etcetera magazine March 2021

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etcetera I’M FREE - TAKE ME, KEEP ME!


Springtime In the Garden

MARCH 2021

100s of Local Advertisers Inside

Health The Importance Of Self-care

RECIPES Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day


Going Green Home Decor


Your Local Solution for Insulating Your Home To take advantage of the current government-funded insulation and air-to-water heat pump grants, make an appointment with one of our English advisers Contact Kate 05 55 14 62 77 or Luke 07 78 22 63 25 If you prefer to visit us in person we’d be delighted to welcome you at 9 rue de la gare in Rochechouart

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aannddt S ho e uStohu tohf oEfnEgnlgalnad n df rfor ommLLi im moogg e es s !! May 15th to September 25th, with British airways

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hello & welcome

Contents 3

A note from the editors


What’s on




Latest news






Business & assistance






Farm life






Free time

It’s crazy to think we have all been living under the restrictions of a health pandemic for a year now. Unable to see many of our loved ones (especially those abroad) and keeping our distance from those around us. There is no doubt it has been a challenge (although positive things can and will come out of these situations!), but we can start spending more time outside now that spring is here and enjoy our gardens (weather permitting!), growing our own produce or simply just enjoying the nature around us.



Keep safe, keep well.


Home & Specialist




Getting connected




Motoring & removals





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Advertise Copy date 15th of each month (except December which is the 11th). Commercial adverts: Please see our Media Pack at What’s On/Listings: 12€ per 50 words for a guaranteed spot or free (space permitting) Classified listing: 6€ per 25 words plus 3€ per photo Property listing: 10€ per 50 words plus 6€ per photo

Photo credits: Bigstock, Pixabay,

A Note from the Editors

Code APE 5814Z Edition de Revues et Periodique Siret 80903463000016. La Présidente G. Feasey Registered. Le Bourg, 87360 Verneuil Moustiers. Impression: Rotimpres. Pol. Ind Casa Nova. Carrer Pla de l’Estany s/n. 17181 Aiguaviva (Girona) Espagne. etcetera est gratuit. While we always do our best to ensure the content in this magazine is given in good faith and businesses are reputable, we accept no liability for any errors or omissions and do not endorse any companies, products or services. Articles written are the personal opinions of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of etcetera magazine.

CONTACT US: Tel: 05 16 32 13 42 or 05 17 36 15 32

email: website: 17 rue des Chaumettes 86290 St Léomer

etcetera magazine


Welcome to the March edition of etcetera magazine.

Gayle and Sam

Useful numbers 15 17 18

SAMU (Medical) Gendarmes (Police) Pompiers (Fire and also trained in medical emergency) 114 Text-message emergency number for deaf/hard of hearing 119 Child abuse 115 Homeless 113 Drugs and alcohol 112 European emergency not always English 1616 Emergency- Sea & Lake 3131 Last incoming call, key ‘5’ to connect Orange English speaking helpline 0033 (0)9 69 36 39 00 Website in English: Technical assistance for landlines (French): 3900 (+33 9 69 39 39 00 from abroad) SFR 1023 or 00336 1000 1023 (Not English) EDF 0810 333087 EDF breakdown 24 hours +33 (0)9 69 36 63 83 EDF Helpline in English 0033 562164908 (From UK) 05 62 16 49 32 Fax E-mail: CPAM - 09 74 75 36 46 Veolia Water Emergency No: 24h/24 et 7j/7 05 61 80 09 02 (press 1 for urgent problems or 2 for a technician) S.E.P Du Confolens (Water) 05 87 23 10 08 Emergency 24/7 Aéroport Int’l Limoges 05 55 43 30 30 SNCF (train times, buying tickets etc) 36 35 Alcoholics Anonymous For contact details of meetings in your area including those conducted in English, visit

Please download the pdf from this link now:

HOSPITALS 05 55 05 55 55 Limoges (CHU) 05 55 43 50 00 St Junien 05 55 47 20 20 Bellac 05 49 44 44 44 Poitiers 05 45 24 40 40 Angoulême 05 49 32 79 79 Niort 05 45 84 40 00 Confolens Counselling In France Counsellors, psychotherapists, NLP, CBT etc offering therapy in English to expatriates all over France on SSAFA France 05 53 24 92 38 email French Health Insurance Advice line. CPAM English speaking Advice line: 09 74 75 36 46 (from France) 0033 974 75 36 46 (from other countries). The line is open from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. NHS website : No Panic France Helpline: No Panic UK helpline: 0044 1 952 590 545 11h - 23h (French time) 7/7 / English-speaking Crisis Line SOS- HELP 01 46 21 46 46 3pm-11pm 7/7 British Consulate in Paris 01 44 51 31 00 British Consulate in Bordeaux 05 57 22 21 10 Credit Agricole English Speaking Helpline Charente (residents only) 05 45 20 49 60 Anglofile - Radio for British in Charente Tues 20h (repeated Sun 11h30). leme 96.8, Chalais 96.9, Confolens 95.4, Ruffec 95.4, Char. Limousine 104.1, Cognac 89.9

Print 2 copies - one for your home and one for your car - it could save a life.

etcetera 3


4 etcetera


etcetera 5

craft Sarah is the author of where she blogs about her original craft tutorials, recipes, foraging, and developing wellbeing through being By Sa rah Wh iting creative, spending time outdoors and connecting with nature



ilk paint is a water-based paint made from milk protein, lime and clay with natural pigments added for colour. Milk paint contains only natural ingredients, so it is environmentally safe and non-toxic. It is perfect for children’s furniture and toys, is food safe and ideal for those looking to reduce the level of toxins in their home. Milk paint has been used for thousands of years. It is incredibly durable, often lasting for hundreds of years if protected from the elements. It sinks into porous materials and hardens over time, so will not peel or chip like many modern paints. Supplied in a powder form that is mixed water, milk paint can be used both as a colour wash using a thin coat or built up in layers to provide a solid matt colour with a velvety finish. Succulents are easy to grow as long as they have good drainage so they will love the conditions these strawberry planters provide. I used a selection of trailing Sedum and Sempervivums to plant up the succulent pots. Most of them I bought for this project, but I did also grab a couple of cuttings from others I already had in the garden.


Materials − Terracotta strawberry planters − Milk paint − Paint brush − Mixing pot (for the milk paint) − Succulents for planting − Soil, compost, vermiculite, stones

Instructions 1. Before you start anything, make sure your planters or pots are clean by washing them with soapy water, before leaving them out to dry. It doesn’t matter if you can’t get them spic and span, a little bit of character works well! 2. Mix up your milk paint as per the instructions provided. 3. Apply a first layer to your planter and allow to dry. 4. If needed, apply a second coat of milk paint to make the colour really ‘pop’. 5. Leave to dry overnight or as per instructions. 6. Work out where you would like your individual succulents, place them and

6 etcetera

start filling the planter with soil. Due to the weight of the terracotta planters, I decided not to add any gravel to my soil mix. Instead, I mixed vermiculite and compost to make my succulent soil. 7. The pot grown succulents pushed into the holes of the strawberry planter perfectly. For the spots where I planted cuttings, I used stones to hold them in place and to stop the soil falling out while I wait for the plants to establish and fill up the hole.

Happy Crafting!


Encadrement d’Art

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Country Life Edith Cavell chose to stay in her adopted homeland of Brussels when the Germans invaded. She provided medical treatment for injured soldiers, regardless of their nationality, as well as helping to smuggle injured soldiers and civilians out of Belgium to neutral Holland

more than anthems, flag waving and “Last Night of the Proms” bombast, surely. Brian White lives in south Indre with his wife, too many moles and not enough guitars


’ve noticed the topic of patriotism being much discussed recently - how it’s defined and, of course, how it defines us. Post-Brexit and mid-vaccine, this most emotive of terms is being bandied about, often in accusations of being “too” or “not enough”. I guess each of us has their own interpretation of what patriotism involves and I don’t presume here to question anybody else’s. I tiptoe into this minefield only to confess my own lack of comprehension of what it means, in practice, to be a patriot. It appears to me as a nebulous concept, capable of being both one thing and its opposite at the same time. Most dictionaries offer variations on a vague ‘proud of one’s country’ but where does that pride sit, specifically? In a nation’s history – but which bits? Every sovereign state has murkier chapters in its past which should be confronted and acknowledged. If reading your country’s history leaves you beaming with unvarnished admiration and a glowing sense of pride, then what you’re reading probably isn’t history. To me, love of one’s country should involve wanting it to get better, to see fellow citizens properly housed, fed and educated. Being patriotic has to mean

8 etcetera

Union flags, did anyone object that he was actually born in Belgium? And I don’t recall anybody eulogising Spike Milligan as India’s greatest comedian. Countries and national boundaries are surely manmade constructs, reconfigured at the whim of politicians or the outcome of wars, yet these lines on the map become sacrosanct. In any case, go back far enough and we’re all African.

I count myself extremely fortunate to have been born in the UK with freedoms and rights unimaginable to many around the world. But do I feel actively patriotic? Or just very lucky? I honestly don’t know. My birth country has made massive contributions to the world in culture, medicine and technology and, despite I get that national identity playing absolutely no brings a sense of belonging part in any of that, I but I also know that our suppose I do feel a vicarious pride in inclination to separate into those achievements. factions is corrosive Then there is the identity question: a recent TV debate on the future of Scotland and the chances of a second independence referendum featured the phrase “this Scottish nation”. I wondered how these sentiments – patriotism and national identity – play out in a nation-within-a-nation. Pride in one’s country – but which one? When my children were small, they would ask me if they were Welsh, like their mum, or English, after most of my family. I would respond that first and foremost, we are Europeans, (which, despite the politics, we still are), and then British. Beyond that I drew a line because subdivision is potentially endless and often ludicrous: a friend of mine lived in a hillside village the size of a carpark, whose residents nonetheless regarded themselves – and each other – as “upper” or “lower”. How do we define nationality anyway? And why are we often so selective about its importance? When Britain’s Bradley Wiggins stormed to cycling gold at the London 2012 Olympics in a blizzard of

I get that national identity brings a sense of belonging but I also know that our inclination to separate into factions is corrosive. It’s hardwired into our species and ‘patriotism’ seems often to play into that. Each of us is conceived as a small cluster of cells which then begins dividing until there are about 26 billion of them. Et voila! - a baby us. Tragically, this impulse to split and split again continues, long after it has served its purpose. The engine of our evolution becomes the towed caravan in our progress. So, does patriotism encourage unity or division? Is it a noble attribute or the gateway to ugly nationalism? My ambivalence has never overcome these questions or the way in which “love of one’s country” is so often, and so easily, distorted. I prefer instead to remember the words of British nurse Edith Cavell, executed for spying in 1915 after she had saved around 200 Allied airmen escape occupied Belgium. On her statue in London is written: "Patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness for anyone". That will do for me.



EUROPE’S OLDEST PERSON A French nun, Sister André has just celebrated her 117th birthday. She is believed to be the second-oldest living person in the world (the oldest is Kane Tanaka from Japan, who is 118). Sister André has not only survived two


world wars, she also recently contracted covid-19 but said she didn’t realise she had it, although she did feel tired. When asked by AFP (Agence FrancePresse) what message she would give to young people, she said “Be brave and show compassion.”

Inspired by the success of Italy's Naples pizza, which was protected by the UN's cultural body last year, bakers in France are making a bid for the baguette to be added as a listed treasure. Artisan bakers have shown concerns over the massproduction of the bread, and therefore want to preserve the traditional baguette (which is already protected by a 1993 law). To meet the criteria, the bread must only be made from four ingredients: wheat flour, water, yeast and salt. It cannot be frozen or contain added preservatives.

Some of you may have already experienced new rules on bringing items from the UK to France since the 1st of January. French VAT, customs declarations and possibly an import duty must now be considered when you are moving items between the UK and France following Brexit. Items purchased in the UK (brand new or secondhand) need to be declared if their value is over 430€ if travelling by sea or air, or 300€ for car travel (this includes if you are travelling by car on a ferry). Anything over these amounts could be charged 20% French VAT - and may also be charged for an import customs duty, which is anything up to 22% (it is worth noting that many items are at 0%). This is thanks to the ‘rules on origin’ which is part of the Brexit deal, which states that exemptions no longer apply on items that have been imported into the UK (from another part of the world) and then exported to the EU. If you are bringing items over from the UK over the stated values you will need to fill in Cerfa n° 10070*03 which is available here: It might be necessary (for example, you are moving to France) to bring your paperwork directly to the customs office on arrival in France. It is wise to contact the Douane directly to make sure everything is in order and there are no surprises when you arrive. If you have a limited knowledge of French you might want to consider a hand-holding service or a removals company (if you are moving to France) for help and guidance.


