Estevan Castaneda Design Portfolio
P: (323) 513-3733 E:
Estevan Castaneda
Education: August 2013 - December 2017
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Bachelor of Science: Landscape Architecture
Relative Experience: Superjacent Internship
May 2018- Present
Landscape Design Intern
AHBE Planning Internship
June 2017- August 2017
Lower Los Angeles River Plan
ASLA PPN national Student SPOTLIGHT program
April 2016- July 2016
Partnership with SWA -
Urban Voids of Los Angeles
Urban Runoff Mitigation Plan of San Fernando
August 2016- June 2017
Partnership with Northrop Grumman -
Multidisciplinary Senior Capstone Project
Involvement: June 2016- June 2017
ASLA Student Chapter Board
Promotions April 2016- Present
ASLA National Member
June 2016- Present
CPPLA Mentor from Landscape Architecture
May 2017- June 2017
Participated in the Winter CPPLA Notebook Exhibition
Honors / Awards: June 2017
Howard O Boltz Award
June 2017
Fourth Year Outstanding Design Award
Architecture and Landscape Architecture Collaboration Studio
April 2016
Dangermond Travel Fund Scholarship
April 2016
Chapman Forestry Foundation Scholarship Category of Technology.
January 2016
CPP Scholarship Pecha Kucha Presentation
Studios: January 2017- March 2017
Long Beach Rising Sea Level Adaptation Plan Partnership studio with AHBE
AutoCAD Ceramics
After Effects
Table of Contents Analysis Land Art Generator Initiative
pg. 3-4
Lower Los Angeles River Opportunity Plan
pg. 5-6
Winter 2016 / 302L
Summer 2017 / AHBE Internship
LAX Dunes
pg. 7-12
Fall 2015 / 301L
Experimentation Owens Lake: Lake of Failure
pg. 15-16
pg. 17-18
CPP Lanterman Restoration Site
pg. 19-24
Spring 2016 / 303L
Fall 2016 / 401L
Spring 2017 / 403L
Implementation Urban Voids
pg. 27-28
San Fernando Stormwater Mitigation Plan
pg. 29-30
Long Beach: Sea Level Adaptation Plan
pg. 31-36
Summer 2016 / PPN ASLA
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 / EGR 499 - Engineering Senior Capstone Class
Fall 2017 / 402L
Analysis Land Art Generator Initiative - 302
Lower Los Angeles River Opportunity Plan - 332L
LAX Dunes - 301
To analyse is the attempt to reveal. I say attempt because of the flexibility with nature. Nature has a habit of adjusting to its surroundings often and quickly but humans hold and continue outdated traditions. To analyse is to find what is needed for a project but the process to find everything is an endless journey. 2
Land Art Generator Fluid
system of for human occupancy. Water has always been known as a barrier to humanity because of its lack of solidity. It creates an experience like no other to have your back to the land and face the ocean, but the walls are still there. Humanity still separates itself from this voided space. Fluid Foundation breaks those walls; it brings the ocean to the ground plane and creates spaces of interaction, and spaces to build upon. A foundation on the ocean.
This foundation gives an experience to the ideals of renewable energy. Most techniques are so non-responsive: windmills, solar panels, hemostats; they are objects utilized for full efficiency with no human value to them. This Fluid Foundation breaks these theories. Bringing renewable energy not only an aesthetic value but creating an experience coupled with the idea.
Power Available At Meter (65%)
Total Power Imput to Module from Sun Rays Incident on the Panel
Transformer Losses Module Mismatch Losses
Wiring (Ohmic) Losses
Dirt and Dust Losses
Tempurature Losses DC to AC Conversion Losses
Land Art Generator / LA302L
Fluid Foundation 302L
Buoy System
D rif
Di re
of Cu r
ren t
The sails consists of three layers: a layer of Organic Thin-Filmed PV Panels on both sides and one OLED panel in-between, which would light up at night and reflect the colors of the Santa Monica Ferris Wheel.
ra l
Undulating Plane System:
Li tto
The undulating plane that makes Fluid Foundation is a system of buoys linked together like a chain. Some points of the surface are fit with a powered high pressure pump, the Searaser Technology
Solar Sail Height: 0’-3’ 3’-9’ 9’-15’ 15’-30’
Lower LA River:
Soils & Hydrology
Income Levels
Green / Vacant Space
Opportunity Plan
This is the project I was a part of at AHBE Landscape Architects. I was in charge of collecting, analysing, and displaying this infomation to the office through GIS. For the final display, our two-person team created an opportunity plan for the most neglected section of the Los Angeles River. Taking into account the data below, we found areas that can be improved bus stations, vacant lots to parks, suggested bike paths, additional access to the LA River, and areas strictly for ecological development.
0 Miles 2 Miles 4 Miles 8 Miles
Legend: Existing Access Points Access Through Levee Slope Access Open Space Adjacent Green Street Complete Street Type 1 Bike Path Bike Path by River Improved Bus Stations Bike Rental Station Vacant to Park Ecological Areas
LAX Dunes This was a study of not only the direction of wind surrounding the Los Angeles International Airport but the spread and distribution of particle pollution in the area. The purpose of this project was to study a system surrounding LAX because the site of the project was the El Segundo Dunes, west of the airport. This project was used as a basis for the final design because of the intangibility of this danger. The goal of the design made in the end could be used as a method in controlling these dangerous systems. A type of kit of parts that can be used in other sites of similar conditions.
