Estes Park News, November 4, 2022

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Estes Park News is printed weekly and is always free online daily for the most current updates.

Meet The Addams Family Students at Estes Park High School are ready to entertain you in their upcoming production of, The Addams Family. This musical comedy is creepy, kooky, mysterious and spooky! Get your tickets today! See page 19 for more information. Photo by Jordanne Bradley

A New Musical Comedy

November 4, 2022

2 » Friday, November 4, 2022

EVRJP Spotlight: Justice-Based Programming In The Estes Valley By: Becky Weller, Restorative Justice Program Coordinator

5,700 copies were printed this week, and distributed FREE to hundreds of Estes Valley locations including Allenspark, Glen Haven & Lyons.

A National Online Audience With Loyal Local Readership Ph: (970) 586-5800 Fax: (970) 692-2611 Opinions of our columnists are not necessarily the opinions of this newspaper. Owners/Publishers: Gary & Kris Hazelton Editor: Kris Hazelton Operations Manager: Andrew Donaldson Office Manager: Tim Buck Press releases: All editorial, photo content & graphic design is copyright of Estes Park News, Inc. & can not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Estes Park News, Inc. ©2022 For subscription information contact us.

DEADLINES Reserve space: Monday by 4:00 pm Final submissions: Tuesday by Noon Classifieds: Deadline Wed. by Noon Estes Park News, Inc. is Independent & locally family owned. Our Main Headquarters is at 1191 Woodstock Drive Suite #1 Mail: PO Box 508 Estes Park, CO 80517

Estes Valley Restorative Justice Partnership (EVRJP) provides proactive and responsive restorative processes that enhance cooperation, encourage understanding and strengthen relationships. One way they do this is through justice-based programs. In 2002, a unique alliance formed between the Estes Valley community and Estes Park Police Department. The vision for this partnership was to invite the community to join with the Estes Park Police Department in providing restorative justice services to the Estes Valley. At that time, the community was struggling with unique challenges related to juvenile crime. Between 1994 and 2002, there was an uptick in juvenile incidents in the Riverside Plaza area. Reports of graffiti, damage to parked vehicles, harassment of visitors and merchants, and vandalism of local businesses led to public outcry for police intervention. The Estes Park Police Department initiated a series of strategies to address the problem. The tactics resulted in increased arrests and strict enforcement of local ordinances. The strategy resulted in a substantial reduction of crime and disorderly activity along with a drastic increase in juvenile arrests. While effective at reducing crime and disorderly conduct, the tactic led to increased tensions between the enforcing agencies, youth, families, and the community. Recognizing that the level of crime and polarization within the community could not continue, the Estes Park Police Department and other community youth advocates realized that an alternative solution had to be pursued. Restorative Justice was that solution. In January of 2002, Estes Park Police Department worked with community partners to host a workshop that brought together business, youth, adult, and local government stakeholders to discuss needs and identify solutions. From that workshop, a sub-committee -the Estes Valley Restorative Justice Task Force -- was formed. The group, which

evolved into EVRJP, adopted the Community Group Conference model to explore and address the impacts of crime and wrongdoing in the Estes Valley. Community Group Conference is EVRJP’s flagship program that brings together harmed parties, responsible

parties and community following a crime or wrongdoing — in order to understand the real impacts that the crime or violation has on people and community. Through a structured process facilitated by trained staff and volunteers, participants have an opportunity to talk about their experience. They identify harms and collectively work to identify ways that the person responsible can work to repair those harms. In order to be considered, responsible parties must have a willingness to take accountability, make meaningful reparation of harm and commit to not causing similar harm in the future. The process — which is voluntary for all participants — and its resulting agreement emphasizes respect, relationship, responsibility, repair and reintegration. While EVRJP was initially formed as an alternative to address juvenile crime, in 2007 the Community Group Conference model opened up to serve adults as well. A formal Memorandum of Understanding between the police department and district attorney’s office was adopted to allow officers to refer cases directly to EVRJP as an alternative to

the court system. Since its inception twenty years ago, the Community Group Conference program has expanded to meet community needs. EVRJP currently partners with and accepts referrals from the Estes Park Police Department, Larimer County Sheriff ’s Office, Estes Valley Fire Protection District, Estes Park Municipal Court and the Larimer County District Attorney’s Office. Referrals can be made directly in lieu of criminal charges or as part of a diversion, deferred sentence or judgment. In addition to the abovementioned programming, in 2006 EVRJP began offering Community Reentry Circles to assist those who are reintegrating into the community following incarceration. Through support and accountability, a circle group of community members serve as spokes in a wheel to connect a previously incarcerated person, with tools and resources that enable them to more successfully navigate their parole and contribute positively to the community. Referrals can be made by parole officers or by self-referral. If an assessment determines that the program is appropriate, circle participation becomes a part of their parole plan. Learn more about EVRJP’s Community Circles and justice-based processes at EVRJP relies on community support to provide services and programming. Help grow and sustain restorative justice in the Estes Valley by participating in the 2022 Better To-Go Fundraiser Dinner on Nov. 30. Enjoy great food to-go from Mama Rose’s Restaurant in support of EVRJP. Thanks to the generous donation of the meal by Julie and Rob Pieper, owners of Poppy’s and Mama Rose’s, all proceeds will benefit EVRJP and support restorative programming in the Estes Valley. EVRJP is recognized as tax-exempt as a 501(c)(3). Donations are tax deductible. Place your order for the 2022 Better To-Go Fundraiser Dinner by 11/25 (the day after Thanksgiving) at Learn more about Estes Valley Restorative Justice Partnership at

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 3

9-Hole Golf Course Closure To Our Estes Park Golf Course Patrons, Thanks for an amazing 2022 golf season. We greatly appreciate all who visited and played at our golf courses here in Estes Park. As we progress season to season our goal is to continually upgrade our facilities and improve our customer’s experience. That said, we will have a change to our 2022 fall golf schedule The Lake Estes 9-Hole Golf course will be closed for the months of November and December. Plans at the 9-Hole this offseason include multiple on course and pro shop improvements that will benefit all golfers long-term. Our maintenance staff plans to implement new turf grass management strategies in an effort to have the course bounce back quicker and in better shape in the spring of 2023. These strategies will include adding a heavy top dressing of sand on the greens, which will make the golf course unplayable. Also, to reduce elk damage on the greens, they will remain roped off for November and December. The Lake

Estes Disc Golf Course will remain playable during these changes. This offseason we also plan on renovating the 9-Hole pro shop, similar to what occurred at the 18-Hole this past winter. This will include new flooring, a new front desk, and new merchandise displays. Having the business closed in November and December will allow us to better prepare the 9-Hole for these changes for 2023. With the 9-Hole pro shop being closed, we will be extending the 18-Hole Pro Shop season to be open all of November (weather permitting). We will be holding an end-of-season merchandise sale at the 18-Hole starting on November 1st. Pro shop hours in November will be Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., weather permitting. Smokin' Dave's at the Hangar will not be open in November. Any questions or concerns can be directed to Managers of the Golf Course, Austin Logan or Aaron Tulley.

EVFPD firefighters generally respond to medical calls in their personal vehicles, allowing for a faster response. On other incidents, firefighters respond to a fire station to respond in department apparatus with specialized equipment. During the week of October 23, the Estes Valley Fire Protection District

(EVFPD) responded to 12 calls for service. This included: • Smoke Investigation: 2 • Motor Vehicle Crash: 4 • Alarm Activation: 3 • Possible Illegal Burn: 1 • Mutual Aid: 2

The charge(s) are merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. On 10/27/2022 at 7:23 p.m. police contacted a 31 year old male from Aurora, CO at EPPD, 170 Macgregor Avenue for a citizen’s assist. The male was found to be wanted on a warrant for a misdemeanor traffic violation and was arrested and

transported to the Larimer County Jail. On 10/28/2022 at 1:57 p.m. police contacted a 22 year old male from Estes Park in the 600 block of Bighorn Drive who was wanted on two outstanding warrants for misdemeanor traffic offenses. He was arrested and later released on bond from the EPPD.

4 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Halloween In Estes Park Is Spooky, Cool Tradition Last Monday, around 5:00 p.m., townspeople began converging along a twoblock section of Elkhorn Avenue in Estes Park to celebrate Halloween. The temperature was unseasonably mild, and the energy of the celebrants was high. Many of them, children and adults alike, were wearing costumes. Among which were the to-be-expected witches, goblins and ghosts and a scattering of dinosaurs, pirates and animals. Roaming about, they reveled about the good fortune of the summer, while reconnecting with friends (if they could recognize them behind masks and makeup). The much-beloved tradition of children celebrating Halloween downtown, rather than going house-to-house is a likely result of the Estes area’s unique lay out. With houses here, other than in the small neighborhoods such as the Reclamation area, spaced too far apart for children to easily and safely run from house-to-house to do tricks and gather treats. The celebration takes a lot of work to successfully ensure that attendees receive treats, have fun and stay safe. Making this happen involves the collective efforts of several organizations including the Estes Park Chamber of Commerce, Fire Department, Park Hospital District, and Town—Police Department, Police Auxiliary, and Streets Department. Many people were essential parts of the collective effort. Among them, was Carissa McGill, Chair of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Carissa engaged the Estes Park Trolleys, and the Bull Pen to participate, and worked with the local churches that provided free hot

Park Hospital Ambulance provided a spooky walk through for children and adults to receive candy.

dogs, chili and hot chocolate to trick or treaters. There were also the workers at Safeway and Dollar General that col-

Carissa McGill chaired the 2022 Halloween efforts of the Estes Chamber of Commerce.

lected the candy the businesses handed out to trick or treaters. The staff of the Streets Department set up and removed the traffic control equipment, and handed out candy from the bucket truck. Detective Jen Morrow directed the safety efforts of the Police Department, including overseeing the set up and staffing of the no car perimeter and the auxiliary who staffed the crosswalks. Jen, who came to Estes Park from Jacksonville, Florida, offered up that, “This is the coolest event ever!” Well Jen, I, and everyone who was downtown last Monday, all agree. And we also agree that the Halloween celebration is just one of many reasons why Estes Park is terrific place to live, work and play.

Police Detective Jen Morrow and her colleagues handled street safety for Estes Park’s Halloween celebration.

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 5

My Cousin The WW2 Pilot At The Next Aviation Club Meeting

Andy Glasglow In keeping with the upcoming Veteran's Day holiday, this month's Aviation Club program is a story of a highly decorated World War 2 fighter pilot. Capt. William Glasgow served in the 79th fighter group in North Africa and Italy from 1942-1944. After returning to the US in 1945, he was killed in a terrible plane crash while flying an experimental fighter plane. Almost seventy years after William's tragic death, a cousin who never met William, started researching his family tree. What started as simple genealogy research turned into an investigative journey during which Andrew Glasgow would find William's first-hand account of his 1943 escape from a German POW camp, and later journey to Washington

Bill Glasglow DC to meet William's 97-year-old former Air Force roommate, Ret. Col. Kenneth Chilstorm. Ken would tell Andrew a previously untold story about what happened the day William's plane crashed. Andrew Glasgow is a former college professor and business executive. Andrew and his wife Jan raised their family near Rochester NY before moving to Estes Park in 2018 to be near their grandsons, Calder and Beckett. Please join us for Andrew’s tale of heroism and tragedy. The Aviation Club meeting will be held on Wednesday November 9 at the American Legion Building, 850 N. St. Vrain Ave. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

Keeping with their annual Halloween tradition, the Witches of Estes were out kayaking on the lake this week, to the delight of all who were lucky enough to see them!

6 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Important Note From Between Friends To The Editor: As Between Friends begins its third year, we thank you for supporting us in such a huge way, and, in return, we share the following, with you, in a public way: When a consignment shop opens, overnight, under a new name, it is, understandably suspicious. Because you have entrusted BF with your finer things, you should know why upcoming changes are unavoidable. Between Friends is a name, suggested by someone helping me brainstorm, two years ago. It sounded kind and easy-going, like, a nice place to be. In 2020, The Colorado Department of Revenue accepted my official name: Between Friends Upscale Consignment Shop, and off I went, to create the brand. Last week I received a letter, from an attorney in Arizona, informing me that I can no longer call my shop Between Friends. It is found that Just Between Friends is a

federally trademarked franchise. This brand, for me, has taken every hour, every dollar, every thought for over two years, and soon, it’s like it never happened. The name, and everything with the name on it, has to begin to go away, quickly, as a Just Between Friends is coming to Loveland, and my Between Friends must go away. This is huge to a small business, for starters, just printing and exchanging tags on every item in the shop, will be expensive, and labor intensive. Essentially, we are needing to close one business, and create another business, and for this to happen correctly, many things must come together. Please stay tuned as we go through the change. One day we’ll laugh about this. Susan Henshaw, owner of Between Friends Upscale Consignment shop

Unique View Of History Donated To The Tablesetting/scaping Event Local artist, Cheryl Pennington, gave the Estes Park Museum Friends & Foundation Inc., a framed hand-colored photograph of the September 4, 1915 Dedication of Rocky Mountain National Park, taken by Fred Payne Clatworthy, in a field north of Horseshoe Park. It is a wonderful example of a “Celebration Then” which matches the theme “Celebrations, Then & Now.” Cheryl also generously donated three smaller framed, hand-colored Clatworthys for the Tablesetting/scaping event which takes place November 19 and 20, 2022 at the Dunraven at Estes Park Resort from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. Thank you to Cheryl Pennington for her generous sponsorship. New tablesetters and tablescapers are encouraged to send in proposals to participate using the printable application on the website:, before the November 8 dead-

line. Details about the competition/event are available at this location as well. Any business or local group still has the opportunity to be a sponsor of this annual occasion which raises money to support the mission of the Estes Park Museum Friends & Foundation, Inc. Contact Tara Moenning at for further inquiries. With gratitude, event sponsors to date include: Major Sponsor: Susan Fereday State Farm Insurance Company Generous Sponsors: The Antiquarians, Cheryl Pennington, Colorado Homestead, Dunraven Restaurant at Estes Park Resort, The Enchanted Florist, Estes Park News, Macdonald Book Shop, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Smith Sign Studio, Wishes Fulfilled, and the YMCA of the Rockies.

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 7

Estes Park Museum Hosts Featured Artist Greig Steiner What This Saturday, November 5 at 2:00 p.m. join the Estes Park Museum as they host local artist Greig Steiner for an exclusive presentation. Starting in the Museum meeting room, Mr. Steiner will discuss his artistic career and techniques. The audience will then have the opportunity to view a collection of works currently on display in the temporary exhibit By Greig: The Art of Greig Steiner located in the Historic Boyd Building. Be sure to attend this unique program to ask questions and gain firsthand knowledge from the artist. This program is free and open to the public, no reservations are required. A graduate of the Pasadena Playhouse, Steiner’s work reflects his theatrical background. He has designed, built and painted theatrical sets, produced, directed, acted, and danced in over 350 shows and counting. Arriving in

Estes Park in 1959, Steiner continued to develop his artistic talents into a flourishing career. His paintings and sculptures have been displayed throughout the United States and around the world. Utilizing many artistic methods, Steiner’s technique varies by piece to capture the true nature of his subjects.

Estes Valley AARP Tax-Aide Service Seeking Volunteers To Help Local Taxpayers The Estes Park Tax-Aide team is always recruiting additional volunteers to assist the free tax-preparation service offered at the Estes Valley Library. Although most volunteers prepare tax returns, other roles are available. Everyone receives training annually for their chosen duties. All ages of volunteers are accepted; you do not have to be a senior citizen or an AARP member. In addition to tax preparers, Tax-Aide needs people who can provide technical expertise, client facilitation, administrative, and leadership support. Volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds and experience; some tax experience is helpful but a CPA not required. The most important attributes are being attentive to detail plus having reasonably good

computer skills. Bilingual volunteers would help promote the service to the Spanish speakers of our community. There will be a new volunteer orientation on December 7th. Formal tax training for new volunteers will occur at the library January 11-13 and 16-18. Note that the IRS restricts volunteer tax services such as Tax-Aide to less complicated cases. The training will provide sufficient guidance for completion of any IRS certification required before service begins in February. The reward is helping grateful people from our valley of all ages and income levels. If curious as to whether this service may be right for you, contact Don Bryson by calling (303) 887-1106 for more information.

8 » Friday, November 4, 2022

EPH Perioperative Staff with Tourniquet Machine.

Courtesy photo

Donor Funds Purchase Two Tourniquet Machines For Estes Park Health After receiving potentially life-saving treatment at Estes Park Health, a local family decided to give back. They contacted Kevin L. Mullin, Estes Park Health Foundation President, to meet, and, after discussing options, decided to purchase two tourniquet machines from Estes Park Health Foundation’s Wish List. Their timing was impeccable. Estes Park Health’s sole tourniquet machine had recently stopped working. To complete scheduled surgeries, EPH had to borrow a machine from a facility in the Valley. “Tourniquet machines control blood loss and/or flows for indicated timeframes and are a critical piece of equipment for EPH’s surgical unit,” said Gary Nelson, Director of Perioperative Services at EPH. “The impact this donor made by purchasing two tourniquet machines for Estes Park Health will not be forgotten. Without these machines, surgeries on any extremity of the body (fingers, hands, arms, feet, ankles, knees, or legs) in many cases, are not possible. Two machines were purchased so there is redundancy in case of future maintenance needs, so this donor guaranteed surgeries at EPH will not be postponed

due to the failure of a tourniquet machine. Everyone in this unit is grateful for their contribution.” There are many ways a person can show gratitude for services received at Estes Park Health and purchasing an item from EPH Foundation’s Wish List is one possibility. Contact EPH Foundation President Kevin L. Mullin at to learn about items needed at EPH. Other ways to help include donating in honor of a staff member, contributing to the endowment fund, or helping EPH Foundation with their current initiative to bring a new fluoroscopy unit to Estes Park Health. Donations can be made at Sharing your positive experience with services at Estes Park Health is also valuable. Positive patient stories invigorate the work of EPH Staff and help EPH Foundation Staff when seeking funds from individual and institutional donors. Contact EPH Foundation Director of Communications Kaci Yoh at to share your story. She will ensure your positive message is conveyed to the care providers who had an impact on your health care.

