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A message from Tartu College regarding COVID-19
Responses to COVID-19 are evolving rapidly. In light of both federal, provincial and local government initiatives and directives, Tartu College will also take measures to support social distancing and other measures to slow the progress of the virus. We believe that this is in the best interests of the health of our members, residents and the wider community. Effective tomorrow, March 14, 2020, all events and meetings in the Ground Level Hall and Meeting Rooms are cancelled until April 5, 2020. Depending on how public health circumstances develop, this status may be extended. Measures consistent with Toronto Public Health directives will be implemented in the building as a whole, and monitored rigorously. This includes: - keeping Tartu College Staff updated regarding COVID-19 and taking action as required - keeping Tartu College residents informed and updated about the current public health situation via newsletter, posters in elevators, and banners on the Front Lobby TV screen. - basic steps for identifying symptoms, taking preventive hygiene actions such as hand washing, and instructions for what to do if symptoms are identified are posted on the bulletin boards in every suite and in all public areas at Tartu College. We will continue to update you over the coming days as circumstances require. Thank you for your cooperation.
The Board of Directors and Management Team,
Tartu College