Legend: The design intent in creating this map was to express these complex systems with a single diagram repeated throughout the map. Each detail in the diagram has some significance, from the distance between the dots of the radii, which is the comparative size of the two types of partial pollutions studied, to the
Design Analysis The second phase of the quarter was to create a map of the specified site. This map shows the potential of movement in sand and water, the potential dispersal of seeds based on densities of vegetation and topography, and densities in the habitats from vertical structures and high human occupancy. This map was used in the third and final phase of the quarter to understand the natural forces in the area and try to control the uncontrollable. Similar to the first phase, this map was created using three types of diagrams repeated throughout the area. The final result of this created these pockets inside the site of either high activity or not, this was the idea for the final design. Creating these pockets to
Site Inventory
LAX Dunes Reservation
Planting Strategies:
Perhaps the most threatening aspect of habitat restoration sustaining the El Segundo Dunes is the accelerated rate at which we ignore the natural effects that are occurring in this environment. These conditions have had a strong impact on the formation of these dunes; littoral drift, wing pattern behaviors, and human interaction. This design does not see an issue, it see opportunities in which ecosystems could evolve naturally. This kit of parts is a method for a new form of restoration, a design of potential outcomes to bring out the natural benefits that come with the natural forces being implied to the site such as the ocean, the wind, and the human occupancy. This non-site specific method is more of an experimental landscape, to reshape the ideas nature from a pristine environment to a fluid, ever-changing plane.
Coastal Buckwheat Green Encilia Coastal Sage Scrub Deer Weed California Sagebrush Crystalline Iceplant Giant Reed Peruvian Pepper Tree Mustard European Starling Castor Bean Pampas Grass California Buckwheat
Experimentation Owens Lake: Lake Of Failure - 303
Oculus - 401L
CPP Lanterman Restoration Site - 403L
The word experimentation means the action or process of trying out new ideas, methods, or activities with the expectations of discovery. This is usually seen as a scientific term but in design it is to push for change. To question what is know and find other unique answers and processes. 14
Owens lake:
Machine Choreography
Wetlands Topography
n ica ant Pel mor te Cor Whi ed n an est ter ric -cr Bit n on Ame ble an ter Her Dou ric Bit e on ver r Ame st Blu et Her Plo ove Lea at Egr et hted -Pl Gre at Egr et Egr on d Nigs lli den Gre wy ver -be Gol Sno tle Her wne Ibi ver Plo ack c Cat en cro ed eye ifi Plo ted Gre ck- fac d ckk Pac wy lma ser ver lt Bla te- hea den ser Sno ipa er Plo Sti gs Whi fle Gol gan ser gan Sem lde in ked cet wle Buf mon Mer gan Mer s Mer Kil nta nec Avo llo
ted Com ded se leg per Whi Mou ck- an Yel Hoo mon eas k Goo s se low dpi her Bla ric r w per Com -br Duc vou Goo itc her Ame ate Yel San Sno se per dpi Red dy Ful w Dow itc Gre ser ry dpi Rud lin San Sno ue" Goo se lew Les ita San led Dow Dun lt er "Bl s's Goo n Cur Sol let d ope ope bil ed Sti ff Ros ada Swak Tea vel l Wil tte el ed wit rt- ill pe lar lar eon on Sho tai l Can dra Duc Sni Pha Spo mbr ill God one l Wig l Tun d per Sho g-b nam rn Pin Tea Pha nst Whi g-b d Lon mon 's d Tea Woo wal an dpi Cin the rn ged Lon bble Tur er Com son cke ope l er ed l k Gad ric d San Nor the win k t g Mar dy per Wil -ne lar Tea vel l Duc Ame lar ing Tea vel l Nor en- bac ck Rud Kno lin ted dpi Red Pha on Sho tai l Mal e-w on Sho tai l -Du ed up Gre vas d Red der lma San per per Red nam rn Pin Tea Blu nam rn Pin Teaing Can hea eck Sca dpi dpi per San ipa n up Cin the rn ged Cin the rn ged stl Red g-n r Sem ter San San dpi eye k Nor the win k Nor the win Whi se Rin ate Sca d San Wes st s Duc Nor en- s se Goo her Nor en- bac Gre ser hea den ser per Lea rd' al w ed up Gre vas d Gre vou Goo itc her Les fle Gol gan ser dpi Bai tor Sno se Can hea eck Sca er Ful w Dow itc Buf mon Mer gan l up Pec lin San Red g-n r Com ded Mer Tea vel l Sno ue" Goo se led Dow eye Dun lt Rin ate Sca d Hoo mon on Sho tai l "Bl s's Goo n ope ope bil ed Sti f Gre ser hea den ser Com nam rn Pin Tea Ros ada Swak Ruf rt- ill pe lar lar Les fle Gol