So It Begins

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YOUTUBE is a user-created platform accessible to everyone, made by anyone. It is a participatory media where individuals are able to broadcast talent as well as communicate, interact and collaborate. In examining this new media we acknowledge its functions and assets as well as understand the societal effects and shape in popular culture.

Attribution. Editor & Writer: Esther Koh For Outcome Three New Media Photographs & Stills: Read Cereal / William Iven / Val Spring / Ohohta / Mentioned creatives

SO IT BEGINS explores the emergence of new media technologies. The impact and implications of new media technologies are considered in the context of the capabilities of the technologies, their relationship with existing media and how they provide alternative means of creation, distribution and consumption of media products. This zine investigates the changes, possibilities and issues that arise from the development of new technologies and how these alter audience experience and understanding of the media.

- From the Study Design


Features 06 Creative Possibilities 08 Communication & interaction changes 12 Implications for the creation of media texts 13 Societal effects 14 Positive and negative 16


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Creative Possibilities.




Possibilities are endless. Especially in creating personal content. YouTube provides the space to do so and broadcasts to the world. The possibilities are set by the creator or team – entirely in charge of their own filming, editing and theme, they are the ones who decide how they will approach it. People can be unified to a type of ‘guru’ such as beauty, lifestyle, cooking or music however there is the choice to present in a certain light that would be recognised to be one’s and one’s possibilities.


There is a massive music community on YouTube. It is a space where people collaborate, produce music together, and promote one another’s channels. Kurt Hugo Schneider is a music producer with over 1 million subscribers. He is no ordinary producer of song covers but also a networker, working with a string of YouTuber artists to create an assorted sound. Doing the majority as covers Kurt is able to reinvent them, acoustify them, whilst filming in his atmospheric, slow moving living room.


Music industry.


Partnerships. In having a wide audience, a deemed popular channel, YouTubers have the opportunity to advertise and partner with companies. Channels are able to earning a living through sponsorship. For instance YouTube musicians may have the potential to be signed to a label.


Communication & interaction changes.

The fact that YouTube enables people across the world to connect and interact with each other removes a geographical barrier. Engaging regularly in a shared network grows a wider consciousness of other people, culture and place that would otherwise require travel and experience firsthand. Perhaps in visually and audibly ‘visiting’ these places for five minutes could desire us to see it for ourselves. Like any social media network, communication and interaction is at our fingertips. We are accessible to information even an audience without realising it. Subscribers are often seen as merely a figure, one that defines how popular or how well off a channel is.

It’s surreal to think that ‘this amount’ of actual people have watched, liked or commented on a video that is just a bedroom recording. It reveals how visible something so small or short could be. If you watch those videos of peoplegone-big sharing their YouTube journey you will find that the general relationship with viewers have shaped the way they approach videos, and consequently their life. I have witnessed in most of these videos that YouTube was a remedy in one point in their lives. And this interaction and rapport with an audience who supports them has built that confidence or that dream job which would have otherwise been a longer process.

Implications for the creation of media texts.

1. The media text is any media product we wish to examine. Every description or representation of the world, fictional or otherwise, is an attempt to describe or define reality, and is in some way a construct of reality, a text. ( YouTube in many ways have brought most media texts into its one medium. With ‘video’ being an extremely broad form, YouTube encompasses short film, series, documentary and all for different purposes. It ties back to its basic function: a platform that harbours videos by different creators. It says that with an existing community and audience it is more convenient and appropriate to share content.

This also has implications on the way we sell, distribute and consume media texts. Many video content creators gravitate towards YouTube for exposure; its wide audience who access without fee, its facilitation to search for anything, anywhere. For instance, delivering by means of YouTube means opting less for distribution methods with longer efforts such as film festivals, radios and television – requiring expenses and qualifications to a degree. This affects the way we position ourselves as consumers for there is great ease in sitting on the couch binge watching YouTube than potentially searching outside.

Societal effects.

As this new media changed the way we use Internet technology and share content, it also brought consequences along with the change. YouTube: Online Video And Participatory Culture by Jean Burgess and Joshua Green explores the nature of participatory media in a network society. “YouTube is now a part of the mainstream media landscape, and a force to be reckoned within contemporary popular culture” (p. vii). As a portion of the social media revolution, YouTube has a role in shaping today’s youth culture in particular. It creates a somewhat established, universal meaning of norms, values, attitudes, and humour. What it is popular and what is looked down upon.

YouTube is a tool for discovering talent and those that once uploaded videos as a hobby are fortunate enough to make a living out of their hobby. This widely ranges from making music to just playing video games. What does it mean for the kind of employment people would strive for? Burgess: “But at the same time, it is this openness, scale and diversity that are primarily responsible for the ongoing and escalating conflicts around the meanings, uses and possible futures of YouTube…” Dealing with mass exposure arises a responsibility for safeguarding privacy and rights. This is an issue within the nature of an ever flowing, networking mainstream.

+ 1. YouTube is definitely a source of talent.

1. However there are consequences

2. Anyone has the ability to upload his or her own content

2. Such as copyright violations; the illegal upload of content like songs and films.

3. Without the extended process of talent shows

3. A vulnerable, large-scale environment where one needs to be careful

4. Which are highly selective of talent and has a certain amount of control.

4. In securing their privacy and identity

5. YouTube enables people from different areas to connect

5. Otherwise anyone can access information (and not for the greater good).

6. As well as communicate and interact to help each other, promote each other.

6. YouTube has a huge impact on how media texts are created

7. Doing your hobby as a living.

7. How creators distribute and deliver

8. Everything can be searched in one place.

8. And consequently how an audience will consume the content.



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