Outdoor Connection 64

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JUNE 2016 ESTHERVILLE NEWS Find this publication online at www.esthervillenews.net under ʻSectionsʼ


Reflecting on Memorial Day




Don’t just pass the water on What a rainy stretch we had during the last part of April right through May. We definitely reached the saturation point with fields covered with water. Rivers and streams rose and went out of their banks, and runoff made its way into tiles and tributar‐ ies eventually ending in our lakes. As a result, lakes rose above full and water poured out of their over‐ flows. Meanwhile in towns, where there was simply pavement, water ran off into storm drains (where else could it go?) Usually we don’t think about runoff until we get this type of moisture. Then it really comes home to rest. I know I have mentioned it before, but here in the Iowa Great Lakes, this watershed is 90,631 acres. When the land becomes saturated, there is only one thing that can hap‐ pen. One way or another the water will leave. Now, when there is nothing to hold this back to help slow and maybe contain this runoff, that’s when flood‐

not just getting it to run off and pass the problem on to someone or some place else! Really, that is what has happened for decades. Over that time, we have found ways to eliminate the excess water and send it on somewhere else: out STEVE WEISMAN of sight‐out of mind! OUTDOOR EDITOR Well, the Des Moines ing occurs. It’s also when Water Works lawsuit has sediment and nutrients the potential to change come rolling in. the way we handle our I have included an aerial excess water. In a quick photo provided by Mike summary, the lawsuit is Hawkins that shows the against three northwest sediment rolling into the Iowa counties (Buena east side of Big Spirit from Vista, Calhoun and Sac) the Sandbar Slough water‐ claiming that runoff from shed. It’s quite a muddy those counties into the expanse. If this is happen‐ Raccoon River, which is ing here, you know what one of the drinking water might be happening in sources for the city of Des other areas of our water‐ Moines, is loaded with shed. nitrates. The lawsuit takes Jim Sholly, former water‐ direct aim at the drainage shed coordinator for the districts and indirectly the Iowa Great Lakes said this farmers for field tiles run‐ to me many times when it ning into the Raccoon comes to runoff and River. watersheds. “It’s really all My hope is that before about responsible land the lawsuit goes to trial stewardship.” In reality, in that all stakeholders one way or another we involved can come togeth‐ need to take care of the er to develop a long term water on our property, plan that will really address clean water and how we can best meet everybody’s needs. It’s www.motorinnautogroup.com pretty apparent that we can’t continue to do what we have always done if we want real change. The good news is we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Each county has a soil and water conserva‐ tion district that can help businesses, individual homeowners, acreage owners and landowners work to optimize water‐ shed management on their property. Changes of this magnitude don’t come over night. Sometimes it becomes an A Member Of The MOTOR INN AUTO GROUP Estherville • Spirit Lake individual thing; other • LeMars • Algona • Knoxville• Orange City • Carroll

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Aerial view of runoff into Big Spirit Lake from the Sandbar Slough watershed. Note the mass of sediment coming with the runoff. Photo by Tim Kinnetz

times it becomes a group or community project. Here in the Iowa Great Lakes, we have an Iowa Great Lakes Watershed Management plan in place. Partners in this plan include The United States Environmental Protection Agency, The Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Iowa Department of Agriculture, Iowa State University Extension and the Dickinson County Clean Water Alliance. Just take a look at what is out there all ready for people to incorporate. Urban improvements: n rain gardens n pervious pavers n low‐impact develop‐ ment when it comes to both individual and busi‐ ness construction n upgrading septic sys‐

tems in rural areas and in areas where possible hooking up to the sanitary district n shoreline restoration using native emergent plants and native prairie buffers by lake residents to address shoreline ero‐ sion and help reduce inter‐ nal loading of phosphorus Agricultural improve‐ ments: o wetland restoration with upland buffers to fil‐ ter water and restore hydrology o Sediment basins placed in strategic areas to catch pollutants and slow water o Grade stabilization structures built across gul‐ lies or grass waterways that will drop flowing water to a lower elevation to protect soil from erod‐ ing into a nearby water‐

way. o Permanent vegetation easements o Conservation cover o Edge of fields prairie strip o Filter Strips o Grassed waterways o Conservation tillage Yes, this is changing the way we have “always” done things. However, these changes allow us to keep our “modern” way of life, while at the same time protecting something that should be very, very impor‐ tant to all of us: clean water! It all begins with us decid‐ ing to make a change and to reach out to the experts that can help us do this! To learn more, go to the clean water alliance web‐ site (www.cleanwateral‐ liance.net/) or call (712) 336‐3782, extension 3.




