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There is a new scam doing the rounds at the moment (we’ve also had it here at etcetera) from this email address: ne_pas_repondre@dgfipfinances.gouv.fr. The email advises you that you are owed a 490€ refund on your tax and that the initial attempt to reimburse you was unsuccessful due to a mismatch of postal codes. (Hear alarm bells ringing madly?). The message, then asks you to click on a link to update your bank details. Please always remember that the Direction générale des finances publiques (DGFIP) will never ask you for your bank details in this way. If you are ever unsure, never follow links and take a copy of the email to your local tax office for verification or ask your mairie for help.

Attestation d'accueil?
There has been much talk lately over whether visitors from the UK will have to show an attestation d'accueil from their host’s mairie. At the time of print, media outlets are reporting that this willl not be necessary. Given how events and information can change overnight, it’s sensible to keep an eye on national news just to make sure you are fully informed with the latest updates.

As part of the government’s re-opening plan, on Wednesday 9 June we will enter the next phase. This means the current curfew of 9pm will change to 11pm (11pm-6am), with the intend to remove the curfew entirely on Wednesday 30 June. Bars, cafés and restaurants will be able to open their indoor spaces on 9 June, with a maximum capacity of 50% and no more than 6 customers per table. From this date, cinemas and concerts can hold up to 5000 people, at a 65% capacity. Non-essential shops can open with a capacity of one customer every 4m2, with this lifting on 30 June. The end of June should also see the lifting of restrictions in museums, cinemas and concerts, religious ceremonies and outdoor terraces. Health protocols will remain in place for the indoor areas of bars and restaurants.

As promised by the government, the French vaccination program (at the time of print) is on target for offering the vaccine to French residents. From 31 May, (2 weeks earlier than scheduled) anyone over 18 years of age can book an appointment. Visit www.doctolib.fr or www.sante.fr to book your first and second dose appointments or contact your doctor for advice.