Town Administrator Signs Termination Of Declaration Of Local Emergency On Oct. 31, 2022, Town Administrator Machalek signed the Termination of Declaration of Local Emergency Due to COVID-19. View the document at

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 9

Warren Miller Ski Film To Be Shown At Park Theatre This Friday & Saturday

Join us for a very special showing of Warren Miller’s Daymaker at the Historic Park Theatre sponsored by the Estes Park Mountain Shop and First Colorado Realty. After a two year hiatus, the Estes Park Mountain Shop is excited to announce that Warren Miller will be returning to Estes Park! In conjunction with First Colorado Realty and the Historic Park Theatre, make plans to join us this Friday, November 4th or Saturday, November 5th for Warren Miller’s 73rd annual film, Daymaker. The film is a fundraiser with all funds raised from ticket sales being donated to the Estes Park Education Foundation. These funds specifically will be earmarked for local kids’ outdoor education endeavors. Movie description: From Alaska to Greece, British Columbia’s Monashee mountains and beyond, the 73rd annual ski and snowboard film, Daymaker, will replace the mountains in your mind with ones that free your mind. Join Crazy Karl Fostvedt, Michelle Parker, Katie Burrell, Daron Rahlves, Ryland Bell, Cam Fitzpatrick, Connery Lundin, and more out on the hill and you can’t really have a bad day. We hit Snowmass for the biggest party of the winter with the National Brother-

hood of Skiers, and surprise a Warren Miller superfan at the base of Snowbasin, rewrite the rules of adaptive backcountry riding, and follow one of Europe’s most legendary mountain guides.

Schedule of Events Doors open at 5:30 p.m., get your seats/concessions 6:00-Know Before You Go Avy Presentation/Outdoor Education talks by KMAC and Colorado Mountain School. 6:45-Raffle 7:00-Movie Daymaker starts Tickets are just $15 for 12 yrs. + and only $10 for children. Go to for more information and for tickets.

Advent Tea Time Is Coming! Please come to visit the “Tea Table” with tea and baked goodies, shop the bake sale, check out the handmade crafts for sale, visit Christmas bargains, and have lunch! Yes, it is time for our traditional krautburger lunch, Saturday, December 3 at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 950 N. St. Vrain from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. You may choose a krautburger or bar-

b-que chicken sandwich with chips, relish, dessert and a drink for $8.00- served from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Can’t wait that long to enjoy a krautburger? Call Cheryl Schutz at 970-586-4714 to order krautburgers now! We are thankful to hold this event “in person” again and hope to see you there! All proceeds benefit local, regional, and world-wide missions.

10 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Colorado Curmudgeon

VOTE NO ON PROPS 124, 125, and 126

Vote against a corporate cash grab. Keep our independent liquor stores in business. Save our small businesses and vote NO. Paid for by Bart’s Liquor

“Did you ever wonder about. …?” For decades the legendary Andy Rooney delighted “60 Minutes” audiences on Sunday nights asking that question. As our Nation’s Grumpy Grandfather he held a special place in the heart of every crabapple and kvetch; I was no exception. Now approaching my dotage (some family members assert this began decades ago) I find myself embracing a new persona: Colorado Curmudgeon. And I’m wondering about a few things. Years ago on Route 206 in New Jersey I regularly drove past a well-appointed manor displaying what my working class roots perceived as a condescending and pretentious message: “Tradesmen Use Rear Drive.” I have often wondered what response “tradesmen” might make to that demeaning edict as they made repairs and installed new appliances. Did the directive induce shoddy workmanship? I’m still wondering. Did you ever wonder why so many people like to complain about things of marginal significance? Eric Berne addressed our propensity for nitpicking in GAMES PEOPLE PLAY, published in 1964. “Ain’t it Awful” was just one of the pastimes Berne identified, alluding to our human penchant to point fingers. It’s not a particularly nice trait, but it does help one feel superior to others, and it’s a great substitute for constructive action. My enduring love affair with English words began in teenage years when I encountered the robust language of Shakespeare and the King James Bible. Mellifluous phrasing and elegant sentences stir something deep inside my soul, while careless or shoddy speech makes my psyche suffer. By way of example, and I am not making this up, several weeks ago a silky voice on NPR’s “Morning Edition” declared, “It’s five a.m. in the morning.” As opposed to five a.m. in the mid-afternoon? Later that day on MSNBC I was informed some event had been going on “for fourteen consecutive weeks in a row,” presumably not during non-consecutive weeks in a row. Do you remember the excruciating sound of fingernails scratching across a blackboard? Do these purported announcers work for the Colorado Redundancy Department of Colorado? Do they collaborate together? Do their cars have VIN numbers? Why can’t they be like we were, perfect in every way? Perfect. In every way. I’m wondering what the consensus of opinion is on this. While waiting in a customer line recently I heard the clerk say, “Can I help someone?” Well of course you “can.” You are able-bodied and fully capable of assisting another person. For clarity’s sake, you actually meant to ask if you “may” help someone. The question’s purpose was to ask permission, not to verify

competence. Did you ever wonder about snippets of conversations you overheard in which language collapsed into vacuous prattle? “So I go, like, ‘Let’s go, ’ and she goes, like, ‘Sure.’ So then I go, ‘Like, now?’ And she goes, like, ‘Sure, like, why not now?’ So anyways (Anyways? Good grief!) we were, like….. ” What are they talking about? Why don’t they “go” somewhere else? I’d “like” that. I am not wondering about this. Winston Churchill railed against the “terminological inexactitude” that clogged speeches delivered to the House of Commons by long-winded Members of Parliament. Some years earlier Mark Twain observed: “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” To which I go, like, Amen. I have long wondered about a sign on the Lake Estes trail advising people to deliver a “verbal warning” when passing others. “Verbal” includes written notes, which are more difficult to write while running. An “oral” warning, which comes with real noise and no paperwork, might better serve convenience, the situation and Churchill’s yearning for “exactitude.” Did you ever wonder about people (frequently politicians) who say “This is not who I am” after someone challenges a statement perceived to be sexist, racist or otherwise cruel and inappropriate? The Curmudgeon from the Continental Divide votes for transparency: what you said might not reflect who you want to become, but it is most assuredly who you are when you say it. Let’s review: a) Instead of advertising arrogant entitlement, treat others well; b) Complain less and contribute more; kwitcherbellyakin’; c) Pursue clarity of thought to know what you think; d) Use effective communication to say what you mean; e) Avoid denial (unless you are in Egypt) by owning your thoughts, words and actions; f) Embrace humility; you are no better than others. In sum, vote for life with an affirmative moral and ethical code. Speaking of voting, an overwhelming number of Coloradoans have already dropped ballots into secure boxes; if you haven’t, please vote (see #2, above). In several days we will know the will of the people as elections are decided across the state and country. Should my candidates lose, I’ll accept the results. Should they win I’ll celebrate with bubbly and delicious dining. If I order roast beef, will it come with au jus sauce? Andy Rooney and I are wondering. Reader response welcome:

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 11

Watch For Wildlife, Avoid Collisions During Daylight Saving Time Changing your clocks with your driving adhere to speed limits and remember that habits during daylight saving time can many of our highways have reduced speed help prevent wildlife-vehicle collisions. limits from dusk until dawn to help preWildlife experts advise drivers that wildlife vent collisions with wildlife. Drivers is on the move so be aware, drive with caution and slow down at night. This Sunday, Nov. 6, marks the end of daylight saving time in Colorado. This means drivers will set their clocks back an hour, see dusk earlier and witness more wild animals migrating to their wintering habitats during rushhour traffic on highways. As the sunlight fades CPW and CDOT actively monitor wildlife data to identify during high-volume highway mitigation projects to protect our wildlife and keep commutes, Colorado Colorado motorists safe. Parks and Wildlife asks should be aware of animals in town, on drivers to stay alert and share roads with wildlife. Autumn is the peak seasonal mat- county roads and on highways and keep their eyes on the road and shoulders to ing and migration time for many species, so drivers should watch for wildlife as they help prevent dangerous collisions.” In an effort to decrease the number of begin to experience darker commutes. wildlife-vehicle collisions in Colorado, The Colorado Department of TransCDOT has collaborated with CPW to deportation also advises motorists to stay velop wildlife prioritization plans for the vigilant, drive with caution and slow down, as winter storms often push wildlife Western Slope, as well as the Eastern Slope and Plains. from the high country into lower eleva“From these studies, wildlife mitigation tions. “With the changing seasons and snow al- features can be added to planned highway ready in the mountains, we are seeing a lot improvement projects,” said Steve Harelson, CDOT Chief Engineer. “The prioritiof deer and elk across our highways that motorists need to look out for,” said CPW zation plans provide us with a proactive approach to pursue strategic wildlifeAssistant Area Wildlife Manager Steve highway mitigation where it is needed McClung. “It is important for people to

most, to allow wildlife to safely cross busy highways and decrease the potential of high risk of wildlife-vehicle collisions.” Associated wildlife infrastructure includes wildlife overpasses, underpasses, high fences with escape ramps and wildlife guards along highways. CPW and CDOT actively monitor wildlife data to identify highway mitigation projects to protect our wildlife and keep Colorado motorists safe. To learn more about ongoing collaborative efforts, go to Colorado Wildlife Transportation Alliance. See locations of completed crossings around Colorado via the statewide wildlife crossing map. Projects recently completed or under construction include: I-25 Gap Project Monument to Castle Rock (five underpasses, high fencing and one overpass currently in design) I-25 Castle Rock to Lone Tree (high fencing, escape ramps and deer guards) CO 13 Fortification Creek Project north of Craig (one underpass, a wildlife radar detection system and high fencing) U.S. 24/285 east of Johnson Village (high fencing, escape ramps and deer guards) U.S. 160 west of Pagosa Springs (one un-

derpass, one overpass and high fencing) U.S. 550 south of Durango (two underpasses, several small mammal underpasses and high fencing) “Wildlife crossing structures are a winwin for wildlife and for people. These projects allow animals to move safely across the landscape for seasonal and daily movements while decreasing the risk to motorists of having wildlife collisions,” said CPW’s Wildlife Movement Coordinator

Michelle Cowardin. “As traffic increases across the state, more roadways will become barriers to wildlife movement, therefore it is important that we work together to develop solutions to maintain healthy wildlife populations in Colorado.”

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12 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Former Director Of Colorado State Parks And Nonprofit Founder Joins Board Of Directors Of Rocky Mountain Conservancy The Board of Directors of the Rocky Mountain Conservancy has voted to name Laurie Mathews as a member of the board of directors. The Rocky Mountain Conservancy is the nonprofit partner of Rocky Mountain National Park. Mathews was Director of Colorado State Parks from 1991 to 2001. Under her leadership, the department constructed 19 new visitor centers, established statewide environmental education programs and added $16 million of buffer land to expand and protect existing parks. In 1992 Mathews was a key leader in the creation of Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) the organization which uses a portion of Colorado lottery proceeds to help preserve and enhance state parks, trails, wildlife, rivers and open space. To date, GOCO has expended $1.3 billion on over 5,500 projects located in every county in Colorado. In 2001 Mathews founded Global Dental Relief ( to provide critical dental care to children in underdeveloped countries. The organization leads 25 trips per year to seven nations with dental professionals and volunteers. They provide dental care to 25,000 children annually. Since its founding, the organization has provided $41 million in dental care to 195,000 children. “We are extraordinarily fortunate to have Laurie join our board of directors ” said Brian Ross, board president. “Laurie is an expert in park management, and she is an exemplary nonprofit leader. It is hard to imagine a more perfect professional fit for our organization,” Ross said. “At a time when the Rocky Mountain Conservancy is reestablishing its educational programs post-pandemic and when Rocky Mountain National Park is still dealing with post-fire recovery, continued visitor pressure and climate change pressures, Laurie will be an incredible resource to the Conservancy and Rocky, ” Ross added. Mathews said, “I am honored to join the board of the Rocky Mountain Conservancy

to work for the benefit of our wonderful Rocky Mountain National Park.” Estee Rivera Murdock, Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Conservancy said, “As we embark on one of our most ambitious years of funding critical park support projects, I’m excited to have Laurie at the table with us, bringing her decades of expertise in philanthropy and communitybuilding to help us to fulfill our mission.” About Rocky Mountain Conservancy RMC was established in 1931. It has funded hundreds of projects in the park designed to protect and preserve the park’s natural and cultural environment and to help ensure park visitors enjoy their experiences and learn about the many important aspects of Rocky Mountain National Park. RMC provides millions of dollars annually in philanthropic support for RMNP, as well as providing stewardship through the inkind support of the signature the Rocky Mountain Conservancy-Conservation Corps and other volunteer programming. In 2023, the Conservation Corps will celebrate its 20th anniversary serving RMNP and the surrounding forests. Examples of current major RMC-supported projects underway and forthcoming in Rocky Mountain National Park include: • Search and Rescue programs, including on-going specialized training for staff and the purchase of a new UTV vehicle for emergency operations in the west district of the park, following up on this year’s successful campaign to replace the east side SAR vehicle • Support for the Kawunechee Valley Ecosystem Restoration Project, improving Colorado River water quality, willow and habitat restoration • Boardwalk replacement improvements on the Sprague Lake Trail • Multi-year work segments on the Longs Peak Trail • Boreal toad reintroduction and breeding site research • Livestock purchases for backcountry rangers, SAR and Trails crews • The Junior Ranger program; staff support, books and badges

Laurie Mathews

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 13

Fine Arts Guild Of The Rockies Presents Shawn PrestonProfessional Entertainer & Magician

Special Show November 18 Shawn Preston, affectionately known as The Magic Dude, is perhaps Denver’s “Best Kept Secret.” With his quick wit and spontaneous humor combined with exceptional sleight-of-hand, he has thrilled audiences for nearly 20 years.

138 Moraine Ave. - (970)685-8818

Alcohol Ink $35 Landscapes Acrylic Pour

Pour $40 Acrylic Painting Fused Glass Necklace $45 Burning $40 Wood Mobile Class Inktense Painted Tote Bag $35 Felted $35Hummingbirds 'My Favorite Things' Birdhouse Collage


Hydro Dipping Tumblers All Day Drop-In Class Saturday & Sunday

$25 Tie-Dye Friday

All Day Friday 10:00-6:00

1 for $20.00 2 for $35.00

With literally hundreds of performances for private parties, special events, and corporate functions all across the country, he is quickly establishing his reputation as a one-of-akind entertainer. Shawn takes pride in providing his audiences with a fun filled show complete with music, hilarious comedy, unbelievable demonstrations of mind power, audience participation and of course… magic. Spectators are amazed, amused and most of all, entertained. One night only, family friendly, Friday, November 18, at 7 p.m. at the Historic Park Theatre. Tickets available at the door and soon at the Historic Park Theater website at Admission (all patrons pay admission to this performance, members receive a discount): $20/17 Adult/Adult Member $17/15 Senior (62+) / Senior Member $15/12 Youth/Youth Member

14 » Friday, November 4, 2022

CPW Asks Coloradans To Properly Discard Pumpkins And To Not Leave Them Out For Wildlife Consumption


BUDGET HEARING Topics: Proposed 2023 Budget & Proposed Fee Schedule for Landfill Transfer Stations (Estes Park, Red Feather Lakes & Wellington)

6:00 p.m. November 7, 2022 Hearing Room (1st Floor) Larimer County Administrative Services 200 W. Oak Street Fort Collins, CO 80522 WATCH LIVE


To participate online via zoom, register at

Email questions to

This Halloween, properly dispose of pumpkins to avoid feeding wildlife. Many communities offer pumpkin drop-off locations for the pumpkins to go to domestic livestock.

Intentionally feeding wildlife is illegal in Colorado, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife would like to remind residents to properly dispose of pumpkins following Halloween rather than leaving them out for wildlife to consume. “We want our wildlife to be sustained by the resources that naturally occur in their habitat,” said CPW Wildlife Pathologist Karen Fox. “Our policy is definitely to not provide supplemental food to big game in any form.” Leaving pumpkins out for wildlife might seem harmless but could lead to unintended consequences. Deer feeding on pumpkins can attract predators such as mountain lions to residential areas. Bears are also attracted to the pumpkins as they look to pile on calories during the last days before denning season. That can lead to unnecessary humanbear conflicts. Feeding wildlife can also habituate those animals to human forces and cause them to congregate, which can lead to the spread of disease. Many communities offer pumpkin disposal sites, and it is common for ranchers and farmers to take pumpkins to feed to domestic livestock. In the last three

years, La Plata County residents have dropped off more than 13,000 pounds of pumpkins during drop-off days at the local fairgrounds. Those have gone to be used as animal feed at local ranches. CPW encourages people looking to put their pumpkin to a better use than disposal in a landfill to find those types of opportunities in their communities. As Halloween and jack-o’-lantern season also coincides with hunting season in Colorado, CPW also asks the public to refrain from dumping pumpkins on public lands. “We do see pumpkins tossed out in the forest. Please don’t do that,” said CPW Assistant Area Wildlife Manager Steve McClung. “It can be viewed as baiting. “As far as in-town pumpkins go, bears are still around and haven’t gone to bed yet. Other animals such as raccoons that may carry distemper or other diseases could also get into those pumpkins, and you don’t want potentially sick animals hanging around your home, especially if you have pets. Please find appropriate ways to discard your pumpkins after Halloween.” For more information regarding living with wildlife, visit the CPW website.

Town Offices Closed In Observance Of Veterans Day Town of Estes Park municipal offices will be closed Friday, Nov. 11, in observance of Veterans Day. Offices will resume normal operating hours Monday, Nov. 14. For more information, please call the Public Information Office at 970-577-3701.

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 15

Storm Mountain Holiday Bazaar This Weekend

Our annual Storm Mountain Holiday Bazaar is rapidly approaching! We have a number of local artisans displaying beautiful handmade items that would make wonderful holiday gifts. We started the Storm Mountain Bazaar in 2008; a group of local crafters looking for an outlet for their products. Some of the faces have changed over the years, but the quality and variety of crafts remains. Most of our items are locally hand crafted and you have the fun of talking to the crafters and learning about the process of creating the items. The wide variety of products will include quilted, knit & crocheted items, jewelry, soaps, honey and honey products, decorations, baskets, gourds, wood carvings, cards, and more treasures! The bazaar is this Saturday, Nov. 5, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 6, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We are located in the Big Thompson Canyon Association Building, a fun historic log structure, at 1479 US Hwy. 34, one mile east of Drake. We hope to see lots of familiar faces stop-

ping in; some people make this an annual event. Look for many fall and winter items as well as holiday items for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our fund-raising efforts this year will support the Big Thompson Canyon Association whose building has been our home for many years. We are having a bake sale to assist with building maintenance funds; he building has been in use since 1948 and is showing its age! Funds will go to help replace windows broken by a bear last year, replace the aging and cantankerous stove, scrape and paint the exterior, and other smaller building repairs. We try to make sure this is a fun community event, not just a shopping event: free hot cider, crafts people happy to share information, fun historic log building – and hopefully good weather! If you have any questions, please contact Deb Green at or Additional information on the crafters will also be linked from that Facebook page.

