Trinity Times

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TRINITY TIMES The monthly newsletter of Trinity Church

- ADVENT 2018 -

by PAM DRIESELL, Senior Pastor I imagine well-meaning friends have started asking you

can we make room for this “Good News of Great Joy?” We

if you are “ready for Christmas?” That question is usually

are certainly called to do the work of “repairing the world”

code for “have you done your Christmas shopping?” In the

(what our Jewish friends call tikkum olam), but must that

marketplace, the “Christmas Season” gets into full gear

mean that joy gets crowded out of our lives? These are

the day after Thanksgiving (or before!), when sales are

some of the questions we will be exploring together during

announced, and advertising is ramped up. In the Christian

this Advent season.

tradition, however, the days leading up to December 25 are not the Christmas season at all, but the season of Advent. Advent comes from the Latin word meaning arrival or “to come,” and it is the season of anticipating the coming of Christ. We think about it in two ways; the coming of Christ at Bethlehem and the continuous coming of Christ into our lives and our world. This year our worship theme during this time of anticipation is Making Room for Joy! The announcement of Jesus’s birth in Luke’s Gospel, “I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people,” is a clarion call to Make Room for Joy in our lives. When I was a little girl, I would do a version of “spring cleaning” over the Thanksgiving weekend. I would inventory and organize my toys and clothes, giving or throwing away things that were broken, or that I had outgrown or overused and were cluttering my room and my closet. I was making room for the new things that I anticipated I would receive as Christmas gifts. In a world teeming with bad news, hate, anxiety, and brokenness, how


Trinity Times

INTENTIONAL WELCOME While it is true that this season can get co-opted by a consumeristic focus, there is also a spiritual longing, either conscious or unconscious, that can get ignited in people during this Holy season. Amidst all the busyness, this is the time of year when many people also make room for visiting a worshipping community. It is the perfect season for us as a community to embody our value of Intentional Welcome. Take a minute now and think about the people in your life who might appreciate being invited to worship or the carol sing or any of the other gatherings with the people who are Trinity Church. I hope you will invite them to join you so that they can be nurtured and inspired by the gifts of our community of faith. I also hope that all of us will be on the lookout for guests who come to worship with us this Advent and Christmas. When you see someone you don’t know, introduce yourself and welcome them. If you notice

someone trying to navigate our building, introduce yourself

we served on the Presbytery’s New Church Development

and see if you can help them find their way. If you see

Commission together, launching new and innovative

someone sitting alone in worship, greet them and sit with

worshiping communities in three Presbyteries. In 2006,

them. If we are to be a community of Intentional Welcome,

she was named Georgia Woman of the Year, and she has

it will go far beyond welcoming words from the pulpit or a

been featured in Atlanta Magazine as one of the forty-five

small group of people trained as welcomers, it will take all of

most loved Atlantans. For many of you, it will be a great

us being open, gracious, and hospitable in the Spirit of the

joy to welcome her and her husband and partner in life and

One whose birth we celebrate because it is great joy for ALL

ministry, Al, back to Trinity. For those of you who don’t


know Joanna and Al, it will be a great joy and inspiration to hear her proclaim the Good News and to have Al

WELCOMING OUR FRIEND JOANNA ADAMS I am thrilled that on December 16, the Rev. Dr. Joanna Adams will be preaching at both the 9 am and 11 am services. Joanna served as Trinity’s beloved second Senior Pastor during the 1990s. Before her call to Trinity, Joanna served Central and North Decatur Presbyterian churches here in the Atlanta area. Many of you have kept up with Joanna’s ministry since she left Trinity to serve the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago and then returned to Atlanta to serve both the Morningside and First Presbyterian congregations. Her impact in the city

worshipping with us! I look forward to seeing you as we gather this Advent and Christmas to worship, learn, fellowship and serve together! I trust that as we make room for joy, we will all be blessed by the One who came to dwell among us in grace and truth and strengthen us to Make God’s love, and JOY, Visible in a fearful and anxious world! With love and joy, I am… Making Room with you,

of Atlanta is deep and wide - she has served on the boards of more than 20 organizations that strive to help the least, the lost, and the left out. I first got to know Joanna when