Does it get any better than this? Good friends, a beautiful sunset, walleyes on the bite. All because of the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Across the country, people observed Memorial Day, honoring the veterans who have so strongly defended our country against those who would gladly have us destroyed! Memorial Day Weekend has always been an important time for our family. You see, my wife’s father was a World War II veteran. Over the years, he shared a lot of stories about his two years in the army, and he instilled in us the importance of remembering those who have helped preserve (both past and present) our freedom here in the United States. He always helped remind us of the importance of our armed forces. The American flags wave in the breeze signifying the freedom we experience in this The recent Memorial Day great country. Photo by Steve Weisman Weekend was more poignant than usual for It’s really a wonderful mix of great music, documen‐ our family because my father‐in‐law passed away this tary footage and dramatic readings that honor the mili‐ spring. So, as my wife and I walked through the flags at tary service of men and women in the armed forces, the city square, it was with great emotion that we their families and especially those who have made the observed the American flags flying in the gentle breeze. ultimate sacrifice…all for the freedoms that we enjoy! They were so representative of the freedom for which As viewers, my wife and I remarked on the incredible our veterans have fought. range of emotions we felt throughout the concert and National Memorial Day Concert the pride that we felt for our military and our country. For the past few years, my wife and I have watched Near the end, each branch of the military was called this tribute to our soldiers held on the West Lawn of the on stage with its theme song ringing loudly and clearly: U. S. Capitol in Washington, D. C. If you have never seen air force, army, coast guard, marines and the navy. They it, it’s worth your time. Co‐hosted by award winning all came forward, each one receiving a rousing ovation actors Joe Mantegna and Gary Sinise for the past 11 from the crowd in attendance. years, the concert is an annual salute to America’s mili‐ The 2½‐hour concert is something my wife and I hope tary heroes and to unite the country in remembrance. you will all take in next year! You can bet we will!

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Reflecting on the importance of Memorial Day Weekend


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Today’s panfish trends BY JASON MITCHELL

The author, Jason Mitchell hosts the popular outdoor program Jason Mitchell Outdoors, which airs on Fox Sports North (9:00 am Sunday) and Fox Sports Midwest (8:30 am Saturday). More informa‐ tion can be found online at www.jasonmitchellout‐ doors.com. There is always an increased level of intensity whenever you are fishing for your next meal. When you know that you and other people are relying on what you put on a stringer or in a live well, you have your game face on. For so many anglers, harvesting fish for the table often involves panfish. In so many regions, crappie, perch or sunfish still allow

some harvest where anglers can proceed to keep some fish for a meal. Panfish are sometimes considered a fish for kids… sunfish off the dock and a three‐foot long snoopy rod, but let’s face it, adults love panfish as well. Big panfish are especially coveted and big crappie, sunfish or perch get anglers as excit‐ ed as big bass or walleye. Match wits with these fish with the right tackle and you have every bit of a challenge with a fish that can just as easily break your line. Some of the most pop‐ ular television episodes we have ever done were crap‐ pie and sunfish segments. Anglers love big panfish. Some of the biggest pan‐ fish I have ever personally caught were caught acci‐

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dently while targeting bass or walleye. Over the years, I have caught 15‐inch crappie on Carolina Rigs intended for bass; 10‐inch bluegills have hit top water poppers that were meant to target bass. Big perch have been caught on spinner and night crawler setups meant for walleye. These acciden‐ tal catches tell me a few things… first off when it comes to finding big pan‐ fish and narrowing down lakes that have big panfish, anglers are often going to find these fish by accident while targeting other species. Some of the best Intel I get comes from talking to bass anglers. What also becomes obvious is that big panfish become preda‐ tors and these larger fish

