Sign up:

28 » Friday, July 8, 2022




Independence Or “In” Dependence


Leave Young Wildlife Alone


Our mother is likely nearby, but may have left us to find food and shelter.

■ Do not approach, touch or feed wild animals. ■ Enjoy wildlife from a safe distance. ■ Keep your dog on a leash on trails. ■ If you find an animal that appears sick or injured, leave it alone. Call a Colorado Parks and Wildlife office and talk to a trained wildlife officer for guidance. COLORADO PARKS & WILDLIFE • 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216 • 303-297-1192 • 5/22

Special Olympics Bocce Ball On Saturdays Estes Park Special Olympics organizers are hosting bocce ball games on Saturdays at 9 a.m. at Baldwin Park, near the post office. All ages are welcome to participate.

For more information, contact Audri Smith at 970-451-3762 or email

We recently celebrated 246 years of independence from Great Britain. Two days prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence the 2nd Continental Congress passed the Resolution of Independence legalizing the separation of the 13 Colonies from England. Great Britain obviously saw it as anything but legal. John Adams wrote, “The 2nd day of July 1776 will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the Great Anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God.” Independence is a big deal. As a fledgling nation, our forefathers took up arms, shed blood and paid the ultimate sacrifice to be free from tyranny. 246 years later some would consider our freedoms coming under pressure. I am one. I am also one who understands the pressure of what it means to be independent—as a man. As men—and women— we feel the pressure culture places on us to be independent. If one is seen as dependent on anybody or anything words like weak, slouch or slacker might be applied. So we go to great lengths to become self-reliant and self-sufficient. Both are fallacies but we buy into them. Fortunately the Word of God challenges and shifts our thinking. John 5:15 says, “I am the vine you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. ” That doesn’t sound like much of a command to pursue self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Not knowing God, being in relationship with Him and not living a surrendered life can be a lonely place. I know

because that used to be me. I was the King of Self. Spiritual dependence on God is counterintuitive to our flesh. Our natural inclination will fight dependence on God to the death. Such an unfortunate end for many. At Men on Fire we readily accept “self ” as one of the many defects of character challenging men. The quest for independence has taken its toll on the best of us. The graveyard is littered with many who invested their whole life loathing the thought of dependence. The poet John Donne said, “No man is an island.” He was right. Perhaps you’re considering if you will impact people and this world for anything more than earthly significance. Maybe you’re realizing a desire for your legacy to be bigger than just what you accomplished in this life. Or you’re flat exhausted striving to “be all you can be” without a relationship with God. Jesus in not a concept. He doesn’t want to be an acquaintance. He wants to be the most significant relationship you have. He took the bullet that was already out of the barrel for your benefit and life— now and forever. His grace is till amazing. At Men on Fire we remind ourselves of these truths every Saturday at “Breakfast with a Purpose.” Breakfast is served promptly at 8:00 a.m. at The American Legion, 850 N. St. Vrain. Looking for all the right answers and men who have it all figured out? We’re the wrong guys. We’re simply men from many churches striving to increase our dependence on God and strength from each other. I guarantee you’ll be welcome. Visiting from out of town? Come hang out and enjoy the awesome food, faith and fellowship. All men are welcome regardless of where you’re at on your faith journey. Stay Strong! Lead On! Larry Strong Team MOF

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 29

The Rotary Club of Estes Park Welcomes Dawn Shields The Rotary Club of Estes Park is thrilled to have Dawn Shields as a new member. Dawn quickly dived into service by helping with the Duck Race this year. We know that her skills of leadership development and passion for eradicating sex trafficking of children will fit very well with our core missions of service and environmental sustainability. Rotary is a place to learn how to solve important social issues. In Rotary, Dawn joins local professionals and community leaders who are dedicated to changing lives throughout the community and internationally. When not working at Allnutt Funeral Services, Dawn enjoys participating in the Estes Park Art Guild, the museum and enjoys activities at the American Legion. Rotary Club of Estes Park's main objective is service - in the community, in the workplace, and around the globe. The

1.2 million Rotarians who make up more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in nearly every country in the world share a dedication to the ideal of “Service Above Self ”. Rotary friendships and club activities, social events, and volunteer projects offer networking opportunities that build personal and professional connections. We encourage anyone interested in sharing ideas and taking action to create lasting change to visit the Rotary Club of Estes Park at one of our meetings. Social gatherings are Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. at the American Hall. Legion. The weekly program begins at 12 noon. Lunch is available at 12 noon for $15. Learn more at: Like us on Facebook:

Save The Date For Rotary Golf Tourney Rotary Club of Estes Park Golf Tournament for Scholarships Golf Tournament Friday, Sept. 16

E.P. Rotary major fundraiser for scholarships 1:30 p.m. Shotgun Start

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings AA of Glen Haven- Every Monday night at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m. Early Worms-Monday thru Saturday at 7:00 a.m. (Tues., Thurs. & Saturday hybrid meetings with Zoom #796 839 839 PW:Worms20) at St. Bartholomew Church, 880 MacGregor Ave. Fall River Group Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held at 453 West Elkhorn: Sunday 6:00 p.m. Mon., Weds., Sat. Noon Fri. Noon and 7:00 p.m.

Zoom Meetings-Everyday at noon Zoom #999 829 166 (no password needed). Monday Zoom Big Book study at 7 p.m. #654 598 884 (no password needed). Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Zoom #999 829 166 West Side Estes Park AA, meets at 2515 Tunnel Road, Estes Park and it takes place Saturdays at 2:00 p.m. in the Dannen Library - located on the lower level of the Legett Christian Center.

You first...

Photo by Robert Burns

Estes Park Senior Citizens Center Menu July 11 – 15 Monday, July 11

Denver Omelette (ham, mushrooms, onions & green peppers) w/ hashbrowns & fruit

Tuesday, July 12

Swiss Mushroom Burger w/ Potato Salad

Wed., July 13

Fried Chicken (3 pc) w/ Mashed Potatoes, gravy & vegetables FREE Live Music this Wednesday 11:30 – 2:30

Thursday, July 14 Cheese Ravioli w/ garlic bread & side salad Friday, July 15

Salmon (4 oz) w/ Rice Pilaf & soup of the day

July 18 – 22 Monday, July 18

Roasted Pork Loin w/ applesauce & vegetables

Tuesday, July 19

Chicken Quesadilla w/ soup of the day

Wed., July 20

Philly Beef Sandwich (topped w/ mozzarella cheese, green peppers & onions) w/ Pasta Salad

Thursday, July 21 Chicken Parmesan w/ Spaghetti, garlic bread & side salad Friday, July 22

Trout (4 oz) w/ Baked Potato & soup of the day

Meals are $7 for current 2022 EP Senior Citizens Center members and are by reservation only. (Or 3 meals for $20; use pre-paid meal tickets.) Exact cash or check payment required. Reservations must be made by 1:00 PM at least one business day in advance. Note, if you want to reserve a meal for Monday, July 11th, you need to call before 1:00 PM on Friday, July 8th. For reservations call 970-581-2195 and leave a detailed message. Pre-paid meal tickets and membership forms are available at the Estes Park Senior Citizens Center located at 1760 Olympian Lane and at

The Center is OPEN (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10-1; Tuesday 10-2) TriFit (MWF 10:30-11:15); Yoga/Balance (TT 10:15-11:15) Mahjong (Tuesdays 10-2); Crafts (Tuesdays 11:30-1) Two Bridge Groups: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Wednesday of the month & Every Thurs 12:30-4 PM Reserved Meals-to-Go delivered to your vehicle or EAT at the Senior Citizens Center Check out our website: or call for the latest information

30 » Friday, July 8, 2022

Pancake Breakfast A Delicious Success!