Trinity Times



Trinity Times


For many of our young ones, if you ask them what Advent

Family Service is bravely led by 2nd graders reading

is, their first response may be that it is the time when

scripture from the lectern while the primary and junior

they make Christmas wish lists, decorate the Christmas

choirs lead us in song. You may hear a cow mooing (aka

tree and eat lots of Christmas goodies. But, they also

baby crying) or a donkey braying (aka a younger sibling in

know that Advent is so much more.

the congregation yelling “hi” to her older brother who is in the choir), but just as it undoubtedly was in that noisy

At Trinity, Advent gives our children that magical

stable long ago, the love of Christ is profoundly felt by all.

opportunity to recreate the story of Jesus’ birth through the CFM Elementary Christmas Pageant, where we hear 4th and 5th graders tell this beautiful story while kindergarteners through fifth graders come together to act out the story. Even our preschool children get to be a part of the Christmas Story with their pageant where you will find the cutest sheep and angels you ever did see! The Christmas Story tells us the Magi brought gifts of

THE ELEMENTARY CHRISTMAS PAGEANT (K-5TH GRADE) Sunday, December 2 4:00 pm Rehearsal 5:30 pm Performance 6:00 pm Pizza and Cookie Party All are welcome!

gold, frankincense, and myrrh to Jesus and his family.


Likewise, Advent brings our children at Trinity the

(2Y-PRE-K) Sunday, December 16 10 am, Dobbs Chapel

opportunity to give gifts to Agape families through the Agape Giving Tree. Kids Day Out provides another opportunity for our children to reflect on the meaning of Advent through music, dance, drama, play, and table fellowship.

KIDS' DAY OUT (K-5TH GRADE) Saturday, December 8 9:00 am-12:00 pm Register:

I cannot think of a better finale for the Advent season than the worship services on Christmas Eve. The 4 pm

Trinity Times








Trinity Times

CHRISTMAS MARKET Benefitting our global mission partners and projects Saturday & Sunday, December 1-2 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Williams Hall Mini-Market Sunday, December 9 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Do your holiday shopping early with artists, crafters, and bakers from Trinity Church, plus ornaments, handmade items, fair trade goods from local vendors. Unique pieces will make fun gifts for family, friends or yourself! An after-Market or Mini-Market sale will be held on Sunday, December 9. Here's a few things you'll find at the Market: • Original art from several new artists, artisans and crafters • A specially-commissioned Trinity Church Christmas ornament • Gifts for Good supporting Trinity’s mission partners in Cuba, Haiti, and for refugee resettlement here in Atlanta • Olive oil from the Middle East • Coffee and chocolate from Haiti • Trinity member-donated arts, crafts, and baked goods • Fun and fellowship with friends and neighbors of all ages There will be something for everyone on your list so don’t miss this year’s Christmas Market or the Mini-Market! For more information, contact Catherine Long at catherine.long@ or Julie Hope at julie.hope@yahoo. com.

Trinity Times




The year’s best movies begin to flow out in September,

seen so far this year that I recommend for viewing on big

then build into October (pausing for the horror break of

or small screens. Many are true stories, but all invoke truth

Halloween), before breaking the dam retaining the finest

within the human heart, mind, and soul, however creatively.

creative offerings in November and December. Christmas Day is reserved increasingly for Oscar contenders. There’s ample art to think about and be moved by through films that convey challenges of personal growth, achievement, and love. At this writing in mid-November, below are films that I’ve


Trinity Times

HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND ACHIEVEMENT First Man - a true backstory about the achievements NASA’s journey to the moon in general and Neil Armstrong’s part therein, specifically. A powerhouse of a family journey and the quiet suffering and perseverance of one of our

nation’s greatest heroes. Beautiful Boy — a true story about a father and son battling the demonic possession of addiction. A tough, tough-love journey toward the fragility of existence of living with an addictive disease within a family. Free Solo — a documentary about the first free solo climb (rope-free, hands-and-feet only) up Yosemite’s El Capitan by the current best climber in the world, and about the uniqueness of this human being’s ability to focus completely

Leave No Trace — a love story of a war-damaged father and his daughter on a perpetual journey of isolation, and how the need to be one’s self challenges love to be close and apart, simultaneously. Won’t You Be My Neighbor — the true tour de force story of the life of the Reverend (Mr.) Fred Rogers and his philosophy of life, and his trying to have an impact on bettering the world for all human kind through love via the nascent medium of television.