This subject understandably continues to be a hot topic for many people here in France. At the time of print (the latter part of February), GPs in France have been given vaccines to administer to their patients between the ages of 50 and 64, who have serious forms of illness (diabetes, heart problems, respiratory etc). 29,000 GPs have volunteered to give the vaccine, although they have only been given one bottle of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is enough for 10 doses (in order to avoid wastage). It is believed that the second delivery (the following week), GPs should be seeing deliveries of 2 or 3 bottles, with the aim for it to continue to rise each week as more vaccines become available. Via the website (which give details on covid-19 data) you can select ‘Vaccin Planner’ (or visit here directly: to calculate when you might receive your vaccine. You have to fill in a few details (age, health) and you are given a date based on the average amount of doses given per day at that current time. (I (Gayle) have just tested it and it tells me I would be vaccinated between August 2023 and September 2024! (I’m 49 this summer.) I’m guessing this is because it’s basing it on the amount of daily vaccines that are currently being administered which is 77,000. The government still says they would like anyone who would like to be vaccinated to have been given this option of the end of summer this year).

etcetera 9

language & advice

Parlez Français French conversation, vocabulary & traditions with Isabelle

Le jardinage

apprenons ensemble

Histoire : Posséder un jardin est souvent synonyme de bonheur. En ce mois de mars, le printemps revient, les bourgeons sur les arbres vont éclore, les fleurs s’ouvrent, les oiseaux et les insectes reviennent, les travaux de jardinage peuvent reprendre enfin. Cela va nous faire un grand bien ! Que vous ayez des plates-bandes de fleurs, un potager, un verger, des haies ou tout simplement une pelouse, l’activité de jardinage est de retour. Entretenir son jardin représente du temps, des travaux plus ou moins laborieux, de la patience … mais c’est aussi un loisir qui peut être très agréable, qui est thérapeutique, qui nous empêche de penser aux soucis quotidiens, qui nous fait sortir en dehors de la maison, qui est gratifiant quand ce que l’on a planté pousse bien. Nous en avons bien besoin en ce moment pendant la crise sanitaire du coronavirus. Pour faire ces travaux de jardinage, nous utilisons des outils de jardin : le sécateur, la pelle, la bêche, la fourche, le râteau, le balai, la brouette, la tondeuse, le tracteur-tondeuse, le taille-haie, la débroussailleuse, la scie, le motoculteur, le scarificateur, l’arrosoir, la binette, l’aspirateur-souffleur de feuilles, le broyeur de végétaux, la cisaille à haie, une échelle, un escabeau, le coupe-bordure, l’élagueuse, la faucille, la faux, la houe, la pioche, le plantoir, la serpe, la tronçonneuse… Nous utilisons aussi des objets comme un pot de fleurs, une jardinière, en plastique ou en grès ; du bois ou du fer pour nos plates-bandes ou carrés de potager. Nous mettons des gants quand nous faisons du jardinage. Parfois, nous nous mouillons quand nous utilisons le tuyau d’arrosage ! Les travaux de jardinage sont : bêcher, planter, rempoter, tailler les haies, tondre la pelouse, mettre de l’engrais, élaguer des arbres, arroser les plantes et les légumes, terrasser, creuser des trous pour planter des arbres, tailler les rosiers et les arbres fruitiers (le pommier, le prunier, l’abricotier, le poirier, le framboisier, le groseillier, les cassissier, le figuier, la vigne…), rattacher les plantes aux tuteurs, arracher les mauvaises herbes, couper les gourmands de la vigne, ramasser les feuilles mortes et l’herbe coupée, composter les déchets végétaux, aller à la déchetterie pour jeter les gros déchets végétaux… Aussi, nous pouvons nettoyer la terrasse au « karcher » (c’est-à-dire au nettoyeur haute pression), repeindre la pergola, consolider les arches fleuries, nettoyer la fontaine, la cascade ou le bassin, ranger la serre de jardin, arranger les décorations de jardin et les statues, réparer les petites maisons à insectes et pour les oiseaux, acheter ou faire faire de nouveaux objets pour le jardin : une lanterne, une cage décorative, un photophore, un brasero, une sculpture… tout pour bien aménager le jardin.

10 etcetera

Broaden your horizons with CONTINENTAL HORIZONS! Bon courage ! Et à bientôt !

Isabelle Broaden your horizons with CONTINENTAL HORIZONS! Isabelle works for CONTINENTAL HORIZONS Language Centre in L’Isle Jourdain and teaches French as a Foreign Language every day in their many classrooms. Do not hesitate to contact her on 05 49 84 17 73.

language & advice

posséder (verb) to own

planter (verb) to plant

une binette a hoe

une tronçonneuse a chainsaw

le bonheur happiness

pousser (verb) to grow (for a plant)

une jardinière a window box

un bourgeon a bud

un outil a tool

un aspirateur-souffleur de feuilles a leaf vaccum blower

éclore (verb) to open for a bud

une pelle a shovel

reprendre (verb) to restart

une bêche a spade

une plate-bande a flower bed

une fourche a garden fork

un potager a vegetable patch

un râteau a rake

un verger an orchard

un balai a broom

une haie a hedge

une brouette a wheelbarrow

une pelouse a lawn

une tondeuse a lawnmower

entretenir (verb) to maintain

un taille-haie a hedge-cutter

une faux a sithe

élaguer (verb) to prune

un loisir a leisure activity

une débroussailleuse a strimmer

une houe a hoe

arroser (verb) to water

empêcher (de) (verb) to prevent (from)

une scie a saw

une pioche a pickaxe

terrasser (verb) to work the soil

un souci a worry

un motoculteur a rotovator

un plantoir a dibber

creuser (verb) to dig

quotidien (adj) daily

un arrosoir a watering can

une serpe a billhook

tailler (verb) to cut, to prune, to trim

un broyeur de végétaux a wood chipper une cisaille à haie hedging sheers une échelle a ladder un escabeau a step ladder un coupe-bordure an edge-cutter une élagueuse a pruner une faucille a sickle

un gant a glove se mouiller (verb) to get wet un tuyau d’arrosage a garden hose bêcher (verb) to dig over rempoter (verb) to repot tailler les haies (verb) to trim the hedges tondre la pelouse (verb) to mow the lawn mettre de l’engrais to add fertiliser

etcetera 11

language & advice un rosier a rose bush

une vigne a vine

un nettoyeur haute pression a pressure washer

un arbre fruitier a fruit tree

un tuteur a plant support

ranger (verb) to tidy up

un pommier an apple tree

arracher (verb) to remove

une serre de jardin a greenhouse

un prunier a plum tree

une mauvaise herbe a weed

réparer (verb) to repair

un abricotier an apricot tree

un gourmand (de vigne) a (vine) sucker

aménager (verb) to fit out, to lay out

ramasser (verb) to pick up, to collect

un poirier a pear tree

un meuble de jardin garden furniture

un framboisier a raspberry bush

un déchet végétal / des déchets végétaux garden waste

un groseillier a redcurrant bush

la déchetterie the tip, the dump

une balancelle a swing bench

un cassissier a blackcurrant bush

jeter (verb) to throw away

un belvédère a gazebo

un figuier a fig tree

nettoyer (verb) to clean

profiter (de) (verb) to enjoy, to make the most of

un banc a bench

Let ’s learn together

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12 etcetera


By Beli n

Hello from the accidental Chatelaine! I love to cook at any opportunity and delighted to be able to share that love with you da Prin ce

Chateau Kitchen

Traditional Irish Food with Yoghurt Ingredients 225g

plain flour


wholemeal flour

1 tsp

baking soda

1 tsp

fine sea salt


plain full fat yogurt

splash of milk, only if needed extra flour for dusting

1. Put both flours in a large bowl. Add the baking soda and salt and give it all a good whisk. Alternatively, you can sieve all the ingredients into a bowl, adding back the bran from the wholemeal flour that will stay on top of the sieve. 2. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and add the yogurt, mixing everything in gently with the spoon until the dough starts to come together. 3. Turn out the dough onto the worktop, dust it lightly with flour and gently start bringing it all together to form a round loaf. Add a bit more flour if

Château Mareuil History, Beauty, Tradition… Come and visit our medieval château

Luxury Holidays with Private Pool Chambres d’Hôtes - Parties, Celebrations & Weddings - Wine Tasting & Private Dining Château Brocante Shop NEW opening in Spring 2021 (if possible!)

your dough gets really sticky or a tiny splash of milk if it's a bit dry but try not to use too much of either. 4. Line a baking tray with some baking paper, place the loaf on the tray and cut a large cross in the middle of the loaf either with a knife or a dough scraper, if you have one. The cross needs to be quite deep, about 2/3rds through the loaf to help the baking process 5. Dust a little more flour over the loaf and bake it in a preheated oven for 30 minutes until golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped underneath. Let it cool slightly on the cooling rack before eating!

Siret: 840796015 00013

Soda Bread

Preheat the oven to 200ºC/400ºF/Gas Mark 6.

Belinda and Lee Prince - Château Mareuil, Mareuil, 86290 Brigueil-le-Chantre etcetera 13


Braised Pork with

Cider and Vegetables Ingredients (Serves 2) Small knob of butter 2 pork loin chops 100g smoked bacon lardons 1 large carrot, cut into chunks 2 potatoes, cut into chunks 1 small swede or turnip, cut into chunks ¼ cabbage, cut into smaller wedges 1 bay leaf 100ml dry cider (brut) 100ml chicken stock Method 1. Heat the butter in a pan until sizzling, season the chops, then fry them for 2-3 minutes on each side until browned. Remove from the pan. 2. Gently fry the lardons in the pan for a minute or so, then add the carrot, potato and swede or turnip to the pan and fry gently until they have some colour. Stir in the cabbage, place the chops on top and add the bay leaf. Pour over the cider and stock, cover the pan and let everything simmer gently for 20 minutes or so until the pork is cooked through and the vegetables are nice and tender.

A perfect one pot dish

Colcannon with Celeriac Ingredients 500g potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks 500g celeriac, peeled and cut into chunks 100g butter 150g smoked bacon lardons ½ small green cabbage, finely sliced 150 ml double cream, (crème entiere) Method 1.



Tip the potatoes and celeriac into a large saucepan of water, bring to the boil and then simmer for 15-20 minutes until tender. Meanwhile, heat a quarter of the butter in a saucepan and fry the lardons and half the cabbage for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and set aside. Drain the potatoes and celeriac in a colander and leave for about 5

14 etcetera

4. 5.

minutes with a clean tea towel over the top to absorb some of the steam. Mash the potato and celeriac until smooth. Heat the cream with the remaining butter in a pan and when almost

boiling, beat it into the potato/celeriac mixture. 6. Add the bacon and cabbage and season to taste. If you have any additional greens for extra flavour and nutrition (kale etc) add them at the same time as the cabbage.


Guinness Chocolate Cake Ingredients (Serves 12) For the Cake: 250ml Guinness 250g unsalted butter 80g cocoa powder 400g caster sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla essence 150ml crème fraiche 280g plain flour 2.5 tsp bicarbonate of soda For the Topping: 50g unsalted butter, softened 300g icing sugar 125g full-fat cream cheese (such as Philadelphia) Cocoa powder, for dusting (optional) A 23cm diameter spring-form cake tin Preheat the oven to 170ºC (325ºF), Gas mark 3, and line the base of the tin with baking parchment. Method 1. Pour the Guinness into a saucepan, add the butter and gently heat until it has melted. Remove the pan from the heat and stir the cocoa powder and sugar into the warm liquid until dissolved. Mix together the eggs,

vanilla essence and crème fraiche by hand in a jug or bowl, and add this to the mixture in the pan. Sift together the flour and bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl or into the bowl of a freestanding electric mixer. Using the mixer with the paddle attachment or a hand-held electric whisk, set on a low speed and pour in the contents of the pan. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and continue to mix thoroughly until all the ingredients are incorporated. 2. Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin and bake for approximately 45 minutes or until the cake bounces back when lightly pressed and a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Set aside to cool, and then remove from the tin on

to a wire rack, making sure the cake is cold to the touch before you add the topping. 3. Using the electric whisk or the freestanding mixer with paddle attachment, mix the butter and icing sugar together until there are no large lumps of butter and it is fully combined with the sugar in a “sandy” mixture. Add the cream cheese and mix on a low speed, then increase the speed to medium and beat until the topping mixture is light and fluffy. 4. Place the cooled cake on to a plate and apply generously with the cream cheese topping. It’s quite fun to end up with a cake looking a bit like the famous pint of Guinness The cake can then be decorated with a light dusting of cocoa powder.

