M.Arch Thesis, Synopsis Esther Clifford

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SYNOPSIS Sustainable Learning Hub with focus on Daylighting in Librarie Synopsi Abstract A Learning Hub is as an educational incubator that not only acts as a source of knowledge and learning but also encourages its community members to interact, share ideas and grow together. Libraries are essentially building blocks of a healthy community. For any building to be sustainable and energy ef cient, the major activities have to rst studied and analysed and the major building components designed accordingly. In the library the main activity is reading for which lighting, seating, ventilation and acoustics are important while taking design decisions. This thesis will have in depth studies on Natural Daylighting and a nal design a City Learning Hub. What will make this project stand apart will be the sustainable features and daylighting strategies which will help reduce running and construction costs. Sustainable design with ecofriendly and energy ef cient strategies can help us overcome the socio-economic barriers of designing a library and learning hub. Incorporating kinaesthetic learning through the design of the built up environment (renewable energy, passive strategies, interactive activities through built up forms), will not only add to a wholesome experience but also a complete learning experience within the designed complex.

Keywords: Learning Hub, Daylighting in Libraries, City Learning Hu Introduction Healthy communities require proper planning and research about the area and the people living in it. A community needs access to current, reliable information through knowledge incubators and colearning spaces, especially as we navigate complex nodus such as social issues and mental health. To make sure that the city is healthy, in addition to the urban design and planning, a very important part is a Learning Hub. This is a culmination of learning spaces, along with community centred spaces that aim at helping to bring together people while also helping them exhibit their talents and their voices, call it an architectural rendering of a soap box, if you may



Sustainable Learning Hub










Esther Kiruba 19171NB002 JBRAC

SYNOPSIS A learning hub can be de ned as a “rich learning environment with both physical and virtual components that provide formal and informal opportunities for learners to come together with peers, teachers, and other experts in their eld.”1 Now, this research will try to dive into the questions of “How important is conventional reading?”, “Can daylighting impact the quality of the reading environment?”, “Which generation especially needs libraries to encourage reading and use of physical copies of books?”, and similar questions drawing both architectural, as well as environmental responses.

Aim To understand problems caused b Lack of daylighting in reading area Lack of reading in growing communitie Lack of Learning Hubs in citie Digital forms of reading The main aim of this study to help studying daylighting in libraries and incorporating it in the design, while also working on sustainable design strategies and smart solutions which will help in reducing the energy consumption of the project. To facilitate physical reading by creating well designed ef cient learning hub and library with optimum daylighting

Objectives Sustainability in a learning hub which includes a library is not only in terms of environmental sustainability but also usability keeping future users in mind. Incorporating

exibility and

adaptability in the design, planning, and construction is essential in order for the library to serve the immediate and future needs of its community as a whole Understanding how to integrate passive techniques with mechanical means for thermal comfort as well as energy ef ciency This thesis will especially try to target the present and future generations which need encouragement to visit and use librarie The nal design will also act as a prototypical example for new learning hubs that will be designed and also provide a set of guidelines for daylighting in library projects

Learning Hubs Where Learning Takes Place in a Digital World, Michelle Selinger Esther Kiruba 19171NB002 JBRAC 2

Sustainable Learning Hub



















Scope The main scope of the topic will be the special study on daylighting in libraries and designing learning hub in a city or town. The inferences drawn from studies on daylighting, learning hubs, all the components are translated into an architectural entity which is wholesome. The thesis will be worked upon from the main aspect of daylighting design which will help in reducing the cost of the project and energy ef ciency. Optimum daylighting strategies for libraries will be discussed with nal design that is context speci c The scope will also include sustainable design taking care of environmental concerns of the area at a site level and at individual built up blocks. The nal design will also act as a prototypical example for new learning hubs that will be designed and also provide a set of guidelines for daylighting in library projects

Need for study In the Gen X, Silent Generation & Baby Boomers, 70% read a book in any format, with 64% picking a print book and 24% ebook. Use Libraries

Do not




Read Books


Not Keen

Gen Z

80 60






20 0


The average Millennial (Gen Y) reads 5 books per year and more likely than any other age group to visit public libraries. The demand for new books by younger readers has signi cantly increased – for the last ve years, the global publishing industry has been growing by 1% per annum. 40% of millennials are willing to pay more to support their local community.2 The print industry is growing and this should be fuelled with the ready availability of books to everyone regardless of whether they can afford to buy a book.

https://experteditor.com.au/blog/infographic-surprising-reading-habits-millennials/ Esther Kiruba 19171NB002 JBRAC 3













Sustainable Learning Hub

SYNOPSIS Data reveals that Gen Z readers visit their local libraries using it primarily as a “third space”. 52% say they go to read or study, 40% because “It’s a comfortable place I’m familiar with,” and 36% because “It’s a relaxing place to unwind and spend some ‘me-time.’” 62% possess a library card.3 Uses Library 60 45 30 15 0

Silent Gen

Baby Boomers

Gen X

Gen Y (Millennials)

To sum up the generational statistical data, Gen Z has increased their reading more than any other generation since the start of coronavirus Millennials read the most books and physical books are preferable over digital books for every generation. They are also use libraries the most Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation nd their book ideas on bestseller lists, while Gen Z looks to social media. Gen X also read news, especially in the online mod In addition to the comparison of the various generations there also has to be a study need for natural lighting in reading & learning atmosphere Cheaper option and saves energ Good for health and slee Studies show it helps in improving mental healt Not a hazard like most arti cial lighting4 Reading in low light environments can cause short term illness such as eye strain and head aches5


Gen-Z Readers: The New Traditionalists | Generational Reading Survey by Christina Vercelletto


Dr. S. S. VERMA, Department of Physics, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal

Canadian Institution of Optometrists Esther Kiruba 19171NB002 JBRAC

Sustainable Learning Hub












SYNOPSIS Now, the question of “Why do we need libraries and what are existing libraries lacking in India?”. Learning hubs are spaces where users can hone their skills with collaborative, hands-on learning experiences and activities. India's average literacy rate stands at 77.7%,6 and this has to be improved by the planning and constructing learning hubs with libraries. In India mainly because of the cost of running a library and constructing a new building, the objective of establishing a library is over run by the means by which we can establish and run one. This establishes the need for sustainable design of the project through passive techniques.This helps to ensure an economic sustainability as well

Limitations Learning Hubs are a novel concept to Indian cities and nding speci c examples might prove a challenge. The scope of the thesis in terms of the project size can be limited to a city or town level (Urban/ Suburban) so that in depth study can be done in every component as well as an emphasis on Daylighting in Libraries The thesis will not deal with the detailed services design for the built up environment and site The research inferences will be taken from various examples and will be part to whole study i.e. the different architectural built up components may have to be taken from different examples and then studied and analysed as a whole Structural Design will not be taken up in the nal thesis design.

National Statistical Of ce (NSO) Esther Kiruba 19171NB002 JBRAC


Sustainable Learning Hub











SYNOPSIS Methodology:

Esther Kiruba 19171NB002 JBRAC


Sustainable Learning Hub

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