By: Brian Schaffer

It seems as though every nonprofit in town has something going on to raise awareness and funding for their programs, so we’re thankful to everyone who came out for our pancake breakfast to help us keep people fed and housed. In every sense of the word we feel this year’s event was a grand success! Success is measured differently depending on your perspective, so I’d like to share why I think it was a success. We had a steady flow of people coming throughout the morning of July 4th which allowed everyone to enjoy the freshly cooked eggs, sausage, and pancakes. There was plenty of seating available for people to sit outside in the sunny weather or to stay in-

side where it was a little bit cooler. I saw neighbors from our community reconnecting with those they hadn’t seen for several months and they spent time around the table catching up on the important things of life. In fact, one person told me that they saw a couple people who they thought had died last year, so he was very grateful to discover they were still around. And, of course, there were some folks from out of town that came into a nice setting where they encountered friendly volunteers who took good care of them during their dining experience. There was a photo booth to capture some fun memories of the morning. Mike Richardson and his crew had such a good photo I’m sure he’ll use it on his Christmas card this year. The Knights of Columbus arrived as the sun was coming up to prepare the kitchen for all the delicious food they would be cooking throughout the morning. Of course, the food is the major component of a pancake breakfast, so

we’re grateful to have these faithful men who are a part of this wonderful organization. And once the food is prepared there are folks who are serving it up. Our volunteer team was very pleasant to work with and did an outstanding job of dishing it out and going with the flow of whatever drink they were serving. It’s so true that many hands make light work and this was demonstrated in a very tangible way during the clean-up. People were so willing to pitch in and help us out! We are fortunate to have leaders who make serving together a joy. Our Associate Director, Tim Van Ryn, helped with our publicity, securing resources, volunteer recruitment and giving direction to important logistical

components. Tom Casey and Brian Thibodeaux recruited, promoted, and organized the Knights of Columbus to serve as our cooks. And last but not least, Gene and Lisa Whannel have served as our committee chairs for this event for more years than I can count and once again they did a bang up job making sure all the details were taken care of and people were in the right places doing the right things. Thank you so much for everyone who served in whatever capacity to make this event happen. The donations collected at this event will go towards assisting people in our community with groceries, rent, utilities, fuel vouchers, medical, or whatever else they may need to meet the basic necessities of life. Our sponsors this year were the Estes Park News in their help with communications, Starbuck’s in their provision of coffee, Rambo’s in their provision of ice, and the Knights of Columbus who gave of their expertise in cooking the food.

Cornerstone Church Of Estes Valley Continues Their Summer Series Concerts With Blake & Jenna Bolerjack Friday, July 8 at 7:00 p.m. The award winning Christian music husband/wife duo of Blake & Jenna Bolerjack travel full time together throughout the USA and Canada as well as Germany sharing concerts and speaking in front of all kinds of audiences, young and old alike. Blake and Jenna have recorded 6 CDs together and as they’ve traveled their happy personalities and transparent nature have earned them the nickname “The Sweethearts of Gospel Music.” Their music features their velvety vocal blend with a mix of classic and modern styles of Christian music. You will hear songs such as the dramatic, runaway crowd favorite “Ain’t No Grave” and their current radio hit “Come As You Are,” and other well known songs such as “Jesus Messiah” and “Because He Lives.” Blake & Jenna also will share their testimonies about how even in dark times God never leaves you. Individually, Blake & Jenna each have powerful testimonies of God’s grace and faithfulness in their lives, bringing them through the lowest of valleys and into the healing and restoration on the other side. Their goal in sharing about their journeys is to encourage listeners that God loves you and is always with you and this world is not all you get. At age 31 Jenna was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive breast cancer and now, as a six year cancer survivor, Jenna will share her moving testimony about the faithfulness of God throughout that journey and how you never know how God is going to use the storms in our lives to encourage other people and even grow our trust in God. During her treatment Jenna was able to proclaim the goodness of God in her doctors’ appointments, interactions with other patients, and at their concerts - sharing about how we do

not have to ‘fear bad news’ because, when you trust in Jesus, you know you are being held in loving, capable hands. Jenna states, “We take the time, wherever we go, to give thanks that whatever the prognosis, whatever the situation, in Jesus we have a win-win situation.” Before Blake and Jenna traveled as a duet group, Blake traveled as a soloist for 11 years after college. Blake is an award winning songwriter and he also has a story of his own that he shares about walking through debilitating anxiety and depression as a teenager. Blake shares his very personal account about how at one point he felt so low he tried to take his own life but how God intervened and set Blake on a path toward healing. This couple will share a lot of songs and stories at this concert; there will be songs to enjoy by every one of all ages. If you enjoy hymns and Southern gospel, there will be those songs… and if you enjoy praise and worship and more contemporary styles, they will also be part of the concert. Blake and Jenna comment: “We just sing songs we like. We grew up on all kinds of music and I think it really shows in the variety of styles we sing in concert. We like to mix it up.” You can find their music on all digital music platforms and their YouTube channel has many music and personal videos posted to enjoy. This concert is the perfect opportunity to invite a friend and enjoy an evening of uplifting, happy music, and encouragement to keep going and keep your eyes on Jesus. The concert is hosted by Cornerstone Church Of Estes Valley and is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m., Friday evening, July 8. The church is located at 2200 Mall Road in Estes Park, CO. Free Admission. Donations appreciated. Visit online at

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 31

5532 E US HIGHWAY 36

AbbeyPontius Broker

Eric Blackhurst

Since 1930 this 38.9 acre property has provided travelers food, lodging and a place Owner reports 4 buildings have 21,988 sqft of finished living spaces, this property must be seen to be appreciated. $3,900,000

Broker Associate


1250 S SAINT VRAIN AVE 7 $299,999 Location is key! This adorable, move in ready condo is located within walking distance of the Estes Park Golf Course, foot trails and biking, shops and dining. Not to mention the splendor of the EstesValley and Rocky Mountain National Park out your window. Warm and inviting this home has an atmosphere all its own. With low maintenance finishes and an HOA that includes EVERY THING, except cable/WIFI. No hassle living with a storage locker on site. Desirable 1 level living in the mountains.

170 S. St. Vrain, Estes Park, CO 80517

r Where the Estes Valley has been coming for real estate solutions since 1985!

1249 Giant Track Road $989,000

1052 Streamside $495,000

497 Pine River Ln $799,000

225 Curry Dr $985,000














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32 » Friday, July 8, 2022

The Mountains Are Calling... We'll Guide You Home – RE/MAX

Mountain Brokers 1200 Graves Avenue, Estes Park

Office: 970-586-5324

Open House Sat., July 9 10am–12pm

Open House Sat., July 9 1pm–3pm

1903 Ptarmigan Trl $1,175,000 $874,000

1695 Brook Ct. $749,000

Call Kirk

Call Kirk

Call Kirk $1,200,000

1269 Chasm Dr. $1,229,000 Call Becky

1930 N. Sharon Ct $1,150,000 Call Gene

311 Hemlock Dr., Lyons $640,000

639 Park River Pl $799,000 3/3

Call Carla

Call Carla

New Listing

Call Kirk

337 Virginia Dr. $455,000 Call Dave Lasota

Big Elk Meadows, 5 Stocked Lakes

Under Contract

Close to RMNP, Town and the River

New Listing

184 Cabin Creek $399,000 Call Kim

212 Valley Rd. $1,395,000 Call Javier or Maria

101 Ute Lane $1,150,000 Call Javier or Maria

Becky Robbins Carla Spreng - Gene Whannel Broker Webb Broker 970-481-7002 970-213-8692 970-213-9479 970-232-6231 970-231-2989 970-412-7283 970-481-1880 970-888-1654 281-989-5587 480-695-9293 970-586-1000 970-586-1000 Kirk Fisher Broker Owner CRS, CMAS, CLHMS

