etc&tal magazine - March 2012

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Gostaria de começar o editorial desejando a todos os leitores da etc&tal magazine uma excelente Páscoa, tendo como base os ensinamentos de amor ao próximo e altruísmo, difundidos por Jesus Cristo. Vivemos em um país multicultural, sendo assim, nossa reportagem de capa vem trazendo as diferentes formas de comemorar a Páscoa ao redor do mundo. Diga sim ao amor, a fraternidade e a

vida para construirmos um mundo melhor. Além disso, trazemos as novidades do Toronto Fashion Week, que aconteceu este mês na cidade, lembrando a você que o assunto moda terá destaque também na nossa próxima edição. Aguardem, muitas surpresas e novidades vêm por aí. O que está acontecendo na vida política aqui no Canadá, no Brasil, em Portugal e no

mundo nas páginas a seguir. E mais, dicas de moda, comportamento, tecnologia, beleza e saúde, e ainda as mudanças nas leis imigratórias canadenses. Aqui, na revista mais querida das comunidades de língua portuguesa de Toronto e região. Obrigada e boa leitura a todos.

Isa Melo

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Executive and Staff: Ziggy Pflanzer President Tony Candiano Financial Secretary Jamie Melo Durval Terceira Tony Pacenza Tony Losak Daniel Avero - OCCU

CARPENTERS LOCAL 1030 UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERCIA A Páscoa é a Festa da Família. O nosso Sindicato é uma Familia. Aqui estamos por isso a saudar todos os nossos membros de origem Portuguesa.

Feliz Páscoa são os nossos votos email:

LOCAL 1030 222 Rowntree Dairy Rd Vaughan, ON L4L 9T2 Telephone: 905-652-4140 Facsimile: 905-652-4139


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Pages 24-40


Politics Rodrigo de Matos Divulgação


Research shows fate of refugees at discretion of judges

A study done by law professor Sean Rehab of York University reveals that decisions made on refugee claims are entirely in the hands of those who judge them. The author of the research examined all of 34,204 decisions made in 2011 by 148 judges of the Immigration and Refugee Board and discovered inconsistencies in 100 percent of the decisions made, given a rate of acceptance of 44.6%. According to the researcher, the luck factor still seems to play a relevant role. That’s because eleven of the judges in the research approved only 10% of cases while their colleague judges were far more generous, approving guaranteed stay in the coun-

try in 90% of the cases. There are even extreme cases where judges disapproved all the refugee claims that came to them for the year. All this inconsistency bears the question: is all this mere coincidence? No, says Rehab. He says that the Ministry of Immigration should rethink the plan still under discussion to ban the possibility of appeal by those who are denied refugee status. Ministry Jason Kenney wants to create a list of countries considered safe and capable of providing protection to its citizens which would make these very same citizens easier to be identified, heard and asked to leave

Mayor Rob Ford threatened to lose power A respected lawyer and political activist filed request for an injunction of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s mandate and loss of political powers for seven years. Clayton Ruby, the person behind the request, alleges that the chief of the executive for the municipality violated the ‘Municipal Conflict of Interest Act’ for personal financial gains. According to the lawyer, Ford would have breached the Act in February when he requested that the chamber remove sanctions that had been in place for one and a half years that were imposed onto Ford by the Commissioner of Municipal Integrity. The mayor would have benefited of his position in power to ask councilors to vote for the transfer of $3150 Canadian dollars to his football foundation.

After going through the chamber, Ford himself approved the project and it went through. Those allied to the mayor criticized the request for an injunction and tried to rationalize and play down the gravity of the Mayor’s actions. According to some councilors, all of them practice similar politics when trying to get approval for projects that benefit their electoral base. Buy both Ruby and those who oppose Ford say that if the Mayor is not punished for his actions that this would be like an incentive for the practice of corruption on an even bigger scale. In any case, this bears the question of whether any judge would remove a mayor out of power for the sake of a few thousand dollars. Probably not. But then one also has to ask: does the law really apply to all?

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Events Corner Isa Melo

Rudy Ens


Events Corner Isa Melo

Rudy Ens



O executivo da local 183 e todos os seus representantes e funcionários saúdam a grande família sindical, agradecendo a comunhão de sentimentos e fraternidade desejando aos sócios e suas famílias e a comunidade em geral


Jack Oliveira Business Manager Luis Camara Secretary Treasurer

Nelson Melo President

Bernardino Ferreira Vice-President

Marcello Di Giovanni Recording Secretary

Jaime Cortez E-Board Member

Patrick Sheridan E-Board Member

Head Office 1263 Wilson Avenue, Toronto ON M3M 3G3 416 241 1183 ph • 416 241 9845 fx 1 877 834 1183 toll free

Simcoe County Office 62 Commerce Park Drive Units D&E, Barrie ON L4N 8W8 705 735 9890 ph • 705 735 3479 fx 1 888 378 1183 toll free

Eastern Office 560 Dodge Street, Cobourg ON K9A 4K5 905 372 1183 ph • 905 372 7488 fx 1 866 261 1183 toll free

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