etcetera magazine January 2021

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etcetera I’M FREE - TAKE ME, KEEP ME!



Miniature Marvels The Science Behind Snow Health Beating the January Blues

Happy New Year



Your Local Solution for Insulating Your Home To take advantage of the current government-funded insulation and air-to-water heat pump grants, make an appointment with one of our English advisers Contact Kate 05 55 14 62 77 or Luke 07 78 22 63 25 If you prefer to visit us in person we’d be delighted to welcome you at 9 rue de la gare in Rochechouart

hello & welcome

Contents 3

A note from the editors


What’s on


Latest news








Business & assistance





Welcome to the January edition of etcetera magazine.


Farm life



First and foremost - Happy New Year! Let’s hope that this year, in time, will see a less challenging time for everyone.




Free time




Night sky


Home & Specialist


Getting connected




Motoring & removals





Subscribe Annual subscription France 50€ / UK 50€ Card payment by telephone

Advertise Copy date 15th of each month (except December which is the 11th). Commercial adverts: Please see our Media Pack at What’s On/Listings: 12€ per 50 words for a guaranteed spot or free (space permitting) Classified listing: 6€ per 25 words plus 3€ per photo Property listing: 10€ per 50 words plus 6€ per photo

Photo credits: Bigstock, Pixabay,

A Note from the Editors

Code APE 5814Z Edition de Revues et Periodique Siret 80903463000016. La Présidente G. Feasey Registered. Le Bourg, 87360 Verneuil Moustiers. Impression: Rotimpres. Pol. Ind Casa Nova. Carrer Pla de l’Estany s/n. 17181 Aiguaviva (Girona) Espagne. etcetera est gratuit. While we always do our best to ensure the content in this magazine is given in good faith and businesses are reputable, we accept no liability for any errors or omissions and do not endorse any companies, products or services. Articles written are the personal opinions of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of etcetera magazine.

CONTACT US: Tel: 05 16 32 13 42 email: website: 17 rue des Chaumettes 86290 St Léomer

etcetera magazine


We hope you all managed to have an enjoyable Christmas, despite the circumstances and are now raring to go with the new year ahead! Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2021!

Gayle and Sam

Useful numbers 15 17 18

SAMU (Medical) Gendarmes (Police) Pompiers (Fire and also trained in medical emergency) 114 Text-message emergency number for deaf/hard of hearing 119 Child abuse 115 Homeless 113 Drugs and alcohol 112 European emergency not always English 1616 Emergency- Sea & Lake 3131 Last incoming call, key ‘5’ to connect Orange English speaking helpline 0033 (0)9 69 36 39 00 Website in English: Technical assistance for landlines (French): 3900 (+33 9 69 39 39 00 from abroad) SFR 1023 or 00336 1000 1023 (Not English) EDF 0810 333087 EDF breakdown 24 hours +33 (0)9 69 36 63 83 EDF Helpline in English 0033 562164908 (From UK) 05 62 16 49 32 Fax E-mail: CPAM - 09 74 75 36 46 Veolia Water Emergency No: 24h/24 et 7j/7 05 61 80 09 02 (press 1 for urgent problems or 2 for a technician) S.E.P Du Confolens (Water) 05 87 23 10 08 Emergency 24/7 Aéroport Int’l Limoges 05 55 43 30 30 SNCF (train times, buying tickets etc) 36 35 Alcoholics Anonymous For contact details of meetings in your area including those conducted in English, visit

Please download the pdf from this link now:

HOSPITALS 05 55 05 55 55 Limoges (CHU) 05 55 43 50 00 St Junien 05 55 47 20 20 Bellac 05 49 44 44 44 Poitiers 05 45 24 40 40 Angoulême 05 49 32 79 79 Niort 05 45 84 40 00 Confolens Counselling In France Counsellors, psychotherapists, NLP, CBT etc offering therapy in English to expatriates all over France on SSAFA France 05 53 24 92 38 email French Health Insurance Advice line. CPAM English speaking Advice line: 09 74 75 36 46 (from France) 0033 974 75 36 46 (from other countries). The line is open from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. NHS website : No Panic France Helpline: No Panic UK helpline: 0044 1 952 590 545 11h - 23h (French time) 7/7 / English-speaking Crisis Line SOS- HELP 01 46 21 46 46 3pm-11pm 7/7 British Consulate in Paris 01 44 51 31 00 British Consulate in Bordeaux 05 57 22 21 10 Credit Agricole English Speaking Helpline Charente (residents only) 05 45 20 49 60 Anglofile - Radio for British in Charente Tues 20h (repeated Sun 11h30). leme 96.8, Chalais 96.9, Confolens 95.4, Ruffec 95.4, Char. Limousine 104.1, Cognac 89.9

Print 2 copies - one for your home and one for your car - it could save a life.

etcetera 3


4 etcetera


etcetera 5

craft Sarah is the author of where she blogs about her original craft tutorials, recipes, foraging, and developing wellbeing through being By Sa rah Wh iting creative, spending time outdoors and connecting with nature

Mark the top and bottom

Fabric Flowerpots Evict cat


Materials: − White glue − Fabric − Terracotta flowerpots

− Paper, pen, pins and scissors to make a template and cut out the fabric − Acrylic paint and paintbrush

Pin and cut fabric


Make a template! I made templates for the fabric that I was covering my flower pots with.

Although not essential, this step really does make the rest of the project more manageable.

I also painted the inside of my flower pots with acrylic paint to coordinate with the fabric and give them a bespoke look. If you have different size flower pots, make sure you create a template for each size.

Place fabric into position

Cover pot with diluted glue

6 etcetera

craft Steps:


Mark the top and bottom of each size pot with a sharpie, so that you have a point to work from. Trace the top edge of the pot while rolling it one complete turn, adding a little extra for the overlap. Return to the beginning and then do the same for the bottom edge. To account for the fold of fabric over the top and bottom of the pot, I use a measure to add an inch. Cut out the template and check that it fits as planned. (You can see from the shape of the template that you would end up cutting lots of excess fabric off if you didn’t use one, so this step definitely makes everything easier later.


If you have one, evict your cat from their new found bed and cut out the fabric pieces using the template as a guide. Dilute your white glue (I use Bostik White Glu) with roughly the same amount of water to glue. You want it to be similar to the consistency of single cream.


Cover the outside wall of each pot with the diluted glue and placed the fabric in position, smoothing it into place. I find working with the pot upside down makes it really easy to position the fabric, leaving just a few millimetres sticking up ready to be stuck down in the next stage.


Depending on which glue you use, you should find it happily sticks the fabric to itself on the overlaps, so you shouldn’t need to do anything extra with the seams. Once the fabric is in position on the walls of the flower pot, leave the glue to dry before starting the next stage.


To finish the top edge of your fabric covered flower pots, cut slits in the fabric, and stuck each one down with the glue and once again leave to dry.


Once dry, upturn and fold the bottom edge over and gluing into place.

Cut slits and glue each one down

Brighten up your home with brightly coloured fabric pots

That’s it! Each one costs less than a euro to make, looks fantastic with a colourful plant in it and is a great way of using up odds and ends of material you have. Final tip - It’s better to keep your plants in a plastic container and then place these into your newly decorated fabric pots. When you need to water the plants you can just lift out the plant in the inner pot and water away from the fabric. This should ensure the fabric lasts for as long as you want it to!

Happy Crafting! And happy new year! etcetera 7

craft Tel. 06 72 38 82 20

Jewellery & Accessories Tues-Sat 10am-4pm

Re-opening 12 Jan 2021

20€ Made-in-Italy Clothing

English Cards & Sweets

87190 Magnac Laval

FRAMING Encadrement d’Art

T i c k

Picture framers to La Galerie de Gabriel 1 Rue du 19 Mars 1962 87150 Oradour sur Vayres

Siret: 493 623 00016

Thé Bonbons Cadeaux Tea Shop

bespoke handmade options available free advice given largest selection in the region

Nick Wiggins - 05 87 41 65 78 Email:

Transfer Your Cine Films & Videos e Volumunt Discoable il Ava

Super 8mm & standard 8mm films with or without sound, VHS, Hi8 plus other formats. DVD also memory card to DVD. Photo scans to CD also 35mm slides. Processed via pc software from analogue to digital.

Memorie are preciou - care i taken with all transfer

Ap po in By tm en tO

nl y

05 46 93 39 24


ROMO, WARWICK, FIBRE NATURELLE, MARK ALEXANDER and many more. Stock pieces and remnants from 1m upwards, all of recommended retail prices.


Fabric Stores Siret 887 552 602 00013

~ Craft groups welcome ~ 17 Route de la Gare 86390 Lathus St Remy

Jan - 0044 7976 620440 email


8 etcetera


CHANGES FROM 1ST JANUARY 2021 The first day of January this year sees important changes for British people and their freedom of movement. The UK government chose to end freedom of movement for people from the EU and therefore its own citizens as a result. If you are British and live in the EU, it’s vital you are aware of these changes which have now come into force.

GRANTS FOR ELECTRIC CARS A decree has just come into effect allowing anyone resident in France 1000€ towards an electric car including secondhand ones (before it was only for new vehicles). The grant is valid for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, with CO2 emissions of less than or equal to 20 g CO2/km. If you are buying the vehicle from a

dealership, they will apply for the grant on your behalf (grants are obtained from ASP (Agence de services et de paiement)) but if it’s a private purchase you will need to apply directly to the ASP. (At the time of print, full details are yet to be announced.) You can also combine this new grant with the already existing prime à la conversion.

From the 1st January, you must have at least 6 months left on your passport (this applies to children as well) when travelling to the majority of countries in Europe (not Ireland). It’s also important to note that if your passport had additional months added to it at the time of issue (due to months left being carried over) these ‘extra’ months are no longer valid. There may also be delays at border controls for non-EEA nations . While some are hopeful that countries who receive a heavy traffic of visitors (eg France, Spain etc) might relax these checks, it is wise to expect delays that you’re not normally used to. You may need to queue in a different lane as passport control and you may be asked more questions. Only time will tell. Another reminder regarding UK-issued EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), cards are no longer valid after 31st December 2020. However, pensioners in the EU who hold an S1 card and students studying in the EU can continue to use them but you must still apply for a new card. Everyone else must apply for a new card. In France, these are called the Carte Européenne Assurance Maladie (CEAM). If you hold a British driving licence and live in France you must apply for your French driving licence before the end of this year (31st December 2021). The system before was totally overwhelmed with British rushing to update their licences before Brexit but an online system is now in place. You can make your application online at the ANTS (Agence Nationale Des Titres Sécurisés) website (you’ll need to create an account with them), here is the address for the licence exchange: It’s important to note that different EU countries have different rules regarding licences, so you will need to check with each one.

50 MILLION TREES The Agriculture, Food and Forests Minister in France has announced that France will plant 50 million trees to repopulate its forests. The 200 million euro project has been launched to help fight global warming, with the plan being to involve schools throughout the country.

