1 minute read
Sam Jackson
Sam Jackson
Children, light and effervescent, tiptoeing sneakily across wood paneled floors & lemonade spills, was something I never dreamt to be possible for someone like me Although you’re more than a distant enough reality, the only thing I’d care to know is how it feels to exist within your wildest dreams & ferocious imagination A little girl with white lightening blonde hair & eyes that bridge the gap between blue and green, pale skin that’s soft as flower petals, she’s got a strong willed heart and mind that thinks just like mine Hand painting easter eggs, little hands and a face smeared with strawberry vanilla birthday cake, & simplistic, black mary jane shoes, I know, I’m getting ahead of myself, but there’s no small moment I can’t wait to experience with you, Samantha there’s nothing for you that I wouldn’t do, No mountain is too big for me to climb, & oceans never seemed to be deep enough anyway, I only hope that someday you’ll be more than an arms length away & a dream