16» Friday, November 4, 2022

Happy 17th Birthday Isaac Aldridge

Student Grant Funds Available Quota Club of Estes Park is offering financial assistance to members of our community who wish to further their education. Past recipients have been in the medical field, educators, law enforcement, first responders, flight school, environmental programs to mention just some of our past recipients. Anyone who wishes to attend an accredited institution or seminar or continuing education for recertification to advance their career is eligible to apply. Please contact Ann Kasper at for information on how to apply.

Enjoy your last year of being a minor! Love from our new home in Kyle, TX, Grammy & Gramps

Estes Park Special Olympics Tuesday Bowling Fun

Estes Park Special Olympics organizers are hosting bowling fun at the Bull Pin, 555 S. St. Vrain Ave. on Tuesdays from 3:30-5 p.m. All ages are welcome to participate. For more information, contact Audri Smith at 970-451-3762 or email



Christmas Sale 20




through N O V E M B E R


Woman's Club Luncheon Meeting November 9 The November 9, 2022 Estes Park Women's Club meeting will be held at the American Legion. Our program will feature Mindy Rickard, Project Coordinator, Health District of Northern Larimer County, Larimer Advance Care Planning. Through caring for her parents and seeing their journey navigating endof-life care and dementia, she became passionate about Advance Care Planning. Her message about the value of having good conversations and planning ahead around the kitchen table instead of next to the hospital bed is of great interest to us all. It is important for each of us to choose and have those wishes honored. If you are interested in attending the luncheon and meeting please make advance reservations at Lunch will be pork tenderloin, mixed greens with roasted pears. There are regular, gluten free and vegan options. Any woman interested in joining the club is welcome to contact us at Luncheon meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the calendar months of September through May.

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 17

Ukrainian Resettlement Fund At Crossroads Ministry Grows

Dennis Gelhaus presents check to Jess Borries and Brian Schaffer at Crossroads. Photo by Chuck Bonza

By: Dale Bonza

Rotary Club of Estes Park members presented a check in the amount of $3,100 to Executive Director Brian Schaffer and Client Advocate Jess Borries of Crossroads Ministry on Oct. 20. This money represents personal donations from Rotary members who hope to meet the needs of Ukrainian refugees as they find a peaceful place to resettle in the Estes Valley. Executive Director Schaffer thanked Dennis Gellhaus, Rotary President, for Rotarians’ continuing generosity as the Ukrainian fund grows. The fund has already provided prepaid smartphones for arriving Ukrainians to make appointments for job interviews and stay connected with friends and family. Further donations from the community can be made directly to Crossroads Ministry. Crossroads Ministry continues their refugee community support with food,

thrift store and gas vouchers, winter clothing, rent payments, security deposits and help with all the things it takes to start over in a new land. Resources include this fund and the many services/donations from other nonprofit organizations in the Estes Valley. Rotary is a worldwide organization of more than 1.2 million people. Rotarians provide humanitarian service and help build goodwill and peace in the world. The Rotary Club of Estes Park meets for fellowship and lunch on Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. at the American Legion Post 119, 850 N. St. Vrain Ave., Estes Park. The weekly program begins at noon. Visiting Rotarians and locals with a zest for local and worldwide service are invited to visit. Learn more at: estespark. Like us on Facebook:

Jaime Velazquez 11th Grade Congratulations to Jaime Velazquez, the Estes Park High School Student of the Week for November 4, 2022. At EPHS Jaime participates in recreational basketball, cross country/track, and is an ELD Ambassador, Treasurer, and a member of the Spanish for Native Speakers group. Outside of school Jaime enjoys drawing, walking and playing video games. Jaime has two older sisters and one brother. A place Jaime would love to visit is Argentina and said, “I love the history and the culture of the Guachos and how those traditions have transformed into some the best and most cutting

edge rap.” Jaime’s favorite quote is “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." by C. S. Lewis.” The best piece of advice Jaime has ever received is, “Don’t waste time stuck in the past.” After high school, Jaime said, “I would like to find an internship in town to explore some options for my future career. Upon graduating from EPHS I hope to attend Front Range Community College and participate in the ASCENT program. After one year at FRCC, I will transfer to CU Boulder.”

18 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Dia de los Muertos Thank You! The seventh annual celebration of Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) took place on October 26 at the Estes Park Event Center. More than 700 people attended and enjoyed a variety of authentic Mexican food, live music, informational booths, and activities. This initiative is rapidly becoming a community-centered tradition and one of the most important events integrating demographics in town. The beauty of the event is that it encourages us to meet our neighbors, learn about and appreciate another culture, access pertinent information from local organizations, and it contributes another reason why we are all proud to call Estes Park home. As is the custom each year, the ofrenda (altar) was the focal point of the celebration and it was truly spectacular with a catrina (an elegantly dressed skeleton) nearly 14 feet tall wearing a black and purple dress handmade made by one of the committee organizers. In Mexico, and other parts of Central America, the catrina is a joyful symbol of the afterlife. Dia de Los Muertos is a period when the dead are reunited with the living so that families can honor their ancestors. This custom developed over centuries as a blend of Mesoamerican rituals, European religion, and Spanish culture. The evening program had something for everyone. Children made crafts and many stood in a long line to have their faces painted with catrina designs. The Mariachi band "Sol de mi Tierra," one of the premier mariachis in Colorado, performed live on stage and two elementary students joined the band to sing a Mexican ballad for an enthusiastic audience. Sixteen community organizations hosted tables sharing resources and activities relevant to the holiday. Thank you to the Estes Valley Library. The "Wall of Remembrance" featured new contributions and this year we honored indigenous heroes, including Chief Joseph and Cuauhtémoc. The Latino community is at the forefront of the organization and execution of this fabulous event. Many are parents of students in the Estes Park School District and part of the local workforce; they contribute ideas and volunteer for months in preparation to make this free event a reality for all. Families lend their knowledge of how to best represent cultural traditions associated with Día de Los Muertos as well as homemade fare. The evening featured delicious food including tamales, guacamole, champurrado and many different meat dishes as well as the best pizza in town. Drinks, desserts and Pan de Muerto (sweet bread served on this holiday) were also part of the menu. All of the food was provided by the community. The list of restaurants and organizations that contributed has grown larger every year, each is a key ingredient in the success of the celebration. To all who donated their resources including volunteering for Dia de Los Muertos, the committee wishes to express its deepest thanks. The 2022 Dia de los Muertos Committee

¡Gracias! La séptima celebración anual del Día de los Muertos se llevó a cabo el 26 de octubre en el Centro de Eventos de Estes Park. Más de 700 personas asistieron y disfrutaron de una variedad de auténtica comida mexicana, música en vivo, puestos informativos y actividades para los niños. Esta iniciativa se está convirtiendo rápidamente en una tradición centrada en la comunidad y uno de los eventos más importantes que integran la demografía en el pueblo. Lo importante del evento es que nos anima a conocer a nuestros vecinos, aprender y apreciar otra cultura, acceder a información pertinente de organizaciones locales y contribuye con otra razón por la que todos estamos orgullosos de llamar hogar a Estes Park. Como es costumbre cada año, la ofrenda (altar) fue el punto focal de la celebración y fue realmente espectacular, con una catrina (un esqueleto elegantemente vestido) de casi 14 pies de altura con un vestido negro y morado hecho a mano por uno de los miembros del comité. En México y otras partes de América Central, la catrina es un símbolo alegre del más allá. El Dia de Los Muertos es la ocasión cuando los muertos se reúnen con los vivos para que las familias puedan honrar a sus antepasados. Esta costumbre se desarrolló durante siglos como una mezcla de rituales mesoamericanos, religión europea y cultura española. El programa de la noche tenía algo para todos. Los niños hicieron manualidades y muchos formaron una larga fila para pintarse la cara con diseños de catrinas. La banda de mariachis "Sol de mi Tierra", uno de los mejores mariachis de Colorado, se presentó en vivo en el escenario y dos estudiantes de primaria se unieron a la banda para cantar una ranchera para una audiencia entusiasta. Dieciséis organizaciones comunitarias organizaron mesas para compartir recursos y actividades relevantes para la festividad. ¡Gracias! Estes Valley Library. El “Muro del Recuerdo” contó con nuevos aportes y este año homenajeamos a héroes indígenas, entre ellos el Cacique José y Cuauhtémoc. La comunidad latina estuvo al frente de la organización y ejecución de este fabuloso evento. Muchos son padres de estudiantes en el Distrito Escolar de Estes Park y parte de la fuerza laboral local; aportaron ideas y se ofrecieron como voluntarios durante meses en preparación para hacer de este evento gratuito una realidad para todos. Las familias brindaron su conocimiento sobre cómo representar mejor las tradiciones culturales asociadas con el Día de los Muertos, así como la comida casera. La velada contó con comida deliciosa que incluía tamales, guacamole, champurrado y muchos platos de carne diferentes, así como la mejor pizza del pueblo. Las bebidas, los postres y el Pan de Muerto (pan dulce que se sirve en esta festividad) también formaron parte del menú. Toda la comida fue provista por la comunidad. La lista de restaurantes y organizaciones que contribuyeron ha crecido cada año, cada uno es un ingrediente clave en el éxito de la celebración. A todos los que donaron sus recursos, incluido el voluntariado para el Día de los Muertos, el comité desea expresar su más profundo agradecimiento. El Comité del Día de los Muertos 2022

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 19

EPHS Production Of The Addams Family At EPHS November 10-12 Students at Estes Park High School have been busy rehearsing and preparing for their upcoming production of The Addams Family. In its typical creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky fashion, the ghoulish Addams family is visiting the graveyard for an annual gathering of all family members, living dead, and undecided, to celebrate what it is to be an Addams. However, the family encounters an unforeseen obstacle when Wednesday decides to introduce her new “normal” boyfriend Lucas to the family. In protest,

Performances will be November 10th, Uncle Fester enlists the help of the Ad11th, 12th, at 7 p.m. in the EPHS auditodams’ ancestors to call an end to the young budding romance. As Wednesday rium. admits that she is falling in love, MortiCast list cia, Gomez, and Pugsley worry about Gomez-Callum Hoskins her changing ways. As the families of Morticia- Grace Thamert Wednesday and Lucas come together for Wednesday- Samantha Workman dinner one fateful evening, chaos ensues and the two families find themselves ad- Fester-Henry Thomas Pugsley- Casey Mieszala mitting deep secrets and coming together in ways they never would have Grandma- Amelia Bryant imagined. The Addams Family BroadLurch- Kai Walker way Musical tells the story of love and Alice-Brooke Stewart friendship through adversity, with a Mal-Zach Lewis comical and macabre yet poignant spin.

Lucas-Wyatt Morris Ancestors Neva Case Robin O’Malley Mavis Brink Kay Brown Nevaeh McGillicuddy Lux Van Tatenhove Merin Hamel Tickets are now available online at! Come meet the family. We’ll leave the lights off for you.

Photos courtesy Jordanne Bradley

Estes Park High School & Thespian Troupe #7284 PRESENT




NOV 10

NOV 11

NOV 12

7:00 PM

7:00 PM

7:00 PM

Directed by Alan Denney & Jordanne Bradley | Choreographed by Ilah Reynar EPHS Auditorium, 1600 Manford Avenue

For tickets and info visit us at

Presented through special arrangement with and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW)

20 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Prisoner Of Hope By: Larry Strong

Many years ago I flew into San Francisco and was sitting across the desk from one of our company’s agency managers at the request of the president of the company. Frank (not his real name) was failing badly and we were at a point where we either needed to get the agency moving in the right direction or I was going to have to “free up his future.” We had done everything we could to help Frank from a strategy position but were at the point of questioning his leadership ability to execute the plan. “Frank, I said, how do you feel about where the business is at?” He looked at me sincerely and said, “I’m really hoping things will turn around.” For the next hour I helped Frank understand that hope was NOT a strategy and fortunately, we were able to help him get on a measurable, quantifiable, clear path toward success. He recently retired after many years with the company and thanked me for my leadership and not giving up on him. Hope is not a strategy. Nor is coffee apple pie. But a good cup of coffee makes a great partner with apple pie and hope is an awesome partner to strategy. Ultimately, the greatest plan or strategy left unexecuted remains nothing more than a good idea. Another way to put it is, “hope without a plan is a wish.” But likewise, a sound plan or strategy without hope is akin to a balloon with no air. No, hope is not a strategy—it’s much more. The guys at Men on Fire are a very diverse bunch of guys. Frankly, it’s miracu-

lous that we gather on Saturday mornings because our life experiences and faith journeys are so drastically different. The list of things that make us radically different is a long one. But the Person who unites us is bigger than the sum total of our differences. In addition to the Lord and our desire to become better men by His grace we have something else in common. We’re prisoners of hope. A prisoner of hope is one who remains hopeful in spite of circumstances that seem hopeless. Let me be clear, our hope does not lie in our own intellect, talent, personalities, work ethic or “best thinking.” Our commitment to hope lies squarely in the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” If our hope was contingent on our circumstances, health, bank accounts, addictions, temptations, struggles and trials of this life we’d be incarcerated by hopelessness not prisoners of hope. Men on Fire meets Saturday 8:00 a.m. at the American Legion, 850 N. St. Vrain. We’re discussing how to have victory through pretty rough terrain and this is always a good place to re-state that we haven’t arrived yet—it’s a journey. But we get stronger by the encouragement of other men along the trail. Men wanting to grow in their personal relationship with the Lord and learning how to hang onto hope. We don’t do apple pie but we do the coffee part right along with a darn good breakfast. Come hang out. From out of town? Join us!

Krautburger Time Is Here Again Be the first to place your order for the annual Krautburger event baked at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church. Call Cheryl Schutz at 970-586-4714 to place an order, schedule a pick up date, answer your questions! Yes, there are some ready now! Yes, they are delicious! Yes, you will be supporting LWML local and world missions! LWML = Lutheran Womens Missionary League. You will also be able to enjoy these at the Mt. Calvary annual Advent Tea - Saturday, December 3, tea table, bake sale, Christmas treasures, and a yummy lunch! Watch the Estes Park News and posters for details coming soon. Thanks for your participation and support!

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 21

22 » Friday, November 4, 2022

ON SECOND THOUGHT…DO OTHERS LIKE / LOVE YOU? Last week I reminded us how important it is to like / love ourselves. In Jesus’s famous answer about the two greatest commandments, He said: “The first, is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength…and the second, is to love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:30) One cannot truly love his neighbor, unless he loves himself first. It is so easy to ‘hate’ others, if you ‘hate’ yourself…as is evident in our society in many of the acts of violence we observe. However, it is no less important that others like / love us. When I was in high school in Canada decades ago, I remember a joke that went around the school when a girl quietly complained: “Nobody loves me and my hands are cold.” Some smart-aleck responded: “God loves you, and you can sit on your hands!” But that doesn’t do it, does it? In the beginning, the Bible tells us, Adam had a relationship with God, with all the animals, with a beautiful setting, and, still, God said: “It is not good…for the man to be alone.” So, He created a woman and brought her to the man. Now, ‘It was good!’ “People who need people are the luckiest people in the world”, the song tells us, but the truth is, ‘we all need people’, if we are going to function properly. The sadness of situations where such relationships do not exist was very evident just last week when a young man went on a shooting spree at a St. Louis school, killing two and dying himself. The handwritten note found in Orlando Harris’s car read: “I don’t have any friends. I don’t have any family. I’ve never had a girlfriend. I’ve never had a social life. I’ve been an isolated loner all my life.” Talk about ‘people who needed people’, but had none. So many people…people who had relationships…suffered, because this young man had none. I remember an editorial written shortly after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. The editorial noted the sense of social failures… friends, wife, etc. in the shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald’s, life…that may have motivated him to kill the man that most epitomized popularity and relationships with others at the time. Kennedy ‘needed…and had people’, Oswald did not. Solomon, in the Bible, shared about our need for friends: “Two are better than one, because they have good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! If two lie down together, they will keep warm. Bur how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Perhaps you remember the theme song for a popular TV show, ‘Cheers’, years ago. “Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn’t you like to get away? Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see our troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody knows your name.” Sadly, Orlando Harris and Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t have that. One of my sons frequently does DUI patrol in the course of his police work. When he pulls someone over who is inebriated he always asks: “Do you have a support group…a church, an AA group, a strong family group, etc.?” And recommends some that might be of help when they are struggling. “Woe to the one who is alone when he falls.” And that might be a good question to ask ourselves: “Do I have a good support group that I can go to in time of struggle or uncertainty?” It’s a question that we might want to consider about others we know. What about our children? Do we see our children struggling through life without good relationships? Could they possibly be the one saying: “I don’t have any friends, family, girl-friend, or ???” A very popular family-relations author and speaker, told of going into his son’s room to pick up an item needed. He saw a note his son had written, musing about how alienated he felt. Gary Smalley immediately sat down with his son and apologized and began totally changing their relationship. Please take time to do this with your children, as well as your spouse, and any others in your circle of influence who ‘need people’ and help them grow in their circle of relationships. We want no more Harrises or Oswalds. Happy trails…and friends! Bob Lewis