Peggy Lynch

Javier Gomez Maria Gomez Renee Hodgden Dave Kiser

Dave Lasota

Kim Lemirande Cindy Miller


Broker, CRS, CMAS


Broker, SRS, CMAS, GRI


Broker, SRES, ABR


Broker, ASP, ABR, CDPE Broker

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 33

Invitation To Free Tuesday Evening "Burning Issues" Program At The Y "Y" campers and the public are invited to the 46th Annual Robert M. Lawrence Burning Issues Lecture Series for 2022, conducted at the "Y", free of charge. The presentations will be every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m., through August 9, in the Boone Family Mountain Center Presentation Room. Note the change of venue directions are provided below. These lectures/discussions are delivered by professors and other highly experienced specialists in their fields. Some also are lecturers in the Colorado State University (CSU) Osher Life-Long Learning Institute - a popular adult education program conducted in some 140 U.S. universities. For you who are interested in current domestic and international affairs, please join us in exploring: Readers, please note the change in speakers. Fire Dept Chief Dr. David Wolf has been called out of town. His replacement is EP resident Ms. Frances Marshall. 7/12 "Introduction to Nuclear Power", Professional Engineer Frances M. Marshall, recently retired from the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria July 12: Ms. Frances Marshall recently retired from the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) as a nuclear fuel engineer and project manager. Frances earned a bachelor’s degree in nuclear engineering from the University of Virginia (UVA), a master’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Idaho, and is a registered Professional Engineer. Her forty-year career

began as a licensed reactor operator on the UVA Research Reactor and continued as an engineer in the commercial nuclear power industry and in nuclear energy research at Idaho National Laboratory, prior to taking the position at IAEA. Abstract: This discussion, intended for laypersons, starts with a brief history of nuclear power, describes nuclear power plants, provides some statistical information about nuclear power plant operations, and offers a unique opportunity to ask questions that Americans have been deliberating since the introduction of peaceful nuclear power in the late 1940s. 7/19 "Dr. Suess and the Consequences of the Military Competition between the US and the Russian Federation," Dr. Robert Meroney, CSU Prof, Ret. 7/26 "Deploying the Hubble Space Telescope from Space Shuttle Discovery," Col. Loren Schriver, USAF, Ret, Astronaut. 8/2 "Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park: Then & Now, revised edition," Dr. James Pickering, Ret, and Derek Fortini, Director, EP Museum. 8/9 "Report on the U.S. Economy," Dr. John Olienik, CSU Prof, Ret. Directions: At YMCA entrance take Association Drive which passes the tennis courts and mini-golf course on the left. Across from them is the first stop sign. Turn right and follow signs to “Boone Family Mountain Center.” Park in the large parking lot and enter the front doors of the Mountain Center. The presentation room is on the lower level.

OPEN HOUSE Saturday, July 9 11am-1pm 1572 Moss Rock Drive $1,125,000 MLS 970052 New Listing

Enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card • Spectacular views & 1000 SF deck • Beautifully updated • 8.4 secluded acres • Borders National Forest • 16 x 33 detached workshop

Dan Scott Thompson 612-418-7120 970-590-9941 1692 1692 Big Big Thompson Thompson Avenue, Avenue, Ste Ste 201 201 Estes Estes Park, Park, CO CO 80517 80517

Each Office is is Independently Owned and Operated Each Office Independently Owned and Operated


Javier Gomez Broker 970 213-8692

Maria Gomez Broker

Mountain Brokers

970 213-9479

1200 Graves Avenue, Estes Park

101 Ute Lane

New Listing

3 bed/3 bath home with true single level living in coveted Arapaho estates subdivision. Great views to the north & south from 2 decks. Spacious kitchen with pine cabinets & built in desk & large pantry. Separate formal living & dining room. Open concept with pine tongue & groove vaulted ceilings in the living & family room. Large master bedroom with luxurious bath including jetted tub. Walk-in closet & lots of storage throughout. Custom blinds. Gas FP in family room & master bedroom. Listed at 1,150,000


212 Valley Rd

Find beauty, peace, solitude and privacy in this 8.9 acre property with a 3 bed 2 bath true log cabin. This heavenly parcel is mostly wooded with pines and aspens and has a pond and seasonal stream. It includes a heated 2 car garage with separate apartment above, a second garage for an RV with space for a shop or additional storage and a general purpose barn with hay loft and 2 stalls plus a loafing shed. Perfect for a farmlet or just a place to get away from it all. Wild life abounds or you can bring your horses, goats, chickens, llamas. Great views of Mount meeker and Taylor Mountain, Isolation Peak and others. 5 Minutes from Wild Basin area of RMNP. 20 minute drive to Estes Park or Lyons. 35 minute drive to Nederland and skiing at Eldora. A must see! Listed at $1,395,000

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2568 W HIGHWAY 34


LIFE IS GOOD in the mountains... WA R M






Contact me for a free market analysis & equity report.




541 Big Thompson Av e., Un it 204 Es tes Park, Co lorado 80517

Certified Negotiation Expert ~ Local Broker & Owner ~ Certified Mountain Area Specialist

34 » Friday, July 8, 2022

OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 7/9 11:00-2:00

Estes Park Men’s Golf Association Defeats Grand Lake In Annual Home And Away

2 BR / 3 BA 2380 SQ FT $785,000


Congratulations to the Estes Park Men’s Golf Association for their big win against Grand Lake. This is an annual event where each team plays a home and away. This years first round was held at Estes Park Golf Course on Monday, June 27 where Estes Park took a commanding lead. The Estes Park Team traveled to Grand Lake on Wednesday, June 29 and held on to win the title for the 5th year in a row.

Congrats to the 21 golfers who participated: Larry Nosbish, Jim Sulzbach, Steve Nagl, Al Arms, Tandy Brown, John Copenhaven, Mike Cunningham, Drew Webb, Stan Osborne, Curt Collar, Rod Unruh, Dwight Stanford, Adam Strong, Roger Erwin, Virgil Yarbrough, Robert Wilzcek, Dick Smith, Larry Murphy, Tom Keyworth, John Tessler, and Bill Brown. A fun time had by all.

Estes Park Men’s Golf Association Results for Wednesday, July 6, 2022



Congrats To All Winners Net Scores Jeff Lindberg 66 Jim Gallup 68 John Copenhaven 69 Bill Harms 69 Curt Collar 69 Al Wagner 69 Bob Butler 71 Al Arms 72 Josh Tracy 73 Robert Wilczek 73 Jim Torresdahl 73 Scott Dorman 73 Tandy Brown 73

Henry Glover 73 Mike Williams 74 Rod Unruh 74 Ed Myers 74 Jim Matthies 75 Charlie Griffin 75 Stan Osborne 75 Wayne Anderson 75 Robert Sherrod 76 Dave Williams 77 John Tessler 77 Pete smith 77 Greg Fyfe 78 Don Saucier 78

YMCA of the Rockies to Resume Bennett Preschool This Fall YMCA of the Rockies will be resuming operation of Bennett Preschool, located on the grounds of the Estes Park Center – YMCA of the Rockies beginning this fall. Bennett will serve toddler and preschool-aged children with a naturebased curriculum in a state-licensed environment. The Bennett Preschool has a long history of serving families in the Estes Park community with a safe, fun and outdoor preschool experience for children. If you are interested in receiving additional information regarding enrollment as the official opening approaches this fall, please email Susan Taylor at

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 35

Welcome Rooftop Rodeo Fans!