on the need for perfection, impacting those who love him

Boy Erased – the most religious film on this list is a true

and support his efforts.

story about a preacher’s kid’s personal journey to try to

Collette — a true story about the French author, Claudine, who breaks free from the man who claimed to have written what she did, and her rebellion that led her to become her true creative self. (Caution: a strong R-rating) The Wife — another story about a woman breaking free of a man’s taking credit for her writing, a deception that

confront his sexuality, in which love of God and scripture drives some parents and counselors to seek a painful course of correction, and in which, ultimately his mother intervenes in the name of love. It’s been a good year, and we’re just getting started. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

challenged an entire family, and lead to a metamorphosis of

Feedback and criticism are welcome at richardthowerton3@

a freeing truth.

Puzzle — a story about a wife and mother existing to support her family, controlling the chaos within her mind with chores and housework, until she discover that she’s good at puzzle competitions, and the real pieces of herself become known to herself and others.

LOVE STORIES A Star is Born — the third remake is a charming creation of discovery, blossoming, the strains of stardom, the horrifying power of pent-up depression camouflaged by alcoholism, and the perseverance of love throughout. Crazy Rich Asians — a surreal journey into the lives of the extravagantly rich in Singapore, in which the characters discover the real richness available to all — value of love given freely.


Cakemaker — an extraordinary tale of the need to be

New Members

close to the ones we love, portrayed in a tale of pleasant

In the November issue, the bio of Louis Gump misstated that he is a teacher at Westminster Schools. He is the CEO and founder of NewsON Media.

deception that goes bad before all layers of this filmic cake is baked.

Trinity Times



Join us for an evening of holiday singing and merriment for the whole family led by Norman Mackenzie



Trinity Times







rin fe

A PERFECT GIFT THIS ADVENT SEASON In the lead up to Christmas, many of us spend time in search

particular, draw us back to the manger and God’s perfect gift

of the perfect gift — the gift that communicates to friends

to us — Jesus Christ.

and family how much we know and love them. We search our memories for indications of what gift might cause the faces of our loved ones to light up. We scour the stores and shops, hoping to come across the thing that will communicate a depth of love that our words cannot. As important as gifts to loved ones are, we have an opportunity to give gifts that help many people we do not know through the Christmas Joy Offering. These gifts, in

Jesus came to live among us, bringing light into darkness, and reconciliation to God and to one another. A perfect gift from a gracious God. During this Christmas and Advent Season, we celebrate leadership: past, present, and future through support of the Christmas Joy Offering. We do so because church leaders greatly impact our lives of faith, walking with us down the

—continued on page 15 Trinity Times


CLERKS' CORNER Highlights from the November Session meeting by DAVID GRACEY, 2018-19 Clerk of Session



On November 10, the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta

Trinity’s year-to-date finances continue to be in line with

completed the final steps of Andrew’s ordination. We are

the budget. Molly Faircloth reported at the November

excited about Andrew’s expanding role at Trinity and look

Session meeting that we are slightly ahead (positive) of the

forward to his continued work with our Youth and their

budget, primarily due to lower than anticipated personnel


costs from vacant positions.



Campaign co-chair Peter Barratt reported at the November

Co-chairs Jim Blitch and Margaret Reiser have been leading

Session meeting that the campaign has received pledges

the committee through the early phases of the capital

totaling $2.6M and is on track to meet its goal of $3.95M.

campaign. Currently they are working with consultant

If you have sent in your pledge, thank you. If we have not

Coxe Curry in putting together a feasibility study. The three

yet received your pledge, you can do so online at Trinity’s

areas of focus for the campaign, coming out of strategic

website ( or complete a pledge

Vision 2020, are:

card found in the sanctuary pews.

• Engaging Members through Spaces of Intentional

INFORMAL WORSHIP SERVICE Attendance at the 9:00 am service continues to be robust. With Patti Heinz scaling back from a full-time to a part-time role, Trinity has hired Kevin Lacson to become a part-time Worship Coordinator. Kevin has a Masters of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary and is now studying for his Ph.D. in Theology from Candler and serving as Chaplain at Northside Hospital. Kevin introduced himself to the Session and gave a brief overview of his role at Trinity. Welcome, Kevin!

