Estevan Mercury 20220202

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We Support Truckers special section ads and stories. PAGE A9-11



Fair and rodeo to take place at the same time, dates are now booked News for kiddos. Early Years Family Resource Centre re-opens at new location. PAGE A3

What’s ahead. Downtown revitalization project progresses. PAGE A7

Local pride. Paracyclist Shaw named top Saskatchewan female athlete. PAGE A12

Money Matters. Be penny wise with this financial special. PAGE A17

Estevan Exhibition Association announced they are planning on bringing in Energy City Ex, which will see fair and rodeo happening at the same time in June. File photos

By Ana Bykhovskaia Estevan Exhibition Association (EEA) announced their plans for the 2022 Energy City Ex. Just as they wanted before the pandemic, they are planning to host the fair and rodeo at the same time over four days in June. The Energy City Ex is scheduled for June 9-12, with Midway occurring over all four days, and the

KCRA Rodeo coming to town on the weekend, which is the later days of the event. "Back in 2020, we were hoping to get the fair and rodeo back together. And of course, we couldn't do that. So that is our plan here to get the fair in the rodeo back together," said Stacey Holtz, the EEA board member. The KCRA Rodeo Circuit was the one to bring the rodeo to Estevan

in 2021, which turned out to be very popular with the community. This year, they will once again bring a more-family oriented event to Energy City. But this time it will be also complemented with the fair. Holtz said that they've been discussing the plans for the 2022 season for a while now. "Since last summer, it's been tentative, and we've been continuing to work on it all throughout the pan-

demic. Last year, of course, we could only have the rodeo, as the Midway wasn't travelling around, which was unfortunate," Holtz said. "But this has always been in the back of our mind that we still wanted to do this, get the fair and the rodeo back together. So here we are, and as long as everything goes well with the restrictions, it should go on." The Mercury will have more details as they become available.

Biggest farm auction sets new benchmark for land prices for southeast Saskatchewan By Ana Bykhovskaia The Hanson Farm family's unreserved land and equipment online sale on Jan. 25-26 became the biggest farm auction worldwide in Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers history. On top of that, the event, which was followed by thousands of people all across Canada and abroad, set a new land price benchmark for the southeast. Brandon Basler, the agriculture territory manager for southeast Saskatchewan with Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers, said the auction brought in a few

good surprises. "The Hanson Family Farm auction was a tremendous success. We knew it was going to be big, but we are proud to say it was the largest farm auction in Ritchie Brothers' history. So setting the record there. And we're just happy that the Hanson family trusted us to put on this monumental event," Basler said in the interview with the Mercury. "One thing that was definitely of note is how this land sold. It blew out of the water, (set a new) watermark for land prices in the area," said Basler. "We knew it was great

land, and it came from a great family and there was a lot of interest. But definitely when the dust settled, there was some pretty remarkable results and it set a new watermark for farmland in the area for sure." The large majority of Hansons' farmland sold for over $400,000 a quarter, and Basler said "as far as I know, it is completely uncharted territory, as there was a lot of numbers that started with fours and some that even started with five." Kirby Hanson said their family was happy about the results and had a big A2 » HANSONS

ends February 28, 2022

The Hanson's home quarter with two houses by Highway 18, not far from Torquay, was purchased by another local farmer. Photo courtesy of Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers

118 Souris Ave. N., Estevan


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