A Sign of Quality Since 1904

S hown in the F lexlume F actory are F rank r owell ( in doorway at back ) and P addy r owell S r . ( in F oreground ), a S they F orm , P aint and a SS emble neon S ign S

1 The Flexlume Archive Collection AT KISSIMMEE JANUARY 14, 2018 Presented by the Rowell Family An Unprecedented Offering of Quality and Provenance

What may perhaps be the most significant Road Art collection offering in recent history will come about this January in Kissimmee, Florida, as items from the basement of the original Flexlume Sign Company cross the Mecum auction block. These original pre-neon and early neon lighted signs have remained in storage inside the company headquarters since Flexlume went bankrupt and changed hands during World War II. To truly understand the provenance of the collection, and the historical importance of the Flexlume sign company, one must look back more than a century ago. In the early 1900s, Buffalo, New York, was one of the most populous cities in the United States. With the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, which stood as the second longest canal in the world upon its completion, the surrounding areas were catapulted into economic growth. As a navigable water route from the Great Lakes through New York City to the Atlantic, and with Buffalo at its mouth, the canal almost instantly turned Buffalo into the most significant port city in the United States. Steel and grain mills were the biggest industries in Buffalo at the start of the 20th century, but hydroelectric power harvested from nearby Niagara Falls also turned it into the first city in the United States to use electric lighting on a large scale, earning it the nickname of the City of Light. In 1904, brothers Roy and Wallace Wiley launched the Flexlume sign company. While the Canadian natives started it in their home country, the flourishing city of Buffalo, with its reputation and resulting nickname, was too strong of a call to ignore, and the company headquarters were relocated to the port city. The brothers held a patent to produce illuminated signs using what is commonly called “milk glass.” The process essentially calls for glass to be heated in a kiln until it reaches a level of pliability that allows it to melt atop a mold in the shape of a letter. The finished milk-glass letters were then pushed through the back of cutouts made in sheet metal and illuminated from behind with incandescent bulbs, as that was the only lighting available at the time. h eadquarter S in b u FF alo , n ew y ork
The Flexlume Sign Company

Flexlume History
F lexlume was F ounded in 1904 d eveloped many innovations and patents o riginated the raised white glass letters F or electric signs d esigned and patented a metal - crimp system that gives the signs strength , durability and creates the iconic look b y the 1920 s , F lexlume was recognized as the world ’ s largest sign company i n 1924, F rank r owell established the w hite e lectric s ign s ervice c orporation F lexlume remained an industry leader up to w orld w ar ii w ith a hold on metal supplies F or the war e FF ort , F lexlume was squeezed into bankruptcy i n 1944, F rank r owell purchased F lexlume at an auction h e only had three days to save what he could F rom the scrap drive t he signs were not o F much value at the time , but F rank recognized the quality and workmanship t he signs were conserved in the basement F or more than 80 years t he r owell F amily continued the F lexlume name , which still operates in b u FF alo today t he third generation o F caretakers F rom the r owell F amily are bringing the F lexlume sign collection out o F the vault F or a once - in - a - li F etime o FF ering

While the company got its start creating mostly one-off special-order signs, by the 1920s, the Flexlume sign corporation had become the largest sign manufacturer in the world, and production was streamlined and available almost exclusively to big enterprises, such as banks and automotive manufacturers. Around that same time, neon started gaining steam, but instead of switching over completely, the Flexlume company chose to incorporate the burgeoning new product into its already established tried-and-true formula for building quality lighted signs. The company was innovative and boasted cutting-edge technology—but quality, affordability and breadth of offerings were its claims to success. Neon only added to the company’s many options, while most other sign makers were quick to switch over entirely, including one Frank A. Rowell, who saw the opportunity for profitability in neon.
The signs became an overnight success, and within the decade, the company had offices and factories in three countries: the U.S., England and Canada. Flexlume advertisements in 1911 boasted things such as, “The Flexlume is a sign of double value. While most effective as a night sign it is unequalled as a day sign. The effect of the rich gold leaf trimmings of these signs is lost in the reproduction,” and “Our signs are a pillar of fire by night. Brilliance and clearness with the greatest economy.”
Flexlume continued to dominate the sign trade until World War II broke out, and the United States government swooped into manufacturing facilities across the country to take inventory for the war effort. Uncle Sam ordered Flexlume to halt all production and tagged everything in the company’s possession. The message the government officials left with Flexlume was essentially: “Don’t use, alter or sell any of this. We may find we need it, and then we’ll be back.”
Born in England, Rowell moved to Canada and learned the electric trade, eventually migrating to Buffalo, where he was a technician who worked on the Flexlume-style lightbulb-lit signs. But as neon gained momentum, Rowell opened his own sign shop, White Sign Company, and began producing neon signs.
By the time the war was over, Flexlume had gone bankrupt. Rowell, on the other hand, had come out of the tumultuous time with his financial stability still intact, and when he heard that the company headquarters were going up for auction in 1944, Rowell gathered together the resources needed to purchase it, and he went out and won the bid.
F lexlume neon tube bending F lexlume dra F ting

