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**Unofficial Translation** Algeria Ordinance No. 10-05 of 16 of Ramadhan 1431 corresponding to 26 August 2010 supplementing Law No. 06-01 of 21 of Moharram 1427 corresponding AU20 February 2006 on the prevention and fight against corruption. .... The President of the Republic, Given the Constitution, in particular Articles 122-7 and 124; Considering Ordinance No. 66-155 of June 8, 1966, as amended and supplemented, on the Code of Criminal Procedure; Having regard to Ordinance no. 66-156 of June 8, 1966, as amended and supplemented, on the Criminal Code; Considering Law No. 06-01 of 21 of Moharram 1427 corresponding to 20 February 2006 on the prevention and fight against corruption; Cabinet heard; Promulgates the ordinance which reads as follows: Article 1. This ordinance is intended to supplement Law No. 06-01 of 21 of Moharram 1427 corresponding to 20 February 2006 on the prevention and fight against corruption. Art. 2. Articles 2 and 9 of Law No. 06-01 of 21 of Moharram 1427 corresponding to 20 February 2006, mentioned above, are completed and written as follows: "Art. 2. Within the meaning of this Act, the term: - The sub-paragraphs a) to m) .... without change ... ; n-Office: The Central Office for combating corruption. " "_Art. 9. Procedures applicable to public procurement must be based on transparency, integrity, fair competition and objective criteria. As such, they contain, in particular: - Dissemination of information concerning the procedures for public procurement; - The prior establishment of conditions for participation and selection; - The inclusion of the statement of probity in public procurement;

- Precise and objective criteria for decisions concerning the award of public contracts; - The exercise of any remedy in case of non-compliance of procurement. " Art. 3. Law No. 06-01 of 21 of Moharram 1427 corresponding to 20 February 2006, mentioned above, is complemented by Title IIIa comprising sections 24a and 24a 1, written as follows: "TITLE IIIa The Central Office for Combating Corruption Art 24a. There shall be a Central Office for Combating Corruption responsible for conducting research and investigations of corruption offenses. The composition, organization and operating procedures of the Office are set by regulation. Art. 24a 1. Offenses under this Act within the jurisdiction of extended jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The police officers under the Office perform their duties in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code and this Act. Their jurisdiction extends throughout the country with regard to corruption offenses and offenses related to them. " Art. 4. This Ordinance shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Algeria Democratic and Popular. Done at Algiers on 16 Ramadan 1431 corresponding to 26 August 2010. Abdelaziz BOUTEFLlKA


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