Time To Enter The 19 Annual Nan Ryan Invitational th

Now is the time to sign up for the 19th annual Nan Ryan Invitational golf tournament, Saturday, July 30, at the 9-hole Lake Estes course. Tee off between 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Entry fee of $25 for passholders and $40 for non-passholders includes 9-hole greens fees, tournament fee, a $20 Gift Certificate from The Dunraven at Estes Park Resort, fruit and snacks, prizes for winning teams in all divisions and for special events, and a gift for each player. All proceeds from the tournament benefit the Estes Park Junior Golf Program. Last year despite a partial rainout, the Winning Mixed Team tournament raised a record $6150, bringing the total raised by the tournavalue $310, several Masters Tournament ment through the years to $50,655. mementos and various other items. Raffle tickets are $5 or 5 for $20. In 2021, the winning teams were Women’s – Kay Nikolaus, Ruth Moser, Candy Salzbach and Jan Alderman. Men’s – Alan Jackson, Rick Harris, Steve Thoms and Dave Coleson, and Mixed, Caryn, Jeff and Connor Cahill and Nick Korosek. “We want everyone playing to have fun, ” stated Ryan, “and we will have the usual unique challenges on various holes throughout the round.” Entry forms are available at the 18-hole Estes Park Golf Course or the 9-hole Lake Estes Golf Course. For more information contact Nan Winning Women’s Team Ryan at 217-257-5718 or “We hope to exceed that this year,” stated Ryan. “The money raised helps to buy golf equipment for the junior program participants, assists with scholarships for those who need financial assistance, and helps players participate in tournaments.” Format of play is a 4-person 9-hole scramble. You can sign up as a single, with one or more players, or as a team of four. Divisions for men, women, mixed and juniors. Any junior golfers aged 17 and under pays no entry fee. This year there will be a raffle for a Callaway stand bag, retail value $210, a Callaway Men’s Right Hand Driver, retail Winning Men’s Team

Estes Park Women’s Golf Association Results Of Play For July 5, 2022 The Women’s Golf League played a fun partner’s game on Tuesday, July 5, 2022. First place-the team of Marianne Casey and Pam Vendegna Second place-Carla Spreng-Webb and Carol Felner Third place-tie between - Carolyn Bible and Judy Cunningham, along with Di-

ane Butler and Bonnie Rumsey. We invite any women golfers to join our Tuesday morning group for a fun and competition. Contact the league President, Carla Spreng-Webb for more information.

561 Columbine Avenue

OPEN HOUSE Sat., July 9 11am–1pm

• Charming Vintage Log Cabin • 3 bedrooms / 1.5 baths • 2 car garage • Corner lot Take a look today, $589,000

OPEN HOUSE Sun., July 10 11am–1pm

512 Columbine Avenue • 3 bedrooms / 1 full bath • Nicely cared for ranch style home • Private backyard with basketball hoop • Close to schools & downtown Just $495,000

Mike Richardson

Mindy Stone

Aaron Busche


Broker Associate CMAS

Broker Associate CMAS, CNE

GRI, CNE, ABR, NAR Green Designation

(970) 215-2722

(970) 449-2645

(970) 470-9962

Land For Sale

11 .3 5A CR ES

2325 Ute Lane – .88/acre $300,000

Marys Lake Road $1,375,000

2. 5A CR ES

Thunder View Lot 3 $595,000

260 Cyteworth Road – .53/acre $200,000



36 » Friday, July 8, 2022

Summer Art Gallery Exhibit Features The Historical Art Of Estes Park Sale Through July 29 Lone Tree Antiques and Fine Art Gallery in Eaton, Colo. is hosting a summer art exhibition and sale featuring a collection of the most notable artists who have painted and photographed Estes Park over the past 100 By: Alfred Wands years. “Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park have long been a destination for artists from around the country who are drawn to its majestic setting,” said Daniel L. Geary, owner of Lone Tree Antiques and Fine Art. “We’re excited to present this special collection of thirty works by some of the prominent artists who visited Estes. Many of these artists had galleries and shops around town over the years and were also well-known local figures.” The exhibit includes original and historic works by Charles Partridge Adams, David Stirling, George Elbert Burr, Fred Clatworthy, Alfred Wands, Birger Sandzen and many others.

“This is a unique opportunity to see Estes Park explored through many different artistic styles,” Geary said. Lone Tree Antiques and Fine Art has been a recognized authority in American art and native cultures in Colorado for more than 30 years. The gallery is located at 115 – 117 First Street in Eaton, Colo. The exhibit is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. or by appointment until July 29, 2022. More information is available at or by calling (970) 301-0248.

The FASTEST Broadband in the Area

Superior Reliability. Local Support. Nothing Like It.

By: Richard Tallant

Wildlife Responder Available To Help

Register to stay informed 970.577.3770

Knowledge, experience, skills to assist and educate individuals with and about wildlife encounters/situations. Specialty is elk, deer, bears, mountain lions. Part of Rocky Mtn. Cat Conservancy Research. If you see a kill site, call asap, or if you want more information or help with a wildlife situation, call Jayne the “Bear Lady” at 970-685-8756.

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 37

Quilts Of Valor Presented On July 4, 2022 Members of the Estes Valley Quilt women. The presentation of these works Guild have been busy designing, creating of art was made at Performance Park on and sewing beautiful Quilts of Valor to July 4, 2022. donate to our local service men and Thank you all for your service.

Mark Hewitt, Staff Sergeant, Air Force

John Davis, Captain, Navy, Air Force and Air National Guard

Dennis Jackson, Major General, Army

Javier Gomez, Major, Air Force

Gary Swoboda, Sergeant, Army

Maria Gomez, Master Sergeant, Air Force and Air Force Reserves

Lyle Zimmerman, Army

38 » Friday, July 8, 2022

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 39

Mike Tracy Michael Aaron Tracy 66, lost his six month battle with Pancreatic Cancer June 10, 2022. Born Dec. 8, 1955 in Omaha Nebraska to Julius & Patricia Tracy. His memorial service was held June 21st at Sacred Heart of Mary Church, Boulder, CO. A Celebration Party is being planned for a later date. Mike is survived by his wife Gaylan for almost 46 years, his sons Josh (Metta) Estes Park CO their children Jessica, Harper, Julius & Maggie, Thom (Mallory) of Broomfield, CO their children Ella & Blakely of Broomfield CO, sister Kathy (Don) Townsend of Loveland CO, brother Ed (Glenda) Tracy of Highlands Ranch CO, sister Susan (Steve) Flemming CO, Frank, brother Emery (Cindy) Tracy Erie CO, brother-in-law Bill Bragg Lafayette CO, grandchildren~ Jessica, Harper, Julius, Maggie, Ella & Blakely Tracy, many aunts, uncles, cousins & many close friends. Mike was preceded in death by his son Michael A. Tracy Jr. (2006) father & mother Julius A. & Patricia I. Tracy, mother-in-law & father-in-law Joy J. & Bill W. Bragg. Diagnosed Dec. 6th, 2021, Mike had Pancreatic Cancer, he fought strong & hard undergoing months of chemo & surgery 4/21/22 finding three cancer cells had spread to his liver. He lost his fight June 10th, 2022 surrounded by his family & friends at his second home in Broomfield, CO. Mike was only a few months old when his family moved to Boulder. He met his future wife Gaylan Bragg, at Fairview High School their junior year. She got sick & was in the hospital, when she awoke he was sitting on the foot of the bed. After he left she called her mom to tell her this guy named Mike came to see her and she didn’t even know his last name. After she got out of the hospital he went to visit her for a couple hours after school & left four or five of his friends sitting in his car waiting. They started dating shortly after & were married Aug. 1st 1976, saving several friends from the “1976” Big Thompson flood who were supposed go camping that weekend but came to the wedding instead. They were together for 50 years & would have celebrated their 46th anniversary this Aug. 2022. They raised three amazing sons together Michael, Josh & Thom only to loose Michael Aug. 20th 2006 at 26 years old never knowing what from. This devastated all of them but their love & bond brought them all even closer together. Mike was an amazing husband, father, uncle, grandfather “Papa” partner & friend & would do anything for anyone. When six different kids/friends needed a place to live he welcomed them with open arms living with them till they graduated from high school or were back on their feet.

