1 minute read

Life during the pandemic

Life during the three spring months has been a unique and unpleasant experience. Unique, because it engulfs the whole world and all the people in it. Young people ask if we lived through similar difficulties during WW2. They want a comparison. We were afraid of heavy war weapons, air raids, tanks and our enemies were people. We were short of food and eventually we fled. Now the enemy is one minute deadly virus that we can see only through a microscope, and we have nowhere to escape.

How safe do I feel? It is up to me how safe I want to make it. Life needs to be lived whether it is within the walls of my house and garden or in the world around me. I am privileged in not having to leave my safe surroundings, not having to go to work. Many do not have such choice. I am also at an age where I have to take extra precaution. To keep myself mentally balanced, I have cancelled the subscription to the newspaper Toronto Star and also promised myself to watch the news only once a day.


(Full story available via link below)

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