From the 1st January 2021 there are also changes concerning the amount of duty-free you can take back to the UK (before there were no limits). The limits are: 42 litres of beer, 4 litres of spirits or 9 litres of sparkling wine and 18 litres of still wine. If you exceed these limits, you will pay tax on all of it. For all other goods the limit is 430€. Don’t forget, under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement Brits have until July 2021 to apply for residency cards in France. Applications are made online here:

etcetera 9

language & advice

Parlez Français French conversation, vocabulary & traditions with Isabelle

Quelles nouvelles résolutions pour 2021 ?

apprenons ensemble Voici quelques suggestions. Here are some suggestions.

Et voilà ! Nous sommes en 2021. Avez-vous de bonnes résolutions pour la nouvelle année ? Après de nombreux mois très difficiles en 2020, principalement à cause de la crise sanitaire de la COVID-19, ainsi qu’une crise économique et sociale, nous espérons tous que l’année 2021 sera meilleure. Qu’allez-vous faire pour que 2021 soit plus gaie ? Here we are! We are in 2021. Do you have good resolutions for the New Year? After many very difficult months in 2020, mainly due to the health crisis of COVID-19, as well as a social and economic crisis, we all hope that the year 2021 will be better. What are you going to do so that 2021 is more joyful?

Broaden your horizons with CONTINENTAL HORIZONS! Bon courage ! Et à bientôt !


2021 à tous ! Très Joyeuse Année

Broaden your horizons with CONTINENTAL HORIZONS! Isabelle works for CONTINENTAL HORIZONS Language Centre in L’Isle Jourdain Isabelle Do and teaches French as a Foreign Language every day in their many classrooms. not hesitate to contact her on 05 49 84 17 73.

10 etcetera

Je vais prendre le temps de téléphoner et d’écrire à ma famille et à mes amis plus souvent. I am going to take time to call and write to my family and friends more often. Je vais me faire vacciner contre la COVID-19 dès que je le pourrai, pour me protéger et protéger les autres. I am going to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as I can, to protect myself and protect others. Je vais moins regarder la télévision. À la place, je vais plus lire. I am going to watch less TV. Instead, I am going to read more. Je vais manger plus de produits locaux, donc mieux pour moi et la planète. I am going to eat more local produce which is better for me and the planet. Je vais essayer de faire plus d’activité physique, comme la marche par exemple. I am going to try to do more physical activity, like walking for example. Je ne vais pas remettre à demain ce que je peux faire aujourd’hui. I am not going to postpone until tomorrow what I can do today.

language & advice

Je vais passer plus de temps à apprendre et à étudier le français. I am going to spend more time learning and studying French.

I am going to give my wife (or myself) a bunch of flowers once a week.

Je vais inviter mes voisins plus souvent pour un apéritif pour pratiquer mon français.

I am going to invite my family and friends to an outing to the cinema or theatre.

I am going to invite my neighbours more often for an aperitif to practise my French.

Je vais organiser une journée spa entre femmes (ou entre hommes).

Je vais m’abonner à un magazine français sur le jardinage pour mieux jardiner et profiter de mon jardin. I am going to subscribe to a French gardening magazine to better garden and make the most of my garden.

I am going to organise a day at a spa between ladies (or between men).

Je vais m’occuper plus de moi-même et de mon corps : je vais aller plus souvent chez le coiffeur et chez l’esthéticienne.

I am going to plan a great long holiday in the sun for the summer of 2022 (we are not yet sure if it will be possible in the summer of 2021).

I am going to look after myself and my body: I am going to go to the hairdresser more often and the esthetician.

Je vais inviter ma famille ou mes amis chez moi ou dans mon jardin plus souvent.

Je vais prendre les rendez-vous chez les spécialistes médicaux que j’aurais dû faire il y a longtemps.

I am going to invite my family and friends to my house or to my garden more often.

I am going to make the appointments with the medical consultants that I should have done a long time ago.

Je vais faire des sorties dans une grande ville au moins une fois par mois, pour voir du monde et pour faire de la thérapie shopping.

Je vais offrir à mon épouse ou je vais m’offrir à moi-même un bouquet de fleurs par semaine.

Je vais inviter ma famille et mes amis pour une sortie cinéma ou théâtre.

Je vais planifier de super grandes vacances au soleil pour l’été 2022 (nous ne sommes pas encore sûrs que cela sera possible à l’été 2021).

Let ’s learn together etcetera 11


▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Face -toFace

Or French Classes Online! Translation Services Help with Your Paperwork English & French Secondhand Books Ingrid Vincent Tél : 06 08 06 01 80 Mail :

Language School Secretarial and Administration Services Certified Legal Interpreting & Translating Coaching 15 Place d’Armes 86150 L’Isle Jourdain Tél. 05 49 84 17 73 Email: siret 483 146 353 00014


with experienced French teachers In Champagnac la Rivière (87150) Every Monday & Tuesday With Sandrine Durand 05 55 78 16 21 / 06 83 07 66 98 Siret: 488 296 450 00015

Groups - Private tutoring - E-learning Contact Alain 05 55 32 14 76 / 06 37 76 54 98 Siret: 824417364 00018

I am going to go out to a big city at least once a month, to see people and indulge in some shopping therapy. Je vais cuisiner de grands plats délicieux plus souvent et les partager avec mes amis. I am going to cook big delicious dishes more often and share them with my friends.

● Assistance with all admin needs ● Professional efficient & confidential service ● Competitive rates with flexible & friendly support Remy Hickman-Reed 06 37 76 56 51

Admin/Hand Holding Service New For Autumn 2020

We are proud to announce the recruitment of Ann Viollier, an admin genius. Ann is French but fluent in English and with years of French admin experience, she is the perfect person to help with C h a r e n t e A s s i s t a n c e Home | Garden l Pool all your admin woes

Garden Maintenance | Pool Care | Gîte Services | Admin Services | Advertise Your Business From just 35€ ttc per month New edition each month Contact Sam or Gayle 05 16 32 13 42

FRENCH COMMUNICATION SERVICES Comprehensive administration, translation and support services for English-speaking people in France…to make life easier. Call Jenny 06 79 85 58 84 Mail: Siret 504 587 924 00011

12 etcetera

Je vais faire du bénévolat dans une association qui s’occupe des personnes âgées ou malades. I am going to become a volunteer for an association which looks after elderly or ill people. Je vais organiser ou participer des événements pour récolter des fonds pour la recherche contre le cancer ou d’autres maladies, ou pour les associations humanitaires, ou pour les associations du personnel soignant pour leur dire encore merci. I am going to organise or take part in events to collect money for research against cancer or other diseases or for humanitarian charities or for associations of medical care staff to say thank you to them once again. Aussitôt que je le pourrai, je ferai des bises et encore des bises et des embrassades à toute la famille et à tous mes amis – de vrais bises non des virtuelles comme maintenant ! As soon as I can, I will give kisses and more kisses and hugs to all my family and all my friends – real kisses and not virtual ones like now!


Winter Warmers

Hello from the accidental Chatelaine! I love to cook at any opportunity and delighted to be able to share that love with you

(that won’t break the bank)


Cod and

Prawn Curry Ingredients (Serves 4) 15ml vegetable oil 1 onion, peeled and chopped 1 chilli, red or green, chopped 1 red pepper, chopped 1 clove of garlic, peeled and chopped

4cm ginger, peeled and chopped 2tsp tamarind paste 12 curry leaves (optional) 3 cardamom pods, lightly crushed 1tbsp turmeric 1tbsp curry powder 400g tin coconut milk 2 tbsp tomato puree 200g prawns, fresh or frozen 400g cod fillets, fresh or frozen 1 lime, zest & juice Small bunch of coriander salt and pepper

By Beli n

da Prin ce

Chateau Kitchen

Method: 1. Blitz the onion, chilli, pepper, ginger and garlic in a food processor to make a thick paste. 2. Place a pan over a medium heat, add the oil, then fry the paste until it’s hot and sizzling. Add the tamarind paste, spices and tomato puree. Cook for a few minutes and add the coconut milk. Add the fish, cover and simmer until just cooked, then add the prawns and heat through for a minute or so. Finish the dish with the lime zest and juice and sprinkle with coriander.

etcetera 13

food Method:

Cheesy Beany Crunch

1. Gently heat the oil in a large saucepan. Add the onion, bacon and garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion is soft (2–3 minutes).

Ingredients (Serves 4)

2. Add the stock and tomatoes. Drain and rinse the beans and add to the tomato mixture along with the chilli powder and salt and pepper to season.

10ml sunflower oil 1 large onion, peeled and finely chopped 100g smoked lardons (or mushroom if you’re choosing a veggie option)) 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed 150ml vegetable or chicken stock 1 x 400g tinned chopped tomatoes 2 x 400g tinned beans of your choice (red kidney beans, cannellini beans etc) ½tsp chilli powder 3 slices wholemeal or white bread, crumbed 75g hard cheese (cheddar, comté, emmental, gruyère), grated salt and pepper to taste

3. Bring to the boil stirring all the time, then reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Transfer to an ovenproof dish. 4. Preheat the grill to a moderate temperature. Mix the breadcrumbs and grated cheese and spoon over the bean mixture. Grill until the topping is golden brown. You could also make this ahead; cook the bean mixture for about 10 minutes and heat through the finished dish in a moderate oven for about 30-40 minutes. This is good served with salad or as part of a savoury buffet.

Ingredients (Serves 4) 750g root vegetables (swede, parsnip, turnip etc) 20g butter + extra for greasing 1 large onion, sliced

Root Vegetable Tartiflette

200g smoked lardons 1 tsp mixed herbs 200ml crème fraiche (full or half fat) 240g reblochon cheese

1. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil. Thickly slice the vegetables and add to the pan, cook for about 6 minutes until just tender to the point of a knife and drain thoroughly.

3. Lightly butter a medium size ovenproof gratin dish. Thinly slice the Reblochon cheese. Place half the vegetables in the bottom of the dish, then spoon over half the onions and lardons, half the crème fraiche and sliced cheese. Season well and then repeat the layers finishing with a layer of cheese. Bake in the oven for about 25 minutes, until golden brown and bubbling.

2. Melt the butter in a pan over a medium heat. Fry the onions and

Delicious served with cornichons, salad and crusty bread.

salt and pepper to taste Pre heat the oven to 220º/200º fan/gas 7 Method:

Advertise Your Business

lardons until crisp and golden and stir through the herbs.

Saturdays & Sundays, 9am to 11am:

Full English Breakfasts

14 etcetera


Sausagemeat and Fennel Ragu Ingredients (Serves 4) 15ml vegetable oil 1 onion, peeled and diced 1 chilli, red or green, finely sliced 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped 2 tsp fennel seeds 1tbsp dried oregano 500g good quality sausagemeat/ pork stuffing 200ml red wine 2tbsp tomato puree 1 tin chopped tomatoes salt and pepper Method: 1. Place a pan over a medium heat, add the oil, then fry the onion, garlic and chilli for a few minutes. 2. Dry fry the fennel seeds until fragrant, then lightly crush in a pestle and mortar. Add the fennel seeds to the pan with the oregano and cook for a minute or so.

Château Mareuil

History, Beauty, Tradition…

Luxury Holidays with Private Pool Come and visit our Chambres d’Hôtes - Parties, Celebrations & medieval château Weddings - Wine Tasting & Private Dining Château Brocante Shop NEW opening in Spring 2021 (if possible!)

