College life is about learning new skills and preparing you for the world of work, but it should also be about making new friends and creating amazing memories that will last a lifetime.
ENRICHMENT College life offers a wider range of experiences that extend beyond the classroom and many enrichment opportunities for all. Try out new hobbies and skills, and take part in a whole host of activities and annual events. In the past, our students have been involved in a variety of student clubs and societies, including vocal theory and performance, the chemistry society, music and film clubs, and the Duke of Edinburgh awards. Have you got an idea for a new society? Talk to us and we could help you to make it happen!
WORK EXPERIENCE Getting hands-on experience in the world of work is a priority at Bede Sixth Form College. This can include placements, volunteering, workplace visits and community projects. By working closely with employers, we ensure our courses deliver the skills that count.
PROGRESSION DAY We want to help you make the right choices for you. Alongside the regular support and guidance you get through your progression programme, our annual progression day offers the chance to explore a selection of the amazing opportunities ahead of you as you plan for your next steps. With speakers from a variety of universities and employers, including the armed forces and police, this is a day to both inform and inspire.