Welcome – This group, led by architect Jim Bynum, will focus on The Loft (Youth Space), Building B (old Fellowship Hall) and the Play Place with a charge to assess what need today’s Trinity has and how to make our building more effectively support our mission, creating space that fosters community. • Serving God's 21st-Century World – This group, led by Victoria Wolle, John Hitchins and John Tirrill, will contemplate capital needs of three longstanding TPC mission partners: Agape, Haiti, and Cuba. In addition, other new partnerships, aligned with Trinity’s values, will be considered.


Trinity Times

• Strengthening Our Core – This group, led by Alex

of the seminar was about being a positive influence in our

Erwin, is accessing the infrastructures that support the

congregations and stressed learning how to respond to

ministries of Trinity, including deferred property and

anxious congregants and how to embrace a diversity of

organ maintenance, physical security, communications,

opinions better. Calico and Judy gave an update to the

technology, and audio/visual needs of the church.

Session on the good things they learned at the workshop.



Trinity’s Elder Nominating Committee (ENC) is comprised of

Due to tight deadlines and expensive mailing costs,

nine Trinity members; three classes of three members each.

the Advent Book this year will not be mailed to the

Each class serves a three-year term. The congregation will

congregation. Daily advent emails will be sent, as in years

vote on the newest class of three members on December

past, and hard copies of the Advent Book will be available

16. Once they join the other six members of the ENC, they

at the church. And, for those who are currently on the list

will produce a slate of 10 Elders which will be voted on by

to receive hard copies of other publications such as Trinity

the congregation on February 3 at a congregational meeting

Times, a hard copy of the Advent Book will be mailed to

following worship.

them as well. Also, hard copies will be sent to the Trinity

HEALTHY CONGREGATIONS Calico Perry and Judy Garland joined 80 other attendees,

Preschool parents, and some books will be also be sent to Presbyterian Village this year.

including seven other Trinity members, at a workshop put

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas season. See you

on by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center. The focus

on Sunday.

A PERFECT GIFT —continued from page 13 path to be more like Jesus. We want those church leaders

Please give generously:

and their families who find themselves grappling with a

Through when we receive the Offering on Sunday, December 23.

critical financial need to have the resources they need which are provided through the Assistance Program of

Text JOY to 20222 to give $10

the Board of Pensions. We also support the offering to

help our future leaders in the church and world, like those educated at our Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. Supporting these students helps the whole church develop leaders who reflect the wideness of God’s intended diversity. For those supported through the Christmas Joy Offering,

To learn more about the Christmas Joy Offering, please visit: •

Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions: www., click on Plans & Programs

Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges:

this help is truly a gift from above. May our gifts, and the leaders who receive them, point us always to the truth of the one whose birth we celebrate, Jesus Christ — the truly perfect gift.

Trinity Times


GOD'S PROMISE: I AM WITH YOU WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY & LUNCHEON Tuesday, January 8, 2019 10:00 am, Social Gathering | 10:30 am, Bible Study | 11:30 am, Luncheon All women are invited to join Senior Pastor Pam Driesell and Associate Pastor Betsy Lyles Swetenburg as we explore “God's Promise: I Am with You.” We will reflect on how the promise of God’s presence speaks beyond the pages of the Bible, to our own circumstances. Individually and as a community, we will be encouraged to both see and seek God’s presence with us in the extraordinary and the ordinary experiences of our lives. All Trinity women are invited to the event, held in Williams Hall, January 8, 2019. If you are interested in joining a women’s Bible study circle, exploring small group options, or enjoying a one-time gathering for fellowship and study with other women, please join us. Reservations for the luncheon are required and will be accepted until December 28, 2018. Cost is $10 per person. Childcare is available by reservation, Register:


Trinity Times


9:00 PM, SANCTUARY Traditional Service of Lessons and Carols This service will feature the Chancel Choir, brass quartet, and congregational singing. 11:00 PM, DOBBS CHAPEL Candlelight Worship A traditional Christmas Eve candlelight service with homily and communion.


Childcare is available at the 4:00, 6:00, & 9:00 pm services.

“Heads Up!” I Thessalonians 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-36 Rev. Pam Driesell preaching


9:00 am worship will be held in the Loft.

