Soundtrap across the curriculum

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Soundtrap Across the Curriculum

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Soundtrap across the curriculum





10 - 13

World Language

14 - 17

Social Science

18 - 21


22 - 25


Soundtrap across the curriculum Teaching comes in many different ways - as does learning. We strive to bring creative sound making into every classroom, in every subject, for all ages. We know that technology helps students to learn how to communicate and collaborate, to engage more, and develop the essential skills they need to transition to a 21st century workforce. Soundtrap is a cloud-based, online recording studio with endless possibilities for collaboration – between students, teachers, different classes, and schools all over the world. It works seamlessly across all WiFi connected devices and stores all your projects online. Soundtrap integrates with Noteflight,, and LMS platforms like Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology and Musicfirst. It is also compliant with GDPR, COPPA, and FERPA standards. For more information visit or contact


Science Audio Field Guide

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen. Essential Outcome Students will build a field guide to on-campus birds, include song samples and spoken recordings of appearance, diet, and habitat.

Activity / Project 1. After reviewing the purpose of field guides in reference to Science, students are given the specifics of the assignment and asked to start compiling their data through observation and research.

Extended Learning While field guides provide a natural integration of science and writing, they also open other possibilities for integration. Art instruction is a perfect support for children as they attempt to capture what they see in the natural world. Technologies such as digital photography and web publishing also lend themselves to field guide work. Finally, developing a field guide for a local trail, park, or garden makes a perfect service learning project, so that when students find themselves wondering, "Who takes care of this place anyway?" the answer will be, "We do."

2. Students can open the appropriate template that the teacher created in the Soundtrap Studio on their computer.

Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

NSES Standard A: Science as Inquiry - Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry NSES Standard C: Life Science - The characteristics of organisms - Organisms and environments

3. They may add their comments in the chat feature as well as audio record the their spoken voice and any sounds they observe while in the field. 4. When the field data collection is finished, they review and revise. 5. Optional: students can add an introduction, conclusion, dedication, author’s note, etc. 6. Share and reflect with the class in addition to uploading to social media and/or your class/school website.

Science Music to Memorize the Periodic Table of Elements Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen. Essential Outcome Students will describe the atomic structure of an element, identify common physical properties and uses of elements within a family and demonstrate their understanding of a chemical element and its properties, discovery, and everyday use by creating a song.

Activity / Project 1. Assigns each pair of students a chemical element (or whatever objective you’d like memorized). 2. Students research and learn about their chemical element: its properties, the element group, facts, its discovery, and how it is used in everyday life. 3. The students write a jingle or rap based on their chemical element.

Extended Learning Cross-curricular Connection: The teacher can team up with the school's music teacher to help students put together more complex raps and jingles that fulfill music requirements. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

NGSS MS-PS1-3 Matter and its Interactions - Gather and make sense of information to describe that synthetic materials come from natural resources and impact society. NGSS HS-PS1-1 Matter and its Interactions - Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.

4. Using Soundtrap, the students capture their song by recording, adding loops, sound effects, etc. 5. Students can load some or all of the jingles/raps onto their phones as ringtones or share out via social media. *Since there are many elements, the teacher may want to give students four or five elements and ask them to address each element in their song.

Science Interview a Spider

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen. Essential Outcome Students will gain an appreciation for different species of spiders, learn how to conduct an interview. They will also practice listening, taking notes and speaking. Extended Learning Once the interviews are complete, ask each student to write a short report on his/her partner’s spider based solely on the information gleaned during the interview.

Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

NS.5-8.3 Structure and function in living systems (Reproduction and heredity, regulation and behavior, populations and ecosystems, diversity and adaptations of organisms) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Activity / Project 1. Select & Assign Spiders: First, introduce to student basic facts about spiders including body structure/parts, how they are different from insects, how they spin webs, how they use venom, how they are important to the ecosystem, etc. 2. Research: Once students have selected a spider (more than one student can select a particular species), they will learn as much as they can about that species. Key facts will include the spider’s natural habitat, distinguishing features and behaviors, diet and impact on society. Each student should take notes on his/her spider, but whenever possible, kids should avoid “looking down” at these notes during the later interview. 3. Pair Up: This part of the lesson involves a variation on the Think-PairShare instructional strategy. Once all of the students are familiar with their particular spider, pair them up with a partner who has learned about a different species. Have students take turns interviewing each other about their spiders. 4. Record: Using a blank template in Soundtrap, have the students record each other. Optional - add sound effects and or appropriate music to set the tone. 5. Share: Using the export function within Soundtrap, share the student’s interviews via social media or your class website.