Irish Brioche & Butter Pudding Ingredients 300g brioche loaf 50g butter, melted plus extra for greasing 100g raisins or sultanas (or a mixture) 1tsp grated nutmeg 1tsp ground cinnamon 3tbps Demerara sugar (cassonade) For the custard: 3 eggs 50g caster sugar 150ml double cream (crème entiere) 500ml whole milk 100ml Irish cream liqueur (eg. Baileys) 1 tsp vanilla extract You will need a 28cm wide-based round or oval ovenproof dish and a roasting tin large enough to place it in.

Method 1. Cut the brioche loaf into 1.5cm slices and brush each slice with the melted butter on both sides. Butter the dish and arrange the slices neatly, scatter over the dried fruit. 2. To make the custard, place all the custard ingredients in a large bowl and whisk together until well mixed. Pour over the brioche and gently push down with a fork to ensure everything is well

soaked in the liquid. Sprinkle with the Demerara sugar and leave to stand for about 30 minutes. 3. Pre-heat the oven to 180º/160º fan. 4. Half fill the roasting tin with boiling water and place the ovenproof dish in this. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes until well risen and golden. Serve warm with custard (crème anglaise), cream or crème fraiche.

etcetera 15

business INSURANCE




his is Swisslife's most flexible and popular Assurance Vie savings account/investment product. It is an assurance vie so it has all the advantages regarding French inheritance law, death duties and income tax. 1. Who can invest in it: Anybody who is a French resident (and Monaco) and above 18 years old. 2. How much can you invest in it: The minimum is 3 000€, no maximum. 3. How is it invested: As you wish, all secured or all risky or a bit of both, it is up to you. The secure part is called Fond Euro and the interest of the secured part is given on the 31st December each year. The rate on the secure part is around 0.8% and pretty much the same for every company. Shares/funds can go up or down! You can decide how much you want on shares so it could be all of it if you so wish. This assurance vie has more than 400 funds/shares available so lots of choices on investments. 4. Investment socially responsible: Swisslife has a variety of funds which are classed as ISR which mean they have to follow some criteria based on 3 factors. Ecology: Management of waste, reduction of greenhouse gas emission, prevention of environmental risk. Social: Prevention of accident, training of employees and equality of chances, respect of employees’ rights and social dialogue, respect of subcontracting chain. Governance: Independence of the board of directors, quality of the governance of the company, remuneration of directors, effort in anti-corruption. So, you can either choose some funds yourself that are ISR or choose the Gestion piloté which is Swisslife that choose and manage the ISR funds for you. 5. Guarantied death extra: This contract includes an insurance so that if you die before you are 80 years old, Swisslife gives to your beneficiaries at least the amount of the value of your contract when you invested (minus the amount you withdrew yourself and up to a maximum of 1.5 million euro). This is automatically included in the contract. Eg: You invested 200 000€ in your account in 2018 and only have 174 800€ when you died (because your shares lost money), then Swisslife will give 200 000€ to your beneficiaries (minus fees and social charges) so reimburse the 25 200€

Isabelle Want 06 17 30 39 11 Email: isabelle.want

N° Orias 07021727/16005974

16 etcetera

missing. So, if the market crashes, you are sure that your heir will get at least what you wanted them to have. 6. Options available: A) Securisation des performances: This is a very good option that means that when your shares/funds go up by 1 000, this gain is automatically transferred to the secure part of your assurance vie. You can choose between 10% and 100% of gain but the gain has to be at least 1 000€. This is very good and some of my customers have appreciated this option when the market crashed back in March 2020 (Covid). Indeed, the gain they made the previous year had been transferred to the secure part of the Assurance vie so the loss was less. B) Dynamisation progressive du capital: Some of you might not be too keen to invest all your eggs at once in case you are investing it all just before a crash (so at its highest) so Swisslife has come up with an option in which your capital is invested over a period of your choice :6, 9,12,18 or 24 months. So that you are investing at different stages of the stock market value. This option is also available when you make another deposit, not just when you open the investment. This is free. C) Arbitrage: This is the French word for switching from one fund to another. With Swisslife you are entitled to one free per year but can do as many as you want. So, if you are not happy with a fund, you can switch at any time you want. D) Gestion piloté: If you are not willing to trust me or yourself to choose your funds, you can let Swisslife manage it for you. You can choose between 6 types of investment between very low risk to high risk. Swisslife re-adjust the investments following their own expert advisers, so you have nothing to do. You can also choose to have both, meaning some part of your investment is on “gestion piloté” and some on gestion libre (as you wish). E) Securisation du capital: You can choose to make sure that your beneficiaries will get at least the amount you have invested to start with so 100% or 120% of what you have invested. So, if the market crashes, you are sure that your heir will get at least what you wanted them to have or more! You invested 100K but lost 10K, you die, then your beneficiaries still get 100K and not 90K. F) Stop loss option: This is an option that means that when your shares/funds go down by at least 1 000€, the fund is automatically transferred to the secure part of your Assurance vie. You can choose between 10% and 100% of loss but the loss has to be at least 1 000€. 7. Fees: A) Entry fees: The entry fee is normally 4.75% of the amount invested but I am very nice, so I negotiate. If you invest at least 30% in

shares, there is 0.5% entry fee! whatever the amount. If no shares at all, 2.5% entry fee. B) Management fees: 0.65% of the investment per year on the secured part (fond euro). And 0.96% on the investment made of shares/funds. C) Option fees: -0.70% per year for the gestion profile option (0.70% on the shares amount). -0.1% of the amount transferred + 15€ administration fee for the securing of the performances. -0.1% of the amount transferred + 15€ administration fee for the stop loss option. -0.20% of the value of the shares/fund for switching shares/funds + a 30€ administration fee. Note that you are entitled to one free per year, so the fee is only taken if you have done one already. D) Guaranteed death extra: The fee is calculated monthly (end of each month) and it is a percentage (depending on your age) of the capital loss. If we take the same example as per paragraph 4 and you have a capital loss of 25 200€. You are 50 years old, then the fee is 25 200x0.69% divided by 12=14.50€. This fee is then taken at the end of the year. This fee is only taken if the capital is at loss. 8. Adding money to it: You can add money to it at any time but a minimum of 1 500€. 9. Regular withdrawal: You can set up monthly, quarterly, twice a year or once a year automatic withdrawal which goes directly to your bank account. This is free. 10. Regular deposit: You can choose to make regular deposits (monthly, quarterly, twice a year or once a year) so the amount you choose to add to your assurance vie is taken automatically from your bank account. The amount is 100€ min per month. 11. Availability: The present amount on your assurance vie is always available. So, the money is never blocked. There are no penalties for taking your money out, but tax may apply if you have made a capital gain. Note that there is a 30 day cooling period when you open an assurance vie (same for every company) so no money is invested for the first 30 days. 12. French law: When you open a new assurance vie, there is always a 30 days cooling period before your money is invested. Conclusion: It is no secret that an assurance vie is the preferred investment for French people not only because of its advantages but also for its flexibility. But even if assurance vie investments offer the same envelope with every company (same advantages in regard to French inheritance law and tax and income tax), it is important to note the little differences and therefore shop around before making a decision.

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Controls in France




accounts, savings accounts, ISAs, etc where their names appear, in France or abroad.

There are different types of controls that you can be subject to as private individuals or as businesses.

You will need to justify all incomings. If you have regular income such as pensions, this is not difficult with copies of p60s or state pension increase letters. Where you have other incomings such as rent, then you will need management agency statements or copies of contracts etc to justify their source. Obviously, there should be no discrepancies in types of income and their value, with that declared on your income declaration.

s is often the case, my articles are influenced by current events and over the last month or so, I have been involved in the preparation of several controls by different government authorities. I thought that this would be a good area to cover this month.

Personal Controls Different events can trigger a control. This can be a change in situation such as a divorce, a death, or the purchase of property. They can raise an inconsistency, a doubt, or a question. Sometimes controls are triggered by a mistake that you have made and then wanted to correct and the inspector may wish then to examine your affairs in more detail. Generally, you are informed of a control by letter. The letter should identify the data that the inspector requires, the time period that it covers and the date by which you need to reply. Those controls that concern fraud, i.e. a difference between declared income and perceived income, follow the same method. You will be asked to produce bank statements and you will need to justify all incomings. The controls can be by correspondence only or you can request a meeting. Tax Controls Initially, you may just be interrogated on an area of discrepancy. This could be resolved by the presentation of proof of a payment or income. This is simply a reply and the doubt is put to bed. Sometimes, this can start with or turn to a full personal income control. For a full personal tax control, you are generally interrogated over the last three years that you have submitted. You will be asked to produce bank statements for all accounts held by the different household members. Do not forget that household means the family members included on your declaration, so spouses and dependents. You will need to provide all accounts held by all family members; so current

This type of control can be long and takes at least three months. At the end of the examination of documents, the tax inspector will draw up a letter stating the discrepancies, the legislation that applies and the value of income not declared. The inspector will make a proposition that you can accept or not. The proposition will define the tax due and the fines that are applied. If you contest, the control can continue a further 30 days. If the amount that is requested in tax and fines is too great for you to pay in the delay that they require, you can write and make a payment plan proposition. Bank Account Controls Especially in the last few years, tax inspectors check to see whether foreign tax residents have declared all accounts held outside of France as part of their personal income declaration. Account is a wide notion and covers all policies and banking accounts where funds and income can be held or created. This includes all household members alike. The nondeclaration of an account can result in a fine of 1500 euros per account and for each non declared year. You will be requested to provide copies of all accounts and their balance on the 31st December for each of the years controlled. This control can go back five years. Personal Social Controls URSSAF (social security) can ask for information from the tax office concerning

residents’ incomes. If a person working in France, employed or self-employed, pays low social contributions and has incomes that fall into the category of return on capital investment (e.g. dividends, interest or rent) that come from outside of France, they may receive a social contributions bill towards their health cover. CAF Controls Those persons on long term benefits are often controlled by the CAF (family benefits) to check that they are not working for cash or do not have any other undeclared income. It follows the same procedure as a personal tax control. Business Controls There are a number of business controls; TVA fraud, customs and excise fraud, income tax or corporation tax fraud and social security fraud, both employee and independent worker. These can turn into personal controls where the independent worker does not keep his or her business affairs separate from his personal, such as cashing cheques into his personal account. I only want to touch on one and that is for Micro/Auto entrepreneurs. Micro-entrepreneurs - Please Beware of Social Controls Currently with the Covid situation, URSSAF are not permitted to investigate ‘businesses’. The status of ‘business’ however does not apply to microentrepreneurs. They are particularly targeting areas where cash payments are possible, for example, odd jobbing or persons who declare a low turnover over several years. The procedure is the same as for a personal tax control. They will request copies of all bank accounts, both professional or personal, and ask you to justify the incomings. You may have other incomes that go through your personal accounts that can be crossed off the list e.g. pensions, with proof of the income source. However, if the difference does not correspond to the amount declared on your social and fiscal declarations, then you will have to pay the social contributions and potential fines. Small discrepancies do not create serious consequences. However, if the differences are significant, you can be prosecuted for social security fraud, which can result in potentially heavy fines (and even imprisonment).

