Estes Park News, February 3, 2017

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February 3, 2017

Former NASA Astronaut Loren Shriver Shares Stories At Preschool

Retired NASA astronaut and Space Shuttle Pilot and Commander, Loren Shiver spoke to the students at Lifelong Learning of Estes Valley Preschool this week. The students have been busy learning all about the planets, and space travel and even made their own versions of space suits out of cereal boxes and milk cartons. Shriver, now an Estes Park resident, was invited to the school to tell students about his experiences as an astronaut. Shriver is a veteran of three space shuttle flights who has logged over 386 hours in space. On his second mission in April of 1990, Shriver commanded the crew of five who deployed the Hubble Space Telescope. The children loved hearing Shriver’s stories and his talk was followed by questions from the curious kids, who were eager to learn from a “real, live astronaut!” See his brief bio on page 6. Photo by Kris Hazelton

Last Chance To Enjoy Repertoire Theatre Play

See Page 20

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