Rowell said the building and its contents had been left as if the employees had just gone home for the day with every intention of returning in the morning and continuing with their work. As such, the treasure trove of abandoned items was jaw dropping. However, at the time, the items seemed to be only what they were: abandon signs; the potential value and collectability of what was there was initially lost on the Rowells. Fortunately, they still took care to move things into clean, dry storage—unsure what to do with them, but unwilling to let them go to waste.
“The workmanship that went into those signs was unbelievable,” said Rowell. “Even the inside of the bolt holes were galvanized by hand, and the sheet metal actually had copper in it, so rust was out of the question. And the process to make those letters was time consuming and labor intensive. I don’t know that someone could recreate something like it today even if they tried.”
“He had three days to get everything he could get his hands on and take it out of the building before the scrappers were scheduled to strip the building entirely,” explained his grandson, Paddy Rowell Jr. “Luckily, he knew a distributor who let him use some flatbed trucks to get everything he could. There was so much there—crates upon crates of the old glass-letter signs that were finished but never delivered, some that were half finished, loads of documents and files, and thousands of the glass letters.”
The Rowell family carried on the Flexlume name after purchasing the business, and the list of offerings was expanded even further; the Rowells even added restoration services for the company’s vintage signs still in “The workmanship that went into those signs was unbelievable”
F lexlume S heet metal S ho P F lexlume P orcelain enamel F urnace

Indeed, a lot of collectors are. Some of the different brands within the collection include Kelly Tires, Gulf Oil, Sinclair and Pabst, as well as many less mainstream names, such as Franklin, Bostonians, Florsheim, Kelvinator, Endicott Johnson, one-off signs for drug stores and diners, and much more. The collection includes many of the milk-glass, preneon lighted signs, as well as many vintage early neon signs and those that include elements of both.
Rowell’s father, Paddy Sr., passed away in January, but before his death, Rowell asked him what he should do with the collection. “He said to sell it. He knew there were and are people out there who will appreciate these signs for what they are and what they mean for some people, more so than my four siblings and me.” operation. Rowell said his father, Paddy Sr., used to work on Saturdays as a young man cleaning and running errands for 25 cents an hour. As time passed and the business grew, Rowell’s father took over the business, eventually passing it on to his sons who had all become involved, each with integral roles. More than a century after its founding, Flexlume is still in operation today. It was in the early years of the new millennium when the Rowells started to realize that the old items left behind by the original Flexlume Corporation might have some real significance. The first indication came when a group of Gulf Oil sign collectors out of Texas contacted the Rowells in search of pieces to add to their collection. And that wasn’t the end of people knocking at their door to clue them in to what they had. “Three years ago, we helped out this Chevy car collector from Canada who’d bought an old Chevy Bowtie logo sign,” said Rowell. “He wanted us to fix up the sign, since we still have the machine to make the crimped-metal that it was built from. Well, he stopped by our shop all the time, and one day he stopped in, and he’s got a book in his arm, and he says, ‘You’re not going to believe this. I just came back from a West Memphis, Arkansas, auction. I went there to bid on this Flexlume-built Goodyear sign from the Walker collection … but it ended up selling for $100,000!’” F rank r owell S ervicing a theater marquee
Rowell also recalled a visit from a professor out of Baton Rouge who was penning an article on the history of neon signs in Middle America. “She kept bugging my dad about coming out to see the collection and talk to my dad. Well, she finally got out here and as he was showing her around, she found this little Franklin sign, and she just freaked: ‘Oh my gosh, you have a Franklin sign?’ My dad said, ‘What’s that?’ And she explained that it was an old defunct car brand that her husband collects; she said it might be the only sign like it in the world. We have a bunch of signs from some companies I’ve never even heard of, but a lot of collectors seem to be familiar with them.”

