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Issue 32
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Mailing No. 10769 | Publication No. 40069240
New pact on small modular nuclear reactors could have a big impact for Estevan By Brian Zinchuk
After months of broadly hinting Saskatchewan would be getting into nuclear power production, as well as a reference in the recent speech from the throne, Premier Scott Moe has taken the first concrete action in that direction. Indeed, his statements at a press conference suggest Saskatchewan could go into nuclear power for electrical power generation in the coming years, possibly replacing both coal and natural gas further down the road. While in Toronto on Dec. 1, Moe signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Ontario and New Brunswick with regards to the development of small modular reactors (SMRs). Moe, Ontario Premier Doug Ford and New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs released a joint statement after the announcement. “Ontario, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick agreed today to work together to explore new, cutting-edge technology in nuclear power generation to provide carbon-free, affordable, reliable, and safe energy, while helping us unlock economic potential
From left, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe hold up signed copies of a memorandum of understanding on the development of small modular reactors. Photo courtesy Government of Saskatchewan across Canada, including rural and remote regions. “ We have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU), committing to collaborate on the development and deployment of innovative, versatile and scalable nuclear reactors, known as small modular reactors (SMRs), right here in Canada. “SMRs could generate clean and low-cost energy for both on-grid and offgrid communities, connect more remote and rural areas
of our province, and benefit energy-intensive industries, including the mining and manufacturing sectors. It could also drive economic growth and export opportunities as these technologies are further adopted across the country and around the world. “Our governments support a collaborative approach to reducing emissions and growing the economy in a way that meets the specific needs and economic priorities of each province. We
look forward to continuing to work together on innovative energy solutions and creating the best business environment to attract jobs and growth in regions right across the country.” During the press conference, Moe noted that Saskatchewan is committed to reduce emissions in the electricity sector by 40 per cent below 2005 levels before 2030. Leading off the press conference he said, “We believe we can do this with-
out unnecessary taxes that burden families, businesses. Taxes that really do little in reducing emissions directly. Saskatchewan’s plan of Prairie Resilience achieves our emissions reduction through targeted investments in innovative technology in our Canadian industries, without impacting our jobs, or impacting the Saskatchewan economy.” He noted that implementing small modular reactors will provide meaningful action in reducing carbon emissions in electricity production while providing affordable, baseload power to communities and industries. Estevan and Coronach have been under considerable angst over the future of coal-fired power near those communities, and Moe suggested that places that already have power generation transmission infrastructure might be potential sites for SMRs. He said, “In addition to providing reliable, sustainable and affordable baseload power supply, this technology has the potential of creating high quality jobs and local economic development opportunities in communities where existing transmission infrastructure already exists, or, further, in rural and
remote communities that currently rely on higher emissions power production.” Saskatchewan, in particular, has been under pressure to reduce its reliance on coal-fired power generation as the federal government has pushed to phase out coal-fired power nationwide by 2030 in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ontario has already phased it out under its previous Liberal government, and Alberta was put on that path by its previous NDP government. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia still rely on coal for some of their power production. Use of nuclear power would eliminate carbon dioxide emissions versus either coal or natural gas-fired power generation which it replaces. Moe’s statement hinted that Saskatchewan could go heavily into nuclear power. He noted that Saskatchewan could reduce its power generation greenhouse gas emissions by adding, through carbon capture and storage, to its coal-fired generators, “or replacing those generators with combined cycle natural gas generation.” Moe said: “By incorporating small modular reactor A2 » NUCLEAR
Council approves third phase for water project Estevan city council has approved the third and final tender for the city’s water intake project. Greenfield Construction Ltd. was awarded the tender for $1.84 million, with a contingency allowance of $250,000 for a total tender price of $2.09 million. Phase 3 will see the completion of the water line from Rafferty Dam to the water treatment plant. The project will shift Estevan’s primary water source from Boundary Dam to Rafferty Dam, which is expected to improve the quality of Estevan’s drinking water and allow the city to meet provincial requirements for trihalomethanes in the water.
Phase 1 saw the construction of the pipeline that will run from the water plant to the diversionary channel. Phase 2 included the construction of the raw water intake and pump station. Shane Bucsis, who is the manager of the water and wastewater division for the city, said Greenfield was the company that was awarded the contract for Phase 1, so they still have all of their equipment here, including their drilling technology. “That’s why their costs came in so much lower, is we are saving about $600,000 on mobilization,” said Bucsis. The city hopes the project can be completed in the late spring or early summer
of 2020. Also on Monday night, council approved the use of a SaskPower diversionary line to complete the pipeline and reduce the amount of construction needed. With the use of the SaskPower line, the city would only need to lay 2.3 kilometres of pipe instead of 8.1 kilometres. “We had conversations with SPC (SaskPower Corporation), and they were very good about it, and we appreciate the fact that they were willing to allow us to use that line.” The line is used to pump water from Rafferty Dam to Boundary Dam when Boundary is low, but it has not been used for seven years
Work is taking place on the water intake project. File photo because the water levels in Boundary have been sufficient. “Once we switch our intake sources, we will no longer be pulling off of Boundary Dam,” said Bucsis. “We
will be pulling water from Rafferty. So the use of that line will be even less.” The city will be allowed to use the line year-round, at a cost per year of $9,500. Mayor Roy Ludwig said it’s
a three-year agreement that will be renewed automatically. Councillor Dennis Moore wanted to know what would happen if SaskPower A2 » CITY