gan ser l eon Can dra Duc Cin the rn ged Sho g-b Sni Pha Pha ver r Buf mon Mer gan Tea l Wig k l Tun d Nor the win k Lon mon 's d Plo ove er Com ded Mer ed l Tea Duc Woo wal an Nor en- bac Com sson cke ope d -Pl Hoo mon ing Tea vel l er ed l ed up Gad ric d Gre vas d Wil -ne lar lie den Com e-w on Sho tai l ver Ame lar ing Tea vel l Can hea eck Sca ck Red Pha bel Gol l up Blu nam rn Pin Tea Plo tai Sho on e-w Mal r Red g-n -Du ver Red ck- c eye Cin the rn ged one Blu nam rn Pin Teaing Rin ate Sca d per n Bla ifi Plo ted Nor the win nst Cin the rn ged stl Gre ser hea den ser ver lt Pac wy lma dpi ica ant Nor en- Tur se Nor the win Whi Les fle Gol gan ser Sno ipa er Plo Sti San Pel mor t g gs Gre dy Buf mon Mer gan l er Nor en- s se w Goo Sem lde in ked cet wle Rud Kno lin ted te Cor s Gre vou Goo Com ded Mer Tea vel l Kil nta nec Avo llo Sno se Red der lma Whi ed n n leg per Hoo mon on Sho tai l Ful w Mou ck- an Yel San ipa an est ter ck ica ant low Sno ue" Goo se Com nam rn Pin Tea dpi r Bla ric Sem ric -cr Bit n on -Du Pel mor "Bl s's Goo n Cin the rn ged Ame ate Yel San per Ame ble an ter Her ing te Cor k Ros ada Swak Nor the win k Gre ser ry dpi Dou ric Bit e eon stl Whi ed n Can dra Duc on ver r Duc Nor en- bac lew Les ita se San l Ame st Blu et Wig Whi l an est ter Tun d Her Plo ove ed up Gre vas d Cur Sol let d Goo s se d -Pl Lea at Egr et Tea Woo wal an ric -cr Bit n on htCan hea eck Sca w Wil ttte el ed wit vou GGoo lie den up er Gre at Egr et ed l Gad ric d Red g-n r Her Sno se Spo mbr ill God one ver Ame ble anBitter Egr on d Nigs Ful onw eye bel Gol Sca d per Gre wy e Ame lar ing Tea vel l Dou ric ate Rin se Goo nst ck d g-b Whi Plo l Sno ue" ver ck- c Sno tle Her wne Ibi dpi Mal e-w on Sho tai Ame st Blu et Her Gre ser hea den ser -Du Lon ble Tur "Bl s's Goo n Bla ifi Plo ted Cat en cro ed San t g Blu nam rn Pin Teaing Lea at Egr et htLes fle Gol gan ser Mar dy eye per Ros ada Swak ver lt Pac wy lma Gre ck- fac d ged stl Gre at Egr et Buf mon Mer gan l Rud Kno lin ted dpi ser er Cin the rn eon Egr on d Nigs Can dra Duc Sno ipa er Plo Sti Bla te- hea den ser se gs Gre wwy Com ded Mer Tea vel l Nor the win Whi Red der lma San per per l Wig l Tun d Sem lde in ked cet wle Whi fle Gol gan ser gan Sno tle Her wne Ibi Hoo mon on Sho tai l Nor en- s se w Goo dpi dpi per San ipa n s Tea wal an Woo wa Kil nta nec Avo llo Buf mon Mer gan Mer ed Gre vou Goo Com nam rn Pin Tea Sem ter San San dpi leg per Cat enck-cro er eye ed l GGad ric d Sno se Mou ck- an Yel Com ded Mer ted fac d Gre Ful w San s st Wes low ged ser rn l the vel ser Cin Tea den ing lar Ame se Goo dpi Bla ric r her Hoo mon eas k Bla te- hea ck per Lea rd' al her k Sno ue" Nor the win k Mal e-w on Sho tai l -Du per Ame ate Yel San Com -br Duc itc her Whi fle Gol gan ser gan "Bl s's Goo n per dpi Bai tor itc her Duc Nor en- bac Blu nam rn Pin Teaing Bl dpi Gre ser ry Red dy Dow itc Buf mon Mer gan Mer Ros ada Swak dpi Pec lin San Dow itc ed up Gre vas d Cin the rn ged stl lew Les ita Rud lin San Com ded Mer ted eon Can dra Duc San led Dow Dun lt Can hea eck Sca NNor the win se Cur led Dow Sol let d Dun lt l Hoo mon eeas k Wig l Tun d up ope ope bil ed Sti f her Nor en- s Whi Red g-n r ope ope bil ed Wil tte el ed wit Sti f per Com -br Duc Tea Woo wal an se w Goo eye Ruf rrt- ill pe lar lar itc her Gre vou Rin ate Sca d Spo mbr ill God one Ruf rt- ill pe lar lar dpi er Red ed l Gad ric d Goo Sno se Sho gg-b Sni Pha Pha per dy Sni Pha Dow itc Gre ser hea den ser nst FFul w Whi g-b d San lin l Rud vel Tea ing ver r Sho g-b Ame lar Pha dpi ck Lon mon 's d ope Les fle Gol gan ser Sno ue" Goo se Lon ble Tur Lon mon 's d led Dow Dun lt on Sho tai l -Du Plo ove Com son cke San t g er Mal e-w Buf mon Mer gan l d -Pl er "Bl s's Goo n Mar dy Com son cke ope l ope bil ed Sti f nam rn Pin Teaing per Wil -ne lar lie Com ded Mer Tea vel l Blu Ros ada Swak Rud Kno lin ted dpi Wil -ne lar Tea vel l Ruf rt- ill pe lar the rn ged stl den Red Pha bel ver Hoo mon on Sho tai l Cin eon Can dra Duc Red der lma San per per Red Pha on Sho tai l Sho gg-b Sni Pha Nor the win Whi se Red ck- c Golver Plo Com nam rn Pin Tea l Wig l dpi dpi per Tun d San ipa n Red nam rn Pin Tea Lon mon 's Nor en- s se Goo ope l Cin the rn ged Tea Woo wal an Bla ifi Plo ted w Sem ter San San dpi Cin the rn ged er Com sson k Gre vou Goo Sno se lar Tea vel l Nor the win k er ed l ver lt k San Gad ric d Pac wy lma Wes st s Nor the win k Wil w Ful her Duc Pha on Sho tai