1 minute read

Gravity: Using a single Light gate to measure g, by logging the velocity after falling a known distance (d


Note: A suitable single interrupt card is available as part of the Dynamics Extension Kit 1 (Product No 3801) or the Interrupt card set (Product No. 3803)  Use a single interrupt card. The position marks specified are for use with a card 100 mm in length.  Position a Light gate at the 20 cm mark on the vertical pillar and connect to input A on the EasySense data logger.  Use a thin small bracket to indicate the drop point. Measure the distance from centre of interrupt card to the centre line on the Light gate (d).  Open the EasySense program and select Timing. Select to record Velocity at A with a single interrupt card, and enter the length of the interrupt card e.g. 100 mm.  Select Start and drop the interrupt card through the Light gate. Ensure the card drops vertically, if not select the measurement and Delete.

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