November 4 – November 10

Just Listen There’s a non-profit in town called Estes Valley Crisis Advocates and I ran it for 17 years. One evening I was “on-call” from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. I was the Director but still took turns being oncall and was always the backup person. I don’t know what day it was, what time it was, or even what year it was. I just remember it was in the middle of the night and I was sound asleep when my pager went off. There had been a serious automobile accident with multiple victims and I needed to go to Estes Park Health (what we called “the hospital” or EPMC back then). This was when I was living in Waltonia, nine miles down the Big Thompson Canyon. I stumbled out of bed, made a quick cup of coffee while dressing, petted the dog goodbye, and moved out into the cold night. It was a quiet night with no traffic. I felt very alone and at the same time, protected in my beautiful canyon which was presenting itself to me in all its beauty even though it was night. Every tree and bush stood out sharply from the others. The road was a black shining ribbon in front of me. When I turned into the first curve I realized why. Above, a huge full moon sat in the night sky centered perfectly between the canyon walls. The call was a hard one. A car with three people inside had gone off the highway and into the river. This is what I remember: two people died that night and one survived. When I arrived at EP Health, I immediately went into The Emergency Department and found six or so family members milling about waiting for news. I checked in with the medical staff and then looked about to see who most needed my help. Immediately I noticed a very large man who looked like he was about to topple over. I went over to him and without thinking, opened my arms wide. He came in and held me tight. I’m not an especially big hugger and never ever hug people I don’t know. This time I just knew in my gut that he needed physical contact. It was his brother who had been lost to the river. A Spanish-speaking advocate came in and started moving the family to another room where they could wait in privacy. Much later, after allowing everyone the space to talk, we handed out information about the free counseling and what they could expect next. I went back out into the cold night anticipating a short, couple of hours of sleep before work in the morning. Everybody has heroes. Crisis Advocates are my heroes because all advocates who volunteer for this duty are deeply caring and empathetic human beings. One advocate I had the honor of working with was extra-amazing. Her name was Janet and I recently attended her memorial service. Janet was an extremely dedicated advocate who took an on-call shift a minimum of four times a month-often more. She volunteered to carry a pager and provided support, assistance, and care to fellow human beings at the time of an unexpected and major crisis in their life. This crisis could be a domestic violence situation, a sexual or physical assault, a sudden death, or an accident of some kind. Something terrible happened

and she willingly responded to that distress call. These calls could come during the day, at night, over weekends, and even on holidays. A crisis never occurs at our convenience and advocates are available 24/7. Janet ended up being a crisis advocate for over twenty years. A number of years ago Crisis Advocates made a short film to help people understand what advocates did. We may even have sent it to funders so they would understand where their money went. Janet, after some gentle coercion from me, agreed to act as the advocate in the film. Since I cannot show you this misplaced or lost film, pretend you are viewing it. The film takes place in the middle of a winter night. A woman sleeps soundly in her bed. Suddenly, a pager beeps shrilly and the woman wakes and reaches for it on the bedside table. She pulls herself up in her flannel pajamas, turns on a lamp, and looks at the pager. She grabs her phone and a note pad and calls Dispatch. “Dispatch.” “Dispatch, this is Janet, the advocate on call.” “Ah huh.” “All right.” “OK.” “Is she hurt? Has he been arrested?” “Yeah, I’ll just pull on my clothes and be there in less than fifteen. What’s the address?” Cut to later in the film where we see Janet knocking on a door. A police officer answers and leads her in. I’m going to end the pretend here and tell you that it is during this time, after the police officer leaves, that Janet worked her magic. Janet listened. Janet sat with the person, holding space for the person so they could begin talking. Janet was integral in beginning the healing process, the process that starts happening as soon as a survivor starts speaking. Research tells us that recovery from trauma is not a process that occurs in isolation, but requires a collective process through which the painful story is heard, witnessed, and shared. However, the survivor must tell their story to the right person. A crisis advocate can absolutely be the right person. Advocates do not judge, they respect the story and keep it private, they do not blame or shame, they allow the survivor to tell the story in whatever way they need to tell it, and appreciate silence when silence is necessary. Advocates do not see the survivor as the trauma but recognize the trauma is only a part of the person. Janet’s “magic” was no big secret or some delicate psychological treatment. She listened. That’s all. She held a calm and respectful space for the survivor to enter so that they could tell their story. Trauma recovery begins the second you emerge from the experience if you are able to tell your story. That’s something that Janet and all crisis advocates knew and understood. And, that’s why crisis advocates are still my heroes. Mary Mesropian has lived in the Estes Park area since 1994 and is a Celebrant, officiating weddings and other ceremonies. Her email is maryruthdancer@yahoo. Comments, thoughts, sharing is welcome.

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 23

The front page of our very first issue of the Estes Park News was November 3, 2000. Headlined “Something new for Estes Park” referenced the newspaper and also the first ever Pumpkin Fest we introduced to Estes Park!

This week, November 3, 2022, Estes Park News is celebrating twenty-two years of business in Estes Park. In 1999, as new local residents, we saw a real need for what we envisioned as a Kris & Gary Hazelton photographed in their original home office 2000. It wasn’t more community minded newspaper. long before they rented their first office space on Graves Avenue. Our community involvement in a small, midwest town along with very successful experience in national product marketing was the perfect combination to begin our new endeavor. What would be different was our approach. It wouldn’t be restricted to traditional journalistic standards. Our new media would only support good Andrew Donaldson, Operations Manager, Tim Buck, now office manager & ads, and positive efforts. The community at joined us in the very early days of 2002. started his Local Herd cartoon on day one! large would determine the actual condesired to return to writing with a column called, “A tent. We recognized there are so many different inter- Slice of Life" in Estes. Esther A. Cenac wanted to ests in all communities. We felt each should be write a fun, high altitude cooking column and Sarah represented and authors/experts in their field could Donahoe wanted to introduce her talents in writing. control their own communication. For those who We’ve enjoyed so many others, John Hazlitt, David hike, teach, serve, plan events, fund-raise, each should Tavel, Robert Burkhardt, to name just a few. These be able to promote and develop their own style and EP News pioneers have informed and entertained following. our readers for twenty-two years! Thank you all! With the new plan in place, various people jumped Early into our endeavor, the multi-talented Andrew in and volunteered to participate and offer their exDonaldson joined our team. He’s been with us for pertise. We also called on leaders in town governalmost 22 years and is now our Operations Manager. ment, school administration, hospital administration, Through the years, each one of our Estes Park chilservice groups, first responders, national park service dren Kylie, Jordan and Chloé have worked for us at and business owners and all were informed that no one time or another. They helped us for many years negative news would be published. Thus our slogan, and more importantly, it gave them each the experi“Good News, Good Choice!” ence to be successful in their own adult endeavors. Graphic artist Tim Buck wanted to do a weekly car- Kylie and her husband Nathanael still work for us toon, which he has continued for by doing deliveries to over 300 locations every twenty-two years. Laurie Button Thursday night.

The very first Pumpkin Fest was introduced by Estes Park News in October 2000.

President George W. Bush visited the YMCA of the Rockies August 2001, just weeks before the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on our nation.

Artist Tim Buck’s very first Local Herd cartoon was introduced November 3, 2000. His humor and insight continues to this day, much to the delight of his many followers and fans.

With a hit television series, daredevil Robbie Knievel came to town and set new records in Estes Park, 2005.

Estes Park residents gathered together at Riverside Plaza in Estes Park to light candles and pray for our nation’s healing after the terrorist attacks in NYC, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania.

For our April 1st, 2005 issue, the legendary Sasquatch was spotted by Mayor John Baudek and his wife Shirley on the Town’s Knoll-Willows property. Notice other interesting tidbits in the news as well.

Enda Mills Kiley, daughter of Enos Mills, was on our front page July 9, 2004 as Rodeo Grand Marshal.

The Fine Arts Guild of the Rockies presented, “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat” in 2002 with a full cast of local talent and amazing performances!

24 » Friday, November 4, 2022

MacGregor Ranch bringing in the cattle June 2004.

March 24, 2006 the old Estes Park Visitor Center was demolished. Today’s new, modern building replaced it.

Throughout the last twenty-two years, we have covered so many aspects of our unique, small town. Human achievement, wildlife watching, the beauty of the Rocky Mountains and many historic events have been on our weekly pages. Major events such as a “9/11” community prayer, Haiti relief funding, historic floods and fires such as the Park Theater Mall, Mary’s Lake Lodge, Woodland Heights, Big Elk Meadows, and most recently, the Troublesome/Cameron Peak Fires. When President George W. Bush and Senator John McCain visited, we were there. Even when daredevil Robbie Knievel made a historic record jump, we were there! Our entire business concept is based on consistent, loyal advertisers, who we are very thankful for. Magazines and newspapers are fully supported by advertising. Many businesses have come and gone over the last twenty-two years. One solid factor for survival for any business is consistent advertising and marketing. That needs to be a integral part of any successful business plan. The world’s leading companies consider it essential to continued future success. With that in mind, we personally thank all of our advertisers-past, present and future.

Historic Stanley St recalls the big day

A special 100 year celebration of the Stanley Steamer, event happened June 26, 2009.

The Wizard of Oz play November 17, 2006. Another spectacular Fine Arts Guild of the Rockies production.

The Park Theatre Mal YouTube. Search Park

Estes Park Sings & Prom Court candidates were featured on April 27, 2007.

June 29, 2007 Midsummer Scandinavian Festival

Rails in the Rockies, February 15, 2008.

John Denver Tribute & water fun Aug. 15, 2008.

Senator John McCain m with her special MIA b

Bye, Bye Birdie & the Cert Team Nov. 7, 2008.

Rooftop Rodeo & parade, July 10, 2009.

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 25

teamers Car event, June 26, 2009. A great video on YouTube y! Search Stanley Steamers Estes Park, Kris Hazelton.

April Fools Day! Mayor Bill Pinkham & his wife Sue spot Bigfoot again on our April 1, 2011 edition.

Estes Park Rotary’s 24th Annual Duck Race on May 5, 2012.

Scottish/Irish Highland Festival and the Wienermobile come to town September 7, 2012.

The 14th Annual Elk Fest in Bond Park drew thousands to our town. September 28, 2012.

Historic, devastating flood of 2013, Sept. 20, 2013.

Apparatus was used from the Reliance Fire Museum.

Estes Park Volunteer Fire Dept. arrived early but the fire quickly engulfed the building.

ll Fire, Oct 23, 2009. Video on k Theatre Mall Fire Kris Hazelton.

Kris Hazelton reported on the fire as it happened.

On Sept. 12, 2013 the rivers overflowed, flooding many homes and downtown businesses.

met with Kris Hazelton bracelet August 2009. Estes Park High School Girls State Champions! March 3, 2011

The Woodland Heights Fire, June 29, 2012

Olive, everyone’s beloved Estes Park News English Bull Terrier was our very wise spokesdog for over 10 years. She gave words of wisdom every week in many different forms!

This national professional bike race came to our town. August 23, 2013.

The first annual Wine Festival began August 14, 2015 and announced in Estes Park News!

26 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Catch The Glow Parade floats featured November 25, 2016.

Annual downtown Halloween event, October 26, 2018. Illustrated by Gary Hazelton.

Celebrating The Town of Estes Park’s 100th Anniversary, August 4, 2017.

“Social Distancing!” A timely photo by Richard Hahn on the March 27, 2020 edition.

Northern Colorado Honor Flight celebrated our nation’s veterans. A free trip to Washington D.C. was provided for several veterans from Estes Park. Gary and Kris were fortunate to be guardians for two of these trips. This one was in 2017 and printed in the May 19, 2017 news and on YouTube.

Today, twenty-two years later, Estes Park News stays on the cutting edge of technology and progressive concepts. We keep up with the latest in computer equipment and software. We’ve incorporated unique, customized programs and introduced satellite offices. We’ve hired the best outside business consultants, and continually rely on our dedicated, hard working employees. We believe all businesses should operate on one uncompromising standard; make service, quality and price the absolute priority, in that order. Since our beginning, Estes Park News has made being “Online" a top priority for our future. Our website is designed for simplicity and continued daily updates. This year, our website readership has not only surpassed our print readership but more than doubled it! All pages, ads, articles, photographs and videos are available and seen worldwide. They are each hyperlinked for additional information. Our Facebook page is extremely popular, with over 192,000 active followers. We are extremely grateful to our loyal readers, near and far. The growth and future of Estes Park News is a heartfelt priority. We love covering local news, events and happenings. The town of Estes Park is a cherished destination and people use Estes Park News as their portal to what’s happening each week in their “Favorite Mountain Town.” We are looking forward to serving our community for the next 22 years! Thank you for this opportunity, Gary & Kris Hazelton

Andrew Donaldson Operations Manager

Critical air support was shared on the October 23, 2020 edition.

Alan Shadduck’s eerie photo captured the scary skies on the October 30, 2020 edition.

Tim Buck Cartoonist & Office Manager

Kris and Gary have come full circle with their new, fully equipped, state-of-the-art home office.

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 27

Johnny Cash & Luki Need New, Loving Homes Handsome Johnny Cash is about a year old. He is good with dogs and kids but he seems to be afraid of cats. He is strong on the leash but knows several commands. Sweet Luki is a year and a half old, medium haired Mama kitty that has already raised her kittens. She is affectionate and playful. She is currently living at the Pet Lodge. Please call (970) 286-1652 if you’d like to meet either of these wonderful pets. All pets are offered through the Pet Association of Estes Park, a nonprofit organization that is your local humane society. You can make a tax-deductible donation to the Pet Association by sending your check to P.O. Box 4342, Estes Park, CO 80517.

Nov 7 – 11 Monday, Nov 7

BBQ Platter (Pulled Pork & Beef Brisket) w/ Mac ‘n Cheese & corn bread

Tuesday, Nov 8

Taco Salad w/ Chicken

Wednesday, Nov 9 Pork Loin w/ apple sauce & vegetables Thursday, Nov 10 Chicken Parmesan w/ Spaghetti, garlic bread & side salad Friday, Nov 11

Trout (4 oz) w/ Baked Potato & soup of the day

Nov 14 – 18 Monday, Nov 14

Beef Stroganoff w/ Pasta, garlic bread & side salad

Tuesday, Nov 15

BBQ Beef Brisket Sandwich w/ Mac ‘n Cheese & coleslaw

Wed., Nov 16

Country Fried Steak w/ Mashed Potatoes, gravy & vegetables

Thursday, Nov 17 Chicken Cordon Bleu w/ Roasted Potatoes, vegetables & dessert Friday, Nov 18 Johnny Cash

Fish & Homemade Chips w/ soup of the day

Meals are $7 for current 2022 EP Senior Citizens Center members and are by reservation only. (Or 3 meals for $20; use pre-paid meal tickets.) Exact cash or check payment required. Reservations must be made by 1:00 PM at least one business day in advance. Note, if you want to reserve a meal for Monday, Nov 7th, you need to call before 1:00 PM on Friday, Nov 4th. For reservations call 970-581-2195 and leave a detailed message. Pre-paid meal tickets and membership forms are available at the Estes Park Senior Citizens Center located at 1760 Olympian Lane and at

The Center is OPEN (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10-1; Tuesday 10-2) TriFit (MWF 10:30-11:15); Yoga/Balance (TT 10:15-11:15) Mahjong (Tuesdays 10-2); Movie (1st, 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ noon) Two Bridge Groups: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Wednesday of the month & Every Thursday 12:30 - 4 PM Reserved Meals-to-Go delivered to your vehicle or EAT at the Senior Citizens Center Check out our website: or call for the latest information


Registration Now Open For Center Stage Winter Session Of Dance, Gymnastics & Cheer Classes Get out of the cold, and get into the studio this winter! Center Stage School of Dance & Gymnastics has opened registration for the 10-week Winter Session of classes. Weekly classes are offered to students ages three through adult, and beginners are always welcome! The winter session of classes starts on Monday, November 7th and continues through February 4th. (No classes over the Thanksgiving and Winter Break Holidays.) We offer multiple levels of classes in Hip-Hop, Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical, Ballet/Tap, Technique, Toddler Tumbling, and Gymnastics. In addition, Ballet Renaissance at Center Stage will also be instructing both school-aged and

Estes Park Senior Citizens Center Menu

adult student classes, with their classical ballet syllabus, during this session. Weekly classes start out at only $10 per class and vary slightly in price, based on the length of class chosen. Thanks to the Estes Park Duck Race, financial aid scholarships are still available to children that need financial assistance with their winter tuition. To see a complete winter schedule of all available class days and times, please visit our website at Registration can be completed by calling Center Stage at (970)714-0755, or message us via our FB page at, or use the "contact us" page of our website. Class size is limited so be sure to get a spot today!

28 » Friday, November 4, 2022

603 Books Gifted To Local Elementary School Students Did you see that local elementary school student stepping off of the bus a few weeks ago, a giant smile on her face, and a few new books held tightly in her hand? Well, there’s a good chance that she got them as a gift from the Plant a Book, Grow a Child program, which is run by the Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary Club. The fact is, due to generous donations from people like you, our long standing local business donors like Bank of Estes Park, and our nonprofit friends like Bright Christmas, we were able to put 603 books into the hands of 359 students at Estes Park Elementary School this year. The Applegate family started this program in 2016, and since then it has given out an unbelievable 3,904 books to 1,654 local children, at a cost of $23,800. Debbie Holmes, the elementary school librarian (and last year’s Katie Speer Philanthropist of the Year, in recognition of her work for Plant a Book), “makes the magic happen” year af-

ter year, and is the biggest reason that the program has been such a success. Any expenses from the program, from day one until now, are paid by the Applegate’s, so donors can rest assured that every penny of every dollar donated goes toward books for kids. If you would like to join the Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary Club in putting books into the hands (and smiles onto the faces) of local kids who might not otherwise receive them, please send your donation to: EVSR—Plant a Book P. O. Box 4261 Estes Park, CO 80517.

Kids at the 2022 Scholastic Book Fair in Estes Park.

WE’LL MOVE MOUNTAINS FOR YOUR ROCKY MOUNTAIN MORTGAGE. (WE’LL MOVE THEM FOR YOUR REFI LOAN, TOO.) At the Rich Flanery Team, we’ve helped people call the Rocky Mountains home for more than 25 years. Whether you’re looking to upsize, downsize, refinance, or even purchase a second home, we can help you, too. And we’ll move mountains to do so. Get started today at

Rich Flanery

Loan Officer – NMLS# 256117

Phone (970) 577-9200 600 South Saint Vrain Avenue, #4, Estes Park, CO 80517

Equal Housing Lender ©2022 Mortgage Solutions of Colorado, LLC, dba Mortgage Solutions Financial NMLS #61602, headquartered at 5455 N Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918, 719-447-0325. AR 104413; AZ BK-0928346; CO Mortgage Co. Registration; FL MLD902; MT Lender & Servicer Licenses 61602; TX-SML Mortgage Banker Registration & Residential Mortgage Loan Servicer Registration; WY MBL1022. RIch Flanery NMLS #256117 MSFR_04-14-2022

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 29

1260 Fall River Court 4 Beds | 3 Baths | 3,860sf | $1,795,000 Welcome to Fall River Estates and this prime, end‐of‐the‐way locale among the rocks & trees, and the perfect place to enjoy in Estes Park... A beautiful 1.18/acre setting & fabulous views of layered mountains welcome you to this custom designed mountain home. Built in the lodge‐style of the West, with a soaring great‐room anchored by a floor‐to‐ceiling stone fireplace and warm tones throughout, island kitchen with walk‐in pantry and loads of storage. Luxurious primary suite with walk‐in closet and spa‐like bath, plus 3 additional bedrooms for friends & family. Huge rec‐room with built‐in bar, perfect for games and your home theatre. Expansive decks take in those inspiring views across the majestic valley, into RMNP and to the river below, offering all the space for grand entertaining, quiet afternoons or starry‐sky views from the hot tub. Oversized garage, double workshops, loads of storage and your own promontory complete the package in this must‐see Estes Park home. 1260 Fall River Court, let's explore today...



