etcetera I’M FREE - TAKE ME, KEEP ME!
MAY 2020
HEALTH Living in the Moment Setting Your Intentions
How to Lead the Good Life SELF-SUFFICIENCY
Care in a
hello & welcome
Contents 3
A note from the editors
What’s on
Business & assistance
Farm life
Night sky
Now more than ever, support local businesses, we all need each other.
Free time (bumper!)
Keep well and keep safe,
Home & Specialist
Getting connected
Motoring & removals
Subscribe Annual subscription France 45€ / UK 45€ Card payment by telephone
Advertise Copy date 15th of each month (except December which is the 11th). Commercial adverts: Please see our Media Pack at What’s On/Listings: 12€ per 50 words for a guaranteed spot or free (space permitting) Classified listing: 6€ per 25 words plus 3€ per photo Property listing: 10€ per 50 words plus 6€ per photo
Photo credits: Bigstock, Pixabay,
A Note from the Editors
Code APE 5814Z Edition de Revues et Periodique Siret 80903463000016. La Présidente G. Feasey Registered. Le Bourg, 87360 Verneuil Moustiers. Impression: Rotimpres. Pol. Ind Casa Nova. Carrer Pla de l’Estany s/n. 17181 Aiguaviva (Girona) Espagne. etcetera est gratuit. While we always do our best to ensure the content in this magazine is given in good faith and businesses are reputable, we accept no liability for any errors or omissions and do not endorse any companies, products or services. Articles written are the personal opinions of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of etcetera magazine.
CONTACT US: Tel: 05 16 32 13 42 email: website: 17 rue des Chaumettes 86290 St Léomer
etcetera magazine
Welcome to the May edition of etcetera magazine. This month sees a planned ease of restrictions as the government attempts to balance the nation’s health with the economy, not an easy task and only time will tell how this will work out. It’s vital we keep on protecting our communities and continue to adhere to the social distancing measures. Good things have and will come out of this, and now we all need to adapt and learn to live with the ‘new normal’!
Gayle and Sam
Useful numbers 15 17 18
SAMU (Medical) Gendarmes (Police) Pompiers (Fire and also trained in medical emergency) 114 Text-message emergency number for deaf/hard of hearing 119 Child abuse 115 Homeless 113 Drugs and alcohol 112 European emergency not always English 1616 Emergency- Sea & Lake 3131 Last incoming call, key ‘5’ to connect Orange English speaking helpline 0033 (0)9 69 36 39 00 Website in English: Technical assistance for landlines (French): 3900 (+33 9 69 39 39 00 from abroad) SFR 1023 or 00336 1000 1023 (Not English) EDF 0810 333087 EDF breakdown 24 hours +33 (0)9 69 36 63 83 EDF Helpline in English 0033 562164908 (From UK) 05 62 16 49 32 Fax E-mail: CPAM - 08 11 36 36 46 English Helpline Veolia Water Emergency No: 24h/24 et 7j/7 05 61 80 09 02 (press 1 for urgent problems or 2 for a technician) S.E.P Du Confolens (Water) 05 87 23 10 08 Emergency 24/7 Aéroport Int’l Limoges 05 55 43 30 30 SNCF (train times, buying tickets etc) 36 35 Alcoholics Anonymous For contact details of meetings in your area including those conducted in English, visit
Please download the pdf from this link now:
HOSPITALS 05 55 05 55 55 Limoges (CHU) 05 55 43 50 00 St Junien 05 55 47 20 20 Bellac 05 49 44 44 44 Poitiers 05 45 24 40 40 Angoulême 05 49 32 79 79 Niort 05 45 84 40 00 Confolens Counselling In France Counsellors, psychotherapists, NLP, CBT etc offering therapy in English to expatriates all over France on SSAFA France 05 53 24 92 38 email French Health Insurance. Call the special English-speaking Advice Line provided by Ameli: 0 811 36 36 46 from France (local call price from fixed-phone line). Call 0033 811 36 36 46 from foreign countries (call rates vary between operators). NHS website : No Panic France Helpline: No Panic UK helpline: 0044 1 952 590 545 11h - 23h (French time) 7/7 / English-speaking Crisis Line SOS- HELP 01 46 21 46 46 3pm-11pm 7/7 British Consulate in Paris 01 44 51 31 00 British Consulate in Bordeaux 05 57 22 21 10 Credit Agricole English Speaking Helpline Charente (residents only) 05 45 20 49 60 Anglofile - Radio for British in Charente Tues 20h (repeated Sun 11h30). Angouleme 96.8, Chalais 96.9, Confolens 95.4, Ruffec 95.4, Char. Limousine 104.1, Cognac 89.9
Print 2 copies - one for your home and one for your car - it could save a life.
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not much!
4 etcetera
etcetera 5
Garden Art
with Succulents Colourful succulents, with their beautiful, complex shapes look like mini works of art. This tutorial shows how you can plant a succulent pot to make your own piece of garden art, inspired by the still life paintings of the Old Masters.
Tel 05 55 49 48 33 email FB: inkramental666
6 etcetera
Sempervivum varieties of succulents (also known as Houseleeks and Hen and Chicks). The only thing to consider in terms of care is the succulents really dislike is being waterlogged. A great project for everyone
‐ Small terracotta pot or ceramic jug (plain or paint it with your own designs if you prefer)
‐ Gravel or similar to top dress the pot. You don’t have to have this, but it can give a nice finished effect.
‐ Terracotta pot (preferably shallow) to hold your display
FRAMING Encadrement d’Art Picture framers to La Galerie de Gabriel A large selection of mounts and moldings including made to order bespoke Limousin oak frames 1 Rue du 19 Mars 1962 87150 Oradour sur Vayres
Nick Wiggins - 05 87 41 65 78 email:
Siret: 493 623 00016
e are loving this simple garden craft by Sarah at Craft Invaders!
‐ Selection of outdoor succulent plants ‐ Succulent or normal compost
Instructions 1. Start by filling your pot with a decent layer of gravel or stones to aid drainage. Succulents are droughtresistant plants, storing water in their fleshy leaves. They thrive in dry, rocky conditions in their natural habitats, and although they are easy to care for, can rot if kept in too moist conditions. 2. Fill the pot with compost. You can use succulent compost which has lots of grit ready blended in to aid drainage, but you could make your own up using garden compost and adding some grit or sand.
3. Now it is time to create your piece of garden art. The inspiration came from the Od Master still life paintings of vases of flowers. Choose your own design or look for inspiration from one of the greats. 4. Start by positioning the small terracotta pot which represents the vase for the bouquet of colourful succulent flowers. 5. If you want your succulent planter to look like a painting, it’s good to centre the arrangement leaving a border to provide contrast. Sempervivums quickly propagate so the ‘bouquet’ will
soon expand with new, baby succulent plants. 6. If you can, choose a combination of different sized and coloured succulents to be the ‘blooms’ of the bouquet. Once they were positioned, add a couple of cuttings from a Sedum to complete the succulent art. 7. You can top dress the pot with some coloured gravel or stones to provide a contrast. This step isn’t essential but it makes the plant colours pop and finishes the arrangement off.
Happy Crafting!!
etcetera 7
language and advice
Parlez Français Les Vêtements, Les Bijoux & Le Maquillage En cette période de confinement, à cause de la crise sanitaire du coronavirus COVID-19, nous ne voyons pas beaucoup de monde. Nous sommes confinés à la maison. Nous restons presque tout le temps chez nous ou dans notre jardin. Cela serait tentant de rester en pyjamas toute la journée, mais c’est important pour notre bien-être mental de garder certaines de nos routines quotidiennes, aussi normales tant que possible. Alors, levons-nous, habillons-nous et préparons-nous à passer une belle journée ! In this time of lockdown, due to the health crisis of the coronavirus COVID-19, we do not see many people. We are locked in our house. We stay nearly all the time at home or in our garden. It would be so tempting to stay in out pyjamas all day, but it is important for our mental wellbeing to keep our daily routines as normal as possible. So, get up, get dressed and get yourself ready for a lovely day! Voici un peu de vocabulaire et des verbes dans des phrases sur les thèmes des vêtements, des bijoux et du maquillage. Here is some vocabulary and some verbs in sentences on the theme of clothing, jewellery and make up.
Language School Secretarial and Administration Services Certified Legal Interpreting & Translating Coaching 15 Place d’Armes 86150 L’Isle Jourdain Tél. 05 49 84 17 73 Email: siret 483 146 353 00014
les vêtements (m, pl) clothes
je mets ma chemise I’m putting my shirt on
porter to wear (or to carry)
enlever to take off
elle porte un t-shirt she wears / she is wearing a t-shirt
il fait chaud, je vais enlever mon pull it’s warm, I’m going to take off my jumper
French conversation, vocabulary enfiler je vais m’habiller & tradition� with to slip on s’habiller to get dressed
I am going to get dressed se déshabiller to get undressed
je ne vais pas me déshabiller I am not going to get undressed être habillé (e) to be dressed
je vais enfiler ma jolie robe I’m going to slip on my pretty dress la tenue the outfit / dress il est en tenue de soirée he is in formal dress
il est habillé en bleu he is dressed in blue
je ne suis pas en tenue décontractée I’m not in casual dress
mettre (un vêtement) to put on (a piece of clothing)
attacher to attach / to fasten / to tie
Isabelle works for CONTINENTAL HORIZONS Language Centre in L’Isle Jourdain and teaches French as a foreign language everyday in their many classrooms. Do not hesitate to contact her on 05 49 84 17 73. Keep well by staying at home! Use this opportunity to improve your French! Restez en forme en restant à la maison ! Utilisez ce moment pour améliorer votre français ! Broaden your horizons with CONTINENTAL HORIZONS! My usual email address is currently unavailable, contact me via
Bon courage ! Et à bientôt !
Henriette Faye
Every Monday & Tuesday With Sandrine Durand 05 55 78 16 21 / 06 83 07 66 98
8 etcetera
Remy Hickman-Reed 06 37 76 56 51
No SIRET 384 055 65300016
In Champagnac la Rivière (87150)
● Assistance with all admin needs ● Professional efficient & confidential service ● Competitive rates with flexible & friendly support
FRENCH • ENGLISH SPANISH Judicial Expert Near the Court of Appeal of Limoges Certified Translations Tel: 05 55 00 96 25 Email:
language and advice j’attache mon soutien-gorge I’m fastening my bra j’attache ma ceinture I’m buckling my belt nouer to tie / to make a knot il noue sa cravate he’s tying his tie boutonner to button up je boutonne mon pantalon I am buttoning up my trousers. déboutonner to unbutton il déboutonne sa chemise ! he’s unbuttoning his shirt! remonter ses manches to roll up one’s sleeves je remonte mes manches I roll up my sleeves à l’envers inside out
mettre ses chaussures = se chausser to put on your shoes le matin, je mets mes chaussures in the morning, I put my shoes on enlever ses chaussures = se déchausser to take off your shoes le soir, j’enlève mes chaussures in the evening, I take my shoes off faire ses lacets to tie your laces l’enfant doit faire ses lacets tout seul the child must tie his laces on his own cirer ses chaussures to polish one’s shoes
je me maquille tous les matins I put make-up on every morning appliquer to apply
le fond de teint the foundation cream
VO C A B !
j’applique un fond de teint sur mon visage I’m applying a foundation cream on my face la poudre powder une houpette a powder puff j’applique de la poudre avec une houpette I’m applying some powder with a powder puff
c’est mieux maintenant, ton pull est à l’endroit it’s better now, your jumper is the right way round
il est important de cirer nos chaussures it is important to polish our shoes. aller to go / to fit / to suit cette jupe te va bien this skirt suits you. un bijou a piece of jewellery des bijoux jewellery
utiliser to use
mettre to put on
souligner to underline
assorti (adj) matching
je mets des boucles d’oreille I’m putting some earrings on
un crayon a pencil
mes chaussettes ne sont pas assorties my socks do not match
je mets un collier I’m putting on a necklace
un eye-liner an eye-liner
porter to wear
j’utilise un crayon ou un eye-liner pour souligner mes yeux I’m using a pencil or an eye-liner to underline my eyes. une ombre à paupières an eye-shadow
ton pull est à l’envers your jumper is inside out à l’endroit the right way round
ouvert (adj) opened oh, ta braguette est ouverte oh, your fly’s undone bien habillé (e ) well dressed je suis toujours bien habillé I am always well dressed
je porte une bague avec un diamant I’m wearing a diamond ring il porte toujours une montre he always wears a watch enlever to take off
mal habillé (e ) badly dressed
le soir, j’enlève mes bijoux in the evening, I take off my jewellery
il est toujours mal habillé he is always badly dressed
le maquillage make-up
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
se maquiller to put make-up on
French Classes Translation Services Help with Your Paperwork English & French Secondhand Books Ingrid Vincent Tél : 06 08 06 01 80 Mail :
FRENCH COMMUNICATION SERVICES Comprehensive administration, translation and support services for English-speaking people in France…to make life easier. Call Jenny 06 79 85 58 84 Mail: Siret 504 587 924 00011
mettre to put on je mets du mascara noir sur mes cils I’m putting some black mascara on my eyelashes.
je mets de l’ombre à paupières I’m putting some eye-shadow on. un rouge à lèvres a lipstick je n’oublie pas de mettre du rouge à lèvres I don’t forget to put some lipstick on
FRENCH LESSONS FOR FREE Groups - Private tutoring - E-learning Contact Alain 05 55 32 41 76 / 06 37 76 54 98 Siret: 824417364 00018
etcetera 9
Pickled Radishes You can buy nice bunches of radishes fairly cheaply here but they are also easy to grow and are ready to harvest in around 4 weeks. Delicious with cold meats or pâtés and particularly tasty with smoked fish, burgers and tacos.
