1 minute read

Looking After


Our skin is one of the ways we present our health to the world - if we suffer from hormonal imbalances, eat a poor diet, or are dehydrated, it shows on our faces!


There are so many expensive products out there on the market that promise clear skin but it’s true what they say, ‘true beauty shines from within’. Making good health choices will radiate out in your face and there is no product that can provide you with that kind of attractive glow. Acne is a tough condition that many people suffer from, but there are natural ways you can help yourself. Instead of reaching for the roaccutane or harsh chemical peels, try changing the ingredients your body uses to make your skin - better quality ingredients = better quality skin.

Don’t forget to include skin brushing in your beauty regime. Exfoliating away the dead and dry skin cells will more quickly reveal the beautiful, clear skin that your body wants to make.

So here are my top tips for great skin! Make the changes in the following areas and you’ll start seeing a difference in a month or so!

Glowing skin tips for your daily routine

1. Drink 250ml of room temperature filtered water immediately upon waking. This helps the body release toxins as soon as you wake. Not only that, but it also helps you wake up!

2. Have your supplements by your bed so that you don’t miss your daily nutrients.

3. Supplement curcumin (turmeric) for inflammation, chlorophyll for antioxidants - said to target acneand a broad-spectrum probiotic which populates the microbiome with good bacteria.

4. Morning stretching wakes up your body and gets blood and nutrients

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