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Bicentenary of the Javarzay Foire

We are inviting stall holders, to participate on Saturday June 26 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the traditional Chef-Boutonne Foire. During the day, there will be street entertainment, food trucks and a fairground to celebrate this special anniversary alongside you as an exhibitor. (Please see the end of the article for booking and contact details.) The 'Foire de Javarzay', in the town of Chef-Boutonne (79110) was created by a royal decree of Louis XVIII in 1821 to incorporate the 'Foire aux Pirons' (goslings, in patois) and the pre-existing fair dating back to the middle ages. He gave a fixed date respecting the calendar of other fairs in the region, so that there are never two held on the same day. Cattle, ducks, pigs, mules and donkeys were sold there, sometimes from fairly remote regions, arriving via the Chef-Boutonne station. Agricultural machinery was also sold. Traditionally, fairs have been an opportunity to discover new things, to haggle, to buy, to meet up, getting together to party, and the funfair brought fun and joy during this busy day. In the past, many attractions rivaled each other in originality, such as ‘La Sphere Diabolique’ and the ‘Le Mur de le Mort’, the ‘Headless Woman’ and the ‘Lady with the Snakes’. There also a famous international animal tamer from Chef-Boutonne, Marfa La Corse known for her menagerie "La Jungle". Marfa traveled around the globe searching for animals to tame, including lions, panthers, bears, tigers, etc. The fair traditionally ended with a ball including an orchestra and the bonfire of Saint-Jean (le feu de la Saint-Jean), the pagan festival of the summer solstice. This year, in order to properly celebrate the 200 years of the Javarzay Fair, the festivities will begin on Friday June 25 and end on Sunday June 27.
Friday June 25th
Trad Concert with Le Groupe TEDAAL.
Saturday June 26th
Market fair & funfair. The Asinerie du Baudet du Poitou will be present in the fairground, with its traditional Poitou breeds such as Baudet and Trait Poitevin. The day will finish with two rock concerts: the local Rock Metal group Gérald followed by the group Yarol (with Yarol Poupaud, Johnny Halliday's former guitarist).
Sunday June 27th
Car Rally, organised by Aujourd'hui Tillou, driving through the commune of ChefBoutonne showing its heritage sites and beautiful countryside, plus an exhibition of vintage cars. To close this anniversary weekend, there will be a concert with the Jean Vincent Orchestra playing classic French music during the afternoon. (Unfortunately, due to the current restrictions there will not be a firework display but we hope that we have managed to respect the great tradition of the French rural fair.) Full details will be in our guide 'chefboutonne estival', available on the ChefBoutonne website: www.chef-boutonne.fr For all information plus bookings contact: the Mairie in Chef-Boutonne: 05 49 29 80 04 or in English, you can contact Amanda Holmes 06 02 35 90 53 or email mairie@chef-boutonne.fr € 1 per linear metre. Registration before June 18 please.

BOOK YOUR STALL! Sat 26 June € 1 per Linear Metre Registration before June 18 Open to all!