Siret: 840796015 00013

3. Add the meat to the pan and stir to break up the clumps, fry until browned. Add the wine and cook until it’s reduced by about half, add the tomato puree and chopped tomatoes and season to taste. At this point, you could place in the slow cooker for 3 hours on low, or simmer on the hob over a low heat for about 45 mins or place in a low oven for an hour or so. Serve with pasta and plenty of grated parmesan cheese.

Belinda and Lee Prince - Château Mareuil, Mareuil, 86290 Brigueil-le-Chantre etcetera 15


Taxation on Rental Properties


− The costs of repairs and maintenance

T: 05 45 84 14 94

− The cost of management, administrative and legal fees

− The cost of insurance − Taxe foncière


he taxation of your rental property can have an important impact on your property investment strategy. Unfurnished rentals The income perceived from an empty rental property (unfurnished) is declared as revenus fonciers. In this type of rental income, you have two possible regimes: micro-foncier and foncier réel. Micro-foncier This is ideal for small revenues. To stay on the micro-foncier regime, the total rent perceived must not exceed 15 000 € / per annum. For this calculation, we need to include all rental received during the year (Jan-Dec). This includes equally: − Exceptional payments: insurance compensation of unpaid rent − Accessory rent: for example, advertising board rental. Within the micro-foncier regime, you need to declare the rent hors charges locatives in order to benefit from the 30% exoneration. Tax is applied therefore to 70% of the rent. For example, if you have received 10 000€ of rent hors charge, taxation is applied to 70% of this sum i.e. 7 000€. This is particularly interesting if you have low running costs. Hors Charges The charges locatives are paid on top of the rent. They are to cover the cost of certain maintenance. The tenant is responsible for the maintenance and small repairs to the rental property. Therefore, if the washer in a tap needs replacing then this is at the tenant’s cost. If the tap however needs replacing, then it is at the owner’s cost. This is mainly for properties where there are shared areas, such as in a block of flats, e.g. for the maintenance of a lift. If the property is a simple house, there are no shared areas, so the only cost that can be passed onto the tenant is possibly the dustbin bill. Réel foncier Unlike the micro-foncier regime, reel foncier permits the calculation of a real profit. It allows for certain costs to be deducted from the annual rent, in order to reflect the real gain. You can therefore deduct, before tax, the following expenses, without limitation:

16 etcetera

− Mortgage interest However, you can not deduct any of the cost of the property purchase or the fees. For example, if you have received 10 000€ rent, and have spent 2050€ (1150€ on maintenance work, 400€ on taxe foncière, 100€ in insurance and 400€ on management fees), Your taxable rental income will be 10 000€ – 2 050€ = 7 950€. One of the advantages with this regime is that you can carry forward losses. If, for example, you make a loss in your first year due to expensive improvements, then the loss, can be deducted from next year’s net rental income. If you receive less than 15 000€ annual rental, it is imperative to calculate which regime is more advantageous to you. Taxes All rental income is subject to two taxes in France; income tax and social tax. Income tax is defined by your family situation and includes other incomes. Social tax is applied at 17.2% of the net taxable rental income. In terms of accounting, this is just part of your personal tax return. You can change from one regime to the other every two years. Furnished rentals The income perceived from a furnished rental property is declared as revenus de locations meublées non-professionnels. The rent perceived from this must be lower than other forms of household income (salaries, pensions etc..). With this type of rental income, you also have two possible regimes: micro and réel. You must register for a siret number with the tax office for these types of income. Micro Non-Professionnel Again, this is ideal for projects where the real costs are lower than the tax allowance. To stay on the micro non-professionnel regime, the total rent perceived must not exceed 23 000 € / per annum. For this calculation, we need to include all rental received during the year (Jan-Dec). This includes again; −

Exceptional payments: insurance compensation of unpaid rent

Accessory rent: for example advertising board rental.

Within the micro non professionnel regime, you need to declare the rent hors charges locatives in order to benefit from

the 50% exoneration. Tax is applied therefore to 50% of the rent. For example, if you have received 10 000€ of rent hors charge, taxation is applied to 50% of this sum i.e. 5 000€. If your rental is less than 305€ par annum, then you do not pay tax. Réel Non-Professionnel Unlike the micro regime, réel regime permits the calculation of a real profit. This version of réel allows for a wider range of costs to be deducted from the annual rent. The big difference between this and the réel foncier is that you can include the purchase of the property and the fees related to the purchase. The accounting for this is run like a business and we separate costs into annual expenses and depreciable assets. This means that certain costs, that we call assets, are spread over their ‘life span’. For example, if you paid 100 000€ for the purchase of the property under fiscal rules, we would depreciate the cost over 15 years. This means that 6 667€ would be deducted as an expense every year, thus reducing your net taxable income. You also have the option on this regime to be TVA registered. Taxes As before, all rental income is subject to two taxes; income tax and social tax. Income tax being defined by your family situation and other incomes and social tax being applied at 17.2% of the net taxable rental income. In terms of accounting, it varies as to whether you have chosen the micro or the réel option. If you have chosen the micro, this continues to be just part of your personal tax return. However, if you have chosen the réel regime, then you are required to keep full accounts, complete a professional tax return as well as including this on your personal tax return. Depending on the area your property is situated in, you may be subject to business premises tax (CFE). You can change from one regime to the other every two years. Other structures The structures mentioned above are for the personal ownership of a property. You can also create a property company, this is called a Société Civile Immobilière (SCI). There are advantages to this, especially for inheritance or group ownership. It is however more complicated and therefore expensive to run. Talk to your accountant about this. Unlike in the UK, holiday rentals are grouped in with furnished rentals. This is a separate type of rental income.

business INSURANCE

ISABELLE WANT BH ASSURANCES course, performances of the past are no guarantee for the future! d) Fees: Entry fee is 4.50% negotiable. Usually above €100 000, I take 0%. Management fee per year is 1.015%+ between 1.36% and 2.90% for the income guarantees (depends on your age and when you start the income).

ALLIANZ 4LIFE Formule Retraite (for Pensions)


ost of you by now know about the savings account called Assurance Vie which is an investment with tax advantages (revenues and inheritance tax) but did you know that with us, there are different sorts of Assurance Vie depending on what you expect from your money. This article will present you with 1 very innovative assurance vie from Allianz which is looking to guarantee you with a regular income for the rest of your life. a) Criteria for subscribing: Available to any French resident of 50 to 75 years old who has a minimum of €30 000 to invest. Maximum €500 000. b) How does it work: This investment guarantees you an income for life hence the name Allianz4Life meaning Pension for Life! This income depends on how old you are when you start the investment. Between 60 and 63, it is 2% of the amount you invest, between 64 and 70 it is 2.40% and after 71 years old, it is 2.90% but this amount is re-evaluated once a year on the

anniversary date of the contract and it can never come down, it can only go up! E.g.: You invest €100 000 and you are 65 so you will get €2 400 per year of income (payments can be made yearly, quarterly or monthly). After one year, your investment has gone up to €120 000 so your new income is now €2 880 per year. Then the year after the investment is €90 000, your income will still be €2 880! Even if you have no money left (in case of a crash!) you will always get the highest revenue you got to. The income can start from the age of 60 meaning you can invest the money at 50 years old but can only start receiving the income at the age of 60. Even if you don’t receive the income, it is re-evaluated every year if your capital grows. c) How the money is invested: The money is invested on one fund: Allianz Strategy 50. Rated 5 stars by Morningstar (Independent investment research). Allianz Strategy 50 has made +9.76% in 2017, and +62.62% in the last 6 years. Of

e) Withdrawals: Partial and total are possible at any time. No fees. Note that if you make a partial withdrawal, it will reduce your guaranteed income by the same %. So, if you cash in €10 000 and that represents 10% of your capital, your guaranteed income is reduced by 10%. f) Adding money to it: Not possible! You can open another one with €30 000 though! Conclusion: With interest rates being at their lowest ever, it is imperative to look at alternative investments that would bring more income without risking it all. Especially if inflation goes above the % of interest you get. If this happens, you actually lose money without realising it. Allianz has a solvability ratio that is one of the best on the market at 174% for Allianz France and 200% for Allianz Group so don’t hesitate to contact me for any further information regarding our very large range of investments. And remember to check out our web site for all my previous articles (“practical information”) and register to receive our monthly Newsletter. You can also follow us on Facebook: “Allianz Jacques Boulesteix et Romain Lesterpt”. And don’t hesitate to contact me for any other information or quote on subjects such as funeral cover, inheritance law, investments, car, house, professional and top up health insurance, etc…

Isabelle Want Mob•: 06 17 30 39 11 / Email• N° Orias 07021727/16005974 22 rue Jean Jaures 16700 Ruffec Tél:+33 (0)5 45 31 01 61

102 Avenue de la République 16260 Chasseneuil sur Bonnieure Tél:+33(0)5 45 39 51 47

10 Bd du 8 mai 1945 16110 La Rochefoucauld Tél:+33 (0)5 45 63 54 31

2 Avenue de la Gare 16270 Roumazieres-Loubert Tél:+33(0)5 45 71 17 79

etcetera 17

business FINANCE


New Year Resolutions ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪


t’s that time of year again! The festivities have ended, the wine’s drunk and the leftovers have all been consumed. It’s also around this time that we vow to stick to our “new” New Year resolutions. If you’re undecided as to what they might be, perhaps it is time to make a resolution for reviewing your finances as well.

With Brexit done and almost dusted, and hopefully now knowing what the impact of this will be, it would be wise to look at how it will have had an impact on your financial goals, your pensions, and your savings.

You may want to ask yourself a few of these questions below. ▪

When was the last time you did/had a financial review?

18 etcetera

▪ ▪

▪ ▪ ▪

Are your savings now in the right account and place? Do you know that you are getting the best returns on your savings account? Do you know how your investments have been performing? Are your savings in a tax efficient investment plan? Could your investments be performing better? Are your pensions located in the best country if you live in France? Do you have pension schemes in the UK that you don’t know about or are unsure about their future ability to provide a pension? Is it time to investigate moving your pensions from the UK? If you are saving for something in particular are your savings on track to enable you to reach your goal? Have you been getting the best exchange rates from sterling to euros? Have your financial needs or priorities changed? Are you up to date with any changes in the French tax system that could

have an impact on your savings and investments? What effect has Brexit had on your pensions and savings?

If you are unsure about some of the answers that are revealed when asked, then it’s likely time for a financial review. It is always wise to have a regular financial review to make sure that you are fully informed of any financial changes that may have happened, and to see if you can make your money work even harder for you during these challenging times. I can assure you that it will be time well spent to ensure that you are in the best position you can be with your finances. All you’ll have lost is the time it takes for a review to be performed; time that will repay you with peace of mind and reassurance. When choosing an adviser to carry out a financial review on your behalf, always ensure that they are fully regulated in the country they are based in, as well as being fully independent so that they can offer impartial advice, and have access to all of the financial markets. This article should not be construed as providing advice.


You’ve Set up Your Business, Now What?


