1 minute read
Your Skin
circulating around the whole body. Three sun salutations are a great start to the day.
5. Eat only whole, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, grass-fed and naturally raised meat and eggs, and avoid processed foods, cooked (not raw) dairy foods and non-organic foods.
6. Have stress management strategies in place. When you feel stressed, breathe in deeply to your maximum and then exhale very slowly; this has a calming effect on the parasympathetic nervous system which stops your digestive system from shutting down and stops the production of stress hormones.
7. Do at least 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise every day.
8. Get to bed at the same time every day and regulate your sleep routine. Be off screens before you try to get to sleep. If you have trouble nodding off, read a book an hour or so before you want to sleep.
9. Include a little probiotic food with each meal - examples are Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Kombucha, Kefir and Pickles. It’s easy to make your own.
10.Brush your skin every day with a soft bristled brush. You can brush towards the heart from your feet and hands along all areas of your body; this helps the flow of lymph and the detoxification pathways. Allow the changes time to be integrated into your body. Your body will slowly adapt as it takes up to three months for your skin to completely renew. Keeping a diary of the changes you see over time will help you to stay motivated and at the end of your journey you will be able to see just how far you have come. Best of all, this regime doesn’t just benefit your skin, it benefits the whole of you!
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