Burning Quotes

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Burning Quotes Priceless Nuggets for Maximum Living

Compiled by Dr. Ferdinand Nweke

Burning Books Eternity Ministries, Fort Adullam, Block 11, Flat 1, Spring Valley Estate, Lugbe 1 Extension, (Opposite AMAC Housing Estate), Airport Road; Abuja, Nigeria. Tel: +234 808 793 5270; +234 803 274 3148 S 18 & 19 Shopping Complex, Box 2637, Bauchi 740001, Nigeria; Tel: +234-807 570 5411; +234-802 361 5940; +234 803 605 9045; +234-77 545 864 www.eternityministries.org E-mail: eternitymin@yahoo.com; maximizingcalvary@yahoo.com

ISBN 978-38453-5-7 Copyright Š 2008 Burning Books



Contents Dedication Introduction I Have a Desire Burning Quotes 1-355


Dedication To Paul Abu Kanu “He was a burning and a shining light”


Introduction Welcome to “Burning Quotes”. This book is wired for insight and is intended to enlarge your understanding and wisdom. After all, “wisdom is the principal thing” and “through wisdom a house built.” Burning Quotes will bless you (so will its sister book “Power Points”). Read them – amazingly you can start at any page! Even if you read from back to front, every page is loaded with ageless wisdom cloaked in fiery words that are pregnant with insight. The omission of the titles of those quoted, though deliberate is not derogatory. Such seems usual in works of this nature and the tradition has been followed here. No attempt has been made to organize the quotes into neat headings. Life‟s challenges do not come in capsules. The potpourri presented, “here a little, there a little” is intended to stimulate thinking, cultivate understanding and replicate the victorious lives of many of those quoted. These quotes are not infallible like Scripture. If you disagree with any, look to see the angle from which it speaks and assimilate the truth thus conveyed. Repeated readings of these quotes are bound to impart repeated insights, etching them into the fabrics of our practical experience. Happy reading!



I Have a Desire I have a desire Burning like a fire, For which I will perspire, And never retire: That when all is said, My journey made, And in the grave I am laid; It shall be written as my epitaph, Right next to my photograph, In just one paragraph: THIS MAN WALKED WITH GOD Ferdinand Nweke


Burning Quotes 1 Don‟t bother starting anything you don‟t plan to finish. Ferdinand Nweke

2 I want to plunder hell to populate heaven. Reinhard Bonnke

3 Submit to God financially, resist the devil financially and he will flee from you financially. Clive Pick

4 Faith only grows in an atmosphere of impossibilities. Gbile Akanni

5 Love bears all things but faith dares all things. Naankang Garba 6 Everyday for the Christian ought to start with a funeral – yours. James Merritt 9

7 If your vision is not bigger than you, you probably did not get it from heaven. Ferdinand Nweke

8 Above the clouds the sun always shines. Edwin Louis Cole

9 Christ is the One for the one who has no one. Ferdinand Nweke


The secret of not loving this world: loving another world. Ferdinand Nweke

11 We must match our open doors with commitment. Chris Akosa

12 The scarcest item in the universe is a pure heart. Do you have it? Ferdinand Nweke


13 God‟s love must be shed abroad in our heats before it can be spread abroad from our hearts. W.F. Kumuyi

14 We prayed, they said “No”. We prayed, they said “No”. We prayed, they said “No”. We prayed, they said “No”. We prayed, they said “Yes”. J.P. Warren

15 Faith at prayer – not faith alone but PRAYING FAITH – faith on its knees, is God‟s appointed master key for every impossibility. Ferdinand Nweke

16 If you lay down your ideal to escape an ordeal you‟ll end up with a raw deal. Ferdinand Nweke

17 Hot times require hot faith and stubborn problems stubborn faith. Cyprian Ojum


18 John Wesley was asked how he drew the crowds that thronged his meetings. His reply: “I set myself on fire and they come to watch me burn.” John Wesley

19 You can have an untroubled heart in a troubled world. John Osteen

20 Your vision must consume you before it can consume your generation. Ferdinand Nweke

21 Quite often the IS, is not the OUGHT. I.D. Lawon

22 If you don‟t put immorality where it belongs, it will put you where you don‟t belong. Ferdinand Nweke

23 "Whatever he tells you, do it." Mary, mother of Jesus Christ (in John 2:5 The Message)


