Estevan Mercury 20200429

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Businesses will start to open again May 4

Land of living skies

By Jordan Stricker Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Premier Scott Moe announced Thursday the province’s plan to reopen Saskatchewan which is set to begin May 4. “Over the next several weeks restrictions will be gradually lifted adding more types of businesses to the allowable businesses list,” said Moe. “Let me be clear, many of the physical distancing restrictions and rules are going to remain in place,” he added. Moe said during the presentation he believes that Saskatchewan can find the right path and carefully begin to open the province while still protecting residents from the spread of COVID-19. Chief medical health officer Dr. Saqib Shahab said based on the current allowable businesses that are open and how they have operated, the province expects no risk increase when residents are engaging in other allowed activities. “Even if there is a case you may get some limited secondary transmission but that is controlled quickly,” said Shahab. “I think it will be essential that if we do see transmission in those settings, we are able to control that quickly,” he added. Re-Open Saskatchewan is made up of five phases. Phase one will include previously restricted medical services, and the opening of golf courses, parks and campgrounds. Medical services previously restricted and boat launches will be reopened on May 4 while golf courses will open May 15. Parks and campgrounds will reopen June 1. Golf courses, along with all other services included in the reopen phases, will undergo rule changes for operations to ensure proper steps are taken to avoid further spread of COVID-19. Courses will have to spread tee times out to a minimum of 20 minutes apart to avoid congestion. No walk-on appointments are allowed, flags will remain in place and cups will be elevated so balls do not drop in the hole. The presentation said play is concluded when the ball makes contact with the cup. Additionally, food and beverage service will be suspended. Campgrounds, reopening on June 1, will have to comply with a 50 per cent capacity rate with no adjacent sites occupied at the same time. All shower and laundry facilities will be closed to reduce the chance of further spread. Phase two includes reopening retail businesses and select personal services that include hairdressers, massage therapists and acupuncturists, starting May 19. Phase three, which has a date to be determined, will include services such as gyms and fitness facilities, child care facilities, tattoo artists, estheticians, cosmetologists and other personal service facilities. The third phase will start to reopen restaurant and food services at 50 per cent capacity. This phase will also include raising the size of public gatherings from 10 to 15 people. The fourth phase which also has a to be determined date, includes reopening indoor and outdoor recreation and entertainment facilities along with increasing the size of public and private gatherings to 30 people. The fifth phase with the date to be determined, includes considering lifting some long-term restrictions. Moe said if the province starts to see a small manageable increase in active cases they would have to take a good look at the next proposed phases. He added it is not a time yet to make comment about allowing crowd sizes that come with CFL games and other large gathering events due to not having the information at this point in time. “I don’t think we would be looking much past the next A2 » PREMIER

Saskatchewan is known for its beautiful and ever-changing skies. The Prairie's mesmerizing sunsets are a full-scale natural tourist attraction that no one can either put a price tag on or have control over. From night to night the evening sky over Estevan uncovers the entire palette of colours and emotions, keeping the residents charmed by its glory and power. Photo by Anastasiia Bykhovskaia

A new physician has arrived in Estevan Dr. Germin Attia commenced her practice in the Energy City last week. Attia is based out of the Primacy Medical Clinic, attached to the No Frills Grocery Store, where she will share her practice with Dr.’s Edward Tsoi, Allison Christie, Ahmed Belal and Hanan Yazid. Attia received her medical training in Egypt and brings approximately 12 years of medical practice experience. Dr. Attia is a graduate of the Saskatchewan International Physicians Practice Assessment program (SIPPA). SIPPA is the competency assessment program used by the province of S askatchewan to ensure competency of international physicians prior to licensing in Saskatchewan. Attia has received her licence from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan and has received privileges from the Saskatchewan

Dr. Edward Tsoi, Dr. Germin Attia and St. Joseph's Hospital executive director Greg Hoffort. Photo submitted Health Authority. Greg Hoffort, executive director of St. Joseph’s Hospital said: “The arrival of Dr. Attia will bring the number of full time physicians practising in Estevan to 12, in addition to several

providing locum services at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Dr. Attia is a welcome addition to the medical staff and the health care team at St. Joseph’s Hospital of Estevan and we are pleased that she has made the decision to

move to Estevan to practice medicine in our community.” Hoffort credits a collaborative effort between th e St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation and St. Joseph’s Hospital for their ability to recruit and retain physicians.









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