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have no issue hitting a pres‐ entation that may be three inches or longer. Panfish evolution Panfish angling has evolved over the past 10 years with a lot of changes happening in the last five years. Anglers targeting panfish are becoming more selective with their harvest. In many regions, limits along with size limits partic‐ ularly on heavy use crappie lakes have made anglers realize that panfish popula‐ tions are not ever ending. Anglers are starting to understand the importance of releasing some of the largest size fish. New tech‐ nology and equipment is making anglers more lethal and efficient than ever before. The catch and release ethic for trophy cal‐ iber panfish is gaining in practice. In my opinion, few tech‐ nological advances have changed crappie fishing more than side scan or side imaging. Suspended schools of crappie glow like lights on a Christmas tree and finding fish suspended in brush piles or under docks is so incredibly sim‐ ple today. Hard to believe how we used to have to work to find these fish and also how long it used to take. Today, most anglers won’t stop to fish until they see fish on their electron‐ ics. Tackle changes A lot of tackle refine‐ ments for open water pan‐ fish have crossed over from the ice fishing industry. Tungsten first became pop‐ ular with ice anglers in Europe and has exploded in popularity on the American front. Anglers are discover‐ ing that the same advan‐ tages that tungsten has

New technology in sonar like side imaging or side scanning makes finding crappie on many locations easier than ever before. Photo submitted

over lead in the winter can also be used for open water applications where panfish anglers need that extra sensitivity and weight, particularly for finesse vertical presenta‐ tions. Other presentation tweaks like using dropper chains below fast falling spoons are becoming more popular amongst open water panfish anglers. The Clam Tackle Speed Spoon is an extremely popular perch lure for ice anglers search‐ ing for perch over deep water; boat anglers in the same locations for the same species are using this same lure over open water. Our Jason Mitchell Elite Series 48 inch Meat Stick rod was originally designed as an ice fishing rod that was built with a two‐piece finesse tip action that loaded up to a fast back‐ bone. Ice anglers used this rod for hole hopping shal‐ low water panfish. Open

water panfish anglers have discovered this same rod action and length is a per‐ fect vertical jigging rod whenever anglers need extra finesse and the 48 inch rod length keeps the presentation in the sonar cone angle when fishing vertically over deep water. Not to mention that a four‐ foot rod is a lot of fun to fish with when vertically jig‐ ging for panfish. Presentations Few presentations have caught more panfish than traditional cork and jig com‐ binations slowly retrieved back to the boat. Soft plas‐ tic options really shine for crappie in particular. A clas‐ sic two‐inch lunker grub has caught countless crap‐ pie. For slow speeds and slow pendulum affect on the jig when fishing a jig below a classic slip bobber or casting bubble, the Kalins 1.75 inch Crappie Turn to PANFISH, Page 6



Roadsides: Ecological traps or opportunities to provide habitat BY DR. NICOLE DAVROS, PH.D. MINNESOTA DNR

Increasing acres of row crops in the Midwest and elsewhere has eliminated quality nesting habitat for many grass‐ land bird species, including the ring‐ necked pheasant. Without large tracts of grassland habitat for nesting, road‐ sides can offer an attractive alternative to nesting birds. In fact, about 25 percent of Minnesota’s hen pheasants may use roadsides for nesting. An even greater percentage of pheasants use road‐ sides for brood‐rearing because hens and their chicks prefer to move to warm, dry areas like gravel roads in late summer when the grass is heavy with dew. A roadside, however, can become what is termed an “ecological trap” – a habitat type that looks suitable for reproduction, but is in reality unsuit‐ able. Ecological traps lead to decreased reproductive output and survival. One common concern is that roadsides can be used as travel corri‐ dors for predators, offering a smorgas‐ bord of nests to feed on along the way. But another, perhaps more devastat‐ ing concern is human disturbance to roadsides during the nesting and brood‐rearing period. These distur‐ bances can include turning farm machinery around, riding motorcycles or all‐terrain vehicles (ATVs) and mow‐ ing or haying. In some parts of the pheasant range, including Minnesota, roadsides are frequently mowed or hayed at least once (but sometimes multiple times) during the pheasant breeding season. Roadside Habitat for Nesting The timing of the nesting season varies across states and regions and is influenced by a variety of factors, including weather and habitat condi‐ tions in the spring. If everything goes according to plan, many nests will hatch within a few weeks of each other. But, inevitably, some hens fail with their first nesting attempts and need to re‐nest. No matter the case, a hen needs at least six weeks to lay all her eggs and incubate them.