30 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Mountain Brokers 1200 Graves Avenue, Estes Park

Office: 970-586-5324

The Mountains Are Calling... We'll Guide You Home – RE/MAX

Quiet Neighborhood

On The River $595,000 338 Waltonia River Court • On The River 3 bed, 1 bath, 1253 sq ft, .51 acres

New Listing $1,189,000 $395,000

Bordering Rocky Mountain National Park 4 bed, 3 bath, 3242 sq ft, 1.51 acres

1776 Olympian Lane-C • Incredible Views! 2 bed, 2 bath, 864 sq ft., Detached Garage

Call Kirk

Call Kirk

Call Kirk

Open House Sat., Nov. 5 11am–2pm

Under Contract

2719 Sunset Lane $865,000 Call Javier or Maria

1765 US Hwy 34. Drake $555,000 Call Javier or Maria

473 Green Mountain Dr. Loveland $795,000

Workforce Housing 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms Call Gene

11543 County Rd 43 $1,149,900 19.6 Acres Bordering National Forest

Call Kim

Open House Sat., Nov. 5 11am–2pm

260 Steamer Court $799,000 Call Javier or Maria

Kirk Fisher Broker Owner CRS, CMAS, CLHMS

3 bed, 3 bath & 4 decks

Call Carla

Carla Spreng - Gene Whannel Broker Webb Broker 970-231-2989 970-412-7283 970-481-1880 970-888-1654 480-695-9293 970-481-7002

Peggy Lynch

Javier Gomez

Maria Gomez

Renee Hodgden Dave Kiser

Dave Lasota

Kim Lemirande

Cindy Miller


Broker, CRS, CMAS


Broker, SRES, ABR


Broker, SRS, CMAS, GRI

Broker, ASP, ABR, CDPE

970-586-1000 970-586-1000 970-213-8692 970-213-9479 970-232-6231


Friday, November 4, 2022 « 31

It Takes A Village!


¡Se necesita un pueblo!

Did you have a mentor growing up? If not, did you wish you did? What do you like to do for fun? Do you speak English? English and Spanish? If you would like to BE the difference in the life of a local youth and you have time to give, please consider becoming a mentor or activity volunteer. Mentors help youth gain confidence, social skills and hope, all while becoming part of our supportive and inspiring community. Activity Volunteers help youth waiting to be matched at monthly activities. We have several youth waiting for male and female adult volunteers in both our Community-Based and School-Based Mentoring Programs. Our mission is to empower youth to achieve their full potential, and we are seeking more positive adult role models to help us! Some of the youths interests include: gaming, drawing, sports, painting, writing music, singing, cooking, reading, playing musical instruments, growing plants, listening to music, talking, hanging out, go for walks, ride a bike, going to the library, growing plants, reading, films, Spiderman soccer, baseball, play with toys. Call 970-577-9348, email: or visit to learn more and sign up!

¿Tuviste un mentor mientras crecías? Si no, ¿te hubiese gustado haberlo tenido? ¿Qué te gusta hacer para divertirte? ¿Hablas Inglés? ¿Inglés y español? Si deseas HACER una diferencia en la vida de un joven local y tienes tiempo para dar, considerarías convertirse en un mentor o voluntario de actividades? Los mentores ayudan a los jóvenes a ganar confianza, habilidades sociales y esperanza, todo mientras se convierten en parte de nuestra comunidad de apoyo e inspiración. Los Voluntarios de actividades ayudan a los jóvenes que esperan ser emparejados en las actividades mensuales. Tenemos varios jóvenes esperando voluntarios adultos masculinos y femeninos en nuestros programas de mentores basados en la comunidad y en la escuela. Nuestra misión es capacitar a los jóvenes para que alcancen su máximo potencial, ¡y estamos buscando modelos adultos más positivos para que nos ayuden! Algunos de los intereses de los jóvenes incluyen: jugar, dibujar, hacer deporte, pintar, escribir música, cantar, cocinar, leer, tocar instrumentos musicales, cultivar plantas, escuchar música, conversar, pasar el rato, salir a caminar, andar en bicicleta , ir a la biblioteca, cultivar plantas, , películas, fútbol Spiderman, béisbol, jugar con juguetes. ¡Llame al 970-577-9348, envíe un correo electrónico a: o visite para obtener más información e inscribirse!

Thank you to all our generous business sponsors of the 2022 Estes Valley Crisis Advocates Souper Fundraiser!

Abbey Pontius Broker

Eric Blackhurst Broker Associate

Fabulous established floral business in Estes Park in operation for 15 years. Custom wedding and funeral arrangements, fresh cut bouquets, and the most adorable live plants around! The Fairy Gardens are so special and unique. Located in one of the most desirable wedding and travel destinations in Colorado, this bright, cheery and creative shop can be yours. A wonderful book of business, rental supplies, and history in the community that would be a wonderful investment for you. Only 200k, plus inventory. Great location and a calendar full of events already! Showings by appointment only. Call listing office for details.


Since 1930 this 38.9 acre property has provided travelers food, lodging and a place Owner reports 4 buildings have 21,988 sqft of finished living spaces, this property must be seen to be appreciated. $3,900,000

170 S. St. Vrain, Estes Park, CO 80517

650 Lakewood Court • Serene mountain retreat on 7.8 acres • 7 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, includes 3 suites • Private apartment lower level • Currently operates as a Bed & Breakfast Don't miss out on seeing this amazing property, call Mike for a tour today! $2,200,000

1845 Jacob Road


• 16 acre retreat offers a nature's paradise • 3 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms • Custom home full of luxury features • Exceptional design & private setting Call Mindy today to take a look! $1,150,000

1575 Devils Gulch Road • 3 bed/2 bath plus lots of office/ studio/recreation space • Charming 1930s guest cabin, lovingly restored • 2.21 acres at the base of Lumpy Ridge $1,500,000


m a

j o r

Mike Richardson

Mindy Stone

Aaron Busche


Broker Associate CMAS

Broker Associate CMAS, SRS, ABR, CNE

GRI, CNE, ABR, NAR Green Designation

S p o t l i g h t

(970) 215-2722

e v e n t ESTES PARK


(970) 449-2645

(970) 470-9962

32 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Art Center 35th Anniversary Year Ends With Special Exhibits We have a had a great year celebrating our 35th Anniversary at the Art Center. Our last exhibit for 2022 will be our Special Holiday Exhibit. The exhibit will be

Lydia Pellow, potter

grateful for the opportunity to have been a participating artist and to be involved in the in the 35th Anniversary Celebration of the Art Center of Estes Park.” James

James Frank-photographer

November 11th – December 30th, recepFrank tion November 11th from 5-7 p.m., feaSome of James’ Memories of Early tured artist, Laura Davis, photography. Estes Art Life Two additional exhibits have been Little did I know upon my aradded to our Special Holiday rival to Estes Park that I Exhibit. We will be honorwould be a founding ing, Art Center Foundparticipant in a local ing Artist, James cooperative gallery Frank, internationally of art, a gallery fuknown photographer, eled by and featuras highlighted artist. ing local fellow Our second special artists. Such an opexhibitor will be Lydia portunity was by Pellow, potter, and far one of most sigPresident of the Boulnificant in those inider Potters’ Guild. It tial years of calling should be great holiday this mountain paradise shopping at the Art Center! home. Pleasant surprise and James Frank, one of the Flying Birds Plate creative exhilaration washed Founding Artists of the Art – Lydia Pellow over me when the chance to join Center! the Art Center of Estes Park was “The joy, understanding, appreciation, presented. It felt as if Longs Peak had and serenity that art brings to life are be- been summited and the freshest of air yond quantification. Art should be a part filled my aching lungs. Being part of of everyone’s life. Being active in the arts new endeavor revolving around comis a dream come true and a great gift. As munity and art was more than I could one of the founding members I am forever have ever envisioned. It’s something for

which even today, some 35 years later, I remain forever thankful. If I were to describe how the creation and progression of the Art Center impacted my life as an artist in one word, that word would be - Inspiration! As local artists with a lot in common we shared our fears, our passions, our hopes. The experience was a great benefit to me as an artist, it helped give me confidence in my young career. As career and business grew and often carried me outside of Estes Park, those connections made through the Art Center stood fast as a motivating force in pursuit of my photography, and how those images could be used to tell stories through capturing moments in time. Lydia Pellow, Invited Artist for Special Holiday Exhibit Lydia Pellow has been making pottery

since 1977, and I love to share my passion for the creative artistry that is pottery. The Boulder Potters’ Guild, which I joined in 1986 and am currently the president of, has been invaluable as an avenue for me to teach and share with other amazing artists. The Guild has been an active nonprofit for fifty-three years, is a Tier III SCFD organization, and is dedicated to supporting artists and giving back to the greater community. I also founded an artists’ co-op in 1989 on the Pearl Street Mall called Handmade in Colorado. The Art Center is a non-profit 501C3 gallery, giving artists the opportunity to share their talents. Donate to the $35 for 35 years ($1 for each year) campaign. Your donations helps us keep the doors open for another 35 years. Donations

Autumn Mist Near Mills Lake – James Frank

can be given on-line at or mail a check to 517 Big Thompson Ave., Unit 201, Estes Park, CO 80517 or stop by the Art Center, shop and drop off a check for $35. See you at the reception November 11, 5-7 p.m.


Javier Gomez Broker 970 213-8692

Maria Gomez Broker

970 213-9479

Mountain Brokers

1200 Graves Avenue, Estes Park


2719 Sunset Lane Listed at $865,000

Charcuterie platter with Dip Bowl – Lydia Pellow

2962 Sally Ann Dr – LOVELAND Listed at $525,000

Open House Sat., Nov 5 11am–2pm

Open House Sat., Nov 5 11am–2pm

1765 US Hwy 34. Drake

260 Steamer Ct

Listed for $555,000

Listed at $799,000

for 46 years. She mostly creates functional pottery, pieces to use every day. Her pots are high fired porcelain and stoneware. They are very durable and intricately decorated and glazed with multiple glazes on each piece. Each piece is unique. I started taking pottery classes in 1976 in Colorado Springs, but it wasn’t until my teacher, Jake Anderson, offered me an apprentice position that I began learning the hard parts of making pottery – mixing glazes, loading kilns, firing pots, and making money from my art. During my career I have studied with many famous potters - Daniel Rhodes, Paul Soldner, Tom and Elaine Coleman, Jim and Nan McKinnell, Steven Hill, and others – primarily in hands-on, workshop-type settings. I have been passing on what I’ve learned to my own students

Primrose Perseverance – James Frank

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 33

Serving Families In Need Of Help In The Estes Valley For 38 Years • 105 families were recipients in our 2021 Christmas program (total of 280 children) • New backpacks filled with new school supplies, including headphones and water bottles, were provided for 125 students • Birthday gifts for two kids who would have gone without • Four new car seats for the local Crisis Center and other support agencies • Support for partnering agencies who also assist families with children in need • Internet support for students learning at home • Sports shoes for at-risk kids Information for families in need of assistance/Register for our Christmas Program • Wednesdays Nov. 2, Nov. 9, Nov. 16 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. • Saturdays Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Nov. 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. • All registrations will take place at Crossroads, 1753 Wildfire Road (new location, west of the old Crossroads building). You do not have to be a client of Crossroads for our program • Please bring your ID, kids’ school IDs, proof of residence in the Estes Valley,

and proof of income to qualify Information on ways to support the Bright Christmas program • Become a sponsoring individual or family by buying gifts for a registered, qualified family. Please email us at • Become a financial supporter. Your tax-deductible contribution may be sent to Bright Christmas at P.O. Box 2981, Estes Park CO 80517 • Contribute a new unwrapped gift (or two or three) for any child! We are also taking donations of new Christmas wrapping paper. Collection boxes will be at: Ace Hardware Estes ProActive Fitness in West Park Center Country Supermarket Between Friends Consignment Shop on Hwy. 7 Need more Information? • Find us on Facebook at Estes Park Bright Christmas • Email us at • Watch for our stories and information in the Estes Park News Bright Christmas is a 501©3 nonprofit.

Sirviendo A Familias Necesitadas De Ayuda En Estes Valley Durante 38 Años • 105 familias fueron beneficiarias de nuestro programa de Navidad en “2021” (total de 280 niños) • Se entregaron mochilas nuevas llenas de útiles escolares nuevos, incluidos auriculares y botellas de agua, a 125 estudiantes • Regalos de cumpleaños para 2 niños quién se habrían ido sin regalos. • 4 nuevos asientos de seguridad para el Centro de Crisis local y otras agencias de apoyo • Apoyo para agencias asociadas que también ayudan a familias con niños necesitados • Soporte de Internet para estudiantes que aprenden en casa • Calzado deportivo para niños en riesgo Información para familias necesitadas de asistencia/Regístrese en nuestro Programa de Navidad • miércoles 2 de noviembre, 9 de noviembre, 16 de noviembre de 1:00 a 4:00 p. m. • sábados 5, 12 y 19 de noviembre de 10:00 a. m. a 2:00 p. m. • Todas las inscripciones se realizarán en Crossroads, 1753 Wildfire Road (nueva ubicación al oeste del antiguo edificio de Crossroads). No es necesario ser cliente de Crossroads para nuestro programa • Traiga su identificación, las identificaciones escolares de los niños, prueba de

domicilio en el Valle Estes y prueba de ingresos para calificar Información sobre formas de apoyar el programa Bright Christmas • Conviértase en una persona o familia patrocinadora comprando regalos para una familia calificada registrada. Envíenos un correo electrónico a • Conviértase en un patrocinador financiero. Su contribución deducible de impuestos puede enviarse a Bright Christmas al PO Box 2981, Estes Park CO 80517 • ¡Contribuya con un nuevo regalo sin envolver (o 2 o 3) para cualquier niño! También estamos aceptando donaciones de papel de regalo navideño nuevo. Los buzones de Colección estarán en: Ace Hardware Estes ProActive Fitness en West Park Center Country Supermarket Between Friends Consignment Shop en Hwy7 ¿Necesitas más información? • Encuéntrenos en Facebook en Estes Park Bright Christmas • Envíenos un correo electrónico a • Esté atento a nuestras historias e información en Estes Park News Bright Christmas es una organización sin fines de lucro 501©3.

950 Woodland Ct

Amazing home in great neighborhood, featuring 9 ft ceilings, living room filled with natural light and gas fireplace, 3 bedrooms, wood-grain porcelain tile flooring, gourmet kitchen with Bosch appliances and open floor plan. Also includes backyard oasis for entertaining, relaxing sunroom, and 2 car garage. Over 3700 square feet for only $1,090,000.

Judy Anderson Real Estate Cell: 970-481-7150

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2 BD/2BA/1086 SQ FT



2 BD/3BA/2380 SQ FT


SOLD AT $750,000




34 » Friday, November 4, 2022

National Philanthropy Day Philanthropy Awards Nominees (Part 2) By: Karen McPherson, Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center

National Philanthropy Day (NPD) returns to the YMCA of the Rockies on November 10. One of the great draws to this event is the Philanthropy Day Awards; community members nominate the giving people of our community to be recognized for their contributions. The nominees listed below (and last week) deserve a humble, gracious, and joyful thank you. They give their time, talents, and treasures supporting programs, building bridges, and tenaciously trekking towards goals that make our town a better place to live. Additionally, we can’t help but shout out to the countless others in the Estes Valley who care for a cause, think towards a solution, and take action. This character of service— the level of philanthropy in this community—is inspiring. Nominees for Enduring Service: Jean Rissmiller Jean Rissmiller is a member of the Sunrise Rotary Club and is very involved in various organizations throughout Estes Park. She has organized the Labor Day Arts & Crafts Festival for the last several years; this year’s funds will exceed $40,000 which funds youth scholarships and provides grants to local nonprofits. Nancy Gregg Nancy is never known NOT to be doing something to support the community, especially vulnerable families and children. Nancy was the visionary behind the Kids Quest Playground and has served on the Estes Park School Board. Nancy is perhaps best known for her work with Crossroads as a volunteer, Board member, and project leader. For the past 8 years, she has spearheaded the Bright Christmas program, organizing volunteers, shopping for Christmas gifts and school supplies and coordinating the community-wide distribution of gifts to families in need. Nancy has a heart for people; she works quietly in the background, making a tremendous impact. Dave Hemphill David has served on many boards: Estes Valley Crisis Advocates, Pet Association, the Nonprofit Resource Center, Bella Fortuna Center, and the Estes Valley Library. He has provided accounting services for these organizations as well as the Estes Park Learning Place. His work and wisdom goes far beyond the financial support he provides to these and other nonprofits in Town. And, with out a doubt, his wife Mary works with David and supports all that he does. Alice League Alice has served as a Board Member, then Treasurer, then volunteer accountant for 21 years at the Art Center of Estes Park. Her “working board” position is deep and persistent, from insurance policies to grant writing. She also collects donations for community-wide projects such as the Women’s Monument. "Go ask Alice!" That's our mantra here at the Art Center. I cannot imagine a more hard-working and deserving volunteer. Marlene Borneman Marlene volunteers with the RMNP Junior Ranger program and supervises

the Hidden Valley sledding hill in the winter. She shares her extensive knowledge of wildflowers by teaching classes at the Library. She volunteers at Cliffhanger Used Book Store and helps deliver food for Meals on Wheels. For the last year-and-a-half, she has chaired the Park District’s Trails Committee, working to build trails throughout town for commuters and visitors alike. Our town has benefited tremendously over many years due to Marlene’s generosity of her time and talents. Dave Thomas Dave Thomas is important to recognize for his ongoing efforts to help others. He is an inspiration for making a

the Wandering Wildlife Society (WWS) in 2019. The WWS offers wildlife education in the Estes community through educational talks and provides public outreach such as the Elk Ambassador program. Louise Olson Louise was instrumental in creating a Hispanic serving organization that supports language learning, finances, and promoting Spanish-speaking families’ engaging in the community, including the schools. Louise worked on Estes Cares, a program designed to promote better civil discourse and empathy in Estes. Her long-time service extends to the Catholic Church and Crossroads.