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business FINANCE



f you have recently moved to France, then the newly signed Brexit deal could have repercussions for your assets. It is important to relook at your entire financial portfolio to see how country regulations can affect your taxation, pensions, life insurance and UK accounts. 1. Review your accounts in the UK – now with new BREXIT laws in place, you need to look at your UK based assets to see if they are still tax efficient and if you can access them as easily. Depending on your nationality, there might be double taxation treaties between your home country and France to ensure you don’t get taxed twice. 2. Pension review – are your pensions in the right place? Now that you live in France, you need to determine if your pensions are achieving their maximum returns and if you can legally access

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Moved to France Recently? How Will Brexit Affect Your Finances? them without increased taxation. A financial adviser could help make sure your pensions are in the right place working hard for your retirement. This could mean transferring your private pensions into more tax efficient jurisdictions and allowing you to choose diversified funds that will help mitigate risk whilst still ensuring good returns. 3. New life? – Moving to Europe means that you have started a new life, and this means new goals. Are your financial goals still the same? You might have started a business venture or perhaps you are retiring. These all impact your financial priorities. You need to determine what your new financial goals are and plan accordingly. e.g. if you are retiring in France, then you might need estate planning to safeguard your assets for your children.

4. Life cover – Is your existing life cover still valid in France? You might need to take out new life cover or adjust it according to your new lifestyle. You may be retiring and need less cover or starting a business and need more cover. 5. New adviser - Is your current adviser still allowed to offer financial advice? Now that you live in France, your adviser back in the UK might not be regulated in the EU. Ensure your adviser lives and is regulated in France and has local knowledge to help do a proper review of your financial portfolio. No matter what your financial situation is, you need to visit a financial adviser for a review if you have recently moved to France and are a UK citizen.

business MARKETING


Promoting Your Business Locally


here’s nothing better than having a thriving business in your local community. And communities change over time, people come, and they go. With online searches at an all-time high is your business showing up locally? As well as community landscapes changing, how your business gets seen has also changed. Whether you are a start-up or a seasoned business owner, your business needs to be seen. The methods used ten years ago may not function at their best now, or as we have seen in recent times, some more traditional face-to-face methods are nonexistent. The worldwide web is a hectic space. A digital market full of all sorts of businesses, some like yours, all jostling to be seen. So how do you strive to stake your pitch on your local patch digitally?

Google My Business. An ideal way to appear in local search is to create a free listing with Google My Business. Having a business profile helps attract customers when they are searching on Google. Regular postings to your GMB profile lets Google know you are still active and contributes to you showing up in map searches and local search results. To create an account and maintain an account is free. If you are active on social media, then some of your posts should include appealing local content and where possible have relevant hashtags and locations on your posts. The more active you are, the better, as Google searches for social media activity. Consider a more

targeted approach through ads where you can be specific about the demographics. If you have a website, this too should be optimised for local keywords. Add in some educational and informational blog content with relevant local keywords. Blog content is ideal when the majority of your website is static. It keeps it fresh and lets relevant search engines place you. If this kind of activity phases you or depletes valuable time, get someone in who knows what they are doing. Connect with other local businesses. Can you collaborate with complementary but non-competitive businesses? While most people will actively search online, we must always be mindful of those who do not use technology but are quite happy flipping through the local rag or magazine. Consider a listing or a regular advert in a magazine that covers your demographic.

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Let’s talk currency Sue Cook Regional Coordinator Centre Ouest 87600 Rochechouart +33 (0)555 036 669 +33 (0)689 992 889 E: Siret: 444 729 008 00011

TONY FARRELL INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ADVISER The Spectrum IFA Group, with over 20 years’ experience advising expatriates throughout Europe on all aspects of financial planning T: 05 55 89 57 94 E: TSG Insurance Services S.A.R.L. Siège Social: 34 Bd des Italiens, 75009 Paris. R.C.S. Paris B 447 609 108 (2003B04384). Société de Courtage d’assurances. Intermédiaire en opération de Banque et Services de Paiement. Numéro d’immatriculation 07 025 332 – Conseiller en investissements financiers, référencé sous le numéro E002440 par ANACOFI-CIF, association agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers

Advertise Your Business Call Sam or Gayle on 05 16 32 13 42 or email: etcetera 19

health It can be difficult when friends or loved ones aren’t supportive of your goals



his could be a review of our health and wellbeing, the exercise we may or may not do or our eating practices, i.e. give up red meat, become a vegetarian or a pescatarian? We have little or no control over our external world, but we do have control over what and when we eat. Whatever it is we decide to do to improve ourselves we will have friends, foes and frenemies out there to either help or hinder us. Food Frenemies "Frenemy" (also spelled "frienemy") is an oxymoron and a portmanteau of "friend" and "enemy" that refers to "a person with whom one is friendly, despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry" or "a

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Louise works with the Fit for Life Association as a Clinical Weight Loss Coach. She is also a Hypnotherapy Practitioner Specialising in Hypnotic Gastric Band Therapy By Louise Cotton


Foes will be openly judgemental. Tell us we are wasting our time. What we are doing will never work. They can be dealt Friends – well that is an obvious one. Our with in three ways – avoided, ignored or friends, within this I include partners and confronted. If they are family members, they blatant in their views These can also be family love us for us and will then you can be equally members and come in support us in our strong in yours, stand many different disguises endeavours. Some join up for yourself and do us in our pursuit of a what you want to do! healthier lifestyle and will do whatever Frenemies on the other hand are tricky. they can to help us get to where we have They are more subtle in their approach. decided we want to be. They undermine our efforts by offering Foes and frenemies on the other hand are foods we are trying to avoid or by saying our biggest obstacles! These can also be “just one, it can’t hurt”. They may arrange family members and come in many social evenings at a time when you are due to attend an exercise class (pre-pandemic) different disguises. person who combines the characteristics of a friend and an enemy".


Having family or friends there to encourage you can make all the difference, it’s even better when they join in!

cutting down’... but why? Most people would not dream of offering a vegetarian a pork chop if they came for lunch so why would your ‘friend’ offer you sticky toffee pudding when they know you are on a ‘diet’?

and when inviting you for a meal, they cook food which is very calorific and do not offer anything lighter. Foes and frenemies are usually fuelled by envy. They do not have the courage to change or just do not want to. They will do everything they can to trip you up because, if you succeed you will show them in an even worse light. Both are equally unhelpful.


Having got all that negativity out of the way, lets look how we can deal with our frenemies in a positive way in order to keep on track. 1.



Changing your message. The word diet to frenemies is like a red flag. It is a challenge they need to overcome. (How dare you not want to eat what is offered?!) By changing your message, you hope to avoid this. Tell them that you are not on a diet but that you are changing your lifestyle and your new way of eating does not include some of the things you ate previously or at least now in smaller amounts. Say ‘No thank you’. I am not saying this is easy, but it is the first line of defence. If it is not in your plan for the day – just say NO. Explain in advance. Give your food frenemy the opportunity to help you. If you decide to stop eating meat or become a full vegetarian this seems to be more acceptable to some than ‘just



Have a plan and stick to it. If you are entertaining, you can control what you are eating and how much. If at a friend’s or frenemies’ house, eat as much of each course that YOU want. If the food is offered in serving dishes then you are again in control. Perhaps miss the cheese course or the dessert. Being full is not a crime! Offer to drive to control your alcohol intake.

your exercise classes or go for walk Don’t go out hungry. One of the worst with you. They may just need a hand mistakes made is going to a social to hold to get them to think about occasion (remember those?) hungry. some positive changes. The consequence of If they are truly your this is that regardless friends then they will They will do everything of your plan you will support you. If they they can to trip you up eat everything. You won't support you? because, if you succeed will regret it later and Well, I will leave that you will show them in an one up to you! give your foes and even worse light frenemies more Those first steps to ammunition for making changes to future events. your lifestyle are always the most difficult. Change your frenemies to friends. Sit Asking for help and support, changing and explain to them why you are inborn ideas and long-term habits is not doing what you are doing and how easy. Once you have started on this new important it is to you. Ask them to path the rewards are amazing, just as we help you in your endeavours. Share all are! A new look you – that has to be some of the tips you have learnt with exciting, but doing it with others by your side will help make it possible. them. Encourage them to join you at

etcetera 21



22 etcetera


By Sim one Perrym an

Simone Perryman moved to the Charente several years ago with her now grown up family. She is passionate about mental health and as a Person Centred Counsellor has a private practice here. Currently working online or by telephone. Facebook Simone Perryman Wellbeing Solutions Tel 0604409719 or 0545 893034 E.mail


any of us are attempting to navigate life rather than feel we are really living it. We are experiencing instability or loss on so many levels: financial; social and physical restrictions with others (when human contact is essential to our wellbeing); emotional; and sadly, actual lives. These may naturally have long term detrimental effects on our mental health and wellbeing depending on our circumstances and who we are as unique individuals, thus creating many different emotional responses but generally, a rise in levels of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, grief and depression, all of which can affect our physical health. And so something we can hopefully do to reduce some of these effects is to choose to focus on the present and our self-care as we cannot predict how long this current global situation is going to last. We can’t control everything that is happening but we can choose to control how we respond to it and that is where self-care comes into play.

Make doing your hobbies of any type a priority in your spare time.

If you like to make lists, then make sure they are achievable and not overwhelming.

If you take medications, make sure you take them regularly as prescribed.

You can choose to social distance and wear a mask, even if others don’t.

Do anything that gives you a moment of joy, no matter how insignificant or small you might think it is. Just experience it and notice how it makes you feel in the present. Psychological ▪ Foster an attitude of forgiveness and self-compassion ▪ Learn to say “no” and how to assert your own personal boundaries. ▪ Practise asking for and receiving help. ▪ Meditate or practise yoga. Both are amazing for the mind.


▪ Be aware of the language you use for yourself. We can be prone to using catastrophic language when we are Physical/Personal anxious and overwhelmed etc. We often ▪ Keeping a good sleep routine to believe what we say to ourselves or nourish your whole body at a about ourselves when it is not based on cellular level. reality. Ask yourself, would you speak to your best friend the ▪ Taking regular way you speak to exercise. It doesn’t yourself. Learn to have to be for that Make doing your hobbies control your long or physically of any type a priority in inner critic. too hard. If you your spare time choose to walk, Practising self-care is then have a good NOT selfish. We can look around you choose to take care of and make it sensory. ourselves first in order to be available to ▪ Take a bath with something nice give our energy and support to others. As smelling and a book or music to they say, “you cannot pour from an empty listen too. cup” and with good self-care, “the cup is refillable”. Focus on the fact that what we ▪ Eat healthily and regularly. Gut health are all collectively going through is is directly linked to our temporary. When we tell ourselves that we mental wellbeing. can’t do something, for example, going to ▪ Enjoy a movie or TV show. One that the UK to visit family, remember that it is makes you laugh or is really engaging. not permanent, it is just 'not yet'!

etcetera 23

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24 etcetera

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garden Physocarpus opulifolius 'Red Baron’

Shrubs for year-round interest




hey are generally fairly trouble free and low maintenance – if you choose the right ones for your soil and site. Ideally when planting up a new area of the garden shrubs and trees should go in first before planting herbaceous plants, ground cover and bulbs. For very low maintenance you can also plant up a ‘shrub border’ using just a mixture of shrubs.

varieties for a permanent planting scheme - hardiness can vary so check that plants are hardy to around -12 to be sure that they will survive the winters here. They can also be either evergreen (retaining leaves all year round) or deciduous (losing their leaves for a period of dormancy usually in winter). It is a good idea to select a mixture of evergreen and deciduous shrubs for continuity of interest.

To begin with let’s have a look at the definition of a shrub. Botanically they are It is all too easy to plants that form a end up with a shrub permanent woody border that is made framework that It is a good idea to select a up of all mid greens extends each mixture of evergreen and and lacking interest, growing season and deciduous shrubs for particularly if you are generally multi choose your shrubs stemmed i.e. there continuity of interest mainly for their are several main flowering merits, so it branches coming is really important to from ground level consider foliage in terms of colour, texture or just above (some large shrubs can also and form; a blend of large and small be trained as small trees on a single main leaves, different shaped leaves, contrasting stem). They can be either frost hardy or colours, some variegation etc, to add frost tender depending on where they interest. Consider also the colour and originate so make sure you buy hardy

By Caroline Wright

Caroline has been a lecturer in horticulture for 20 years and is now running a nursery and 'garden craft' courses in the Haute-Vienne at Le jardin creatif

texture of bark on deciduous shrubs for winter interest. Planting; shrubs will remain in the ground for many years and therefore good preparation of the soil is beneficial before planting. If you are planting up an entire border, dig over the whole border making sure you go down further than a spade's depth to break up any compacted soil in the root zone, remove any large stones and add well-rotted organic matter such as garden compost or manure. For individual planting dig a hole twice the size of the rootball breaking up the sub soil underneath and adding some organic matter. Adding a sprinkling of mycorrhizal fungi to the soil will help root development and plant establishment.