Rev. Betsy Lyles Swetenburg preaching


Casual dress is encouraged. Church school classes, Worship Enrichment, and Kinderworship will not meet. Worship Nursery (birth through Kindergarten) will be available.

"Emptying the Manger" Luke 3:1-6; Matthew 11:2-6 Rev. Dr. Richard Floyd preaching


3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 "The Man in the Back" Isaiah 12:2-6; Matthew 1:18-25 Guest: Rev. Joanna Adams preaching Music at 11:00 am by the Chancel Choir, Cherub Choirs, and Hosanna Ringers 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 "In Joy and In Sorrow" Luke 1:39-55 Rev. Pam Driesell preaching CHRISTMAS EVE MONDAY, DECEMBER 24 4:00 PM, SANCTUARY Worship with Children and Families This will be a lively celebration, with families and young children all worshipping together, and will feature the 2nd grade class as worship leaders and the Primary and Junior choirs.

It’s time to order your poinsettias! It’s a wonderful Trinity tradition to decorate our sanctuary, chapel, and hallways with these beautiful plants while we also remember and honor our loved ones. You will find the order forms in the pew racks in the sanctuary and chapel, at the Welcome Center, and on our website at Each poinsettia is $10; while there is no deadline for ordering, should you wish to have your donation registered in the bulletin, your purchase must be completed by Sunday, December 16. CHURCH DECORATING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 9:00 AM Advent means waiting and giving and preparing. Help prepare the way for all who enter our church to remember that we have something wonderful to celebrate: the coming of God to be among us. We hope you will circle Saturday, December 15, on your calendar to help us decorate the sanctuary and chapel for the Christmas season. We begin at 9:00 am and even if you can stay for only an hour, we welcome you to join us. No prior experience or design expertise is required! RSVP to Diana Pedrick,, if you will be able to join us for this special time!

6:00 PM, SANCTUARY Worship with Youth and Families A youth-led service of lessons and carols, with music by the Youth Choir and brass quartet. Trinity Times


LIFE AT TRINITY JOY OFFERING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 Each year during the Advent season, we turn our eyes to Bethlehem in anticipation of the wondrous gift of Jesus Christ. By giving to the Christmas Joy Offering, you honor this gift by providing assistance to current and retired church workers in their time of need and developing our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges serving communities of color. Christmas Joy gifts help ensure the dignity for a faithful church servant’s final years and give students scholarships to begin their journey as church leaders.

LEARN ADULT CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00 AM BIBLE AND THEOLOGY Refresh: God in the 21st Century Room B104/106 Speakers: Trinity Clergy CHRISTIAN LIVING AND SPIRITUAL PRACTICES Joy and the Good Life Room B108 Speakers: Bert Broadfoot and Trinity Clergy PERSPECTIVES – LITERATURE, ART, SCIENCE, AND HISTORY W.B. Yeats and the Bodily Wisdom of Theatre Room B112 Speaker: Dr. James W. Flannery CONTEMPORARY ISSUES AND CHRISTIAN ACTION Intersections: Faith and Public Life Room B110 Speaker: Various ONGOING CLASSES Coffee & Connections Williams Hall Faith and Life Room A116 Speaker: Juanita Watson Session II classes end December 9.There is no Adult Church School on Dececember 23 and 30. FROZEN AND FREE DECEMBER 16 10:00 AM, WILLIAMS HALL We will explore the way the Disney movie Frozen shows us what it means to be free, also drawing on ideas from theologian Paul Tillich. There may be a sing-along. Richard Floyd is leading the conversation.


