Estes Park News, October 28, 2016

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Happy Halloween Estes Park! Each year on October 31st, downtown Estes Park becomes a place of fun for young and old. Elkhorn Avenue traffic is detoured so hundreds of costumed people and pets can walk safely from door to door and enjoy the old fashioned fun of Trick or Treating on Halloween. The very generous merchants, service groups, churches and emergency responders give away candy, apples, and good tidings! Don’t be surprised to see performances by skilled dancers and comedians in window displays. After all, this is Estes Park, A Great Place To Be! EPNEWS photo Gary & Kris Hazelton

Pumpkins From Rotary The 80th annual pumpkin give-away took place last Friday, October 21 at the Estes Park Elementary School. The Safeway store in Estes Park once again donated 800 plus pumpkins of all sizes and shapes. Rotary members we delighted to put so many smiles on the faces the children. Watch our broadcast news segment at or on our Facebook page. Shown here is Miss Pulak with some of her kindergarten class. EPNEWS/Kris Hazelton photo

October 28, 2016

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