He coached Midget League Football for all three boys from 8-12 yrs old then went on to coach another five years after his own kids & helped coach all three boys baseball teams. He was Head Coach for The Denver Bulls Semi-Pro Football Team for a couple years & was assistant couch for another Semi-Pro Team. He was in the Boulder Jaycee’s from 1978-1995 holding many positions on the board including President from 1982-1983. He bowled in the Mens National Bowling League from 1988-2011 traveling with Gaylan to many places over the years. They purchased a home in Kauai, Hawaii in 2000 enjoying many wonderful trips for ten years & of course he made many, many friends like after having breakfast out, they saw someone with a CSU t-shirt on, stopping to talk to them & the next day he & the father were playing golf together starting a wonderful friendship, inviting Mike to join him in the Florida Keys to go deep sea fishing & taking each of the boys for several years. He was a Realtor for 45 years starting his own company “Tracy Real Estate & Property Management.” He started doing Commercial property, had a joint purchase interest in Boulder & in 2000 he & his new partner ventured to Grand Junction & purchased “Comstock Estates” in Fruita under the name “Grand Valley Development.” In 2001 he took on another partner & later he took on

legacy will live on in all of us, he taught everyone he met something good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The love of my life will always be with us in our hearts. Mike was surrounded by love as we said our goodbyes on Tuesday June 10th. My Love, my Husband, My Heart was crushed today. I thought we had more time with each other. We still had so many adventures to do. Why were you taken from me? Our love story was not done. I loved you for 50 years. The love we shared was so deep & strong. You were my best friend, my soulmate the love of my life. I still can’t put it together that you are truly gone. It feels like you are away on a golf trip. Maybe you are, but only one far away & I’m sure golfing with Michael. I’m so grateful he was right there waiting for you when took your last breath reaching in the air to him. I just want you both to come home. I will never forget your contagious smile from the day I met you. We have been through so much together, good, bad, fun & ugly you name it. Tell Michael I love & miss him & give him a huge hug for me. I cherish the love we shared, the joy you gave us & all the beautiful, precious moments of our life. I won’t forget your laughter, your generosity your kindness-too everyone you met, your songs oh how I will miss those crazy silly songs. Your love for our boys & our grandkids was legendary. two more partners. They expanded projYou were an incredible husband, father, ects in GJCT, Fruita, Montrose, Delta, grandfather, brother, friend . . . Crested Butte & stopped in 2008-2009 You will never be forgotten. when the economy got so bad. You fought so hard & now I have to Moving from Boulder to Lafayette in somehow find peace, I don’t know how 1984, Broomfield 2004-2013 making but I promise you I will someday. It’s their final home in Estes Park where going to be so difficult I lost my soul they purchased Taharaa Mountain mate how do I survive without you? Lodge/Wedding Venue in Estes Park th Thank you for loving me, June 13 , 2013 moving to Estes Dec. Taking care of me, 2013 so they could babysit their granddaughter while their kids ran the lodge, For being my rock, they got the do the fun part. Two more I love you more than anything, grandkids came along to babysit & he I miss you even more, was in his glory. 1/2019 & 3/2021 two My heart is breaking, more grandkids arrived, living in the You are my one & only, nd Valley so they purchased a 2 home in I will never be the same, Broomfield to be close to them when ofTill I see you again my Love. ten visiting. They sold the lodge June 28, 2019 purchasing two storage businesses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ another office building in Estes, two In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund commercial buildings in Loveland CO & has been set up as the “Michael A. one commercial building in Fort Collins. Tracy Memorial Fund” at the First NaHe also sold real estate in Estes from tional Bank of Omaha. If you so desire 2014 retiring Oct. 2021, he had plans for to donate to help off set the immense he & Gaylan to start traveling places they medical expenses incurred during had always dreamed of doing. Mike’s courageous fight against PanHe loved to golf, playing in the Estes creatic Cancer. Donations are greatly Park Mens League, and he traveled to accepted to the Michael A. Tracy Memany states with a group of guys they morial Fund in the following ways: called the Clam Bake, played with anVenmo: Username - @Gaylan-Tracy. other group of guys in Granby & with Visit any First National Bank of Ommultiple buddies all over Colorado. aha branch ( & ask to doWhen he played in Kauai he started nate to the “Michael A. Tracy Memoplaying barefoot, hence where his nickrial Fund” (acct. ending 8963). Checks name started. payable to “Michael A. Tracy Memorial Fund” payments can be mailed to He never met a stranger, ten minutes the Tracy Family 16676 Compass Way, after meeting someone it was like they had known each other for a lifetime. His Broomfield, CO 80020.

40 » Friday, July 8, 2022

Delbert E. Hope Delbert ‘Del’ E. Hope died at age 84 in his home in Edmond, Oklahoma on May 22, 2022. Del was born and raised in Ft. Collins, son of William Earl and Lois Burnett. He lived in Estes Park and attended Estes Park High School during the time his parents owned and rebuilt Olympus Lodge. He and his parents moved back to Fort Collins in 1955 after the Lodge was sold. He graduated from Fort Collins High School in 1956. In 1958 he entered the Aviation Cadet Program at Lackland Air Force Base and graduated as a navigator/bombardier. He was assigned to Strategic Air Command and stationed in Guam and other strategic areas. He advanced his career by entering flight school and received his pilot’s wings in 1965. His first operational mission was flying to Vietnam, which involved flying cargo to Vietnam and on the return flying wounded back to the US. After Viet Nam and other assignments, as well as a tour of duty in Korea, he was offered an opportunity to join the Royal Air Force in an Exchange Officer Program. There he was checked out as a VIP Aircraft Commander with assignments to fly cargo and personnel to destinations in Europe. After retiring from the military, he worked for several years as an air

traffic controller in Colorado, Montana, Oregon, and Oklahoma. He met Linda, his second wife-to be, in Oklahoma. They settled in Loveland, CO in 1996. There he pursued a hobby/career in studio, landscape, and nature photography. During that time he was a volunteer at the Estes Park Art Center and served on their board of directors. For health reasons he and his wife moved in December, 2021 to the lower altitude of Edmond, Oklahoma. He is survived by his first wife, Donna, and their children William Hope and Laura (Tom) Lillegard and their children Jacob and Megan. He is survived by his second wife, Linda, and her children by a previous marriage, Mark (Kacey) Boothe, Stephanie Bratcher, and eleven grandchildren and five great grandchildren. He is survived by his brother, William Duane and his daughters Pam (Bill) Herbert and their three offspring and two grandchildren, Karen Hope and her daughter and grandchild, and Linda Hope and her two sons. Services were held June at the Viegut Funeral Home in Loveland, followed by interment services and military honors at Grandview Cemetery in Fort Collins. In lieu of flowers, you may donate in Del’s name to the Rocky Mountain National Park – Wildlife Conservancy by visiting

John “Cowboy” Jaros

John was born in Saint Paul, MN on July 19, 1984 and went home to be with his Lord and Savior on June 18, 2022. He graduated high school in Wisconsin in 2002 and left home to make a life for himself shortly after. John moved from place to place until he made his permanent home in Estes Park, CO. In the 15 years John lived in Estes Park, he worked at SK Stables, ran his own carriage business, and was employed by many construction companies in town prior to owning his own his own construction business. Until the day of his death, John was the owner of Park Village Construction and plowed snow for many members of the community and local businesses. John was a 14-year volunteer with The Rooftop Rodeo and nine year volunteer firefighter for the Glen Haven Volunteer Fire Department where he served as the current Assistant Fire Chief. John would often help people in need. It didn’t matter whether it was a friend or a stranger, if John saw a need that he could meet, he would meet it. On the outside, John seem like a hard man. To those who managed to move past the wall he built around himself, he had a heart of gold. John met his wife, Katie, in Estes Park and a year later, they married on June 25, 2010. They made their home and built their family in the Estes Valley. They attended the Christian Church of Estes Park the last few years of his life. In 2013, the family moved to the community of Glen Haven and immediately he became involved with the fire department. John and Katie were blessed with three beautiful children: Ryan, Saul, and Gretchen. John

considered his children to be the greatest gifts God had ever given him. They were truly the joys of his life. John worked hard and sacrificed daily to ensure that his kids would have full and happy childhoods and that his wife was loved and supported. John was always instilling into his kids hard work, loyalty and honesty. He was determined to prepare his children for success in life, but most importantly John taught his children the love and goodness of Christ. John is survived by his wife, Katie Jaros of Glen Haven; his sons, Ryan (11) and Saul (9); his daughter, Gretchen (5); his father and stepmother, Robert and Joan Jaros of Hazelhurst, WI; mother, Julie Jaros of Saint Paul, MN; brother, Robert Jaros Jr. of Watertown, WI; sister, Bekki Jaros of Saint Paul, MN; and the many friends in his life he chose to be family. A service to celebrate his life will be held at the Estes Park Fairgrounds, 1125 Rooftop Way (Event Center) on July 13, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend. Donations in John's memory can be made by mail to The Bank of Estes Park, C/O The Jaros Family Fund Account, PO Box 2390, Estes Park, CO 80517; in person at the Main Branch, 255 Park Ln., Estes Park, CO 80517, the St. Vrain Branch, 501 St. Vrain Ln., Estes Park, CO 80517, or the Niwot Branch, 7989 Niwot Rd., Longmont, CO 80503; or to the John Jaros Memory and Family Support Fund via Go Fund Me. Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Jaros family.