Asparagus Soup Use up the stalks and water from cooking asparagus, add some leek greens or other vegetable leftovers in your fridge to make this tasty soup Ingredients (serves 4) 2 tbsp butter or olive oil
100g leek greens, finely sliced
1 x bunch of radishes
1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
3 tbsp white wine vinegar
75ml white wine (optional)
2 tbsp sugar
1 medium potato, peeled & cubed
1 tsp salt
500ml vegetable stock (or vegetable cooking water water)
Method 1. Clean, trim and finely slice the radishes and place in a mixing bowl.
120g asparagus stalks
2. Make a dressing by whisking together the vinegar, sugar and salt.
4 tbsp crème fraîche, (optional)
3. Pour the dressing over the radishes and leave to stand for 5 minutes before serving. 4. These keep nicely in the fridge, double up quantities and store in clean, preferably sterilised jars.
10 etcetera
50g spinach Method 1. Heat the olive oil or butter (or a mixture) in a large saucepan over a
medium heat, add the sliced leeks and garlic, and saute for a few minutes. Add the white wine, bring to the boil for a minute, so the alcohol burns off. 2. Add the potatoes, asparagus and stock. Bring to the boil again, then simmer for about five minutes until the vegetables are tender to the point of a knife, then add the spinach (frozen will do) and stir until the leaves wilt. 3. Blend the soup, then pass through a sieve. Return to the pan and stir through the crème fraîche. Serve with a garnish of your choice (spinach leaves, finely grated nutmeg all work well) and enjoy with some delicious crusty bread.
food Choose your favourite seasonal fruits as delicious toppings
Roasted Asparagus
A perfect way to make the most of seasonal asparagus, serve as a starter or side dish. Delicious with new potatoes (buttered, or roasted with balsamic…). Don’t throw away the stems or cooking water, make asparagus soup! Ingredients (serves 4-6) 1kg fresh asparagus 1 ½ tbsp olive oil 150g freshly grated parmesan cheese 1-2 lemons, cut in wedges for serving Salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste Preheat the oven to 180ºC Fan
Method 1. Trim the stalk ends from the asparagus (but don’t throw away, you can use these in a soup). If the stalks are quite thick, peel the bottom half with a vegetable peeler. Lay them in a single layer on a baking tray (oiled or baking paper), drizzle with olive oil and season with salt & pepper. Roast for 15-20 minutes until tender. 2. Sprinkle with the parmesan and return to the oven for another minute to melt the cheese.
Method 1.
Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs (if the mixture starts to curdle, add a little flour). Fold in the remaining flour and cocoa powder with a metal spoon.
Divide the mixture between the two tins and bake for approx. 25 minutes until golden brown and firm to the touch. Remove from oven and leave to cool, then turn out onto a cooling rack.
Ingredients For the sponge: A deliciously sweet springtime dish 225g unsalted butter 225g caster sugar 175g self-raising flour, sieved 50g cocoa powder 4 medium eggs For the filling & topping 150 g dark chocolate 150g crème fraîche 250g fresh strawberries Pre-heat oven to 180ºC/350ºF/ Gas Mark 4. Grease and line two 20cm sandwich tins.
Make the topping by breaking the chocolate into a heatproof basin fitted over a saucepan of barely simmering water (make sure the base doesn’t touch the water), add the crème fraîche and stir, keeping the heat very low, until the chocolate has melted and you have a smooth, creamy mixture.
da Prin ce
Chateau Kitchen
Serve with lemon wedges on the side.
Chocolate Strawberry Sponge Cake A tea-time treat which will also work as a dessert cake.
By Beli n
Hello from the accidental Chatelaine! I'm honestly not sure how I find myself living in the middle of France in a château. But here I am, loving to cook at any opportunity and delighted to be able to share that love with you
Then remove the bowl from the heat and, as soon as it’s cool, use half of the topping to spread over the base of the sponge cake. Halve or quarter the strawberries according to size. Top the bottom sponge with some chopped strawberries and sandwich the 2 cakes together. Spread the rest of the chocolate topping over the cake and decorate with the remaining fresh strawberries.
M. Cochon PROUDLY PRESENTS PORK PRODUCTS FROM ITS OWN PIGS GAMMON, JOINTS & STEAKS, DRY-CURED BACK BACON, HOT WATER CRUST PORK PIES, PORK PASTIES BRITISH STYLE SAUSAGES Plain, Cumberland, Lincoln, pork & leek ! The usual pork joints, Pigs in Blankets PLUS AND MORE! FREE DELIVERY most areas in Charente, Haute-Vienne, Dordogne, Correze ~ Suppliers to a number of leading restaurants ~
T. 07 69 09 16 03 SIRET 848 719 42300016
etcetera 11
hile the past 2 months of obligatory confinement have been, for some, a time to reflect and take-stock, even spend quality time with their loved ones at home, for many it has been a huge challenge. For those with children, grappling with homeschooling and a lack of routine has been tough; not to mention the health worries for children and adults alike, especially the vulnerable. The silence of being alone was welcomed for some but painfully lonesome – and worse - for others. The financial worries, while eased with some help from the government, left many falling between the cracks - especially those with new businesses recently settled in France.
11 May, with many schools, shops and businesses gradually opening, and the second phase, from 2 June until mid-July, lifting restrictions even further. But - and herein lies the rub - everything is conditional on our continued respect for social distancing and barrier / hygiene precautions so that new infection rates are kept down. If people don’t take care, and infection rates increase, the government may delay déconfinement or reinstate measures again. In effect, we are all on probation – twice!
Prime Minister Édouard Philippe stressed collective responsibility, summing up the plan as based on three overarching goals: The emotional angst has been significant protect, test and isolate: “From the too; with plans and outings on hold or moment we are no longer in confinement, already cancelled, the relatively short ‘hop the respect of infection ‘barrier gestures’, across the channel’ to UK family and and social distancing friends now seems much will take on even more further away. So, it’s no importance.” He added You can be more surprise many were glued to that 700,000 tests will the news on 28 April 2020 successful by doing be done every week to hear the French things slowly and from 11 May with those government’s steadily than by acting people testing positive déconfinement plans. (including their quickly and carelessly The approach taken by the ‘contacts’ subsequently French government is akin traced and testing to the tale of the tortoise and the hare: you positive) able to choose between isolating can be more successful by doing things at home or in centres such as slowly and steadily than by acting quickly requisitioned hotels. and carelessly. The plan is a progressive Variations between areas and cautious loosening of the 2-month ‘lockdown’ in two phases. The first is an While information was provided on key areas, each are potentially subject to end to the strict stay-at-home order from
12 etcetera
stricter measures’ depending on the status of each department labelled as either a ‘red’ or ‘green’ zone (and, of course, how much people respect the new rules). The zones will be determined by three criteria: 1. how active the virus is in the department; 2.
the capacity of its local hospitals;
3. the effectiveness of testing and tracking to reduce the ‘chain of contamination’. A map showing the status of each zone will be available at and updated daily. Key points are outlined below but subject to clarification according to additional information due to be released on 7 May.
FIRST ‘PROBATION’ PERIOD 11 MAY UNTIL 2 JUNE Masks – both zones From 11 May, the wearing of non-medical masks termed ‘masques grand publics’ will be an obligation in certain places and ‘advisable’ in others. They will be on sale to the public in pharmacies and supermarkets. Prices may vary considerably, starting at €2. Each should be clearly labelled with the maximum
covid-19 ADVICE
#BUYLOCAL Buying local, whether that be products or services, has never been so important; to help local artisans, shops and services get back on their feet.
number of times each can be safely washed and reused (30 minutes at 60° with detergent – do not bleach or iron). 15 million are to be produced weekly to maintain availability. No guidance is currently available on the use of homemade face masks. Schooling – zone variations
the end of May, as will red zone schooling. Universities will remain closed until September. Work – zone variations While people should be permitted to return to work or reopen their business from 11 May, ‘télétravail’ (remote, home working) should continue whenever possible - at least until 2 June. If remote working is not feasible, social distancing and barrier gestures (wearing masks ‘grand public’, keeping 1 metre apart, washing or disinfecting hands regularly) must be maintained. If social distancing is not possible, masks are an obligation. For larger work places, the government will maintain ‘activité partielle’ support so that staggered work-times and reduced hours can be implemented to avoid too many people in one place.
Crèches, maternelles, écoles primaires are expected to open progressively from 11 May with children welcomed from 12 May. Attendance is entirely voluntary and guidance for parents will be issued between 4 and 7 May. Priority will be given to children of health care workers, etc. Depending on space available, maximum class size will be 10 for the under 3s and 15 for maternelle and primaire. Measures will be put in place to ensure autonomous space and avoid crossShops – zone contamination. Masks Outdoor (open-air) activities variations will be worn by such as yoga and tennis will From 11 May, many teachers and staff, but be permissible but require at shops (apart from not by children up to least 4 square meters space for large commercial primary age, however; centres) and markets each person, and no more paediatric masks will be should reopen, along available for a child than 10 people with libraries, smaller showing signs of museums and cultural infection and the centres. Masks are not parents immediately contacted to take to be mandatory, but highly them home. Parents who wish to keep recommended, particularly if the 1-meter their children at home are completely distance rule cannot be guaranteed. Shops within their rights to do so but should will have the right to insist customers wear continue to home-school. masks nevertheless. From 18 May, initially in green zones only, Public transport – both zones there should be a gradual return for collège (secondary) pupils in 6ème and Services expect to be slowly be reinstated 5ème only. Masks will be obligatory for from 11 May but will remain dramatically teachers, staff and pupils. The return of reduced. Masks will be an obligation other age-groups at collège and lycée (including in taxis). Disinfection and (college) in green zones will be reviewed at social distancing measures on buses and
Jenny Smith, French Wordsmith offers comprehensive administrative, translation and support services for English-speaking people in France on just about anything you can think of – from business and building to health, home, residence and schooling – and if she doesn’t know the answer she will find someone who can. Contact her via mail: or phone 06 79 85 58 84 / 0044 7557 402104 and read some client reviews on
trains will be stepped up, however; people are encouraged to only use public transport for work or pressing health / family reasons and pre-booking is required for trains. Sadly, those longawaited visits and weekends away will have to wait! Gatherings / activities / travel - zone variations From 11 May, you should be able travel up to 100 km from your home for social and other activities without a travel form. Over 100km will only be accepted for pressing work, health or family reasons – and you may need to carry the official ‘attestation de déplacement dérogatoire’. Examples of ‘pressing’ reasons include caring for the vulnerable or sick. Travel to or from ‘red’ departments is likely to be restricted. Individual sports and physical activities should be allowed - for as long as you want, where you want, up to 100km from home – within certain specific parameters to keep transmission low. Joggers and cyclist must keep 10 metres apart at all times. Outdoor (open-air) activities such as yoga and tennis will be permissible but require at least 4 square meters space for each person, and no more than 10 people. The conditions for other sports and activities such fishing, horse riding and golf will be published on or federation websites such as Collective indoor sports and physical activities will not be permitted. Social activities and gatherings allowed but limited to 10 people max, and we’re reminded to take extra care to limit contact with the elderly or vulnerable. Parks and gardens in green zones can likely open their doors but all beaches will remain closed until at least 1 June.
etcetera 13
SECOND ‘PROBATION’ PERIOD 2 JUNE UNTIL MID-JULY Gatherings / activities / travel All being good – and new infection rates below the threshold – we will enter the second probation period on 2 June, when bars, cafes, restaurants and town halls should be allowed to take down their shutters (perhaps with specific measures), and church services resume. Large cultural or social centres such as the bigger museums, cinemas, concert halls and theatres are likely to remain closed for quite a while longer.
you complete on your UK house sale or your UK rental contract comes to an end, and you complete on a French house purchase, this may be deemed a ‘motif imperieux (justifiable reason to travel). Those affected can seek clarification from your local mairie and notaire; check updates here: or use this online tool to ‘chat’ with the national police and ask them directly:
If your circumstances allow authorisation to travel into France, and All being good – and new over the 100km With many big infection rates below the permissible after 11 May , events and festivals threshold – we will enter the then you’ll probably need already cancelled, it the official travel form is hoped that midsecond probation period on (one per person, June through to 2 June, when bars, cafes, per day from September may restaurants and town halls https://www.servicebring a short, but late, opening season should be allowed to take down droits/R55781 along with their shutters for some, and proof of your reason for perhaps the right to travelling (rental contract, summer holidays - even title deeds, mairie letter), and your ID. outside of France - but this all depends… Nevertheless, I’d suggest it’s essential to For those Europeans in the midst of be aware that with the UK’s European planning a permanent move to France, Health Insurance Card (EHIC) “you can information is sadly lacking, however; one get emergency or necessary medical care interpretation of the guidance is that if you for the same cost as a resident in the become, in effect, ‘homeless’ in the UK i.e. country you’re visiting” – which means
you may only be covered for 70% to 80% of the costs. Perhaps approach a mutuelle to ask if a ‘top up’ insurance is feasible in the circumstances. For some, private health cover might be highly advisable (provided COVID-19 is not excluded). Special circumstances For those tying the knot, marriages should be permitted from 2 June for up to 20 people (small but perfectly formed) as will attendance for up to 20 at funerals to give comfort and solace for those who have lost a loved one. Rather than end on this sad – but timely reminder – of why we owe it to ourselves and others to respect these measures, I will sign off and wish us well with some wise words from Winston Churchill: “Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.”
