Estevan Mercury 20210630 - 101 Things To Experience This Summer

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June 30, 2021 B1




e c n i r e e p x E this


SUMMER Always a good time with lots to do Regar dless of wheth er we’re facing restric tions related to a pandemic, or if we’re in norma l times like we’re about to return to, there’s no shortage of things to do in the Estevan area each summer. Last year we had to worry about the pandemic regulations, and a lot of them put a crimp into what we could do. But we still found that there were many activit ies for people of all ages to enjoy, even if we had to worry about social distancing and a bunch of concepts we hadn’t heard of before. The start of this summer will have some extra rules to follow, but come July 11, when the government says restrictions will be lifted and we can get as close to normal as we’ve been since early March 2020, it’s going to feel pretty good. There ’s no shorta ge of great activities for people of all ages in the southeast during the summer months. Are

you into sports ? There’ s no shortage of great youth and adult sports to watch each summer, and we are blessed with nume rous great golf courses to play and challenge all skill levels. Do you need to get out on the water? There are lakes are rivers for you to enjoy. Several large reservoirs provide great fishin g, boatin g and water sports. We’ve seen a surge in the popularity of kayaking and canoeing in the southeast in recent years. If camping is your thing, then you’re in luck. There are numer ous campg round s for you to enjoy, regard less of wheth er your defini tion of camping is parking a big RV and having all of the luxuries of home (including a satellite dish), or staying in a more rustic setting while roughing it. We’re also blessed with an abundance of cultural amenities. If you want to head indoors, you can check out some

of the museu ms, many of which are open on a seasonal basis during the summer and are free to access. You can find art galleries, librari es and other servic es throug hout the summ er as well. There is an ever-growing number of youth camps and programs available during the summ er month s. Now that restrictions have been eased (and are soon to be lifted) some of those camps will have overnight options. If you’re in Estevan, you can take the Tourism Estevan Guide d Histor ical Walki ng Tour through our great downtown, embar k on the Backroads of Estevan Tour, go for a walk on one of our pathways, or visit one of our many parks. If you have kids, then the city’s playparks program is perfect for you. You can enjoy a nice meal at one of our many excellent restau rants or you can eat

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outdoors on a patio. If you’re not from Estevan, there are some great hotels ready to serve you. And you can always shop at one of our great local merchants. Farme r’s marke ts are a hit in many communities, and the downtown Estevan Night Marke ts on Thursd ays have been a hit. If you’re outside of Estevan, you’ll find plenty of fun activities as well. Just because you’re in a small town doesn’t mean you won’t find great shops , qualit y restau rants, quality attractions or amenities to keep people of all ages entertained. We’re proud to bring you our 101 Things to Experience in Estevan This Summer special. Perha ps the tough est part was limiting it to 101 Things to Experience; we could have listed 1,001 things to Experience in Estevan This Summer and every summer.

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