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Amelanchier canadensis in fruit

Sorbaria sorbifolia

Arbutus unedo - the leaves are dark green and glossy, the bell-shaped flowers are white and the fruit is a red berry

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Flowers of the Amelanchier canadensis are produced in early spring in loose racemes 4–6 cm long at the ends of the branches

Sorbaria sorbifolia, the flowers are white and showy, clustered at the end of the branches

garden Hebe 'Caledonia'

Young shrubs tend to establish better than mature ones that have been in the pot too long and where the roots have become woody in the pot. Smaller specimens may not have the same initial impact but they will root out and establish quicker and are better on your budget. Early spring and autumn are the best times to plant.

shrub with deep burgundy red leaves stands up to the summer heat better than any other shrub we grow. It bears pale pink flowers in early summer which are followed by bright red seed heads which complement the purple foliage and then giving a finale of autumn colour as the leaves turn bright red before they fall. The deep burgundy bark gives a little winter interest too.

Aftercare; choosing the right plants for your soil, site and climate will reduce Amelanchier canadensis An excellent watering and protection in the long term, choice because not only does it bring a but during the first summer season they long season of interest starting with its will want some additional water – it is best spring blossom and ending in spectacular to water deeply once every 7 to 10 days to autumn colour, it also produces a encourage the roots to grow down into the profusion of edible soil than to water berries in June (hence the surface on a In our garden this stunning one of its common daily basis which deciduous shrub with deep names ‘the June will encourage berry’) tasting a bit shallow rooting burgundy red leaves stands up to like a blueberry, which which will the summer heat better than any can be eaten raw, used inevitably mean other shrub we grow in baking and also they will suffer liqueurs (we make a from drought batch of Amelanchier Gin every year!) more quickly. A good layer of organic mulch material will help to keep the root Sorbaria sorbifolia This deciduous run cool and moist and helps to keep the shrub is one of the spring highlights in our soil in good condition - this will need garden. As the feathery textured foliage topping up each year. (We will look at emerges the new growth is a pinky red pruning in depth in a later article). contrasting with the green/gold of the more mature foliage. Plumes of white There are a multitude of varieties of flowers rise from the tips of each branch in decorative hardy shrubs to choose from, late spring and in autumn the leaves turn and it is easy to make mistakes by buying pale gold before falling. on impulse, so do some research and plan your border before going out to buy your For their evergreen foliage Hebe cultivars plants. I have many favourites but here are add colour all year round. Many cultivars a selection of 5 shrubs that I have found are variegated and all produce flowers well suited to the climate and for seasonal ranging from white, mauve, purple in late interest – for specific winter interest see summer – although we have found them my January article. to flower two or even three times a year in our garden. We grow several different Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Red Baron’ cultivars including ‘Nicola’s Blush’, with In our garden this stunning deciduous

deep green leaves and flowers opening rose pink and fading to white giving a ‘blushed’ appearance to the flower spike, and ‘Caledonia’ with delicate purple foliage which is red at the growing points and bearing deep lilac flowers - this one is outstanding winter colour. Arbutus unedo Native to southern Spain and North Africa this evergreen shrub has the common name of the ‘Strawberry Tree’. It is related to blueberries and heathers and produces bell shaped flowers in spring that give rise to red fruits that look a little like a lychee and taste mildly of strawberries (they are edible but it is not advised to eat too many – they have the same effect as figs and prunes…) but the fruits are interesting and decorative in their own right. As the shrub matures it produces cinnamon coloured peeling bark that adds to the winter interest.

le jardin creatif… Our nursery at Le Jardin Créatif is open on Saturdays 10-4 from early March though until the end of October. We sell a range of herbaceous perennials, ornamental grasses, aromatics and a small selection of decorative shrubs. We are happy to give planting advice to our nursey customers on Saturdays and our garden is also open on Saturdays to give inspiration. Our latest plant list is online on our website.

etcetera 27


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etcetera 29


Oriental Poppies

30 etcetera


Springtime In the garden

By Ronnie Ogier



ost gardens are a mix of old and new, where plants that have grown in situ for many years mingle with newer occupants. Even a blank canvas of a garden, once planted, will quickly mature and fill out, sometimes developing in unexpected ways. As gardens grow, they can switch from ‘mature’ to ‘overgrown’ in the twinkling of an eye! Gardens can lose their sparkle if plantings become overgrown and unkempt. This is the time to revitalise a tired, or even exhausted, plot. So, take the time to cast an appraising eye round your garden, review what is and what isn’t working, consult any photos you took during the year, or even the ‘list’ of changes you made at the end of last year, and then consider how you can ‘sort it’. Renew borders. The quickest way to make a garden look neater is to tidy border edges – this could be straightening a lawn edge or snipping back plants that are creeping onto paving. Herbaceous perennials can become overcrowded after three or four years. The border can be easily rejuvenated by lifting, dividing and replanting, and put in plant supports now. Old bulbs can become blind over time and these are best removed and the ones that are left can be helped back to strength with bulb fertiliser. Allow daffodil leaves to die back naturally - I know they look untidy, but they will provide food for next spring’s flowers.

Ronnie is a passionate gardener and now loves sharing her years of experience of success and failures in her own garden and sharing it with you. Also a keen runner, having been bitten by the ‘Couch to 5K’ bug!

controlled by cutting selected ones right back to the trunk and leaving others in place. Renovate shrubs. Many overgrown shrubs can be pruned hard to bring them back under control. This pruning will stimulate newer growth - it may seem drastic, but it will pay dividends. For some deciduous shrubs such as Hamamelis, some Magnolia and Acer palmatum it’s better to carry out heavy pruning over two or three years allowing you to see how the shrub responds, and then over time aim towards a more natural shape. For other deciduous shrubs such as Cotinus, Leycesteria and Philadelphus, these can be pruned hard, but it will take a couple of years for them to regain their former glory. An alternative is to stagger pruning, then cut the stems close to the ground over a two to three year period. For the following couple of years thin out excess shoots, selecting the strongest, best placed ones to remain. Pruning disrupts the normal balance of hormones within the wood of a tree or shrub, causing a different type of growth. Buds at the top of a branch, apical or terminal buds, send a hormone, auxin, down the branch to inhibit side growth lower down. Removing this top bud stops the flow of auxins, and an alternative hormone, cytokynins, becomes dominant. This stimulates dormant buds to produce side shoots and branches. This is how we are able to change the shape of trees and shrubs.

Revitalise trees. Lifting the crown of older trees by removing a few of the lower branches gives them a new lease of life. This process will allow more light to reach the soil beneath for, perhaps, planting, mulching or even a seat in the tree’s shade. Overcrowded branches will block out light from the whole area; thinning out about 30% of the branches will revive the tree’s appearance and let more sunlight through. The best time to do this work is between autumn and late spring.

It is a good idea to check all supports for climbers before they start to put on too much growth. This might be wires and strainers attached to a wall or a fence, or tripods made from pea sticks. Replace any that are not strong and retie the remainders. March is also the time to sow many seeds and get the whole propagation process going. Hardy and tender vegetables, herbs, tender flowering annuals and herbaceous perennials can be sown if you have the space and protection for them.

Bring hedges under control. Out-of-hand deciduous hedges respond well to hard pruning. Cut them back as needed when dormant. If the reduction in width or height is more than 50%, stagger it over three years. Coniferous hedges, except for yew, do not regrow from bare wood but their height can be reduced by up to a third and sides can be

There is clearly a great deal to get on with in March, but there is still time to plan for your own enjoyment and relaxation. One of the ways I do this is by visiting other gardens. When I go and visit gardens I will almost always see something that interests or inspires me – it can be something quite small, a border plant or a different vegetable or it could be a

‘serious’ structural feature. Three years ago I saw a beautiful rose walk, an archway covered with climbing roses. At that time, we were wondering what to do with the piece of unproductive land which has become our detached garden. The rose arch inspired us to do something similar and we now have a metal arched pathway, named by one of our friends ‘Ironhenge’, forming a gently curved path which over time (and unfortunately it does take time) will be smothered in roses. One way to visit a wide range of gardens, both close to you and when travelling throughout France, is to become involved in Open Gardens/Jardins Ouverts. This is a French charity roughly based on the National Garden Scheme (the Yellow Book Scheme) in the UK. The Charity was founded in 2013 when four gardeners in the Creuse decided to open their garden for a weekend. The money they raised, 300€, was donated to a French Charity, À Chacun son Everest, which supports children and young people in remission or recovery from leukaemia. The scheme gradually grew over the following years, with more gardens joining so that we now have gardens opening in 30 departments in France. At the same time the number of charities supported increased. In 2019 we made donations of 17 500€ to 7 charities. The total of donations now made has reached 96 050€, but we still only give to charities supporting children and young people with life inhibiting illnesses or conditions and À Chacun son Everest is still the main charity we support. Anyone can get involved with Open Gardens/Jardins Ouverts, how much depends on you. You can open your garden and we will help as much as we can to get you started; you can become a member; you can become a ‘friend’; visit participating gardens; receive our newsletter to find out what we’re doing; or hold a fund-raising event for us. We aim to give 80% of the money raised by gardens to the charities we support. To find out more and see where and when gardens will be open go to our website Happy gardening and perhaps we’ll meet at an open garden!

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farm life

32 etcetera

farm life



n the mountainous landscape of southern and south-central parts of France, shepherds have traditionally accompanied their goats, sheep and cattle up into summer pastures for the growing season and then brought them back down to the valley villages to be barn fed in winter. Such practices allowed animals to learn about all the different plant species and how best to meet their nutritional needs. Goats were led to the steeper parts where they made good use of a large variety of bushes and scrub. All plants contain toxins, but in the right doses and combinations and at the right time, these can actually benefit the consumer. For example, goats have been found to self-medicate on particular plants only when suffering from a worm overload, and the infestation was alleviated as a result. Several studies in different parts of the world have shown similar results. These goats learned by trial and error and then by passing the knowledge from mother to kids and among companions. Learning to Choose the Right Plants Animals have a feedback system that puts them off eating a certain food if they subsequently feel ill. Similarly, improved health and pleasant sensations will encourage them to eat a foodstuff again. Herbivores are cautious about eating new plants and will only sample a little until they get feedback from their digestive system. If all goes well, they will eat more. However, this system can be deceived, for example, if a plant gives a hedonic sensation while insinuating its poison, or if a plant’s toxins build up slowly until the damage is done. Social herbivores, such as goats and sheep, reduce the risk of experimentation by observing one another and passing the knowledge on. Animals can adapt to local environments through acquiring traditions from the herd. For example, a female goat in a modern pastoral system in Israel learned to access seed heads of a thistle on a stem two metres high. She grabbed the stem with her mouth and pulled it down in a circular motion. This method has now

spread among the flock, beyond her direct descendants.

Tamsin Cooper is a smallholder and writer with a keen interest in animal behaviour and welfare By Tam s

in Coop er

Normally, they stick to safe foods that they know, such as grass and hay. Problems occur when safe foods run out due to shortage or overgrazing. In desperation, an animal may try an unknown plant. Bitter tastes, indicating potential poisons, put them off, but if there is no alternative, they will tolerate the flavour. I have heard of cases when goats started eating a bush they never bothered with before, or lambs gorged themselves on acorns in autumn. These cases can be fatal. With limited land, it can be difficult to avoid shortages, especially in winter.