The National Philanthropy Day Awards Committee is currently reviewing all the nominations that have been submitted in five different categories. This week, we share the eleven (ELEVEN!) community members nominated for the Enduring Service award and five nominated for this year’s Katie Speer Philanthropist of the Year award.

better and stronger community, specifically through education. He is currently volunteering with ESL classes, and just stepped up to help organize Día de Los Muertos. He cares for each one of his students and wants to see them achieve the ability to understand, speak, and write the language. Cynthia Krumme Cynthia has worked passionately on various boards, including EPNRC and The Learning Place, and given generously of her time, talent, and treasure to many causes over the years. Recently, she’s dedicated significant efforts to improving the American Legion Post 119. It's hard to think of a nonprofit that hasn't received some gift from Cynthia. This is often done quietly and without much attention. She very much deserves to be recognized by the entire community. Frank Theis Frank has been an integral part of the Watershed Coalition since the 2013 floods. His service has included the original flood restoration projects, forestry projects, and the formation of

This is not even half a complete listing of her caring ways. Sally Park Sally has been volunteering with Partners since 2001. She has mentored 4 youths and engages youth who are waiting to be matched. Sally has considerable skills in group facilitation, leadership training, and fundraising for various nonprofits in Estes. Her special work with Salud, The Learning Place, the Nonprofit Resource Center, School System, and Loving Spirit have made this community richer and kinder. Mary Banken For the past six years, Mary has donated countless hours, shared her contagious energy, spearheaded transformative initiatives, and contributed financially to the sustainability of American Legion Post 119. She is at the heart of propelling the Legion into a more modern view of service to veterans and to the community they live in. She enthusiastically lends a hand in any and EVERY capacity through the “Circle 119” initiative to update the facility.

Nominees for Katie Speer Philanthropist of the Year: Cory Workman Dr. Cory Workman is our local audiologist, and is one of those "silent dogooders" volunteering in various capacities. He is treasurer of an audiology cooperative and volunteers as a medical provider. He acquires new hearing aids through donations then fits the underserved community across the state and locally, via Quota Club, so that they may "rejoin the conversation." You can see him working concessions, pulling trailers, holding props at band competitions and so much more. Thank you, Cory! Mary Banken (nominated twice) Mary is the bookkeeper for The American Legion, Post 119 in Estes Park. That’s what she volunteered to do, but what she actually does is serve as Administrative Director. She manages the whole show, including the tavern, kitchen, and events. She puts in anywhere from 8 to 12 hrs per day, 7 days per week. Prior to her investment of time and talents—the Legion was an eyesore situated at the entrance of our town. Mary's efforts have taken the Legion from surviving to thriving. I hope she understands the immense value of her role in this community! Chief David Wolf Chief worked hard to organize and bring the 9/11 Memorial 5k and Stair Climb / National Fallen Fire Fighters event to Estes Park, CO. After the fires of 2020 and 2021, the first year of this event was meaningful to our community and drew in firefighters from all over Northern Colorado. Martha Cordona Martha's contributions have made it possible for EVICS to support and serve more local families. She provides office coverage, leads a weekly Hispanic Women's group, Mujeres en Conexion, and commits additional volunteer time to Cultivamos, an emerging leaders program for Hispanic individuals. She models the impact of participation and actively draws in other community members, encouraging their voices in decision-making. Linda Polland Linda has been active for seven years, including as chairperson, in the Estes Park Quota Club’s (medical equipment) Loan Closet. If you have ever had an injury or surgery, or known anyone in need of a hospital bed, you’ve met Linda. She is cheerful, compassionate and incredibly organized! She uses her experience as a nurse practitioner in the armed forces to run a well-maintained and much used program for our community. Please plan to attend the National Philanthropy Day event. Now is the time to RSVP. Can't wait to see you at the YMCA of the Rockies, Assembly Hall on November 10th! Find updates and any remaining seats at The Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center works to connect, support, and inspire our nonprofit community. Together, we create a Culture of Philanthropy in Estes Park. Again, thank you to everyone doing good in the neighborhood!

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 35

“We Need a Veterans Monument In Estes Park” A remembrance by the committee chairman LTC (R) USA Gary Brown

In the summer of 2016, Estes Park resident Vern Mertz visited several veterans monuments during his vacation in Iowa. On his return, he gathered Carey Stevanus and me and said in all the towns he visited during his trip, there were monuments honoring veterans. Estes is a town full of retired veterans from across the nation and has millions of visitors each year who served in our nation’s military that would feel touched if recognized by a monument. Why don’t we have one? Neither Carey nor I had an answer, so he convinced us that we should build one! Now understand, we had all three just finished a four-year fund-raising campaign initiated by Vern, raising more than $100,000 for our Northern Colorado Honor Flight veterans. We looked at each other like here we go again! The concept however was right, and we began on a journey with unforeseeable turns and fulfilling results. But where would be an effective place to build it? We believed the monument should be part of the Town’s parks system and in mid-September 2016 we met with Brian Berg, the Town Parks Supervisor. From the beginning, he was enthused about the project. He suggested a site along the river west of the Visitor Center and lined to the Riverwalk toward downtown. I also met with Town Administrator Frank Lancaster to get his support which was immediate. We discussed that eventually the monument would go to the town, though fundraising would be the responsibility of our committee. So, the beginning and ending pieces were in place with many steps to be taken in between. “Our committee” was still to be established. In November and December 2016 we talked to members of our Honor Flight committee and others, and got quite an enthusiastic group together. Our initial members were Vern Mertz, Carey Stevanus, Dick Life, Dan Scace, Hugh McTeague, Terry Rizzuti, Bill Howell, Craig Belshe, Ed Acela, Larry Carpenter, Michael and Catherine Moon, and Laurie Button. Dr. Bruce Woolman and Bob Brunson joined the committee a few months later. There was certainly a monumental task ahead of us, pun intended! We had to finalize the location, complete the design, get Town approval, identify a sculpture artist, come up with a budget, and articulate a fund-raising effort. One by one the pieces fell into place. 1. Location. The parking garage and river design in that area had an impact on where to put the monument. Luckily

both were in process at this exact time. The north side of the river became the perfect spot and it helped dictate the design. From that location the correct design could be seen from both Highways 34 and 36 as you drive into town, as well on the Riverwalk. 1. Design. Members of the committee had seen many monuments across the country. Some featured concrete pillars, others included walls, some with circles of flags, etc. But we all wanted one unique to Estes Park’s mountain setting and its unique climate. We also wanted to recognize each branch of the serv-

ice and every person who put on the uniform during any period. Fortune came to us in the form of Joe Calvin and John Bostron with Thorpe Associates. They worked many hours to make the site come alive with a proposed design incorporating all our wishes. With tweaking, it became the final design submitted for Town approval and was used in forming the budget. 1. Town approval. With the design we could go to the Parks Advisory Board and then with its approval approach the Town Board. The Advisory Board approved the proposal on May 11, 2017. Interestingly, there was one “no” vote and we had to pry Vern off the ceiling he was so upset! Nonetheless, the project went to the Town Board on May 23rd where the proposal received unanimous approval. The legal underpinnings were in place. 1. Sculptor and plaques. Carey brought the committee several options for these services and samples. Loveland artist Daniel Glanz had created beautiful bronze sculptures, including some in Estes Park, and was our final choice for the eagle and bronze American flag. Local sign creator, Kent Smith, was retained to do the plaques. 1. Budget. With the design decided upon, we developed a budget of $84,000. To reach that goal we estab-

lished giving levels of Longs Peak ($10,000), Mount Meeker ($5,000), Ypsilon Mountain ($2,500), Mount Chiquita ($1,000), Hallett Peak ($500), Flattop Mountain ($250), and Estes Cone ($100). Donors in the Chiquita level and above would be recognized on a dedication plaque. 1. Fundraising plans. The committee had many ideas for fundraising possibilities, and we acted on nearly all of them! We elected not to go to local businesses as they are approached so often. Their support would come naturally, and it did from many. We did contact all who had given to Northern Colorado Honor Flight with great success. We participated in the Duck Race and under Hugh’s leadership raised $1,700.00! We conducted an auction at the Stanley Hotel, Bob Gunn put together a patriotic band concert ($2,700), Carey orchestrated a great garage sale ($4,700), Laurie wrote regular articles in the local newspapers, Dick handled special nights at the Rooftop Rodeo, and Dan developed a special coin. Efforts were made by each committee member, so I mention those few events at the risk of missing many! The Community Foundation of Northern Colorado added a funding page to its website and provided a place to re-

ceive and account for donations. The role of the Estes Park News cannot be overstated. They published our articles, put in many announcements of events, and a weekly thermometer of our increasing fundraising results. We ended up with funds left over which went to the Town in a special account for future maintenance of the monument. Upon reflection, the success of our venture was not due to individual efforts. It was due to the honor and respect our citizens have for their veterans. We sim-

ply enabled people to provide an avenue of expression to reflect that respect. As we reviewed the funding and project status, in July 2017 it was decided that we should shoot for a dedication on the next Veterans Day—November 11, 2017. Carey had become project manager and gulped visibly when that date was set! She began chasing the right granite rocks across the Front Range and found them! She selected and arranged for the delivery of the centerpiece stone, its engraving, placing of the giant eagle, lined up the concrete pouring, electrical and landscaping, and so many other details. Delay of any one of them would delay the ceremony. There are so many people to thank for their commitment to the project which literally took until the eve of Veterans Day to complete. Dan, Dick, and I put the program together working with the American Legion and its honor guard. Dedication Day was a touching event. Although the Estes wind reminded us of our geography, the warmth of the gathering overcame any adversity! The result shown in the attached photograph was perfect. It has become a picture-taking, lunch-eating, and peaceful contemplation place. The monument stands reflecting the vision of one World War II veteran—Vern Mertz. It represents the thanks of a grateful nation. All hail to the veterans, so few who serve so many. Vern moved to Iowa soon after we had started this project due to health concerns. Even so, he insisted that he write all the thank you cards sent to donors. He was unable to attend the dedication ceremony but visited the following spring on a beautiful sunny day. Many photos were taken that day as committee members gathered around the man who championed the idea of the Estes Park Veterans Monument. Vern passed away in July 2020 and the committee members all agreed that a plaque in his honor should be placed at the monument site. Not one for recognition, Vern might not have liked the idea, but the committee agreed it was needed. Carey, along with the original designers, Joe and John, presented the plaque design to the Parks Advisory Board in June 2022 and they approved the addition. The Town Board followed with their approval as well. Along with Vern’s plaque the Board also approved the addition of a Space Force DOD plaque. Both plaques will be dedicated next Friday, on Veterans Day. Please join us at the Monument at 3 p.m. for the Veterans Day Ceremony.

36 » Friday, November 4, 2022

What’s Happening At The Estes Valley Library FALL HOURS Mondays-Thursdays, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Fridays & Saturdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays, 1-5 p.m. Holiday Closed November 24-25 for Thanksgiving BOOKS & AUTHORS Sign up at Getting Published with Deborah Bouziden Monday, November 7, 5:30-7 p.m., Wasson Room & on Zoom Author and Library staff member Deborah Bouziden will cover the basics of getting published in the traditional marketplace. Lessons in Chemistry: Author Talk with Bonnie Garmus Thursday, November 10, 12-1 p.m., on Zoom Join this virtual chat with New York Times bestselling author Bonnie Garmus and learn about her debut novel, the story of chemist Elizabeth Zott in 1960s California. Book Club for Mortals: Being Mortal Thursday, November 10, 1-2:30 pm., Wasson Room & on Zoom Examine medicine’s ultimate limitations in Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande. This Book Club for Mortals is a two-part series with the second session occurring in December. The Writing Process with Johanna Garton Monday, November 14, 6-7:30 p.m., Hondius Room & on Zoom

Denver-based nonfiction author Johanna Garton will discuss her writing process and journey, and take audience questions. How to Have Difficult Conversations About Race: Author Talk with Kwame Christian Tuesday, November 15, 10-11 a.m., on Zoom Negotiation expert and author Kwame Christian talks about how to gain the confidence to talk about race, and how to make a difference when you do. ALL AGES Sign up at Newspaper Pens & Handmade Cards

Saturday, November 5, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Makerspace Make an eco-friendly pen out of old newspaper, then craft a card to send to a loved one. Laser Engraved Wax Seals Thursday, November 10, 5:30-7 p.m., Makerspace Repeated Saturday, November 12, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Makerspace Create a custom laser engraved wax seal to finish off your handwritten notes with style. ADULTS Sign up at Write-In! Sunday, November 6, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Wasson Room Repeated Sunday, November 13, 1:303:30 p.m., Wasson Room Meet and write alongside other local


KINDERGARTNER A 5TO. GRADO EVICS Centro de Recursos Familires y

EVICS Family Resource Center and

la escuela Elementaria de Estes Park

Estes Park Elementary are joining Classes to the children of the Estes Valley. The cost is FREE! Classes will be every Friday starting November 4th till May. Space is limited so sign up soon! Register by using the QR Code Below or Call EVICS 970-586-3055

p.m., Hondius Room Practice your calligraphy using glass quills, then make your own wax seal envelopes. KIDS & FAMILIES Library Storytimes Baby Storytime: Thurs. & Fri. at 10 a.m. Preschoolers: Thurs., Fri., & Sat. at 10:30 a.m. Pajama Storytime with Nancy Bell: Wed., November 9 at 6 p.m. Storybook Explorers: Sat., November 12 at 11:15 a.m. Read to Therapy Dog “Bo”: Tues., November 15 at 10 a.m. Yoga Storytime: Wed., November 16 at 6 p.m. MAKERSPACE Sign up at Learn the 3D Printer Friday, November 11, 2-3:30 p.m. For ages 15 and up. Learn the Laser Cutter Friday, November 18, 2-3:30 p.m. For ages 15 and up. LEGAL SELF-HELP Free Legal Self-Help Clinic Wednesday, November 9, 2-5 p.m., Library Study Room One-on-one legal advice for library patrons who do not have a personal attorney. Appointments are necessary and can be scheduled by calling 970-5868116. More information at FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION Cliffhanger Used Books Cliffhanger Used Books, located next to the post office, is operated by the Friends of the Library Foundation, offering gently-used books, movies, and music at discount prices. Open daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.



forces to bring Beginner Spanish

writers. Refreshments will be provided. News in the Modern World: A Living Room Conversation Monday, November 7, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Wasson Room Discuss what we can and should expect from news sources in order to be an informed citizenry. Presented in collaboration with the Estes Valley Restorative Justice Partnership. Planning For Your Future Wednesday, November 9, 10-11:30 a.m., Hondius Room Learn about essential advance care planning, including powers of attorney and long-term care, in this presentation from Kate Kaiser, Attorney at Law with Colorado Legal Services. Exploring Nature with Kevin Cook Monday, November 14, 4-5:30 p.m., Hondius Room & on Zoom A monthly series on how to engage with the wonders of Life on Earth. In “The Connecting, ” explore our connectedness with and similarity to wildlife. TEENS & KIDS Sign up at Makerspace Saturday: Silhouette Word Art Saturday, November 5, 2-3 p.m., Makerspace Repeated Tuesday, November 8, 5-6 p.m., Makerspace Using scrapbooking paper, magazines, and silhouette cameos, make your own silhouette word art. Artwork Wednesday: Calligraphy & Wax Seals Wednesday, November 16, 4:30-5:30


están uniendo fuerzas para llevar clases de español para principiantes a los niños del Valle de Estes. El costo es GRATIS! Las clases serán todos los viernes a partir del 4 de Noviembre hasta mayo. ¡El espacio es limitado, así que regístrese pronto! Regístrese utilizando el código QR a continuación o Llame a EVICS 970-586-3055


Friday, November 4, 2022 « 37

Celebrate Pen-demonium! With Writing-Themed Programs In The Makerspace Maya Angelou once said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Writing is a therapeutic, productive way to share our stories, feelings, hopes, and dreams. You don’t need much to write – a pen, paper, a little bit of time, and of course, your ideas. November is PEN-demonium! month

November 19, visit the Makerspace to create the journal that best fits how you like to write, doodle, or sketch. After all this writing of your own, you may want to sit down and read someone else’s words. If you need a new bookmark, stop by on November 23 or November 26. We will provide scrapbook-

at the Estes Valley Library. As part of this celebration of writing, the Library will be hosting numerous programs for patrons of all ages to get inspired about the written word. Children, tweens and teens, and adults are invited to attend. On November 5, make an eco-friendly pen out of old newspaper. Then, craft a card to send to a loved one. This is a perfect way to catch up on your thank-you notes or your general correspondence. Have you tried our state-of-the-art laser cutter? On November 10 and November 12, we’ll be hosting special sessions so you can check out this equipment and try your hand at making a custom wax seal. Beautifully-sealed envelopes are somewhat of a lost art form; come revive the practice and make your own seal. Journaling is a widely shared habit, but finding the right journal for your style can be a challenge. Why not make your own? On November 16 and

ing materials, the embosser, and the Cricut die-cut machine so you can craft one for yourself, or get started on stocking stuffers for your book-loving friends, neighbors, and coworkers. These PEN-demonium! programs will be hosted in the second-floor Makerspace to provide hands-on opportunities that flex your creative muscles. Sign up for these programs, view more PEN-demonium! events, and learn more about the Makerspace at

Finding Your Next Read Has Never Been Easier By: Kirby Hazelton, Communications Specialist

lection of almost 30 million, make a request, and then patiently await a reWhile scrolling through Instagram a gional courier service that brings the few weeks ago, I saw that Whitney, a item to the Estes Valley Library. friend who lives on the East Coast, had a I typed my book title in the Prospector book recommendation posted on her search bar, found that it is currently cir“Stories.” She shared a photo of the cover culating in several library collections and a few brief comments, nothing across the state, and requested that one fancy, but it was enough to hook me. be “shared” with me. The next week, I Never mind that I had three partiallygot an email (and a new text notificaread books on my nightstand and two tion!) that my book was ready to be more in the queue on my iPad – I picked up. It was easy, free, and exwanted to check out this novel and see tremely convenient. why Whitney enjoyed it so much. Now, true to form, I am still reading I opened my web browser, typed in the several books, which means I haven’t library website, and entered the book tifinished this interlibrary loan title. The tle in the catalog search box at the top. original due date approached much Sadly, the results didn’t include my more quickly than I anticipated and I sought-after book… but luckily, I spotwasn’t ready to return the novel. Thankted (and clicked) the “Item not found?” fully, interlibrary loan includes an autolink in the top right corner of the page. renewal, so I was able to continue borA new page titled, “We’ll Get It For rowing the book. I now have until the You!” popped open. I was thrilled to end of the month to finish reading. read about two alternate options for acWhew! quiring this book: interlibrary loan and When it’s time to return the book, I “suggest a purchase.” Before requesting won’t have to make any special arrangethat the library add a new item to our loments. I’ll just drop it off like any other cal collection, I decided to browse item, and the Patron Services team here through the interlibrary loan search, at the library will take care of the rest. It named Prospector, to see if I could track really doesn’t get easier than that. down my book. Interlibrary loan is available to all Prospector is a union catalog of nearly cardholders. I hope you’ll join me in us200 public, academic, and special liing it! Learn more and search for your braries in Colorado and Wyoming. Panext read at trons can search for items among a col-

