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The hunting season begins this month in France. The dates are set by the prefecture, with strict rules in place. Anyone who has lived in France long enough will know this can make an impact on your life (especially at weekends), so please wear bright and colourful clothing when you are walking in the countryside. (Our rule of thumb is if we hear the chasse nearby, we head indoors.) You can find the dates for each department in France on the Chasseur de France website: www.chasseurdefrance.com/pratiquer/dates-de-chasse

After 30 September, applications for applying for your carte de séjour will close. If you know anyone who is yet to apply for one, make sure they do so before this date. Apply here: https://contacts-demarches.interieur.gouv.fr/brexit

Menna Rawlings takes over from Ed Llewellyn, who has served as British Ambassador in France since November 2016. Menna Rawlings is the first ever female to be appointed the position, after a long line of 42 males.
In case you missed the mention on page 3, we thought 15 years is too big a milestone for readers to miss, so it’s getting another shout out! Established in September 2006, the magazine has continued to grow over the last decade and a half, all thanks to your continued support. Here’s to another 15!

Please be careful of email scams that have been doing the rounds over the summer. One is said to look as though it’s come from the gendarmerie and claims that the authorities know that the recipient has visited pornographic sites and that you will be added to the police database. Recipients are asked to follow a link - do not follow this - this allows the scammers to obtain personal information on your computer. The authorities are advising people to block the email address and report it to PHAROS, the police reporting site. Another scam which is circulating locally (Poitiers) is scammers knocking on doors claiming to work for SIMER and telling them that residents must change their bins or get fined 80€. They take 10€ as part-payment, promising to come back with the bin. Particularly deceptive as SIMER changing their bin system (Jan 22) and residents have been told to expect a call. Your mairie should inform all residents when the legitimate representatives will be in your area, and will give you their name and a photo ID.