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y first experience with the Good Samaritan was back in 2006 when my mother, Helen Eisenhower came to live at the center. Mom had been falling a lot and it had gotten to the point that I could not provide the care that she needed. One day she told me I need to go to the nursing home. Without hesitation we chose the Good Samaritan. Mom making that decision was a big relief to me. She loved it at Good Samaritan which made it more comfort‐ able for me leaving her there. She would spend the next 7 years of her life at the center. All the staff took a per‐ sonal interest in Mom; she loved them and they loved her. They always told me that she would go to heaven someday with a smile as Mom was always pleasant even when she wasn’t feeling well and that she always had a beautiful smile. Mom passed away at 106, just 3 months shy of her 107 birthday. The staff at Good Sam mourned her loss along with me. I had started to Volunteer at Good Samaritan while my Mom was still living there and after she passed I contin‐ ued coming. I just fell in love with everybody. I guess I just have a love for the elderly. I try to come to the cen‐ ter seven days a week to assist with playing cards. I took a week off once to visit my Great Grand Baby and when I came back I noticed one of the residents had started forgetting how to play. I hated to see this so I try to make it every day. A year ago this August I decided that it was time for me to make a change in my living arrangements. At my home, in the summer, I had two acres to mow and in the winter a lot of snow to scoop. I decided it was time to down size and move somewhere that I no longer need‐ ed to do those things. I decided to move to Friendship Terrace Apartments on the Good Samaritan Campus. It was a great decision. I love my apartment and all the people who live there. It also is more convenient for me to get to the center to assist the residents playing cards every day. Good Samaritan has been a blessing for me.
—Gladys Sabin
ladys Sabin has been a volunteer at the Good Samaritan Society Estherville for many years and has been recognized in the past as one of our volun‐ teers of the year. She faithfully assists our residents who love to play cards, seven days a week and the staff and residents enjoy seeing her smiling face around the center. Gladys also volunteers at Dinner Date at the local Senior Center. Often, Gladys will give someone a ride from dinner date to either play cards here at our center or to attend one of our activities. She has a true servant’s heart which exemplifies the Good Samaritan who stopped along the road to help someone in need. We are truly blessed to have her as part of our Good Samaritan Family!
—Isaac Gerdes, Administrator Good Samaritan Society, Estherville