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 41

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at «

Flatirons Church Services At Reel Mountain Theater By: Dr. Larry Yarrington

As I was wandering through Ephesians 4:17-24, this morning, I was reminded of a powerful sermon that began a new series at Flatirons Community Church last week. It was a warning of the dangers that can come from technology. Not because technology is intrinsically bad, but our use of it that comes from the futility of our thinking. So, I penned the following. Prior to looking at the specifics of the new life we are called to in Christ, it seemed good to pause and let something sink in. God’s rules for living start with getting our mind and thoughts straight. Before Jesus, our thoughts were futile. Futile thoughts mean we are incapable of producing any useful result. Yet we look at science and technology and say, “Are not our lives better now?” Think about that for a bit. At best it is a mixed bag. If one were to create two lists, one for the good technology has provided and one for the bad, my guess is that the one for bad is far longer than the good. It is not that the technology itself is bad, but in the futility of our thinking, we use it badly. A cell phone is a useful communication device until we find ourselves not able to do an afternoon without them. I use mine a lot on photographing things as I hike. I wonder how much that has taken me from spending a few moments and creating a memory in my mind rather than on my phone. The automobile or planes are wonderful devices for getting us places fast. But has that merely created a lust for far off places when my backyard can become a neglected but exciting adventure. I can spend hours on my back deck just looking at all my hands (actually more Susan's hands than mine) have created, not with pesticides and weed killers. She has a rock wall that runs along the back of our yard. She has planted beautiful flowering groundcover in the crevices of the rock. But grass magically appears and must be removed the old fashion way, lest the plants be ruined. Then I can relax on my deck and observe the handiwork of her labor with a bit of help from me. There is something deeply satisfying about that. There are times however when I settle for the lesser. I take out my phone which is much more than a communication device. It is an entertainment center that detracts from the joy I can find in watching a sunset or watching the moon rise over the ridge to give a soft illumination to my night. I am not decrying the evils of technology. I am sorrowful for the way it enslaves me in my thoughts. It is preferred to first be disciplined, to hear the beauty of God’s voice that I can hear in nature and a personal nudge in my spirit from His Spirit. Over the years as I have trained my mind to hear God’s voice, it is a beauty beyond description. His

thoughts towards me restores my sense of self-worth, an intrinsic self-worth that is not the least enhanced by anything I have done in self-improvement. Just to dwell in His presence is a gift without comparison. It does not stop with God. To enjoy one another deeply requires isolating from the noise and entertainment that surrounds us. We focus on one another and find delight in the others company. Sometimes, it is not noise but simply a desire to have what the other can provide for my pleasure. Instead, I could simply enjoy their presence. Paul reminds the Ephesian Christians, in the Lord that, “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” The new self is provided by the Holy Spirit. It is a whole new way of thinking about life and that which surrounds me. I begin to see people differently. I become more aware of the entrapment technology can bring. That takes discipline but the rewards are great now and, in the life, to come. I begin to see people not as objects with whom I exchange information. I begin to see delightful personalities that I can form enjoyable connection with, even without speaking. We tend to think of sensuality as merely a lust for one another sexually or a means to increase my wealth. And perhaps, that was so in Paul’s day. But it is more these days. Yes, sexual immorality and the lust for stuff exists today but our lusts and distractions are far more subtle. Yet, they lead to the same result. A depersonalizing of people and making them objects from whom we seek temporary relief of our loneliness and feelings of inadequacy. In the futility of our thinking, we deprive ourselves of the deep relational connections that offer friendship rather than usury. It is good to pause and understand the core of the problem, lest we get lost in a legalism of the things which are good and useful. Legalism is simply taking what is good and making them into a set of external rules that do not change the futility of my thinking. It enhances it. Only life in Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit can I be done with futile thinking. It can be replaced with the mind of Christ in all I do and think. I praise God that He is willing and able to rescue me and give me a life that is full but not distracted from the blessing of sweet communion with Him and others. Please join us at 9 a.m. or 11 a.m. at the Reel Mountain Theater to learn more how to make technology useful rather than enslaving us, as we go through this very important series.

Guidelines for Equal Pay for Equal Work Act

Night Auditor Part Time, Year Round Contact Rhonda at 970-586-2358

Patron Services Substitute Salary Range: $14.91 - $20.87 / hr. Hours vary, as-needed Closing Date: 8 pm, Monday, July 18, 2022 PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION:

Review full job description and apply at Only online applications with cover letter and resume will be accepted. EEO.

YMCA OF THE ROCKIES 2515 Tunnel Road Estes Park, Colorado, 80511

HOuSEKEEPER Responsible for successfully cleaning cabins and lodges, emphasizing quality, accountability, efficiency, and timeliness in preparing guest accommodations. $14 - $16/hour with full benefits, childcare assistance, and generous PTO/vacation.

Inside Sales Support Part Time - 9am-1pm, M-F View job description and desired qualifications at: $21/hour Email resume to:

DeLLa Terra is seeking a WeDDing nighT Manager to assist Event Managers with execution of our amazing weddings. This position has responsibility for components of the wedding including onsite technology/sound systems and facility preparedness. This position helps ensure the safety and success of each wedding by monitoring process compliance related to the wedding/lodging guests, alcohol issues, staff and vendors. Assist set-up and end of night cleaning. Full time or part time available. Typical shift is 1:30pm-midnight. Starting rate is $25-27/hour. Send resumes to or apply in person at 3501 Fall River Road, Estes

Looking for a person for outside work a couple of days a week. Call (970) 586-5994.

Help us help others. Become a CAREGiverSM • Starting at $19 • NO Medical Background Required • Flexible Schedule • Training & Local Support Provided • Rewarding & Meaningful Job!

Apply online at or call for more information


TELLER Bank of Estes Park has an opening for a Full time/year-round Teller position.

Each Home Instead® franchise is independently owned and operated. © 2022 Home Instead, Inc.

YMCA OF THE ROCKIES 2515 Tunnel Road

We are looking for a dedicated, motivated individual to join our team. Customer service and cash handling experience preferred but not required. On the job training will be provided. Benefits include health, dental & vision insurance, 401k & profitsharing plans, and paid vacation. Starting pay $15/hr. Email resume to

Estes Park, Colorado, 80511

COOK Responsible for shift management of all kitchen & back of house food service operations at Estes Park Center; including menu planning, food preparation, ordering, and kitchen cleanliness. $17 - $18/hour with full benefits, childcare assistance, and generous PTO/vacation.

42 » Friday, July 8, 2022

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT

YMCa oF THe roCkies 2515 Tunnel road


estes park, Colorado, 80511

BuiLding MainTenanCe TeCHniCian This position focuses on the maintenance and repair of all aspects of the Estes Park Center facilities. $18.75 - $22.28/hour with on-site housing, full benefits, childcare assistance, and generous PTO/vacation.

Established Salon - Good Location

Radiologic Technologist

Happy Shop! 970-231-3997

Shift: Full Time,12 hr shifts, days will vary Pay Range: $22.00 -$29.92, plus weekend shift differentials


Full Time Housekeeper for Solitude Cabins Pick up application or call and ask for Kay. 970-577-7777 1885 Sketchbox Ln.