24 It doesn‟t cost you much to follow Jesus – just everything. Keith Green

25 Without Holiness You can sow your seed, Reap a heap, “Prosper” – at sizzling speed. But take heed: Without holiness – Nothing else, nothing less, No man shall see God. It‟s just like that. Period. Ferdinand Nweke

26 Cut your coat according to your size but make your prayers according to your God! Ferdinand Nweke 27 God has arranged for you to feel uncomfortable when He is uncomfortable with you. Mike Murdoch


28 Those who do not know how to manage time will find themselves managed by those who do. Ferdinand Nweke

29 Every good and perfect gift comes from above not from abroad. Gbile Akanni

30 If you know the reason you can go through the season. Tunde Bakare

31 If you don‟t do it you don‟t believe it. Sule Paul

32 There are no mountains from heaven‟s perspective. Anonymous

33 This is the time to pull out all the stops – to live for God like there is no tomorrow. John Hagee


34 Healing Streams Fear not the furnace‟s fire Flinch not at affliction. Here is the mystery of salvation: The seed must die before bearing fruit that abides; Healing streams only flow freely from wounded sides. Ferdinand Nweke

35 To find the real value of anything, divide it by eternity. Ferdinand Nweke

36 Each step you take to forsake draws you nearer to partake. Martha ‘TDPC’ Nweke

37 A little child was asked to recite Psalm 23 verse 1. He said, “The Lord is my Shepherd That‟s all I want.” 38 Jesus started His church the way He wanted it and now He wants His church the way He started it. Tuned Bakare


39 Prayer not only changes things, it changes people. Leonard Ravenhill

40 To follow Christ means to take steps along the pathway of trust roped to the safest Guide in the universe. Gbenga Kuti

41 Donâ€&#x;t be a dropout in the race for glory. Heaven will be filled with excandidates of hell and vice versa. Ferdinand Nweke

42 The two most important days in all eternity are this day, and that day. Martin Luther.

43 God is no respecter of mountains. Ferdinand Nweke

44 A half truth is a whole lie. Edwin Louis Cole


45 Think About It In the light of eternity All else fade into infinite insignificance And the glory of His majesty is all that counts. Ferdinand Nweke

46 Commitment starts where convenience stops. Adelaja Kalejaiye

47 Anyone here who has never sinned since he or she was born, raise your hand and let me pray for a liar! E.A. Adeboye

48 Causes prosper by sacrifice. Ferdinand Nweke

49 There is nothing convenient about the cross. Itâ€&#x;s simply compulsory. Ferdinand Nweke


50 Too many believers shine in the light but are dim in darkness. If you are dark in the dark you are certainly not the light. Ferdinand Nweke

51 A saver grows rich by seeming poor; a spender grows poor by seeming rich. Anonymous

52 God is not ambitious. What He can ever be, He has always been and will always be. Ferdinand Nweke

53 Sin is not omnipotent. Ferdinand Nweke

54 The man you convert or fail to convert may save or ruin the world. Christian Okonkwo 55 Any time passion and reason are put in the ring for a fight, reason will always lose. Billy Graham


56 Like Moses‟ rod swallowed those of Pharaoh‟s magicians, the fear of God in a man‟s heart will swallow all other fears. Ferdinand Nweke

57 You become an easy prey when you are too busy to pray. Ferdinand Nweke

58 Those that do things that count don‟t stop to count them. W.F. Kumuyi

59 Increased demonic activity or satanic attack is, quite often, a sign of impending divine intervention. Ferdinand Nweke

60 The best thing about secular television is the knob that turns it off. John Hagee 61 Never say, “Can God?” Rather say “God can!” Don‟t limit God. John Osteen


62 If all Pentecostals become Evangelicals and all Evangelicals become Pentecostals, the Great Commission will be accomplished. Hussaini Idris

63 Five things the world has never seen:  An untried faith,  A kind devil,  Love that never gives,  Something impossible for God, and  A ticket to heaven that is not free. Ferdinand Nweke

64 Five things the world will never see:  A Scripture that will not come to pass,  A place to hide from God,  A righteous man abandoned by God,  A saviour that did not die on Calvary, and  A liar or an immoral person that will not go to hell. Ferdinand Nweke 65 A mess of pottage messed Esau up. It mustn‟t happen to you. Ferdinand Nweke 20

66 Prayer is the vehicle of travel in the spirit. The steering wheel is the Word of God and the fuel is your persistence. There is no wall too thick the prayer can not plough through. Roberts Liardon

67 Of course faith is a risk but one I will never risk living without. Desmond Tutu

68 Believing prayer and worry are mutually exclusive. Donâ€&#x;t do one if you are bent on doing the other. Ferdinand Nweke

