1 minute read
and my responses to it


Yes, the e-Folio and Booklet were submitted unfinished. The resubmission includes a final version of both. Yes, I agree. I feel it’s because as English is not my first language, sometimes I feel hard to put in words my critical reflections and learnings. It seems that you do notice that my design development goes into detail, which means that my design thinking contemplated learning and reflections to retrofit it. Improving my writing and oral skills to communicate better my design thinking is also something that I need to master.

I disagree about the lack of focus and discipline. I was focused 100% on this unit, despite the personal problems I went through in the middle of the semester. My intent to develop the whole site was because I highly disliked our group masterplan. So, I came with a new proposition. Was it a mistake and a waste of time? Maybe - however, I might have taken a different position if I would be happy with the result we achieved as a group. Other moments that I feel I spent too much time, was when I had to redo some stuff for my individual thesis, like the site analysis (I haven’t used the one we did as a UD team or the content for Assignment 3) and the precedents analysis (Assignment 2 outcome/ content was not useful for me either). If I would not have used time on that, I might have had more time to work on other design iterations or solve things like structure and programme in depth - I agree when you mention those two still needs more work. I agree that was one of the most challenging things during the semester. Hopefully, in practice, the collaboration between group members is even and every one is 100% engaged with the project. I appreciate the advice :) It couldn’t be possible without your guidance during my journey. Thank you for everything, Ammon!