Mowing and haying operations during the first few weeks of a chickʼs life can also have fatal consequences. Photo submitted

Hens are VERY attentive while incu‐ bating a clutch of eggs. More often than not, a hen will rely on her camou‐ flage to remain undetected during this vulnerable time. This means that a hen will often opt to stay on her nest rather than fly if a disturbance comes along. Given their very cryptic col‐ oration and well‐hidden nests, this is often a good strategy. Unless the dis‐ turbance is a mower! Many hens hold tight when a mower comes along, and unfortunately the outcome is often immediately fatal. In some cases, a lucky hen may escape, but whether she lives to re‐nest anoth‐ er day depends on the extent of her injuries. Roadside Habitat for Brood‐Rearing Roadsides are heavily used during the brood‐rearing period, too, because they offer the best of both worlds: a dry, sunny gravel road to warm up along and some thicker vegetation to run and hide in should a predator or other threat come along. Also, some pheasants use roadsides as travel corri‐ dors to get their chicks from one habi‐ tat patch to another. But just because a nest successfully hatches doesn’t mean that the hen and her chicks are now safe. Chicks are not capable of flying when they first hatch. By a few days of age, they are capable of making short hops and

jumps. But it takes at least 7‐12 days before they can fly even short dis‐ tances. Even then, their flight muscles will quickly tire out if they’re repeated‐ ly flushed, and they’ll soon choose to run rather than fly. Therefore, mowing and haying operations during the first few weeks of a chick’s life can also have fatal consequences. Delay Mowing and Avoid Disturbance So how can we make roadsides pro‐ ductive for breeding birds and avoid the ecological trap scenario? The easi‐ est answer is to not disturb them in the first place. But for many agricultur‐ al regions, that’s not a realistic option. In these cases, there are some guide‐ lines that wildlife managers can offer. First, delay roadside mowing whenev‐ er possible, with Aug. 1 being a good target date recommended by Pheasants Forever. The longer any mowing or haying operations are delayed, the greater the chances a hen can successfully nest and raise her brood to an age where they can escape machinery. If visual safety along a roadside is a concern, then landowners can mow a narrow strip near their mailbox and along the road, which leaves the bulk of a roadside undisturbed. Obey the laws on mowing and haying that are appropriate for the specific location of that roadside. Many people have trouble keeping various township and county laws straight, so contact your township or county board if you need help understanding these laws. Finally, avoid other activities that may disturb breeding birds. Ride ATVs when/where appropriate. And don’t use roadsides to turn vehicles or heavy farm machinery around. Finally, consider enhancing the attractiveness of roadsides for pheas‐ ants, other nesting birds, pollinators and other insects (also known as chick/adult food) by encouraging the growth of flowering plants (also known as forbs). A high diversity plant mix that includes grasses and forbs provides diversity in both vegetative structure and composition that is appealing to a wider variety of wildlife.


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Camping season is underway DES MOINES — Many Iowa campers have already taken advantage of this spring’s beauti‐ ful camping weather, and many more will join them at the end of the week. This past weekend officially kicked off the camping season for both campers and the state park staff. State parks expect to host more than 900,000 overnight stays and nearly 15 million day vis‐ its this year. Here are some suggestions for making the camping trip a totally enjoyable experience. CHECK EQUIPMENT Before heading to the camp‐ ground, campers should spend some time going through their equipment to make sure it’s in working order. Check tents for holes, make sure tent poles are not cracked, the lantern still works and new batteries are packed. RV owners should check their breakers,

make sure the tires are properly inflated, roof seams are sealed and their propane tanks are filled. Check the first aid kit, the tool‐ box and cookware. It’s better to find problems at home rather than after arriving at the camp‐ site. After all, last fall was a long time ago. CAMPGROUND ETIQUETTE n Be a good neighbor. Observe quiet hours and pick up after yourself n Don’t burn trash – only fire‐ wood n Keep pets on a leash and don’t leave them unattended n Get firewood locally to avoid transporting pests. n Don’t bring fireworks CAMPING TIPS o Check the state parks’ alerts and closures webpage www.iowadnr.gov/parkclosures for updates prior to leaving. Weather often impacts trails and other park facilities.

o Keep track of the weather and have a plan in case of severe weather o Plan to arrive as early in the day to set up the site, look for potential problems and avoid those areas o Prepare ingredients for meals before leaving home for less time cooking and more time playing o Bug spray, sun screen and a basic first‐aid kit are must haves o Check the registration kiosk for activities in the area FIREWOOD The entire State of Iowa is quar‐ antined for emerald ash borer. Although it is not illegal to trans‐ port firewood within the state, it is still strongly recommended that firewood should be obtained only within the county where it will be burned. It is important not move fire‐ wood from county to county or state‐to‐state to prevent the spread of forest pests.