021 will see newly formed businesses with a blank canvas stretched out before them. You’ve gone through the paperwork, you’ve waited patiently to get your siret number, and now it’s time to bring in some income. What you do to bring in income needs to be balanced with doing the right things to run your business. They are dependent on each other, and you are responsible for both aspects. Running a business is a priority. Here are some basic building blocks for yours. Know exactly every euro/centime that you need to pay. Each year in France, there is always the pattern of bills and taxes and insurances. If in doubt, ask within your network. And keep a keen eye on your cash flow. There will be some months where money needs to flow out quicker than it’s coming in. Some industries have peaks and troughs. Map out where these are likely to occur for your business. Once you know what your overheads are and when your pricing needs to cover them. Your cash flow will

go up and down throughout the year. The result at the end of the financial year is to have, at least, covered all of your costs. Have a business plan! Have some idea of what you want to achieve and how you are going to do it. Because having a plan keeps you focused. Review it regularly, and adapt as you go along because the path never runs smooth. You just never know what can send you/your business careering off course. Realise that there will be times when you are working more hours than you care to imagine. At the start of the year schedule in your downtime. All too often, business owners work through without proper rest. You are the number one asset for your business, so look out for yourself as well as your customers. Market your business and get the word out there as quickly as possible. If you don’t promote you or your business, how will you make money? As part of the balancing what you do with doing the



right things for your business, marketing is up there as a number one priority. You are the chief marketer, promoter, salesperson for your enterprise. You can have the swankiest looking website or coolest logo, but those alone are not going to put bread on your table. For many, being self-employed is a first, add in being self-employed in a different country and comfort zones cease to exist. Accept that being self-employed comes with highs and lows. Remember, you are not alone; every business owner has, at some point, experienced problems. It can be lonely, so it’s crucial that you don’t isolate yourself and that you build a reliable network as quickly as possible as this will be invaluable to you. Wishing all businesses old and new the very best in 2021!

Sandrine TUYERAS Insurance Agent All Insurances Finance & Investment Email : website :

N°ORIAS 14001253

5 rue Lamartine 87300 BELLAC Tél. 05 55 68 11 80

4 Place de l’Hôtel de Ville 87140 NANTIAT 05 55 53 51 18

Join Our Online Community - EVERY MONTH

Let’s talk currency Sue Cook Regional Coordinator Centre Ouest 87600 Rochechouart +33 (0)555 036 669 +33 (0)689 992 889 E: Siret: 444 729 008 00011

TONY FARRELL INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ADVISER The Spectrum IFA Group, with over 20 years’ experience advising expatriates throughout Europe on all aspects of financial planning T: 05 55 89 57 94 E: TSG Insurance Services S.A.R.L. Siège Social: 34 Bd des Italiens, 75009 Paris. R.C.S. Paris B 447 609 108 (2003B04384). Société de Courtage d’assurances. Intermédiaire en opération de Banque et Services de Paiement. Numéro d’immatriculation 07 025 332 – Conseiller en investissements financiers, référencé sous le numéro E002440 par ANACOFI-CIF, association agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers

Advertise Your Business Call Sam or Gayle on 05 16 32 13 42 or email: etcetera 19




egardless of our communication preferences, Christmas and New Year has been celebrated in style within many households. We now have to deal with the aftermath. Surveys have been carried out on our eating habits during the festive season and it is widely believed that the average person eats around 6,000 calories on Christmas day alone! Yes, I got that right! Not me I hear you cry, but trust me it is possible. Have you ever eaten your Christmas Day lunch, after which you vowed you would never eat again? That is until after your afternoon nap and you find yourself waking up feeling a little peckish. You hit the Christmas cake or the mince pies or that box of chocolates you bought on Christmas Eve as they were on offer in the supermarket.

20 etcetera

Now it is time to start to repair the damage, but how? OPTION ONE Eat everything left over after New Year as fast as you can in order to get rid of it and then go cold turkey to try and lose the weight you have gained. You have read somewhere that it will help your weight loss, therefore you start a new routine or join the gym. OPTION TWO You hide everything at the back of the cupboard and believe you will not eat it because you cannot see it. In addition, you start a new exercise routine that you are unable to maintain as you have set your expectations too high and your body is not ready for the level of activity. If you are lucky this will last two days. For most mere mortals both options are doomed to failure. Our bodies will be

By Louise Cotton

Louise works with the Fit for Life Association as a Clinical Weight Loss Coach. She is also a Hypnotherapy Practitioner Specialising in Hypnotic Gastric Band Therapy


crying out for sugar as we have overindulged and they are used to consuming sugar and therefore you give up and tuck back in to all the ‘good stuff’. Ever signed up to a gym in January, gone twice and never gone back? Whether you need to lose just the couple of pounds/kilos as a result of Christmas or you have decided it is time for some serious weight loss, here are some starter tips for you.

1. Set sensible goals and do not beat yourself up if every day is not a success.

2. Cut down on your portions. This enables you to enjoy all types of food, but just less of it.

3. Cut your remaining Christmas cake into small portions and freeze it. Treat yourself once a week.


4. Chocolates freeze. Put them on a tray and freeze them individually. Treat yourself occasionally to a couple. Remember to defrost them first otherwise you may need the dentist!!

5. Take the chocolates to a friend as a gift. Preferably one who is not on the same plan.

6. Do not buy/make any snacks, cakes or biscuits. You cannot eat them if you do not have them.

7. Read some of the food labels – they will surprise you. The odd indulgence soon adds up and low calorie or lowfat foods can hide added sugars.

8. Take care when switching to healthy snacks – nuts and seeds can have just

as many calories, but of course have health benefits.

9. Go for a walk when the weather allows. It is one of the best exercises you can do. When you are out you cannot eat, but do not reward yourself when you get home!

succeed in losing those pounds/kilos you have gained. Wishing you good luck and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

10. Get the rest of your household to help you or join up with a friend for encouragement. Going it alone is difficult.

11. Don’t expect success overnight. The scales will take some time to move, but they will in time. Correcting Christmas does not mean going without. The more you restrict yourself the more you will want what you think you cannot have and the less likely you are to

etcetera 21




he subject of a hit song from the seventies, it seems to be a fact of life but what do we actually know about it?

“January blues” is a situational seasonal depression and is associated with how we Dark days think and feel. Seasonal Affective Disorder As the ever lengthening evenings turn to (SAD) can affect people for months at a darkness depression creeps around in the time and doctors believe it is related to night stealing what little joy remains, how the body responds to sunlight. “Those happiness seems affected by SAD produce elusive and life is a higher levels of struggle. melatonin than normal resulting in lethargy and It can make you feel moody, The return of the symptoms morning light brings sapping your energy and of depression”. a renewal of hope, a encouringing you to sink vaccine waiting in This year I strongly into depression the wings speaks of suspect that due to the a new lease of life Covid pandemic the and the thought that January blues will affect soonish our lives may get back a larger number of the population than it on track. otherwise would. The stress of trying to understand and live with the omnipresent threat of Covid will play on the minds of many who would otherwise present only marginal symptons.

26 22 etcetera

By Jill M

SAD is a type of depression that comes and goes in seasonal patterns. It can make you feel moody, sapping your energy and encouringing you to sink into depression.

In most cases, seasonal affective disorder symptoms appear during late autumn or early winter and go away as the sunnier days of spring appear. Less commonly, people with the opposite pattern have


Jillian Martin MSc is a qualified and accredited counsellor. Jill started her counselling career in 2006 for the charity MIND & IAPT (NHS) - She is an experienced mental health practitioner and counsellor living in the Vienne

symptoms that begin in spring or summer. In either case, symptoms may start out mild and become more severe as the season progresses. Recognisable signs and symptoms of SAD may include ▪

Feeling depressed for most of the day.

Having no energy

Feeling irritable

Losing interest in hobbies

Having difficulty concentrating

Feeling hopeless, worthless or guilty

Having unexplained pains in the body

health While you may not initially feel like having contact with friends or family on some days, seeing or speaking to them will help increase your mood, so do stay in touch, and tell them how you’re feeling

Getting out fof the house and exercising will help improve your mood, explore new places! So what can we do to help ourselves? So how can we help ourselves combat seasonal SAD during the winter months, particulary in this year of heightened uncertantity? What steps do we take to keep our mood and motivation steady and consistent thoughtout the year? 1. Exercise is a powerful way to combat SAD and can boost serotonin, endorphins, and other feel-good brain chemicals. In fact, exercise can treat mild to moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant

medication. Exercise can also help to improve your sleep and boost your self-esteem. 2. Try to keep in contact with friends in person, by ‘Zoom’, ‘Facetime’, the interweb or even a good old fashioned phone call. 3. Increase natural light in the home by opening the shutters, throwing back the curtains and then go sit near the window and take an interest in the outside world. 4. Go for walks, borrow the neighbour's dog if need be, take up a

new hobby, go cycling, get some fresh air, paint the walls in your home a lighter colour. Lift your mood with a splash of colour, laugh and rejoice in the daylight and tickle the belly of SAD. If you really feel that despite your best endeavours you can no longer cope and you are unable to muster up the energy to function please contact your doctor in the first instance or for a confidential chat call a qualified registered counsellor (such as myself, advert on p24). If you cannot get the sunshine back into your life, talking helps.

etcetera 23


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24 etcetera

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Lonicera x fragrantissima

By Caroline Wright

Caroline has been a lecturer in horticulture for 20 years and is now running a nursery and 'garden craft' courses in the Haute-Vienne at Le jardin creatif



’ve decided to kick off with a timely look at creating colour and interest in your garden by selecting plants that will steal the show over the winter months. For many plants winter is a time for dormancy in the garden and it is easy to forget to go outside and see what is happening out there, but it is important to remember that a breath of fresh air can do us the power of good (especially in times of limited access to the countryside). Here are a few of my favourite winter wonders that will add year-round structure to your borders, brighten the garden during the darkest months and provide essential nectar and food for birds and insects and give colour, scent and interest for us too. Lonicera x fragrantissima – this is one of the ‘shrubby’ honeysuckles (it forms a domed shrub and doesn’t climb) and as the name suggests it has highly fragrant flowers that cover the arching stems from late December right through to April. This semi-evergreen shrub is easy to grow and is perfectly hardy. The scent from the

winter flowers has been evolved to attract insects from far and wide and provide a vital source of nectar for bees that emerge from hibernation on those sunny winter days. It makes an excellent cut flower too – cutting a couple of stems and bringing them indoors will scent a room, the flowers lasting for up to a week.

but they save them until last (giving preference to the red, orange and yellow berries) so that we can also enjoy a long display and the birds have some food left later on in deep winter. Plant this shrub next to other winter interest plants such as Cornus alba sibirica to benefit from the contrasting colours.

