Looking back on 2019 A5
Youths put on a show A11
Issue 35
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Mailing No. 10769 | Publication No. 40069240
World of lights Jubilee Place has all the rights to be named one of the most well-decorated and beautiful spots in Estevan this Christmas season. Every house has lights and cute displays on the lawn. Some decorations are cozy, while others are funny, and some are even playing some Christmas music. A steady stream of vehicles from other neighbourhoods comes every night to slowly tour this wonderful little street, which now looks like an under the sky museum. Photo by Anastasiia Bykhovskaia
Angel Tree toy store had gifts for every kid By Ana Bykhovskaia
The basement of St. Giles Anglic an Church looked like every kid’s heaven on Dec. 17, the day before the Angel Tree’s toy store opened its door to all parents who applied for hampers through Community Hamper Association. An ocean of gifts for children collected by the Estevan community in just two weeks could make even non-believers believe in miracles. There were toys of all types, colours and sizes, there were jewelry, perfume and appliances like hairdryers for older kids, and kewpies and
blocks for the little ones. The Angel Tree toy store that once again was put together thanks to the Estevan community, looked more beautiful than any other toy store. For two days parents could come in and choose great gifts, stocking stuffers and mitts for their children. They also were supplied with wrapping paper and tape, so every kid in the Estevan area would have a real Christmas morning. This year the hamper association received 305 applications for hampers that came with about 460 applications for gifts for kids ages 0-16. Char Seeman, who is the co-chair of the hamper
There was a gift to every kid’s taste at the Angel Tree toy store.
association, noted that this year the toy donations were down, with many people preferring monetary donations. But after all, volunteers could still get enough gifts to ensure that every kid in the Estevan area has a gift to unwrap. The Kinette Club’s PJ Pyjamas Project also supplied all kids with a brand new set of pyjamas for Christmas. And none of it would be possible without volunteers, who jointly spent over a thousand hours working to make this all happen. Seeman said they have about 100 volunteers who were helping with toy collection and hamper program. But neither this Christmas miracle would be possible without the incredible support from the community “A huge thank you to the community for their donations. We could not do this without them,” said Seeman. “Without the support of the community and the companies… companies were just crazy this year. And I know oilfield companies and businesses in the city are struggling, and they are still giving to us. It’s amazing. We thought we were going to be in for a tough year, but they made it good.” The toys were collected through the Estevan Fire
Angel Tree co-chair Jolie Bayda along with other volunteers was putting last touches on the 2019 toy store at St. Giles Anglican Church. Rescue Service and Estevan RCMP’s toy store drive, Estevan Police Service’s pack the cruiser, and a lot also were donated at the Angel Tree locations at Walmart, Blown Away Hair Studio, Your Toy Store and More and at Mr. Mikes Steakhouse Casual. Seeman has been a part of the hamper association since she started it 27 years ago, and she always finds joy in it. “My favourite part of it is seeing someone who we used to help, and now they are in a better circumstance
and they come in and they give back to us,” said Seeman. “That’s my favourite part. I just love that… And of course, seeing the little kids, and just imagining how happy they are on Christmas morning. And knowing that there hopefully is not going to be a kid that wakes up in Estevan and the surrounding area that doesn’t have something under the tree for them.” It is a joy for volunteers to put the project together and witness the result of their hard work, but it also means
a lot for parents, who might be going through hard times. “Some of the mothers that come in here are in tears. And they are so thankful, and so grateful, just out of this world,” said Seeman. Every year the Community Hamper Association accepts applications from everything in-between and including Midale, Oungre, Lampman, Frobisher, Oxbow and Estevan. Seeman also noted that Oxbow has its own program now, so next year their border will go just through Frobisher.