History Local History Scavenger Hunt Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

This lesson was adapted by Meredith Allen from a mobile lesson on Scholastic. Essential Outcome Students will visit and explore local historical artifacts, monuments, and phenomena. They will learn key facts about the local history of the community, and archive and document local history by taking pictures and voice notes. Extended Learning The teacher can ask each of the student groups to document different pieces of local history with images and video, and then use those images, voice recordings or video as the basis of future lessons on local history. Instead of the teacher setting up the hunt, students can research local history and create scavenger hunts for each other or another (perhaps younger?) class. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

ISTE Student Standard Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.7: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.

Activity / Project 1. Teachers can compile their scavenger hunt clues or create a SCVNGR account at 2. Teacher assigns students into groups (or asks them to voluntarily group themselves). 3. The students will travel on foot (or by car, depending on how spread out the city is) to find clues, collect images, voice recordings (using Soundtrap’s quick record feature) and complete challenges at the clue locations. 4. Students complete the local history hunt over the weekend. 5. Teacher will be able to log in to SCVNGR at any time and see the results of the students' hunt or review the results on Monday and go over the local history lessons learned from students. * **The teacher should tell the students about a month beforehand when the hunt will occur so they can set aside a few hours over that particular weekend.

History Ancient Greece Newscast Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen. Essential Outcome Students will creatively demonstrate what they learned about Ancient Greece by applying research to write and produce a newscast from a particular time period. Extended Learning The teacher can ask each of the student groups to document different pieces of local history with images and video, and then use those images, voice recordings or video as the basis of future lessons on local history. Instead of the teacher setting up the hunt, students can research local history and create scavenger hunts for each other or another (perhaps younger?) class.

Activity / Project 1. Introduce the project - a group project that will culminate in a radio newscast from Ancient Greece (or wherever you are currently studying!) 2. Group students, assign roles (writers, actors, interviewers, etc.) 3. Project guidelines. Each newscast should include the following: • Introduction • An entertainment piece (music perhaps???) • A news story about a government or world affair

Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.5 Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.

• An interview with a famous person from Ancient Greece

ISTE Student Standard Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

• A news story about an invention or contribution from this time period. • Wrap-up

History The Sound & Feel of the 1920’s

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen.

Essential Outcome Students will analyze examples of art from the 1920s, build an understanding of the times and create an audio recording to represent a time in their life. Extended Learning Share the project, using the Collaboration feature, with the parents (or someone else they choose). Encourage them to comment and/or add to the project. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.7 Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.1 ISTE Student Standard Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Activity / Project 1. Play a popular current song as students arrive. Ask students to think/ discuss songs that are popular today. What issues are reflected in the song? Political? Economic? Social? What attitudes are portrayed? What words are used that are typical of today? 2. Play music from the 1920s. Several websites have audio clips that can be played, including: 1920-1929.index.html, 1920m.html Review and discuss the significant issues, events and individuals that were studied as part of the previous era (WWI). Ask if students know any issues, events and individuals that took place during the 1920s and post them appropriately on the timeline. 3. Do the same for 1920’s visual art and/or images. Discuss. 4. Do the same for current visual art and/or images. Discuss. 5. Compare & contrast the differences of decades (you could break your class into pairs or groups for this section). 6. Assign the project - create an audio file (song?) that represents a chosen image from their life. They will need to explain the reasoning for track and/or instrument choice through aural or written assessment. 7. Share, publish and reflect.

World Language

World Language World Language Podcasts

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen.