A recent academic paper contends that ‘matrilineal traditions are essential for learning nutritional and medical benefits including sequences that alleviate deleterious effects’. Learning from mother Solutions for Safe Grazing starts in the womb, where flavours of Good old-fashioned meadows with a nutrients are sensed in late pregnancy. variety of grasses and flowering Milk also carries flavours from plants the herbaceous plants are far healthier both dam has been eating. Experiments show for ruminants and the ecology. Herbivores that kids preferred plants their mothers need variety, so they can choose what they were eating while kids were in utero and in need as individuals and for their current the early days pre- and post-weaning. circumstances. Goats favour bushes and While foraging with mother, kids picked trees and benefit hugely up her browsing habits. When kids These goats learned by trial from their inclusion in the pasture, although were swapped at birth and error and then by you will need to protect to mothers with passing the knowledge from the bark of trunks. different diets, the kids mother to kids and With variety, adopted their fosterherbivores will learn to among companions dams’ strategies. offset the toxins of one Pastoral kids have also shown that their plant against another. Allowing young to diets are a combination of what they be reared by their mother will accelerate learned from mother and which plants learning and minimize dangerous were prevalent in the year of birth. In experimentation. Medicinal and rapidly changing environments, this could nutritional plant knowledge is not just vary from what was available to older about which plants to combine, but how generations. Herd animals also observe much, and in which sequence. People with each other to locate the freshest, most this knowledge can guide their flock, but nutritious patches. They can be influenced on the whole, an experienced mother by humans, who may add to the feeder a knows best. particular plant they want clearing from Where space is limited and during the field in a bid to accustom the grazers. I shortages, meadow hay featuring a variety found cutting and drying nettles of herbaceous plants makes a good staple, encouraged goats to eat nettles in the field. which should be available at all times. But, we must take care to introduce them only to plants that are safe to eat. Goats can lose interest in their pasture while it still seems plentiful to our eyes. Why do Grazers Poison Themselves? Tired pastures can be refreshed by using If sheep and goats are so smart, why do rotational systems, in which vegetation is allowed to recover. Strip grazing of small they sometimes poison themselves? areas for a short time encourages animals Modern farming systems are very different to sample all the plants, rather than just from the pastoral system where herds had picking out their favourites, and this great variety to choose from and large furthers their knowledge of different areas to forage. Stable herds and natural species. Plant variety and a maternal rearing on the dam meant that learning learning are the keys to browsing success. could spread among herd members. Goats raised on the bottle or with limited variety of forage will not get the early learning that pastoral herds enjoy.

Reference: Landau, S.Y. and Provenza, F.D., 2020. Of browse, goats, and men: Contribution to the debate on animal traditions and cultures. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 105127.

etcetera 33

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34 etcetera

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L’Ouverture Truite! By Clive Kenyon



hey are trout anglers eager to commence the new season. The Charente and Haute Vienne departments have many trout rivers, typically the smaller ones in the higher reaches that are designated Category 1 on the maps listed by the departmental Association of Pêcheurs. These waters are only open from the second Saturday in March through to the third Sunday in September, and that applies to all species, not just trout. Some of the rivers have restrictions on how many trout you can take and the sizes of fish that must be returned. Also, in a few places maggots as bait are banned. In the absence of specific regulations those specified on the departmental fisheries website will apply. There are some places where fly fishing is the predominant method of fishing; the Touvre in the Charente and the area on the Vienne in the Haute Vienne around Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat along with the Taurion in the same department, but on many of the smaller rivers bait fishing is the most common method of trout fishing. There are also communal lakes that are stocked with trout including the 7 hectare Etang des Brégères just outside St. Barbant. You can check on regulations and which waters are designated trout waters by typing 'pêche' followed by the departmental number into a search engine then following the links to the designated Réglementation or Parcours pages. For those anglers who prefer to fly fish in larger rivers then probably the best bet is to head south to the River Dordogne where there is some of the best trout fishing in France. You will find plenty of information online about this superb river. There are specific parcours at Argentat-sur-Dordogne, Saint Bazile de la Roche, Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne and Saint Céré where single hooks and ‘no kill’ are mandatory. As well as these defined fisheries you can find less well known stretches of river near to or between some of the pretty villages that line the river. The Golden Maggot Trophy Back in the mid 1970s there was a fishing program on TV called The Fishing Race that featured teams of two anglers including Dennis Darkin and John Darling, Brian Harris with Clive Gammon, and Ian Gillespie with Jim Gibbinson. A

second series featured Welsh rugby legend Gareth Edwards. The teams of anglers were tasked with catching as many species as possible and vied for the world’s smallest prize; The Golden Maggot Trophy.

tactics over and over again. All that is needed is a shortish rod such as a trout spinning rod or float rod of between six and nine feet, a small fixed spool reel loaded with 3lb line and no more tackle than will fit in a small trout bag or waistcoat pockets. Tackling up involves a When you consider that a river such as the float such as a Loafer or Chub Trotter, a Charente will hold upwards of thirty few split shot and a variety of hook lengths species including the sea fish in its tidal to include 18s for the smaller species up to reaches, the lesser known oddities such as size 14 or 12 for the chub and carp. A lampreys and loach and the nonCatherine lead can be used to quickly indigenous ones including poisson-chat adapt your float rig into a float / ledger rig and perche soleil, it is strange that there is and the other essentials include a pair of so little interest in probably twenty-five of polarised glasses to be able to spot fish. these. The days of specialist anglers Spotting fish is an art in itself and targeting species other than the usual reminiscent of doing a jigsaw puzzle. suspects seems long ago. Those white lips and black tail, One of the tasks that I set they are part of a myself from time to time Like those participants of chub. Those is to catch as many The Fishing Race this orange patches species as I can in a involves adapting are a barbel’s session typically on a techniques to suit the pectoral fins. small river near to home. Sometimes you capture of each species Like those participants of see a cloud of silt The Fishing Race this indicating that a involves adapting carp is grubbing techniques to suit the capture of each around the river bed. At other times it is species and of course, knowing where and about casting to features that may hold a how to find them. That last part is the fish or two. most satisfying; but only when I get it right. One of the beauties in this sort of fishing, other than bringing the boy out of the Counting all the species that I am likely to man, is that you don’t need much time, find in the river, I reckon that it will equipment or bait. Three euro’s worth of include; silure, pike, zander, perch, ruffe, maggots, a few worms from the garden carp, common bream, barbel, roach, chub, and a small ball of cheese paste will see gudgeon, brown trout and the invasive you right for all but the three larger poisson-chat and perche soleil, fourteen in predators, and you can catch your bait for total. Of those I have had at one time or those if you have a spare rod and reel another ten species including the two more suited to the job, handy as a standby. invaders, and seven different species in any one session. The ones that I am missing include the three larger predators and the trout. I can explain the three predators in that these require specialist baits, hooks and traces that are not interchangeable with the others. The trout however is a mystery. Brown trout are regularly stocked in the river and I have seen pêcheurs spinning for them in some reaches, but I can honestly say that I have never seen one in that river, dead or alive. This sort of fishing, which I have described before as Fishing in Lilliput after the short story published by Arthur Ransome, is a refreshing change from concentrating on a single species and repeating the same

As I said in the January article, this year I intend to fish more for the lesser species including roach, perch and tench instead of concentrating mainly on the larger ones and this sort of session will feature more in my fishing trips. I have sacrificed an old redundant built cane fly rod and turned it into a lightweight nine foot Avon type rod specifically for this kind of fishing. If you can find a suitable location there is no reason why you cannot become reacquainted with your childhood friends, the gudgeon and the ruffe along with dace, bleak and rudd. They are all out there just waiting for a bit of your attention. Think of them as specimens – only smaller!

etcetera 35

free time

36 etcetera

free time

etcetera 37


What on Earth Is He Talking about?



all came down or instance, you are discussing with a to hunting. friend a recipe you would like to try. You may ask, “Do you marinate the meat? Now Mankind had always hunted for food How long for? Do you seal it?” All these (hence “Hunter-gatherer” as a description are asked in the jargon of the cook. You of Early Man’s lifestyle), but as society understand them, your friend understands developed, kings and other high-ranking them, and a lot of time officials spent more is saved because you time ruling or As soon as someone stops don’t have to describe fighting, and hired doing something, they get all a mutually understood underlings to hunt set of processes. misty-eyed about it and want their food for them, and as is the way to do it again Where did it with these matters, all start? as soon as someone I started thinking stops doing about this when I looked up “Collective something, they get all misty-eyed about it nouns” while I was researching starling and want to do it again. So a form of murmurations. It turns out that this ritualised hunting was instituted, for business of having special words for which large tracts of forest (e.g. the New groups of different creatures started off Forest) were created, where kings and their entourages could hunt in relative not long after the Norman conquest, and

38 etcetera

By Mik

e Geo r ge

Mike George is our regular contributor on wildlife and the countryside in France. He is a geologist and naturalist, living in the Jurassic area of the Charente

comfort, and recapture the heady days of their youth. Only now it was exclusive, and you didn’t want the proles and the plebs joining in, so you invented a system of special words which all those “in the know” could use, and which an outsider couldn’t unless they were initiated and took the trouble to learn them. These included collective nouns for animals (hounds, for example, were counted in “couples”). Different processes in butchery were set up and named (you may remember the Sword in the Stone, by TH White, in which poor King Pellinore gets one of his terms for part of an animal wrong and is spanked ritually with the flat


In 1470, Paolo Uccello, pioneer of artistic perspective, painted The Hunt in the Forest. Hunting at night? Many experts see a deeper meaning, especially as the hounds and the quarry seem to be ignoring one another!

of a sword-blade). Even animal droppings were specially named (deer droppings were “Fewmets”). Of course, if someone used these terms, it marked him out as an “initiate”, someone who was part of the hunting fraternity, and to whom you could talk familiarly as an equal. (King Pellinore again, “Like to see some fewmets?”, “Jove, yes, love to see some fewmets.”) Jargon becomes codified This was first set down in writing by Walter of Bibbesworth in his “Treatise” of the mid-1200s, and expanded by other writers as the Middle Ages progressed towards their end. By 1486, the terms ran to a list of 164 items, and there are signs that they are not being taken particularly seriously. Some of the collective terms are being extended to certain groups of humans. From here on it starts to get quite cynical, and you get suggestions such as “A Doctrine of Doctors” and “A Sentence of Judges”, even “A Incredibility of Cuckolds”. These appear in “The Book of St Albans”, originally published in 1486

new usages could speak in a sort of shorthand. This had a threefold use. It shortened the need for speech, as one word could describe a whole concept or process; it identified fellow-devotees of the subject you were discussing, as they showed understanding and could enter into the discussion; and it kept outsiders at a distance because they had no idea what you were talking about, and you could “preserve It kept outsiders at a the mysteries”.

and reprinted several times throughout the next 150 years. This eventually became a rather satirical game, but strangely the animal part of it was taken seriously by some, and many of the terms ended up being included in lexicons, which of course pinned them down as legitimate. As new animals were discovered, some misguided lexicographer would come up with a collective noun for it (“A Crash of Rhinoceroses”). So that is why as a child I had to learn lists of collective nouns for a whole range of animals, most of which I have never used since.

distance because they had no idea what you were talking about, and you could “preserve the mysteries”

Jargon – good or bad? But of course, as man’s knowledge and inquisitiveness grew, and as he began to find out more and more about the world around him, it became necessary to describe and discuss new ideas. This of course required new words or the changing of the meaning of old words. This meant that people familiar with the

Eventually the term “jargon” developed to describe this type of language, from a word related in origin to “gargle” and used, by Chaucer among others, to describe the warbling and chattering of birds. To a large extent jargon still fulfils those three functions. As one who has spent much of his life in the company of researchers into arcane matters, I know how easy it is to speak in the shorthand of jargon, and indeed how it enables the mind to concentrate on the subject. When

etcetera 39


used among like-minded researchers or philosophers, it has great benefit. It also enables you to identify the degree of knowledge of someone you do not know well. If you are describing something to someone, and they do not show incomprehension when you tentatively use a jargon term, you know they have at least some knowledge of what you are saying, and a lot of explanation time may be saved. These days, “Preserving the mysteries” is less of an issue, except in commercial circles, and relying on jargon to cloak matters you do not want aired is a risky strategy! Where does that leave the rest of us? We have all had moments of frustration, especially recently, when we have been desperate to learn how the war against the pandemic is progressing, and some spokesperson has launched into a stream of medical-speak which we laymen cannot follow. Why can’t they say something we can understand? In all probability they have no way of saying what they mean in simple language. That is the problem with jargon. You begin to think in it and never put the words into simple form, because you do not need to. Everyone you usually talk to understands what you are saying, and it saves you time. That is what it is for. The fault lies with the media producer who says, “Get the top expert in and interview him.” The interviewee he needs is a member of the team – there is usually one

40 etcetera

- who has the skill to translate and explain the jargon, but nobody will have heard of him, so get the “big name” in and hope your hapless interviewer (who probably knows less than many of his viewers) can make sense of it all.

will still remain valid over many years. A retired doctor can still confer with younger colleagues. A modern Nuclear Physicist will still understand the language used at Los Alamos all those years ago.