Week 7 Results Stray Cats 7522

7 10

MOB The Big Break

7 11

2022 Fall Session Standings The Big Break 72 Linda’s Boys 70 7522 66 Stray Cats 57 MOB 56 If interested in playing or starting a team contact Joyce Hughes at (970) 586-2281

38 » Friday, November 4, 2022

News From The Art Center Of Estes Park On exhibit: “A Blaze of Color” displaying the oils by featured artist member Pat Sebern. Come enjoy Pat’s exhibit before it closes November 7. Also on display in the gallery are the outstanding work of the other Art Center artist members, including other works in oil painting, watercolor, pastel, jewelry, ceramics, charcoal, graphite, glass, wood, sculpture, fiber, photography, printmaking and mixed media. Upcoming Exhibits: “Colossal and Intimate” Nature, Abstraction, Imagination Through The Artist’s Lens” Opening November 11, featuring the photography of artist member Laura Davis. Artist statement.“Beauty is hidden in plain sight. My work is a joyful interpretation of the divine details which surround us. Reflections in dewdrops, peeling paint, beetle paths, wood grain, and patterns in natural or human-made structures are captured and highlighted by my lens.” Laura Davis

In her visual art, she notices details, often overlooked by others. For the title of the exhibition “Colossal and Intimate: Nature, Abstraction, Imagination Through the Artist’s Lens,” her inner wordsmith provides the choice of “colossal” for macro, and “intimate” for closeup. She sees the abstraction which surrounds us, in exquisite compositions, with symmetrical or asymmetrical balance, fractal patterns, spirals, and flower petals following Fibonacci sequence, Sacred Geometry, and the Golden Ratio. 2022 was her first year participating in the Estes Park Studio Tour, founded and funded by working artists in our community. She was juried into artist mem-

bership at the Art Center of Estes Park in 2018. Much of her work is also available printed in various formats including wearables, jigsaw puzzles, and yoga mats. Special Holiday Exhibit: featuring the work of founding artist James Frank, photographer and invited artist Lydia Pellow, potter. Artist statement: “Being from northern Ohio and growing up along the banks of Rocky River, I became familiar in my early years with forest, stream, and things wild, all cultivating a love of the outdoors and a passion for all things in nature. Little did I know that the river I often frequented would be linked by namesake to the mountains I roamed later in life. After a single visit the decision to move to Estes Park and the Rocky Mountains was easy. The journey was made in 1978 when Estes Park became my home for what now amounts to more than 40 years. I met and married my wife, Tamara, near the alluvial fan in Rocky Mountain National Park in September of 1988. In the mid-1990s we adopted our daughter Claire. Family and a home in these sacred mountains are more than I’d ever dreamed they would be.” James Frank Artist statement: I started taking pottery classes in 1976 in Colorado Springs, but it wasn’t until my teacher, Jake Anderson, offered me an apprentice position that I began learning the really hard parts of making pottery – mixing glazes, loading kilns, firing pots, and making money from my art. During my career I have studied with many famous potters - Daniel Rhodes, Paul Soldner, Tom and Elaine Coleman, Jim and Nan McKinnell, Steven Hill, and others – primarily in hands-on, workshop-type settings. I have been passing on what I’ve learned to my own students since 1977, and I love to share my passion for the creative artistry that is pottery.” Lydia Pellow Opening reception: November 11 from 5-7 p.m. Opening weekend door prize: "Summer Serenity" photography giclee print donated by Laura Davis. The public is invited to enter for this door prize from 11 a.m. Friday, Novem-

ber 11 to 5 p.m. Monday, November 7, at which time a name will be drawn and the winner notified. The Art Center is now open Friday – Monday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Art classes in November. Check out our website at for more details of each class.

Estes Park Health featuring Pat Greenberg and Diane Visinstainer. VERT and Snowy Peaks Winery has a number of Art Center artists on display. Art by John Long is on exhibit at US Bank. $35 for 35 Campaign:

“Creating Depth” with Cathy Goodale November 9, 10 a.m. -4 p.m. Art Center members: $72, non members: $80. Students will work on creating depth for different planes in your paintings. This will include color, value, drawing perspective, edges, texture and measuring 3D Zentangling® Layering: a pretty porcelain mug with Annie Reiser November 19, 1-3 p.m.. Art Center members: $27, non-members: $30. Get a start on your holiday gifts. Nothing is more special than something created by you, like a lovely and unique cup. All levels and kids welcome. Call For Entries: “The Magic of Masks”-Mardi Gras fun. Community mask challenge, pick-up your 8”x 10” canvas and create a mask that will fit on that canvas. Entry fee $20. Limited number of canvases are available! Exhibit: Saturday, February 18 to March 13, 2023. Prizes will be awarded! Entry form and canvas can be pick-up daily. Satellite Exhibits: A new exhibit is now on display at the

As we enthusiastically step into the next 35 years, committed to remaining relevant and viable, we ask for the continued support of our community and patrons, by suggesting a gift of $35 to our $35 for 35 Campaign. Social Media: The Art Center can be viewed not only on our website at, we are on Facebook at Art-Center-ofEstes-Park, Instagram at artcenterofep and Twitter at artcenterestes. The Art Center of Estes Park is a nonprofit organization which provides a facility to support the work of local and regional artists, striving to promote exhibition, education, and excellence in the visual arts. Proceeds benefit the artist and contribute to the Art Center’s education and community outreach. The Art Center is located at 517 Big Thompson Avenue, in Middle Stanley Village, below Safeway and above Subway. For more information, please call the Art Center at 970-586-5882 or visit our website at

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 39

The Gray Area By: Judi Smith

Perhaps the most polarizing issue of our day is the accusations of election Back in the 1950s, when TV was new, fraud. It questions the very nature of our all villains in cowboy shows work black existence. This country was founded on hats. All sheriffs, and other “good guys” the premise that the common man is inwore white hats, except for Hopalong telligent enough to decide the guiding Cassidy. So, when you tuned in, you knew right away who to favor with your path to future sustainability. This has been proven over and over for the last yeas and who to boo. Of course, in real life, there were multiple shades of gray to two centuries. Our multi-party system (and we must remember there are more any question, any decision and even black and white TV gradually grew up to than two) is structured one single equal recognize that. Today’s fiction is usually vote per citizen, and we, (as a country, state, county, and town) go to great more reflective of the complexities of life. But politics seems to have caught the lengths to protect that. Even Colorado’s exemplary system has been challenged, black and white trend. It is easy to say you do, or don’t believe but all investigations, nation-wide, have in abortion-dependent upon your prior- discovered surprisingly few errors, no effective fraud. ities: black and white. However, in the Last Saturday, our family discussed the gray area: at how many weeks is a baby 12 issues facing Estes Valley voters this “viable?” And, what happens to the child? What about a newly pregnant 10- year. For each issue, we attempted to foresee the effect on sustainability of year-old rape victim? Or the woman change vs. maintaining the status quo. who, at four-five months, discovers a life-threatening condition? Whose life is Few of these were “black” or “white;” many resided in the “gray area.” Most more important, the mother’s or the involved complexities unnoticed until baby’s? fully perused. We did not all agree on I believe in climate warming. I believe that human behavior contributes to this every point. That, truly, is what makes the US democracy work. We do not calamity. I find it difficult to comprehend both denial of the increasing threat need to agree on everything. We consult, we consider; we debate, and we and of the fatalistic approach that nothing can be done, just enjoy the time you vote. Those who take the time to rehave left. However, the gray area surfaces search, decide, and vote make the deciin what to do when. Will voluntary par- sions in this country, and we accept the ticipation suffice or must we institute le- decision of the majority. For Halloween, we dressed as the Gray gal restrictions forcing a change of Area. That is a difficult subject to porhabits? Can we afford to wait and see tray. The costume was subtle. It did not until 2030 or 2035? How do we reduce oil and gas use (and production) without surprise me that only seven individuals devastating the economy? Should the big guessed the intent without serious assistance. But it proved thought provoking producers of greenhouse gases (China, USA, etc.) fund the recovery of countries that some individuals did not recognize who did not cause the devastation? How the term “gray area.” The gray area is all that questionable space between right do we survive sustainably, ecologically and economically? There is serious com- and wrong, all the guesswork involved in choices, whether deciding what to plexity facing the world in the next few have for dinner or who will run the years. country.

Treasure Tables A Fantastic And Fun Festival To The Editor: Chapter IY PEO would like to thank all who supported Treasure Tables Arts & Crafts Festival on Saturday at the Event Center. The vendors were wonderful to work with, and their products were outstanding. We had a great turnout and appreciate all who supported our fundraiser which provides grants and loans to college-bound women. A big thank you needs to go to Rob Hinkle - Events Director, Stephanie

Kephart -Administrative Assistant, and especially Aimee Sawlaw and Chris Biniek who are the building supervisors and kept the event running smoothly. What a team! A special thank you goes to Gary and Kris Hazelton at EP News for providing not just advertising but over the top advertising. They are always champions for Estes Park events. Thank you one and all. Members of Chapter IY PEO

Dia de las Muertos A Great Event! Alcoholics Anonymous & Other Recovery Meetings AA of Glen Haven- Every Monday night at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m. Also Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Glen Haven Town Hall. Book study meeting. Early Worms-Monday thru Saturday at 7:00 a.m. (Tues., Thurs. & Saturday hybrid meetings with Zoom #796 839 839 PW:Worms20) at St. Bartholomew Church, 880 MacGregor Ave. Fall River Group Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held at 453 West Elkhorn: Sunday 6:00 p.m. Mon., Weds., Sat. Noon Fri. Noon and 7:00 p.m. Zoom Meetings-Everyday at noon Zoom #999 829 166 (no password needed). Monday Zoom Big Book study at 7 p.m. #654 598 884 (no password needed). Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Zoom #999 829

166 West Side Estes Park AA, meets at 2515 Tunnel Road, Estes Park and it takes place Saturdays at 2:00 p.m. in the Dannen Library - located on the lower level of the Legett Christian Center. Celebrate Recovery -If you are one of these people who struggle with addiction, compulsions, and destructive behaviors as well as the lies which drive them, please consider coming to Celebrate Recovery and discover the joy of being set free. We meet on Thursday evenings from 5:30-7:30 p.m. for snacks and fellowship, being honest with ourselves and others, at the Christian Church of Estes Park, 4655 US Hwy. 36, Estes Park, CO. There is a seat for you. Note: The AA Meeting website has over 6,000 members and there are 69 AA Meetings a week plus NA has 30 meetings a week. Go to

To The Editor: What a great night of fun at the recent Dia de las Muertos, a real authentic celebration of community and families. Something for everyone, great food, homemade tamales and guacamole, children having fun with crafts and running around, people dancing to the Mariachi music, beautiful remembrances of loved ones and the legacy of native leaders. Also a great alter of love for the ances-

tors, with food and candles of respect and Catrina, the traditional mascot in memory of loved ones. Big thank for sharing this tradition goes to Jose Almeida of the Estes Park School District,. the Latino Community for the wonderful meal and the restaurant donations and larger community support. My friends and I had such fun. It was great and can't wait until next year! Candace Chapin

40 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Jeyneise Allyne (Delehoy) Dobbins friended half the town before retiring in 1997. She befriended the other half of Estes through her time at the Presbyterian Community Church as an Elder, a member of the Library Committee, and a favorite Vacation Bible School snack lady. Jeyneise's pride and joy in life was her family, followed closely by her amazing community. From her strong Delehoy family bonds, to her beloved Good Grief Group, to her church family, to her hospital friends, Jeyneise swore she knew everyone – which, accurate or not, worked just fine. She would treat you like a friend she was thrilled and lucky to see, whether she could remember your name or not. No time was better spent to her than socializing with friends Jeyneise Allyne (Delehoy) Dobbins, and family, playing games, puzzling, 88, of Estes Park, CO died peacefully and sharing meals. She was congenial on October 24, 2022. and amiable to her core, genuinely She was born in 1934 to Ben and Vi- wanting to know about the lives of vian Delehoy in Omaha, NE. She was everyone around her; quick to share in raised speaking two languages, ASL joy or offer empathy. and English, which gave her gregariJeyneise is survived by her sister, ous personality a running start. No Sharon Kirby and sister-in-law Janet wonder communications of all kinds Delehoy in Omaha, NE; became such a pleasure for her. sister/brother-in-law Jeannine and In 1952, Jeyneise married her high John Stenzel in Red Feather Lakes, school sweetheart and love of her life, CO; daughter Linda (Dobbins) MarRon Dobbins, in Omaha. They were shall in Estes Park, CO; son Mark an enduring couple that balanced each Dobbins in Deerfield Beach, FL; other well: Jeyneise's patience to his daughter-in-law Misa Dobbins in stubbornness, her social spark to his Charlotte, NC and many beloved calm steadiness. They honeymooned nieces and nephews. in Estes Park and would continue to She dearly loved her grandchildren; spend many memorable summers Ryan Dobbins, Jessica (Dobbins) with family until they eventually Wonders, Taylor Marshall, Jenna Marmoved to their favorite mountain valshall, Stephanie Dobbins, Zoe Dobley. bins and was ecstatic to become a They built their lives and raised their Great-Grandma to Theo and Claire three children in Creve Coeur, MO. Wonders. Alongside all the efforts of managing a Jeyneise was preceeded in death by family, Jeyneise worked for CV Mosby her husband Ron Dobbins, her parPublishing for ten years before beents, Ben and Vivian Delehoy; brother coming Ron’s personal secretary for Darwyn Delehoy; son Larry Dobbins; his company, Wesrae Industries. Beson-in-law Todd Marshall and numersides their summer vacations in Estes, ous good friends who brought her joy. they had a handful of adventures travA Celebration of Life service will be eling together to New Orleans, held Saturday, 11pm, November 12th, Hawaii, England, Scotland and a cruise to the Virgin Islands. The pho- 2022 at Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies. The service tos from those trips hold only a few will be live-streamed and recorded at sights, mainly featuring smiling faces In lieu of flowers, memoand decadent food. For Jeyneise, the rial contributions can be made to place mattered far less than the comPCCR (Presbyterian Community pany and the experience they were Church of the Rockies), 1700 Brodie sharing. Ave, Estes Park, CO 80517, online at In 1987 they finally made the move or to a charity of your to Estes Park, where she was hired as choice. Please visit www.allnuttestesthe Administrative Secretary for Estes to leave a message to the Park Medical Center. Here she befamily.

Walter Hesz Walter Jakob Bernhard Hesz of Loveland, CO, formerly of Estes Park, died peacefully on October 21, 2022, after a long illness. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife of 68 years, Marjorie Henshaw Hesz; son-in-law, David Wayne Gray; and grandson, Nathan Ronald Gray. He is survived by his sister; Marion Hesz Berges of Alameda, CA; and by his children Susan Gray McColl (Tony) of Loveland, CO; Nancy Hesz (Gary Dixon) of Yellow Springs, OH; John Hesz (Sidney) of Winters, CA; and Cathy Colten (Rob) of Holland, MI. He is also survived by eight grandchildren, ten great grandchildren and one great, great grandson, four nieces and a nephew. Walt was born on June 28, 1927, in Munich, Germany. In 1929, his family moved to Amsterdam. Walt and his family fled Nazi-occupied Netherlands and immigrated to the USA in 1941, on a Portuguese ship, the Magellanes. He became a naturalized US citizen in 1946. The family lived in NYC, Toledo, OH, and Birmingham, MI, where Walt met his future wife, Marj.

They married on January 29, 1949. Walt served the US Army in Berlin following WWII. He studied at University of Toledo and graduated from Wayne State University in 1949. Walt was employed by Sears, Roebuck and Company, first in Salt Lake City, then in New Albany, IN and Louisville, KY, then finally in Chicago. He retired in 1984. In retirement, Walt and Marj moved from their Glen Ellyn, IL home to the St Louis, MO area, then to Estes Park, CO. Walt enjoyed woodworking, hiking, art museums, gardening, classical music, opera, and photography. He was the cofounder of the Estes Park AAII chapter and volunteered for the Estes Park Library. The family plans to gather in 2023 to celebrate Walt’s life. If you wish to honor him, contributions may be sent to the Estes Valley Friends of the Library Foundation, PO Box 1470, Estes Park, CO 80517 or The American Brain Foundation, 201 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55415. Or certainly a nonprofit of your choosing is appreciated.

Thanksgiving Community Communion As we draw closer to the holiday season it is time to reflect on the blessings of living in this great community and nation. Let us set aside the divisiveness of our society and culture and realize we, the people living in Estes Park, have much to be thankful for. Our homes are in an exquisitely beautiful mountain community. The natural surroundings provide us one of the best places in the United States to recreate, work and enjoy family and friends. Our commutes are short, our air is clean, and our water is not polluted. We have endured floods and come out well on the other side. Once when surrounded by fire, we were blessed by the divine gift of an unnatural snowstorm. The snow extinguished the fire in a way that amazed anyone with the slightest knowledge of how significant the blazes were. For those of us who are Christ followers we have a very special means by which we remember the greatest blessing of all, forgiveness of our sins. The sacrament known as communion calls us to remember how blessed we are to have

discovered the unimaginable love of Jesus; a love we did not earn or deserve. The Bible tells us God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. When we deserved wrath, we received mercy. Now that is something to be truly thankful for, not getting the punishment you justly deserve. If you are a follower of Jesus or want to learn more about the tremendous love He has for you, please join us for a celebration of His love on Sunday Night November 20th at 6:30 p.m. Let us gather as the family of God and celebrate the greatest gift imaginable, forgiveness of sin and restoration of relationship with our Creator. Community Communion, there is no better way to begin the holidays than with a thankful heart! Where: Estes Park High School Auditorium When: Sunday November 20th 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Why: We have much to be thankful for.

