Estevan Mercury 20220330

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Garden seeds now in stock!

1220 - 4th Street, Estevan 306-634-3666

Supporting Ukraine. Fundraiser coming up to help people hit by war. PAGE A6



Dance recital’s return Big changes. Mercury welcomes a new employee and PAGE goodbye A7 says to PAGE A7 another. PAGE A7

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The Estevan Recreational Dance Club invited the community to their recital on the weekend. Nearly 200 kids, ages three through 19, had a chance to showcase their skills and costumes for the first time in many months. For more on the event see PAGE A3. Photo by Anastasiia Bykhovskaia

GO Estevan MLA Lori Carr shares thoughts on BRUINS the recent provincial budget GO!

Women of Women of Estevan. Special Estevan. Special Women shares a of story of shares a story of Estevan. Special local dedicated local dedicated shares a story of volunteer. volunteer. local PAGE dedicated A12 -14 PAGE A12 -14 volunteer. PAGE A12 -14

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By Ana Bykhovskaia

Additional money for new nursing home planning in Estevan and no cuts were welcome news for Estevan from the provincial government's budget, tabled by Finance Minister Donna Harpauer on March 23. More money announced for organizations serving people with special needs will also have a local impact, according to Estevan MLA Lori Carr. The twinning of two sections of Highways 39 and 6 between Estevan and Regina and progress on Highway 361 east of Lampman were other highlights of

the budget for the area. Carr, who is also the minister for Social Services, said it's a positive budget. With the set of circumstances that have been happening throughout the province with the pandemic and other factors, there could have been expectations of some cuts coming up, but not only does the budget not have cuts, it also sees increases in some areas and growth plans. "This year, we are projecting a deficit budget and one of the things that we plan on doing is getting back to balance in the year 26-27. Extending that out by that timeframe will ensure that

we're still going to be able to … get that down to a balanced budget by the end, but in the meantime, not cut services and programs that people have come to expect within our system, whether that be in the health-care system, or social assistance programs, the highways, a certain amount of maintenance every year, we don't want to have to cut all of that," Carr explained. There is $200,000 allocated in the 2022-23 budget for more planning and progression on the new nursing home in Estevan. The initial provincial funding came in last year, which gave the

long-awaited green light and support for the project. Carr said with additional dollars this year, the committee will start working on the needs assessment to ensure that they plan for an adequate number of beds, so that when the project does move forward, it meets the needs of the community and surrounding area. "That has to be done first, and then after that, they'll get into the design phase and it takes a little bit of time. And I wish I could say that we're going to have the shovels in the ground in two months, but this does take a little bit of time to get

through this planning. And to ensure that we can get through it and have enough dollars, they put some additional funding in there for that," Carr noted. The new budget also sees a two per cent jump for community-based organizations that serve the needs of people with disabilities, such as SARCAN in Estevan. "That's for salaries and operating, so that will help them retain employees and ensure that they can provide the services to those individuals, which is really important," Carr said. The passing lane project A2 » PROVINCIAL

ends March 31, 2022

118 Souris Ave. N., Estevan

306-634-3696 • Find out more at

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