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Owner laments the loss of the Moosehead Inn after fire destroys beloved Kenosee Lake business
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A fire broke out at the Moosehead Inn on Friday night, destroying the popular nightclub and restaurant. Photo courtesy of Dale Orsted Saskatchewan and by other “It wasn’t half an hour gin to overheat and start some By David Willberg sources. later, maybe 20 minutes later stuff around it to catch fire.” But the Moosehead is … and you could hear (someOne twisted up bottle of The Moosehead Inn at Kenosee Lake has been gone, after a fire destroyed thing like) somebody knock- rye that was about half full was ing down trees, or some found at the site. Everything one of the go-to restaurants the building Friday night. Nobody was injured in big chopping sounds, and I else was a total loss. and party destinations in Orsted is thankful that the southeast Saskatchewan for the blaze, and no surround- thought ‘What the heck is weather conditions were ideal decades, a place where people ing structures were damaged. that?” said Orsted. W h e n t h e O r s t e d s that night. There was a light created fond memories while A cause of the fire has yet to be determined. looked outside, they could breeze blowing towards the lake, surrounded by friends. Moosehead owner Dale see a fire coming from the so the breeze blew the embers It was not only popular with southeast Saskatchewan Orsted, who lived across the upstairs cabaret area. They towards the water. He believes residents, but those from street from the building, said called the fire department they were fortunate the fire outside the region who were he was at home when the and grabbed a hose, but by didn’t damage any neighbouring visiting Kenosee Lake and fire occurred. His wife Nelly that point he said the fire properties or nearby trees. The heat from the fire Moose Mountain Provincial came home just after 11 p.m. was pretty large and growing. Fire crews would remain melted the mailbox and an outPark. It was even purported after making pizza dough; a to have a resident ghost, co-worker left the restaurant at the scene until Saturday door thermometer on his house. The night of the fire which was widely promoted with her. At the time of their morning, and they would by the Moosehead and docu- departure, they didn’t smell have been there even later if marked the first Friday in nearly a large trackhoe wasn’t called two months that the Moosehmented in the book Haunted any smoke in the building. in to help with knocking ead cabaret area wasn’t open. down the building and other The cabaret reopened on July 11 efforts. for the first time since SeptemDue to the extent of the ber 2019, and was open Fridays damage caused by the fire, and Saturdays during the peak Orsted doesn’t believe they’ll summer season, but starting last ever know the exact cause, weekend, the cabaret was to be but he suspects it started in open only on Saturdays. the beer cooler in the bar. As for the restaurant, located Earlier in the evening, one downstairs, it was open four of the pizza cooks thought he days a week, from Thursday to heard a big door slam upstairs Sunday. Reaction on social mein the cabaret area. dia was swift, with people taking “They went and looked, to Facebook and other platand they went and looked, and forms to share their memories they thought maybe it was the of great meals in the restaurant ghost slamming doors,” said and fun times at the cabarets. Orsted. “So they didn’t know “I’ve received lots of meswhat was going on. I think sages, and a lot of stories. A lot maybe the compressor blew up, from the locals, and a lot from that would have been the noise, the staff and customers,” said when it started, and then it took Orsted. The rubble that remains of the Moosehead Inn. Photo maybe an hour or so for the pluA2 » GOFUNDME courtesy of Dale Orsted
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