ESU PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION FOR SCHOOLS 2011-2012 CHEQUE REQUISITION FORM FOR BRANCH ORGANISERS Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Branch: __________________________________________________________________________ Number of Schools: ________________________________________________________________
Please list the names and addresses (postcode will suffice) of the schools entering in your branch heats. If you have insufficient space, use the other side of this sheet. The ESU will send you £20 per team entered. Please return this form by Friday, 2 December 2011.
Please make our cheque payable to (exact wording): ___________________________________________________________________
Dates we expect to hold our heats (even vague dates will suffice): _______________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Please return by mail to Éamon Chawke, School Programmes Officer, The English-Speaking Union, Dartmouth House, 37 Charles Street, London, W1J 5ED or by e-mail to