CURATING A-Z (今日展览) - Taking inspiration from Jens Hoffman's (Curating) from A to Z, the focus of this book is to have a look into the current state of curating, particularly in the design industry. Each letter of the alphabet will presents a particular word related to the world of exhibition design, which includes Architectural, Colour, Wayfinding, Popup, Virtual and more. This BOOK SAMPLE presents Chapter "A" and Interview with NOTE DESIGN STUDIO.
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透过资深设计观察家甄健恒的视界,《今日展览》总结了过去五年于全球设计展会的发展。 以 A 至 Z 字母顺序组织,每个字母将唤起一个与展览世界相关的特定趋势。另外亦收录七大策展人/组合专访,一探幕后巧思与未来脉络。