69 Woe to the prayerless: the devil shall have them for breakfast. Ferdinand Nweke

70 I found (that) if one wants to stay in the channel of supply, the happiest way is walk diligently in the path of service. Rowland V. Bingham


71 A belief is not just an idea a person possesses; it is an idea that possesses a person. John Mason

72 It does not take God time to prosper people; what takes His time is proving them. Ferdinand Nweke.

73 The only thing Christ will not give to His church, His Body is what He doesnâ€&#x;t have. Ferdinand Nweke.

74 A fanatic: Someone who loves Jesus more than you. E. A. Adeboye

75 Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs. Jonah 2:8 N.I.V


76 Faith does not come from knowing the promises but from knowing the Promiser. Ferdinand Nweke

77 Your believing wife is also Christ‟s bride. You will one day give account to her greater Husband who bought her with His blood and “loaned” her to you. Ferdinand Nweke.

78 When the devil starts messing, God starts blessing. R.W. Shambach.

79 If you believe what God said and say what God said, you cannot be wrong until God is wrong. Ferdinand Nweke.

80 There are no fruits without seeds: you will reap the fruits of the spirit if you plant the seeds of the spirit. Ferdinand Nweke


81 Sin plucks a man out of God„s garden and plants him in a wilderness. Gbile Akanni.

82 Those that pray become answers to prayers. Ferdinand Nweke.

83 Oftentimes it is in the classrooms of lack that you learn the principles of plenty. Ferdinand Nweke.

84 Out critics are the unpaid guardians of our souls. Corrie Ten Boom

85 Failure is the manure of success. Ferdinand Nweke.

86 God never promised any blessing to the disobedient. Ferdinand Nweke



The man who tries to understand the Trinity will lose his mind. The man who denies the Trinity will lose his soul. Bill Bright {quoting his seminary professor}

88 Only the crucified qualify for a resurrection. Ferdinand Nweke

89 A chair could never win a contest with the carpenter. A pot must never precipitate a confrontation with the potter. Reverence God. Ferdinand Nweke.

90 Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the night. Henry Ward Beecher.

91 If sin is not exposed it will ultimately explode. Ferdinand Nweke

92 Supernatural assignments demand supernatural enablement. Ferdinand Nweke.


93 It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. George Washington.

94 God makes His masterpieces in hard places. Ferdinand Nweke.

95 Nobody and no devil can make you go under when Jesus says to go over. Clement Anegbe

96 Commit your crises to Christ. Ferdinand Nweke

97 Problems are forerunners of miracles. John Ade Ajayi

98 The greatest act of wisdom is in preparing for eternity; the greatest act of folly in investing in the temporal. T. Adebola


99 The Name of Jesus has as much power in it as there was in Jesus when He was here on earth. Kenneth Hagin

100 Here lies a sleeping giant. Let her alone. If she awakes she will shake the world. Napoleon Bonaparte

101 Faith may not know where it is going but it knows who it is going with. Ferdinand Nweke

102 If you have a timid faith you will be intimidated. R.W. Shambach.

103 When you surrender to Jesus your enemies will surrender to you. Clement Anegbe

104 If you will not train your children, the devil will train them for you free of charge. Ferdinand Nweke


105 A tomb can become a womb: the tomb of Christ became the womb of Christianity. Ferdinand Nweke

106 It is one thing to get an answer to prayer and another thing to be an answer to prayer. Edwin Louis Cole.

107 What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. Mike Murdoch

108 When you can‟t find a way, don‟t give up, go up. Ferdinand Nweke

109 Faith is putting all your eggs in one basket and hanging them by the rope of God‟s word. Ferdinand Nweke


110 It takes the quickening Spirit flowing out of a quickened spirit to quicken another spirit. Ferdinand Nweke

111 God judges only those who would not judge themselves. Ferdinand Nweke

112 You will be known in the world by the problems you solve or the ones you create. Ferdinand Nweke

113 We are immortal till our work is done. George Whitefield

114 The most expensive item in the universe: you! Ferdinand Nweke 115 Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you donâ€&#x;t have any problems you donâ€&#x;t get any seeds. Stanley Arnold


116 “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will show to you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more forever. The LORD shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace.” Exodus 14: 13, 14

117 All the principal actors of Christianity are invisible. Faith is the bridge that links the visible to the invisible. Ferdinand Nweke

