Say the right thing this
Valentine’s Day
with a card from Henders Drugs.
Love is in the paper. Mercury’s cupids talk Valentine’s Day throughout pages.
1220 4th Street, Estevan 306.634.3666
The rivalry continues
Together since dawn of time. Torquay couple shares their family story. PAGE A3
Seven decades together. Local family reflects on their 70 years of marriage. PAGE A8
Riley Brooks of the Estevan Comprehensive School Elecs senior boys basketball team gains possession of the ball from a Weyburn Comprehensive School Eagles opponent, while Elecs teammates Koen turner (15) and Noah Mvula (4) look on, during a game Saturday at ECS for the Estevan Invitational Tournament. Estevan defeated Weyburn in the game to reach the A final. For more on the tournament, please see page A10. Photo by David Willberg
Director of education for South East Cornerstone announces she is retiring By Ana Bykhovskaia
Playing host. The latest news from ECS basketball. PAGE A10
Unique opportunity. Library setting up for first-ever art auction. PAGE A13
Lynn Little, the director of education with South East Cornerstone Public School Division (SECPSD), has confirmed the rumours that have been circulating in the communities the division serves. After 37 years of hard work – of which nine were spent as a director of education with the school division, and the last two were spent navigating through the pandemic – Little will be retiring at the conclusion of this school year. She will remain in the position until the last day of July, and the formal transition to the new director will be Aug. 1. Little said she gave it a lot of thought and felt that it was the best time to move on. "I've been considering retiring for a few years now. It's a very difficult decision to make for sure, we do have the option to retire with full benefits after 30 years of contributory service in education. And I began my teaching career in the fall of 1986," Little said. "So, I wasn't ready to retire when I reached my 30th year and to be honest, not entirely ready now … I continue to love what I do. I love the people that I'm
blessed to work with and for and have a desire to make a positive impact. Having said that, the position is really demanding as well. And I would like to have time. Time to travel, to spend time with my family, and to enjoy some good health. And this seems like the right time to make that transition." Working in education was a calling to her, Little said. "It has been an absolute gift and a blessing to work with families, their children, staff, teachers, EAs, custodians, counsellors… you name it. They've all dedicated their lives to supporting children and working in and around children. And that's a great group of people to be with. For sure, there have been challenges and some very difficult times. But overall, it's been a blast. Really, a very rewarding career. I started the career 37 years ago, and have enjoyed it all the way along," Little said. She's tried many roles and positions throughout her career and said all of them had their beauty and brought pleasure to her. She completed her internship at Maryfield School, which is a part of the division, in 1984. She moved back to the southeast with her husband in
ends February 28, 2022
1993, after they completed their master of education. Her husband Mike Little became the principal at the Gordon F. Kells High School in Carlyle, and she took the position of a principal in the kindergarten-Grade 8 Carievale School, which was then a part of the Oxbow School Division. From there she moved and took the position of the principal at Estevan Junior High. Little also spent seven years as a principal at Pleasantdale School in Estevan when it turned into a K-8 school. And she said she loved every position she worked. "There's not a job, not one of them that I haven't absolutely loved. I began my career teaching at Craik School, which was in the Davidson School Division. I taught for five years in Craik, and then a year as a teacher administrator in a Hawarden School. And that was a tiny little school, only 32 children. But I loved my time there. I can't say that I've enjoyed one (position I had) more than the other. They all had their own quirks and real benefits to them and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time," Little said. She was the superintendent of learning and then the deputy director with SECPSD from 2009-2013, and then started as a director of education/
Lynn Little, director of education with South East Cornerstone Public School Division CEO for the division in 2013-14. Many things were achieved, and tremendous projects were completed throughout her years with the division. “When I moved into this position at central office, it was directly or shortly after the amalgamation of all of our A2 » LITTLE
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