Rowell said the family plans to offer much of the documentation for sale as well.
Unsure of where to turn with their treasure trove of items that have been frozen in time, Rowell said that the family came to learn about Mecum Auctions’ Road Art division, and it seemed to be the perfect answer. The entire collection of signs, documentation and other artifacts left from the very day that the company closed its doors during World War II are now set to cross the auction block at the world’s largest collector-car auction in Kissimmee, Florida, this January.
Since deciding to part with the items, the Rowell family has been busy. Paul Rowell has spent countless hours taking inventory and developing condition reports, cleaning and reconditioning the collection. Bruce, the youngest of the Rowell siblings, has resumed the process of fabricating the once-patented glass letters to help with the restoration of many of the signs. While some restoration has been done, they’re not touching the paint or altering the condition of the signs in any other fashion, as they expect that collectors will value the original conditions the signs areRowellin. has also spent time framing some of the original drawings and other blueprint-style documentation that was left with the signs. “We have more drawings than we do signs,” he said. “That Goodyear sign that sold at the Walker auction, I have the original tracing-cloth drawing with the date on it. We also have a lot of salesmen’s books—they’re about 4 inches wide by a foot high, kind of like a flip book with the hinges at the top. They’re titled things like ‘Flexlume Sign Company Catalog 52,’ and they list most of the car signs they sold and the specs, and on the back is the price of every sign.”
F lexlume a SS embly
It cannot be stressed enough what a rare opportunity this is. While virtually any other collectible item that surfaces in the market today from more than a half-century ago has likely been through many hands and undergone some stress and alterations, this collection features a host of items from one of the most historically significant sign companies ever to exist, all of which have remained in the Flexlume headquarters since its initial closing in World War II—time-capsuled inside. Many serious collectors have sought out early Flexlume signs to add to their collections, but even those who have been successful are unlikely to own anything in a condition on par with the signs from this assemblage. This is truly the holy grail of pre-neon and early neon lighted signs—and this January will be the only opportunity to secure one as it emerges directly from its place of birth.

8 Gulf Gasoline • d ouble sided , o FF set pole sign F rom teens /20 s • o riginal F lexlume - patented oplex glass letters • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • h and - painted • i llumination by incandescent lamps • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • F ully restored at F lexlume 73 x 57

9 t he winning bidder will have the choice o F how many signs he or she would like to purchase , each at the price o F the winning bid opt to purchase just one , or purchase them all . 7 Gulf Signs - Sold on Choice e ven though there are seven similar signs , this is a very unusual o FF ering o F rare signs all in one place . o nce dispersed to museums or private collections , they will seldom appear F or sale on the public market again

10 Kelly Springfield Tires • d ouble sided , wall project sign built in 1930 • o riginal F lexlume - patented oplex glass letters • i llumination by incandescent lamps and neon • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • h and painted letters • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • p atented #3 F lexlume glass housings • n eon and electrical restored at F lexlume • o riginal sign number 53706 o riginal blue P rint drawn on linen cloth Tires Before Cars Founded in Springfield, Ohio, Kelly Tires began producing rubber carriage wheels in 1894. This is a transitional sign with both milk glass letters and neon. Built in 1930, it one of the earliest neon signs available today. 72 x 40

11 Kelly Springfield Tires • d ouble sided , oval shape , wall project sign F rom the 40 s • p orcelain enamel F aces with green raised glass letters • i llumination by neon grid tubes ; neon restored at F lexlume Other than salesman samples, this is the only sign in the Flexlume collection that offers colored glass letters. This Kelly Tires doubled-sided porcelain sign is absolutely stunning when lit up and is most likely the only example in the world. 72 x 54

12 Bostonian Shoes • d ouble - sided , hanging , custom shape • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • i llumination by incandescent lamps • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • c opy o F drawing with specs • h and painted letters • o riginal sign number 51157 Bostonian Shoes • s ingle - sided , metal - F aced hanging sign • o riginal F lexlume can • h and painted • o riginal blue working neon • o riginal wiring Bostonian Shoes History The Bostonian Shoe Company was founded in 1889 by Charles Jones in Whitman, Massachusetts. The significance of the Bostonian Shoe Company is that it became the nation’s first premium shoe brand. 72 x 48