Note to the reader: As ever, I’ve done my utmost to give you the facts and clear explanations prior to publication, but you’ll need to keep an eye on updates as the situation and rules may change – red zones are likely to see a delay in roll-out of the déconfinement plan and the maintenance of stricter measures initially. The map, updated daily, will be available onine at
are given the possibility of them carrying forward the information to the relevant box on the main form. Be careful, it doesn’t carry forward all information and it may double up information or wipe it out where the box has already been filled in, for example if your both French and UK interest.
ONLINE TAX DECLARATIONS Setting up Your Online Account
his year, the income declaration by internet is compulsory for all households. This is applicable to those who have internet access at home. The declaration can continue to be made on paper for people with disabilities or advanced old age and for first time completions. To create your internet access, you need to be armed with two elements: ● This year’s 2042 (blue) declaration form – for your fiscal number and internet access number ● Last year’s Avis De Situation Déclarative De l’impôt sur le Revenu – for your Revenu fiscal de référence Create your account Go onto – click on votre espace particulier – then fill in the details from the above documents to create your login details – in the section création de mon espace particulier. They will recognize who you are from the fiscal number and then you can move forward. The fiscal number is attached to one person, but as you will see when you start completing your on line form, if you are married or PACSed then the two numbers are linked and you are both recognized. Next, you will provide them with your email address and a password of at least 12 digits with two of those digits being two numbers. Once that information has been provided, you will be asked to validate the contact email, by clicking on a link in an email that will be sent to you within 5 minutes of the account creation.
Once you have completed the annexed forms work your way through the main form. Once you have finished the sections, you have the option to add comments. You cannot however, upload documents. Once you have reached the end of your declaration, you will be given a summary of the numbers you have placed in each section, giving the box reference. Check this, add your bank details – IBAN and BIC and the press send.
This allows you now to log in with your fiscal number and password and use your account.
You will find a copy of the filled in forms for your records, by going back to the first screen and going to Documents.
Going Green When you create the account, you are asked if you want to be paperless or not. If the lozenge is green, you are paperless, if it is white, you will receive paper versions of the documents indicated. This is not a permanent decision and can be modified.
Don’t panic. The advantage with the on line declaration, is that it saves the data provided as you go along, so that you can leave and come back later, but also it can be modified. Even if you have got to the end and posted the return electronically, you can correct and even after the final date within a certain time period.
Declare your income
Foreign Bank Accounts
As you have a paper copy of the main form by the post - 2042, it is best to complete it first to help you find your way around the on-line declaration. I would also get out last year’s form to make sure that you have covered all types of income and obligations. Choose the option Declarer. You will realise that the format of the declaration follows the sections of the forms. At the beginning they are asking you to check if your civil information is as indicated and if there are no changes keep moving forward. You will arrive at a page where you have a list of sections. You will need to tick the relevant sections. This is where it is important to have prepared the declaration first as you can check on the form the name of the sections. You will also see an annexes button, so that you can add forms, such as the foreign income form – 2047 and the foreign bank account form 3916. When you move forward, you will see the annexed forms down the side. I suggest that you complete them first and then come back to the main form. The principle is to complete and to move forward by clicking on Suite. When you arrive at the end of an annexed form, you
Warning – this is a fiscal obligation and comes with a 1500 euros fine for a nondeclared account. This is applied to each account and multiplied by the number of year’s not submitted. This warning is real and applicable for any kind of account; current, savings, ISA, investments and business accounts. You are required to inform the tax office of any bank or savings accounts outside of France. The form to declare the details of your bank accounts is the 3916. It is available on-line or from the tax office. However, I suggest that for first year you write the details on a loose sheet of paper, as if you have several accounts you will need to complete a number of forms. Providing a loose paper version is perfectly acceptable. You need to give your name, the name of the account, the address and the account number. On-line, for the first year you will need to complete the 3916 form for each of the accounts. Theoretically, if you have no changes or new accounts, you just need to validate each account this every year thereafter.
etcetera 15
business INSURANCE
French Income Tax
Which Forms and How to Fill Them in
It is that time of the year again when you have to fill in your income tax form. It’s all in French and yes, there is lots of pages and boxes to fill in!
account according to what you have filled in (they will reimburse you if you had less income than 2018). Or change the % tax on your salary if you are an employee.
a UK rental need to tick. You can also find box 8VL which is the 17.7% tax credit on your dividends. These boxes are on the last page.
But worry not, help is at hand. I will try to explain it to you and make it simple. I will only cover the most common revenues so for more technical information, contact me directly.
3) Which forms and how do you fill them in: The 2042 is the blue form that everybody has to fill in and it is on this form that you report what you have filled in on other forms. But there are different versions of the 2042:
2042C Pro: If you are self-employed in France, this is where you fill in your professional revenue.
1) Changes Just one I noticed, the 8TK box is now on another form than the 2042. It is now on form 2042C which you can download from the tax office web site.
2042: This is the normal blue 2042 form that everyone has to fill in - no exception.
2) Important dates: You have to declare your revenue for the year 2019 (January 1st to 31st of December). However, the tax office accepts that you use the revenue corresponding to the UK tax year.
Check or fill in the information on page 1 (name, address, etc). On page 2, check or fill in the information asked for (marital status, etc) and make sure it is correct as they can give you allowances or discount (invalidity, number of children living with you, etc).
You can start filling the forms online (as long as this isn’t your first time) from now until 23h59: 4th of June for departments 1 to 19 8th of June for departments 20 to 54 11th of June for departments 55 to 974.
2042RICI: This is the form on which you report things that give you tax credits such as employing a gardener or cleaner, giving to charity, having kids at college, lycee, etc or doing some work on your house related to saving energy and ecology.
If you fill it in on paper you have until the 12th of June to hand it in or send it by post. The result (the bill) is called Avis d’ imposition and is sent to you from mid-August.
2042C: This is the form to have if you are under the French health system via an S1 (you are receiving a state pension). You need to tick box 8SH (declarant 1) and/or 8SI (declarant 2) to avoid paying social charges on your interest. Box 8TK which was on the last page on the normal 2042 before is now on this form. This is the box that people with a government pension or
Note that in September 2020, the French government will then readjust the monthly amount that they take out of your bank
This is also the form you use if you have to pay the wealth tax (if your worldwide assets are worth more than 1.3 million euros). It’s complicated, so contact me. This is also the form used to declare revenues from gîtes or chambre d’hôtes non-professional. 2044: This is the form to fill in if your rental income is superior to 15 000 euros per year. 2047: This is the purple form (or pink) on which you enter your revenue from abroad. It is better if you start with this one and then report the result on the other forms. Here’s how to do it: 2047: Enter all your pension revenues (even those for civil servants that are taxed in the UK) on page 1, section 1 in the box called « Pensions, retraites, rentes”. Be careful, you now must tick the box stating if the pension is public (ex-civil servant) or Privé (private and state pension/old age). So, if you have both, tick both boxes. You then have to report pensions to the pension section on the 2042, page 3, section 1, line 1AM (or 1BM for declarant 2) for pensions taxed in France (state
Isabelle Want Mob•: 06 17 30 39 11 / Email• N° Orias 07021727/16005974
16 etcetera
22 rue Jean Jaures 16700 Ruffec Tél:+33 (0)5 45 31 01 61
102 Avenue de la République 16260 Chasseneuil sur Bonnieure Tél:+33(0)5 45 39 51 47
10 Bd du 8 mai 1945 16110 La Rochefoucauld Tél:+33 (0)5 45 63 54 31
2 Avenue de la Gare 16270 Roumazieres-Loubert Tél:+33(0)5 45 71 17 79
business pension and private pensions) and line 1AL (or 1BL for declarant 2) for pensions from UK government employees such as teachers, civil servants, military, NHS, etc). Section 2, on page 2 is where you put the interest you earned on savings in the UK. And yes, ISAs and Premium Bonds are taxable in France as you are French resident! So, you have to fill them in at the bottom of page 2 in the box 231 “intérêts”. Enter the country of origin, then you write the amount on line 233, the again on line 235 and 252. Then you report the amount in line 2TR, page 3, section 2 of the 2042. You also need to tick box 2OP on form 2042, page 3 if you want the interest to be taxed according to the rest of your income and not at 12.8% flat tax. In section 4, you enter the revenues from house rental abroad. Then report on section 6 to get the tax credit (because it is taxed in the UK) and report on line 4BE and 4BK, section 4 of the 2042. If revenues from rental are below 15000 euros, you have to fill in the 2044 form.
In section 6, you put the revenue from government employees pension (military, police, NHS, civil servant, etc) and rental income from property in the UK (those will always be taxed in the UK whether you are French resident or not). Then you report the amount in line 8TK, last page of the 2042C. This is because those revenues/income get a tax credit in France equivalent to what the tax would be on it in France as they are taxed in the UK. You must enter the gross amount (before tax for pensions or expenses for rental).
If your pension has been directly transferred to your French bank account, just add up all the figures of last year as long as it is a gross amount (not taxed at source).
3916: you have a bank account outside France, then you have to declare it on that form (section1 and 4). One form per account. Or if you have a lot, on a blank A4 paper.
Our offices are opening from the 11th May and we will be adhering to the health guidelines (glass screen, mask, hand sanitizer…), we will be happy to see you at:
Don’t forget to date and sign the forms!! The exchange rate for 2019 is 1.14 (that is the average of last year). You can get another rate from your local tax office, use theirs if it is lower than 1.14! Note that when you ask the official Paris tax office they tell you to use the rate from the “banque de France” on the day you got paid! Or use the average of the year.
Revenue to declare Private pension State pension Gover nment pension (teacher, military, police, county council, NHS, etc) Interest on savings Premium bonds earning Dividends Tax credit dividends 17.7% of the 2DC amount UK rental income French rental income (other than gite /chambre d’hote List of bank accounts/s outside of France (Name & address of bank and account number) Amount given to French registered charities (eg Red Cross) Amount given to European registered charities (eg Red Cross) Amount given to French registered charities (association or church) Amount given to European registered charities (general interest or church) Amount given for employing someone at home (gardening, cleaning. Etc) Amount given to restoration of Notre Dame Paris Professionals (auto-entrepreneurs) who have opted for LE VERSEMENT LIBÉRATOIRE DE L’IMPOT SUR LE REVENU (check your monthly or quarterly declaration form to URSAFF if you’re unsure): Sale of merchandises Services and rented furnished property (gite) BNC profession liberales (teacher, estate agent etc) Professionals (auto-entrepreneur): Sale of merchandise Services and rented furnished property (gite) BNC profession liberales (teacher, estate agent etc)
4) Help: A complete guide on how to fill in your tax form online is on our web site: If you are one of my customers, you are entitled to free help in 2 of our offices (no appointments, just turn up).
- Chasseneuil sur Bonnieure on Tuesday the 26th of May (all day apart from 122pm - my lunch) - Ruffec on Wednesday the 27th of May (all day apart from 12-2pm - my lunch) Please make sure you have all the figures ready and the relevant forms (you can get them from your local tax office or online) when you come to see me. (Otherwise I get very grumpy!)
Form 2042 2042
Form 2047 Section 1-11 Section 1-11
Person 1 1AM 1AM
Person 2 1BM 1BM
2042 & 2042C
Section 1-11 & 6
1AL & 8TK
1BL & 8TK
2042 2042 2042
Section 2-230 Section 2-200
Section 7
2042 & 2042C
Section 4
4BE & 4BK & 8TK
4BE & 4BK & 8TK
2042Cpro 2042Cpro 2042Cpro
2042Cpro 2042Cpro 2042Cpro
etcetera 17
business and assistance Do You Have an ISA in the UK? HELEN BOOTH INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISER deVere France
f you do have an Individual Savings Account, you will know that in April of every year the new ISA rates are introduced, and in order to maximise the tax efficiency of your savings - then would be the ideal time to invest more money.