118 Eternity began when God was “born”. It will end when the immortal God “dies”. Only then can the inhabitants of hell come out. Ferdinand Nweke

119 To excuse yourself is to accuse yourself. Uma Ukpai

120 There is always a story behind the glory. Ayo Oritsejafor


121 Inflation, deflation and labour activism have never affected the wages of sin. Itâ€&#x;s still death. Ferdinand Nweke

122 Marriage is life imprisonment. You decide whether to go in with love or with hard labour. Emeka Nwankpa

123 Progress is a product of successful changes. Olu Agbana

124 Youth is an attitude. Loren Cunningham

125 Disobedience is a virtue – if directed at its origin. Ferdinand Nweke 126 God said you will receive power, not, feel power, when the Holy Spirit comes on you. E.A. Adeboye


127 Some people have godfathers but the believer has a Father God. Clement Anegbe

128 Seek to know not to be known. Ferdinand Nweke

129 If you will carry your cross and follow Jesus you will eventually find your cross carrying you, crucified. Ferdinand Nweke

130 Many Americans are alive to be pro-choice (support abortion) today because their mums were kind enough to be pro-life (oppose abortion) yesterday. Ferdinand Nweke

131 The real problem with hell – the hell of hell is neither the fire nor the smoke nor even the torment, thirst and hunger but this: FOREVER. Ferdinand Nweke 132 Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7


133 What the devil thinks he has shaved off for good will re-grow – like Samson‟s hair. Ferdinand Nweke.

134 Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God. Bob Pierce

135 Life is a bed of roses – with the flowers and thorns all in place. Ferdinand Nweke

136 The most dangerous place to be in the time of battle is in your palace. Nicholas Duncan Williams

137 If God said to go to Canaan, no Red Sea can stop you. Clement Anegbe 138 Sin refused to be satisfied until Christ died. If it was serious enough to cost God His only son for its atonement, should it not be serious enough to damn eternally those that refuse to turn from it? Ferdinand Nweke


139 Though I live in this world I will not allow this world to live inside me. Francis Tom -Omo-Fregene

140 The greatest tragedy of the graveyard is not the people buried there but the dreams that are buried with them. Ayo Oritsejafor

141 If all you have is enough, it is not enough. Ferdinand Nweke

142 Sin insulates men from the power of God. E. A. Adeboye

143 Satan is severely allergic to light. Ferdinand Nweke

144 Vision is never taught, it is caught. J. P. Warren


145 The world is full of evil not because of those who do evil but because of those who sit and let it happen. Martin Luther King Jnr.

156 Someone asked Evangelist Billy Sunday: “Will cigarette smoking take me to hell?” He answered: “I don‟t know but you smell as if you have already gone there”.

147 You must be poor in spirit before God but never before the devil. Ferdinand Nweke

148 Sin kills not because of its size but by its venom. Gbile Akanni

149 Empty-handed we came into the world, and empty-handed, beyond question, we must leave it. 1 Timothy 6:7 {Knox version} 150 If Christ must be Lord at all, then He must be Lord now, and Lord of all. Ferdinand Nweke.


151 Sir, some men‟s passion is for gold, other men‟s passion is for fame, but my passion is for souls. William Booth

152 He is no fool who loses what he cannot keep for that which he cannot lose. Jim Elliot

153 Kind and blind may sound alike but they do not spell alike. Don‟t mistake the first for the second. Ferdinand Nweke

154 Ambition doesn‟t care who he has to walk on to get where he is going. Gary Whetstone

155 Money is a good servant but a bad master. You can have money but may it never have you. Ferdinand Nweke 156 Some things in life are more important than life itself. Edwin Louis Cole


157 Success is your weight on God‟s eternal scales. Ferdinand Nweke

158 Those who posses the Spirit are children of God. Those who are possessed by the Spirit are sons of God. Ferdinand Nweke

159 Spiritual strength makes the different between those that breakdown and those that breakthrough, between those that go under and those that go over. Ferdinand Nweke

160 Truth is tough. It will not break like a bubble, at a touch. You may kick it about all day like a football and it will be round and full at evening. Oliver Wendell Holmes

161 Don‟t bother me with things that don‟t border me. Ferdinand Nweke


162 If God can shake you, you can shake anything. If God can defeat you, you can defeat anything. Ayo Oritsejafor

163 If you want God to use you greatly, you must dig real deep. God will not build a skyscraper on a bungalow foundation. Ferdinand Nweke

