การตลาดผ่าน Email

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Email Marketing


Trawut Luangsomboon

Adults Online Reported Activities

Source: marketingprofs.com

Critical mass: Reaches 93% of internet users (Jupiter Research)

Lower costs: 1/10 the cost per communication (Andersen)

Response rates: 10x greater than direct mail (DMA)

Relationship builder: 80% of visitors never return (eMarketer)

Email Usage on Smartphones

Source: ExactTarget’s 2009 Channel Performance Survey

Email Marketing Model





Finding The Right Prospect

Search SearchEngine EngineOptimization Optimization Affiliate AffiliateMarketing Marketing Banner BannerAds Ads

Social SocialBookmarking Bookmarking YouTube YouTube

Blog BlogReviews Reviews

FaceBook FaceBook

Twitter Twitter

Pay Pay Per Per Click Click Link LinkExchange Exchange

Offline OfflineAdvertising AdvertisingMethods Methods Forum ForumSignatures Signatures

Pay PayPer PerView View

Article Article

Viral Viral Marketing Marketing

Getting Opt in Email

Get Permission • Opt-in – Recipient volunteered to receive your email

• Opt-out – Recipient did not want to receive your email anymore

Get Permission

• Double Opt-in/ Confirm Opt-in – Recipient confirm their need to get your email

Email Acquisition: Calls to Action

source: www.JeanneJennings.com

Email Acquisition: Calls to Action • AIR MILES Reward Program (Canada)

Peeling Script: www.peelyourads.com

source: www.JeanneJennings.com

Keeping your Relationship


Look & Feel

Follow up email

Broadcast email

Easy to Read Email • Word Wrap • White Space • Stress the important

Every email is customized and includes agent’s • Photo • Email Address • Phone

Results • 5.5% Higher Open Rates • 23% Higher CTR

Growing Your Business

Open Rate Click Through Rate Conversion Rate

Email Performance by Industry

Source: marketingprofs.com

Email Segmentation

Knowing Your Customers


Give what they Want

“We want to continue building relationships with our customers by sending them targeted communications and offers.�

Email 2 times/ month

Product News Store Locations Special Store Offers Special Online offers

Promotion Depends on Geo Location

Over 50% Open Rates

Email Marketing Social Media

Store Your Email Online

Archive Every Email

Automatically Send Email

from Blog Update

Sharing Email to FaceBook/ Twitter

Desired Content in Permission Based Email

Source: marketingprofs.com

Quick Tip: Transactional Messages

• Higher open rates and higher click-through rates – Than other types of email

• Incorporate relevant promotional messages – Even better: position as a benefit

Customer Retention is the Key • Aim to build relationships and gain trust from your customers • Aim to create brand advocates

Develop brand loyalty to improve customer lifetime value.

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