Callicarpa bodinieri ‘Profusion’ – Sarcococca confusa – common names everyone who visits the Le Jardin Créatif include the ‘winter box’ and ‘Sweet box’ – during late autumn and winter remarks on it belongs to the same plant family as the this plant. A deciduous shrub that sits as the common box, and the evergreen quietly in the background while the leaves are similar although summer they are bigger and shinier. Everyone who visits the flowering Forming a low spreading plants take Le Jardin Créatif during shrub, it makes good ground their turn, but late autumn and winter cover and produces tiny white come late flowers emerging in remarks on this plant September the November and December leaves begin to from every leaf axil, producing turn to deep shades of purple & burgundy, a powerful scent that fills the air for lasting several weeks before falling and at several metres around the plant. the same time the bright purple berries Preferring a little shade or slightly damp ripen in clusters along the stems giving a soil this is a good choice for growing as an vibrant display that lasts well into the understory plant beneath deciduous trees winter. They provide food for the birds – or in a north or east facing border.

etcetera 25


Callicarpa bodinieri ‘Profusion’

Cornus alba sibirica

Sarcococca confusa

26 etcetera

Cornus st

olonifera flaviramia


Helleborus orientalis hybrids – For coloured bark, a display of Cornus species and cultivars cannot be beaten, although Hellebores are generally classed Cornus alba sibirica, producing bright as shade loving plants I have found that they grow equally well in the sunny, dryer red bark on the one-year old growth areas of my garden. In fact they do so well makes a fabulous contrast to Cornus here that they self-seed happily and have stolonifera flaviramia, with its bright citrus green stems. Both of these varieties naturalised all around the garden. benefit from being cut hard back in late Hellebores are very promiscuous and March to promote a mass of new stems cross pollinate easily – again being one of the earliest that will sport the flowering plants coloured bark for the They do so well here that following winter, while they are visited by they self-seed happily and the early awoken Cornus ‘Winter have naturalised all bees – this gives a Beauty’ (also known as around the garden Cornus ‘Midwinter wide variation Fire’) produces a between the graded colour effect from the bright fiery seedlings and therefore every new plant is a surprise when the flowers first open. red of the one year old growth at the top of Hellebores clump up very slowly and the stems, fading to orange then pale yellow at the base giving the effect of dislike being disturbed so ‘named’ flames. To prune this variety you need to cultivated varieties (cultivars) take a long promote the one, two and three year old time to produce and therefore can be very growth so cut hard back only a third of the expensive to buy but seed grown hybrids oldest stems each year to promote young which will start to flower in their third growth and leave the rest to develop the year are much more affordable and give graded effect. you an equally lovely display of flowers

from late winter through until late April and even May. They do not last well as cut flowers as the stems flop very quickly but for a stunning indoor display, cut a range of flowers and float them upside down in a shallow glass bowl to appreciate the beautiful inner petals and variety of colours and patterns. Although the leaves are evergreen, it is wise to cut them back in November or December just before the flower buds emerge so that you benefit from a more visible display of flowers, the new leaves emerging as the flowers fade. We grow a range of winter interest plants alongside our summer flowering perennials at our ‘Petite Pépinière’ and have a winter display border in the garden. We will be opening the nursery on Saturdays again from the beginning of March and on selected dates through the winter – keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for details (Covid restrictions permitting). Website: Facebook: @LeJardinCreatif87

etcetera 27

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etcetera 29



By Ronnie Ogier

Ronnie is a passionate gardener and now loves sharing her years of experience of success and failures in her own garden and sharing it with you. Also a keen runner, having been bitten by the ‘Couch to 5K’ bug!



his can be a frustrating time of year with little or no activity in the garden; it’s raining, it’s snowing or it’s too cold! But it is still possible to ‘garden’ as this is a great time to start planting seeds - with a little care and planning they are really easy to grow. I find growing from seed exciting and very satisfying - I put a little black object in compost in January and then in July they give me beautiful flowers and tasty vegetables. It makes me smile every year. Growing from seed gives the opportunity to produce lots of plants, either bedding plants or perennials, very cheaply, which means you can fill your garden or give some away to friends. Also, as we are unlikely to be able to purchase bedding plants from the UK, this may be the only way to plant lots of summer bedding plants at a reasonable cost. But

30 etcetera

don’t start all your seeds at the same time; something that I do regularly. But just the period for germination varies from hold back for a minute, think about the seed to seed, and whatever you sow in space and time required to look after the January will need potting on and more seedlings and how you’d use the plants space in February when they’re ready to or March or April plant out. There is never Once, several years ago, when other seeds a 100% guarantee of I found that I had left will be ready for success from a packet of myself with over a planting. Have you seeds, and I’ve planted the space and have seeds and looked at hundred tomato plants you the time? But naked seed trays for it’s worth having weeks or even months on a go! end with no success, but thankfully the majority of your attempts should work. So, what does a seed need to germinate and grow happily? The four main So, you’ve decided to have a go, what next? requirements are compost, heat, water First step is to fill a pot or tray with and air, and perhaps a fifth – time. It is compost and tap it down to remove air beguiling to look at colourful seed packets pockets, then press it down firmly. Never in a garden centre or a catalogue and be tempted to use home produced envisage all those flowers in your garden, compost for your seeds – it will be full of


Use a soil blocker to create your soil blocks, which serve as both the container and the growing medium for a transplant seedling pathogens which can kill young seedlings. For seeds to germinate they need a sterile environment, so use a good quality proprietary compost. The surface of the compost should be just below the rim of the tray or pot to allow space for grit and watering. It’s important to have the compost near the top to allow as much light as possible to reach the emerging seedlings. The seeds will still germinate if the compost is well below the surface, but as they grow towards the light they will become ‘leggy’. Sow the seeds as thinly as possible as seedlings too close together are likely to be susceptible to ‘damping off’, a fungal disease which will rapidly destroy your seedlings, and you may also be left with hundreds of seedlings with nowhere to put them! Once, several years ago, I found that I had left myself with over a hundred tomato plants. There were several varieties and I kept on potting them all on, just in case one or two died! I’ve learnt from that and now only prick out the number I want to have as plants and three or four spares which I can usually give away. Scatter your seeds on the surface of the compost, but push larger seeds, such as sweet peas, lupins or beans, below the surface. Never cover the seeds with compost, sprinkle a thin layer of fine grit or vermiculite and firm gently.

The unique open book system allowing the root trainer to be unfolded allows easy removal of plants without damaging the root system and helps avoid transplant shock let them grow on. The bigger and stronger they are before you plant out the better they'll grow. However, one of the most frustrating things about starting from seed is waiting for them to emerge from the soil. You can eliminate this wait time by pre-sprouting seeds. So, what are the benefit of pre-sprouting? −

Saves Time. Pre-sprouting accelerates germination because you can give the seeds ideal moisture, air and temperature conditions indoors.

Eliminates Thinning Out Seedlings. No need to toss three or four seeds into a pot and hope at least one will germinate only to have all four seeds sprout forcing you to eliminate the extras.

Conserves Space. No need to seed a whole tray hoping that at least half will germinate. You only plant the seeds that sprout.

Now add the next vital ingredient – water. The best way to water is from below, so stand the container in shallow water until the grit is damp, then remove and allow to drain. Place in a bright well-ventilated spot. If you have a propagator, that will speed up germination and water when the compost feels dry. Don’t overwater.

Pre-sprouting is a method of germinating seeds before they are planted into a growing medium. You can use recycled plastic food or egg trays or even a moistened paper towel, almost any container will work. If using a plastic tray or egg box put a piece of damp paper towel in each cell. Put the seeds on the top of the damp paper and close the lid, or place in a plastic bag, and label with the seed and the date. I leave mine in the kitchen on top of the tall fridge, out of the way, and check daily for germination and to make sure the towel stays damp. Once the seeds sprout, they can be carefully transplanted into trays or pots and kept in the light and warmth.

Once the seedlings have their first true leaves, not the two seed leaves that emerge as the seedling begins to grow, prick them out before the roots get tangled up. Always hold by the seed leaves, not by the delicate stems. Plant further apart in fresh compost in a tray, or individual pots and

If you choose to sow seeds directly into compost you can put them into any pot or seed tray. When planting in trays I tend to use either deep half trays or when I can get them, narrow trays five of which fit into a full-size seed tray. These are all plastic, not biodegradable, but if they are cleaned

after use they will last for many years. You can buy biodegradable pots of various sizes, but these are generally not reusable. You can also use toilet or kitchen roll tubes and plant the seedlings out still in the roll, but water well to ensure the tube decomposes. This is particularly useful for seeds that produce long roots such as sweet peas or edible peas and beans. You can make your own from newspaper, wrapping strips of paper around a shaped block of wood and folding the base of the paper over the block before removing the block. You can buy lots of different proprietary pots and pot makers from some garden centres and certainly from the internet. Over the years I have acquired several different ones, all of which are reusable and have served me well for many years. My favourites are: −

A kit for making paper pots - you can find instructions to make these on the internet or buy kits;

Root trainers – these are great for plants with long roots and I have even used these for growing late carrots before carefully planting out, the correct distance apart! These are now available in France at some garden centres but also on the internet.

Soil Blockers –I saw these at a Plant Show in the UK several years ago. You mix compost with water until it holds together, press the gadget onto the compost and transfer small blocks of compost into a seed tray. You form a tray of individual blocks of compost into which to plant a seed, either ready sprouted or dry, and let it grow on. For bedding plants or vegetables, you end up with a tray of small plants, such as you find in garden centres, ready to plant out with little or no root disturbance.

Lots here to think about, but whatever you decide to do HAPPY GARDENING!

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farm life Tamsin Cooper is a smallholder and writer with a keen interest in animal behaviour and welfare



ressing my ear to my goat’s left flank, I am relieved to hear her gurgle and burp. She’d recently escaped the paddock and gobbled down the chickens’ grain – a common enough incident for goat keepers, but one that can lead to tragedy. I am not catastrophizing. Goats and sheep have highly evolved fourchambered stomachs that allow them to ferment tough vegetation in a vat called the rumen. The microorganisms populating the rumen break down indigestible plant material and build it back up into the essential amino acids that the animal needs to survive. In this way, herbivores have no need to consume animal proteins. But the process is long and the equipment is complex and delicate. As it involves a living ecosystem of microbes, it needs to be kept in proper balance. Sheep and goats’ normal fibrous diets and alkaline saliva ensures the correct ingredients and pH for the system to work. Problems with Cereal Grains In a natural environment, goats and sheep would find a high-energy source of carbohydrates in small quantities, so they value that energy source (as do humans). Through agricultural progress, we have made high-energy food sources more plentiful in the form of cereal grains and processed pellets (granulés). Sheep and goats crave grains and other concentrated carbs like we do sweets! But these foods in quantity can lethally upset their rumens. Farmers feed cereals to ruminants when high production is required. For example, when goats provide milk for more than just their offspring, and when fattening meat animals. The ruminants must be introduced to cereals and other concentrates very gradually, over a period of weeks, starting from a small quantity and adding a little every day. High-fibre forage must also be consumed, and concentrates split into several separate meals. Whole grains are broken down more gradually than when crushed, thus delaying fermentation. Crushed barley and maize and any kind of wheat should be avoided. The popular custom of feeding stale bread is not healthy for any animal. Bloat and Poisoning As rumen digestion produces gas, ruminants need to burp regularly to relieve the pressure. Too much grain or other rich feed causes rapid fermentation