Trinity Times

Session III JANUARY 6 – FEBRUARY 10, 2019 BIBLE & THEOLOGY Comparative Theology: Being Christian in a Multifaith World Speaker: Dr. Martha Moore-Keish Martha Moore-Keish, J.B. Green Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Columbia Theological Seminary, will lead an exploration of what it means to be Christian in a religiously-diverse world. CONTEMPORARY ISSUES & CHRISTIAN ACTION Trade Talk: Economic, Philosophical, and Moral issues Various Speakers Trade is in the news these days, everything from re-negotiating NAFTA, new tariffs, a potential trade war with China, to fair trade issues. The Bible has many examples of trade between nations. Is there a theology of trade? Join us as we hear perspectives from a variety of speakers including an economist, an international trade attorney, a fair trade nonprofit, Georgia trade officials, and more. PERSPECTIVES: LITERATURE, ART, SCIENCE AND HISTORY Expatriot Redux Speaker: Lewis Wilson This class focuses on a fascinating contiguity: it was writers out of the small-town Protestant Midwest who went to Paris after World War I and founded “Modern,” thus creating the intellectual zeitgeist of 20th Century America. It was electrical engineers out of the small-town Protestant Midwest who went to California in the mid-20th Century to found Silicon Valley and thus build the bridge to the future that became 21st Century America. In this class we’ll read Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, Fitzgerald’s “Babylon Revisited,” poems by Eliot and Pound, and Tom Wolfe’s great story of the founding of Silicon Valley, “Two Young Men Who Went West.” TRINITY EXPLORES: ATLANTA SHAKESPEARE TAVERN’S LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13 7:00 PM | B110 JEFF WATKINS AND CAST MEMBERS Atlanta Shakespeare Tavern Artistic Director Jeff Watkins and several cast members will give a delightfully entertaining and enlightening preview of the company’s upcoming production of Love’s Labour’s Lost. This great comedy will open at the Tavern in early 2019 and will run through the month of January. We’ll organize a field trip for Trinity members who would like to see the play as a group. Jeff Watkins has headed the Shakespeare Tavern for twentyfive years. His theater was the first American company to perform the entire Shakespeare cannon.


TRINITY EXPLORES TENDING THE FIRE: THE STORY OF A MARRIAGE SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2019, 5:00 PM – WILLIAMS HALL JEANNIE DUBOSE Join Jeannie DuBose as she presents and offers reflections on her new book, Tending the Fire: The Story of a Marriage. What makes love endure? How do we keep the fire burning? Jeannie answers these questions by sharing an intimate look inside her marriage as she and her husband grow through junctures both bumpy and beautiful. Through the portal of Tending the Fire’s narrative and illustrations, you will be invited to consider the evolution of your own love story, whether you’re with a longtime partner, on the precipice of new romance, or flying solo at the moment. This poetic and powerful meditation reminds us that the real work of love is not just about the blaze of the beginning, but about finding ways to ignite the fire again and again. Childcare will be provided.

KIDS’ DAY OUT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 9:00 AM Children in grades K through 5 are invited to join us from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. The day will include worship, recreation, and lunch. Registration is required. Cost: $5 per child Registration: CONGREGATIONAL CAROL SING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 7:00 PM, WILLIAMS HALL Join us on Sunday night and enjoy an evening of holiday singing and merriment for the whole family led by Norman Mackenzie. Bring a plate of goodies to share after the singing. TAI CHI TUESDAYS 10:45 - 11:45 AM, B110 Led by Patty Smitherman, this healthful, slow, and smooth exercise is accessible to anyone. It can even be done seated. No prior experience necessary.

CARE PASTORAL CARE To notify the church of illness, hospitalization, birth, death, or prayer request, please contact Veronica Ridenhour, 404495-8440 or COUNSELING Mary Lisa Henry, Ph.D., LCSW 404-869-3707

AWAKENING FRIDAYS 7:30 AM, A116 Awakening: a Womens’ Study Group, meets on Friday morning at 7:30 am to coincide with the Men’s Breakfast. Join us for a light continental breakfast in A116. Contact: Karen Peters,

STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Ministry offers confidential, one-to-one Christian care to those who are experiencing difficult life circumstances.


Meredith Daniel, 404-869-0025

Join the group for great fellowship, a lively program, and a good breakfast. Reservations are not required; $7 per person.

Paul Marston, 404-493-3644 paul.marston@

GATHER THE LOFT GRAND OPENING AND RIBBON CUTTING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2 10:00 AM, THE LOFT Join the Youth and Family Ministries as we celebrate the Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting of the Loft. This is a special moment in which the entire congregation is invited to recognize those who contributed their talents and energy to help with the renovation process. We'll have an official ribbon cutting, a few brief remarks, and some celebratory donuts.