164 Put your dreams on the altar: they will be resurrected in something even grander. Loren Cunningham

165 Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. Henry Ford

166 Depths beget heights. Nicholas Duncan Williams 167 Faith ignites scriptures. Ferdinand Nweke


168 Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell. C. T. Studd

169 The only thing more dumb than making a stupid promise is keeping it. Anonymous

170 If it‟s in the root, it‟s in the fruit. If it‟s in the pulpit it‟s in the pew. Gary Whetstone

171 God usually commands the impossible and than takes your hand and says, “Let‟s go”. Ferdinand Nweke

172 Make your words sweet for someday you may have to eat them. Anonymous

173 If you must lead the orchestra you will have to face the music. John Hagee


174 Adversity prepares you for prosperity. Ferdinand Nweke

175 Unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, charity in all things. Martin Luther

176 You will only become what you are becoming right now. John Maxwell

177 “Remember ye not the former things neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing….” Isaiah 43:18, 19

178 What you choose to use you keep. What you refuse to use you loose. Ferdinand Nweke

179 If you preach the needs of Heaven, Heaven will meet the needs of men. Ferdinand Nweke


180 A church that doesnâ€&#x;t seek the lost is lost itself. Reinhard Bonnke

181 Contentment is being satisfied with who you are, what you have and where you are while striving legitimately for what you can become. Ferdinand Nweke

182 I see more when I kneel to pray than I see through the telescope. Isaac Newton

183 The fear of the Holy Spirit is the beginning of wisdom. Ferdinand Nweke

184 The recognition of sin is the beginning of salvation. Martin Luther

185 Flame of God, make me thy fuel. Amy Carmichael


186 Every man ought to pray at least one violent prayer everyday. Gordon Lindsay

187 Sound doctrine is not enjoyed, it is endued. Ferdinand Nweke

188 Educate men without religion and you make them but clever devils. Arthur Wellesley

189 Jesus promised to make us fishers of men not fishers of blessings. Ferdinand Nweke

190 God never made a homosexual. God made a man and he made a woman. He didnâ€&#x;t make Adam and Steve; He made Adam and Eve. Edwin Louis Cole

191 The church is dying on her feet because she has refused to live on her knees. Leonard Ravenhill


192 If you wait for perfect conditions you will never get anything done. Ecclesiastes 11:4 {The Living Bible}

193 To detonate a self-destroying spiritual grenade, mix one gallon of anointing with one teaspoon of truth. Then add a cupful of zeal and stir. Ferdinand Nweke

194 People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. John Maxwell

195 Tests generate testimonies; trials father triumphs. Ferdinand Nweke

196 Goliath is not your stumbling block, he is your stepping stone; he is not for your humiliation, he is for your exaltation. Ayo Oritsejafor

197 Everything is funny as long as it is happening to someone else. Will Rogers


198 God will bless you as much as you will obey Him. Ferdinand Nweke

199 I have absolutely no desire to cater for the entertainment needs of carnal Christians. Iâ€&#x;ll tell you why: I am not coming from Hollywood; I am coming from Calvary. Reinhard Bonnke

200 If you want an unusual result take an unusual action. Ferdinand Nweke

201 All a branch needs to do to bear fruit is to abide. Gbile Akanni

202 Run a checkpoint – at the gate of your heart. Ferdinand Nweke 203 Prayer brings divine omnipotence crashing into human impotence. Ferdinand Nweke


204 JUDAS Still as of old men by themselves are priced – For thirty pieces, Judas sold Himself, not Christ. Hester H. Cholmondelay

205 Compassion is the irresistible urge to rid someone of a problem. Richard Roberts

206 Christ is the truth in whom there is no lie. Ferdinand Nweke

207 Brethren, be great believers. Little faith will bring your souls to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your souls. Charles Haddon Spurgeon

208 The future belongs to the righteous. Emmanuel Nuhu Kure


209 The broken become masters at mending. Mike Murdoch

210 When the devil fell out of heaven, he fell in my choir. Martin Luther

211 Well then, if you teach others, why don't you teach yourself? You tell others not to steal, but do you steal? You say it is wrong to commit adultery, but do you do it? You condemn idolatry, but do you steal from pagan temples? You are so proud of knowing the law, but you dishonor God by breaking it. No wonder the Scriptures say, "The world blasphemes the name of God because of you." Romans 2:21-24 NLT

212 How many people do you know who became successful at something they hate? John Mason

213 A person may go to heaven without wealth, without beauty, without learning, without fame, without culture {and} without friends but no one can go to heaven without Christ. Tract by Distribution of Christian Literature


