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While some forums have decided not to go ahead this year due to the ongoing pandemic, there are many who are. Please make sure this year you contact the organisers (or your local mairie or tourist office) to check the event is going on before you leave. All details below were correct at the time of print but could be subject to change at any point.
Please also bear in mind existing health pass requirements, masks and social distancing.By Amanda Holmes and Gayle Feasey

Amajority of people in France belong to an Association (or ‘asso’ for short). 'La Vie Associative' (the association sector) is an important part of French life, offering all sorts of leisure and educational pursuits. An association is non-profitmaking and can be started with just 2 people. Each year, around la rentrée, associations congregate at their local ‘Forum des Associations’. It is a fantastic opportunity to meet so many varied associations in your area and pick one/s that are of interest to you. Associations cover everything from sports, community organisations, education, and cultural events, to just small groups wanting to play Scrabble or cards, or share a hobby once a week for example.
Association De Fait
This is the simplest kind of association in France. The group meets for an activity but there is no formal set-up. It has no legal identity and has limited powers.
Association Déclarée
Most associations are an association déclarée (also called an associations loi 1901, after the law that determines their rules). The type is officially declared and has a legal status. It can ask for membership payments, as well as receive grants and have its own bank account. It can also employ someone, and rent or own a building for meetings. Initial steps for starting up an association déclarée: 1. The name. You need to make sure the name is not already existing by a commercial brand or another organisation. (Visit: www.servicepublic.fr/associations/vosdroits/F1801) 2. The initial meeting: Hold an assemblée constitutive. This is when you decide the rules of your association (the statuts, see below), the address (siège social) and who will run it. 3. Statuts: Each association draws these up for itself. They usually include its aims as an association, the membership conditions, functions or tasks to be performed, plus how it can be modified or ended. The statuts usually create two bodies, the conseil d’administration, made up of all the people with a role in ensuring it is run properly, and le bureau, a more restricted group with named roles and set responsibilities. You will often find there is just a bureau in a small association, which will include a president, a treasurer and secretary, and sometimes with a vice position for each. There is a useful kit called ‘gratuit pour votre association’ on the government official association website: www. associations.gouv.fr. You will a lot of information and there are many useful documents on the site (how to run an association etc.). It’s also worth checking helloasso which is used by over 80,000 associations. Helloasso is free to use and has a secure online payment system. This allows the association to manage for membership payments, as well as sales of goods and tickets. Joining an association is a wonderful way for non-French speakers to practise speaking French and find new friends in a convivial atmosphere. Your hobby, sport or interest gives you a common ground to start a conversation; so many times we are scared to speak in a different language as we don't know how to begin or what to say, so over a patchwork quilt, a ceramic pot, on the football field (or rather afterwards in the bar), or helping organise a cultural event, conversations are made and enjoyed. It’s important to note that this year, with the ongoing pandemic, there may be lastminute changes or cancellations to events. Please contact your mairie or tourist office for the latest information on the forums local to you, including Pass Sanitaire requirements. So look out for your nearest Forum des Association, go along, find out more, take a deep breath, and join in. Chef-Boutonne 4th September 14h30 - 18h Stade J. Courivaud info: Mairie de Chef-Boutonne 0549298004 mairie@chef-boutonne.fr
Montmorillon 86500 5th September 10h - 18.00 Espace Gartempe 16 Boulevard du Terrier Blanc
Limoges 4th & 5th September 10h - 18h Parc des exposition de Limoges.
Poitiers 12th September 10h - 18h Parc de Blossac, Poitiers
4th & 5th September 10h - 18h. Parc des expositions de Belle-Isle.
Buxerolles 5th September 10h - 18h Gymnase Colette Besson (48 avenue de la Liberté)
Barbezieux St Hilaire. 11th September 13h30 - 18h30 Logis de Plaisance. Route de Montmoreau.