13 Chippewa Valeteria • d ouble - sided , wall project sign F rom late 20’ s -30’ s • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • i llumination by incandescent lamps and neon • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet with angled iron F rame • h and painted logos and letters • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • p atented #3 F lexlume glass housings • o riginal guy cable and turnbuckle • n eon and electrical restored at F lexlume using vintage glass tubing • o ld style F lexlume name plate • o riginal sign number 57678 Footsaver Shoes • s ingle - sided metal - F aced sign • b uilt in the late 1930 s / early 1940 s • r ed and blue neon • o riginal neon glass • F lexlume metal can This is a one-of-a-kind transitional sign with both milk glass letters and neon. 82 x 39

14 Florsheim for Women • b uilt in 1931 • c opy o F the blueprint • F lexlume metal can with single metal case • u nique color changing neon Florsheim Shoes • s till in original crate • o riginal neon bulit in 1930 s and 1940 s Endicott-Johnson Shoes • d ouble sided , wall project sign F rom teens / 20 s • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet with raised “ egg & dart ” metal trim • o riginal F lexlume - patented oplex glass letters • i llumination by incandescent lamps • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • o riginal sign number 54244 72 x 36

15 Enna Jettick Shoes • d ouble sided , hanging , wall project • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • h and painted with gold border Enna Jettick • d ouble sided , wall project neon in original crate • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet with “ egg & dart ” pressed metal trim • h and painted • o riginal neon with patented #3 F lexlume glass housings • o riginal sign number 53076 • c opy o F original drawing Enna Jettick • d ouble sided , wall project neon • r ipple - tin / crimped - metal cabinet with “ egg & dart ” pressed - metal trim • h and painted • o riginal neon with patented #3 F lexlume glass housings • o riginal sign number 53076 • c opy o F original drawing 48 x 33 24 x 12

16 Franklin • d ouble sided , hanging , wall project sign F rom 1920 s • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • e nlargement o F original blueprint • h and - painted • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • o riginal sign number 51094 66 x 24

17 Franklin The Franklin automobile company was in business from 1902 to 1934. The Franklin automobile was considered a luxury car in its time. In 1909, a Franklin won the one-gallon fuel-economy contest held by the Buffalo Automobile Club. While Franklin automobiles appear from time to time at auction, we have never seen an example of Franklin advertising offered. Franklin advertising is early and very, very scarce. This is most likely the only lighted glass Franklin sign in existence. This is a magnificent, one-of-a-kind, early advertising sign with provenance. c o P y F rom original S ale S book

18 Natural Bridge • b uilt in 1931 • o ne o F the F irst neons • o riginal F lexlume can • m etal F ace • o riginal neon glass • o riginal crate • c opy o F the drawing with the sign specs Natural Bridge • d ouble sided , wall project sign F rom 20 s -30 s • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • o riginal F lexlume - patented oplex glass letters • i llumination by incandescent lamps • o riginal sign number 54724- a • b uilt F or a neon border • t ransitional sign with neon and glass letters 72 x 28

19 Foot Saver Shoes • s ingle sided neon • h and painted • w as built to add on to larger sign • c rimped - metal • r estored neon by F lexlume Heel Hugger • u ntouched F lexlume neon sign • o riginal neon glass • o riginal crate • o riginal shipping tag says n ightingale b oot s hop , g reen b ay , wi • d eclared value on shipping tag $60 Heel Hugger • o riginal crate • o riginal glass Florsheim Shoes • n eon sign in original crate • c opy o F the original drawing with speci F 48icationsx20

20 Pure Gasoline • d ouble sided , n eon • c ustom shape , double sided pole sign F rom late 40 s • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • “ g asoline ” restored with vintage tubing • p atented #3 F lexlume glass housings • h and painted letters and logos • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips Pure UnpaintedGasoline • c rimped metal • u npainted Three signs were built. Flexlume donated one to a museum. Now the remaining two signs are being offered. One is complete; the other remains an unpainted original. This brilliantly aesthetic sign has the powerful presence to light up any room. The second Pure Gasoline sign was never completely finished. This historic item was put on hold immediately after assembling. It was then stored in the basement of Flexlume and appears as pure now as it was 70 years ago. 84 x 57.5 84 x 57.5