Essential Outcome Students will create their own world language podcasts to reinforce current learning. Extended Learning A podcast can be adapted for any and all classroom content and ages. For example, in a history class, the task could be to create a podcast to a student’s hero from the Civil War. In a science class, have students address their podcasts to their favorite scientist. This lesson could apply in any course, but it is most closely aligned with Language Arts, Information & Communications Technology, and Visual & Performing Arts. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections WL STANDARD 7.1: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas. ISTE Student Standard Creative Communicator - Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

Activity / Project 1. Have your students, individually or in groups, create podcasts teaching basic Spanish, French, etc. Appropriate topics include nouns or verbs centered on a specific topic and how to conjugate specific verb endings. Then put those podcasts to use teaching your beginning students. 2. Assign a lesson topic you've already covered---the subjunctive mood or conditional mood, for example---to each student or group of students. Have them prepare their own review of this lesson in podcast form and then share it with the rest of the class. 3. Divide your class into groups of three or four students and have each group create their own podcast linked to current events either in your own country or in a Spanish/French/etc.-speaking country. Make assignments by country (Venezuela, Mexico, Spain, Guatemala, and so on), topics (popular music, wars, taxes, education, and so on) or leave the choice of topics up to your students---with your prior approval, of course.

World Language Flipped Over Spanish Vocab

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen.

Activity / Project 1. Teachers: Using a blank template in Soundtrap, record your audio lesson for class using the microphone. In this particular lesson you will instruct your students to introduce themselves in Spanish using key phrases like yo, soy, yo tengo and a mi me gusta. This lesson should include everything that you would tell your students during a traditional lecture-style class. 2. Rename - Save - Exit to Profile

Essential Outcome Students will be able to use Spanish to greet, present and perform in situations where they have to provide their personal data. Extended Learning Encourage your students to swap notes that they took while listening to the most recent podcast and tell each other what new vocabulary they learned related to the topic. Have a student compose the next flipped lesson for class. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections WL STANDARD 7.1: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas.

3. Find your song and “Create an Assignment”, give appropriate directions, etc. 4. In the following class, begin the lesson by asking your students if they had any questions while listening to the podcast or if there’s any material they’d like clarified. 5. During class hours have the students compose their selfintroductions, present them to the rest of the class and record in Soundtrap (share via class or school website and/or social media). This can be done in groups or individually. 6. While they work on their project, spend the class walking amongst them and asking if they have questions about the material. This allows you to give your attention to the students who may not have grasped the material as well as others to ensure they understand the new concepts.

World Language Interactive Dictation

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen. Essential Outcome Students will progress in their foreign language writing skills, spelling and identification of sound-letter (or letter combination) correspondence by doing dictations. Extended Learning Pair up students for the editing process. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages - Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions. World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages - Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

Activity / Project 1. Teacher creates a Soundtrap assignment template that covers the following: • TRACK 1 - The teacher reads the entire dictation at a fluent speed. • TRACK 2 - The teacher then reads each sentence slowly, word by word, so that students can write the sentences. • TRACK 3 - The teacher finishes the dictation by reading the entire dictation a last time at a fluent speed. 2. Create an assignment link for the student. 3. Student opens their project and writes out the dictation. 4. Students should be expected to write the dictation perfectly as they are copying it. 5. Students read through the dictation that they wrote and correct any mistakes they made.

Social Science

Social Science I Am Song

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen. Essential Outcome Students will recognize that each person has individual characteristics and talents, and that this variety of attributes contributes to building friendships as well as community in the classroom, school, and beyond through a created audio recording. Extended Learning Share the project, using the Collaboration feature, with the parents. Encourage them to comment throughout the week on their child’s progress. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.5 Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Activity / Project 1. Bell Ringer Activity: Hand out something similar to this “Who Are You” worksheet. Allow a few minutes for each student to fill out his or her responses. 2. Read aloud the questions and ask students to step forward as you call out a characteristic. Avoid questions that single out one student. Students will start to get a sense of similarities and differences in various aspects of their identities. 3. Students will create their “I Am Song” that will explain who they are and how they feel. 4. Using a blank template they will record their “I Am Song" using the loop library for inspiration on a backing track.

Social Science Me in a Minute Podcast

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

Lesson Plan Submitted by Vickie Morgado.