By Tam s

in Coop er

in the rumen, which leads to excess gas breathing. The vet may need to pass a tube trapped in a foam (called frothy bloat) that to the stomach to release gas or pass a the animal is unable to burp up. This can surfactant to break down gas-filled foam. occur if a ruminant is not gradually You should only attempt this yourself if introduced to grain, pellets, or other rich you have the experience. feed. It also occurs if a large quantity is Bloat can also occur from an obstruction ingested in a short space of time. It can in the throat preventing burping. If you even occur in spring when animals are can see the obstruction and massage it turned out to rich grazing after spending down, you may be able to clear it. the winter without access to pasture. Rich Otherwise you’ll need the vet. In an leguminous forages and wet pastures are emergency, the vet may pierce the rumen particularly dangerous. Bloat can be to let the gas escape. However, this can avoided by feeding hay lead to internal leakage before turning out, Goats I know who have and will need antibiotics and ensuring overindulged to the point of and post-treatment care. continual access to a rumen upset are those who Long-Term Issues supply of hay. Grass were separated from their Rumen upsets can cause cuttings and other vegetation left in heaps mothers and raised by hand longer-term problems, also pose a danger as like incorrect pH and the they may start to loss of beneficial micro-organisms. The vet ferment excessively inside the rumen. can supply probiotics to restore a healthy rumen ecology. Fruit tree branches also Autumn can present the danger of luscious help to restore balance. fruits and nuts. Acorns are particularly dangerous for sheep, but goats too can Clostridial bacteria can take hold, suffer rumen upset if they over-consume. poisoning their host, although this can be Whereas young raised by their mothers avoided through yearly “miloxan” usually learn which foods to avoid, how to vaccinations. eat in moderation, and how to combine Long-term feeding of too much grain that potential toxins with purgatives, does not cause bloat can still cause artificially-raised youngsters rarely gain metabolic issues leading to poor health these skills. Goats I know who have and inflammation of the hooves (founder). overindulged to the point of rumen upset Make sure that you only feed grain or are those who were separated from their pellets when necessary (during heavy mothers and raised by hand. lactation) and give access to plenty of hay Bloat and poisoning are both serious and pasture. issues that need veterinary attention, except in the mildest cases, because complications can arise from rumen TIPS FOR HEALTHY RUMENS: imbalance. As my goat had eaten only a ▪ Plenty of hay and pasture; little chicken feed, I was able to keep her bloat minimal through supplying coarse ▪ Branches and brambles for goats; hay, bicarbonate of soda (to neutralize the ▪ Minimize grain/pellets and use only acid), which she readily licked up from a whole grains; bowl, making sure she kept burping, and ▪ Do not feed wheat or bread; massaging her rumen when I saw signs of ▪ Keep food store locked and keep bloat (a drum-like tightness at the top of chicken feeders out of reach; her left flank, where a hollow is ▪ Minimize rich feed (clover, alfalfa, acorns, normally apparent). nuts); When to Call the Vet ▪ Listen to the rumen for rumbles (approx In a more serious case, she may have one per minute is healthy); stopped eating, become listless, ground ▪ Make sure ruminants burp and chew cud; her teeth, kicked, or shown other signs of ▪ Give sodium bicarbonate if grain pain. She might have suffered diarrhoea or accidentally consumed; had difficulty breathing. In this case, the ▪ Call vet if off feed, bloated, or large vet is required as she could rapidly go quantities of grain/pellets accidentally downhill and die if relief is not imminent. consumed. While waiting, get her walking and stand her with the front legs raised to ease her

etcetera 33


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don’t usually make New Year resolutions, but this year I am hoping to make more of the opportunities offered to us here in France. Whilst we may feel hard done by with the Covid regulations it should be remembered that in normal times we have much more fishing available to us at a reasonable cost than some our European neighbours, including the UK. Over here day tickets are rarely required and all that is necessary to fish in some beautiful, unspoilt places is a carte de pêche and transport. I read on UK forums about the difficulty in finding locations that have not been taken over by the angling ‘circus’ and the cost of membership permits. At least once the situation returns to somewhere near normal we are best placed to take advantage of it. So, for me, there will be less preoccupation with carp and barbel and more time spent in search of roach, perch and the many smaller species that abound in our lakes and rivers. Gudgeon beware! The Ice Age Cometh Writing this article two months prior to publication requires some mystical qualities, but one thing that I have learned in my years in France is that January can be blooming cold! One of my favourite winter targets is the chub or chevensne as it is known over here. Chub can be relied on to provide sport on the coldest of winter days and fortunately they are widespread across many of our rivers. Even though chub are active right through the depths of winter if you can find a slightly warmer spot then you may increase your chances of a specimen. The difference of fishing where there is a slightly higher water temperature became apparent to me many years ago when we used to fish winter league matches on the River Trent. The Trent is or was warmed by the outfalls from power stations and fished better in winter than other rivers on our circuit. Latterly I fished for bass near to the outfall of a power station at Torness in Scotland in February and it became apparent that the temperature of the water was critical to success or failure. Even a metre or so outside the warm zone was enough to guarantee having no takes.

Fish being cold blooded creatures cannot regulate their body temperature and so move to warmer places throughout the cold weather. They seek warmth where wind, sun or other features warm the water more than the general ambient temperature. Spring water is often warmer than the surface water it meets having travelled long distances underground. The River Charente from Charroux to Make the paste softer than you would Savigné where there are numerous warm want to fish with as it will become firmer springs feeding into the river is easily once immersed in cold water. Cheese accessible and it also lends itself to chub paste can be stored in the freezer between fishing. The river splits into channels that sessions and is also good for roach, carp offer slack water, eddies and overhanging and barbel. trees, in fact everything a chub angler Calling Time on the Predators looks for when targeting the larger specimens. From an angler's point of view The carnassiers, or carnivorous fish, such these thermal springs raise the water as pike, perch and zander are a popular temperature so that often the River quarry for French anglers and January is Charente in places is 2 or 3 degrees the last chance to take part in the current warmer in those areas than outside it. Fish predator fishing season. These days the are far more affected by water season ends on the last Sunday of temperature then January. At the start of many people realise the season in April / and there is a direct Personally I think that they May you will see many correlation between are missing a trick as the anglers lure fishing and the water covering a large area of mobile approach using dead temperature and bank, but as winter baits often pays off the fish’s feeding approaches many of the requirements. Here fishermen change to on the River static dead bait tactics hoping to lure Charente the effects of spring water can be zander and pike. Personally I think that very localised and fish tend to congregate they are missing a trick as the mobile in those areas. approach using dead baits often pays off. Half an hour in a swim is often enough Finding these hot spots can lead to better time for the resident pike or zander to than average catches and for that of course make up their minds and if they are you need a thermometer. One banker you ignoring the baits or simply aren’t there a can rely on though is near to Angoulême change of swim can reap rewards. immediately downstream of the River Touvre. The Touvre is a Category 1 Lure fishing is always a popular method of tributary of the Charente that rises from fishing for pike and perch and on colder the ground as a fully-fledged river, a chalk days this more active approach can keep stream really, close to the village of the the cold at bay. Fishing lures slow and same name and enters the Charente close deep is probably the best way to start and to the retail park at Gonde-Pontouvre. if you can find an area where smaller fish Whilst the Touvre cannot be fished until are congregating then the predators will March its warm influence on the River not be far away. When there is a wind that Charente in Angoulême benefits anglers’ is warmer than the ambient temperature catches throughout the winter. Rather like then fishing the downwind side of lakes the power stations did for us on the Trent should give you the best chance of success. all those years ago. In rivers there is sometimes a warming effect downstream of weirs where the For bait you need look no further than surface water that has received warmth cheese paste made from the ready-made from the sun is skimmed off and mixed pastry found in supermarkets mixed with into the river below the weir. a little blue cheese and grated Emmental.

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free time


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free time

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A Eurasian Red Squirrel raids his (or somebody else’s) nutstore as winter begins to bite


Barren Days By Mik



ature seems to have shut down less than half a kilogram by the time it hibernates or re-hibernates, it completely for the winter. Seeds are cannot survive. awaiting the warmth of spring to signal germination. Trees are gradually Other mammals are in a deep sleep (which rebuilding their strength, and absorbing isn’t by any means the same thing as the ground nutrients they need for the hibernation). Squirrels, for example, often year ahead. Larger mammals can be seen awake at intervals and hunt out stores of out and about, enough to food they have keep the hunters lugging hidden against the their freezing weapons Pirate captains were winter shortage – or across the countryside and rank amateurs compared steal the proceeds of shattering the peace of their neighbours’ with squirrels! Sunday with fusillades of efforts. Squirrels gunfire, but surely every have a very good other natural thing has built-in map of where ceased to move. things are hidden – and they don’t miss a trick when it comes to other squirrels’ Smaller mammals, reptiles and stores. Pirate captains were rank amateurs amphibians are hibernating. Should they compared with squirrels! wake up early, they are in real trouble, and will need your help if you come across Insects are in their over-wintering state, usually as eggs, but in some cases as pupae them. Remember, if a hedgehog weighs

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e Geo r ge

Mike George is our regular contributor on wildlife and the countryside in France. He is a geologist and naturalist, living in the Jurassic area of the Charente

or even as grubs or caterpillars well-buried in soil or grass-roots where frost won’t reach them. Surely all the adult butterflies are gone? Well, mostly, yes; they only have a lifespan as adults of one to three weeks. However, a few have an astounding adult life-span of up to a year, and over-winter as adults, ready to awake in spring, mate and continue the generations. Six of the familiar butterflies do this: the Brimstone, Gonepteryx rhamni, the Comma, Polygonia c-album, the Peacock, Inachis io, the Small Tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae, the Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychloros, and the Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta. Of these, the Brimstone hibernates in dense ivy clumps, where its shape and colouring make it almost invisible, while the rest seek out cold but protected corners, often in sheds, barns or

nature Your resident hedgehog will thank you for your thoughtfulness in providing him with a house. Put one at each end of the garden you may have more than one lodger!

The Edible Dormouse hibernates deeply all through winter.

