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Why Tradespeople Need More than Word-of-mouth Referrals

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The Night Sky

Word of mouth is a powerful form of marketing for tradespeople, and many trades rely on word-of-mouth referrals and see no reason to change, particularly the more established trade business. It is wise for tradespeople to recognize its limitations and diversify their marketing efforts. Word of mouth should be one of many ways you bring in leads or work.

Here's why… but not all recommendations are authentic


It's great when the economy is buoyant and a trade business has plenty of work. But when the economy changes, word-of-mouth referrals can quickly dry up, as cost becomes more of a driving factor than reputation and being a great trade. A referral may not necessarily guarantee work.

Sustainable businesses need leads, whether you are a one-man band or you have employees. Some enquiries will lead to work on the calendar, and others may not. Better to have too many enquiries than not enough to convert into scheduled work that keeps your business profitable.

Many word-of-mouth recommendations are only traceable if a potential client says, 'Joe Blogs referred me to you'. You have no control over the conversations about you when you are not in the room.

While it is inexpensive, you are subject to the whims and fancies of the customers marketing for you. We see trades being referred to across social media, but not all recommendations are authentic. And in current climes, potential customers will still seek to research you online as it helps with the overall buying decision.

If you have moved regions and had an excellent track record in your previous region, word of mouth will be a slow burn. What proof do you have to back up your reputation and credibility in a previous region? It may take time for wordof-mouth referrals to generate significant leads.

Tradespeople should proactively expand their marketing strategies beyond word of mouth to stay competitive, reach new customers, and showcase their value. There are many proven ways of attracting and securing new customers and work. Marketing is the process of bringing in leads and enquiries. Marketing is vital, no matter how small or busy your business is.

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