21 G&J Tires • d ouble sided , hanging sign F rom 1927 • r ipple - tin / crimped - metal cabinet • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • i llumination by incandescent lamps • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • c opy o F drawing with specs • o riginal sign number 50918 • o riginal linen cloth blueprint to be sold with sign G&J Tires G&J was a major bicycleand motorcycle-tire supplier. They supplied tires for HarleyDavidson and are the choice for most collectors when restoring blue-chip motorcycles. G&J also sponsored the trophy for an automobile race for two years, which eventually became known as the Indianapolis 500. t he winning bid will have the choice o F how many signs you want , each sign at the winning bid price . a ll three signs are complete . y ou can take one sign , or you can take them all o ne sign will include the original drawing and the others will include copies 3 G&J Signs - Sold on Choice 72 x 44

22 Famous Utica-Club Beer • d ouble sided , hanging , wall project n eon • r ipple - tin / crimped - metal cabinet • n eon restored on one side by F lexlume • o riginal w hite s ign number n 1:16 0.37 w hite S ign c o . re P air tag The Utica-Club Beer sign has significance having been built by Frank Rowell’s White Sign Company. The extraordinary beer signs in the Flexlume collection are cornerstones to any breweriana collection. 58 x 32

23 Beer Sign • b uilt 1920 s • s ingle - sided painted crimped - metal with oplex letters • o riginal metal can created by F lexlume • o riginal wiring Beer Sign • c reated by F lexlume in late 1930 s / early 1940 s • m etal F lexlume can • m etal F ace with script letters • r etains original neon glass 24 x 12 24 x 12

24 w hite e lectric S ign S ervice adverti S ing brochure u nique u nitcon gla SS welded letter S Unitcon Neon Unitcon is the trademarked name for neon window displays manufactured by the White Sign company. Marketed as “Neon Window Signs of Quality and Distinction,” the signs were handcrafted, carefully bent and glasswelded together. The trademark of a Unitcon sign was that it was selfcontained without a frame. The Unitcon signs offered here have endured the test of time, most likely because as they say, “They Don’t Make’em Like They Used To.”

25 Iroquois • m anu F actured by w hite s ign c o . in 1940 s • u nitcon window neon sign Carling • m anu F actured by F lexlume • w indow neon sign F rom the 1950 s Simon Pure • r eplica o F a 1950’ s sign • b uilt by F lexlume to replicate an early w hite c o . sign • s keleton style beer window u nitcon neon Stroh’s • s keleton style beer window neon F rom 1960 s Pabst • m etal F rame sign F rom 1960 s • t hree color neon Ballantine • m etal F rame window neon • F rom the 1950 s Beck’s Beer • m anu F actured by w hite s ign c o . in 1940 s • s keleton - style beer window u nitcon neon Koehler Beer • s ingle sided three color neon • b eer window neon F rom 1960 s

26 Trommer’s • s tanding window sign F rom the 1950 s • o riginal can Piel’s on tap • s ingle sided porcelain • w orking red neon Stein’s Beer-Ale • F rom the 1950 s • d ouble bullnose metal can with glass cover • w orking red neon • F lexlume original glass Beck’s • m anu F actured by F lexlume • m etal box with original neon glass Carling’s • b ack neon lit • o riginal glass F ace • o riginal manu F acturing label • b uilt by n eon p roducts , l ima , o hio Beer Sign • n eon • o riginal metal can created by F lexlume Ballantine • m anu F actured by p rice b rothers in 1960 s • F lourescent lamps • p lastic F ace 60 x 15 24 x 12

27 Beer Sign • s ingle sided painted crimped metal with oplex letters • o riginal metal can created by F lexlume Beer Sign • c rimped metal F ace with oplex letters • o riginal metal can created by F lexlume in 1920 s Iroquois • c opper look blue neon Beer Sign • n eon • o riginal metal can created by F lexlume Piel’s is better beer • m etal box Beer Sign • n eon • o riginal metal can created by F lexlume Duquesne Pilsener • l ackner in c inncinati , o hio 24 x 12 24 x 12 24 x 1224 x 12

28 Weaver’s Soda Candies Luncheon • d ouble - sided , wall project sign F rom the early 30 s • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • i llumination by incandescent lamps and neon • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • h and - painted letters and trim • p atented #3 F lexlume glass housings • n eon and electric restored at F lexlume • o riginal sign number s -96 64 x 38