l Nor en- bac per Duc Ame lar ing Tea vel l Sno ipa er Plo Sti Lea rd' al Nor en- bac gs ck Sno ue" Goo se itc her ed up Gre vas d dpi Mal e-w on Sho tai l -Du ed up Sem lde in ked cet wle Bai tor Gre vas d rn Pin Tea "Bl s's Goo n s Dow itc Red nam Can hea eck Sca Blu nam rn Pin Teaing Kil nta nec Avo llo Pec lin San Can hea eck Sca Cin the rn ged Ros ada Swak up leg per up Red g-n r led Dow Cin the rn ged stl Mou ck- an Yel Dun lt Red g-n r k the wwin k N Nor eon eye Can dra Duc low dpi eye Rin ate Sca d ope ope Nor een- bac bil ed Nor the win Whi Bla ric r Sti f se Rin ate Sca d Duc l Wig l Tun d Gre ser hea den ser Nor en- s se Ame ate Yel San Ruf rt- ill pe lar lar Gre ser hea den ser Goo ck vas ed up Gre per Tea Woo wal an w Les fle Gol gan ser Gre vou Goo Gre ser ry Sho g-b Sni Pha Pha Les fle Gol gan ser l -Du Can eck Sca dpi er l ed d ric Gad gan Mer up Sno se Buf mon er l lew Les ita Lon mon 's d Buf mon Mer gan Tea ing g-n r Ful w Tea vel l ckk Sol let d San eye Com ded Mer Tea vel l Ame lar ing Cur er Com son cke opestl Com dded Mer ed l Sno ue" Goo se Rin ate Sca d tai l -Du se Hoo mon on Sho tai l Mal e-w onrn Sho Wil tte el ed wit Wil -ne larWhi Hoo mon ing Tea vel l "Bl s's Goo n Gre ser hea den ser Pin Teaing Blu nam Com nam rn Pin Tea Spo mbr ill God one Red Pha s se w Goo e-w on Sho tai l Ros ada Swak Les fle Gol gan ser l Cin the rn ged stl per Com nst Cin the rn ged Whi g-b d Red vou Goo Sno se Blu nam rn Pin Tea eon Can dra Duc Buf mon Mer gan Tea win Whi se dpi k Nor the Ful w Nor the win k Lon ble Tur l Cin the rn ged one er Wig l Tun d Com ded Mer ed l Nor en- s se Goo per San t g Duc Sno ue" Goo se Nor en- bac Mar dy Nor the win nst Tea w Woo wal an Hoo mon ing Tea vel l n per Gre vou Goo dpi Kno l "Bl s's Goo n ed d ted vas lin Gre Rud er Nor en- Tur ed l Gad rric d Sno se Com e-w on Sho tai up ica ant dpi Ful w San t g Ros ada Swak Can hea eck Sca Red der lma San per per Gre dy Ame llar ing Tea vel l Blu nam rn Pin Tea Pel mor ck Sno ue" Goo se up eon Can dra Duc dpi dpi per Red g-n r San ipa n Rud Kno lin ted te Cor MMal e-w on Sho tai l -Du Cin the rn ged one "Bl s's Goo n eye per nBBl l Wig l Tun d Rin ate Sca d Sem ter San San dpi Red der lma Whi ed n BBlu nam rn Pin Teaing Nor the win nst Ros ada Swak dpi ica ant Tea Woo wal an San Gre ser hea den ser Wes st s Ci the rn ged stl Cin Nor en- Tur eon Can dra Duc her San ipa an est ter San Pel mor Nor the win t g er ed l Gad ric d per Les fle Gol gan ser Lea rd' al Gre dy se l Wig l Tun d itc her Sem ric -cr Bit n on Whi Ame lar ing Tea vel l dpi Buf mon Mer gan l Bai tor n er Woo wal an Nor en- s se Rud Kno lin ted te Cor Goo Ame ble an ter Her Tea Dow itc Mer Mal e-w on Sho tai l w ded San Com Pec n ed l Whi vel lma der Tea Gre Red vou Goo nli Dou ric Bit e on Blu nam rn Pin Tea be Sno se led Dow Hoo mon on Sho tai l Gad ric d ingedTeal velerl lt San ipa an est ter Ful w Ame st Blu et Ame lar Her ckk Sti f Cin the rn ged Gre ope ope bil ed Com nam rn Pin Tea Sem ric -cr Bit n on Sno ue" Goo se Lea at Egr et Mal e-w on Sho tai l -Du htNor the win ed Ruf rt- ill pe lar lar Ame ble an ter Her Cin the rn ged "Bl ss's Goo n Gre at Egr et Blu nam rn Pin Teaing Nor en- ill be Egr on d Nigs Sho g-b Sni Pha Pha k ver r Dou ric Bit e Nor the win k ada Swak Roson ad Gre wy Cin the rn ged stl Gre d-b Gre be be Lon mon 's d Duc Plo ove Ame st Blu et Nor en- bac eon HerCan dra Duc se Sno tle Her wne Ibi Nor the win Whi Pie ned Gre Gre be Com son cke ope d -Pl ed up Lea at Egr et Gre vas d l Wig l Tun d htCat en cro ed Nor en- s se w Goo Hor ed n Gre l er eye -ne lar lie den Wil Gre at Egr et Can hea eck Sca Tea an wal Woo Gre ck- fac d Nig vou ver Gre Egr on d Goo Sno se up Ear ter s ser Tea vel l Red Pha bel Gol s Gre wy Red g-n r er ed l Gad ric d Bla te- hea den ser Ful w eye ver Plo Wes rk' on Sho tai l Red ck- c Sno tle Her wne Ibi Rin ate Sca d Ame llar ing Tea vel l Whi fle Gol gan ser gan Sno ue" Goo se ck Cla nam rn Pin Tea Bla ifi Plo ted Cat en cro ed Gre ser hea den ser Mal ee-w on Sho tai l -Du Buf mon Mer gan Mer "Bl s's Goo n eye ver lt Tea Pac wy lma Cin the rn ged Gre ck- fac d Les fle Gol gan ser Com ded Mer ted Ros ada Swak ser Blu nam rn Pin ing k Sno ipa er Plo Sti Nor the win k gs Bla te- hea den ser r er Can dra Buf mon Mer gan l Cin the rn ged stl Hoo mon eas k eon Duc her Sem lde in ked cet wle Duc Nor en- bac Whi fle Gol gan nse gan Com ded Mer Tea vel l per NNor the win Whi l Com -br Duc