Slang, however, while it serves a similar What is really needed is a translator, purpose for the users in that it identifies someone who can take the someone of the same background and incomprehensible stream of jargon and lifestyle, is by virtue of the way it is used, put it into words that the rest of us can so variable and impermanent as to be understand. The incomprehensible trouble is, should after a relatively this paragon be a short time. Much of journalist or If you try to use the slang you it is, unlike jargon, a a researcher? way of excluding grew up with, you will be met non-initiates, so with blank incomprehension If it is the must be changeable, researcher, he will by anyone a few years almost like a probably be unable younger, or older, than you password. to bring his Fortunately, except language down to a in very extreme level which his circumstances, the audience can understand. Speaking ability or lack thereof to speak or jargon becomes second nature, and is a understand slang is not a life-changing habit that is hard to break. matter! But remember, if you try to use If he is a journalist, he may be unable to the slang you grew up with, you will be grasp the concepts he must put across, met with blank incomprehension by and while his words are understandable, anyone a few years younger, or older, the facts may become distorted or than you. plain incorrect. What is the answer? Either way, the result will be confusion So I am afraid we are stuck with jargon, and mistrust. Really, it is an almost and we have to gird our loins and seek out impossible task. the meanings for ourselves, if it seems Down with the kids worth it. Luckily in the world of the Internet, there is no end of opportunity for Two things we must distinguish between such exploration – if we only had the time! are jargon and slang. Jargon, as I have But beware of research into medical said, is a work language. It will adapt to jargon; as Mark Twain said, “You don’t increased knowledge and changes in the nature of the work, but in all probability it want to die of a misprint”.

nature The Common Starling Sternus vulgaris (Fr: Etourneau sansonnet). Beautiful enough on its own; stunning in the mass.



ne of them would have been a murmuration of starlings.

Why not a flock of starlings? They are just birds, after all. What is so special about a load of starlings? Well, you are right. Mostly you just see a couple of dozen starlings fly overhead, and that is a flock. However, if you keep your ears open, you will get some indication of why a different word might be appropriate. Starlings have relatively small wings for their body-size, and consequently have to beat them quite rapidly to stay aloft, and this produces a soft sibilance which, if it is a quiet time of day, you can hear when enough of the birds fly over. You can even sense a sort of vibration in the air which seems to be outside the normal hearing range. In addition, starlings tend to keep up a constant trilling chirp to communicate

with each other in flight. When this all mixes together, there is a distinct murmur audible.

By Mike G eorge

Mike George is our regular contributor on wildlife and the countryside in France. He is a geologist and naturalist, living in the Jurassic area of the Charente

area with short but dense cover and plenty of water and food available – and will try to gather into a great congregation of birds nestling together for warmth and safety.

But there is more to the flight of starlings than this. For most of To do this they the year, a flight of a must first overfly You can even sense a sort few dozen is the most the area. This they you are likely to see at do in vast, of vibration in the air one time. Starlings are wheeling masses, which seems to be outside solitary birds for the which other the normal hearing range most part, but under individuals or certain circumstances flocks will join. they will become When enough excessively communal. birds have arrived, and just as the sun Keeping warm for the winter As autumn approaches, and the nights become colder, the starlings abandon their solitary sleeping arrangements in scattered trees, and begin to congregate as night begins to fall. They will select a suitable environment – usually a low-lying

sinks into evening, the whole mass will descend to roost, and the sky will suddenly clear, while a mass of birds huddles together in the low cover to keep each other warm throughout the night to come. This huge flock of flying starlings is the murmuration, and it is a phenomenon

etcetera 41

A still shot of a murmuration cannot convey the sheer poetry of the wheeling, intertwining movement of the mass of birds.

which is getting rarer in the U.K., but strangely more common in France. The noise which accompanies the flock has to be heard to be believed, and amply justifies the name. I remember driving home from work in Exeter towards the east of Devon. On the outskirts of the city was a large roundabout, which slowed traffic to a crawl. This became less irksome in autumn, as I would reach the roundabout as the sun was setting, and the air above it would be alive with hundreds of wheeling, twittering starlings forming a great swirling black cloud. I would watch spellbound, although ever conscious of the proximity of the Devon and Cornwall Police Headquarters on the same roundabout, which made us all consider our driving carefully! But why do the birds do this? In point of fact, if you want to start an argument

42 etcetera

this could be true, and it is readily observed that predatory hawks can be disoriented by such a wheeling mass – Safety in numbers? spoiled for choice, as it were – but it seems One’s first instinct is to say, “Safety in to me that you would need to be a numbers.” It is received wisdom that one particularly short-sighted predator individual is safer in a crowd than on his (something of a contradiction in terms) to own. There is some survival sense to it. If be fooled into thinking a flock of birds – or you are a starling flying even a shoal of fish – on your own and a It has been suggested that a was one organism. hungry falcon comes large group of individuals all Besides, Mr along, there is 100% moving as a co-ordinated unit Attenborough has chance that you will be recently treated us to may look like one huge on his menu. If there are films of sharks, organism to a predator twenty of you flying dolphins, whales and together, your individual even gannets, chance of becoming a falcon’s lunch drops plunging through intimidatingly large to 5%. shoals of mackerel and devouring the fish wholesale, without apparently pausing to However, some observers have taken that consider whether the shoal was going to further. It has been suggested that a large attack them back! group of individuals all moving as a coordinated unit may look like one huge There may well be other reasons why these organism to a predator, and so discourage great wheeling flocks of starlings form. The most obvious is that, if you are all attack. There may be circumstances where among ornithologists, this is a good question to ask.


Is there anything we can learn? going to settle down in one limited place to sleep, you need some way of telling But just how does the entire mass of birds everybody where it is. What better way to move in the coordinated, smooth way that point to the place than is so breathtaking? by means of a towering We are pretty mass of thousands of Researchers charged with certain that shoals birds wheeling over the of fish maintain designing traffic flow systems in site making enough their relative these days when driverless noise to communicate positions by with every starling traffic is a goal of road-planning sensing pressurewithin miles? Also, the are actively studying such changes in the flocking gives everyone natural phenomena water around them a chance to survey the as their distance site and sort out who is from their fellows changes, and moving going where. accordingly. However, shoaling fish are equipped with pressure-sensing cells that Another suggestion is that, while wheeling enable them to do this. Starlings and other about, the birds communicate information birds rely on eyesight. Recent studies have about feeding sites. We know that such suggested that each individual bird will information is shared among organisms – keep careful watch on the seven birds the bees we looked at recently do this to closest to it, marking any change of coordinate their search for honey – and it relative positions and adjusting its own may well be that, either by voice or by flight-path accordingly to avoid collisions movement, similar information is and interference. exchanged within the starling flock.

This research is exciting because it has implications for the control and coordination of traffic in the human environment. Researchers charged with designing traffic flow systems in these days when driverless traffic is a goal of road-planning are actively studying such natural phenomena. We only work in two dimensions; starlings keep perfect collision control in three! The murmuration is an autumn and winter phenomenon. If you are lucky enough to see one, take the time to watch it, to marvel at its stately grace as the birds weave in their thousands through the air, clouds breaking up, circling and coalescing, then finally, as dusk settles, suddenly seeming to tumble from the sky and disappear into the cover of the ground. Do look online, too; there are several films on YouTube and other websites. I have been privileged to see it often, and it never fails to enrapture me.

etcetera 43

44 etcetera

Bringing the Outside In

Sarah is a mum of four who loves giving old pieces of furniture a new lease of life from her boutique in Le Dorat.

By Sarah Taylor



seagrass to flamboyant tree frog and n the past year, our relationship with vibrant leafy greens. You are sure to find our homes has evolved dramatically. And I can't help but wonder what inspires your favourite in the mix. these fashions and trends. It makes sense This should please our that a year of male readers as the intermittent lockdowns, Blues are also proving to be popular magazine GQ confinements and a popular mix this year and selects all the biggest curfews has inspired us Spring/Summer 2021 give a soothing, calming to try to bring a bit of trends you should be effect in one’s home the outdoors into our wearing come March. homes. But it’s also clear And behold, green is that the 2020 trend of soft pastel tones expected to flow from outside your and all those 50 shades of greys does wardrobe to within it from souped-up create a calm and soothing backdrop from safari jackets to military-man-meetswhich we can further enhance our twitcher-in-town field jackets at Gucci. So living spaces. gents we are providing you with even more green choices to consider, it may not Today, you’ve such an array of colours at be just your home you end up updating! your disposal: from soft mosses and airy

Comme Ci Comme Ca

Warm, earthy neutrals are also very popular at the moment and work well with an array of greens. Blues are also proving to be a popular mix this year and give a soothing, calming effect in one’s home. The wood flooring industry is seeing a definite shift towards natural, clear finishes, often with a white pigment to maximise the natural texture and grain of the wood. Top tips for making the right choice for your home Ideally, you want to choose colours that you will love for years to come. Here are my suggestions on how to choose the right colour scheme for you and one that won’t need to be constantly updated:

etcetera 45

There’s no rush! Don't go out, pick a colour and decide that'll do!

Always take the colour selections home -- You need to see what they look and feel like in the space they’ll occupy

Look at your colour choices at various times throughout the day and night -Colours change depending on light sources. So one may look different in the morning from how it appears under artificial illumination

Make it about family – After all, it's everyone’s living space. So make a colour selection then put it to a household vote. And discuss what drew each of you to your preference. I honestly think that bringing the whole family into this type of discussion helps everyone to get behind a choice. And that can only help make it something that you’ll all be happy with for years to come. Of course, if you live alone, you’ve only yourself to please!

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etcetera 47



t remains cool enough to offer crisp clear views even though the length of our observation hours and period of true darkness begin to shorten each night. The astronomical calendar is marked this month with the passing of the Equinox. More specifically the Vernal Equinox. This occurs on the 20th. It marks a time in the year when day and night will be almost exactly the same length. The positions of the Sun at this point in the calendar will help you to mark your east and west compass points for future observing. The Sun will rise due east and set due west so you can make a mental note of something on each horizon; a tree, telegraph pole, church spire for example. Knowing these directions as a starting point really helps to locate things in the night sky. After this date the nights will begin to shorten slightly. The Moon will continue to point us towards some beautiful objects as it passes through its many phases over the course of the month. Shining a Light on Astronomy Jargon - ’MAGNITUDE’

48 etcetera

most important to astronomers. Polaris is This word, often abbreviated to 'Mag' in 30 times the width of our Sun. It is the astronomy circles is used to describe the Alpha star in the constellation of Ursa brightness of a Star, Planet or other object Minor - of which more in the next section in the night sky. A scale is used so that it is and it is also referred to as the North Star. possible to make a comparison between As our Earth travels around the Sun, it is two or more objects and also to make always tilted over 23.5 degrees and if measurements should an object's we drew a line through 'magnitude' change over a the North and South period of time. Every Knowing these directions Poles this would object will have a 'True extend out towards the Magnitude' and as a starting point really same point in the sky an 'Apparent Magnitude'. helps to locate things in throughout the year. The apparent magnitude the night sky This is a point is what is used on a scale extremely close to the to describe how we star Polaris. It is also therefore known as experience its brightness from here on the Pole Star. As its position points Earth. Brighter objects have a negative towards the North in this way it is a star number , for example Sirius is magnitude which has helped with navigation. -1.4 while our Sun has a magnitude of Standing at the North Pole Polaris will be 26.7 and the Moon is recorded as having a directly overhead. Standing at your front magnitude of -12.6. It is said that the door, the angle of Polaris above you will faintest stars our eyes can see, in clear tell you what your latitude is. This can be conditions are around 'mag' 6.0. useful to know when setting up some Object of the Month - POLARIS telescopes too. Finding Polaris in the Polaris, although not one of the northern hemisphere can also help us to brightest stars in the northern hemisphere navigate towards everything else in our (its magnitude is only 2.0), is one of the night sky. Once you know where Polaris is,