COVENANT BIBLE STUDY TWICE A MONTH This Bible study class meets twice a month and is led by the Rev. Dr. George Stroup, Trinity’s Theologian in Residence. Contact: George Stroup, WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY CIRCLES MONTHLY Are you interested in joining a women's Bible study? Women’s Circles gather monthly for fellowship and study. This year’s study is “God’s Promise: I Am with You.” Contact: Clare O’Shaughnessey, Trinity Times




Join this group of women in their 20s and 30s twice a month for discussion and fellowship.

Help assemble lunch bags that will be given on Christmas Day to the homeless served by St. Luke’s Crossroads Kitchen.

Contact: Betsy Lyles Swetenburg YOUNG ADULT MEN’S BOOK GROUP Men in their 20s and 30s gather once a month to discuss various books. Contact Jackson McCann for more information about the current reading list and meeting dates. Contact: Jackson McCann, YOUTH STUDY BREAK (MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17-20 4:30-8:30 PM THE LOFT It’s finals time – bring your books to study in a quiet room or give your brain a rest and play some games! Whatever you need, we’ll provide coffee, hot chocolate and snacks. YOUTH AND COLLEGE CHRISTMAS PARTY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 6:00-7:00 PM, THE LOFT All youth and college students are invited to join Andrew, Cole, and the youth leaders for a Christmas Party! We’ll have dinner and lots of fun together. Look for more details by email.

SERVE AGAPE GIVING TREE DONATION DEADLINE: DECEMBER 9 In the spirit of the holiday season, Trinity is sponsoring a toy/ gift drive benefiting the Agape Community Center. Stop by the Giving Tree in building D and outside the sanctuary to select children and seniors “to adopt” for Christmas. Choose one of the paper ornaments; select the item to buy from their wish list; wrap the present; attach to the present the paper ornament with the recipient’s name; leave items with Diana Pedrick at the Welcome Center. You may also select an Agape family name and provide a gift card or check that will be used for groceries for a Christmas meal. For questions, email Sarah Wikle at


Trinity Times

LEAD ELDER NOMINATIONS DEADLINE: DECEMBER 31 Nominations for the Elders, class of 2022, have begun and will continue during the month of December. You may nominate Trinity members by submitting a form at one of the nomination boxes found in the narthex, outside of Williams Hall, at the Welcome Center, near Five Points, the hallway near B110, and the church office. You may also submit nominations online through the church website.

GIVE YEAR-END CONTRIBUTIONS We are grateful for the generous gifts made to Trinity that help us fulfill our mission of Making God's Love Visible. Below are guidelines and information you may find helpful for year-end giving: Cash and check contributions can be mailed, placed in the plate at any service, or hand-delivered to the church reception or finance offices. A contribution must be received or postmarked by December 31, 2018, in order for it to be considered a 2018 tax deduction. If you plan to hand deliver your contribution, please note that the church offices are closed on Monday, December 31. Stock transfers must be received in the church’s account by December 30, 2018. It is important to initiate the transfer early enough to allow for any year-end delay in transfers being completed. To obtain transfer information and notify the church of your gift, please contact Alfreda Whitlock at 404-495-8441 or Your stock gift does not come to us with your name attached. We do not know who the donor is unless you tell us. Please know that your gifts in support of the mission and ministries of Trinity Presbyterian Church are appreciated.


YOUNG ADULTS FRIENDSGIVING Young adults gathered for a Friendsgiving potluck last month. There was a lot of turkey, pie, and joy! YOUNG ADULT WOMEN’S GROUP Young adult women gather regularly to discuss books, fellowship, and share life together. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Join us! Contact Betsy at blswetenburg@ TRINITY EXPLORES WITH REVEREND JENNIFER BUTLER Prior to the November mid-term elections, Rev. Jennifer Butler, the CEO of Faith in Public Life, presented and led a discussion about the unique role the broader faith community has addressing the growing polarization, racism and economic inequality that threaten our communities and democratic institutions.

Trinity Times



Worship with Children and Families 4:00 pm | Sanctuary

Service of Lessons and Carols 9:00 PM | Sanctuary

2nd Grade Worship Leaders, Primary and Junior Choirs

Chancel Choir, Brass Quartet, Congregational Singing

Worship with Youth and Families 6:00 PM | Sanctuary

Candlelight Worship 11:00 PM | Dobbs Chapel

Youth Worship Leaders, Youth Choir, and Brass Quartet

A traditional Christmas Eve candlelight service with homily and communion


Trinity Times

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