214 If God came to your town to award prices to the best Christian, would you be short listed? Ferdinand Nweke

215 With three pennies and God, one can do anything. Mother Theresa

216 Never make an idol out of what God made you. Ferdinand Nweke

217 The only thing you can achieve without effort is failure. Every great accomplishment begins with a decision to try. John Hagee

218 If you will take the trouble to trust God, God will take care of the troubles life may thrust at you. Ferdinand Nweke 219 Anointing attract attacks. E. A. Adeboye


220 Your prayers reflect the size of your God. Ferdinand Nweke

221 The reality is Mr. Right doesn‟t exist. Miss Right doesn‟t either. The best you can hope for is Mr. Almost. T. D. Jakes

222 Christ is not stranded when you are stranded: where and when you can‟t see a way He can see more than a thousand. Ferdinand Nweke 223 The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously. Hubert H. Humphrey

224 Stop struggling and start trusting Ferdinand Nweke

225 Where is hell? At the end of a Christless life. Ferdinand Nweke 48

226 The heights by great men reached and kept, Were not attained by sudden flight. But they while others slept, Were toiling upwards into the night. Thomas Alva Edison

227 God should not be our last resort but our first. Ferdinand Nweke

228 Satan makes people doubt what he himself believes. Ferdinand Nweke

229 Sheaves never come in – they are brought in. John Hagee

230 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee. The LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Number 6: 24 26


231 Lord, bend your Church and save the world. Evan Roberts

232 God is not a taker; He is a giver. Clement Anegbe

233 God is more interested in where you are going than where you are coming from. Ferdinand Nweke

234 If you rebuke it and it doesnâ€&#x;t move ask it if it is God. Gary Whetstone

235 If you donâ€&#x;t take a break you could break. Ferdinand Nweke

236 By their fruits you shall know them, not by their gifts. Mike Okonkwo


237 For many, all things are possible with God except holiness. Ferdinand Nweke

238 There might never have been a Samuel without a Peninah. Ferdinand Nweke

239 We can always proof that we are right but is the Lord convinced? Proverb 16:2 {The Living Bible}

240 It is necessary and sufficient to know Jesus Christ. Ejike Anene

241 “Upon me be thy curse, my son: only obey my voice…” So Rebecca told Jacob. God also will take personal responsibility for the failures of the man that will obey His voice. Ferdinand Nweke

242 Seven days without prayer makes one weak. Anonymous


243 I am of the old school – I pray with my eyes closed. E.A. Adeboye

244 If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Anonymous

245 Learn not to be mean in the meanwhile – while waiting for the manifestation of God‟s vision for your life. Gary Whetstone

246 The only ultimate tragedy we can experience on earth is to feel at home here. Malcolm Muggeridge

247 The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism. Norman Vincent Peale


248 Master, You are not a taskmaster; Love under-girds your call To one and all. Ferdinand Nweke

249 Jesus Christ is the eternal solution to the infernal wiles of hell. Ferdinand Nweke

250 There is one thing we do on earth we will continue to do in heaven. That is to praise and worship God. That is why we view life on earth, for those who love Jesus, as choir practice for heaven. Michael Coleman

251 Success is the progressive realization of a predetermined goal. John Maxwell

252 Only a fool wins a battle with his or her spouse. Ferdinand Nweke


253 Trying to possess the future while clinging to the past, is like driving down the highway with your eyes glued to the rear-view mirror. Ferdinand Nweke

254 Eating words has never given me indigestion. Winston Churchill

255 A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience. Miguel de Cervantes

256 Time is what we want most, but what, alas! we use worst. William Penn

257 Some people work for God so hard with such sour faces that they never heard that God wants to work for them. Reinhard Bonnke

258 God can rain down manna or fire from heaven depending on the one you provoke.


Ferdinand Nweke

259 A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn‟t. Anonymous

260 You will know if you bound by the spirit of religion or tradition if the word “Rich” makes you nervous. J.P. Warren

261 Politicians and bridegrooms have one thing in common: they both tend to forget their campaign promises after they are elected. If the promises are not fulfilled, your holy wedlock may become a holy deadlock. Uma Ukpai

262 Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein

263 Failure may look like a fact, but it‟s just an opinion. John Mason


264 All that the Father has, all that Jesus has, all that the Holy Ghost has, we have access into. Smith Wiggleworth

265 Whatever the job is, the best way to qualify for the next one is to do a great job at this one. Zig Ziglar

266 If your riches are yours, why donâ€&#x;t you take them with you to the other world? Benjamin Franklin

267 You may get what you want but you may not want what you got. Ferdinand Nweke

268 God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you the way you are. John Mason 269 Poverty has killed her thousand; prosperity has killed her ten thousand.