se Wig l s Tun d Kil nta nec Avo llo itc her ed up Gre vas d Buf mon Mer rga Mer Hoo mon on Sho tai l Woo wal an enNor N dpi Red dy Tea Goo s leg per Mou ck- an Yel Dow itc Can hea eck Sca Com ded vMe ted Com nam rn Pin Tea GGre vou Goose w er Rud lin San ed l Gad ric d low dpi up Bla ric r Red g-n r Sno se Hoo mmon eas k Cin the rn ged led Dow Dun lt Ame lar ing Tea vel l eye her Ful w ckk Ame ate Yel San Rin ate Sca d per Goo se per Com -br Duc k ope ope Nor the win k bil ed Sti f Mal e-w on Sho tai l -Du itc her Sno ue" Gre ser ry Gre ser hea den ser ver Red dy dpi dpi Duc Nor en- bac Ruf rt- ill pe lar lar Blu nam rn Pin Teaing "Bl s's Goo n Dow itc lew Les ita Les fle Gol gan ser Rud lin San San ed up Gre vas d Sho g-b Sni Pha Pha Cin the rn ged stl RRos ada Swak Cur Sol let d Buf mon Mer gan Plo led Dow Dun lt Can hea eck Sca Lon mon 's d eon Nor the win Whi se CCan dra Duc up Wil tte el ed wit Com ded Mer ted ope ope bil ed Sti f er Red g-n r Com son cke ope l l Wig l Nor en- s se Tun d Goo eye ver lt Spo mbr ill God one Hoo mon lma Ruf rt- ill pe lar lar w Rin ate Sca d Tea per Wil -ne lar Tea vel l l Gre vou Goo Woo wal an nst Whi g-b d Com ipa er Plo Sti gs Sho gg-b Sni Pha Pha Sno se Gre ser hea den ser Red Pha on Sho tai er ed l dpi Gad ric d Ful w Lon ble Tur Sem lde in ked cet wle ann Ame lar ing Tea vel l Lon mon 's d Les fle Gol gan ser Red nam rn Pin Tea San t g s Sno ue" Goo se ant ica an ope ck Mar dy Kil nta nec Avo llo l per Buf mon Mer gan l er "Bl s's Goo n Cin the rn ged leg per Com son ckelar Teal Pel mor Mal e-w on Sho taiTea -Du Rud Kno lin ted dpi Mou ck- an Yel Wil -ne k Com ded Mer Tea vel l Nor the win k Blu nam rn Pin low dpi Ros ada Swak te Cor ing Red der lma San per per Bla ric r Red Pha on Duc Hoo mon on Sho tai l Can dra Nor en- bac Cin the rn ged stl eon Whi ed n dpi dpi per Duc San ipa n Ame ate Yel San Red nam per Com nam rn Pin Tea ed up Gre vas d l Nor the win Whi Wig l se Tun d an est ter dpi San ter Sem Gre ser ry rCin San dpi Can hea eck Sca Cin the rn ged Nor en- s se Tea Goo Woo wal an ver r ric -cr Bit n on San Wes st s Les ita w San k Nor the win k her Red g-n r Scaup er Gre vou Goo ed l Gad ric d Plo ove Ame ble an ter Her per Lea rd' al eye Sol let d Sno se d Duc Rin ate d -Pl Nor en- bac itc her Ame lar ing Tea vel l Fulonnw ckk Bai tor dpi Wil tte el r Dou ric Bit e ed up Gre ser hea den ser lie den Gre vas d Dow itc Mal e-w on Sho tai l -Du ero ue" Goo se Pec lin San Spo mbr bel ver Ame st Blu et Her Les fle Gol gan ser l Can hea eck Sca Blu nam rn Pin Teaing "Bl s's Goo n led Dow Lea at Egr et Dun lt Whi ck- c Golver Plo up htBuf mon Mer gan Tea Red g-n r Cin the rn ged stl Ros ada Swak ope ope Gre at Egr et bil ed Sti f eye er Com ded Mer ed l Rin ate Sca d Bla ifi Plo ted Egr on d Nigs se eon Nor the win Whi Can dra Duc wy Ruf rt- ill pe lar lar ser den Hoo mon ing Tea vel l hea ver lt Gre ser Gre Pac wy lma l Goo Nor en- s se Wig l Tun d Sno tle Her wne Ibi Sho g-b Sni Pha Pha w ver r Com e-w on Sho taiTeal Les fle Gol gan ser Sno ipa er Plo Sti Tea Gre vou Goo Woo wal an gs Cat en cro ed Lon mon 's d Sno se Blu nam rn Pin ove Buf mon Mer gan l eye Sem lde in ked cet wle er ed l ric d er Ful w r Gre ck- fac d Com son cke ope d Plo s Cin the rn ged one ser Ame lar ing Tea vel l Com ded Mer Tea vel l den ser Kil nta nec Avo llo Sno ue" Goo se per Wil -ne lar lie den-Pl ck leg per Bla te- heaGol gan ser gan Nor the win nst Hoo mon on Sho tai l "Bl s's Goo n Mou ck- an Yel Mal e-w on Sho tai l -Du ver Whi fle Red Pha bel dpi low dpi Nor en- Tur Com nam rn Pin Tea Bla ric r Ros ada Swak Blu nam rn Pin Teaing Buf mon Mer gan Mer Red ck- c Golver Plo San t g Gre dy Ame ate Yel San eon Can dra Duc Cin the rn ged stl per Cin the rn ged Com ded Mer ted Bla ifi Plo ted Rud Kno lin ted Gre ser ry l Wig l win d Tun the Nor k r k dpi se win Nor the mon eas k ver lt Pac wy lma lew Hoo Red der lma her Nor en- s Whi Les ita Tea Woo wal an Duc San Nor en- bac per Com -br Duc se w Goo Sno ipa er Plo Sti San ipa Cur gs itc her Gre vou Sol let d er ed l Gad ric d ed up Gre vas d dpi Red dy Goo Sno se Sem lde in ked cet Sem Dow itc Wil tte el ed wit Ame lar ing Tea vel l Can hea eck Sca Ful w Rud r lin San ckk Kil nta nec Avo llowle s up Spo mbr ill God one Mal e-w on Sho tai l -Du leg per Red g-n r led Dow Sno ue" Goo se Dun lt per Mou ck- an Yel ipe eye nst Whi g-b d Blu nam rn Pin Teaing ope Rin ate Sca d low dpi bil ed "Bl s's Goo n dpi Sti f