Copyright 2006 ‐ 2009 Ethoskms LLC
Subsidiary of
What We Do
Crea+ve Web Development & Design Client Services InteracDon Design CopywriDng MulDmedia and Flash InformaDon Architecture Usability Analysis Standards Compliance
e‐Adver+sing Conversion Search Engines OpDmizaDon Online AdverDsing & Pay‐Per‐Click Social Media Email & SMS MarkeDng
AcquisiDon Concepts Brand Loyalty Plans RetenDon Tools Lead GeneraDon eCRM Program Management MarkeDng Databases
Website Content Management E‐commerce PlaRorms Customer RelaDonship Management Campaign Tracking and Management Visitor AnalyDcs Systems
e‐Adver+sing|Our Tac+cs Search Engines Op+miza+on (SEO)
Social Media
Get ranked in the most trusted top 10 posiDons on search engines. AVract prospects in targeted ciDes, regions and states.
Social Search |Press Release OpDmizaDon | Social PR
Online Adver+sing & Pay‐Per‐Click(PPC)
Email & SMS Marke+ng
Get the best demographic mix with the highest ROI on local and internaDonal portals. Discover the best performing keywords by tesDng and adapDng fast. >> Media Planning and Buying
Enjoy top posiDons and top rankings by combining the power of PR with search and social media. Engage digital Influencers to post blogs and comments.
Strategy, best pracDces, creaDve services and technology to create predictable success prior to your first ad send.
e‐Adver+sing|Search Engine Op+miza+on
Most Trusted LisDngs
Keyword SelecDon & Refinement
Picking the right keywords is the starDng point of an effecDve organic SEO program.
Search Engine Copy
Copywriters carefully cra_ the messages that appear on search engine results.
SEO Ranking Factors
We arRully combine a variety of on‐site and off‐site tacDcs to aVain top posiDons.
ReporDng & AnalyDcs
We provide you with the reports and tools you need to measure the impact and ROI of your search investment.
e‐Adver+sing| Banner Ads & Pay‐Per‐Click (PPC)
Smart spending Increase ROI
Mass 10
PotenDal Segments Narrowed Target Segments
Find out where you target customers spend there Dme online
Best value per click
AdverDsing CreaDve
Matching your budget and target with the best possible media mix available.
Account Management
Day‐to‐day account management will make the difference between online adverDsing money well spent, and investment with no real return
ReporDng & AnalyDcs
We deliver metrics‐based reporDng to track your campaign's ROI performance. Our team will help you interpret the o_en‐daunDng staDsDcs
Media Planning and Buying
NegoDate the best deal in terms of Billing: (Monthly, Pay‐per‐click, Pay‐per‐view) PosiDon: (Upper, Skyscraper, Pop‐up, etc.) SecDon: (Home Page, sports page, health, etc.) Timing Weight Target Countries
e‐Adver+sing| Social Media Op+miza+on (SMO)
How to ride the web's leading edge
Conversion|Our Tac+cs
Website Usability . Traffic Analysis . Benchmarking Customer Behavior . Click Paths
We Make sure that every interacDon across all touch points is a posiDve experience by improving the copy, navigaDon, funcDonality and brand impact of your website.
Trust Elements | Look and Feel | Selling ProposiDon |Off Page Factors
We help you Acquire customers informaDon by using smart branded entertainment, editorial content, data and interacDve promoDons.
We help you show your customers how much you care. We use intuiDve ways like surveys, newsleVers, giveaways and loyalty programs to keep your customers coming back.
Conversion| Analyze Geographic
Click Paths and Goals
Cross Report and Drill Down
Conversion| Engage Standards for an Engaging Experience
IntuiDve & CreaDve Design that fits the target segments
Localized experience in Languages, content and visuals Works on All types of computers
Content is rich & fit in context
Easy fast navigaDon
Website goes with you everywhere
Rich and Op+mized Experience
Conversion| Acquire
Tac+cs Landing Pages OpDmizaDon Calls to acDon Special offers Content Openness Internal NavigaDon Trust Elements Surveys & Focus Groups
Incen+ves Smart Branded Entertainment Editorial content InteracDve promoDons
Conversion| Retain Keep‐In –Touch Alerts | ProacDve Follow‐ups | Periodical newsleVers | e‐ cards | Social Channels | RSS | Podcasts
RelaDonship MarkeDng means developing long‐term relaDonships with customers through creaDve, engaging plaRorms.
Listen Surveys | Polls
Reward Loyalty programs | BeVer terms | Exclusive previews
Social networking | Blogs | Forums | Comments
Come‐back Incen+ves Giveaways
North America Ethos KMS LLC 548 Market St #22915 San Francisco, California 94104 PO Box 7775 #22915 San Francisco, California 94120‐7775 Toll ‐Free (only inside US): 888‐3846756 888‐ETHOSKM
Europe Report Edge P.O. box 92200 210 Boulevard Bineau, Neuilly sur Seine Paris, France Tel: +33 (9) 54 05 44 92
Middle East and North Africa Ethos SARL Berytech Center, Mkalles Po Box 11‐7503 Riad el Solh Beirut 1107 2240 Lebanon Beirut, Lebanon TEL: 961 (4) 530 495