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A story of greatness and generosity
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Hundreds of toys were donated so that every child would have something to unwrap this Christmas.
By Ana Bykhovskaia
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The Estevan community once again witnessed a miracle, which people here created themselves. The Community Hamper Association and the Angel Tree started their traditional month of collecting toys, raising funds and gathering supplies for Christmas hampers really slowly this year. "We were panicking then," said Jolie Bayda with the association. After a plea on social media that was also picked up and shared
through the Mercury, they encountered the downpour of generosity – something very typical for this community. "It was a plea from us, but it reminded our regulars that it was already Christmas. And then everybody just came and stepped up. And it was awesome," Bayda said. "Then it started rolling really good," added Char Seeman, who co-chairs the Community Hamper Association alongside Heather Woodhouse. Less than a week before the
The Act Two Widows’ Club of Estevan provided mitts and toques and Angela Brokenshire supplied over 100 hand-made scarves for kids that may need those.
deadline, the association had a fraction of the toys than they usually do at that point, and they also were lacking funds to fill the hampers. But once they reached out to the community, Estevan businesses, groups and individuals were quick to step forward to ensure that everyone on their list would receive a sufficient food hamper for Christmas and all the kids would have a present to unwrap under the tree. A lot of people did the shopping themselves and brought toy donations to Angel Tree locations, to toy fundraising campaigns such as fill the truck with Estevan firefighters or to the volunteers. Many businesses also provided the association with cash donations that allowed volunteers to ensure that kids of all age groups were covered in their toy store. Some businesses also came up with different incentives and discounts to help people support the good cause without putting a hole in their budget. Volunteers noticed that in previous years, they always were lacking gifts for older kids. Out of the previous experience, this year it seemed that many of their supporters intentionally shopped for that age category, especially boys, which made it easier for them.
The toys were distributed out of the Angel Tree Toy Store, organized at the basement of St. Giles Church on Dec. 15 and 16. Families that registered for the program could come in during their designated time slots and do the "shopping" for their kids ages 16 and under. This year the Angel Tree had 430 kids on their Christmas list, and thanks to the community they were able to fulfill their obligations. "Everyone in Estevan has been so good to us," Bayda said. People that came to pick up the toys for their kids also had an opportunity to choose a toque and/or mitts and/or scarves. The toques and mitts were donated by the Act Two Widows' Club and the scarves were knitted by Angela Brokenshire. Each family also received new pyjamas for children through the Estevan Kinette Club’s PJ Project (for more on that see page A8). The demand for Christmas hampers was a bit lower than last year, which was a record-setting one for the association, but it still was high. With higher food prices and generally growing demand for hampers, volunteers had to readjust what they put into each package and A2 » HAMPER
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