Bla ric r Lon ble Tur Cin the rn ged stl Gre ser hea den ser Ros ada Swak Ruf rt- ill pe lar San t g Ame ate Yel San Gol gan ser per Mar dy Sni Pha win the Nor se per eon fle Les dra Can g-b Sho Whi Duc Gre ser ry dpi Rud Kno lin ted dpi Goo l er Nor en- s se Wig Buf mon Mer gan l l Tun d Lon mon 's lew Les ita w ope l San Red der lma San per per Tea er Com ded Mer Tea vel l Gre vou Goo Woo wal an son Cur Sol let d Sno se dpi dpi per Com San ipa n lar Tea vel l er ed l Hoo mon on Sho tai l Ful w Gad ric d Wil Wil tte el ed wit Sem ter San San dpi Pha on Sho tai l Sno ue" Goo se Com nam rn Pin Tea Ame lar ing Tea vel l Spo mbr ill God one ck r San Tea Wes st s per "Bl s's Goo n Mal e-w on Sho tai l -Du Cin the rn ged hRed nam ern Pin nst Whi g-b d che per Lea rd' al dpi Ros ada Swak k rn ged Blu nam rn Pin Teaing Cin Nor the win k itc her Lon ble Tur herNorth dpi Bai tor eon Can dra Duc k San Duc k t g the rn ged stl win bac Cin the enNor Dow dy Mar itc per Pec lin San l Wig l Tun d Duc ed up Nor the win Whi Nor en- bac Gre vas d se Rud Kno lin ted dpi led Dow Dun lt Tea Woo wal an ed up Nor en- s se vas Can hea eck Sca Goo Red der lma San per peGre ope ope 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Soil Type
Sand Monitors Wind Direction
The Owens Lake project was a topic that tackled the issue of dust mitigation in “dead lakes”. Currently, Owens is in the process of a decade long project that will reoccur every cycle directed by the design. The design is efficient but lacking in human experience and ecological awareness. The topic studio took this as an opportunity to create an analysis of the ecosystems in play on the site and how to create a parametric design that reacts to these systems.
Avian Inventory
Owens Lake Analysis / LA303L Estevan Castaneda, Antonio De Jesus, Ryan Lawson, Kevin Lei, Alexa Miranda,
The final design of this project was to create a plan that would not only evolve with Owens Lake but to be a system which can be repeated infinitely. One aspect we wanted to duplicate was the edge condition that existed in Owens Lake currently, the approach my team took was to create a series of mounds that would deform and manipulate according to the water. As time went on, the mounds would become collection basins to benefit the existing ecosystems. The product of this project was a video presenting our analysis, machine investigation, and our implementation plan. The video was a group effort and I was in charge of the animated aspects of the short film which were any amount of text shown and the mapping scene. The QR code on the right will show the video if scanned. 16
Oculus Process In this studio, the class worked with the Walk Disney Imagineers with the topic of freedom and what it means to people. The way I approached the topic was to show the beauty of freedom through the depiction of memories and having the choice to follow a dream. With the earlier projects, I tried to tell a story with each. First were a set of postcards where I told a story about a man trying to follow his dream despite the challenges of life getting in the way. The second was a deconstruction of an item that represented this freedom. I chose a calendar because not only does it let someone plan for the future but also works as a sort of diary of events from the past.
Design The site was Liberty Island in New York City and the design itself was made to build on this idea of temporal memories. Building moments in the landscape that stand out from the rest. To create a landscape the evokes different emotions thus triggering different memories.
Crown Pillar
Landscape Matrix / LA401L Estevan Castaneda Shams Khoram Tina Alimirzaee
A crown is a piece that has a center point but can be observed from all angles. The reflections are different from each angle thus connecting to an individual in different ways.
Pedestal Pillar A pedestal is an area where a visitor is forced to see a different perspective. In this case, takes the visitors under the ground level.
Torch Pillar The torch is a place of enlightenment and beauty, creating a space for people to self reflect and explore.
12 18
CPP Lanterman Campus Analysis Introduction This was the last studio for my bachelor degree classes at CPP and it was a restoration of a historical asylum near the Cal Poly Pomona Campus. The class started with studies done on other colleges and their design, then creating an analysis of the site, and finally a redesign.