The great news is, there’s an alternative available called an Assurance Vie.
amount is then subject to tax and social charges.
An Assurance Vie is an insurance investment policy which offers permanent residents in France a tax efficient way of investing and withdrawing money with added inheritance tax advantages.
Inheritance - An Assurance Vie has further advantages regarding inheritance. An Assurance Vie falls outside of your estate and can therefore be left directly to beneficiaries. In addition, if the policy is established before your 70th birthday, you can name as many beneficiaries on the plan as you like. Each receiving up to €152,000 tax free on death of the assured, and anything over this amount is taxed at 20%. If there are premiums paid or the policy is started after your 70th birthday, the amount will then drop to €30,500 in total.
There are several benefits to investing in an Assurance Vie - First, there’s no limit on the amount that can be invested. Funds that remain in an Assurance Vie also increase free of French income and capital gains tax. This means that your funds can grow, and you do not have to pay annual taxes on them.
Withdrawals from an Assurance Vie are Many UK ISA owners reside in France as taxed fairly - When you make a French taxpayers – withdrawal, the French meaning their ISA State decides how much is no longer tax This means that your funds can of it was return on the free. As a resident grow, and you do not have to pay original capital and how of France, you much was taxable annual taxes on them complete your tax growth, which reduces return in France, future tax liabilities. and with that you must also declare the This means that you only pay tax on the interest or dividends that you have amount withdrawn, which is the growth received from the UK and pay tax on them element. After 8 years, €4600 can be France. UK interest rates that may have withdrawn annually free of tax (€9200 for been good once may not be good now. a married couple). Anything over this
18 etcetera
Depending on the provider, you can choose to invest in a range of currencies and diverse investment funds to increase the potential for better returns. Making for a far better alternative to money just sitting in your bank account. So, with all these benefits - why delay? Always seek professional advice from a Financial adviser before making decisions. This article should not be construed as providing investment advice. Tax rates and amounts are correct at the time of publication.
business and assistance Marketing in the midst of coronavirus
mall business owners will have been Here are some things to consider: severely impacted during the Social Media Coronavirus epidemic. With little or no Keep your social media platforms busy! It customer interaction one question small isn’t about being salesy, it’s about business owners ask – should I continue communication. Have you been avoiding to market my business? YES! Now more doing a Facebook Live/Video – now’s the than ever you should be actively keeping time to consider it. Many businesses are your business awareness high and keep ideal to diversify and offer tutorials and connecting with your customers. Maybe distance learning online! Revisit even think about your blog content – refresh it different ways of and post it! Be mindful of what marketing your business that “Tough times never last, you are posting. How does it entertain, inform, educate or previously you but tough people do.” benefit your audience? haven’t had time for before. It Website certainly means Is your website as fresh as it can we have to think be? Can you add new content? Add that outside the box and divert how we blog? Refresh images? Are all your contact communicate and what we communicate. details up to date? Can you add offers that And digital marketing has never been will be applicable – loyalty programme, a more in demand! discount? How can you improve payment Now that going out is limited, the use of methods? Can you work on some SEO? the internet and social media and other Have you refreshed your Google my platforms is providing people with an business space? outlet to keep in touch with friends and Email family. And an ideal time for you to keep in contact with them too! And remember… Are you making the most of your database or list? Now is a good time to keep “Tough times never last, but tough people connected and share more than what you do.” – Robert H Schuller
Sandrine TUYERAS Insurance Agent
would in a social media post. What is happening in your business and how it affects your customers? Direct them to your social media platforms and your website. Think about what people might need from you right now. Traditional Telephone While there are plenty of platforms to keep in contact with friends and family and teams… Google hangouts and Zoom spring to mind. There’s nothing quite like picking up the phone. Check in on customers via the telephone, you’ll probably find most of them are at home at the moment! This down turn also provides us with an opportunity to spring clean our business and up skill. There are many digital marketing courses available offering free content that you can tap into and learn a new skill.
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uring this lockdown I have definitely lost a day or two here or there. Some days I have been in pyjamas all day! And I admit that my alcohol consumption has increased slightly. Does this sound familar?! Recently though I felt like something had to change. All the days just seemed to be the same, with the garden now pretty much immaculate (well I say immaculate, I mean a lot tidier than it was before lock down!) I realised that I needed to rework my daily routine. So I set my intentions… I bought a new fitness program in January, I did the first week and then stopped! I told myself that I had too many stressful things going on and I couldn’t focus. I kept telling myself there was no point making half-hearted decisions and that I needed to fully commit, or not bother at all. I thought I had wasted my money on this new program but in truth I knew I would pick it up when my mind was clearer. I’m very happy to say I have restarted it now. In the past I have waited until a Monday to kick off new habits but this time I didn’t. I wanted to make the necessary changes to my current situation and there was no need to start on a Monday. Now was the time! My main focus was training, I have lost all my strength and I want to be strong again.
20 etcetera
Something wonderful happens to you when you’re strong, your inner confidence just buzzes (and you can’t wait for someone to ask you to help them lift something heavy!).
Before COVID-19 really started and lockdown pursued, we were forever wanting, wanting, wanting. But lockdown and all the wonderful things it has brought in such chaotic times like togetherness, a calmness, and a feeling a being grateful, should be a lesson for us all.
I told myself I was going to go into my gym and workout at 6:30 in the evening. Being grateful is a fantastic tool to use 6:30 came and I really didn’t want to do it. before bed to clear your head with positive I mean, really didn’t want to do it! But I thoughts and wake up the next day with had already set my intention and I knew if intention. I really do recommend it. I could just do this one session, then the Be thankful your heart is next day would flow a pumping, be thankful I have more get up little easier. your body moves, be and go and suffer from thankful to wake up every So, I did my session morning and now go and less depression and it felt great! I got set your intentions! my little buzz from working out and I did what I set out to do. I did a leg session and couldn’t walk for about two days (seriously!) but I'm a bit weird because I like the feeling of muscle soreness!
They don’t always have to be exercise based (although you will feel so much better in yourself if they are!) why not add creative activities too? Set your intention, then do it!
I am now on day 5 of my training. I intend to train 6 days a week with 1 day rest. I have the time to do 6 days a week, and for me I know that 1, 2 or 3 days a week is too little to keep my body in this progressive flow. The more I train, the clearer my mind and the more focussed I am in my life, the more present I am for my family. I have more get up and go and suffer from less depression. I didn't necessarily need to be in the right space to make this happen. I just needed to set my intention.
Try these simple steps: 1. Choose one thing you want to achieve in the day. For example, go for a walk or jog, yoga or stretching. 2. Set aside time in your day to achieve your intention 3. Share your achievement with someone 4. Practice gratitude every day 5. Keep reminding yourself of your intentions on a daily basis
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resence is a state where you are totally focussed on the experience of the moment, not worrying about the future, not being lost in the past, just experiencing feelings and actions as they occur. In addition, you accept your emotional state, not deciding whether it is good or bad. You just recognise your feelings in each moment. Whilst we may have moments of presence, I recommend that we generate them regularly. There is a saying that the past is finished, you can’t change the future, so that is why we call ‘now’ a present. How often have you been at work and you’re dreaming about being on holiday and then when you’re on holiday, you’re worrying about the work piling up?! Anticipating the future is problematic because, no matter how much we'd like to convince ourselves otherwise, we can't
Right Here, Right Now Dr Cathie Woodward is trained as a coach and runs a coaching practice with clients both in the UK and France.
really control the direction in which things will go. We can set an intention but we never really know what life is going to throw at us.
These are experiences completed thousands of times before, but in true presence each time is new, hence slightly different. Our brains are wired to go into auto-pilot when we’re doing an activity Being present is a powerful aid to living that is performed every single day, but this with the ambiguity of a world that is takes away the feeling of being present, of battling a new virus. More importantly, it savouring each moment. This exercise provides a practice refocuses our which will support your attention away from How many families in how mental health. many households around the thoughts and concerns and centres I have noticed that when world begin their days with us to what is going on I am committed to being little to no interaction with the right now in front present, I feel much people they hold most dear? of us. calmer. Many of you might be often worrying Being present truly is about what might a gift, not only to happen, so this is the perfect time to yourself but to those around you. Imagine develop a new skill which stills our mind. spending time with people, or pets, and It helps us have calmer, richer lives both paying them full attention - you start to now, and in the future. see how being present enhances relationships. So often, when we are with Activity One others, our attention is elsewhere. I have Choose a simple, everyday activity, like recently been ill (no, not coronavirus), and making your morning cup of tea or coffee. spent a lot of time resting. My cats have Rather than being on auto-pilot and relished time snuggled up to me. I am fully making it with your thoughts elsewhere, present to them. My husband has enjoyed focus and enjoy the ritual. Or if you are me asking about his day, and listening lucky enough to have a pet, spend time properly. How many families in how many doing nothing but being with them and households around the world begin their don’t let other distractions get in the way. days with little to no interaction with the Become present and remain present. All people they hold most dear? What are we you really need to do is slow down, pay working so hard for anyway, if not to attention, and savour. Observe and think spend quality time with our loved ones? about each action, the physical sensations It’s not easy, we are used to our busy as well as emotional. minds focussing on many different things,
By Dr C athie Woodw ard
but the more you practise, the more peaceful you become. Activity Two - Set an alarm to go off three times a day; do this for a week and make the times unpredictable. When the alarm goes off find a place where you will not be disturbed for five minutes and sit, preferably with your eyes open, and do nothing, (set an alarm for the five minutes). This gives us an opportunity to experience what is occurring beneath our normal chatter and tune into thoughts and feelings that we may have been missing. It is often a much-needed mini-break and helps us to focus more efficiently with our everyday activities.
etcetera 23
Alstromeria (Peruvian lily)
Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William)
24 etcetera
our own garden to make the most of our ou don’t need us tell you that we are living in strange times right now! time in lockdown, something we rarely When the lockdown was first announced, have time for. Many people will be growing their own fruit and vegetables for we spent a few days wondering whether or the first time. We noticed a hike in the not we could work and asked the question to various bodies, most of whom couldn’t price of fruit and vegetables at the give us a specific answer! Slowly, we supermarkets soon after lockdown and wonder if this will continue until we are started to carry out local maintenance back to ‘normal’. work as we were advised by one of the gendarmeries that We usually have a Like many people we it wasn’t appropriate to turned to our own garden half-hearted attempt at doing travel any sort of distance to do non-essential gardening what we can regarding growing our own veg but we work. Because we were working much less than we would during normal spring have more time this year! Our first problem, having bought the seeds from madness, like many people we turned to
Lorn Tracy &
Taylor-M ade Garden s
the supermarket, was what to plant them into. We had compost but no seed trays, it’s amazing what you can use if you just put your mind to it! We have used yoghurt pots, butter and cottage cheese tubs, milk tetra packs cut in half, egg boxes, even cardboard tubes which contained bottles of whisky, cut in half and lined with plastic food bags! The seeds have mostly germinated and will be ready for pricking out soon. It’s not too late for you to plant your seeds and providing the earth has warmed up, it might be warm enough to plant your seeds direct into the ground. I urge everyone (if you haven’t already done it) to try growing your own produce, its
etcetera 25
very therapeutic watching the daily progress of your seedlings! Some of the garden centres have opened and nurseries are opening for professionals so we can at least start to plan for summer. So let’s look at preparing our gardens for summer colour. As lockdown coincided with a good turn in the weather, no doubt many of you are already ahead of the game. It’s going to be too late to plant any trees or sizeable shrubs and nothing will be available bare-rooted which will make it more expensive to plant our gardens. However, if we concentrate on planting perennial plants (and maybe even some bedding plants) then we have a better chance of success without having to spend all of our time copiously watering our plants which have been planted later than normal. Also use this time to prepare our gardens for when we can once again buy the hard landscaping materials needed to create terraces, paths and raised beds. And of course, there is always weeding…
as it’s getting a little late to get the roots of shrubs bedded in before the heat comes, we are going to focus more on perennial plants this month. Perennial geraniums (cranesbill) come in a variety of colours including blue, red and pink and are reliably hardy. Given time, even the smallest of perennial geraniums will grow into an attractive dome-shape and will often self-seed to provide us with free plants for the following year. They combine well with a variety of other plants, including roses and depending on the variety, offer flowers from spring through to late summer. Most geraniums thrive best in full sun to light shade and do not demand heavy watering though G. phaeum with its small dusky purple flowers in early summer prefers shade. Alstromeria (Peruvian lily) come in various colours and varieties such as ‘Summer Holiday’, ‘Indian Summer’ and ‘Summer Breeze’. The names of the varieties indicate the flowering period of these perennials with their slightly exotic looking flowers. They reliably flower from June through to October.