If you want to hand-train your local Robin, this is the way to do it. They will sell their souls for mealworms. You are taking on a commitment, though - he will expect this treatment every day!

loft-spaces, to await the warm days of spring. Sadly, a good warm sunny day in winter can fool them, and they may awake to fly even in January. If this happens, they need to re-stock on food. I had the joy in mid-November of seeing a Red Admiral and a Comma drinking greedily the fermenting juices of an overlooked bunch of grapes - and getting groggily drunk in the process. You may see them on warm days at any time from November to spring. Central heating is a terrible problem for any butterfly that chooses to overwinter in a house. It is a problem for the concerned my library customers spent the winter householder too. How best to help these studiously avoiding the butterfly. poor confused butterflies unwittingly One class of creatures that, with one tricked into thinking spring has come exception, never hibernates is the birds. early? The best solution is to rehouse the (That sentence is grammatically correct!) butterfly into a suitable location. Catch the The exception is a weird American butterfly carefully, place it into a Nightjar, the Common Poorwill cardboard box or similar and keep it in a (Phalaenoptilus nuttalli) that spends the cool place for half an hour or so to see if it winter in a state of torpor (one stop short will calm down. Once calmed down you of true hibernation) might be able to in rock-piles. It is encourage the sleepy an insect-feeder, butterfly gently out Central heating is a and in winter its onto the wall or terrible problem for any food-source gets ceiling of an unheated butterfly that chooses to too scarce, even in room or building such California and New overwinter in a house as a shed or loft. Just Mexico, where it remember that the lives. This butterfly will need to behaviour was described by Dr. Edmund be able to escape when it awakens in Jaeger in 1948 based on a Poorwill he early spring. discovered hibernating in the Chuckwalla Should you come across a sleeping Mountains of California in 1946. The butterfly while exploring in odd corners, Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804 please don’t disturb it, but leave it to mentioned finding the torpid birds but did awake naturally at the right time. One year not draw any conclusions. Anyway, the a Red Admiral chose to hibernate in one of Hopi Indian name for the bird is hölchko, the bookshelves in my library barn. I put which means, “The Sleeping One”. Apart up a notice warning of its presence, and all from the Poorwill, the even weirder

Hummingbirds also resort to a torpid sleep, but only for short periods, to conserve energy, and do not hibernate. All the world’s other birds have to make it through the winter on whatever they can find to eat. Tree-berries can give them a boost – indeed many berries and fruits, such as Mistletoe and Yew, can only safely be eaten by birds, which are immune to their toxins. Some (for example the Corvidae) are very good at finding underground larvae, especially cockchafer grubs, which countrymen tend to call “Rookworms” for this reason. Most birds, however, will benefit from the kindness of householders who put out suitable seeds and fat for them. Really dedicated birdlovers even seek out mealworms from fishing stores for their insect-eating birds. If you want to train your Robin to feed from your hand, using mealworms will almost guarantee it! But whatever food you give them, please make sure that you put it somewhere from which the birds can safely retrieve it. Scatter it on the ground and it simply serves as ground-bait for the local cats.

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There are ways of photographing even such ephemeral things as snow-flakes. These show their six-fold symmetry very clearly, but each is different.

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When you are an Inuit, snow and ice does not bother you at all

Every commuter has experienced this. Let us hope it is not "The wrong sort of snow".

Walking in a Winter Wonderland By Mike G eorge

Mike George is our regular contributor on wildlife and the countryside in France. He is a geologist and naturalist, living in the Jurassic area of the Charente



ater is one of the strangest substances you can imagine. It has a very simple structure - two atoms of hydrogen tightly linked to one atom of oxygen - but it behaves quite unlike any other liquid. If you cool most liquids, they get denser until they reach their freezing-point, when they form an even denser solid, which sinks down until the whole mass of liquid has solidified. Water, however, reaches its greatest density at 4°C. From there until 0°C, the temperature at which water freezes, the liquid actually gets less dense, and then, when it finally forms ice, that ice is low enough in density to float on the still-liquid water. That is why your pond freezes OVER, not throughout, and why the ice-cube floats in your gin. Without this property, life on Earth would be impossible, and cocktails couldn’t exist. Soft, gentle snowflakes Snow consists of discrete ice crystals that have formed relatively slowly in quiet clouds, giving them a chance to develop the hexagonal shape which is the crystal form in which water crystallizes. The crystals may range from large to very small, but they are individuals. Large crystals may clump together into snowflakes if the temperature is not too low, but if you look at a snowflake

carefully (and quickly!), you will see the individual crystals clinging together. These are the sort of snowflakes that were featured on the Christmas cards we’ve all just taken down (or about to). Plate-like, hexagonal shapes with six main arms and a lattice of branching side-arms. Everything growing at angles of 60° (1/6 of a full circle). All according to the laws of crystallography. (Remind me to tell you about that sometime – it’s fascinating!)

windy conditions can form needles. All this, of course, is on a very small scale – the crystals never get much above a millimetre across. As they finally come out of the cloud, they can form little clumps. This happens especially with the plate-like, latticework crystals. A few dozen hook together and float down as a fluffy-looking mass about a centimetre across. This is a true snowflake.

However, that is what you see when all the Other types of snow conditions are exactly right. As children, Other forms of crystal can fall in different those of us that paid attention in Science ways. The smaller crystals come as a fine lessons all found out how hard it is to precipitate. If they fall onto warm surfaces grow a decent large crystal. In a cloud, they melt very quickly. If the where the ice substrates are all below zero crystals form, degrees centigrade, the fine Sometimes the ice-crystal there are all sorts crystals stay solid, and can of temperature will start to grow along its blow about and form mobile changes. The ice length, forming a hexagonal drifts, and whirl upwards crystal may well column, perhaps with side- again with the slightest pass through an passing breeze. plates or end-plates area of warmer We here in France are air, and partially fortunate not have snow for melt, then plunge more than a few days a year. However, back into cold air and start to rewhen it comes, it hits us hard. Folk living crystallize. This will produce at best a further north are more used to the snow distorted shape. Sometimes the ice-crystal and are equipped to cope with it. Look will start to grow along its length, forming how happy the Inuit pictured above is. He a hexagonal column, perhaps with sidelives in Greenland, and snow is his plates or end-plates, which will have quite different properties of falling. Strong, environment for most of the year. The

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Tranquillity and silence in a snowy wood. The sloping brances of the pine-trees allow the snow to fall right to the ground

legend exists that the Inuit and related peoples have 100 different words for snow. This is not really true. What is true is that they live permanently on snow, and need to be able to communicate with each other about its condition and the best way to deal with it. We live in a (mostly) snowfree environment, but we have a vast array of words to describe our surroundings in all sorts of conditions, for the same reason. How many words do you know which you might use for describing, for example, a seashore? Sandy, cobbled, pebbled, shingly, shelly, soft, hard, muddy ... And that is only one environment. So yes, the Inuit do need a lot of ways of describing snow.

the grip of what is referred to as “The Little Ice Age”. Average temperatures were a few degrees lower, and snow was a far more common phenomenon. This is why many Dickens novels, especially the early ones, feature big, snowy Christmases which still colour our expectations for the festive season. The start of global warming (it is much older than you think) put paid to that!

The trouble with judging what sort of equipment you need to get things going again is that you need to know what to expect. When you are used to snow that falls, melts partially, then cakes into layers and drifts, as it usually does in Britain and central Europe, you equip yourself with ground-warming measures to loosen the Anyone over 65 will remember the snow and snow-ploughs to the heavy, soggy winter of 1962-3, when snow fell on push snow out of the way.

This is why folk look at the fact that everything is running in Stavanger or North Canada and say, “Well, if they can do it, why can’t we?” They can do it because they expect it annually and are equipped for it. You can’t in all honesty expect a UK rail-company to equip itself for the type of snow that falls once in 20 years! The wrong sort of snow


The shape of the crystals, the ambient temperature, the strength of Boxing Day in the south-east of the wind, the If you are habitually in a England, and stayed until April nature of the colder climate, the snow land it is will stay less compacted falling on can and blow about a lot. It all affect the nature of the snow. In Europe doesn’t like being pushed around by a we normally see the slightly soggy snow snow-plough, and the best way to deal that melts quickly, hangs around for a few with it is to shift it by blowing it in the days and then we are all thankfully back to direction that doesn’t matter to you. This normal, but not always. may move the problem somewhere else, but let’s face it, anyone whose street has For several hundred years, up to the been cleared by a snow-plough knows that middle of the 19th century, Britain was in


Hung in the

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problem too. The advantage of snowblowing is it is relatively rapid, and your airport/railway line/supermarket car-park is very soon in working order again.

Occasionally, an extreme cold snap can throw us back to more arctic conditions. Anyone over 65 will remember the winter of 1962-3, when snow fell on Boxing Day in the south-east of England, and stayed until April. Side-roads became like small glaciers. In 1991, there was another severe cold snap, and snow caused major closures of transport, particularly of British Rail (as it then was). On 11th February, James Naughtie interviewed BR’s Director of Operations, Terry Worrall, on the Today Program on Radio 4, to find out why things had to shut down so comprehensively, especially as BR had predicted the cold snap. In fact, the type of snow was very fine and a lot more had fallen than had been expected. The


Ice crystals on a grass-stem, probably formed when a fine dew froze and then rime-ice slowly gathered on the resulting crystals. You can clearly see the hexagonal striations on the flat crystal faces

These are individual snow crystals that have fallen on a thin layer of ice. You can see their shape still, although they have suffered a little in falling

This is rime-ice or hoar-frost. This has not fallen, but grown on the cold twig from cold, moving moist air.

A handful of large hail-stones that fell in Australia. They can get even bigger!

extreme cold was stopping the snow from settling firmly and was allowing it to blow upwards into locomotive motor-inlets and causing engine-failure; points were jamming and sliding doors would not work. It required snow-blowers to clear this type of snow away; snow-ploughs, of which BR had plenty, were useless. The conversation went like this: Mr.Worrall: “We are having particular problems with the type of snow, which is rare in the UK.” Mr. Naughtie: “Oh, I see, it was the wrong kind of snow.” Mr Worrall: “No, it was a different kind of snow.” Of course, the Media caught on to this at once, and used “The wrong kind of snow” as a stick to lambast British Rail (which was not popular) and later the plans to reprivatize the rail system (which was even less popular). It entered the language of the Nation, and is still trotted out today.

But it was naughty Mr Naughtie who coined it. A drop of the hard stuff

in violent storm-clouds where the accumulating ice is whirled about and has no chance to crystallize properly. Thus the hailstones usually show no regular shape, and are just roundish lumps of ice. Very occasionally, however, you may see hailstones of a roughly hexagonal shape. The distinguishing feature of hail is that it bounces when it hits the ground.

Sometimes you will see large white ice crystals apparently growing off the branches of the trees, and projecting bits of buildings. Even grass-stems can display it. This is, of course, not snow but a form The Media caught on to this at of frost, variously once, and used “The wrong kind A heavy hailstorm can called hoar-frost or be very damaging, rime. It is produced of snow” as a stick to lambast especially if it occurs when a strong breeze British Rail during spring, when blows cold moist air plants are putting out onto a cold surface. new leaf and forming The ice-crystals form, but they tend to be embryonic fruit. Don’t forget it was one of needle-shaped and usually point into the the ten plagues of Egypt! There is a legend direction of the wind that produces them. that, if a large hailstorm threatens an The other extreme is hail, in which the important wine-growing region in France, falling particles are a minimum of 5 mm a supersonic jet may be sent to create a across. They can, on occasion, reach the sonic boom above the storm to try to break size of tennis-balls. I often wonder how it up or change its course. I have no proof people described them before tennis was of that. But if they save a few vineyardsinvented! Hailstones form quickly, usually full of wine, I'd say it was worth it.