Phase 1: College Studies The first stages being the study of different university campuses, my team studied two other schools in California which were UCLA and Caltech. Two schools with opposite scales, circulation, and transportation systems.
Phase 2: Analysis of Restoration The next stage was the analysis of the site which we covered very throughly but we were more concerned with the concept of “restoration� and what that meant to architecture and landscape. The next two pages is an article I wrote on the idea of restoration and how two-dimensional the concept is. That the idea of restoration has so much potential but it is often wasted because the idea is centralized around the facades of buildings. The next two pages also express the passion I have in writing and how I hope to continue to 19
CPP Lanterman: Questioning Restoration
Approaching the project from the perspective of someone who knows nothing about preservation in architecture, our group took this as an opportunity to challenge the traditional methodologies of architectural preservation. These traditional methodologies consist of preserving the structural integrity and facades of historical buildings, not taking into account the spacial attributes in buildings and the landscape outside. Our goal was to give preservation a new lens to look through, not only considering the facades but the area as a cohesive space with its solids and voids. The three methods we actively implemented onto the site are additive restoration, subtractive restoration, and adaptive restoration. Each one celebrating pieces of restoration but reforming the spaces for modern function and cohesive experiences. The first method is addition restoration. This method is to simply add on to the buildings themselves, which is implemented in the ENV section of our project. Most of the existing infrastructure remains in this area but the additions are placed to emphasize the connections we want to create. The plaza is made up of four large buildings; three are being made for the three design majors in the ENV college: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban and Regional Planning, the fourth is programed as the main hub for all ENV majors. The additions to these sections are made to be spaces where multiple majors intersect and interact; either studio spaces or lecture halls. Even though these additions change the entire function of these spaces, the previous infrastructure facades remain intact so the space can continue to be marveled at. previous infrastructure facades remain intact so the space can continue to be marveled at. The second method implemented onto 21
the site is subtractive restoration, which is implemented in the Film District. This method consists of physically cutting into a building and adding to the subtracted void as a result; on a list of historical buildings and made pretty for pictures. To keep the old buildings would keep a scale not fitting for a school, so the restoration approach we did propose was the restoration of the landscape. This area was full of aged trees and made the space a beautiful experience, thus keeping the landscape and destroying the architecture is a stance on the significance in historical landscapes in contrast with historical buildings. The final method, adaptive restoration, is keeping the same exterior of the building but adapting the interior and landscape to better fit modern activities. Similar to traditional restoration, this method celebrates the beauty of the architecture but also include the interior and the landscape surrounding the façade. In the past, Lanterman was a place that people who were mentally unstable or considered mentally unstable were put for the rest of their lives. Away from their families and away from the public. The treatment they would do on these patients were seen as necessary back then but now, the practices are seen as barbaric. Practices such as lobotomy and sterilization. Later on, Lanterman evolved into a type of retirement home but this does not hide the cruel history of the site. This is the history that should be acknowledged and shown with “historicalâ€? restoration. And if this cruel history is not wanted to be shown, then should be taken and transformed. This is the main problem with historical restoration; simply the lack of history. With our approach on the project, we chose to evolve the views of restoration into a third dimension. Breaking the walls to tie the inside and outside together for an experience that can be better articulated and manipulated for people.
CPP Lanterman: Restoration Site
The final product of the Lanterman Restoration site was a combination of methods that challenged the idea of restoration in design yet still creating a beautiful extension to the Cal Poly Pomona Campus. The approach we took was somewhat
controversial since the class instructor was on a historic restoration board, so we needed to convince not only the instructor but the jury to really challenge these ideas at their core. To provide evidence that this idea can truly benefit the area, we provided statistics to show it was economically beneficial but also showed how we unified the different spaces through spacial programing. The design expressed that even though this method was a critique on restoration design, it would create the individuality among each college through its spaces. This project was awarded an Outstanding senior design award by the Department of Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona.
Implementation Urban Voids of los angeles - ASLA
San Fernando Stormwater Mitigation Plan - EGR 499
Long Beach: Sea Level Adaptation Plan - 402
Implementation of project is usually seen as the literal placing of a project to a site but implementation can also be mental. Projects have the possibility to inspire, to teach, to question and to shape the mentality of designers. To show that people must be looking critically at the world and challenge today’s norms. 26
Urban Voids
Parking Lots
This was a PPN, Professional Practice Network, for ASLA I was apart of. It was part of the Planning and Landuse area of the PPN’s and from this I was partnered with G.V. Chang who is a lead designer at the Sausalito SWA office. The project was an investigation on three types of space with underutilized or miss used spaces, or in this case Urban Voids. The investigation was on schoolyards, streets, and parking lots because of their abundance in any urban city. The theory with this project was to fix the smaller details or perceptions of a city to create a much larger impact, instead of one big event or project to try and rejuvenate the city which ends up being a failure. This whole presentation is available online on the ASLA website. 27
Pecha Kucha Presentation This is the presentation I gave to Cal Poly Pomona for a Pecha Kucha, a presentation were the presenter has 20 second each slide with 20 slides.
Street Culture This diagram was to show how the buildings of a city work like walls to a room. The people and the ecology keep cities alive.
San Fernando Stormwater Mitigation Plan The San Fernando Stormwater Mitigation Plan was a year-long Engineer Senior Capstone class that focused on building leadership. I was recommended for the class by my Department head, Andrew Wilcox, and later was accepted to the class. The team I was a part of was composed of two civil engineers, a chemist, a business major, and myself a landscape architecture major. Our project was a proposal for the city of San Fernando to place BPM’s in the city to help the pollution levels in the area and save money for the whole city in pollutant fees. The team collected to slopes of each street in the city using the HydroCalc system and analyzed how much of each pollutant there is in what specific location. The end of the year was to the proposal of two bioswales by the two major streets to catch most of the runoff. As a result, the city would have cleaned about 12 million liters of runoff a day and the $15,000 daily pollutant fee is completely eliminated for as long as these implementations are functional.