The majority of us like to see a bit of colour in the garden but it is easy to get carried away and use too many different Gaura lindheimeri are excellent value colours together plants, flowering at the which can look Avoid planting pastel colours same time as alstromeria confusing. It is best from June through to in the same bed as strong to stick to a palette October. They are good for colours such as red and orange of colours which giving a little height to the complement rather garden, depending on than compete with each other so avoid which variety you choose. Some grow as planting pastel colours in the same bed as tall as 1.2m so they’re great for planting at strong colours such as red and orange. the back of the border. Their colours vary Often, a couple of colours will create more from pure white to deep pink and they love impact than mixing lots of colours - some the sun and well drained soil. Providing of our favourite combinations are pairing you don’t plant them too late in the strong blue or purple with bright yellow or season, they demand very little water. In to match pastels with silver-coloured spring, you can cut them almost to the leaves. At Taylor-Made Gardens, we tend ground and they will spring up bigger and to use very few bedding plants as they are bolder than ever. both time-consuming and demand a lot of Gaillardia deserve a mention when water. We prefer to use a mix of perennial discussing easily maintained, reliable plants with evergreen and deciduous shrubs to add colour to our gardens. But perennials. They are in the ‘hot colour’
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spectrum with their daisy-like flowers that have red/orange centres to their flowers which are splashed with yellow at the tips of their petals. They can be used as cut flowers but if left in place, once the flowers are spent, they form an attractive seedhead. There are many different types of Dianthus (carnations by any other name) which cannot be left out when discussing perennial plants. Dianthus (old fashioned pinks) are tuft-forming perennials bearing clove-scented flowers coloured white, all shade of pink and red. Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William) are a frost-hardy perennial which often self-seeds and a great plant for use in mass planting. Dianthus (modern pinks) are denselyleaved, mound-forming perennials which have grey-green foliage, fragrant flowers in white, pink or crimson, flowering from late spring until early autumn. This is just a small selection of summer flowering perennials which have a relatively low water demand. Providing an organic (e.g. chipped bark) or inorganic (e.g. pea shingle) mulch around the plants will further help to trap any moisture in the ground thus severely restricting evaporation (and as a bonus, acts as a barrier to some weeds). The best way to water your shrubs and perennials is to water deeply twice per week. By ensuring that the water deeply penetrates the earth, it will force the roots to grow strongly downwards towards the damp earth. Surface watering however has the opposite effect causing the roots to grow up in search of surface water where they can easily be fried by hot sunshine with disastrous results. The best time to water (in summer)is at night when there is less chance of the water evaporating so consider installing an irrigation system with a timer programmed to water at night. This can be hooked up to pump in order to make the most of a rain water collection system or well water.
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Jobs to Do
By Ronnie Ogier
Ronnie is a passionate gardener and now loves sharing her years of experience of success and failures in her own garden and sharing it with you. Also a keen runner, having been bitten by the ‘Couch to 5K’ bug!
When we first started hearing about COVID-19, I thought it was a ‘lot of hype’, a fuss over a flu bug, but no, this is something very different! We have a daughter in the UK who is a GP, the type who tells me, and her family, not to make a fuss over nothing. Her attitude to Covid-19 has been very different right from the start of the outbreak, advising us to keep safe and self-isolate. So, here we are after many weeks of confinement, and what a difference it is making to my garden! We have been able to catch with many of the jobs we hadn’t completed this winter, and probably for the past two winters, and to start (and even finish) some on my wish list.
As we go into May the bulbs are fading, and herbaceous borders have started to grow in leaps and bounds; it is now clear that summer is approaching. But take care, as May can still bring some late frosts to damage tender plants. Since we came to live in France I have learned about ‘Les Saints De Glace’ (11th-13th May 2020) and ‘La Lune Rousse’ (23rd April – 22nd May). The first is selfexplanatory, the ‘Ice Saints’, the second is the first full cycle of the moon after Easter. At this time of year, the buds are emerging, full of vigour and rising sap, but it’s not uncommon to have still, cold nights with low temperatures extending into the early hours which will burn the new buds, giving them a scorched appearance. Hence the name ‘La Lune Rousse’, so it isn’t the moon that’s red, it’s the tips of our plants! So be patient, it is not yet time to safely plant out tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and tender annuals. But it is the time to… ● hoe off weeds – it’s easier to stop weeds getting a hold than taking out full grown weeds later in the summer; ● start controlling the activity of slugs and snails - trap them under tiles, grapefruit skins or beer traps and dispose of them; ● collect rainwater and investigate ways to recycle water for irrigation, as we are likely to need all the water we can get in July and beyond!
● Put supports in place for herbaceous plants before they are too tall. In the vegetable garden ● Plant out brassicas and leeks to their final positions. ● Pinch out the growing points of broad beans to reduce the risk of blackfly attack. In the fruit garden ● Hang pheromone traps in fruit trees from May to August to reduce ‘moth’ activity. ● Surround strawberries with straw to protect fruit. Net them to keep birds off the fruit. In the greenhouse ● Ventilate your greenhouse on warm days. ● Hang fly traps throughout the greenhouse to catch whitefly, thrips and other pests. Looking after your lawn ● Start mowing your lawns once a week now, but still keep the blades fairly high. And finally, one of my regular obsessions, if you haven’t taken photographs of your garden in previous years try to get into the habit of doing so now. Monthly photos of your garden remind you where plants are and where there are gaps. They let you see what went well and what didn’t work, plus it’s very rewarding to look back at your successes at different times of the year.
In the flower garden ● Feed spring bulbs to encourage good flowering next year, but allow the foliage to die down. ● Prune spring-flowering shrubs after flowering.
Happy Gardening!
(And keep taking photo�!)
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Grow Your Own The taste of homegrown vegetables and fruit invariably outstrips almost anything that you can buy
here is such a lot to consider and so many lifestyle changes that you can make in order to work towards ‘autonomie’ or self-sufficiency that this article became too large for just one month so I decided to cover this topic over two months so that we can explore them fully rather than just make a list of bullet points. This month I will concentrate on growing vegetables and then next month we will look at other ways to lead a more selfsufficient lifestyle. The first thing is that it’s almost impossible achieve total self-sufficiency in terms of food – unless you have a huge farm and can produce your own dairy products, flour and meat products and are prepared to join the ‘chasse’, or you go vegan – but you may still need a paddy field for producing rice! We are all so used to being able to get pretty much any produce we want from around the world, fresh, all year round and this expectation is one of the fundamental things that we first need to modify so that we eat more seasonal vegetables and don’t expect to have fresh tomatoes in February (I am guilty of this too!). Unfortunately the Covid-19 crisis has hit us during the ‘hungry gap’ – the time of
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year when most of the winter vegetables now. We have planted a few early potatoes in old compost sacks in the are over and it is too early to plant out polytunnel to try and force some a little many crops for the coming season. This is early to bridge the gap between the new one of the key considerations when crop and the stored potatoes. planning what you grow and how much of each variety to grow. Try not to have too Unfortunately last year we got hit by many gluts of things that you can’t tomato blight and our crop was greatly preserve and think of useful ways to reduced, however I was able to freeze a preserve foods for the winter months. fair few – simply peeled, sliced in half and There are several vegetables that store frozen in bags of around 500g (roughly well without much preparation at all; we the equivalent of a tin of tomatoes), I pour grew lots of onions last year and we have boiling water over the fresh tomatoes to still got bunches of onions hanging up, we loosen and split the skins making them have the last few easier to peel, but my potatoes stored favourite method of from last year, (we preserving them takes a The first thing is that it’s haven’t bought bit more work but is almost impossible achieve onions or potatoes extremely tasty and total self-sufficiency in for two years now) versatile, I cut them in we have just lifted terms of food half, put them cut side up the final half row of on a baking tray, drizzle carrots, parsnips with olive oil, season with and beetroot, which we left in the ground salt, pepper and maybe a little fresh through winter to harvest as required, as thyme, rosemary or sage and bake for they keep perfectly well that way. We have about 20 minutes – then blend them, chard, which is a great all year round sieve out the pieces of skin (a bit of a faff spinach substitute as well as being able to but absolutely worth it) and freeze in tubs, use the young leaves in salads, there are it makes an instant tomato passata, sauce the last few leeks and we have had a or soup and so full of concentrated flavour constant supply of coriander, rocket and captured from summer time. If you grow a salad greens throughout the winter, but mixture of cherry, beef and plum tomato the potager looks distinctly bare right varieties you will have a range of different
Swiss Chard, full of nutrition and easy to grow
Caroline has been a lecturer in horticulture for 20 years and is now running a nursery and 'garden craft' courses in the Haute-Vienne Many coloured potatoes have excellent culinary qualities
types, some for eating fresh and others for preserving. I prepare peppers, courgettes, pumpkin and squash in a similar way ( but adding more spice) and freeze them in portions.
time and prioritise space for growing them. Then work out a seasonal plan to interplant with a range of salads, herbs, fresh greens, and seasonal colour on your plate making sure that you include winter crops (leeks, kale, sprouting broccoli, Bottling and pickling are also great ways to chard, cabbages, parsnips and main crop preserve fruit and veg. I do not have a carrots) and also autumn sowings of sweet tooth and rarely make jam, but beetroot, rocket and mizuna, hardy lettuce chutneys, pickles and relish are good to varieties and broad have in store. We also beans. Practice good make our own wines and crop rotation liqueurs, I have spent We also make our own wines principles and if many years making and liquors, I have spent space is limited give ‘country wines’ of varying priority to key many years making ‘country quality but we have just a vegetables that can wines’ of varying quality couple of grape vines become a base for a growing here and have meal. This will successfully made some depend on your half decent wine from them. Another fairly taste and eating preferences but for me reliable homemade wine is rhubarb which almost all meals start with an onion, and is a super easy crop because it requires include tomatoes, I eat very few potatoes very little attention, you need to wait a but use a lot of courgettes and squashes to year after planting it before you make your make warming winter soups and vegetable first harvest to allow the plant to use its bakes etc. We eat a lot of salads and I have energy to develop a decent root system but found that the soil and climate here are so after that it pretty much looks after itself. good for growing that if I let one or two It is also great for summer puddings, and plants of lettuce and herbs like coriander my favourite: Rhubarb Gin! and dill run to seed, they self-seed readily Right now is a great time of year to make a and I get a really early crop- maybe in a plan for your potager, think about the random corner of the plot- but it all helps main vegetables that you use all of the to provide fresh food almost all year round
Caroline and if you can forage Wright a few fresh bits from the garden and base a meal around what you have got , it often saves a trip to the shops, costing you more petrol, and also picking up those impulse buys that you didn’t actually need!
Next month I will discuss alternative power, foraging, keeping chickens, making your own fertiliser and compost, meat free recipes.
Le Jardin Créatif We have vegetable plants available! For a full list of seeds, vegetable plants and perennials visit the nursery web page on We have also been busy preparing an online course in ‘Vegetable Growing for Beginners’ – send us an email if you are interested.
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farm life By Tamsin Cooper Tamsin Cooper is a smallholder and writer with a keen interest in animal behaviour and welfare. She keeps hens and goats.
Caring for Animals during the covid-19 pandemic 32 etcetera
farm life
uring these difficult times, questions have arisen regarding domestic animals. Here I aim to debunk any myths and provide some practical advice. Contagion and Domestic Animals At the time of writing, scientists have not yet discovered the origin of the virus that evolved to infect humans. Whatever the origin, animals are not involved in the spread of the pandemic. The OIE states ‘The current spread of COVID-19 is a result of human to human transmission. To date, there is no evidence that companion animals have spread the disease.’ The same applies to rats, bats, and other animals. WHO and other scientific sources are in agreement on this. On the other hand, out of thousands tested, there are a few cases of dogs and cats belonging to COVID-19 patients whose biological samples contained the virus, although they did not show symptoms. However, a cat in Belgium and a tiger in New York tested positive with symptoms that might be related. To eliminate any risk, the RSPCA and SPA are recommending that we take the same kind of precautionary measures with our animals as we would with humans: ▪ Wash hands thoroughly with soap before and after touching animals, and after handling their bedding, belongings, litter or droppings; ▪ Do not kiss your animals or let them lick your face; ▪ Avoid contact with anyone else’s animals – the virus from an infected person can survive on pet fur; ▪ Minimize your animals’ contact with other peoples’ for the same reason. If You Become Sick The RSPCA and SPA recommend that we do not look after animals if we are sick with COVID-19. If you are self-isolating, ask another member of the family to take care of pets and livestock. Take the same measures you would to protect your animals as you would human members of your household. If your cat can stay indoors and use a tray, this would reduce the risk of them coming into contact with neighbours’ animals. Clean the litter tray out regularly. Limit your dog to your land or garden to meet his sanitary and exercise needs. If Your Animal Becomes Sick If you need a vet appointment, medication or other supplies, you will need to telephone in advance. Only one person will be allowed to enter the premises at a time and should remain outside until instructed. Some clinics may have reduced hours. Caring for Your Animal Animals need stimulation and exercise as much as we do. Even if our routine has changed and our movements are restricted, we can find ways to keep them entertained. Up until the 11th of May, we are allowed up to an hour a day to walk our dogs within a one kilometre radius of our home. That
hour can be split into two half-hour walks or even three 20-minute walks. As long as we fill in an Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire for each walk, this is permitted. If the easing of restrictions goes ahead from the 11th of this month, there will no longer be a limit of a kilometer and no need for the signed form. Keep a two-metre distance between your dog and anyone else’s. The RSPCA website has ideas for entertaining pets at home. If you keep animals in a location away from your home, such as horses in remote paddocks, first ask people living within a kilometre of the paddock if they are able to feed, water and check the animals for you daily. If you cannot find anyone and have to attend them yourself, make sure you fill in the Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire, selecting Déplacements pour motif familial impérieux... You should contract a professional transporter if the animals need moving to fresh pastures by vehicle.
separate sheet for animals kept in different locations, needing different feed or routines, or those needing special attention. I suggest including the following: ▪ Emergency contact details, such as the vet and another neighbour; ▪ Contact for advice: a person who knows the species or individual animals well; ▪ Cheptel and ATEMAX account details for livestock; ▪ Identification of individual animals; ▪ Health conditions and medicine requirements; ▪ Feed routine and the location of feed, equipment and medical supplies: consider placing all of these together in an easy-to-find location; ▪ Location of water supply and electric fence energizer. 4. Exchange these forms electronically before any emergency arises. If this isn’t possible, then a handwritten notebook with a page for each individual or group works well. Consider wearing disposable or rubber gloves when handling paperwork and wash hands well before and after.