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PANFISH, Continued from Page 4 Scrub is a twin paddle tail that has tremendous vibration at extremely slow speeds. Slow fishing speeds might be popular when water tempera‐ tures remain low in the early spring when fish first come up in the shallows to spawn but another situation where slow rolling these soft plastics works extremely well is around heavy brush and docks because the fish have more time to respond. Too fast of presentations in heavy cover can sometimes miss fish particularly when fish have turn around or leave the cover to hit the jig. Micro size crank baits and trolling equipment is also chang‐ ing the game in some regions. While panfish are notorious for slamming bass or walleye size lures, smaller profiled hard baits like Salmo’s H4F Hornet is a tremendous lure for panfish. As panfish equipment and methods continue to evolve, what we also see happening is regional tactics

and hacks getting shared across a much wider region. Spider rigging or long poles might be regionally popular on one particular fishery where as something else becomes popular right down the road. As more anglers discover the joys of tar‐ geting panfish and more infor‐ mation gets shared, we begin to see small scale regional tactics like trolling small crank baits behind inline planer boards become more mainstream. Panfish presentations are quickly evolving. Soft plastic designs and shapes continue to evolve on one front. Applying ice fishing jigs to open water vertical fishing situations is another trend. Trolling crankbaits is another growing presentation. Slip bobbers and live bait still works but more anglers are dis‐ covering that versatility and con‐ fidence in numerous presenta‐ tions allow anglers to catch more fish as panfish anglers take on new tactics and equipment.

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petitive prices. If you do use biodegradeable picnic Recycled Fish Program Director ware, make sure to compost them when you are Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer for done rather than placing them in the trash. Iowanʼs all across the state. We remember those Why it is important to the fish that gave some and those that gave all. Friends Unfortunately, styrofoam plates and plastic silverand families gather for picnics, enjoying the great ware are associated with picnics. Styrofoam, or resources we have all over the area. more properly, expanded polystyrene (EPS) is Dining in the great outdoors usually compliments inexpensive to produce and, at first glance seems a nice afternoon of fishing and can rejuvenate the extremely convenient. EPS, though, is one of those spirit. For your next picnic, take along an old set of things that we use once, toss it in the trash, and it plates, cups, and silverware (non breakable is pre- lasts in a landfill, virtually, forever. ferred but if you can get some old china out to the There is also evidence that styrene acts as an field and back again without breaking it, more endocrine disruptor. Recent studies have suggestpower to you. Come to think of it, some nice ed that styrene mimics estrogen in the body and Wexford china and Waterford Crystal might add a can disrupt normal hormone functions in fish. touch of class to your next picnic. Take it at your The estrogenicity of styrene is thought to be comown risk, though. parable to that of bis-phenol A, another potent If you are a fan of picnic baskets, you can rig up estrogen mimic from the world of plastics. This your basket with your rugged service in advance, should not come as a surprise. Bis-phenol A is a that way, you are ready to go when picnic time building block for polycarbonate plastics and polycomes. When you get home, wash your service styrene resins. and put it right back in the basket. Using biodegradable alternatives to not only In many cases, you may not have enough plates, keeps EPS plates and cups out of landfills it also cups, knives, forks, and spoons. If you will be serv- reduces the chance that styrenes can have an ing a number of people at your next picnic, consid- adverse affect on our fish. er buying biodegradeable picnic ware. There was Being a steward helps maintain the resources we a time not too long ago, when you just couldnʼt find have now for generations to come. Enjoy what we biodegradeable plates. However, many vendors, have here in Iowa and pass the torch and fan the such as Greenpaperproducts.com, offer biodeflame of stewardship…because we are more than gradeable plates, cups, knives, and forks at comsportsman…We Are Stewards!