29 Matt’s Bar • d ouble - sided , wall project sign F rom late 40 s / early 50 s • o riginal neon tubing • o riginal crate • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • h and painted • o riginal cables and hardware • o riginal hanging pole with diecast arrow Florsheim Shoes • o riginal crate • o riginal green and red neon glass • w orking condition • u nique sign with neon that changes color Modern Cottages • d ouble - sided , center pole mount with bullnose ends • o riginal neon and crate F rom early 50 s • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • h and painted Ladies Powder Room • w indow sign built in 1930 s • b lue neon Your Host 24 Hour Restaurant • d ouble - sided , center pole mount • F lashing incandescent lamp arrow Lunch • d ouble sided , hanging sign F rom 1920 s • n eon and stamped metal / pressed letters • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • h and painted trim • o riginal cast - iron molds included with sign • n eon restored on one side by F lexlume • i n original crate • o riginal sign number 8-346 50 x 30 72 x 39 84 x 58 48 x 19

30 Tip Top Pants • d ouble sided , wall project sign F rom late 20 s to early 30 s • F lashing , vintage ruby red neon • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • t ransitional period sign with both neon and glass letters • i llumination by incandescent lamps and F lashing neon • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet with angle iron F rame • h and - painted letters • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • p atented #3 F lexlume glass housings with side accessory and band ( unique to this collection ) • n eon and electrical restored at F lexlume • o riginal mechanical F lasher • o riginal sign number 9-329 Glo-Dial Clock • 36 inches round • n eon and movement work • m etal F rame with glass F ace • t wo - color neon Glo-Dial Clock • 22 inches round • m etal F rame with glass F ace • w orking condition 44 x 42

31 Westinghouse • d ouble sided , wall project sign F rom 1932 • p orcelain enamel F aces • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • i llumination by incandescent lamps • c opy o F the drawing included t he winning bid will have the choice o F how many signs you want , each sign at the winning bid price y ou can take one sign , or you can take them all . o ne sign will include the original drawing the others will include copies . 3 Westinghouse Signs - Sold on Choice 72 x 48

32 US Tires • d ouble sided , wall project sign F rom late 30 s • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • i llumination by incandescent lamps and neon • p atented #3 F lexlume glass housings • h and painted • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • o riginal drawing included • o riginal sign number 9-329 72 x 54

33 Liberty • r aised plastic letters • s ingle sided metal DuPont • F rom 1950 s • s ingle sided F lexlume unitcon window sign • g lass welded F rame Norge Products • F rom 1940 s • F lexlume original blue neon glass • o riginal metal bullnose can Hotel American • d ouble sided , galvanized metal • o riginal glass housing • h and - painted • b uilt by v ulcan n eon , b u FF alo , n ew y ork Labor Union • d ouble sided wall project • n eon ( no tubing ) • h and painted • m anu F actured by w hitmier /F erris • F lat metal with original glass housings 51 x 35 72 x 33

34 Helen Ann • d ouble sided hanging sign • c rimped metal • p ainted letters Red Robin • d ouble - sided hanging neon built by w hite s ign c o . • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • h and painted • b ullnose trim • o riginal glass housing Reger & Leonard • s ingle - F aced crimped - metal • F lush plastic letters • a luminum border J. Roberts Funeral • d ouble - sided pole sign with pole • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • i lluminated by neon grid tubes • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • 90- inches high with pole Howard’s Dining • d ouble sided , wall project sign 20 s • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • r ipple - tin / crimped - metal cabinet • i llumination by incandescent lamps • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • o riginal sign number 8-503 E. Pantle Jeweler • d ouble sided , wall project neon F rom 40 s /50 s • r ipple - tin / crimped - metal cabinet • h and painted • p atented #3 F lexlume glass housings • b ullnose trim • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips Leslie Blau • s ingle sided , F lat wall sign F rom late 30 s / early 40 s • n eon ( no tubing ) • p atented #3 F lexlume glass housings • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • h and painted 65 x 9 66 x 24 86 x 28 78 x 26 60 x 27 60 x 24 60 x 50

