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Bank Holiday Predator Fishing
Double check with your departmental fisheries website though as some zander close seasons have been staggered, remaining open until March, and are now closed. Because of the bank holidays that seem to be every other day in May, bank space may be at a premium on some waters as the opening of the predator season is eagerly awaited by many local anglers. Perch, pike, and zander are the most popular target species and these are present in many of the region’s waters –still and flowing. The mecca is of course de Vassivière up in the Millevaches where there is ample bank space, but there are plenty of places more locally that hold specimen pike, perch, and zander. Being so far inland and of a higher altitude our rivers and lakes are well suited to these cold water-loving predators. The local anglers fish for these species using soft latex lures mounted on special leaded hooks, or using small roach live baits that may be bought from large tackle shops. Pike have sharp teeth and so a wire trace is advisable to avoid a bite off. Zander are almost as well equipped in the dentistry department, but hard fluorocarbon or Kevlar traces are increasingly being favoured where pike are not likely to take the bait or lure.
Zander often respond better in low light conditions and given that night fishing is not allowed for any species other than carp on public waters, that leaves overcast or cloudy days as potentially offering the best chances of sport. That said there is a school of thought in France that the two or three days either side of a full moon offer the best chances for specimen zander and pike.
By Clive Kenyon
wire, fluorocarbon, or Kevlar attached to a single hook of around size 6 to 10, or a small treble hook. This method will work in still water too. Despite their fearsome appearance zander are notoriously shy biters and often just one tap on the quiver tip is all you will see, so the advice is to strike at every knock and do not wait for things to develop into a run as you would with pike. Zander will be found in the fastest current, around features such as bridges and gravel bars but predominantly prefer shady areas especially in bright conditions.

As the water warms up, catfish will become more active and the last hour before dusk can be a productive time to fish for them as they move out of their daytime hidey holes and into their ambush points in preparation for night time feeding. Just remember that only carp fishing tactics are allowed on public waters at night and then only in designated places usually identified by ‘Carpe de Nuit’ signs alongside the water’s edge. Whilst the gardes de pêche might overlook you using a string of two large pellets on your hair rig ostensibly for carp, they might not be quite so understanding about your using live bait at night.
Just remember that only carp fishing tactics are allowed on public waters at night and then only in designated places
You don’t need any special tackle other than suitable traces to catch zander. Anglers fishing the River Severn in England have adapted quiver tip methods using swimfeeders loaded with fishy groundbait to catch large zander. Apart from the groundbait which can be made from conventional white breadcrumb with mashed sardines added, the only difference between a barbel rig and one used for zander is the uprated trace of
Duffer’s Fortnight
Fly-anglers who fish rivers such as the Test, Itchen, and Derbyshire Derwent will know of the ‘Duffer’s Fortnight’, a period which,when it is reputed, forms the easiest fishing of the season. Mayflies hatch in considerable numbers towards the end of that month and into the early days of June. When the flies begin to hatch, trout can become increasingly preoccupied with the ascending nymphs and hatching flies and will abandon all suspicion to gorge on this annual feast, or so legend has it. One of the most eminent of fly-fishers,; John Waller Hills, stated that the best fishing of this fortnight, the ‘crème de la crème’ of fly-fishing for trout, occurred on the 4th and 12th days from the commencement of the hatch. Of course to take advantage of this you would have to be aware of the annual hatch starting. On rivers that issue day tickets it is often difficult if not impossible to book tickets in the period of the last week of May through to the second week in June and some anglers only bother to take their fly-fishing tackle out for this period.
For those who simply cannot wait for the mayflies to put in an appearance you can always fall back on the hawthorn fly that begins to emerge around the 25th April, or St. Mark’s day accounting for its Latin name of bibio marci. The hawthorn fly is easily identifiable in being black all over and having long trailing legs. They fly clumsily and can fall onto the water in large numbers and will be eagerly taken by trout, chub, and dace. Caddis grub imitations and sedges are always worth a shout too.
There is good fly-fishing on the higher reaches of the Vienne, Creuse and Dordogne rivers as well as the famous stretch of the Touvre near to Angoulême that is a short stretch of chalk stream emerging from the ground close to the village of the same name as a fully-fledged river and discharges into the River Charente just 12km from its source.
Nearby you will find the Bonnieure and the delightfully named Son-Sonnette, both Category 1 trout rivers. Going towards Dordogneshire, the upper reaches of the Tardoire and Bandiat hold trout as does the large Lac at Saint-Mathieu.
Probably the best trout fishing in the greater region, or close to it, is the River Dordogne and the well known parcourses of Argentat-sur-Dordogne, Saint-Bazile -de-la-Roche, Saint-Céré and Beaulieusur-Dordogne. These are all ‘No Kill’ zones where barbless hooks are mandatory and all fish should be returned. For those with camping-cars, caravans, or camping equipment there are some lovely little campsites in the Rocamadour area where fly-fishing can be practised. As well as indigenous brown trout and grayling, the Department de Pêche have stocked rainbow trout and there is an annual run of salmon and shad.
For my part May is when mullet start to migrate inland, and the estuarine areas of the Marais-Poitevin is where I will be heading this month in search of the grey ghosts.