Essential Outcome Students will create their own podcasts using Soundtrap , write a script for their podcasts and describe themselves and their talents. Extended Learning Pair up with another class via Skype/Facetime/Google Hangouts to share podcasts Celebrate by inviting parents to the classroom to listen to podcasts Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

Ontario Language Curriculum: Media Literacy (3.4, 2.1, 2.3, A2.3, A3.3)

Activity / Project 1. Ask students if they know what a podcast is and share examples of student podcasts. 2. Give them a graphic organizer to start planning their podcasts 3. Edit graphic organizers and conference with students and have them write their rough draft. 4. Students will write their rough drafts. These will be edited in peers and by the students after writer’s workshops to teach students how to edit/review how to edit work. 5. Students will begin writing their final copies. 6. Introduce students to Soundtrap. Use the tutorial videos and allows students time to explore. 7. Students will create their own music for their podcasts or use the loop library. 8. Students will then record their podcasts and edit work. 9. Have students self assess themselves and play podcasts for the class to elicit student feedback.

Social Science Podcasts About Mental Illness

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen. Essential Outcome Students will understand key characteristics of mental illness and use their research to create an educational podcast advocating for a special course of action that has the potential to help those who are affected by the illness. Extended Learning Potential for a 4-week project. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.10 Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Activity / Project 1. Introduce project: 10 minute podcast that will include information on a mental illness (or topic relating) that students are personally influenced by or one that they are interested in. 2. Students will perform outreach (interviews, emails, etc.) and research. 3. Write scripts based on research and interviews. 4. Revise scripts, record (using the blank template in Soundtrap) and edit. 5. Additional options: add appropriate music and/or sound clips using the loop library or import function. 6. Publish via social media, website, etc.


Math Fibonacci Sequence Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen. Essential Outcome Students will be able to list some connections between mathematics and music and describe the Fibonacci number pattern sequence, commonly called the Fibonacci Sequence, as well as explain some ways that it appears in music. Extended Learning For further examples of how the Fibonacci numbers can be related to objects in the designed world, go to the Golden Section in Art, Architecture and Music. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.IF.A.3 - Recognize that sequences are functions, sometimes defined recursively, whose domain is a subset of the integers. For example, the Fibonacci sequence is defined recursively by f(0) = f① = 1, f(n+1) = f(n) + f(n-1) for n ≥ 1.

Activity / Project 1. Prominently display the Soundtrap keyboard in the classroom. 2. Write six numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence on the chalkboard. Ask students to relate how the numbers are generated. Then, ask them to list the next nine or ten numbers in the sequence. Tell them a little about Leonardo of Pisa. 3. Tell the students that mathematicians have found that an unusual quantity of items have Fibonacci numbers associated with them. (For example, you can mention that in nature, poison ivy has the Fibonacci number 3. Wildflowers often have 5 petals). 4. Ask the students to look around the room and find something that may have a Fibonacci number associated with it. Students should discover that a keyboard has 8 white keys, 5 black keys, and 13 notes all together in each octave. Also, the Pentatonic scale has 5 notes, the Diatonic scale has 8 notes, and the Chromatic scale as 13 notes all Fibonacci numbers! 5. Have them explore the keyboard, record, reflect and share!

Math Music & Fractions Connection Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen.

Essential Outcome Identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes. Extended Learning Work with a small group to create musical creations of fast and slow notes. Illustrate your creations with the class or your group. Add loops from the pre-recorded loop library to snazz it up! Learning Target OR Standards & Connections CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NF.A.3.B - Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NF.A.3.A - Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line. NCAS Anchor Standard #1 - Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. NCAS Anchor Standard #2 - Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

Activity / Project 1. Review/Prework: Discuss and review music notes as fast or slow and why. Also know what those note speeds are called. 2. Discuss and review sizes of each fraction when comparing to each other. 3. Discuss/demonstrate/review how to use the piano roll within Soundtrap. 4. Discuss and review the quantization used for each 1/2, 1/4, and whole. 5. In a large group, discuss equivalencies from the Soundtrap demonstration. 6. Activity: Break the group up in smaller groups (establish group norms/ roles). 7. Then students in small groups will try each note to get a feel for how the notes in the piano roll work using the information they have about fractions. 8. Perform – each group will play their creation for the class (be sure to have them plug into the front board so there is a visual for the other students). 9. Closure: As a class, discuss the fractions and notes what they learned about fractions and how they relate to musical notes. Make a cut and paste chart of notes as a resource to tell how the notes are written as and equivalent to fractions.

Math Music to Memorize Formulas Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen.

