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Sustainability Bootcamp
Sonja Borota Local Group Novi Sad
Carmen Garcia Wang Local Group Madrid
Simona Peovska Local Group Skopje
Thekla Werner Local Group Berlin
Girogia Conigli
Sustainability Bootcamp is a professional event created to raise awareness about sustainability by using the IEM’s unique strength of a holistic view that is linking technology and management, bridging insights of science with the business Engineering Management and an active ESTIEMer.
reality and connecting people towards a sustainable society.
We aimed to have an exchange between academic, corporate and entrepreneurial perspectives where our participants are invited to share their me freedom to express my ideas, inspires me, and
own experiences and cases, spread the knowledge and inspire others in creating a template for the future generations.
1. Who are you? Describe yourself using 3 words and explain them briefly.
Thekla: I am Thekla, fellow and board member of the IEM Caring Foundation. If I have to describe myself with three words, it’s nature-lover, adventurer and caring. Nature-lover because nature gives me so much energy, inner peace and calmness. I love being in nature and doing different activities there like cycling, hiking, canoeing, camping etc. which leads me to my second word: adventurer. I love travelling, to discover new places, cultures, languages and people and find solutions out of unexpected situations. And last but not least caring. I care a lot for myself, others and our beautiful planet. I fancy making the world with my doing and behaviour a little bit better, to help people in need so that they live the life they want creating the changes I want to see. And I definitely believe that elephants are the best creatures on earth and we can learn from their care, wisdom, intuition and pureness of spirit.
Sonja: My name is Sonja, I am a third-year student of Three words that describe me the best are visionary, persistent and free-spirited.
Visionary in a way that I have never been afraid of taking risks and potentiating changes in order to achieve new heights, and I never give up on something before I achieve it, that probably explains the persistence. Nevertheless, I was always striving to be in an environment that gives to live.
allows me to inspire others as well.
Carmen: I am Carmen, from Madrid and a big promoter of sustainability and the IEM Caring Movement. Three words that describe me would be Smile, Doing and Elephants. I guess they describe more the person I strive to be. I love to make others smile, and this is usually achieved by smiling myself. I am trying to transition to Doing rather than Saying, thus,

Giorgia: I am Giorgia, but all my friends call me Giò/Joe! If I have to describe myself using three words, I will go for wanderluster, dreamer and curious. Why? I love travelling, discovering places, meeting up and entering in contact witvh new people. Wandering around has always been my dream since I was a little child. While curiosity is the driver that a chance in contributing this way, and achieving
moves me in doing that concretely and letting me realize what is just on my mind., Iit is not always possible. But, I do believe that there is high time for everything is meant to be ours. I have decided to be part of the Sustainability Bootcamp to increase my knowledge and raise my awareness of sustainability. Besides, working in a group has always triggered me.
Simona: I am Simona from Skopje and I am a Fellow of the IEM Caring Foundation. I see myself as a creative, ambitious and a highly driven person. I work in digital marketing, which gives me the ability to showcase my creativity through my work. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I am always looking for an opportunity to do better and reach my full potential.
2. Why have you decided to be a part of this project as an organiser? What is the idea that motivated you to join the team?
Giorgia: I have decided to be part of the Sustainability Bootcamp to increase my knowledge and raise my awareness of sustainability. Besides, working in a Sonja: Before I joined the Sustainability Bootcamp team, I was surrounded by some colleagues who cared a lot about environmental issues. After each chat with them, I would get motivated to start reading and gaining some knowledge related to sustainability.
As a common phrase says ’sharing is caring’, I decided that the time has come for me to share the knowledge I gained with other people and raise awareness about problems that are striking each of us, no matter where we live, what we do or how old we are. The opportunity to join in organising a Sustainability Bootcamp came at the right moment and I was more than happy to have group has always triggered me.

my goals in creating a more caring society together with people who are driven by similar motives.
Thekla: I feel very connected to the topic of sustainability. As the last sustainability camp got cancelled and we did not have someone within the fellows of the IEM Caring Foundation who could take the responsibility, I took it and saw it as a good project where ESTIEM, ESTIEM Alumni and the fellows of the IEM Caring Foundation can collaborate.
Carmen: I want to learn more about sustainability and the different areas it entails. I also want to see different experiences people have had when working towards it. What better way to fulfill this wish than to make it happen?
Simona: Sustainability has become a major topic for me in recent years. I enjoy doing research, contributing in any way that I can and, of course, I am always eager to learn new things. I am part of the organisation team because I want to hear other people’s stories and educate myself further on how I can make a difference.
3. What values or contributions do you want to bring to the next Sustainability Bootcamp?

Carmen: I want to find inspiring experts in the field and share experiences with participants that will allow us to integrate actions that lead to a triple bottom line for our lives and our surroundings.
Sonja: By using my creativity and enthusiasm I have for this event, I would like to empower people to join us in creating a community for impact, and participate in the mutual exchange of knowledge, while enjoying and sharing a culture of sustainability at the same time.
Simona: I want to share my own experiences and offer my cooperation to anyone willing to work together towards achieving our common sustainability goals, whether it be locally or globally.
Giorgia: Willingness to work hard, passion and smiles. These are the ingredients I want to bring to the next Sustainability Bootcamp
Thekla: Caring about the environment and the awareness of our limited resources, openness for new ideas/ projects, spreading knowledge and offering a platform for profound discussions.
Sustainability Bootcamp is your chance to get knowledge and discuss one of the most controversial topics of our time! Exchange of points of view is at the core of our values. You will not just attend an event but participate actively. Don’t miss it!

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