Preparing for Emergency Animal Care If you are the sole carer of domestic animals, it’s a good idea to make 5. Indicate privately where a key can be preparations for your animals’ care in your found for your carer to let themselves in. absence, in case you are admitted to hospital. I also recommend this to people 6. If animals are closed away at night, I who are not living alone, in case all recommend opening their buildings to members of the household are taken sick. allow them to access pasture / food / water The RSPCA website / toileting facilities. In has a form to print and this way, they can Remember, just because some place in your window meet their own needs restrictions are being lifted soon, to alert the emergency if there is a delay we all need to continue practising getting help. The risk services that there are social distancing and it will pay to is that certain species, animals that will need care in your absence. be prepared in advance e.g. chickens, will be Then there is a note to more open to put on your fridge door giving contact predation, but I feel I would rather run that details of a neighbour who can care for risk than they starve. them. At the time of writing, there is no Helpers: such official arrangement in France. If you go to someone’s house you must fill However, you could put a note in your in and sign/date/time an Attestation de window stating Attention! En cas de déplacement dérogatoire. You must check hospitalisation, il y a des animaux à the option Déplacements pour motif domicile. Veuillez trouver des informations familial impérieux, pour l’assistance aux dedans. Then place the name and address personnes vulnérables ... of an emergency contact and instructions If you need to enter the house to care for (see below) in a noticeable location. animals, please ensure you follow sanitary I would also advise making advance recommendations of thoroughly washing preparations to arrange for their care hands with soap, wiping surfaces with during your absence. Remember, just alcohol, and wearing disposable or rubber because some restrictions are being lifted gloves. The virus causing COVID-19 can soon, we all need to continue practising survive several days on dry surfaces. social distancing and it will pay to be The SPA is aiming to co-ordinate the offers prepared in advance, just in case. Here are of carers with people who go down with the my suggestions: disease. They would obviously be grateful 1. Contact neighbours who would be for volunteers, as well as host families prepare to step in and feed/care for your prepared to look after pets. Shelters are animals. Try to find at least two, in case feeling the pinch of reduced funds, staff, one is unavailable or falls sick. When I and ability to take in new residents, so they spoke to a helpline appeal to pet owners to avoid letting their advisor in March, he advised that the carer animals stray. should be local, e.g. within your commune, Sources: village, or within a few kilometres. 2. Swap phone numbers and details of your daily animal care routine (see below). 3. Prepare a notebook or fill in forms with details of the daily care required for each animal or each group of animals. Write a
World Organisation for Animal Health: >Scientific expertise > Questions and Answers on the COVID-19 FVE: RSPCA: SPA:
etcetera 33
By Clive Kenyon
t is best to regularly check your department’s fishing rules to establish the opening and closing dates of the species you are fishing for as they vary dependent on the department, species and category of water. Obviously this year we are experiencing many start date changes so make sure you check for updates.
called baitcasting reels. These reels have been derived from early versions of direct drive reels that were made by numerous American companies and copied in the first half of the 20th century by European firms for salmon fishing. The direct drive reels (where the handles could not be disengaged during casting) were superseded by reels that allowed a free Baitcasting has long been popular in spool during the cast. Latterly FarAmerica, mainly for bass Eastern baitcasting and walleye, or zander as reels have come to we know them. Zander take a large share of His primary aim was to are almost endemic in the market. This all source some quality France and American about in the bamboo as Chinese imports came black bass are fairly early 1970s when common over here having had been banned Alabama tackle dealer been stocked in a lot of Lew Childre set off to lakes and some rivers. Japan on a personal Both species are of the perch family and trade mission. His primary aim was to share many of the characteristics of our source some quality bamboo as Chinese familiar quarry. imports had been banned, but he also In France and the UK, most lure fishing made contact with representatives of the and the practises of live and dead baiting Japanese companies Fuji Heavy are carried out using a fixed spool reel but Industries, an aircraft company set up in these days there is a growing European 1915 and the Shimano Industrial Company interest in using small multiplier reels who were founded in 1921 to make cycle
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parts. Childre managed to do a deal with Shimano to produce a new bait casting reel that he marketed in the USA as a Lew’s BB-1. This reel took America by storm as it offered all the mechanical benefits of the more expensive Swedish ABU reels with a stylish low profile teardrop styling and slim rosewood handles, reminiscent of the Hardy Elarex salmon spinning reel that had been in production from the 1930s until the 1960s. The BB-1 was mechanically virtually identical in all the important areas:– bearings, centrifugal brake and a level wind that could be disconnected during the cast. It might just be that Lew Childre had an ABU reel in his pocket when he met Mr. Shimano along with a photograph of an Elarex. Until the Lew’s BB-1 came along ABU had been having their own way with bait casting reels in the lucrative professional American bass fishing market. ABU, or AB Urfabrikken had been founded in 1921 to make watches and taxi meters. Just before WWII they started manufacturing fishing reels, initially copying American direct
controversially entered the American reel market under their own name with the Bantam 100, identical to the Lew’s BB-1 in drive designs, but during the war years every way, and less expensive. Shimano they produced their own reel, the and ‘Made In Japan’ had, by association legendary ABU Record 2100 that, as its with Lew’s, become synonymous with name suggests, broke casting records quality and Shimano seized the world-wide. The very month that the war opportunity to maximise on that. Lew’s ended ABU took out an international quickly broke off their relationship with patent on the centrifugal brake that Shimano and successive new models were allowed tangle free casting for less than manufactured by Ryobi, another Japanese competent anglers like myself. The strange company. Shimano as we now know went thing is, that the Hardy Elarex - which was on to be one of the biggest names in pre-war, in fact had a near identical brake fishing along - and the centrifugal brake was with Lew known in the US long Shimano as we now know Childre’s other before that. went on to be one of the Japanese ABU had used a British partner; Fuji consultant, a certain Douglas biggest names in fishing who still make George Ferris Rudd, an angling reel fittings and writer and coach, known by his rod rings for pen name of ‘Jock Scott’ who was many of the world’s top tackle makers. intriguingly also employed as a consultant Shimano and Ryobi were joined by Daiwa for Hardy, the famous English tackle and latterly Okuma in the baitcasting manufacturer during the same period. Mr. market and took a hefty chunk of sales off Rudd had encouraged Hardy to make the ABU and the American companies; HJS reel as it became known prior to Shakespeare, Penn & Pflueger. 1938. The reel named after him was made between 1938-9 and 1945-1952. The Using a baitcasting reel for walleye and patron of the Hardy company himself used bass is usually carried out with a short (by the ‘Jock Scott’ reel to set new casting British standards) rod and a lure or fish records. ‘Jock Scott’ also invented bait. Bass typically inhabit the upper layer spinners that proved to be very successful of the water column and zander the lower for salmon. part of the river or lake so tactics differ Lew Childre was killed in a plane crash in 1977. The business however carried on as Lew’s , but in 1978 Shimano
dependent on which species you are targeting. Bass anglers favour lures that create noise or disturbance; poppers and
frog type lures skipped along the surface in short bursts with long periods of rest to allow the bass to stalk and sneak up on the hapless victim like a tiger. Because of the places they habit these lures may have to be of the weedless type. I have not yet had the pleasure of catching a black bass, but the tactics are identical to those used in the Cyprus dams where I caught largemouth bass on surface popper lures. The idea is to cast the lure into areas of weed or where tree stumps and submerged branches give the bass cover. The lure is cast and then left for 10 - 15 seconds before being twitched using the rod top and then left again. Bass creep up on their quarry using stealth and then rush it from below. Very exciting. Zander on the other hand hunt like wolves in a pack; steaming into shoals mob handed and inflicting as much damage as they can before returning to mop up the casualties. Zander tactics involve letting your lure sink to the bottom on a tight line so that the slightest twitch or knock can be detected, these takes are often felt just as the lure hits the bottom and your reaction should be immediate. Lead-headed jelly lures work well for zander as the hook point fishes uppermost where it is less likely to snag the bottom. Braid line helps better bite detection and sometimes a small trailing treble hook is advisable to hit finicky bites. Baitcasting reels offer a different feel when fighting a fish and I find casting with them therapeutic, like fly-casting. But whatever your choice of reel or species this is the ideal time to fish for predators.
etcetera 35
ast month was the “opening” month, when trees begin to leaf-up and look like trees again, and blossom blows, and early flowers peep shyly out of the grass. (Much more of this and I shall be writing, “Feather-footed through the plashy fen passes the questing vole” like Evelyn Waugh’s hapless nature correspondent in “Scoop”.) However, to most of us May is the month when Nature really engages top gear and gets going. Rightly did Alan J. Lerner (a man of strong passions himself) describe it as, “That lovely month when everyone goes blissfully astray” in Camelot (and by the way, if you have never heard Julie Andrews sing this song in her pure, virginal voice you have missed an erotic treat!). Flowers are well-established, and will nourish the insects that will produce progeny, partly to provide new insects after their kind, and partly to feed birds and other insects and spiders. In particular, the fruit-trees have flowered to provide the autumn crops upon which we will depend and which will feed countless animals but which, of course, the tree is hoping will propagate its own species. The birds are well into their first nestinground, and are starting the feverish search for food to nourish the newly hatched chicks. The sort of food needed for the chicks is not, generally speaking, the sort that can be put out on a bird-table, since it tends to move around, but the adults can still derive much benefit from extra rations, so don’t give up on the feedingstations. Besides, woodpeckers are able to make good use of peanuts in a suitable holder, and will, in due course, bring their fledglings to feed on them - a wonderful thing to watch. Do ensure, though, that no
36 etcetera
By Mike Geo rge
small adult bird can get hold of an intact peanut. One such, thrust into the open beak of a chick, can be fatal, as it can block the chick’s food-passage completely. Something else is also starting to seek out moving prey. Wasps are beginning to develop their colonies, and unlike their bee cousins, wasps must feed their offspring on protein. At this stage, and for most of the early summer, wasps are not interested in you or your garden party. They do not want sugar – they will be looking for that later in summer - although they might be interested in any beer that is going. I have several times fished hornets out of my evening ale. I don’t know what they see in it. Anyway, I have always just lifted them out with a finger and set them gently down to dry themselves in the evening sun, until they are able to fly off (a bit unsteadily) back home. It doesn’t affect the taste of the beer, and I’ve never been stung.
Mike George is our regular contributor on wildlife and the countryside in France. He is a geologist and naturalist, living in the Jurassic area of the Charente
conceived in the joy of newly-wedded bliss (or the accidents of an over-enthusiastic celebration of spring) would be born in the quiet months of winter, and would cause least disruption. Whatever else was happening, agriculture had to survive! Pagan rituals lasted long into the Christian era - perhaps some are found even to this day - and May was a prime time for those associated with renewal and fertility. Kipling puts it well in “A Tree Song”: Oh, do not tell the priest our plight, Or he would call it a sin; But - we have been out in the woods all night, A-conjuring Summer in!