Intervention 1
Intervention 2
This project was a collaboration with AHBE studio to produce a plan that could mitigate the coast of Long Beach from sea level rise. This was the first phase which was the analysis of the site. Separating the analysis to Risk, Value, and Potential. We observed what the current urban realm, the invisible patterns of the ecosystem, and the reach of sea level rise for the next 100-years. I was apart of the ecology team and what we discovered was the edge condition that the shoreline is a ideal habitat for most life in Long Beach.
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Habitat Connection Diagram: This diagram was an investigation on the avian, vegetative, and insect life in the Long Beach ares. The names in the circles are the names of the avian, vegetative, and insect that were sighted in the area. This graph was used as more of a collective
example of the life on the existing site, and not an inventory to find a specific bird or insect. Some connections that were found were the many bird main diets were either seeds from vegetation and beetles of all kinds. 32
Site Analysis: Long Beach 4.9 ft
4.2 ft
3.5 ft
2.2 ft
1.6 ft
1.1 ft
This was the site worked on in my team. An area on the west side of Long Beach. This site was chosen because of it’s different levels of sea level rise in such a short amount of time and it is a combination of residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. The initial plan for this site was to create a series of iterations to create a plan that would not only fit this specific site but any area of a coastal city with similar conditions.
Project Location
.6 ft
2017 6
Shoreline Tax: Phase 1
305,869sq.ft. 10,697sq. ft.
9,008sq. ft. 14,013sq. ft.
5% Coverage
14,552sq. ft. 24,185sq. fft.
108,806sq.ft. 6,819sq. ft. 2,288sq. ft. 3,577sq. ft.
12,451sq. ft. 11,584sq. ft. 9,664sq. ft.
5% Coverage 481,195sq.ft.
4,978sq. ft.
34% Coverage 305,869sq.ft. 5,228sq. ft. 6,130sq. ft. 3,260sq. ft.
2,087sq. ft. 1,925sq. ft. 1,705sq. ft.
0% Coverage
6,510sq. ft.
30,102sq. ft. 6,155sq. ft.
27,454sq. ft. 8,907sq. ft. 2,849sq. ft. 5,017sq. ft. 14,721sq. ft.
31% Coverage
13% Coverage 158,963sq.ft.
6,931sq. ft. 11,928sq. ft.
1,824sq. ft. 905sq. ft.
723sq. ft.
1,460sq. ft. 9,072sq. ft.
2,950sq. ft.
5% Coverage 1,518sq. ft.
22% Coverage
163,645sq.ft. 1,639sq. ft. 4,722sq. 722sq. q ft. 3,694sq. ft.
9,519sq. ft.
519sq. q ft. 564sq. q ft. 535sq. q ft. 7,094sq. q ft. 6,066sq. q ft. 1,492sq. q ft. 3,030sq. , q ft. 2,971sq. ft. 2,971s 2,971sq 1,000sq. , q ft. 784sq. ft. 1,041sq. ft.
4,996sq. ft. 5,231sq. ft.
3,604sq. ft. 1,277sq. ft. 3,712sq. ft.
16% Coverage
2,548sq. ft. 710sq. ft. 1,789sq. ft.
0% Coverage
2,553sq. ft.
10% Coverage 163,645sq.ft.
1,439sq. q ft. 2,394sq. ft. q ft. 6,188sq. ft. 1,501sq. 1,274sq. q ft. 1,872sq. ft. 1,928sq. ft. 1,007sq. ft. 1,556sq. ft.
24,987sq. ft.
1,461sq. ft.
15% Coverage
573sq. ft.
13% Coverage
150,492sq.ft. 1 1,528sq. ft. 3,212sq. ft. 915sq. ft. 3,237sq. ft. t. 2,113sq. ft.
150,492sq.ft. 16,754sq. ft. 203sq. ft.
158,134sq.ft. 3,191sq. ft.
BlockAnalysis Diagram:
11% Coverage
7% Coverage
27,922sq. ft.
1,434sq. ft.
4,829sq. ft.
9% Coverage
2,157sq. 2,1 ,1 ft. 2,548sq. ft.
This diagram was the block analysis that we conducted to measure the amount of space that second story buildings took in comparison to the block they are on. The second story buildings were the catalyst of this design.
17% Coverage
158,134sq.ft. 7,298sq. ft.
1,4501sq. ft.
13% Coverage
150,492sq.ft. 7,003q. ft.
2,039sq. ft.
6% Coverage
long beach:
100-years to the future
This is a quick glimpse at the future of Long Beach with this plan. Long Beach has saved the residents by relocating them and once infrastructure was adjusted, Long Beach has evolved into a completely new city. The buildings that would be altered would be compromised from the flooded water so a bonding agent would be applied. This simple adjustment would eventually become the hubs for new growth vertically and horizontally. With the second story building not completely destroyed from the ocean, they are used as the pillars to elevate a new datum for Long Beach. The areas lifted have many possibilities to be used for farming seawater crops and fish. Areas that ocean farm are rare but becoming more popular, with an area where the ocean and life is so easily accessible, this has possibilities to be a new area for research. As this new datum is created, a new type of transportation system utilizes the previous streets through a series of tunnels. This idea was actually thought up by Elon Musk of Tesla, which I think is brilliant, so I decided to fit this system in this future resilient city. This is the scenario of the Long Beach that survived, not a Long Beach that was washed away and forgotten about.
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