Please apply at

Mountain Maid is looking for morning to mid afternoon help with Vacation Rentals and Residential cleaning. All products are provided, $20-$25 hourly or by house. P/T Call 719-240-3180

Silver Saddle Inn Now hiring:


Experienced General Manager

Full-Time and Part-Time Positions Available for

Send resume to:

Historic Crags Lodge Housekeeper Part Time, $16 an hour $500 Hiring Bonus!

• Front Desk

• Housekeeping

• Landscaping and Hot Tubs

• Experienced Maintenance

Starting at $16.00 per hour

Starting at $15.00 per hour

Starting at $16.00 per hour

Starting at $17.00 per hour

Apply at, mail or email resume to: Fawn Valley Inn, 2760 Fall River Road, Estes Park, CO 80517 Email:

Stop by and see us or call us at


Tire Technician

300 Riverside Drive Estes Park, CO 80517

Perform tire related and light automotive services. $15 - $20/hr depending on experience. Flexible time off options, at cost vehicle repairs. Valid drivers license required. Apply in person at 1633 Raven Ave or call (970) 586-8085 or email

Equal Opportunity Employer


Now Hiring CDL Drivers Seasonal/ part-time starting at $23/hr plus tips $5/hr shift differential pay for evening and nights. Call Nick at 970-980-9023 YMCa oF THe roCkies 2515 Tunnel road estes park, Colorado, 80511

Housekeeping Crew Leader Responsible for leading a housekeeping crew with an emphasis on quality, accountability, efficiency and timeliness. $18/hr. with full benefits, childcare assistance, and employee perks.

Seasonal Positions Event Coordinator Assistant Community Service Officer The status of applications will be communicated via e-mail. By choice, the Town of Estes Park is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

Rocky Mountain Conservancy

Retail Warehouse


Seeking team players to work with the Conservancy’s retail team in warehouse operaƟons in RMNP.

Warehouse posiƟons  Full Ɵme, seasonal through December, 2022  Full Ɵme; year round  $16.50 – $17.00/hr with some benefits  AssisƟng manager with merchandise flow,

pricing, stocking, delivery, and computer help.

Full details on open positions can be found at Full-time Civil Engineer I/II Emergency Services Dispatcher I/II/III Events Maintenance Worker I Grants Specialist Groundworker (Limited Term) IT Support Specialist I/II Line Equipment Specialist I Mechanic II/III Police Officer I/II/III Street Equipment Specialist I/II/III

Rams Horn Village Resort has year round full time and part time positions available in our Guest Services/ Housekeeping Department: $16-18/hour, plus tips, a summer bonus up to $1500, and benefits package for full time employees. We are looking for energetic, dependable people who are able to perform physical labor and who have strong customer service skills. Fridays and Saturdays are required. Fill out an application at Rams Horn Village Resort, 1565 Colo. Hwy 66. EEOE

Full and part time jobs available. 970-518-4001

Lifeguards/Head Lifeguards Year-round part-time up to 30 hours per week. Pay rate $13.00 to $18.00 per hour. We will provide lifeguard training and certification free of charge. Personal Trainers We are looking for Certified Personal Trainers to work with clients at the Recreation Center. Compensation includes: Employee discounts and free Recreation membership. Apply on-line: Estes Valley Recreation and Park District is an equal opportunity employer.

See full posiƟon descripƟon on our website before applying Call 970-586-0121 for applicaƟon informaƟon, quesƟons, or to apply, or e-mail:

Silver Saddle Inn Now hiring: Front Desk Clerk Evenings required, Full time $17/hr - $20/hr DOE, Benefits Must be non-smoker.

Maintenance Full time Apply in person: 1260 Big Thompson Ave. or email resume:

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 43

Housekeeping team (2)

Harts gas & food

Help Wanted

to clean in campground. Housing, Laundry and Training provided. 25/30 hours/week.

located at 860 Moraine ave, estes park, co

Liquor Store Clerk & Cashier

Rams Horn Village Resort has a year round full time position available in our Engineering/ Maintenance Department: $17-22/hour, plus a summer bonus up to $2000 and benefits package for full time employees. We are looking for an experienced, dependable person who is able to perform physical labor and who has strong customer service skills. Fill out an application at Rams Horn Village Resort, 1565 Colo. Hwy 66. EEOE

is hiring Sales Associates for part and full time shifts. $16/hr The successful candidate will provide top quality customer service, help maintain the store, stock shelves, maintain cash drawer securing all funds in safe and register; conducts loss prevention observations, set priorities and meet deadlines, demonstrate safe work and risk management practices, complete all duties as assigned. Apply at Parkland USA or in person at the store.

ESTES PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT R-3 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VACANCY LUNCHROOM & PLAYGROUND SUPERVISOR DO YOU HAVE 2.5 HOURS A DAY TO DEDICATE TO KIDS? We are looking for part-time lunch/recess supervisors to engage with students as they eat and play. A great opportunity for a retiree or someone wanting to work a few hours a day. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: • High school diploma or GED required • Employee will work 2.5 hours per day on student contact days

Please apply at

now hiring non-cdl drivers

Apply within at: Estes Park Shuttle 551 South Saint Vrain Ave

apply at 854 dunraven Street, estes park co 970/586-1085

Patient Access Representative

Sign on bonus! Employee discounts! Please stop by for an application (970) 586-1930

Part-time starting at $17/hr plus tips, $2/hr shift differential pay for mornings and nights. office full time seasonal- $17-$18 an hour.

noW Hiring


Full Time/Part Time available Starting wage $17 hour

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Apply online at estesschools/onlineapp. Only online applications accepted. Salary range is $15.32 to $17.32, no benefits. Up to five years of similar work experience from may be granted. Position is open until filled Estes Park School District R-3 is an equal opportunity employer.

NOW HIRING Clinical Educator - RN

Rocky Mountain Conservancy

Visitor Center Retail Clerk

Seeking an experienced team player to assist the Conservancy’s sales department as a retail clerk in RMNP visitor centers.  Year-round, FT/PT & seasonal posiƟons available  $16.50 – $17.00/hr with potenƟal for promoƟon

Primary responsibiliƟes: ConducƟng retail transacƟons, and maintaining a clean and inviƟng sales area.  Fun and social working environment  Some weekends and holidays may be required

See full posiƟon descripƟon on our website before applying Call 970-586-0121 for applicaƟon informaƟon, quesƟons or to apply, or e-mail:

Seeking dependable, energetic perSon for della terra'S loft bar. This position works independently to prepare and serve food and alcohol in a small pub setting for room service and in-person dining. 5 Shifts/week from 3:30pm-9:30pm. Starting rate is $17/hr. + tips. Send resumes to or apply in person at 3501 Fall River Road, Estes

Shift: Full Time, Mon-Fri, 8hr shifts Pay Range: $32.85-$44.68, depending on experience STELLA’S PLACE is now Temporarily closed as we are low on staff. We are hiring for: SANDWICH MAKERS/PREP COOKS, SERVERS COUNTER HELP Contact Chef Rob Corey at 970-586-9000

Apply online at

Hiring – cdl bus drivers $27.49/hr, A or B Lic. w/ Airbrakes and P endorsement. Also, Cleaner/Fuelers $17.38/hr. Pre-employment health screens and background checks. Seasonal work now through Oct 2022. Varied shifts, part-time or more, Rocky Mountain Transit Management of Estes Park for 22 years! Info call 970-577-7477

Bartender (experienced), Dishwasher, and Prep Cook Contact Armando at 970-402-9963 or email to set up interview.

We’re hiring for the following positions starting at $18.00/hr.: • Drive-up & Go Service Helpers • Checker • Courtesy Clerk • Day-Stocker • Overnight Stocker • Bakery Clerk • Deli Clerk • Produce Clerk • Seafood Clerk • Cake Decorator • Meat Cutter Get your application at: After your application has been completed, please call our hiring manager Ann at 970.586.4447.

44 » Friday, July 8, 2022

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT Delivery positions FT/PT (Estes Park)

Join Our Team!

Immediate Openings.