“Here we come gathering nuts in May” our children sing. Their teachers never seem to The lawns are growing prolifically. Gone point out the lack of botanical accuracy in are the quiet, mower-less months of this. There are no nuts ripening in May, winter! However, please remember, if you ever, anywhere in the Northern want to encourage wildlife in your garden, hemisphere. The don’t cut the lawn song originally to within an inch of spoke of “Knots of its life. Use the May”, garlands of In medieval times ladies used highest setting on Hawthorn flowers, to “go Maying”, which involved your mower to which true to their a trip into the fields or woods leave the grass long plant’s alternative to gather flowers… enough to give name do flower in small mammals May (or nowadays, cover to move into early June about, and to allow since the calendar reform of 1752, when all the weeds to flourish and flower. Also the events moved forward 11 days). grass-roots will have some protection from In medieval times ladies used to “go the hot suns of late summer. Maying”, which involved a trip into the May was a month that always had special fields or woods to gather flowers… which significance for the people of the is what Guinevere is purportedly doing in countryside. Easter was over (it could Camelot when she sings her naughty little never fall later than 25th April) so all song. Undoubtedly Maying often served as fasting was done with, and although the a cover for less floral activities. work in the fields was soon to begin in Our American friends have a rather less earnest, the new warmth and the obvious literary and more robust approach to the evidence of burgeoning life in hedgerow matter. Their May-Day greeting tends and field produced a resonance in the to be: country-folk. Marriages tended to be centred on May this was convenient as the children
Hooray, hooray, the First of May Outdoor sex begins today!
etcetera 37
Things to Look Out for in May ▪ That charming symbol of spring and affection, the Lily-of-the-Valley Convallaria majalis (Fr: Muguet) is to be seen everywhere at the start of May. It is often sold at markets and open-air events. Enjoy its sweet, delicate perfume, and its elegant beauty, but please remember, every part of the plant is poisonous If ingested—even in small amounts— the plant can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, reduced heart rate, blurred vision, drowsiness, and red skin rashes, both in humans and animals. ▪ Nature is really starting to get into gear. Hedgehogs, squirrels, moles, mice, voles etc. are all busy – mostly with sex on their minds. ▪ Birds are bringing their first broods to fruition, and thinking about cleaning the old nest and rebuilding it for the next brood. If you have sparrows nesting in the stone walls of your house, the noise can be quite deafening, especially when chicks are being fed, so you will probably be able to tell what stage the rearing-cycle has reached. ▪ I have been seeing butterflies since February. First it was the over-winterers like Peacocks and Large Tortoiseshells, then came magnificent Brimstones and Large Whites in late March. The later spring
▪ It’s time to get the chairs out and the barbecue set up, but please check that nothing is nesting in or otherwise using your garden apparatus which, let us face it, will have been untouched since last autumn (remember last autumn?). If you do have wildlife squatters, then do not forget that they have rights – often backed by French law. I had a crisis of conscience a year or two ago when I found a hornet had built a small nest in my kettle barbecue. Fortunately, after I had lifted the lid, the hornet took the hint and decamped elsewhere. ▪ You should have had all your hedges and trees trimmed during winter. If you suddenly think of it now, do not do it. Disturbing nesting birds is not only contrary to what we as nature-lovers should do, it is also a legal offence. However, Leylandii hedges do not seem to be favoured by birds for nesting, so it will probably be all right to trim those.
Siret: 83302664400017
Chateau des Chiens
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38 etcetera
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siret 83786431300015
Siret 51202 4126 00017
butterflies such as the Orange-Tip should be around now, and early Swallowtails may make an appearance. The long, wet but mild winter may have some effect on this. Humming-bird Hawk Moths should be seen in some numbers, also.
Siret: 753 130 855 00012
Basic Puppy Training & Socialising Obedience Training Group & Individual Tuition
Certificat de Capacité Le Paradis, 3 Impasse de Vergers 16460 Ventouse
Elaine: 05 55 68 67 56 / 06 04 47 35 19
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(20 minutes from Bellac)
gaze out over our garden and regard it as a stranger might. It must have been splendid once, a lush green carpet stretching from the house all the way back to the edge of the woods; a magical stage over which a myriad of birds chorused while butterflies danced in the dappled light and tiny creatures scuttled everywhere. The rich grass, nurtured from below by soil with the consistency of your mother’s apple crumble, teased by summer breezes and bathed in sparkling rain, grew bright and luxuriant. But then the moles came and everything went to hell in a handcart. Too cowardly to show their ugly mugs, these monsters cavort below, rampaging through the innocent soil, heaving great lumps of it up into the light. The lines of hills reveal a criss-crossing pattern and it’s clear these evolutionary misfits are building nothing short of a subterranean Milton Keynes. Could Dante himself imagine anything more diabolical? France plays host to an estimated 50 million moles, many of them not in our garden. I’m no stranger to this adversary. Many years ago in the UK my small lawn was a battleground and in two years I shifted from full Attenborough, (“They have every right to be here and we must all share this planet”), to hiring a professional mole catcher, yelling at him to “KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL!” This
gentleman, Mr Hill (yes, really), assured me he could indeed dispatch the enemy but cautioned against my getting too excited, adding darkly, “Wait until you see how many come to the funeral. . . ” Today the destruction continues unabated as these horrors - Talpa europaea, to bestow an undeserved dignity – tunnel on, surreptitiously scattering huge piles of soil around like some weird mammalian remake of ‘The Great Escape’. Gardening is my wife’s passion. Her tender nurturing of plants and flowers has created an exquisite area for relaxing contemplation. The stark contrast between the disfigured grass, (‘lawn’ no longer seems applicable), and Angie’s oasis of floral tranquillity is dismaying to behold. A land of taupe and glory, you might say. etcetera’s own Clive Kenyon is conversant with these critters, familiar with humane methods of dispatch. He probably speaks mole. In contrast, the online world seethes with alternative remedies, ranging from gently placing mothballs in the tunnels to going in after the blighters with napalm. I’ve tried burying those tubes which send out an intermittent hum, said to greatly offend the invader. For a while I thought I might have put the batteries in the wrong way round as it seemed to attract the little sods. Molehills soon encircled the device and I began to imagine a subterranean
BRIAN WHITE Brian White lives in south Indre with his wife, too many moles and not enough guitars
disco in full swing. (Becoming unhinged goes with this territory). Evolution has left moles not only with poor eyesight but also without ears, rendering pointless my daily barrage of expletives. They have toxic saliva, an extra thumb and can even tunnel backwards. They can kill and store for later consumption huge numbers of earthworms and, most importantly, they look nothing whatsoever like Moley in ‘The Wind in the Willows’. They are neither good-natured nor humble and only a very few wear those little round glasses on their snout. And yet. In these dismaying times I have found myself stepping back from my more murderous inclinations, suddenly more cognisant of the fragility of life in all its myriad forms. Despite it all, I have mellowed and – to my own astonishment – am tentatively prepared to call a ceasefire. At least for a while. Until the Bricomarché reopens its heavy artillery section. The aforementioned Mr Hill, a wry character, told me long ago he fully understood my murderous feelings towards moles. “Some people hate them so much”, he confided, “that when they manage to catch one, they bury it alive”. “Hah, yes!”, I cackled malevolently, “That’ll teach ‘em”.
Siret 33105363700053
Le Jardin Carp Fishing Lake Petite Paws Cattery Private pens, each with inside and outside space. Peaceful garden setting. Open 7 days a week. Viewings welcome by appointment. Recommendations available. Situated in Montemboeuf (16)
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etcetera 39
have been so grateful for my lifestyle here in rural France during this time. In particular, my evenings and mornings spent under the stars has been a huge comfort and provided me a continued sense of peace and freedom. These are things that I have always felt while looking at, sketching or imaging the stars and planets. I hope you have, perhaps, found a little stargazing to be of some solace to you in isolation, and maybe felt a little less 'isolated' with the beautiful night sky for company - after all...'we are not alone'! There are many things to look out for this month, even although the nights are getting a little shorter with every day that passes: the golden star Arcturus, perhaps a naked eye Comet, the brightening planet Mars and a meteor shower.... The Golden Star Arcturus To find this stunning and bright star, find a dark spot and face south. At the beginning of the month, Arcturus can easily be seen just east of south. Throughout the month you could follow its path across the southern sky 40 etcetera
as it (apparently) moves further over towards the south. This 'red giant' star, golden in colour, is 75 lightyears from our solar system! As it forms the bottom tip of the kiteshaped constellation Bootes (latin name Alpha Bootis). It is the brightest star in this constellation and the fourth brightest in the night sky. If you can spot the Plough, also known as Ursa Major, follow an imaginary curve down towards the left of its handle, you will arrive at Arcturus. In old age now, Arcturus is running out of fuel although at present it is still around 25 times the diameter of the Sun. Catch a Shooting Star (The Eta Aquariids Meteor Shower) and Halley's Comet This meteor shower is one of two associated with the well known Comet 1P/Halley. (The Orionids in the month of October being the other.) The Eta Aquariids peek on 5th-6th of the month and as it is just before Full Moon, observing conditions of these meteors are unfortunately less favourable. It may still be possible to spot a few however, looking out
towards the east. A comet orbits the sun and as the earth passes through the trail of debris which it leaves behind, each particle which hits our atmosphere turns into a meteor. These meteors are linked with Halley’s Comet, which is perhaps the most famous, returning towards our vicinity every 75 years and which has featured in many historical events for hundreds of years. One of its earliest sightings may have been in 466 B.C.
By Clair Wardla e w
Claire Wardlaw, originally from Edinburgh, lives in the Charente with her husband. Since their move over 4 years ago, Claire has become passionate about Astronomy with the aid and guidance of Astrofarm.
H a p p y S ta
and this celestial visitor was often considered to be a bad omen. By far the most famous appearance of the comet was in 1066 when it coincided with the Norman Conquest. A scene from the Bayeux tapestry includes the comet as part of this story. The comet was thought to have been a bad omen for King Harold II. It last visited in 1986 and will return in 2061. It was named after Edmond Halley who, in 1705 argued that the comet orbited the sun and passed the earth following a predictable pattern of time. He stated.."If it should return, according to our predictions, impartial posterity will not refuse to acknowledge that this was first discovered by an Englishman". The Moon and Planets this month The Full Moon will be on 7th of the month and the New Moon falls on the 22nd, in early evening. The two weeks around this date are always the best dates to enjoy the darkest skies. Between 12th and 15th, low in the southeast the crescent moon will pass three planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Early risers (5am!) can enjoy
this changing scene before the sun well worth having a look for this one. comes up. During the evenings of One trick to use to observe the fuzzy 20th -24th, from around 10.45pm light of a comet is something called Mercury will pass close to Venus. A 'averted vision'. Once you have found thin crescent Moon will join this very the object, look just to one side and pretty scene on 24th. Look towards then the light from the comet will fall the north west. The evening of May on more sensitive areas of your eye. 26th will provide the chance to see the So, on 23rd May it will pass closest to two beautiful bright stars Castor and the earth, when it could appear as Pollux close to the bright as Venus. To Moon, towards the find the comet look to west. Mars, the red the northern sky. it One trick to use to planet moves a will pass from the observe the fuzzy light of little higher in the constellation of a comet is something southwest sky this Camelopardalis on called 'averted vision' month, brightening 2nd and 3rd May , in its magnitude. It then it crosses into is easy to spot its Perseus in the middle red colour contrasting with many of the month. If you are still awake other stars in the sky. around midnight on 16th! you can search for it in the northern Comet Atlas constellation of Perseus. These constellations can be found low in the The Comet C/2019 Y4 (Atlas) may be northern sky. Use polaris as a starting visible with the naked eye this point then try follow an imaginary line month‌ predictions are for it to over towards the northwest. If you continue brightening through April would like an easy way to find these and May and it can certainly be constellations it is well worth getting viewed with binoculars. Comet hold of a Planisphere. This is observing can be tricky as these icy something I use all the time when giants are fairly unpredictable. But as planning an evening out or when the brightest comet for this year it is searching for objects. etcetera 41
free time
42 etcetera
free time
etcetera 43
44 etcetera
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We all need each other
getting connected
ello and welcome dear readers. Well, what an odd month that was. Never known one like it before. I cleaned both the van and the car! I even got a few odd jobs done and the grass is under control. I’ve never been so productive. No idea why, but I guess we all have times like this don’t we? Maybe I’m Superman? Anyway, how the devil are you all? Well, I hope. If like me you’ve been longing for this month’s article, then long no more. Your longing days are, literally, at an end. What have we learned this month? Well, for some reason satellite internet systems have been a bit stretched. This is unfortunately expected to last until things return to normal. The system simply cannot cope with the current levels of demand. It all works, but will just be running a little slower than usual. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, and then I’ll say it again after that. Freeview is not the same as Freesat. And, just to add
another couple into the mix, TNTSAT is not the same as Freesat and nor is (although this could be an easier mistake to make) Fransat. So, for the benefit of clarity, and more importantly, my sanity : ▪ Freesat - Good. UK satellite TV. Genuine Freesat boxes have ‘Freesat’ written on them. The clue is also in the name. ▪ Freeview - No. Just no. This also includes Youview boxes. No. And for clarity, no. ▪ TNTSAT - French TV. Is the satellite version of what you can receive through an aerial. ▪ Fransat - French TV. As above, but from a different satellite. So, if you purchase any of the above, other than a Freesat receiver, they will not work by trying to connect them to your satellite dish pointing at Astra 2 (28.2°). A Freeview receiver doesn’t even have the right connections.
Whilst on the subject, as I write this, there is still no sign of the new Freesat+ (recording) receivers being available for purchase. So, at present, you can still find a few of the now discontinued Humax versions for sale, but these all seem to be at vastly inflated prices. Any Freesat+ receiver made by Manhattan or Samsung you see for sale may be fine, but it is certainly not new. Unused perhaps, but not new. Stay safe one and all.