By Clair Wardla e w

Claire Wardlaw, originally from Edinburgh, lives in the Charente with her husband. Since their move over 4 years ago, Claire has become passionate about astronomy.


it is possible to search out other constellations and Planets as you have established where North is. The simplest way to locate Polaris is by using Ursa Major, or the Great Bear. Part of this bear looks a bit like a pan and handle. If you can draw out an imaginary line through the two stars in the bowl part of the pan, Merak and Dubhe, then continue this line on you will arrive at Polaris in Ursa Minor. 'Constellation of the Month' - Ursa Minor Continuing on from our little focus on the star Polaris we find ourselves in the constellation of Ursa Minor, otherwise known as the Little Bear. This smaller version of the pan form seen in Ursa Major is surrounded by a 'dragon'! A very good indication as to how clear your skies are when you go out to observe is to see how many stars are visible in Ursa Minor. Its form is made up of seven stars. If you can locate all seven having let your eyes become adjusted to the night sky, then you have a lovely clear sky to do a little astronomy. Ursa Minor is ranked 56th, so

not one of the biggest of the constellations. when the earthworms rise in the spring. The New Moon, the period with the Draco, or The Dragon, curls its tail around darkest skies, will be on the 13th. In the the Little Bear, keeping it separate from early morning of the 5th and 6th the stars the Great Bear constellation. The very Antares and Sabik will be joined by an pretty visual 'double star' Pherak should almost last quarter waning Moon. You can be visible to the naked eye on a clear night. see the grouping low in the southPherak and its companion star can be seen southeast. A truly spinning round spectacular view can be Polaris throughout A great and simple starting enjoyed on the evening of the night. If you want point is to set the camera the 22nd at around 11pm to try out a little pointing towards Ursa Minor when The Pleiades and astrophotography, and to take a series of images Aldebaran will be passed even using your over the course of an hour or so by the planet Mars and mobile phone on a the Moon. If you are small tripod, a great observing for a few nights and simple starting point is to set the prior to and after this date you will be able camera pointing towards Ursa Minor and to mark this journey as their positions to take a series of images over the course change. It will be a beautiful imaging of an hour or so. It is possible to stack all opportunity for me I hope. Before the sky of these pictures and to recreate the becomes too light on the morning of 5th it turning of the Earth, turning seemingly may be possible to spot a lovely grouping around Polaris. of the three Planets Mercury, Jupiter and The Moon and Planets in March Saturn rising ahead of the Sun in the eastThe Moon will be full on the 28th. It will southeast. Jupiter and Mercury will be be 100% full in the evening at 7.50pm! The particularly close together with Saturn a full Moon this month has also been known little higher and to the right. Make sure as The Full Worm Moon as this is the time not to look towards the sun!

etcetera 49

getting connected



Robert Foulkes

The new 4K Freesat+ receivers (the ones that record stuff) are now available from Amazon UK. However, they won’t deliver to France. So, that’s not really that much use. Another seller is Currys/PC World, who also don’t deliver here. And, it’s still not the same as Freeview. happy to recommend his services. Confident that he will offer the same (‘and A little late to theIparty, as I wasn’t hopefully better!’ hear someone shout notified lastto month’s article had from the until back)after service you going been submitted, but at present, there out, are forward. Until any creases are ironed no newfeel domestic Tooway please free to drop me(satellite a line should internet) activations. due to the you wish to. My advertThis willis remain. fact that Beam 15, which covers our entire I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all region of France, is at full capacity. If you of my clients, past and present, for putting have a Tooway system, you may well have their (mis-guided?) faith in me. It was a noticed it running slower during the pleasure to meet you all. Except you Beryl, lockdown and subsequent school holidays. you were far too free and easy with your Business tariffs remain available but these hands. Bad Beryl. cost more money and are advertised H.T. Please note that I am that only20% on a TVA mobile (hors taxe) meaning will number from nowfor on.use Feel to leave a need to be added byfree private message or send a text as I’m likely to be up a ladder, driving or both.

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I have a client. I’ll call him Mike as that’s his WhichMike I guess, is another downside my name. bought a soundbar and ato digital features. optical cable to take the sound from his TV back to the soundbar. So far, so good. However, Mike couldn’t make the cable fit STUART increasing amount of newdidn’t TVs have a inAn either of the sockets. Mike notice satellite tuner already built into them. WALLACE that there were protective plastic caps on This means that you Mike do notnow need to usethat a the ends of the cable. knows seperate satellite receiver (Sky box, THE FRENCH HOUSE he didn’t need to pay me to do this for him. Freesat etc) for UK TV reception. You Live and box learn Mike. will know if it has one by a) looking for So, in other news, TFH Satellite is DVB-S on the specifications or,TV more arch? What? Now? No. It barely moving. you’ve to finished let likely, b)Once by looking see if itrejoicing, has a seems like we’ve got Christmas out of me elaborate. We’re off to the west of the threaded male connection point next to the way. Brexit has meant that a tin of Deux-Sévres. This means that socket. we will If it the traditional push fit aerial beans ordered from the UK now costs over continue to serve 79 sometimes and the has, you’re good department to go.They are one million pounds and that anyone west of 86, with pastures new. a little lessalong user friendly than something Hello and welcome. How are you all bringing their sandwiches across the However, thisbox, doesn't like a Freesat doing?isWell, Surviving border likelyI hope. to be shot. mean that bea but you canyou’ll create the heat and the continuing Coupled with covid-19 and the Mike now knows that left in the lurch. favourites list to requirement to wear masks? constant rain, I have no idea of Going forward, he didn’t need to pay make life easier.those Do I’ve actually been that a what’s going on. It told is indeed of the rest of notyou be in told you have wearing a mask makes me me to do this for him mad world. the etcetera area can to buy a seperate more attractive. I’m not sure if call Arthur Smith Freesat remains a receiver box, you for that's inhowever a '50 Shades of Grey' your satellite TV constant. not the sameit’s asan insult. don’t. scenario, It or,ismore likely, needs. Please see my advert for details and Freeview andcare. should considered Still, I don’t I’venot gotbe thick skin. as the split of the areas covered. We are not the same thing. Freesat has a big clue in part of the same business, but I am very the name.


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Based Saint-Junien. Covering Depts 87-16-24 Siret : 531 655 231 00 11

Roofing / Renovations Roofing / Renovations ALL ASPECTS OF ROOFING / RENDERING & POINTING - Zinc / PVC guttering - Anti-moss - Insulation & Plaster boarding - Interior / exterior renovations For a free quotation please contact: Howard (fully bilingual, living in France since 1990, 10 yr décennale Insurance)

Tel: / Email: Depts: 87,86,16 & 23 Siret: 799 894 860 000 11

Fully registered and insured Trading in France since 2007

Call Mark for a free quotation: T: 05 55 44 71 44 / M: 06 78 60 96 16 Siret no. 493 159 412 00037

58 etcetera


M&M Sandblasting ~ Services ~ Superior Services - Good Workmanship - Honesty


05 55 63 58 85 / 06 42 23 38 57 Siret 82184631800011

Minidigger, Driver & Tipper Truck Free estimates Gravel driveways, rubbish/ tree stump removals, trenches etc Email Dave Good 0549 073358/ 0675 180913 Based near Couhé 86/79/16 siret 5250162590018

EXCAVATION SERVICES Siret 82184631800011

3 ton Digger Dumper/Tipper & Driver Demolition Cherry Picker Hire Hydraulic Concrete Breaking For more information and a quote

please contact Matthew or Mandie Farraway 05 55 63 58 85 / 06 42 23 38 57

South West France Fosse Trained-Approved-Recommended


Etudes * Conception * Surveys Maintenance * Service * Remedial

See all our work on

Siret 8234 2070 800013


etcetera 59

motors & removals


CHABANAIS WORKSHOP Free courtesy cars - Valeting - Car storage with free airport drop offs - Cambelts - Diagnostics - Welding Electrics - Tow bars - Tyre-fitting/Punctures - A/C CT Prep - Garden Tools & Chainsaws Sharpened Email Tel. 06 01 59 60 75 Siret: 815 114 7720 0016

Walton Coachworks 87600 Vayres Nick Walton

Typically 40% cheaper than French prices

Tyre fitting, inc balancing : 12€ Tracking/Alignment : 35€ Car/Van servicing : 75€ + parts E: T: 0545 306707

siret 53821341400013

Depts 16, 86, 87 & 24 (Car & van servicing, Towbars & LHD lights) Any make of Car or Van Fully mobile service at your address

MECHANICAL WORK ON ALL MAKES & MODELS IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE • Welding • Servicing • Diagnosis • Stereo & CD installation • LHD lights & tow-bars fitted • Wheel alignment • Replacement tyres & balancing • Interior & exterior valeting


• Pre-Controle Technique check • Top quality tyres (within 48 hrs) • Parts available same day or in 24hrs - less common cars 3-day delivery Tel: 07 87 65 53 11 / 05 55 78 67 02

Advertise Your Business From just 35€ ttc per month siret: 48252490700011

New edition - every month TRANSITION REMOVALS Family run business based in France which prides itself on a personal professional service. 7 tonne truck to and from the UK and Europe, we also have a box trailer for larger loads. Our highly experienced staff provide a door to door service with packing and dry secure storage We are a professional furniture removal company NOT a man and a van. Please call Phil and Jean Evans....

Contact Sam or Gayle 05 16 32 13 42


Phone (+33) 05 55 34 19 46 Mobile (+33) 06 80 75 87 14 Email Visit


Charente based

Siret en cours

Dedicated loads France - UK - France. Deliveries & Collections ~ 14m3 capacity / 4.2 m length Email: UK mob 0044 (0)7711 235 668 FR mob 0033 (0)617 038 858 60 etcetera


motors & removals Est’d 2007

A Family Run Storage Firm in the Heart of the Limousin

Brexit-busting Super Low Prices! Secure, dry, insulated storage NEW! 14.5m HIGH CHERRY PICKER

Now storing cars, caravans and camping cars Call Karen for a quote on 09

● ● ● ● ● ●

Weekly United Kingdom � France � Spain United Kingdom - Kent & Home Counties Storage La Souterraine / Canterbury / Lincolnshire Very competitive rates Fully Insured Call Matt on: 0044 (0)7506 457225 Email: 20+ years’ experience

66 03 52 89

Siret 502 021 660 00019

Full and Part Loads Relocations in France Packing & Storage Options

Tel: 05 49 07 24 85

Franglais Deliveries







OFFICE: 0044 (0) 1522 569 099 ANDY: ANDY DY: DY Y: 0044 (0) 7876 504 547 DAVE: A AVE: 0044 (0) 7515 722 772 EMAIL: ENQUIRY@WATSONEUROPEAN.CO.UK

etcetera 61


PROPERTY SALES IN FRANCE Private Property Sales with Expert Advice

Sell Your Home Privately on an Established Website With Excellent International Coverage


Advertise Your Home FOR FREE

To advertise your property contact us on etcetera 63


64 etcetera


etcetera 65

Simon Hayman

Le Beau Bois Carpentry, Rancon 87290

Tel: 06 28 93 56 28 E:

BESPOKE OAK FURNITURE - please visit my website to see the full gallery of my work

SKIRTING BOARD MADE TO ORDER PINE 7.50€ PM - OAK 17€ PM (torus shaped)

For more info visit: siret 50428351600012





Installation of an air to water heat pump * Are you eligible for the new "prime CEE coup de pouce pac" (3500€ or 5000€)? IT is now deducted straight from your quote AND combinable with the grant MaPrimeRénov*

(up to 4000€)

*please note the MaPrimeRénov grant depends

upon approval from MaPrimeRénov, not New Wave Energies


Visit our facebook page to see customer feedback and get tips on energy saving.



Return form to: New Wave Energies, 51 Rue Descartes, 87000 Limoges

FAST RESPONSE New Wave Energies • Siège social : 51, rue Descartes 87000 Limoges Tel : 0 981 324 237 • S.A.S.U. au capital de 50 000 euros • N° de Siret 800 247 274 00035 66 etcetera

68 etcetera

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