TALKIN’ FISHING WITH THE PROS! Great Lakes, and there is no cost! Just come out and enjoy listening and BY STEVE WEISMAN Talkin’ Fishing with the Pros! OUTDOOR EDITOR Listed below are the specifics for the afternoon: There will be something for every‐ Location: Preservation Plaza ‐ body at the Aug. 13 Okoboji Blue Bleachers on the beach by sand vol‐ Water Festival in the Preservation Plaza at the Arnolds Park Amusement leyball area Presenters: Park. Preservation Plaza will be a hub 1 p.m. John Grosvenor – JTG of activity in the afternoon with 30 water quality exhibitors, plenty of fun‐ Expeditions “Slip Bobber Techniques that Will filled and clean water‐themed activi‐ ties for kids and a distinguished panel Make a Difference” 2 p.m. Doug Burns – The Iowa Guide of speakers under the big tent. “The Basics” – For kids of all ages! Plus, anglers young and old can This workshop will be hands‐on with come learn fishing techniques from three outstanding professional guides The Iowa Guide helping kids learn about panfishing, tying knots and on the Iowa Great Lakes: actually putting everything to use as John Grosvenor, JTG Expeditions they cast and fish off of the dock. (www.fishokoboji.com); The furthest east state dock will be M. Doug Burns, the Iowa Guide roped off for hands‐on casting and (www.fishnfunokoboji.com); fishing. Johnny Campbell, Campbell Fishing 3 p.m. Johnny Campbell – Campbell Expeditions (http://www.fishin‐ Fishing Expeditions gokoboji.com). “Walleye Tips for Late Summer‐Early That’s right, three presentations by Fall on the IGL” three top guides on the Iowa

Fishing clinics

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Bass tactics for walleye and crappies BY BOB JENSEN FISHING THE MIDWEST FISHING TEAM

Guide Kevan Paul with a healthy Clear Lake that was in shallow water. Photo by Bob Jensen

My friend Mike Frisch and I went fishing on Clear Lake in north Central Iowa this past week. I get to fish Clear Lake several times every year: Mike visited Clear Lake a lot in the early 90’s. Clear Lake was a good body of water then, but it’s an out‐ standing fishery now. In fact, Clear Lake is one of the pre‐ mier multi‐specie fisheries in the Midwest. On our most recent trip to Clear Lake we fished with Kevan Paul. Kevan is a very successful angler and a real good guide. He not only takes his clients fishing, he explains what they’re doing and why they’re doing it to catch fish. When Mike, Kevan, and I hit the water on Clear Lake we did some interesting things to catch the fish, and boy did we catch fish. We had all the traditional walleye gear: Jigs and rigs and spinners and crankbaits and slip‐bobbers. We started off with the slip‐bobbers and caught several really nice walleyes in a short period of time. Then the action slowed and we changed tech‐ niques. The wind was from the south so we headed to the north shoreline. On most bodies of water, walleyes like the wind. What we did when got there though was kind of different. The technique we employed was one that Mike and I were very familiar with for largemouth bass, but not for walleyes. We tied sixteenth ounce round head Fire‐Ball jigs and eighth ounce stand‐up Fire‐Balls onto our line and tipped them with either a minnow or leech. Either worked equally well. And then we started make short casts to docks. If we had been pitching the jigs to rock‐piles or weedbeds, that would

have been normal walleye fishing, but we were throwing our jigs under docks and around boat lifts, much like we do when we’re bass fishing. And we were catching walleyes con‐ sistently. Doubles were frequent. This was fun fishing, it was produc‐ tive, and it’s a technique that Mike and I will remember when we encounter similar conditions on other bodies of water. Kevan then asked if we would like to catch some crappies. We said yes. I noticed when we loaded the boat in the morning that Kevan had put some telescoping rods in the boat, but I hadn’t paid much attention. When Kevan said those were the rods we would be using for crappies, I paid attention. They were Cabela’s rods that telescoped out to sixteen feet and they had about twenty four inches of line tied to the tip A small Fire‐fly jig was tied to the end of the line. We moved into an expansive bed of rushes and started dropping the jig into small openings in the vegeta‐ tion. Again, Mike and I have employed this technique with other styles of rods for largemouth bass many, many times in the past few years. On this day though, we caught crappies and big bluegills. We simply swung our jig into an opening in then weeds and let it quiver just below the surface. We let it hang there for three or four sec‐ onds, then swung it into a new spot. We saw almost every crappie that hit. They weren’t all big, but they were all fun to catch on a short line in heavy cover. Our day on Clear Lake was a big success. We caught a lot of fish, we found out that old techniques will work for new species of fish, and we had a good time, and the good time in particular is why we go fishing.

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