Canning Season 101 – Home Made Vs Store Bought Cans
Canning originates from the long 1810 year. Even from before, because Nicolas Appert, the father of canning, begins its experiments 14 years earlier.
A little brief on the history of food canning
Story tells, that Napoleon himself proposed a reward of 12 000 franks for the one who manages to find a way to store food for long time for army need. Appert claims the award in January 1810. in the same year he publishes his book L'Art de conserver les substances animales et végétales. Canning quickly becomes a popular method for food preservation and, in the same 1810, Peter Durant – also of French origin, patented the metal cans. Of course, the enterprising Englishmen take matter in their own hands and Brian Donkin together with John Hall buy the two patents and begin production of cans. A decade later the process spreads out to America. With time, the canning methods perfected, but the basic principles remain the same – adding acids, sugar and salt, pre-cooking of the food, sterilisation, sucking out the air (vacuum), etc. Another