35 Frigidaire • s ingle sided plexiglass skin • v acuum F ormed Liquors • d ouble sided , hanging with bullnose trim • h and painted neon letters • r ipple - tin / crimped - metal cabinet Home Cafeteria • d ouble sided , hanging with bullnose trim • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • h and - painted neon letters Endicott-Johnson • d ouble sided , wall project sign F rom t eens /20 s • p orcelain enamel with raised “ egg & dart ” metal trim • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • i llumination by incandescent lamps • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • o riginal sign number 47024 Endicott-Johnson • d ouble sided , wall project sign F rom t eens /20 s • p orcelain enamel with raised “ egg & dart ” metal trim • o riginal F lexlume patented oplex glass letters • i llumination by incandescent lamps • s tamped / pressed hinged access doors with brass clips • o riginal sign number 47649 72 x 36 72 x 36 75 x 42 90 x 40 76 x 16

36 Kelvinator • d ouble sided hanging sign • p orcelain neon • b uilt by a rtkra F t , l ima , o hio • d ouble bullnose • e mbossed letters Lobster Claw • d ouble sided , wall project Rugs • d ouble - sided hanging neon sign • d ouble bullnose • h and - painted letters • g alvanized metal cabinet US Rubber Co. • n eon sign • s ingle sided crimped metal with glass F ace Nu-way • p lastic and aluminum F rom late 50 s /60 s • s ingle plastic two piece F ace • o riginal F lexlume can 108 x 24 72 x 20 48 x 29 42 x 36

37 Garage • d ouble - sided , hanging , wall project sign F rom 1950 s • r ipple tin / crimped metal cabinet • n eon with bullnose end 120 x 30

Salesman Samples
Salesman samples are small-scaled versions of real products used to demonstrate features to potential customers. These highly detailed salesman samples demonstrate a range of colors, styles, and finishes. Salesman samples are highly sought after, however good examples seldom come to auction. The Flexlume salesman samples are a true historical treasure. A group like this will never be seen again. F lexlume
S ale S room where S am P le S were S hown to P ro SP ective cu S tomer S

39 Letters GG • s alesman sample • s ingle - sided stainless double bullnose • n eopal glass • h and painted Letter G • s alesman sample • c rimped metal with neon Letter R & T • s alesman sample • 1930’ s sign • t ransitional sign • l etter t has original blue neon glass • l etter r has new neon • d ouble sided crimped metal • n eopal colored glass • g reat condition This is an interesting example used to promote the Neopal sign. The concept was a sign that was both neon and glass with the iconic crimped-metal face. Flexlume had a lot invested in glass signs, and this was an attempt to keep selling glass signs as neon became the new desire. An excellent example of what a salesman would use with its original leather handle. The Flexlume neon sales board was used to show examples of the different neon colors and types offered. It is visible in the vintage photo of the salesroom. 20 x 18 14 x 17

40 Letter A • s alesman sample • 1940 s theater marquee letter • F lashing letter a with neon border Double R • s alesman sample • d ouble sided bullnose crimped metal • r are three colors o F oplex glass • n eon lit Letter R • s alesman sample F rom 1920 s • d ouble - sided metal sign with trim outline • d ouble sided milk glass letters Letter R • s alesman sample • s ingle sided crimped metal • e mbossed plastic letter • h and painted • n eon lit Letter A & E • s alesman sample F rom 1940 s /50 s • d ouble - stacked neon • F lashing letters Comma • s alesman sample • F rom 1950 s • n eon lit with plastic cover • m etal F abricated sign Letter R • s alesman sample F rom 1920 s /30 s • d ouble - sided glass letters Letter E • s alesman sample • c rimped metal • t wo color neon 14 x 18 28 x 22 19 x 19 26 x 18 30 x 17 30 x 24

41 Marquee • s alesman sample F rom 1940 s /50 s • c rimped - metal • s tainless steel edger • h igh beam neon • b acklit incandescent lights • n ot F lashing Letters S&R • s alesman sample • s ingle sided crimped metal • o plex glass letter r • l etter s is a cutout Letters • s alesman sample • c rimped - metal signs • n eopal glass • e mbossed oplex letters e and h Letter B • s alesman sample • c rimped metal background Letter B • s alesman sample Letter D • s alesman sample • s ingle - sided neon Letter M • s alesman sample • c rimped metal 36 x 20 36 x 20 21 x 24 19 x 16

42 Blueprints

43 Hardware & Relics Atlantic Gas Pump • o riginal gas pump • u sed to F ill F lexlume delivery trucks American Gas Pump • o riginal gas pump • u sed to F ill F lexlume delivery trucks