TELLER Full Time

Ideal candidates will have prior cash handling and customer service experience. Additional requirements include attention to detail, strong computer and problem solving skills, and the ability to work in a fast-paced, team oriented environment. $15-$17/Hour. Excellent benefits including medical, dental, 401(K) and paid time off.

Self managed day shift up to 6 days/week. Must be able to lift up to 70 lbs. Clean driving record. Vehicle and gas supplied.

Want To Work With Dogs?

Please apply at :

FT Year Round Employment At Local Grooming Shop Must Be Reliable Self Starter. Be Able To Lift 50+ Pounds Call 970-586-1988

Member FDIC

ESTES PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT R-3 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT MIDDLE SCHOOL BOOKKEEPER/ SECRETARY TO THE PRINCIPAL SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: • High school diploma or GED required • Accounting degree or bookkeeping experience preferred • Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Quicken, and financial software operations

Customer Service Associate Salud Family Health Centers

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Apply online at estesschools/onlineapp. Only online applications accepted. Salary range is $17.21 to $19.46 with single benefits. Up to five years of similar work experience from may be granted.

Salud is looking for a Customer Service Associate in Estes Park. • High school diploma or GED required • Bilingual English/Spanish Salud Offers: • $17.90 to $19.40 per hour • Monday to Friday – 8:30 am to 5:30 pm • Comprehensive Benefits Package

Position is open until filled

Apply at

Estes Park School District R-3 is an equal opportunity employer.









Home Repair/Service


Garage Sales

Estate Sales

Huge Storage Unit Sale!! Multiple units and sellers. 517 Pine River Ln. Sat., July 9, 8:00 am. Money CAN buy happiness! Come see.

Follow Org & Grn Signs Sun 9-1 114 Timber Ln. (off Pole Hill Rd) Household, Tools, Furniture

Large Studio Apartment downtown. Single adult, NS/NP. 1-year lease, Avail July 1. Call (970) 480-5458 and leave voicemail. No texts.

Commercial Rentals Three person professional Class A office. Located in Bank of Estes Park building on Saint Vrain. Previous attorney occupied for over 20 years. Two private offices with reception, onsite parking. Adjacent tenants are State Farm and Edward Jones. $1,600 per month plus utilities. Contact Thom at Verus Commercial, Inc. 303-589-1543 Office Spaces for Rent 1191 Woodstock Dr. Newly Remodeled 1200 Sq. ft w/ great parking. Near Hwy 7 & Fairgrounds. Call 402-730-4080 or 970-420-4388

Estes Park Garage Door 14 point Tune Up & Safety Inspection Only $75 Call 586-8592

Teardrop trailer. Little Guy 5-wide 2011. 940lbs Rear Galley. Lots of kitchen extras. 970-744-9770. $5500.


Sewing/Alterations Remixed Custom Sewing Services Cushions, campers, outdoor furniture, benches, leather and Industrial Repair. Local - call Beth 970-492-5446

Piano Tuning Susan Novy, local piano tuner. Call for appt. 577-1755 www.estesparkpiano

Rocky Mountain High End Cleaning Residential-Vacation Hotels-VRBO We are locals, and we clean it all! 970.617.3967 www.rockymountainhigh

OFFICE SPACE Home Repair/Service 6 Offices/Whole 2nd Floor 850 sf, Yr. Lease Min. Gutter cleaning, repairs Private Parking, Bathroom, and new 5” or 6” gutters. Kitchenette, A/C. Regular cleaning is crucial Reasonable Rates. Quality to maintaining good Finishes. gutters. Located on River. Call or text 720-340-1720. Call Bret Freedman Gutter Cleaning, Repairs 970-215-2494 & Replacement. Book Now for Summer OFFICE SPACE For Rent (970) 830-3411 970-290-4488


OPEN HOUSE Saturday, July 9 11am-1pm 1572 Moss Rock Drive $1,125,000 3BD, 4BA, 3,052 sq ft Contact Dan 612-418-7120 The Thompson Group

Commercial Spaces for sale and lease. Call Eric. Anderson Realty. 586-2950

BUSINESS Business For Sale $40,000 Hair-Nail Salon 30-years in Business 3 Stations-1 Nail Table Call Bret Freedman Estes Park Home Finders 970-215-2494

840 Old Ranger Dr Fri - Sat, Jul 8&9, 7:30 - 1 Antiques, tools, garden, propane tanks, gas grill, paper shredder, camp stove, chairs, vacuums, furniture, lamps, wheelbarrow, household items. Price to sell!

ESTATE/MOVING SALE Need to have one, but seems overwhelming. We do the work, you make the $. Local, Affordable, References. CALL JUDI 970-215-5548

Estate Sales Follow Org & Grn Signs Sat 8:00 am Estes Valley Storage Riverside & Pine River Ln 1 STOP 4 SALES

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of Public Hearing for the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) and Lift Station Improvements Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for the Upper Thompson Sanitation District, Colorado. Date: August 16, 2022 Time: 4:00 PM Location: District Administration Building Address: 2196 Mall Road, Estes Park, CO 80517 Topic: WRF and Lift Station Improvements PER A third public hearing will be conducted for informing citizens and soliciting public input, written or oral, regarding the District’s WRF and Lift Station Improvements PER. The PER is a report detailing the project consisting of the construction of a new WRF; a new Fish Creek Lift Station (FCLS); a new Wapiti Lift Station (WLS); and associated interceptors and force main modifications and improvements. The PER is being submitted to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to qualify the WRF and Lift Station Improvements for a State Revolving Fund Loan. The PER provides a description of the existing treatment and collection system; the need for the proposed improvements; and the proposed $47 million project. Copies of the Preliminary Engineering Report are available for public review prior to the Public Hearing at the Upper Thompson Sanitation District Office, 2196 Mall Road, Estes Park, CO 80517 and on the District’s website The point of contact for the Upper Thompson Sanitation District is Chris Bieker, District Manager, 970.586.4544, and Upper Thompson Sanitation District, Chris Bieker, District Manager Published in Estes Park News on July 8, 2022, and July 15, 2022.

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 45




970-586-2557 ARCHITECTURE




Dr. Amber Busche 970-586-4418 600 S Saint Vrain Ave - Suite 5 •equipped to evaluate macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts •same day appointments for eye pain and emergencies •referral access to specialized surgeons & advocacy for the best care •full service optical for specialized eyewear Comprehensive Eyecare Right Here in Estes Park!


46 » Friday, July 8, 2022


HEARING & TINNITUS CARE Cory D. Workman, Au.D. Phone: 970-586-5255 • Hearing Aids / New & Repair • Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Protection • Ear Care / Wax Removal • Dizziness / Balance

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970-586-1685 Custom Homes, Additions, Kitchens, Baths, Historic Renovations, Remodels and Design Work

Charles Santagati 1191 Graves Ave Full service general contracting since 1998


7DKRVD UDQFK#JPDLO FRP /,&(16(' ,1685(' Brian Thibodeaux - owner

Friday, July 8, 2022 « 47



REAL ESTATE Simply. Elevated. Real Estate.

Aaron L. Busche, CNE Broker Associate Cell: (970) 470-9962 255 Park Lane, Ste 203 Estes Park, CO 80517




Call us for all of your painting or staining needs!

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Alpenglow Custom Blinds and Shades

Local Sales, Installation, Service, and Repair

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ESTES PARK ELK VIEW PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND CLEANING SERVICE • Long Term Properties • Vacation Rentals • Construction Clean • Residential • Cabins • Carpet Cleaning Call 970-646-8234 or 970-685-7740 Mark Matson and Elvira Matson - 970-235-1133

48 » Friday, July 8, 2022

Local Knowledge Local Experts 2841 Wildwood Lane



Thunder View Lot 3

2. 5A CR ES



2115 Ridge Road


260 Cyteworth Road

.5 3/ AC RE

1516 Fish Hatchery #24


1160 Fairway Club Circle #2



Marys Lake Road

$1,995,000 647 Little Prospect Road




2325 Ute Lane

.8 8/ AC RE

Call us to use our FREE Moving Truck.


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