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Alberta news roundup
As with other Estonian communities in Canada, the Alberta Estonian Heritage Society (AEHS) had to cancel some events because of the coronavirus pandemic, including Jaanipäev. However, the AEHS did manage to organize three events before the virus shut down the country, and established an ongoing fourth program online.
Independence Day
AEHS vice-president Evelin Fodor and family hosted the Vabariigi Aastapäev / Independence Day celebration at their home on Saturday February 22. Ample food and beverages were provided by guests pot-luck style, resulting, as usual, in a wonderfully tasty and varied buffet, including chocolate directly from Estonia. The AEHS board was happy to introduce recent Alberta arrivals whom they hope to see at future events along with all members, in this long-term unprecedented, unpredictable coronavirus misadventure crippling our entire planet.
(Full story available via link below)

Independence Day celebrants find a spot on or by the stairs.