Dynamics System
Document No: D0155 (Revision 8)
Gravity: Using a single Light gate to measure g, by logging the velocity after falling a known distance (d)
Note: A suitable single interrupt card is available as part of the Dynamics Extension Kit 1 (Product No 3801) or the Interrupt card set (Product No. 3803)
Use a single interrupt card. The position marks specified are for use with a card 100 mm in length.
Position a Light gate at the 20 cm mark on the vertical pillar and connect to input A on the EasySense data logger.
Use a thin small bracket to indicate the drop point. Measure the distance from centre of interrupt card to the centre line on the Light gate (d).
Open the EasySense program and select Timing. Select to record Velocity at A with a single interrupt card, and enter the length of the interrupt card e.g. 100 mm.
Select Start and drop the interrupt card through the Light gate. Ensure the card drops vertically, if not select the measurement and Delete.
26 Data Harvest Group Ltd.