Anonymous 270 Whatever makes men good Christian makes them good citizens. Daniel Webster

271 God does not do for us what He has enabled us to do for ourselves. John Edmund Haggai

272 God is as endless in wisdom, love, holiness and power as He is in time. All His divine attributes are as infinite as is eternal. Ferdinand Nweke

273 Iâ€&#x;ll rather die trusting God than live a whole life in unbelief. Smith Wigglesworth

274 The only way to keep a broken vessel full is to keep it always under the tap. D.L. Moody

275 He who does the work is not so profitably employed as he who multiplies the doers.


John Morley 276 Genuine freedom is found only in Christ and his kingdom. Ferdinand Nweke

277 God is more dangerous than anything created. Ferdinand Nweke

278 Not one of us has a blank page in the books of the Recording Angel. George Barnard Shaw

279 Every man walks on the brink of eternity; every unsaved soul hangs on the precipice of everlasting destruction. Ferdinand Nweke

280 Many a scripture is written and directed TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Chindo Nkenke

281 I believe that providence guides the affairs of men, and never a sparrow falls to the ground that God does not attend its funeral, and that all the hairs of our


heads are numbered. I donâ€&#x;t believe that an empire or a republic can be launched without His help, and I move, Mr. President, that this convention open with prayer, and that we petition Divine guidance and help in the step we are about to take. Benjamin Franklin

282 That we are Pentecostals does not mean that we have committed intellectual suicide. Francis Wale Oke

283 Prayer generates the strength that executes divine purpose. Ferdinand Nweke

284 Character is made by many acts; it may be lost by a single one. Anonymous

285 We should pray when we are in a praying mood for it would be sinful to neglect so fair a chance. We should pray when we are not in a praying mood for it would be dangerous to remain in so unhealthy a condition. Charles Haddon Spurgeon


286 God will never trust you with twenty until He has tested you with two. Ferdinand Nweke

287 Spiritual hunger attracts divine intervention: “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for they shall be filed�. Ferdinand Nweke

288 There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it behoves all of us not to talk about the rest of us. Robert Louis Stevenson

289 The deed is the greatest indicator of the seed that lies within. Ferdinand Nweke

290 Prayer is not serious until it is righteous. Ferdinand Nweke

291 A full heart is better than a full head on a full stomach.


Ferdinand Nweke 292 Earth is a poor storage place for precious things. Ferdinand Nweke

293 Most of the trouble in the world today is caused by educated fools. An educated mind is like a sharp knife: it can be used for good or evil. Derek Prince

294 There is no Pentecost without plenty-cost. John Edmund Haggai

295 Those who tell lies donâ€&#x;t believe truth. Ferdinand Nweke

296 Sin may be covert, but the consequences present and eternal will be overt. Ferdinand Nweke

297 In the battle between light and darkness there are no demilitarized zones. Ron Kenoly


298 God did not ask for collaterals before investing in you. Ferdinand Nweke

299 I am not waiting for the undertaker. I am waiting for the upper-taker. Anthony Evans.

300 Faults are thick where love is thin. J. Howell

301 When your hand is closed nothing comes out of it alright, but nothing goes in. Ayo Oritsejafor

302 I don‟t know how to quit – nobody ever taught me. Richard Ford

303 Some of you wonder why preachers drink water while preaching. It‟s to keep the sermon from getting dry!


Charles Capps 304 Billy Graham said that: The smallest package he ever saw was a man wrapped up wholly in himself.

304 The world is poor because her fortune is buried in the sky and all her treasure maps are of the earth. Calvin Miller 306 The devil is a liar and so is his mother-in-law Nicholas Duncan Williams

307 The key to a healthy marriage is to keep your eyes wide open before you wed and half-closed thereafter. Anonymous

308 Truth is, like fuel, highly inflammable. Your only need is for the spark of faith. Ferdinand Nweke 309 “Stand therefore “{Ephesians 6:14}. He didn‟t say, “Run therefore.” He didn‟t say, “Fall therefore.” We stand in the midst of trouble. Resist the devil and he will flee.