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have been fascinated by the world of Astronomy since moving to France over five years ago. We are so lucky to be able to enjoy many more crystal clear dark skies throughout the year here than in my family home town of Edinburgh. I love to share my passion for all things astronomy with others, so I hope my monthly articles inspire you to look up! And it is, of course, possible to wonder at the night sky and enjoy many features and objects without any special, complicated or expensive equipment. This month we have some old favourite features to enjoy, including the 'Moon and Planets' highlights and which meteor shower to look out for with dates and hopefully helpful viewing tips. I hope you will also enjoy one or two new sections each month where I will aim to explore some of the 'Astro Jargon' which can at times sound a bit strange and 'dauntingly technical'. The other new feature will be my 'Object of the Month' where I will explore details about a galaxy, planet, star or one of the many other astro related

44 etcetera

Moon. A pretty crescent Moon can be seen objects. Lastly, I want to share with you a rising close to the star Antares and the little about the stunning daytime effect planet Venus on the 10th at 8.30am. On you can easily and regularly find - without the 14th another waxing crescent Moon creeping around in the wee small hours of will be following Saturn, the night! More details about these 'Sun Dogs' It is always a beautiful sight to Jupiter and Mercury to follow..... watch when the full moon across a darkening sky in the south west. Mars The Moon and rises in a dark sky and slowly will be passed by the Planets in January lights up the night first quarter Moon on On the 2nd of the month the night of 20th - 21st the planet Earth will be at the closest point from midnight onwards. Then, on the in its orbit to the Sun. It will be evening of 27th, an almost full Moon will 147,093,163km away. I expect we won't line up with the bright stars Castor and notice too much of a difference though! Pollux in the eastern sky. The New Moon (when it is not visible to Shining a Light on Astronomy us), will be on the 13th and the Full Moon Jargon - PERIHELION. at around 8pm on the 28th. It is always a The jargon for this edition is related to the beautiful sight to watch when the full opening section. We say that a planet or moon rises in a dark sky and slowly lights comet is at 'perihelion' when it is at its up the night. The traditional name is Wolf closest point in its orbit round the Sun. Moon but it has been given many names The planets, including Earth, don't have a throughout history and by different completely circular orbit but an elliptical cultures. Some of these include: Ice Moon, one and so will come to perihelion once Snow Moon, Moon after Yule and Old


By Clair Wardla e w

each year. Jupiter, orbiting the sun every 11.8 Earth years, will also reach its perihelion in January, but not until 2023. Perihelion is from the Latin 'Perihelium' and the Greek words 'peri' for near and 'helios' meaning sun.

to become accustomed to the dark after 20 - 30 minutes. These particular meteors are bright, coloured yellowish and blue and will perhaps reach a rate of up to 120 per hour. It is one of the strongest showers of the year.

A Brilliant Meteor Shower for January

Sun Dogs

We can look out for many phenomena of interest in the sky other than those in The Quadrantids meteor shower will reach space. Recently, just after breakfast, I was its peak (most active point) from the 3rd able to observe and photograph a very to the 4th of the month. You can begin to bright and make the most of your These particular meteors are colourful pair of night from midnight bright, coloured yellowish and 'Sun Dogs' while onwards when the area of the sky which the meteors blue and will perhaps reach a the sun was still rising in the seem to emanate from will rate of up to 120 per hour eastern sky. They be above the horizon. The normally appear old constellation of either side of the sun and can be seen at Quadrans Muralis gives this shower its any time of year and fairly often. They are name and can be located in the northern formed when sunlight defracts in icesky. Lying back in a comfortable position, crystals in the atmosphere. They can ensure you have as clear a view of the sky appear either as almost rainbow coloured as possible, and ....look up! You will begin spots or bright glowing points of light. to see far more having allowed your eyes

Claire Wardlaw, originally from Edinburgh, lives in the Charente with her husband. Since their move over 4 years ago, Claire has become passionate about astronomy.

Spotlight on: 'Sirius' or the Dog Star Our object of the month is the brightest star in the night sky - Sirius. It is a stunning, sparkling and colourful object which is found in the constellation of Canis Major (the Great Dog). It is 8.6 light years away from us and is twice the size of our sun. You can easily find Sirius by following a line from the belt of Orion down and to the left to the Great Dog. You can't miss this beautiful white dwarf star. It was recently - in 1862! - found to have a companion star which orbits Sirius every 50 years. The companion star causes a 'wobble' in the orbit of Sirius. This is often the first object I search for during a night of observation. It is easy to see its changing colours with the naked eye and even more spectacular through binoculars if you have them.

Happy Stargazing ! etcetera 45


Brian White lives in south Indre with his wife, too many moles and not enough guitars


nd we’re off! Weirdly, ‘2021’ sounds even more like a sci-fi setting than last year did. “Captain’s Log - Stardate: 2021”. I notice those widely predicted silver jump suits never did catch on - let’s face it, the onesie is demented enough for anybody. I was smacked round the chops yet again recently by an appreciation of time’s telescopic nature. It was a crisp late December morning; my wife was preparing lunch, our kitchen heady with Chanel and chorizo. Pulsing with seasonal goodwill, I poured each of us a glass of chilled Valençay and took a few minutes to stroll outside and yell some festive obscenities at the molehills. Ah, it felt good to be alive. At that moment, our iPod, which had been cheerfully shuffling its way through the morning, threw out “Royal Garden Blues”, a 1921 recording by The Original Dixieland Jazz Band. It’s a so-so, slightly repetitive piece – early jazz by New York-based white guys – although digital remastering just about saves it. The ODJB’s records are fully redeemed, though, by their inspiring the young Louis Armstrong to enter a

Taken from original 1918 promotional postcard while the band was playing at Reisenweber's Cafe in New York City. Shown are (left to right): Tony Sbarbaro (aka Tony Spargo) on drums; Edwin "Daddy" Edwards on trombone; D. James "Nick" LaRocca on cornet; Larry Shields on clarinet and Henry Ragas on piano

46 etcetera

Time Travelling studio a couple of years later, launching the single most influential musician of the twentieth century. (And whoop-dee-do if you correctly pronounced his name ‘Lewis’ and not ‘Loo-ee’).

time it was even enhanced by having no audience to turn an Argentine tango into “The Dambusters’ March” by Clapping. On. All. The. Wrong. Beats. (It felt oddly unsettling, I almost missed them).

Nevertheless, with science once again in Anyway, I was struck anew by the music’s the role of the cavalry riding to our rescue, miraculous odyssey from a small studio on New York’s 24th Street all the way to our who knows, by the summer we might be kitchen here in deepest France, across an able to consider hosting family visits entire century; from a comically large again. That’s good news, obviously, but recording horn, via 78rpm shellac discs to they bring with them vinyl LP, cassette, the unavoidable I was struck anew by the music’s breakfast-related CD and now miraculous odyssey from a small difficulties. I mean, whatever whizzybang techno-snurgly studio on New York’s 24th Street what kind of exists in an mp3 psychopath puts just all the way to our kitchen download. Despite two Weetabix in their everything breakfast bowl when humankind could do with, for and to each they know perfectly well the house rule is other in the meantime - from massacres to three? There’s even a relative who insists moonshots - here is cornetist Nick on having (deep breath) just ONE! I know, LaRocca and his group belting it out one it’s positively unhinged. I end up having to more time, one hundred years on. That’s a eat five the morning after they leave just to special kind of immortality. get things back on track. Man, houseguests can be so weird. I love these old recordings, the ghosts of musicians long gone, strutting with a But still, in spite of this cereal defiant ‘I’m Still Standing’ vibe. Last year’s unpleasantness, a fingers-crossed dearth of live performance meant that optimism for 2021. As it unfurls, I hope music sustained us like rarely before. this year brings an uplifting, digitally Kudos indeed to the BBC for getting the remastered, still-swinging-after-all-thesesparkle-drenched “Strictly Come Dancing” years resurgence for everyone. on the air last month with Dave Arch and his superb band, against all the odds. This Although not the moles, obviously.

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Phone: 05 49 42 99 41 Mobile: 0663 71 09 81 48 etcetera


SIRET: 513 577 809 00017

getting connected As I wrote in December, the new Freesat+ you’re reading this magazine from at least use. Another seller is Currys/PC World, 1m away, let’s crack on shall we? receivers made by Arris seem who also don’t deliver here. to be mostly An increasing amount of new TVs have a rubbish quality. When used in France they Nobody be already surprised to know that satellitewill tuner built into them. offer up a multitude of issues. Some will Freeview andthat Freesat arenot stillneed not the same This means you do to use a STUART And,a it’s still not as Freeview. give message of the ‘no same data available’ and thing. Let’s all make a resolution and agree seperate satellite receiver (Sky box, others say ‘no video available’. This is WALLACE not to saybox theetc) word this year. You Put it Freesat forFreeview UK TV reception. entirely down to the inwill theknow sameifcategory asby ‘Boris’, it has one a) A little lateHowever, to the unit itself. THE FRENCH HOUSE ‘Trump’ ‘Gogglebox’. looking and for DVB-S on the party, as I wasn’t Supposedly, this is going the occasional one specifications or, Freeview more likely, And, not only will be notified until after b) by looking to see if it has a to be super fast and better will work OK. Go no good, neither will a last month’s article figure. Freesat than previous systems threaded male connection had been submitted, ‘Youview’ box. Just like themselves are no point next to the traditional but at present, there Freeview, it cannot be appy New Year! Open your eyes and push fit aerial socket. If it has, help, theydomestic refuse to are noasnew connected to a satellite dish so don’t even take a deep breath. It’s 2021. Brexit you’re good to go.They are sometimes a offer assistance to those using a Freesat Tooway (satellite internet) activations. getting one. has happened and the UK is no longer part consider little less user friendly than something like receiver outside of the UK. This is due to the fact that Beam 15, which Hello and Good welcome. How you all but of the EU. for the EUare perhaps, a Freesat box, butthat youifcan Please remember youcreate have aa Sky dish covers our entire region of France, is at doing? Well, I hope. Surviving the heat For those in need of satellite internet, we not so great for those of us Brits living in favourites list to make not which you brought fromlife theeasier. UK, orDo had fullstill capacity. If you have a Tooway system, and the continuing requirement to wear are waiting for the new service from France. Still, we’ll manage. It’ll take more be told you have to buy a seperate receiver installed by someone who really should you may well have noticed it running masks? I’ve actually been told that Nordnet (owned by Orange). Supposedly, box, you don’t. than a big red bus and some self-serving slower during the lockdown and wearing a mask makes me more attractive. know better, and it requires a replacement this is going to be super fast and better Etonian half-wits to spoil our lives. On top LNB, then a French purchased one will not subsequent school holidays. Business I’m not sure if that's in a '50 Shades of previous systems. However, at this of that,scenario, we’ve still Covid-19. Anyhoo, comfortably fit that dish. They can be made than tariffs remain available but these cost Grey' or,got more likely, it’s an I The new 4K Freesat+ receivers (the ones stage, haveand yet are to see it in operation. hope you all had a great Christmas and to fit, but that’s not ideal. If you are more we money advertised H.T. (hors insult. Still, I don’t care. I’ve got thick that record getting stuff) are now available from As soon as we are able to offerwill thisneed service, enjoyed your new year festivities where considering a satellite dish installed, taxe) meaning that 20% TVA to skin. Which I guess, is another downside Amazon UK.elliptical However, theySky won’t deliver it’ll be detailed onby the website and possible. So, assuming we all got masks and don’t use an mesh dish, get a be added for use private individuals. to my features. to France. So,itthat’s not really that much Facebook page. good one. Do properly. hand sanitizer for Christmas and that



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etcetera 49

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50 etcetera

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54 etcetera

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58 etcetera

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