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Support Local Business We all need each other 50 etcetera
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House Renovations • Barn Conversions Roofing • Masonry • General Building Competitive rates, high quality & reliable workmanship guaranteed
T. 05 17 30 18 35 / 06 33 85 65 66 Email: Siret: 478 608 105 00029
Sun Terraces (traditional joinery),
Roofing, Carpentry, Stonework, Renovations & Restorations 30 yrs’ experience
Depts 16, 24, 87 Tel: 05 45 21 63 96 Email:
05 49 87 09 63 Siret: 48115588500017
R & G Builders
30 years’ experience – UK & France English & French spoken Free advice and estimates / works & PL Insured
● Renovations & new builds ● Tiling ● Plant hire
05 55 03 23 39
Depts 79, 16 & 86
Siret 489 815 258 00012
Registered in France 2001 05 55 60 86 62 / 06 71 78 94 34
Tout Batiment
Siret No 4825499610019
/ 06 67 98 38 89
● Roof repairs & replacement ● Plastering ● Lime pointing
Advertise Your Business For as little as 35€ ttc
etcetera 51
Quality Roofing & Building for you
Assurance Décennale
Ecuras 16220
New roofs ~ Slate and tiling Fiberglass flat roofing ~ Repairs Gutters and facias upvc or zinc All leadwork ~ Timberwork References available 05 45 63 52 88 / 07 80 08 85 76
Siret 53210969100024
Siret: 842 248 692 00019
the roof, the whole roof and nothing but the roof
Experts in working with slate, clay & zinc
Over 40 years’ experience
Malcolm’s experience has been sought after in America and Germany, where his skills have been called upon in the construction of stately and unusual homes. Experience in re-slating English Heritage buildings and churches.
For a free estimation please call or email:
Strictly Roofing Malcolm Cooke
06 35 11 27 31
After · New Build Specialists
· Barn Conversions
· Groundworks
· Roofing
· Planning & Design
· Fosses Séptiques
· 10 yr Décennale Guarantee
· Public Liability Insurance
Siret: 505 246 777 00039
Before After
For more information, a free quotation, or to discuss your requirements
Visit: Email: 52 etcetera
or speak to Stuart on
06 38 68 60 14
LION ROUGE UPVC WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERVATORIES SPECIALISTS All sizes, shapes & colours offered Supplied & fitted to the highest standard using premium products
10 YEAR WARRANTY on all products installed
Tel: 05 46 70 25 87
Siret 800 969 438 00020
JM Roofing
All Insurance work welcome
Carpentry ~ Roofing ■ Clay Tile Roofs ■ All Timberwork
■ Metal Sheet Hangars ■ All Zinc Work
Full 10 Year Décennal Insurance
T. 07 70 37 15 98 Email: JMToitures
French & English Speaking
Depts covered 16, 17, 24, 79, 86, 87
etcetera 53
Kitchens & Bathrooms Dry Lining - walls and ceilings Tiling - walls and floors Painting and decorating Wood and Laminate flooring
Siret: 49411778100018
Fully insured with 10 year guarantee Based in Dept 16 but will travel
Tel. 05 45 31 60 68 / 06 72 90 24 90 Email: Siret 804 330 89200014
◈ All
aspects of tiling considered ◈ Interior & exterior ◈ Porcelain, ceramic & natural stone ◈ 15 years’ experience
Based in dept 87 Mark Perry T: 0749 162 852 Mob 07 50 89 31 79
With over 20 years’ experience (8 in France)
Plasterboarding; stud work; rail; skimming boards existing walls; rendering; floor screeding; tiling floors and walls T: 06 45 18 86 10 Email: Decennale insured
54 etcetera
Siret 527 736 326 00010
Siret: 80025145600011
Safe, secure, adaptable. Meets all safety regs. Covered by full public liability insurance. Delivered, erected, and dismantled Over 20 years’ experience. Free Quotes.
Depts 16, 87, part 24, 17, 79 & 86 Day: 07 85 44 26 66 / Eve: 05 45 66 49 87
Digger/dumper/tipper and driver Cherry Picker Hire Stump Grinding Hydraulic Concrete Breaking Swimming Pools Fosse Septiques Demolition Services
Siret 82184631800011
Full English Scaffolding Service
For more information and a quote
please contact Matthew or Mandie Farraway 05 55 63 58 85 / 06 42 23 38 57
Free estimates Gravel driveways, rubbish/ tree stump removals, trenches etc Email Dave Good 0549 073358/ 0675 180913 Based near Couhé 86/79/16 siret 5250162590018
Tim Shepherd
17m tracked cherry picker for hire with working IPAF qualified operator All exterior works undertaken Hourly or Daily rates Will travel to all of etcetera’s distribution areas
garden care P painting P fencing cleaning P caretaking P maintenance key-holding P admin help P changeovers
Tel :
T: 07 84 12 44 97 Siret 82797863600013
Siret 752 049 932 00011
Small jobs no problem!
Plasterboarding / Rendering Renovations
Email: Tel: 06 48 17 20 94
Advertise Your Business
John Hartie B.Arch. A.R.I.A.S, R.I.B.A ORDRE des ARCHITECTES no. 073326 Based in La Rochefoucauld for over 12 years 14 Rue des Bans 16110 La Rochefoucauld T: 05 45 91 73 90 / 06 81 90 18 87 Email: Eco-Buildings - New Build Renovations - Barn Conversions
Siret. 500 835 189 000 16
Machines & driver 0.75 tons to 13 tons French spoken, 10+ years working in depts. 16, 86, 87
Siret : 484 738 166 00012
Toutes eaux, Micro stations, Compact systems, Special flood zone
Siret: 502 353 675 00015
Minidigger, Driver & Tipper Truck
M&M Sandblasting ~ Services ~ Superior Services - Good Workmanship - Honesty
For as little as 35€ ttc per month
Contact Sam or Gayle to discuss your advertising needs 05 16 32 13 42 /
05 55 63 58 85 / 06 42 23 38 57 Siret 82184631800011
Roofing / Renovatio Roofing / Renovations
ROOFING SPECIALISTS Fully registered and insured Trading in France since 2007
Call Mark for a free quotation: T: 05 55 44 71 44 / M: 06 78 60 96 16 Siret no. 493 159 412 00037
Insurance guarantee on all work. 15 years’ experience
ALL ASPECTS OF ROOFING / RENDERING & POINTING - Zinc / PVC guttering - Anti-moss - Insulation & Plaster boarding - Interior / exterior renovations For a free quotation please contact: Howard
(fully bilingual, living in France since 1990, 10 yr décennale Insurance)
Based Saint-Junien. Covering Depts 87-16-24
Tel: / Email:
Siret : 531 655 231 00 11
Depts: 87,86,16 & 23 Siret: 799 894 860 000 11
etcetera 55
motors & removals
CHABANAIS WORKSHOP Free courtesy cars - Valeting - Car storage with free airport drop offs - Cambelts - Diagnostics - Welding Electrics - Tow bars - Tyre-fitting/Punctures - A/C CT Prep - Garden Tools & Chainsaws Sharpened Email Tel. 06 01 59 60 75 Siret: 815 114 7720 0016
Cornwall based business for collection & transportation, for cars, vans & vehicles Mob (0044) (0) 7971 864 023 (0044) (0) 1726 337612
Over 38 years’ experience on all makes of vehicle
MOTOR PARTS CHARENTE Suppliers of Car & Van Spares & LHD headlights anywhere in France Direct to France at big savings! also Mower Batteries and drive belts!
Delivery via UPS to your door in France
Based near Chef-Boutonne (79)
JOHN SOWERSBY 0044 (0)7830 170761
GPS coordinates: N 46°07'18" W0 °01'03"
Fully equipped workshop with state of the art diagnostic equipment
Service & repair of cars & light commercials including preparation for Contrôle Technique
• We also supply & fit left-hand drive headlights • Free car loan available
Walton Coachworks 87600 Vayres Nick Walton MECHANICAL WORK ON ALL MAKES & MODELS IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE • Welding • Servicing • Diagnosis • Stereo & CD installation • LHD lights & tow-bars fitted • Wheel alignment • Replacement tyres & balancing • Interior & exterior valeting
Siret 8120 15386 00012
• Pre-Controle Technique check • Top quality tyres (within 48 hrs) • Parts available same day or in 24hrs - less common cars 3-day delivery Tel: 07 87 65 53 11 / 05 55 78 67 02
Typically 40% cheaper than French prices
Tyre fitting, inc balancing : 12€ Tracking/Alignment : 35€ Car/Van servicing : 75€ + parts E: T: 0545 306707
siret 53821341400013
Depts 16, 86, 87 & 24 (Car & van servicing, Towbars & LHD lights) Any make of Car or Van Fully mobile service at your address
56 etcetera
motors & removals
Charente based
Siret en cours
Dedicated loads France - UK - France. Deliveries & Collections ~ 14m3 capacity / 4.2 m length Email: UK mob 0044 (0)7711 235 668 FR mob 0033 (0)617 038 858
Est. since 2004
Siret: 48122412900033
Man and Van Services
Deliveries and Collections FRANCE-UK-EUROPE (Inc. the islands) Transport & Small Removals Throughout Europe Full and Part Loads. Friendly Personal Service For Quote/Devis: Tel: 0033(0) 549971556 Mob: 0033(0)685805057 / UK Mob: 0044(0)7754732640 Email:
Scott Marshall
Siret: 53021364400012
09 82 12 69 73 / 06 06 40 81 07 Genuine/Reliable/Honest Local • Europe • UK - Full or part loads House/Barn clearances / Antiques Finding & Sales 15m3 capacity | 4m load length English & French spoken 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres Est’d 2007
A Family Run Storage Firm in the Heart of the Limousin
Support Local Business Book in advance, while we
Brexit-busting Super Low Prices! Secure, dry, insulated storage NEW! 14.5m HIGH CHERRY PICKER
Now storing cars, caravans and camping cars Call Karen for a quote on 09
66 03 52 89
#StayHome etcetera 57
property Étude de Me Christian COURIVAUD Notaire de Saint Junien
Private Property Sellers Ltd
T: 05 55 02 10 10 E: Between St. Junien & Limoges (87). 125m2, 4-bed farmhouse set on land of 1.2ha and bordered with a river. Includes attached barn of 70m2 200,000€
Please contact us if you are looking for a property to buy or you have a property to sell in the west Haute-Vienne, or nearby.
Advertise on: Rightmove Green Acres International
Françoise 0683297593 / Rebekah 0616834510
French Legal and Property Services
Siret 812 798 668 00024
Freephone from France: 08 05 69 23 23 Selling your French home?
- Samantha van Dalen Tel. UK: (0044) (0) 7910 199 072 Tel. France: (0033) (0) 645 3004 66
● ● ● ●
Our local team would be delighted to meet you as soon as possible
Valuations based on current, local market conditions A dedicated contact to guide you through the whole process Award-winning worldwide marketing through our own website and market leading portals Access to thousands of buyers already registered with us or drop in at 19 avenue de la République, 86500 Montmorillon
PROPERTY SALES IN FRANCE Private Property Sales with Expert Advice
Sell Your Home Privately on an Established Website With Excellent International Coverage To advertise your property contact us on
Support Local Business We all need each other 58 etcetera
etcetera 59
60 etcetera
etcetera 61
Installation of an air to water heat pump * Are you eligible for the new "prime coup
de pouce EDF" (3500€ or 5500€) combinable with a grant from the tax office of 30 % AND grant from ANAH (up to 50% of the installation)? Up to 90 % of your installation paid for. Example (house 90m2) - INSTALLATION: 14,770€ TTC, EDF GRANT: 5,500€, ANAH GRANT: 7000€, TAX OFFICE GRANT: 681€, LEFT TO PAY 1,589€.
Visit our facebook page to see customer feedback and get tips on energy saving.
Return form to: New Wave Energies, 51 Rue Descartes, 87000 Limoges
FAST RESPONSE New Wave Energies • Siège social : 51, rue Descartes 87000 Limoges Tel : 0 981 324 237 • S.A.S.U. au capital de 50 000 euros • N° de Siret 800 247 274 00035 66 etcetera
Do you have a renovation project that needs windows, shutters or doors? - Free quotes - All our fitters are RGE qualified
Do you have an exterior renovation project? We can help you decide from a large choice of blinds, fly screens, gates and garage doors
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 12pm / 2pm - 6pm WWW.MENUISERIES-LA-ROCHEFOUCAULD.FR
siret 50428351600012
Simon Hayman Tel: 06 28 93 56 28 E:
Le Beau Bois Carpentry, Rancon 87290
For more info visit:
ü ü ü ü ü ü
New Builds Approved Fosses Septiques Driveways / Land clearance Renovations Foundations Lake Conformity works Full Public Liability & Civil Décennale Insurance
Siret: 51760499700018
64 etcetera