Photo by Jim Ward

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 41

R. James Giguere Born September 20, 1925, and raised in South St Paul, MN, the son of French Canadian American descendants, Jim, as he was known, finished high school in 1943 and joined the Army Air Corp. While in the European theater of WWII, he flew 26 missions as the ball turret gunner on a B-17 named Miss Lace. Following the war, Jim attended the University of Minnesota on the GI Bill where he met and married Margery Trew Poole (deceased in 2016) in 1948 and completed his Chemical Engineering degree in 1950. Following university, Jim began a career in the grain milling industry, eventually settling on corn as his area of expertise. He has been awarded patents for corn milling processes and equipment which have formed the bases for several business ventures which continue to thrive. His industry influence is extraordinary in both methods and technology which survive his death. Without knowing, millions of people currently benefit from his inventions when eating snacks, baking corn bread, drinking beer, drilling for oil, taking medications and using charcoal for back yard barbecue. Learning about how charcoal is made led to the birth of Jim’s passion for smoking meats and perfecting the best method to achieve consistent results. He became a leader in the Barbeque Industry Association and, ultimately designed and built the smoking oven for one of Kansas City’s premier smokehouse barbeques. Jim’s passion for the outdoors became a retirement priority when he and Marge retired to Estes Park, CO.

Their love for the mountains, hiking and nature became a passion, scaling 13,000 foot mountains on multiple occasions. Jim was active in his parish church and community, especially supporting those in need. Along with his wife, Marge, their passion was to see people be strong and successful whatever their endeavors may be. They provided financial support for many church and community projects such as Our Lady of the Mountains Church, Estes Park Medical Center and local library. They were a living testimony of people who truly understood their faith, their responsibility to their family and to their community. Jim is proceeded in death by wife of 68 years Margery, his sister Dee Giguere Starjash and his son Robert (Bob) James Giguere Jr. He leaves behind his sister Rita Giguere Small; his brother Thomas Giguere; children Elizabeth Giguere, Paul Giguere, Mary Giguere and Ann Giguere; nine grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, please support the American Heart Association. Services will be held November 5, 2022, at O’Halloran & Murphy In St. Paul, MN.

Professor William (Bill) Winn Hay 10/12/1934 - 10/27/2002 William Winn Hay was born in Dallas, TX on October 12, 1934 the second son of Stephen J. Hay Sr. and Avella Winn Hay. He died on 10/27/2022 at the age of 88. Bill graduated from St. Marks School of Texas class of 1951. He received a BS in Biology from Southern Methodist University (1955), MS in Geology at the University of Illinois at Urbana (1958) and PhD in Geology at Stanford University (1960). The focus of Bill’s research was on fossilized nannoplankton. He was a pioneer in using nannoplankton for age dating rocks using fossil evidence (ie, a high resolution microscope). During this period, he spent a good amount of time doing field research in Mexico. Bill also studied at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the University of Zurich. He started his academic career at the U of Illinois at Urbana (1960) and then was a joint Professor of Geology at the University of Illinois and Professor of Marine Geology and Geophysics at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (RSMAS) of the University of Miami (1968 -1974). During this period, he was an early leader in a deep sea drilling project (DSDP) on the vessel Glomar Challenger funded by the National Science Foundation. The goal of this research was to understand the planetary history through ocean science. He continued this focus on marine geology as Chairman of the Division of Marine Geology and Geophysics at RSMAS for two years, and then Dean from 1976-1980. He was President of Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling, Inc. (JOIDES), in Washington, D.C. (1979 to 1982). In 1982, he became Director of the University of Colorado at Boulder’s Natural History Museum, and then became Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences and joined the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences (CIRES). In the 1990s, Bill was Visiting Professor at GEOMAR, part of the marine geological research institute at Christian-Albrecht’s-Universität, Kiel, Germany. From 1991-96, Bill also held positions at the Institute for Baltic Sea Research (Warnemünde, Germany) ; University of Vienna’s Institut für Paläontologie; Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University’s Geologische Institut (Greifswald, Germany) ; and as L. C. Donders Professor at the Institute of

Earth Sciences, University of Utrecht, (The Netherlands). After retiring from the University of Colorado (1998), he became Professor of Paleoceanology at GEOMAR, until 2002. He was most recently Professor Emeritus of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado and received an honorary doctorate from the Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel. Bill loved to teach and mentor. During his tenure, he supported and started the careers for approximately 50 graduate and doctoral students. Bill also authored or co-authored approximately 250 publications during his career. Over the past few years, Bill authored a seminal publication on climate change (Hay, William W., 2016. Experimenting on a Small Planet - A Scholarly Entertainment. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 3rd edition). He has received numerous national and international awards in recognition of his contributions to the geological and oceanographic sciences. While he was passionate about his students and research, Bill traveled extensively, were he developed his love of art, music and opera. His fluency in German, Swiss German, Spanish and French enabled him to seamlessly travel all around Europe and Asia. He also loved being at his home in Estes Park, Colorado where he would entertain friends and neighbors with a gourmet meal, tend to his fish and rescue cats, debate current politics or just sit and watch the ever-changing climate of Rocky Mountain National Park. Bill is survived by his nephew, Stephen J Hay III (Debbie) and niece, Mary Hay (Dave Smith). Bill also played a significant role in the lives of Gustav Clarence-Rossby Wold, Nikolai William-Rossby Wold and Tegan Bryn Wold, who still consider him their Opa. In addition to his family, Bill is remembered by many friends and neighbors in Estes Park and the hundreds of students he reached over the years. One neighbor who has been very close to Bill the past few years characterized him as a Capital “S” Scientist, a Capital “N” Neighbor, and a Capital “F” Friend. In lieu of flowers, Bill’s family and friends ask that you please consider sending a donation to Rocky Mountain Conservancy Philanthropy, P.O. Box 3100, Estes Park, CO 80517.

42 » Friday, November 4, 2022

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YMCA oF THE RoCkIES 2515 Tunnel Road

Guidelines for Equal Pay for Equal Work Act


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Estes Park, Colorado, 80511

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ESTES PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT R-3 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Substitute Bus Drivers Estes Park School District R-3 is accepting applications for substitute bus drivers. Class B with SP2 endorsement preferred. Salary range $17.21 - $19.49. Training will be provided. Questions, please call Dave Coleson at 970-577-0211 ext. 3401 Apply online at

Only online applications accepted. Position open until filled.

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Murphy’s River Lodge is looking for Front Desk Agent Starts at $16/hr and pay will be based on experience! Apply at 481 W Elkhorn Ave or call Stephanie at 1-970-480-5081 for interview.

Estes Park School District R-3 is an equal opportunity employer

You've just found it! Fun family business Outdoor World retail clothing and equipment year round stores needs you. Starting at $17.0022.00 per hour. Retail selling, merchandising and cleaning. You must be cheerful and like people. Choose your hours. Ages 15 to 80. Call Ernie 24 hours a day any day. 970 232 8290.

Help Wanted Pharmacy Sales Clerk Full Time/Part Time available Starting wage $17 hour Sign on bonus! Employee Benefits & discounts at Rocky Mountain Pharmacy and our sister store Bart’s Liquor Stop by for an application and join our team! (970) 586-5577

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PRoGRAM ADMInISTRAToR Responsible for coordinating private group programming through guest outreach and activity scheduling. Up to $18.30/hour with full benefits and great employee perks.

Perform tire related and light automotive services. $15 - $20/hr depending on experience. Flexible time off options, at cost vehicle repairs. Valid drivers license required. Apply in person at 1633 Raven Ave or call (970) 586-8085 or email

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Full Time Strip/Prepper Full Time Housekeeping for Solitude Cabins Day shift hours, 5 days a week. Pick up application or call and ask for Kay or Becca. 970-577-7777 1885 Sketchbox Ln.

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Rams Horn Village Resort has year round full time and part time positions available in our Guest Services/ Housekeeping Department: $16-18/hour, plus tips, a summer bonus up to $1500, and benefits package for full time employees. We are looking for energetic, dependable people who are able to perform physical labor and who have strong customer service skills. Fridays and Saturdays are required. Fill out an application at Rams Horn Village Resort, 1565 Colo. Hwy 66. EEOE

YMCA oF THE RoCkIES 2515 Tunnel Road Estes Park, Colorado, 80511

Cook Primarily responsible for shift management of all kitchen & back of house food service operations including menu planning, food preparation, ordering, and kitchen cleanliness. $18 - $19/hour with full benefits, childcare assistance, and employee perks.

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Friday, November 4, 2022 « 43

YMca oF tHe rocKieS

MAIL / PACKAGE DELIVERY Full time. Perform a variety of functions to accomplish the distribution of mail and packages. Vehicle and gas supplied. Must be able to lift up to 70lbs. Clean driving record. Competitive pay. Email Mark at

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Sign on Bonus' Available!!!

inFant nurSerY SuperviSor

We’re hiring for the following positions starting at $21.01/hr.: • Drive-up & Go Service Helpers • Checker • Courtesy Clerk • Day-Stocker • Overnight Stocker • Bakery Clerk • Deli Clerk • Produce Clerk • Seafood Clerk • Cake Decorator • Meat Cutter Get your application at: After your application has been completed, please call our hiring manager Ann at 970.586.4447.

Each Home Instead® franchise is independently owned and operated. © 2022 Home Instead, Inc.

YMca oF tHe rocKieS 2515 tunnel road

Responsible for providing care from children 6 weeks to 1.5 years old. Must meet State of Colorado qualifications for a group leader of a child care center. $21 $23/hour with full benefits and employee perks.

NOW HIRING Patient Access Representatives Perks of Working in Admitting: Customer Service is a plus, but willing to train the right person. Clinic Representative's work M-F. Emergency Representative's only work 3 days a week! Fast Paced Environment!

estes park, colorado, 80511

Special eventS venue coordinator Responsible for organizing aspects of an event including weddings and group events. This position will take tours, assist groups with logistics behind event planning from audio/visual needs, meeting room setup needs, and catering. $15.40 - $19.23/hour with full benefits, childcare assistance, and employee perks.

Apply online at

44 » Friday, November 4, 2022


YmCa oF THe RoCKieS 2515 Tunnel Road estes Park, Colorado, 80511


NOW HIRING! Full-Time and Part-Time Positions Available for

• Front Desk

Starting at $17.00 to $19.00 per hour DOE plus season bonus. Some housing available.

• Landscaping and Hot Tubs

Starting at $17.00 to $19.00 per hour DOE plus season bonus. Some housing available.

Pine Room manageR

Full-time with benefits. Salary range is $16.23 – $18.38 per hour depending on experience. Apply online at

• Housekeeping

Position open until filled. Estes Park School District R-3 is an equal opportunity employer

Starting at $16.00 per hour plus season bonus. Some housing available.

Responsible for the overall day-today operations at the Pine Room Restaurant located at YMCA of the Rockies. $17 - $18/hour with full benefits, childcare assistance, and employee perks.

• Experienced Maintenance

Starting at $19.00 to $22.00 per hour DOE plus season bonus. Some housing available.

Apply at, mail or email resume to: Fawn Valley Inn, 2760 Fall River Road, Estes Park, CO 80517 Email:








Commercial Rentals

Short Term



Estate Sales

OFFICE SPACE For Rent 970-290-4488

Deer Crest Resort Rooms & Suites with kitchenettes. Available for extended stays and monthly rental. November 1, 2023 through April 30, 2023. Adults only, non-smoking, no pets. Call Cherokee @ 970-586-2324

Juniper Ridge Cleaning Company now accepting new clients! No job too big or small, we do it all! Call/text Laura 720-421-8047 or Hunter 970-689-9516.

Peak View Workforce Apartment Available! 3-Bedroom Apartment Home available to families & individuals. At least one family member must work 30 hours on average per week year-round within the Estes Park school district boundaries. All household members must be lawfully present within USA. Rent 3-Bedroom - $1906 Households Must qualify for workforce housing Pickup your application at the Estes Park Housing Authority, in person or online: 363 E. Elkhorn Ave Suite 101 (First floor of U.S. Bank Building) or at Email with questions, or call 970.591.2535

Commercial Rentals Riverfront Offices For Rent Upscaled Log Building 6 Private Offices w/Parking. Private Entrance/Free WiFi $2,500 Mo. Rent Incl. Utilities 460 Prospect Village Dr. Bret/ 970-215-2494 One person professional office located downtown on north side of Bond Park. Completely remodeled recently. Conference room, coffee bar, copy machine are available. $600.00 per month, all utilities included. Contact Thom at Verus Commercial, Inc. 303-589-1543

Executive office for rent. $350.00 a month includes all utilities, high speed internet, handicapped bathrooms, kitchenette, conference room and easy parking. Call Peggy at 970-232-5588.

ESTATE/MOVING SALE Need to have one, but seems overwhelming. We do the work, you make the $. Local, Affordable, References. CALL JUDI 970-215-5548 Estate Sale Fri & Sat 9-1pm Follow Judi’s signs to 510 Grand Estates Dr. Unit O


TRANSPORTATION Swivel Reclining Chair with Footstool. $100 970-586-5596

SUVs/CUVs 2016 KIA Sorento LX all wheel drive, V-6, one owner 78K miles good condition $18,500 come look at 2781 Devils Gulch Rd. 970 391-3676

Flagstone, Natural Stone, Landscaping, Yard Cleanup and more! Contact us today! 970 - 213 - 2102

Sewing/Alterations Trailers/Campers

Three person Professional Class A Office. Located in Bank of Estes Park building on Saint Vrain. Previous tenant occupied for over 20 years. Two private offices with reception, onsite parking. Adjacent tenants are State Farm and Edward Jones. Contact Thom at Verus Commercial, Inc. 303-589-1543

Short Term Furnished Efficiency Unit, $850/month, No smoking, No pets, Includes utilities & cable, 3-6 month lease, Call 970-581-8487

27’ Interstate Trailer w/ 3 Snowmobiles. $9,990.00 Randy 970-215-7198

Remixed Custom Sewing Services Cushions, campers, outdoor furniture, benches, leather and Industrial Repair. Local - call Beth 970-492-5446

REAL ESTATE Commercial Commercial Spaces for sale and lease. Call Eric. Anderson Realty. 586-2950

Piano Tuning

Wants To Buy

Susan Novy, local piano tuner. Call for appt. 577-1755 www.estesparkpiano

Want to BUY. Retired, looking for a small home in Estes (no well/septic, please). Walking distance to post office, park. Larry (720) 272-6000.




Business For Sale

Reconditioned Toro Snowblower. $200. Electric start, shoots snow 25-28 inches on hard surface. Comes with 2 gas cans. 930 Rambling Dr. 970-586-3499

Hair & Nail Salon 30-years in Business Private Entrance $40,000 Estes Park Home Finders Bret/ 970-215-2494

Small Unit so Space is limited, only 10 people in at a time, Parking is also limited. Lots of NEW items, Lighting, Shelving, Hooks, Collectibles, Sewing Machine, Electronics, Smart TV, Furniture, Linens, Books, Unique Boxes, Framed Art, Mirrors, Waterford Crystal, Cleaning Supplies, Stained Glass, Candles, Christmas Decorations, Doggie Clothes, Leashes, Tools, Storage Boxes, Yard Wagon and More.

Misc. Sales

Storm Mtn Holiday Bazaar; Nov 5 10-4, Nov 6 10-3; wide variety of locally handcrafted items. Support local artisans; shop early. Free hot cider, bake sale. 1479 US Hwy 34, 1 mi E of Drake. More info in local event calendar, or contact

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 45









Dr. Amber Busche 970-586-4418 600 S Saint Vrain Ave - Suite 5 •equipped to evaluate macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts •same day appointments for eye pain and emergencies •referral access to specialized surgeons & advocacy for the best care •full service optical for specialized eyewear Comprehensive Eyecare Right Here in Estes Park!


46 » Friday, November 4, 2022




D Licensed & Insured

DIAMOND D HANDYMAN SERVICE Home Maintenance & Repairs Yardwork & Mowing


“Consider It Done!” Dave 303-877-2007



INSULATION Attic insulation upgrades, new construction, additions and remodels.

Insulation A+ service. BBB accredited with a plus rating positive reviews. Licensed Estes Park contractor. Call 720-934-7094

Cajun Handyman Services



No Job Too Small!

Custom Homes, Additions, Kitchens, Baths, Historic Renovations, Remodels and Design Work

Charles Santagati

Office: 970-586-2109 Cell: 970-443-5613 Calls Returned Same Day! Brian Thibodeaux - owner

1191 Graves Ave Full service general contracting since 1998


7DKRVD UDQFK#JPDLO FRP /,&(16(' ,1685('

HEARING & TINNITUS CARE Cory D. Workman, Au.D. Phone: 970-586-5255 • Hearing Aids / New & Repair • Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Protection • Ear Care / Wax Removal • Dizziness / Balance

1186 Graves Ave., Ste. B Estes Park, CO 80517 Fax: 970-577-7260

Golden Leaf Industries, Inc. Building, Remodeling, and Handyman Services

When you have a vision you want to bring to reality, or just want something done, call or email us. 720-536-0555

Friday, November 4, 2022 « 47



REAL ESTATE CONT. Expert Real Estate Representation

Aaron L. Busche CMAS, SRS, ABR, CNE


Realtor Cell: (970) 470-9962

Certified Mountain Area Specialist Seller Representative Specialist Accredited Buyer's Representative Certified Negotiation Expert





Call us for all of your painting or staining needs!

• Residential/Commercial • Log Homes/Decks • Free Estimates • 4 Year Warranty

• Interior/Exterior • Power Washing • Local References • Licensed & Insured

Tim Stolz, Owner • 970-518-4001• 26 Years Experience e-mail: •


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in Pictures

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Alpenglow Custom Blinds and Shades Local Sales, Installation, Service, and Repair - 970-235-1133

48 » Friday, November 4, 2022

Your Local Real Estate Experts

The Daily Donut


813 Palisade Mountain Drive


2325 Ute Lane

.8 8/ AC RE



1160 Fairway Club Circle #2


$475,000 6565 US Highway 36



$675,000 2841 Wildwood Drive




Thunder View Lot 3

1751 High Drive

638 Lakewood Court



1121 Griffith Court


2. 5A CR ES


1448 Spruce Mountain Drive



1447 Matthew Circle


Call us to use our FREE Moving Truck.


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