Essential Outcome Students will identify the correct formula for a given situation and demonstrate their understanding & application by creating a song. Extended Learning Cross-curricular Connection: The teacher can team up with the school's music teacher to help students put together more complex raps and jingles that fulfill music requirements.

Activity / Project 1. Assigns each pair of students a formula (or whatever objective you’d like memorized). 2. Students research and learn about their formula ( Formulas are written using variables, a variable is a letter or symbol that represents a number, to use a formula - substitute the numbers for the variables and apply the order of operations). 3. The students write a jingle or rap based on their research/formula.

Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.EE.A.2.C - Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include expressions that arise from formulas used in real-world problems. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSA.SSE.B.4 - Derive the formula for the sum of a finite geometric series (when the common ratio is not 1), and use the formula to solve problems.

4. Using Soundtrap, the students capture their song by recording, adding loops, sound effects, etc. 5. Students can load some or all of the jingles/raps onto their phones as ringtones or share out via social media.


Literacy Read, Record, Reflect Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

The author of this is Meredith Allen. Essential Outcome Students will self-reflect and evaluate their own reading to improve reading fluency. Extended Learning Share the project, using the Collaboration feature, with the parents. Encourage them to comment throughout the week on their child’s progress. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

Activity / Project 1. Students can either open a new project in the Soundtrap Studio on their computer or do a Quick Record using their mobile device. 2. Introduce the learning target to the student (set goal) and show them the appropriate to self assess that includes rate, expression, accuracy and punctuation. 3. When they are ready, have them use the microphone to record the correct passage. 4. Each day record a new track while rereading the same passage (be sure to mute the other tracks). 5. At the end of the week you will see their recording times get shorter and can compare & contrast!

Literacy Poetic Voice

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

Activity / Project 1. Find a short poem and open a blank template in the Soundtrap studio.

Lesson Plan Submitted by Josh Emanuel.

2. Click on the loop browser in the top-right. Click on the down arrow to open the loop filters. Choose an instrument filter.

Essential Outcome Students will students will demonstrate the ability to record audio using Soundtrap by recording spoken text over a musical background.

3. Click on a loop once to hear it. Select a loop and drag it into your project.

Extended Learning In lieu of students finding an already published poem, encourage them to write their own.

5. Extend the loops you’ve added by moving your mouse cursor to the top-right corner of the loop and dragging to the right. Extend as far as you think you’ll need; you can always adjust later.

Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

6. Create a new track, select “Voice and Microphones” & change preset to “Clean.”

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.5 Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more layers to your project.

7. Practice reciting your poem along with the music. Feel free to try to line up rhythmic elements. When you are ready, press the record button to record your voice. Make sure you are wearing headphones to avoid feedback & other issues! 8. Make any adjustments to the loop lengths or volume levels as necessary. 9. Save and download your work.

Literacy Shakespeare and Hip-Hop

Activity / Project 1. Students pick (or are assigned) a Shakespeare sonnet to rap and record in Soundtrap.

Lesson plan submitted by Bill Manchester.

2. Students begin by using loops to create a drum-based groove. More advanced students could also add bass, piano, or other instruments.

Essential Outcome Students will Demonstrate an understanding of rhythm in poetry by creating hip-hop versions of Shakespeare’s sonnets.

3. As the groove is set up, students can see and hear that each line of sonnet should fit in one measure of music.

Students will identify equivalent fractions and be able to compare fractions to musical notes.

Extended Learning This Ted Talk by Akala provides an in-depth look at connections between hip-hop and Shakespeare: watch?v=DSbtkLA3GrY . It begins with a quiz over quotes from Shakespeare or Hip-Hop artists and includes a rap edition of Shakespeare’s most famous sonnet, Sonnet 18. Learning Target OR Standards & Connections CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

4. To fit within expected norms of hip-hop music, the students should pick two lines to be repeated at the end so that the sonnet will be performed over 16 measures. 5. To create interest, students could switch back and forth on each line or even get “guest artists” such as other teachers or principals to perform lines. 6. To create additional interest, after all vocals are recorded, students should pick a measure or two to cut out to create a break. During this section, the drums and other instruments stop playing so the lyrics are emphasized. 7. Use the split track tool (CMD+E) to split the tracks, then delete the instruments in the break. 8. After the recording is done, students should export to a class website for sharing and/or perform live with the tracks in class.

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