Chris Oyakhilome 310 Earth hath no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. Thomas Moore

311 When you get to the Red Sea don‟t look for a boat – it will not do. You need the supernatural power of God. Morris Cerullo

312 The written Word was given, not as an end in itself, but that thereby, we might know the living Word. Ferdinand Nweke

313 That you did it does not make you it. Mike Okonkwo

314 Christians don‟t like to talk about hypocrisy any more than turkeys like to talk about Thanksgiving. Keith Green



When God gave birth to the Body of Christ He never intended it to have any limits. Morris Cerullo

316 Only a few men live to an old age, and fewer still become successful who are not early risers. Benjamin Franklin

317 We need to make contentment a member of our internal board of directors. Anonymous

318 Todayâ€&#x;s tragedy: people who know the words of the Book but not God of the Book. Thus there is a gaping chasm between the truth they know and the truth they experience. Ferdinand Nweke

319 In the early church the Word of God did not spread from tabernacle to tabernacle or from pulpit to pulpit or from denomination to denomination but from HOUSE TO HOUSE. Morris Cerullo


320 Your ability to rest in the midst of trouble is an outward expression of your inward confidence in God. Ayo Oritsejafor

321 Elijah was a man of like passion with us – he ate what we ate, drank what we drank, walked where we walked, and ran, like us, when discouraged. But when he prayed, we played. Ferdinand Nweke

322 I am a hope dealer. I didn‟t say “dope”, I said “hope”. Richard ford

323 The saint in a wrong place and the sinner in the right place are of the same feather. Tuned Bakare

324 Don‟t seek to be known. Seek to know me and the heavenly manna. When you have known me and the heavenly manna, you shall be known. Nicholas Duncan Williams


325 I have told My people that they can have what they say but My people are saying what they have. Charles Capps

326 Be kind to the people you meet on your way to the top. You may meet them again on your way down. Anonymous

327 Adversity is a place of information – you discover what you truly believe. Mike Murdock

328 Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the way you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As big as ever you can. John Wesley


329 The greatest proof of faith is not your creed but your deed. Ferdinand Nweke

330 The dream that is inside you is bigger then the circumstances that surround you‌. The man with a God-dream doesnâ€&#x;t blend in, he stands out. J. P. Warren

331 The pleasures of sin are for a season but the wages of sin are unceasing. Ferdinand Nweke

332 Grace kills before if fills. Ferdinand Nweke

333 When one bases his life on principle, 99% of his decisions are already made. Anonymous

334 God is not interested in nor impressed by anything that is not connected with Calvary. Ferdinand Nweke


335 Get radical or get out. Brother Andrew

336 If we would venture more upon the naked promise of God, we should enter a world of wonders to which as yet we are strangers. Charles Spurgeon

337 I want to live to the uttermost for that which is uppermost in the heart of God. Ferdinand Nweke

338 Above all things do not touch Christianity unless you are willing to seek the kingdom first. I promise you a miserable existence if you seek it second. Henry Drummond

339 Our world is under an invasion from hell: a counter-invasion from heaven holds the answer. Ferdinand Nweke


340 There is a place of death to self where Christ reigns in the body. Then all is well. Smith Wigglesworth

341 Clarity comes by seeing through the divine prism. Ferdinand Nweke

342 The day is coming when hypocrites will be stripped of their fig leaves. Matthew Henry

343 A committee is a group that keeps minutes but wastes hours. Anonymous

344 Broad-minded is just another way of saying a fellowâ€&#x;s too lazy to form an opinion. Will Rogers

345 If you find the broken mend them; if you find the hardened, break them. Ferdinand Nweke


346 The thoughts of men speak louder in heaven than do their words on earth. Gordon Lindsay

347 Everything keeps its best nature only by being put to its best use. Phillips Brooks

348 Eternity is the age of God. Ferdinand Nweke

349 In walking with God we must not only be correct, we must be current as well. Ferdinand Nweke

350 When we preach on hell, we might at least do it with tears in our eyes. D. L. Moody

351 No. I don‟t reckon I know for sure if hell is full of fire and brimstone, but I do know you ain‟t gonna like it. Billy Sunday, responding to a reporter’s question.


352 Habits are like a cable: we weave a strand of it everyday and suddenly it cannot be broken. Horace Mann

353 The years teach much that the days never know. Ralph Waldo Emerson

354 Look upward – Christ will soon come. Look forward – that‟s where your future is. Look onward – far beyond the trials of today. W. F. Kumuyi

355 Patience, then, believer, eternity will right the wrongs of time. Charles Spurgeon


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